The Dalles weekly chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1947, June 23, 1900, PART 2, Image 4

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Wednesday'! Dally.
John II. CraJlebaagh went down the
river on the Regulator this morning".
Dick Nolan has returned to The Dalle
after a three months' srjiurn in Ante
lope. Auuust Buchler was paeen?er on
the Regulator this morn inn (or Hood
Hon. F. X. Jones, of 8hernr' Bridjte,
is in the city, the guest ot the Umatilla
Miss Hester Beck was passenger on
the Regulator this morning on a visit te
friends in Portland.
Kube Booten Is in the city, having
just returned from Portland, where he
disposed of fifty head of horses at fair
Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Hobart and Mrs.
Nettie Booth were passengers on No. 1
today, bound for Ocean Park wtiere the
ladies expect to rueuu the summer.
Hon. E. L. Smith arrived in The
Dalles today on No. 1. From here he
and Emile Schanno will so on a short
tour of inspection of neighboring or
J. L. Smith, of Paulina, after taking a
swim in the Columbia near this place,
concluded it wasn't big enough for a
real good swim, and struck out on the
first train for Clatsop beach.
C. J. Crftndall went to Shaniko on the
No. 2 passenger. Mr. Crandall bus
some forty men employed at Shaniko in
erecting buildings or making prepara
tion lor the erection ot others.
Mr. anil Mrs. Frank Wilder, of
Desmoines, Iowa, arrived here Monday
on a visit to Mr. Wilder'a brother, J. H.
Wilder, of this city. If the climate of
Faster n Oreifon proves beneficial to Mr.
Wilder'a health he will probably remain
here for good.
Thursday's Daily.
Miss Young is legietered at the Uma
tilla House from Pnneville.
Rev. P. P. Underwood, of Boyd, was
a paseenger on this morning's boat for
The Misses Maggie and Luellx Mad
dox, of Condon, are registered at the
Umatilla House.
C. A. Buckley, a wealthy sheepman
from Grass Valley, is in tiie city tbo
guest of the Umatilla House.
Peter Martin, preeident of the East
ern Oregon Land Co., went to Shaniko
today, accompanied by Mr. Parr.-
II. J. Palmer, traveling salesman of
Pease & Mays, has returned from a busi
ness trip through Wheeler and Grant
Berl Smith and wife, who have been
visiting the family of O. F. Ross, left
- on this morning's boat for their home
. in California.
Levi Armsworthy, of Wasco, passed
through town today on his way home
from attending the annual meeting of
the pioneers.
Mrs. E. J. Marlin, who has been visit
ing her daughter, Mrs. J. B. Crossen,
left today for her home in Oakland,
Calif. Mrs. Crossen accompanied her
as far as Portland.
R. R. Hinton and family, of Bake
Oven, are in the city visiting friends.
Thk Chronici.b is pleased to learn that
Mr. Hinton has recovered from his late
severe indisposition.
Deputy County Clerk Bolton left yes
terday on a business trip to Canyon
City, expecting to return by Saturday
or Sunday but changed his mind when
part way and returned this afternoon.
W. D. and J. Harper, Timothy Brown
hill and Frank Taylor returned home
today from attending the Woodmen's
convention at La Grande. They were
accompanied by George McManemv, of
Friday s Daily.
Attorney A. A. Jayne went to Port
land on the mid-day train.
C. M. Cartwright and A. M. Kelsay
were passengeis on No. 2 today for
Charlie Moore, the Trout Lake dairy,
man, arrived here today on the Golden
. dale stage.
Rndy Cradlebaugh is In the city on a
visit to his father, who is a guest of the
Umatilla House.
George Miller and family left on the
Regulator this morning to spend the
cummer at Ocean Park.
L. Wimberly, editor of the Roseburg
Review, was in town today on a vacation
tour through the interior.
Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Hnber went to
Portland this morning on the Regulator,
expecting to return Monday.
Mrs. Charles Clarke, of Hood River,
passed through town yesterday after
noon on a visit to her mother, Mrs. Wm.
Staats, of Dufur.
Clarence Gilbert came np last night
from Hood River to attend the funeral
of his schoolmate, George Ruch, Jr.,
which takes place from the family resi
dence at 2 p. m. tomorrow.
Yesterday evening. June 20th, at the
residence of Mathiaa Schoren, of this
city, Rev. U. F. Hawk officiating. Mr.
