TfTT, DAIXES WZZELT CHIvONICLT. SATURDAY. JU2E 23. 1900. ; f:-s .1 J aii .ul SlLi ia i rT Wt HIV iill U - i ? t : XJfL XT. Us i t .0;- r. . Ii ifier isy ii Lai-a- J-ia "- Y"kvjr e. j iy - tails i :j. ilIsoa iJ Ti It t .; si eta -11 i; .i-t '.i -i M:T - '.-in. U i'lurt-: " ctiiry. s; . it if", iv '.vi 1 :i :ti:-t- c '--f;Ji.'. J a-i..t:y. i sioili ;'- li rtkit'S ! r,.-f IO -H tiktii-ir lie lire r t-.iirr t : ..ii 10 lie Vi ii rt-tnirs. xt'" ti ;;a;t ix 1 "--i.-- rtii-iii-i ii tit wait? Lis ca i"-ke i-iiu-r.:'! ilr .1 1 &--- . f - .11- tr- i r - . r sjf a..-:. iiiu-r tt c. ; i.- .r fj::l a.:u. fcui'- il l." Hi ....... 7 13. I " .! i.. r.-i jy li k . nli .fci ;r "f ust. ,L':i 1 1 h s : ki. -l-is' LiS f .'-i i 'IZ,- t :-vrtr!Ti-ril'' is Ttrr acrli "t ItJ- C i.m. . 1 ii, c tis . : J . ITi" 2 ."2 J A - J'i J-1 ii T- C tr..t j i t tti !X k'-irrff Lit :3 ';: '-.-.5 Ii.;i'-t'- TT l3.-a.tWt it i t i-f-: i f TVi.-sjKt. t.t t4 - ti-t- la -iit li'.xx. : z fit. t-'r-.LS'i-f v!;t-: fc-'i- I: ITkti'.T tv.olrvl-1' In'. 1'l.L. 11 liii'i : - J : - ii5 u:x-4 :..-st li &.iT ill X Cii:-r;- rt-.:e-j Lu Ii li li il t' ci traiii: o-ti, ii iC-t jit-jJ ft i d.t-J Til-tiUr tn--S K-iTintfU ;i.Hki e. uj me X fcj.l 11 "-i -ii. ' ; ixj rr jj?-.:T c- iatx. ia ii fjt-ulil:c" ;;r; V-t is cjiz, iTerJiti. We Lt Lk4 ca its-; ili r. j fc iC Lbe Ule j't. u;3 ,: erti tie LlVe wLiti t-ttitrx ii.x.'Ti ll'i.k ll kif l.ixt iilUrJ i is t-c-Lij-iiig. A.J--il. litfii'tali-es. 3! u:e is 19 fi;i.f-;ii "-ij" viJ i.i vi ht riia".i-i c- lit- Aat rjii ir ri c: : r.4 .ri & ill-3 tr d iii-.rt-jitje ito-.o.'j , i-M'..,I.,'.'I- I'kfcLrti; ix C'X : I'iivri. ii i it Ti rt-'--3 S.v'-t nivliit tiia vir '..t vit-ia;-J:s iiTti lit ii I j ti -s. itr t-'t ii iit lo lci elite ci 7". lii-'.iiiuj tti .: ii "i rtr-vik-.U, 1L.1 "S ii . 1 k J' "-i .:i lit ;iri Lk t-i il.ti i s.fiir iC vi.t & .rtfrj its w-ts iicl r. li it iii icr i jrfx- S4r.c-t-ni.-c r-i;r. ki i x l irii . : . it ;. r ; ".k. iiti - Tlii :x Irt. i-.'.'X .'! Jf- J it-i k a. "is tii it S-lrtt Lit "tr i i.ii"J;T iX.-'i1' ..'v' if-tijf ; iJ is :-iii. I. i-.i- y.. '.''.. '.:. if.;"-lil.-;i. GtMiil sj lie :iiiril r.k it :.'...... i Lt-injt tre ti i ii .ti -t..v.i'.' itiri: itit:i-3 Ti jrtiil i:-;'i'.v:i-E it iZm't .s 7?.'.-y.-.M'v. II lie t-i. ui 3 I i .:.y. t-ii-i-tlf, xi3 li itr cjik csitisjeivs iii'il' i It litiA, ii:e ci3 rts;i 1 1 ti:l"i f.f ti-rci- If li t.if5ap:.k ti-i'U-3 lie lattice?.