The Dalles weekly chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1947, June 27, 1900, PART 1, Image 2

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The Weekly Chronicle.
AdTMUIag teat.
: lie could with rfect reason tie
j tnand that tbe will of the people
' should be curie J out, and if blocked
by a republican rrajorilv iu the sev-
ho could tale tbe administration
n . iiu-k uki nnjei (,ur iTirhH i t- j t fl jenee into ILe lo 2 isin l urrs ana
uki lout lurnw tua uaaet twelve iucn . .'i , , ,
Ofi iu iii.-hrt seek to remodel tbe sena.e
On Inch or 1. ir mrh.
... rr'he failed id securing tbe tLc pkssase
Orer oa inch ana ucler If.ur JnciiM ; ; ., . .,,
)crKurtnchu4uuJrleieiucbe.. 1 OI iree Sl.Vtr Oi.l or Die rr:aiiig
Oti Iwrivc iuc b .
! (- ;
1 L t
" i the gold standard law, tbe attciLpt
laloce would brmj a business lc-
I .1... .,...11 V -
.Tbe Philadelphia platform is a ' panic. Nothing worse could happen
flat, vapid, plati'.u linoi.a and sloven-J to tLe trade and commerce of tbe
ly slump speei be. Just one thing I United Mates in November tbar. tbe
the rtpublicau party bss done Kr I election cf a presdential candidate
which credit js due it. It has estab-j pledged to free silver who has nr.
lished tbe gcM standard. This is j nounced that if elected Le will en
tbe source of the national prosperity jdeavor to carry bis convictions into
about which tbe platform says soj legislation and who swecis eternal
much. Tbe gold standard has given! hatred to tbe pold stannard
onuiienre in money and business,
and the people do the rest. Tbe
:hiclLer countiv deooaml? a
the nlatformoakers have -ijeut their !'emnity for the slaughter of its
rppnttl i nnrwirl rf arpt frn r.i Citizens,
it . . . -
f urt'jcr enrichment of great million
aires. Orvgouian.
Is that so? Some of the great
WLcn Senator llanna makes a
political contribution, it is a sin;
when Johu K. McLean coughs up, it
is a virtue.
Now every democratic organ iD
Kven if tbe tourury cub shoot its quiver lull
of arrows at Mark Manna; he is to
Le chairman of the national repub
lican committee again. Telegram.
"China learns nothing an-
casti in
trusts nnd' great millionaires sup
ported and further enrbhed bv oro
tcction are the men on Ofe2on farms reI'at tbe performance
who raise fruit and vegetables and ! 6t0P future "petitions of massacres
declared a Chinese mission-
fij in Portland. "The Chinese know
! tbe tax will come anywsy, and it
may as well be for killing foreigners
as anything else. They ray for the
lives sacrificed and after a while
What will
Mr. Ibyan'a talk about 'temporary
prosperity" only imprests the eoplc
that the do cot care to return to
temporary adversity. Tbey bad ail
they wanted of that under Cleve
land. Piaindcaler.
AH that is needed to complete the
eccentricities planned for the KaDsas
City platform would be a plank de
nouncing any attempt to protect the
lives of Americans in China or to
demand indemnity in case of their
Wheat is jumping upwaid, silver is
; stationary and Pi of. Com is silent.
Bryan and Tonne have sought the
M.I I . . I. . . ...
domestic animals those, for in
stance, who produce: Butter and
chejse, poultry products, bay, bops,
onions and other vegetables, fruits,
green std dried; bacon and other
pork products, beef, veal and mut
ton, hides, wool and mohair, lumber.
These aie the plutocrats the free
Irade tewspapcrs are after who are
continually condemning the policy
of protection. These are the great
trusts and millionaires who are en
abled to keep their heels on the necks
of the common people by the aid of
the protective tariff.
There is not a man in Oregon in
any calling who should not be in
terested iu the further prospcritj
and enrichment of these trusts nnd
millionaires oc the farms of Oregon.
And the men in this slate who do
not recognize the value of protection j
for them are very few and far be
tween. Statesman.
effectively and teach the Chinese a
wholesome lesson is to take land in
stead of money as an indemnity. In
a country where there are over 400,
000,000 people land is valuable."
Satard; VritBCuxi to lul btorni
la lb Inland Empire.
Monday's Daily.
A clooJ-borst, preeeeded bv a storm
ol wind that almost rose to the propor
tions of a cyclone, visited, laet Saturday
afternoon, a strip of country iyinj be
tween Fifteen and Eight Mile Greeks and
extended from there in a northeaetedy
direction to the Columbia river. The
mouat of damage done is not yet fully
known, hot it must be considerable.