Gerald Wyss, of Mosier, to Mies Cath
erine F. Tapee, of St. Joseph, Mo.
That Irish Ex-Convict.
Niw York, June 21. Joseph Mullet
and James Fitrharris were today taken
from Ellis island to the immigration sta
tion in the barge office and officially no
tified lo prepare for deportation. The
men angrily declared that they had been
treated worse by the United States gov
ernment than during any time of their
incarceration in English prisons. Com
missioner McSweeney said that the men
today had received telegrams from
'Rocky Mountain" O'Brien and ex
Judge Cortiss, their counsel. It is
thought that Judge Curtifs may aik for
papers in habeas corpus to at to delay
tb deportation, which, otherwise, will
tike place Saturday on the Cunard liner
.. Eervia. .
Subscribe for The Chronicle.
Scndal ml Kipeaditar
Showing the amounts of all claims pre
sented, the names of all claimants, the
article or claim for which payment is
made, the amounts allowed and the
claims continued or rejected at the extra
Judo term, 100, of the County Court of
Wasco county, Oregon. The following
list, however, does not contain any
claim for which the salary or feet are
provided for by statute:
Oregon Telephone k Telegraph
Company, telephone bill $ 4 85
Irwin-Hodeon Company, election
supplies 84 00
H F Woodcock, supplies 70 35
Irwin-Hodson Co, supplies 7 00
WA Kirhy, services in c.erx
Isabel Kelly, lodgirg pauper
L Lane, blacksmitiiing
Dalles Lumbering Co, lumber. . .
Blakeley & Houghton, county
Dalies Eiectric Light Company,
4 00
5 00
16 80
II &0
7 85
6 SJ
4 8j
J D llockman, blackeinithlnir . . .
Max Lueddeman, registering
voters 1 80
M F Shaw, services county poor. 9 00
W A Cates. sprinkling streets. . . 3 75
Oregon Telephone & Telegraph
Co, telephone, sheriff 5 GO
Oreson Te euhone A 1 electa Hi
Co, telephone clerk 8 10
J F Staniels, erecting booths, etc
Ward Bros, lumber District No
6 50
27 .
15 .
14 .
2 96
Bros, lumber District No
Bros, lumber District No
54 23
12 75
1 CO
13 00
3 10
J FtiBita, care corpse
Mt. Hood Mill Co, lumber
Glass & Prudhomme, supplies. . .
Wm Micbell, use of office for
election 5 00
Wm Michell. bnrving pauper ... 25 00
Wm Michell. burying pauper ... 25 00
Jos T Peters, lumber 80 78
J H Gerdes, supplies 8 25
Davidson Fruit Co, lumber, etc. 13 20
J;B Hunt, room for election 2 50
N C Evans, transportation for
pauper I 50
C A Bell, board of pauper 13 00
W H Wilson, prof services and
expense 120 00
M Z Donnell, medicine for pau
per 90
D P & A N Co, transportation
paupers 13 25
Pease & Mays, supplies 20 41
Black & ABh, supplies paupers. . 25 00
D S Kimsey, cash expended 18 71
N P O'Brien, services superin
tendent 45 00
Chronic'e Publishing Co, sup
plies, printing and publishing. 208 30
Mavs &. Crowe, road supplies. ... 32 85
St Vincent's Hospital, pauper. . . 29 00
Mays iv Crowe, roail plow ii uu
Mrs Nettie Baird, settlement
damages 50 00
Vesta Bolton, recording 80 00
Elfie Bolton, recording 04 00
Frank Hill, work on register .... 4 00
Bone Bros. supplies county bridge 4 14
E B Wood, special services 18 70
J P Hillstrom, rebate taxes 3 90
I, A. M. Kelsay, County Clerk for
Wasco county, State of Oregon, do
hereby certify that the above and fore
going is a full and complete statement
ot the claims presented and action taken
thereon by the County Court of Wasco
county, Oregon, sitting for the transac
tion of county business at the June
term, 1000, thereof, save and except all
claims the salary or fees for which are
provided tor by statute.
Witness my hand and the seal of the
County Court affixed, this 20th day
of June. 1900.
seal. A. M. Kelsay,
County Clerk.
By Simeon Bolton, Deputy.
Attention. HoriieniciD
Tygii Valley, Or., June 18, 1900.