- liil L let is ii;3 til r.:ii Ci lie it;ect, tLc-re Lis tfTtr Ltc t t Vj 1 ri'.io ttdtrj tie i-:2ie ik cf lit UiittJ suies. Tie ik'Jos Lit been: Ad of 15 to 1: tit cf 1 r-34, to 1: ill cf 1?37, li .? li 1. It caj t il 'td tLit La tie coxaerce cftlec.;i fxt! tit rx'.iottlCto Lki.Tlt i5 lite K S Ir.tii.T 10 21 L Jj 1.KJ W..v-i COCSi.w- AaaiatL t;i Lit cct::iel Irr tie x!resc:t-s cf art co.'Iiic-J Tfc Kind Ton ILaT Always Bought and which has been la os I or orer years ua iwnw tue M?natiir f aou Aas uetn uwic unaer nis J1-, fcoaal saperrision since iu lnfaney. Allow no one to deeeiTe you In thl All Counterfeits Imitations and " J ost-4i-gtod "are hat tiperiinent that trifle with and endanger the health of Infjuts and Children Experience against Experiiaent, What is CASTORIA Catoria Is a harmless substitute for Castor OH, Pare. gtrie, Irop9 and .Sootblu Synips. It is Pleasant, it contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Xarcotie ibace. Its agre ! its guarantee. It destroys AVonm and allays reTerishness. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colic. It relieves Teething' Troubles, cures Constipation and riatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates the Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural deep. The Children's Panacea The Mother's Friend. GENUINE CASTOR1A ALWAYS Bears the Signature of a-a lit tnli.i ii fit 3 iii ti Vj t ere ti-i-a is tS.l'ill- li Axe:;iti cf li c-ii 1.-11 tii r-it-k tit it lit; tout:-.-.: llta. ij i.i-1 : .-r li t it u ..? Ti Aiirik ftcrki kre solii lie tiivtre, ts J tever till Tie titksurer cf tL United .States ' t:x t uiita jr frTi;rjE. 5, e Uiere, re tie a' dts.Tiij cf Iht;i t,3 E:cx v, siK cH rtii J ! 3 lii iiHtr. .triUe c.if.kT iti-; ios t?e ion to itxe t JC;i.'-kT 56 Osic i-i Ttlui's. Ail it if lllks is f-if'itiCT cf kix;-:-ti:k.ta 'e;v,:k; xcitt is lie rth3 is:es r-r c: Aie :i. iiri:a Oi"j tx-e tiie 1 itfckl ex;cl fk liii:. Ht r Lite Oir li.i trij'ite? iif .. it fx ;s;i c;'ii li-f x.xiti .ii:: cf liU ti ii try. 'i2. tV:-ii3 ice Jirj '.T J;- Hii-i-Fir Kiii k'u-x-! iiio ii ii jit .. E Ykief I . r. -tjTt ; i- Ht.-fM-rklll. Ki.i. L.;-: z -Tea, i-iiii xi Ili'i Orts. A" siier t-& ia Kti.tra Ottrii k li kx.oa AikklL TVlrt s ii Itejis to u.te cs itIi-3 airs, ii 3 lie it--iiii: 3"iify ;i :i lie tL-t--.i, cf A:Ii:i- Itefj'lie tils is.kiler;i2 c-f coin.";:, i-i ti3 k it. tit t-sititlklsfe cf Zi tit Pkif.r fci4liei klii.ii it tsv: liii is ttii-fi, at'3.ccs sx.3 fotiie. Tit Ets hts tu! TLet tutticf, tw-jlti wiJ re tatytTel c lie Ji2.t tiiit vi f of ii;cel dkxtse to tie , itJefc3iKe cf lbe:r ccustrr f'trir : liti. itii-i JiJ.ii.f aZ. Ar : r. 1 1 !iki.i;. If ii i lirc lien iiii cf f ixes fgurti boir.2 tit tLIscouc- Ll'.i Kip Le is itti.z try borro cotey t t lower rste ; tile ,.1, ,..r., .,,,1 ,(. r li -nc-iey is cbet?r with us thin aay- j Lere ele ixor LitD." It j aicch to isv in cossection with thisi siilcseit tLit ererv dollsr iisne l I The Kind You Me Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years. t