From various sources no bare gathered
tbe following particulars, which may be
modified or corrected by later reports:
The warehouse of the Dufur flouring
mill was blown down and w recked. It
contained a large qnantity of fljur and
feed, which, happily, was not materially
injured. Hail fell to a depth of more
than a foot on tbe ridge between Dufur
and Eight Mile, beating down to the
earth hundreds of acres of standing
grain and cutting off the heads of wheat
and barley as if with a knife. The hail
in places bad not melted till twenty
four hoars after the storm. In sou.e
(duces rocks were moved and pi'.ed up
iu heaps that weighed from a ton down.
Tbe fruit trees in one orchard on the
M f
ideas and escnne the notification I
t i.n. rii.i.o. ! ridue were blown out by the roots,
In bit bnccalaurcate sermon lo be
delivered at the Kansas City con-
Johnston, Bros., of Dufur, estimate the
damage done to their grain crop at $151)0.
Other crops were damaged to a lesser
extent. Water flowed through the
vcnlion exercises John P. Altgeld j street at Dufur a foot deep
will force the money devil to the
ropes, but it is hardly possible that
At Dry Hollow, between Boyd and
Dufur, tbe storm struck a eix-horee
William Jenuirgs Bryan is prob-
j ably Interested in the fact that while
silver continues to be worth about
40 cents on the dollar, July wheat is
hovering around 60 cents. The
farmers of the country, we take it,
would not like to see a bushel of
wheat exchanged for 40 cents' worth
of silver just at present. Nor arc
they likely to take kindly to it next
The United Irish-American So
cieties are guilty of an amazing piece
of impudence when they attempt to
read the riot act to this country be
cause it has deported the two ac
complices of the Pbu'nix Park mur-
derer, Mullet and Fitzharrfs. It
takes an amazing amount of check in
any set of reputable men to resolve
"We see in this action of the
present administration an abject and
slavish surrender of one of the vital
principles wnicb nave made our
country, through the entire period of
its history, stand out as a refuge and
shelter for the oppressed cf all na
tions, and that wc see in this act
evidence of tbe charge heard on all
sides that the present administration
is controlled and dominated by Eng
land and English influence."
"Abject and slavish surrender of
a vilal principle?" Lab! When
did it become a vital principle of the
United States to admit to its shores
red-handed murderers or their ac
complices? There is not a self
respecting Irishman in all this broad
land who will not resent, with every
fiber cf his beine, this attempt to
besmirch Ihe authorities of the
United Stales for executing the law
as they found it on the statute books,
and doing their simple duty in ex
cluding two men from the privilege
of au American residence who were
accomplices in one of the foulest
murders of this or any other century.
We are making history so fast
these days that it would not be at
all surprisng if "George Washing
ton" Agulnaldo would be sounding
the praises of McKinley and the rep
ublican administration before our
democratic brclhcrn have time to
unload their anti-expansion nnd
anti-imperalist speeches at the Kan
sas City Convention.
the cold clause in Chicago leases ; team, driven by a Warm Springs Iudian.
will be knocked out. " The leaders, a epan of mules, turned
short, broke the each of the lend wa-
; gen and piled tbe entire team nnd front
wheels of tbe wagon in a ditch some ten
The Kind Too Have Always Bought, and which has bem
In use for over years, nas uume me signature t
- aim nas ueen luuue unaer nig per.
LTjy J1', onsd supervision since Its infancy.
GUcUAi Allow no one to deceive von in 11,1.'
All Counterfeits, Imitations and Just-as-good "are bat
Experiments that trifle with and endangrer the health of
Iniauts and Children Experience against Experiment.
Castoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare
goric, Drops and Soothingr Syrups. It Is Pleasant. It
contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic
substance. Its age is its guarantee. It destroys Worms
and allays Feverlshness. It cures IWarrhcea and Wind
Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation
and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates the
Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep,
The Children's Panacea The Mother's Friend.
Bears the Signature of
The senatorial aspirations of Mr.
Hermann will have some support in
the next legislature. Southern Ore
gon will practically be unanimous for
him. Douglas county sends a solid
republican delegation and the issue
was 'Hermann for Senator." The
party might go farther and fur worse,
very pertinently iemarks the Forest
Grove Times. Plaindealer.
Speaker Henderson says, "Sir.