Editor Chronicle :
I hand you herewith a notice to horse
owners that I hope you will publish at
the earliest opportunity, for I deem the
matter of very great importance to every
owner of a horse in the county. I am
advised by the state veterinarian that
mange is a highly contagious disease.
He recommends as treatment that 1)4
pounds of sulphur and ljg pounds of
nnslacked lime he boiled in a gallon of
water and daily applications made. Or
any good sheep dip used at five times
its strength for sheep.
Anyone can readily see that if this
disease Bhouid get well scattered among
the work and saddle horses of the
county, and the infection got into the
public and private stables, it would be a
task of giant proportions to ever get
entirely rid of it again. By united
effort now it can be eradicated, and the
effort must be made, and made now.
Any delay only makes the matter worse,
1 would request that every person
knowing of cases of this disease would
at once inform me confidentially of its
whereabouts and who the owners of the
horses are, or what brands they carry.
A. A. Bonn by.
Information having been filed in my
office that numerous cases of mange
among horses now exist in Wasco
county, I hereby notify all persons hav
ing horses so altlicted to immediately
remove said horses frorr the public
range ana to Keep them separate and
apart from all other horses not so (Diet
ed, and to immediately treat said altlict
ed horses for a cure of said disease.
And any and all persons owning or hav
ing in his or their possession horses dis
eased with rcange, who refuse or neg
lect to take heed of this notice and re
move said horses from danger of contact
with other healthy stock, will be dealt
with according to laws made and pro
vided to cover such cases.
A. A. Bonnkv,
Stock Inspector for Wasco Co.,
Tygh Valley, June 18, 1900.
Rooms in and II, Chapman Block, The Dalles,
Oregon. Tueaday and Friday, a. m. to U
A lkoDiud Tonga
Could not express the rapture of Annie
E. Springer, of 1125 Howard St.. Phil
adelptia, Pa., when she found that Dr
King't New Discovery for Consumption
had completely cured her of a hacking
I cough that for many years bad made
life a burden. All other remedies and
doctors could give her no help, but she
says of this Royal Cure "It toon re
moved the pain in my chest and I can
now sleep soundly, something I can
scarcely remember doing before. I feel
like sounding its praises throughout the
universe." So will every one who tries
Dr. King's New Discovery forany trouble
of the throat, chest or lungs. Price 50c
and 1. Trial bottle free at Elakeley A
Houghton's drug store; every bottle
guaranteed. 5
Mora Boer Surrender.
VolksrcsT, June 21. General Buller
has arrived at Sand's Spruit station,
and camped two miles further on the
western sido of the railway. Many
Boers met General Buller on the road
and surrendered their arms and horses
Sick Headache absolutely and perma
nently cured by using Moki Tea.
pleasant herb drink. Cures constipation
and indigestion, makes you eat, sleep
work and happy. Satisfaction guaranteed
or money back. 25 cts. and 50 cts.
Blakeley A Houghton Druggist?.
Unless food Is digested quickly it will
ferment and irritate the stomach. Alter
each meal take a teasuoutiftil of Kodol
Dyspepsia Cure. It digests what you
eat and will allow you to eat all you
need of what you like. It never fails to
cure the worst cases of dyspepsia. It
Is pleasant to take.
Columbia River Ice & Fuel Co. wishes
to announce that they will deliver ice to
any part of the city at all hours of the
day or night. 'Phone 33 or 81 Long
DiBt. : 75 or 8 Seufert & Condon.
Ivy poisoning, poison wound and all
other accidental injuries may be quickly
cured by using DeWitt's Witch Hazel
Salve. It is also a certain cure for piles
and skin diseases. Take no other.
Neglect is the short step so many take
from a cough or cold to consumption.
The early use of One Minute Cough
Cure prevents consumption. It is the
only harmless remedy that gives i in me
diate reeults. It cures all throat and
lung troubles. Children all like it and
mothers endorse it.
, Curei Headache Oulckly.
Baldwin's sparkling effervescent Cel
ery Soda. A harmless and effective cure
for headache, nervousness, sleeplessness,
brain fatigue. 10 and 25 cents. Sold
by Clarke & Falk, druggists. jan24-6w
Experience is the best Teacher. Use
Acker's English Remedy in any case of
coughs, cold or croup. Should it fail to
give Immediate relief money refunded.