y tie United to Z'.li. tiles is e'iji?olfcct . f:xtt It i Hki.tlii c f ti Ui:U 3 iiie . sett: .ti i -2. It'l' 1-.' iti-f..:. til i-- H.:-t:.."w. i li.w-rf lr TLe AlLtty Deitccrat U-lIs of a ccuttT rntn who recently ririteJ Ccioiel Bryau at Lis "imall A tit for Uryta t J Lis jtj to fsna ia iBi,urb of LidcoId. Ne- fe .... . . , trki., wLere Le found the great; iwi: xiit.T Tk.i, ks cs;trtd wiii tUlrn-skel rrkt is lr. Wtvr i --ua w tsms in ais ooois ai ! liT tel tee wLtt tie eoM ten i;cg to Lis cLickens, etc." That 1 -'-::':! sistlkri aid froitctkii Ltxe dost? etc. is a most coxprebeosively preg ?.i..'wT Aaericka cu:i cf sleep are tow tltt kliexiation. -'-' Cat f--UTiig a Jlitle profit. :j ... Itrd to clsre tleta off ii-mZ-'i ' Uryaa mse. Ex it will be :lb tie Atti-Evtrythicgs is the new name eiTen the Brracites bv Senator Wol- TLe Zyr are f gllisg for tie aad it u lhem l0 a dot -lot t'JMis, tn-iiU a til kfcl.ties, oop is tie TLils-3 ."rli'.es, at-1 s up- j iitrly. if Toa pleise, and tie rlglt tti wLere tlee tsats tsre beta ' prattle! t v tews of 1 ?L: jlells ja 'f f Clita ;t a wy to toil tLe , , . -. i , t . . . ' .. M. , ... ' CLltese. list to resolutions of prcT.i, pott u-J;o'.MTnscriUwo:3J,p'aa He aplllr tt!6ese wi;, U ! retire w.!i 5rtie cf c: jtJty : rt-st tltrp arttce io Lt fcites. , c;e:e3 at FL.:dt!t Li or Knts' a rr.oro4SL. ti exjic-sy fTte sa; :es:ca steas to l-e gttersJ . City. Not ia a lioctasJ yesr. ' Tie: it t". L- . list lie Wt-sio sty deiiocrky w jtlit tie Axerkia farmer aa3 S;cieiSiin-IleTiew. est i CivCiitd tat lots Lsve a force v.b Clita a risLt to 1 decent ie;srJ; coite to IIS; t oa a r.'clistlj lsii. ; lor tie iLtereils cf forigters, for : lie wei.'sre o' tie wori-3 is more to ! ca xl loa .Ltaj ."WiB n . cotsiJerei lis. tLe trrow prej.- li crrxa cf feTuita ta His cilTl e.- .ui iaa e.-ta a.a. ci a power. , , , erer tsrveiiea, u.e csocs is re-, list s itcir it-e ci i;i' l? ti.e Lis to fir retcxered frca lie f;et .. , ....;. r . .- . itt-ty is to jkl-ji. rilb i illzstloo. Denver E'epullicin. tuxer .- -t, k.z. w t. .a., sritki:r?cf tie defeat cf ttveral; fvownj excerpt wli-tL we cl.p ley to oTi Lia..f L let. k Jte, numbers cf tie 2nd Oregon at the f.".s i tiirt I tt St'.eretlitg letter a crrcte c.ttlctlco itt jit attintc- j late election, tie McMitaviIe Tian tial o-ir etieetted eoileaportry tiys i r.ttt m tsrf r:s. It in, Low- ipt ccncluits: -Ve wi exen cp mu nrt.U I t -a PttUttdl buest ever, tlejatt aal tt:t tetti&caT cl a ! LUtT ia "Un tbe ,! ...... . , silertalortiJ tieclioo comes, by xtta, tow c a two years lo--r of rt prj to tLe alj. Jt! ekc,Jt? Gea. 0wea Sumrters govV lie f Jot, to is f?tcl;tkl ia all j wlia of tLe aa r.o Li