McKinley and Rodscvelt will sweep
the country. They represent the
patriotism of two wars, and will
be enthusiastically followed by the
soldiers of each. Above all, they
represent integrity of the highest
order and deep devotion to their
Senator Ptffer has abandoned free
silver and has taken to lecturing on
Spiritualism. The change was effect
ed without any violent revolution of
sentiment. The ex-senator simply
abandoned one epectoral illusion and
took up another.
The national republican platform,
stripped of all non-essential vetbiage
and reduced to an essence, is this:
'Resolved, That the transition from
deficits in peace to surpluses in war;
from bond issuing to bond paying;
from hoppless to happy farmers;
from men bunting jobs to jobs bunt
ing men; from soup Looses lo ban
quet tables; from poverty to pros
perity, is not the result of accident
or chance or famines in India, but is
tbe result of having a party to power
that knows bow to run tbe country
and command its confidence."
Between February 10 and April
29, over 830,000 bales of hemp were
received nt Manilla from various
sections of Luzon. Business in the
l'hilipines is looming up in spile of
the bands of prowling ladroncs.
The daily market quotations on
wheat have a peculiar effect on
Colonel Bryan. An observant ex
change notes that every time wheat
goes up the Colonel's voice takes a
A dollar in gold will buy I1G00 in
the paper money issued by Colum
bia. The South American Populists
have put their theoi ies in practice with
the invariable result.
The eventual value of our new
possessions may be judged from the
fact that tbe United States pays now
an average af tl, 000,000 a day for Telegram
tropical production.
If it were cot for tbe good times,
if it were Dot for the Chicago plat
form, if it were not for their past
record, if it were not that McKinley
has been suck a promise keeper, if it
were not that ihe American people
known a good thing when they have
it, ami if it were not for "ifs," it
would be safe to bet money on denir
ocratic success this fall. Harisburg
Democrats who talk of Bryan
without silver are seeking means to
deprive that gentleman of one of the
few real things be stands for.
Bryan's nomination would be ac
cepted as an endorsement of the
whole Chicago platform, even if that
document is not mentioned at Kansas
City, Bryan and free silver are as
thoroughly one in public as McKinley
and prosperity are. Yaquina Bay
Li Hung ChaDg is on bis wsj to
Pckin. He has a remedy for the
present troubles in Chin. It is to
cut off the heads of the leaders and
send the ignorant followers home.
There is no disputing the efficacy of
this remedy, for a trouble maker
with his bead off is about as peaceful
a fellow as one would care to meet.
The only question is, shall the de
capitating begin with tbe Dowager
Empress? Walla Walla Union.
Roosevelt was great enough to do
justice to President McKinley in bis
speech in w hich he seconded bis nom
ination. The hero of San Juan re
ferred to bim as "the president who
has bad to meet and solve problems
more numerous and important than
any other president since the days of
the might- Abraham Lincoln." This
does not sound like the slanderous
words that have been continuously
heard by the people of Oregon, from
the men in the republican party who
were not allowed to have their way
in Ihe dictation of all the federal ap
pointments in this state. Statesman.
Tha oflicial vole on the woman
suffrage amendment is: Yes, 26,
2G.3; no, 28,402. The aye vote is
to many, surprisingly large, and
the bother of it is that the vote is so
close that tbe suffragists will insist on
the next two legislatures passing a
resolution submitting the amend
ment to another popular vote in
1004. But by that lime the total
vote of the state will be about 120,-
000, and as the affirmative vote will
feet deep. Tbe horses and mules were
barely out of 'the ditch when a flood of
water came rushing along that would
have drowned the whole outtit.
A fljod of water six feet in depth ran
through the Frank Huot barn at Eight
Mile, aud with difficulty a number of
horees in the barn were cut loose and
saved. The chickens on the Huot ranch
were swept away and most of them de
stroyed. The apples in tbe Drake or
chard, half a mile this side of Eight
Mile creek, were beaten off tbe trees by
tbe hail and scattered by the wind and
washed by tbe flood all over tbe road
between the orchard and the creek
Later Saturday alternoon apparently
the same storm struck the railroad track
this side of tbe Deschutes and covered it
from two to three feet deep with sand
and rocks to such a distance that it took
fifty men all Saturday night to clear the
track. j
A teamster brings in word that a
cloud-burst struck him Saturday after
noon on the Sherar (trade, this side the
Deschutes, and that to save his team
from being washed away he had to un
hitch them and take them to higher
The peculiar thing about the storm
was that It followed no well defined
path. It was worst in the draws and
hollow places; but apart from the few
spots where It raged with most violence,
the rainfall was more of a benefit than
an injury. The Tygh ridge country
suffered no injury that we have heard
of, but had a rainfall that was highly
Tbe Kind You Me Always Bough!