25 cts. and 50 cts. Blakeley & Houghton
We have just opened a nic.9 line of
ladies' duck skirts in greys and tans,
which vre are offering for 99 cents and
$1.43. These are extra good values and
are going with a rush. Call early "and
get your pick of the line. The New
York Cash Store. ' ;'9
"I used Kodol Dyspepsia Cure in my
family with wonderful results. It gives
immediate relief, is pleasant to take and
is truly the dyspeptic's beet friend,"
says E. Hartgerink, Overisel. Mich.
Digests what you eat. Cannot fail to
Be sure and examine our stock of wall
paper thoroughly before buying elee
where, as we have tbe latest shipment
made to this city, now ready for inspec
tion at H. Glenu & Co.'s. al7-lw
The Chinese ask "How is your liver?"
instead of "How do you do?" for when
the liver is active the health is good.
DeWitt's Little Early Risers are famous
little pills for the liver and bowels.
In all It tage there
Mould be cleanliness.
Ely's Cream Balm
clean;c, soothes and heal
the diseased membrane.
It cures catarrh and drive
away a cold in the head
Cream Balm ! placed Into the nostrils, spread
orer the membrane jind 1 absorbed. Relief Is im
mediate and t cure follows. It Is not drying does
not produce sneezing. Large Size, 50 cents at Drug
gists or by mail ; Trial Size, 10 cents by mail.
MV IXK1TI1ER9, M Warren Street, New York.
For Sale.
One Second-Hand
One 3 1-2 Bain
Header Wagon.
JVIaieF & Benton
1J:(0 p. m
Salt I., Denver. Ft. Ft
i Worth, Omaha, Kan- Mall
mi City. St. Louis.l 12:30 p m
Chicago and East.
l:jo . m.
Via Hunt
ington. salt ljiks, Denver, Ft! 4 16 a. in.
Worth. Omaha, Kan-I
t at lty, St. muis
Chicago and Ea(.
Walla Walla, Spokane,
Minneapolis. !! haul,
i) a lu t h, Milwaukee.
Chicago and Knit, via
Scokaneakd Hunting
t'.ti : also all point in
WashiugPm ami fcaet
ern Oregon.
9 : p. m.
8 p. 13.
From POKTLisn.
Ocean .Steamships.
For San Francisco
Every Five Davs.
4 p. m.
8 p. m. I
Ex.ouudar Columbia Rt. Steamers.
4 p. m
To AbTOHIA and Way I
bnturday Landings,
lu p. m.
ti. m. I Willamette Riveb.
Ex.bunday Oritton City, Newberg,
i Balem Si Way Land's.
4:30 p. m
7 a. m,
and eut.
I Willamette and Yam
hill KlVEKS.
! Oregon City, Uayton,
and Way-Ijuidings.
8 .30 p. m.
I M on., wed
and Fri.
Snake River.
Riparia to lwi.ton.
9:00 a. m.
Lv Riparia
8 :'oi a. in
Fartie desiring to go to Heppner or
puiiits on Columbia Southern via Hitrgs, should
take No. , leaving The Dalles at 12.40 p. in.
making direct connections at Heppner Junction
and Biggs. Returning maliingdiructconuectlon
at Heppner junction and lliggs with Jio. 1, ar
riving at The Dalles at 12:o0 p. m.
For full particulars call on O. R. S N. Co.'i
agent The Dalle, or address
Gen Pas. Agt., Portland, Or,
SOUTH and EAST via
Shasta Route
Trains leave The Dalles for Portland and wot
stations at -i:o a. m. and 3 p. m.
Leave Portland s :30am
7:00 p m
10:50 p in
11:30 am
4:35 am
8:15 a m
" Albany 12.30 a m
Arrive Ashland 12:311 a m
" Hacrnmento 5:0M p m
" ban Francisco 7:4cpm
Arrive Ogdon 8:45 a m
11:45 am
9:00a m
7: 25 a m
9:30 am
" Denver '.1:00 a m
" Kansast.Tty 7:Sm
" Chicago 7:4a a lu
Arrive Los Angeles .. .
... 1:20pm
. . . 6:00 p m
... Mlsui
... 9:55 a m
... 4:00a m
. . . ft:"2.) a m
. . . 0:42 a m
...12:13 p m
7:00 a m
6:00 p m
6 ::t0 a m
9:55 a m
4:00 a in
6:25 p in
ti 12 a m
12 -4:1 p m
: M rnso
" Fort Worth
" City of Mexico .