tcooefifal'r j eiccr of tie state of Oitgon Iv tie ' tilrii tt3 Ukes practit; view of fu'deJ tie tt:p cf tifc'.e tLrciil tLe largest t'crallty ever gives ty lb:s- w Lit Le tee. Wrilitg from Mtx;co( etorics of a niott tryiij period cf otr , '-"-" C:ly. ttier dite of Jlay li'.h, lie t ta'.icia" t!ory. Tie tvn.icJoa of i Jaf"ge TownsenJ. of New York, ccnestos.itt of lie Tse-Moctt.i"T43y' Eyoteve'.t for vice-pteeidect it dec; Jed tLat Porto Rico is a ti,-T"t of ILe LtileJ Males as to scoter ttxs; '-Tie eiic 9 ecu I cte of lLoe rare tet wtere tl Sites' tr;l Con ire On t'-fr !md of ht?, Hr wlntj in' he :-jh. u' be ki to me, la bU own cL2lbvnn wr, 'We: trf, i tiiediril (A m toai." io' a sbu:e me mrr.e is Sre Tcb i; be aiter eatth'.u' yer v t-ol, 3 tguII hjT ty :t oa me kiee." It:cJiieiu Ca Oti. too. jd tae -.'!;(it rf ui y: It' le Ciiid. je tiJe. j fewst re sid lo me Oa t j t tie ;aJ of br : Ver. ftlizi. " set be :4 e'arh: Bat aL: t be ;".-fd ia tie Iw.e, O; II L;M je ! itt. aa' ye cn t hlit off t':d r.t na r;;rjd yer w;?t." Tif;e tte r. c"j ft a:ii.iii' t me, a. ! II ti; r Jrx:t tie !r C-i !j" j ?be ineloir n;d Con Slpce Oa it i tt tit. - :ve ( rt a' : me be: Os ?:t d:ia oct t tsis.." "Well. d;ri; a i b ye II mr-re," k-z be V: ve titfEti ki.' 'Ot s. C to. i ye let ct doira Tbiui bvat tbe neirhb-r wi.l ut. ti t ckie mm.! ibe ulk of the town Cta lyj, tr xtrt t hy." 2t4i: tie: i p y To p tbei." be i be.. ne iiTi; i b t tbeai var If y u Jl orlT le M:. Kit. ' j u;i.3. ia Tyrcae iSmluJ, lo:isU-! tat: .-a. tJBI!) ...C. J. STUBLING... Wholesale and Retail Wines, : Liquors : and : Cigars Agency for the Celebrated Yellowstone Whisky. Columbia : Brewery : Beer : on : Draught 173 Second St. Phone 234. THE DALLES, - - OREGON. ! Before you place any orders for a tocntstone or for curbing, fencing or otber cemetery work, call on Louis Con.ini. I will not on!y give yoa ail the information yon need but I will quote you prices you cannot bent anywhere. I et no one biorT yon. It will take only a few nunutrs to call aud see me. If yoa have a neighbor who ever did business with me consolt him as to the price and quality of my work and abide by the result. : : : m Louis Comini ;Ulltg seli'JSJ cf tils J eocght tie man. Tbe cLivalross joccj j foreijia coiclr:es. tLt foreia ry J t..xtr ai oatic ti.., an x : rocta riier refreeeLti a.: tit is tt ia 0tC4 m0:t sre me rfm;aJed of tbst ; .. ...... ... ' . TCT3 wiAt ci iteiicia gOiJ U.e:e is , tie t y-rtT tf kt tit btcre-i Lsac loucLicg lit o le:irs tie fsze retciom Hat is t-iid ; itb tie toa.isat;oa. and wbom Le Las He tortaoos. trail of tie serpent wLich wr:22;ea ia avJ wr:2.ed for I S. to'c. wLelLer sliver. ftr,T 1 Lonor"". ir ht krt- ? . V..