In Use For Over 30 Years.
Before you
place any orders for a tombstone or for
curbing, feccinjf or other cemetery
work, call on Louis Comiui. I will not only give you all
tbe information you need but I will quote you prices you
cannot beat anywhere. Let no one bluff you. It w ill take
only a few minutes to call and see me. If you hava a
neighbor who ever did business with me consult him as to
the price and quality of my work
and abide by the reeult. : : :
Louis Comini
More Storm Artennatli.
Tuesday t Dully.
From Hurry Gilpin and R. B. Gilbrcth,
of Columbia precinct, who were in town
today, we learn something of laet Satur
day's storm in that district. It would
take $o00 to repair the damage done to
the Waterman place on 8-Mile. - Much
of the garden and orchard was wrecked
and destroyed and many ton of rock
and gravel were spread over the meadow.
Tbe lower part of the dwelling house was
filled with water and but for a huge pile
of wood, nine feet in height, the house
would have been washed from its
Mr. Gilbrelh had thirty acres of barley
beaten into the earth, hut he does not
dispair of getting something out of it
after all.
Mr. Gilpin was not damaged to any
extent worth mentioning and he and
Mr. Gilbreth both agree that notwith
standing the violence of the storm, so
far as the Columbia precinct is concerned,
for every dollar's worth of damage dene
there were three dollars worth of benefit
in the splendid ioaking the ground re
ceived. Harry Gilpin, fortunate always,
cays that he gathered np at his house
several uiees of fine new potatoes that
is being advocated by all parties regardlets of race, color or pre
vious conditinn of servitude. Kemt-mber we make rmr custo
mers glad when they buy or Pure Prepared Paints. There it S
finish and glos to its work that is admired by all.
Paints, Oils, Glass, Picture and Room Moldings
Be sure and inspect our stork of Wall Paper
Designs lor lWO on Display
Washington Street,
bPtween Second and Third.
had been swept from a neighbor's garden
have to be more than 60,000 in order : nearly a mile away.
to adopt the amendment, there is
still little prospect of its success.
If you intend to take a trip East, aek
your ticket agent to route you via The
thC North- (;r(.at tVilmh. mru(rn .n,l
It is said that everv time Colonel
Bryan wakes up. in the night he is!
i tortured with the sight of an Ameri
can emperor looking over the foot of
bis bed.
It is about time for an American
battleship to begin singeing a few
Chinese cues.
Tbe election of Mr. Bryan would
mean a popular indorsement of siver,
A Salem Chinaman says the Boxers
are the felbws in tbe flowery realm
who "allce samee talkee, talkcc, talkec
allee time." In other words, tbey
re the agitators among tbe slant
eyed people. Tbey are the populist
of tbe Orient Statesman.
In its current issue
. .ti-- .
western .uiiicr sivs: serious Dil ,,i!fn.j in.,,,.,,,,1;,.;..
irreparable damage has been done j TbrouKh trains from Chicago, Kansas
the wheat crop; just how serious is ! City, Omaha or St. Louis to New York
the question upon which interested I ,nj New Kr-glan 1 point?. All trains
men differ. The most conservative run via Xi,gara falls and every through
view, based on conditions as tbey Unn h.s f,e reclining chair cars, sleep
arc today, does not give hope of a jn ,,i dir,in(? carg.
crop exceeding CO per cent of that' Mop over allowed on all tickets at Ni-
raised in Minnesota and the Dikotas
last year. The greatest damage has
been done since June 1. North
Dakota and northern Minnesota have
been the heaviest sufferers. There
arc really few localities in tbe three
slates where an average crop is no
in prospect. It is now said that
Noith Dakota will raise little more
than enough wheat for teed. Con
ditions are worse In Manitoba.
agara Falls. Itoxo C.,
Pacific Co aH Pact. Agt
Los Argeiet, Calif.
C. S. Chask, G. P. A., ht. Louis, Mo.
The first duty at tic Kansas City
convention will be to organize a
stampede to get rid of Towne.
Tmt Hal.
A good second-hand threshing ma
chine for sale at L. Lane's blacksmith
hop, oo Third street. J4-dAwlm
...C. J. STUBLING...
Wholesale and Retail
Wines, : Liquors : and : Cigars
ARency for the
Celebrated Yellouistone Whisky.
Columbia : Brewery : Beer : on : Draught
173 Second St. Phone 234.
Jaeobsen Book & JVIusic Co.
Just Arrived
Tlio lare.t and most complete lino at
Rock Bottom Prices.
All kinds of
Funeral Supplies
The Dalles, Or.
Burial Shoes