" Houston
" New Orleans ..
' Washington
" New York
Pullmn-J and Tourist cars on hoth trains.
Chair cars Sacramento to Ogdcn and El I'aso,
and tourist cars to Chicago, St Louis, New Or
leans and Washington.
Connecting at San Francico with spvernl
steamship lines for Honolulu, Japan, China,
r iiujiipiiies, ccuirai auu eoum America.
See ogent at The Dalles station, or address
General Passenger Agent, Portland, Or
Yellowstone Park Line.
; Union Depot, Fircnand ISis-
No. 2. Fast mail for Tncoma, No. 1
Seattle, olyinpla, (irHy's!
Harbor and South Bend,
points, Spokane, Ross
Iiind, II. c, Pullman,
MOSCOW. lwfNlon. Itnf-
11:15 A. M. fiilolliiiiip miniiiKCoun-! 6:50 V. S.
try, Helena, Mlnneapo-I
lis, St. Paul, Omaha,;
, Kansas City, St. Louis,
Chicago and all points!
No. 4. cast and southeast. No. 3.
Pllffct Houml h'YrirM'
11:30 P. M. for Tacoina and Seatrlnl 7 nn A r
j and Intermediate points I
Pullman flrstclnsa mil t,n-lr
Minneapolis, St. Paul and Missouri river point
without change.
estibuleil trains. Union rii.rv.t m,nn....
n all principal cities.
KHirgBge checked to destination of tickets,
For handsomely llliisrrnt.l il.,,. .-u
write'"' l,!,',''"g CHr ''"'rvatlon, etc., call on or
Assistant (leneral Pscnger Airent. 255 Morrt.
son Street, corner Third, Portland, Oregon.
Rooms 9 and 40, over U. S. Ijind Ofllr.
Physician and Surgeon,
Special attention given lo surgery.
Rooms 21 and , Tel. M Vo.tBI
jjit. x. e. rEitumow,
Physician and Surgeon,
Office, Vogt Block (over Postoffice),
Souinern Pacific Co
Nortliern Faciiic
Chicken Lice Conprefl.
Carbolineum : Avenarius.
The most efficient Wood Pre-erving
Paint in Radical Remedy against
Chicken Lie". Its application to in
side walls of poultry bouses will per
manently exterminate all lice. Ke
ulu healthy chickens, p euty of
eggs. W rl te for ci rculars ud pi ices.
Mention this paper.
Jos.T. Peters & Co., g
Laud OrniE at VANcorvsR. Wash ,(
. May 17, ivoo. (
Notice is hercbv given that the following;
named settler has tiled notice of his intention
to make final proof in support of his claim, nd s iiii urnof will he made before W.B. Preshv,
United htates Commissioner, ut tioidendale,
on July b, 1900, vu:
Asahel K. Ollar,
who made H. E. No. 9Ss5, for the fractional W' i
NW'4, Sec ao, Tp !.,K j:i E, ana bt.-i oi isr.;4l
Sec 25, Tp J, N K 12 , . Ai.
He names the following witnesses to prove bis
continuous residence upon, and cultivation of
suld land, viz:
iiobertA. Strouthers, Chris E. Franzen. Will
lain (iamer, John Kure, all of Lyle P. O.
may23-I Register.
Notice 1 hereby given that the undersigned
by an order of the Countv Court of the State of
Uregoil lor al-o lUJiil,, nns urvu non
administrator of the estate of Hele'i Bradford,
decensel. All persons having claims against
the estate of said deceased are in tilled to pre
sent thein, with the proper vouchers, to me at
Hood River, Oregon, wituiu six inoutn irom
the date of this notice.
Dated May 15, liioo.
Putnam F. Bradford,
Administrator of the Estate of Helen Brad
ford, Deceased. 16-1
Notice is hereby given that under and
by virtue of an order of the county coart
of Clackamas county, Oregon, made and
enlered on the 28th day of May, 1900, I
will offer for sale, at private sale, from
and after the 7th day of July, 1000, for
cash in hand, all the right, title and in
tereet of the estate of Walter fish, de
ceased, in and to lot 12 in block 18,
Laughlia s Addition to Dalles City,
Wasco county, Oregon.