- JC:nVT , t . .i . i- i j r . i i oot, at I lef; lie pec: ;e a:! ;a doubt, or carretev. Eat tLe ii.leL:2ettt ' and EtTe.l it a t;rct liat wi,2 bcry . ' .. . , . . , . , ",Lelber tie ttake thai male tLe vi hjc uui v I JidiUD o.;iiJ3 niitrp ;i tTrr UK yatj was CoifZ Clt Ctkice retite liat tier conditions ' Leirl of a'ter tie iies cf Sovexttr. eott'a He necessities of extlmge GOiNG EAST- 1 if Tf.n infil l ll tkU Ir n Kill lV T r.rzr t'.fKf-l k.r.t tr rinT Tr.n via Tf . poetry concerting Gff4t Wlt.lsbj , ,c j op.lo.dl,.e railroad in every r irtica .tr. ' ThrC'Sjh trains frora Cbics,fo, Kansas Ci'.r, Oaiaia or it. Lf-nis to New York : anl New iiijlkiij point. Ail trains r-ia via Nlifira Falls ar.dvery tbrougb 1 trla Li free rec.inicj chair cars, eleep- Ssxs Wiilisia J. Brvan: -If we ici r'i d rir' I icp CTer alldwtd cn al! tivkets at Ni CLEANLINESS :s beum a.Ivncsted liy all parties regirdlese of race, color or pre- Vtiina rmiiil 1 1 i. .n ixt .i l . l. a.i rn(is ! mers -jIa.I when they Imy or Pure TrrDared PAtnts. TLere ii tinish anil -flu.-s to iis work that is a-linire-J by a!i. Paints, Oils, Glass, Picture and Room Moldings I?e ture and inspect our stock of Wall Taper leij;n for I;Oon Iisp!ay Washington Street, between Second aud Third. H. GLENN & CO. co:rz cut or cc Zh.r.z back.' OxsLa WoiM Hera! 1. e itJeftitely, with ."-.-;;;-.,..- . . T a l4 r.-r-r wiT! t fr.t ir. r,n-l, in ' Lol 1 what wt Lad in 1 an 1 if we SaatciaJ wlJ, win co:a at such .. , . . . .. , bring back tbe gold democrats, tod a-a T.l. R ."C.Ctisi, varltme .;th tie world, markets. '"'V ' ' if we kia large accessions from tbe PaelSc C.ast I'ats. Aft tier mitl erenlusllr retract, and U?m . l? rcblicats. tLe tlatce, of victory C. S.Cxka. G. p' AuLouU.'mo t 4 .i t .upteaM! tLe aemcCMts. Urysa an I Ux tbe democratic lirtv oaalt to be . .... -mw .. -"-- Li. wrtr frieads were ia tow. tin zoKi" TL-.t rexiads a ttialborlt- Rtort. sbo Hat over fifteen Iieri.1 of tb:s week, which tats .... .. ... ...-..-v, . f v,... t.--l Him ln ii.'m.-i, A?u.r.. !fi I litre io e -JiioTii. v : Mexico He', kill rut cp to rr-r:y America ex' iaixe 3 He father to Lis stirring , tf t,ce Minute Ccc;h Cure. f-oy. Li; arc ou ror.lng ar(.rof ti ese were caw cf tiipp. C?ht r..l s..ver q-esiiio ls. rx-en so'vea ty ' lie tlitle jTotert of cotie-ii vj Ci.r.2 aol.ars aad oflea Jew llaa La tal va.ue. Again. 'It is cot i leil rrere-v f! "a ri.t tl r itt-1 f . . ...... ...... . . . . I cited oom s in;.cii wcrstip, aai wien we ca'.ct-late He cost of Hitzt ia . . ... . nd goii money we .saifiy aoco;e amoistL We all Leartiiy wish, in csscy cases, that we could avoid; Ia lfC Presi dec. McK icier tail: jo make ture Hal He tool, of a Lud- tbe Most croup Jacobsen Book & JVIusic Co. gKliL - .ecus- 1,er' tLit l"e rsB 5a ,Le IL::'i- jaipiog the attic for?