Administrator of the estate of Walter
Fish, deceased,
Oners received bv Attorneys for Ad
ministrator, J. T. Whalley, Pipes &
Tifft, Portland, Or. i6 i
Guardian's Sale.
Notice Is hereby given that
cense and order of sale made ard issued to nie
as guardian ol the persons and estate of U'na
.Mis ie and Oarheld Moore, minors, by the
County Court of the State of Oregon lor Wasco
County on the Mil day of June, l'.mo, I will, on
the 31st iIhv of luly, ! n , at the courthouse
door in Dalles CItv, at the hour of 2 o'clock i.
in. of said day. soil to the hiirhest bidder for
casn In nand, all or tne interest of said minors
in and to the real property hereinafter do
sciibed; said interest Wing a contingent two
sevenths interest in and to the W3 of the SK1,
ioc Dr.--i i,i loe r ;.4, nun iAn 1 oi nee. j i, aim
Lots l and 2 of Sec. I",, and that certain parcel
of hind bounded as follows: Commencing at a
stake on the north line of the Victor Trcvltt
Donation Iind Claim, where it crosses a dlteh;
thence in a southerly direction across the bot
tom on tho line of the present fence so rods;
thence west Hi rods: thence northwest M) rods,
thence along said line NO Insls, to the place of
beginning, being a of the Victor Trevl't
Donatiou Land Claim, in Sec. II. all said lands
being in Tp. I N, K l:l E, W. M. Aiso like in
terest ill mid to Id 12, and It.3-, feet off the west
side of Iit 11 in block ti of Laiichlin's Blull' Ad
dition to Dalles CItv, Or.
j'J Ii HOMEK W. MOORE. Guardian.
Land Office at Vancoi-ver, Wash.,)
Mav 11, 1!nn. (
Notice is hereby given that the lollowinar
nsnied settler has liled notice ol his Intention
to make final tiroof in siituMirt. of hit, nluim. u,wl
that said proof will be made before VV. It. Preshy,
t nueu Males Commissioner for District of
Washington, at hi olliee in Goldendule. Wash..
on Saturday, June 110, l'.M), viz:
George O. Lindsay,
Homestead cntrv. No. f."J3l. for the SWU of s
15, Tp 3, N of R 13 E, W. M.
He names the following witnesses to prove
his continuous residence unon nod cultlvntfnn
of said laud, viz:
John (. McDonald, of lliirtlnml p n Wash-
Wendeliu I-eldl. (ioldcnaalu P. I).. Wash : John
('. Berry, Hattlaml P. O.. Wash Thomas J.
Dripps, Hartlaud P. O., Wash.
ma52! 1 W. R. DUNBAR, Register.
U. S. Lamp Office, Vamcoi'ver, Wash.,)
April ao, l'.MI. j
Notice Is hercbv riven that M l' i:,.i,.i,.
by I). II. Stcgman, her attorney In fact, has filed'
, "xcniion v make final proof before
W. B. Preshy, Unib-d Suites Commissioner for
District of Washington, ut hla ..niu i :. Mo
dule, Washington, on Eridav, the 2".uh day of
June, I'.ssi, on Timber-culture Application No.
2117, for the northeast uuarter of section No. 4, in
township No. 2 north, range No. M east, W. M
She inline Knows: Manuel S. Leonardo,
?l!,i,r,""1 lv - "h.i Herman Engelke,
iMlllnm Wilkinson, of c,.nt..rvill i u-.i.
and William Crawford, of firand Dalle IMi".
Dyspepsia Cure.
Digests what you cat.
It artificially diffests the food and aids
iMature in streiiKthenln? and recon
Btructlnirtho exhausted dlKestlve or
rans. Itlsthelatcstdiscovereddiirest
ant and tonlo. No ot her preparation
can approach It In efllclency. It In
stantly relieve and permanently cures
rynffl'i Lndl,?ec?tlon' Heartburn,
ciobiTenSe,lbor Stomch, Nausea
- Preportd by E. C. Dewif. Co.. Cblcago.
pawif1..01"15 rKACE- NoUfy
labhc. Collection! promptly attended
flee, The Dallei, Oregon.
Rspiot Plmplo,, PrTsn
"rhulti,. Th,ith.i.: " ' Bs-sr
tinr. , w; LJ, '''' nor.i, .n. 1'r.
of Oregon, for Wasco County. 11 i?!
Mit. in uasung, Plaintiff.
vs. '
Donald M. Hastings, Defendant
To Donald M. Halting, the aho.
fendant: 8 ' e 1,n "bale4
In the Name of the State of Ore.
plsint 11 led against von in ik..l,"lt
suit on or before th lsth day of jT,T. , ""I'
ll ou do not, for want therj,f the ,!
late judgment .gainst you nd i
the court for the rtlief praved fos li 'v'Wj
tilllllir tlVIVlt - . " " U Ut m
he said defendant, iKmaui M lu.'o? hi
This summons is served uil n ?n
tlrm, by order ol the court, maden ft E
" , f. chronicle, newspaper pub.L
sidVasco county; that the irst l 1
be made on the nth it of i.,T. . .... JPuW:eio
the defendant be required to apr-ir ,;,Jn
me complaint on or before the 1Mb. ri.V , '
l'.KJO, said date being the last da, a,7,?1
presi-noeo lor ine said publication "
The date of the first puhlicalioa 'of thi.
mous i June 6, l'JOO. lm !,
w- H. WlLsnv
Worne, for
Timber Lnd, Act June 3, 1873
U. 8. I.isn n "
The Dalles, o., Anr 11 ii
Notice I hereby gin th7in"u.
with the provisions of the et ol 3,lu
June 3, 1S78, entitled "An act for the
l Us.
Nevada and Washington Terntrv ' unM
Wllllain K. Ketchom.
of The Dalles, C;ounty of Wasco, State of n.
has this day filed in this office his swS?
rnent No. ir.9, for the purchase o( the vUf
and N .$ SE4of Section No. aa, iii Td. 1 v i
No. 11 L.. W. k, and ili offer prooTto 'ii
that the land sought is more valiuble f"
timber or stone than for rin,,i. . ' ,0,i
and to establish his claim to said land ffiK
Register and Receiver of this othcT
I lalles. Oregon, on " ' '
Saturday, the 23d day or June, 1900
He name a witnesses: J. B. Holt dpi
chum, Joseph Ilanna and William Soenwr ,
of The Dalles. Oreiron. pencer,i
Any and all person clsiining adversclr tk.
above-described lands are requested to Hie IV
elaiius In this oilice 011 or before (uidarddl;'
aprls-lOwr-l JAY P. LUCA8, Register.
df.pabtjiknt op tiie intkeior
Umteu Statks I.ami office
. JI)Ai-'-r?,OK.,M1iyii,i1j0n
in this oilice by tills S. Alexander, era,
piunririii eilliesi ailloavil I111VI111, luu.
aeainst homestead entry No. 6777, nude Mr ii
ls!W, for hviA ol nw'4, see. 0, tp. 1 11. ranVu,
by John T. Wright, contestee, in whlrh u 1. .'
leged that said John T. right hai whniTt
abandoned said tract, and changed his residence
iiiL-in.'iii ,,,1 uiuiv loan sia iiioiiuis mice m.
ma mnM ciiii.v, aim next prior 10 OMr 1
that the absence of defendant ftom said tiwiii
utsuucM vinpioyuieoi 111 ine mliilirt or
naval service of t lie United States, mid Mrtie
are nereny liounea 10 appear, respond and offer
evidence touching said allegation at 10 ntloti
a. 111. on o one ou, iwsi, Deiore uie Kejrjsier is:
neceiver ai me uiutea States Iund ollitein Tk.
Dalles, Oregon.
The said contestant having, in a proper a
vit, liled May lA, Isieo. set forth facts which M
inni niter cue atiigencc iJCtsonnl setvlieoltb
notice can not be made, ills hereby onVrHi .
directed that itch noiice be given by due
piler puuiicauoii.
1U-1 JA1 P. LUCAS, RegUle.
Land Office at Vancouver, wh,i
May l.i, luo. I
Notice is hereby given that the lnllosii-
named settlers have filed notice of thelrliitenK
to make lliiai prool in support of tlielrclalmuu
that said proof will be made before the iwittr
and receiver of the IJ. S. land oilice at Vtni
vcr, ash., on July 0, luoo, viz:
George 11. Nanford,
who made H. E. No. MOO. for the N'SPi.-
Sec 3, and JJ' SVi i Sec 2, Tp i N, K 12 E, Vi t
who names the following witnesses to provel;:'
continuous residence upon and cultivation!.
sain latin, viz:
Haskln Trabuc, christian Dieckson, Thi'
M. Mhitcomb, Kdward A. liopwr, all oILjlf
Christian Dleckson,
who made II. E. No. 9x., for the Si XiVJuJ
Sco 10, Tp S N, K u, w.
names the followlnar witnesses to uruvr li!
continuou residence upon and cultivation id
sal 11 111 ml, vi:
Haskln Trabuc. John Paulsen. Jmw Fill.