- asthma, !., leg cc-o,h, IrotchHi. and fc " pices Lave to be enlarged -CatcLicg mlc-c-, fa'.b .r." replied pteamor,;.. Its eaiiy ere f revents con- ir wcUi La.f, ins.tal d:nsi!.tU,K Tu fic: jot-cg Lopefu!. IIow csar Lave "mption. V lueir B0Bi".laat taoutands of He soldiers ia He "'"g'-tr; "Wcli." said the son. Rev. V. K. .:r. W. C.r.toa, N. Y., iilacd, will be Lrouglt Uck to the "L c, one I am after and writes, M dy Wtl. ovtr Iwentr Hammocks Hammocks Just l ii mo. Ttr ar. : I r;M r ar. 1 tn.i -i,,. atet during the trennt ". t 1.1. ! year, altbough Heir terra does cot, v- v, . , wTt ... K'oi Il'tr;!. Cere and it helped me i ... .... ' 1 kuL .1VI. U4.. 1 111 11. , tcul ll.e rr.Kll.f- r.r nfit vttr. i ...... .. . r. - . irom me t'.rt. l l -ere it to tm a I- wtcKS azo lie iicr.. jolb xirisoen . , ... . a cemo.e oiow io ioe pocr iiryaniu. ". alker .oicmtiy The largest and most comjleto lino at Rock Bottom Prices. I'rjan by letter to Cing away silver. ; rlorcd Col. ',0'lf' cr irjTm ' icdietioa." It digests what ycu eat. laak la tr rtrrlt. tteicg ca a n.ver law. aai paying "I hope Hat He time will cot be fsr 1 plutocratic despotism did net ab-j Aa cooatr warrant rejittered prior ; of sufferer, have proved iheir matrl.l... That ThrohblBg ll.adarha Would nuickly leave ton, it you used Dr. King". New Life Pi!!. Thousands cut oa a gold basis. TLe govern-! distant wLen every workicgm.a ia stract He preciou. missive from tLe - to Jaa 3, 1, will be paid at my uct feels the tardea, and so do! Hi. country caa get work, and get it, ! I"'- Mr w:ker hii il pcUbtd . offk. Iaterett cease, after February. 2, to tiu'iti. trerr ear more polil . Lro. at f:r r.,i rtTr t,r.trtio . -r. " . .... . I r- . m foocd bere, more is extracted, aad j Tbe time was cot far distant, and it it is cot improbable that early to tLe! lit t'Sd wki ts. What word cf cheer Las He Peer-I Coantv Treaeurer. leu seat to He Ucifjae? iHj afUr Clark k Fa.k ar. otver closed SanJay day Col. Dry. a allrmi and re.fCrmt I Dua"l lorjet Hi. merit for Sick and Nervoti. lledchei They maka pure blood and .trong nerse. and build up your health. Hasy to take. Try them. Only 23 rent. Money back if not cured. Sold by Blake'.ey A Houghton, druggists. 6 KXI'.CUTOR'S NOTICR. Ni.tlee la hervby firm that tlit ""j''"!''.' J... Ivn duly a,...r. t-l h, ""J,t tiir.ialeot rrcn. eieeutr ... l . ..I L . .11... 1 v.ll. ,IM'"',, nl the aald 1 aim ar hefi '? ' , w to rrewnl l. kirn, pruri) ' , ,,. ji ht law tnilrr.t. at H.ier. (mil "'" month. Inm the dal hereof. I .led (hi. I..U day ol Jnne PJA fyAS Ftrratnr ol th la.t w 111" amii J ""iHl l.taliu Static dvraued. 7 V