George H. Sanford, all of Lyle, WashlDgttli.
HasLIn Trahue,
who made H. E. No. WW,, lor the S' SW'
:i, andN'j NWti, Sec 10,Tp3N, R12E,J
who names the followfna- witnesses lo prove hi?
continuous rcsldeuce upon and culllvatiom
said land, viz:
ClirlHtlim Dxlelisnn. Thomas M. tthltniEl
Ccorge 11. Santord, Jaines Kiu, all of Ljlef.u,
n as 11,
may23-I W. K. DUNBAR, KtlUW-
Lnb OrncE at Vancoi veh, Wise.)
June 4, '
Notice Is hereby given that the foil"'
nnmeil settler ha filed police ol Iil in-"
to make final proof in support of his claim, u
that said proo will be made before . B. frW,
United State Commissioner for ltrifl
tl'u.l.,Hn .ki...,llnnl.. ,:nl,lriitH s. niu
ni.,iite;i,,i,, 11, oil 1, i" - '
lngtoti, 011 MoiidHy, July 10, viz: -
John Wateon,
irnmn- l-..w Vrt o ii f.,r the sotltn nan
the southeast quarter of sii-tlon '.' township
north, of range 14 east, Will. Mer. iii
He names the following wiine-seswy" -
continuous residence upon, and culinaiim-
salu land, viz: .. , . ,lMI
Churlcs Htraube, William v. liE.nwra, --
U. Daly, Patrick Jlaggcriy, an 01 v--P.
O.. Wash. W. K. Dl-KBA
that the (,"!';'
Deitrieh II. Steiman, devisee
fiii,n.,..n ileepliseil
Homestead Kntrv No. H7 . ("r 'YrSlli
ol section :u, township north ol ram"
''!'"' ......o.e.s.stopro"
lie name ine lonowma " itivalirtl "
conlliiiious residence iini "" r
said laud, vl: ... , rmllfi t
Manuel 8. Ionardo. of (.nmrt '!"",r,t:
Wash.; Herman Kngelkc, 1 "inisra '
Cent.-rvllle P. O , Wash., and Willi""'
ol Urand Dalles P. I)., Ws-h. , Ning.
may'J I
Lahi. office at Vas''".v;,V',''
May Jl, hU ,.n,M
Notice I hereby given "" "(.Mr ln
niinied .ettlera have II led V""." ,'t of
Hon to make final prool In "I 'I' ,
Notice I hereby given ""' "f,Mr In.
Im and that sain ,rooi" ..,tiir
H. Presby, Unlte.1 Slates m 1 (.,ld
trlct of Waslilngt'.n. at hi- -! , "
e, Wash., Monday, July s, I'""'""
Henry Year'
Homestead entry No. .W1. ''"' , .."I".""'
I, Tp. N, K 14 K, W. M. i - r,jer
lug wltnesse. p. prove his c n
UH.n and cultivation of said l?,'"lj,1ijiBn.
Manuel linanlo, William M .Mi ll,tfI,i.
Mulllgau, Krancls U llunuell, "
P. O., Washliigion.
w oi. I.. Itunns Knt.y NV'k'i V
NWij of Sec. 7, Tp. S N. K ' 0prnv l"
nme the following l'TL"'
tluiious resiuenc ui"i -
land, viz.:
u.....l ln.Mo. W IIIm I"- ' .., 1IC '
MnlMgan. Henry .Wkel, all "
O., Washliiftiiu. ......a Rfilr'
summon, be served upon you bV i,' u
thereof for six consecutive weeks In ,nt
Notice I hercbv given
named setthr has Hied notice 1 " .
tlon to make final pr.sif in .""'CVmI
claim, mid that said proof will be. m " (ie
W. H. Prc-bv, Unlte-I States ( 1 ''
Dlstilet of Washington, at his nrtht in .
dale, Wash., on Friday, June J, W 1 '; ' ,
oaio ot lint Mat. Ban.