The Dalles weekly chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1947, June 23, 1900, PART 2, Image 1

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f If
NO. 4 2
9 idles
Openiua Session of Republican Xa-1
tional Coventlon McKinley Will
Be Renominated today by Accla
Philadelphia, June 19. Chairman
Hanna, with a rabbit' foot suspended
from a miniature of McKinley in the
lapel of his coat, surveyed an imposing
tpectac'.e when he called the 12th re
publican national convention to order
id the exposition building at 12 :35 p. ro.
today. The valleys below him were
crowded with the 1300 delegate and
slternates, and stretching away to the
(our corners of the immense hall were
endless vistas of people rising in terraced
seats to the walls. He looked into the
faces of fully 15,000 men and women.
Opposite, in a broad gallery, were
massed a hundred musicians, their
leader a mere pigmy in the distance.
Chairman Hanna's reception, when
he called the convention to order, and
later when he made a speech, was flat
tering in the extreme, and the sraila on
his face expressed the pleasure it gave
him. But the joy he experienced over
hia own reception seemed nothing com
pared with the delight he manifested
when for the first time he mentioned
the president's name. The convention
went off like a rocket. The applause
was deafening. Mr. Hanua's face was
a picture. It was wreathed in smiles.
He showed the ecstacy of the joy be felt
over the storm of approval he bad raised.
Many in that moment remembered how
the president's Warwick had announced
a year ago that his ambition would be
satisfied and his cup of joy would be full
when he called together the convention
that would renominate McKinley. Per
haps it was significant that in his
speech Senator Hanna made no mention
of Cuba or anything that would furniBh
a peg on which a Roosevelt demonstra
tion could be bung.
The address of Senator Wolcott, the
temporary chairman, which followed,
lasted an hour and ten minutes. It un
doubtedly added to the brilliant Colo
rado orator's reputation. Senator Wol
cott would be at his best speaking in the
opportunity of the moment. Yet the ef
fort he made today thrilled the audience.
With a clear ringing voice that reached
the remotest snot of the hall, and with
the grace of gesture, he brought all under
his spell. Time and again his hearers
broke into cheers as he spoke of the pres
ent prosperity of the country and pre
dicted McKinley's triumphant re.
election. And when he declared that
the democratic party had been driven by
the events of the last four years from
every position it occupied in 189G to seek
new issues in the events of the war with
Spain, thtre wjib a frantic outburst. The
same enthusiasm burst out when he
predicted that this generation, which
had witnessed our recent acquisitions,
would see the American nation girdling
half the globe with its flag, extending
its commerce to thi utmost ends of the
earth and taking its place as a world
power among the great world nations,
"a power for good, for peace and
righteousness." But the climax was
reached when he lifted tip his voice and
declared that ou- dead were buried in
I-uzHi, and that on its soil no foreign
flt! should ever salute the dawn.
In his splendid peroration, he declared
that the republican party, identified for
foity years with everything ennobling
and uplifting in our history, was never
o "vital, virile and vigorous" as today,
and that with untarnished record it will
transmit to posterity an undying love of
hlierty and of country.
Committees were appointed and at 3
o clock the convention adjourned until
tomorrow noon.
Senator Fairbanks, of Indiana, is
chairman of the committee on platform,
Senator Lodge will be permanent chair
of tlie contention. McKiuley will be
nominated by acclamation,
eveloimente In Trannraal.
London, June 19, 2:20 p. in. No im
portant development marks the progress
of the British in the Transvaal. Lord
Huberts reports that over 2000 stands of
arms have been given up at Pretoria
iocs the occupation of the capital.
These will be utilized by the released
British prisoners, of whom there are US
officers ami 30ft men.
General Holler leporti that the first
train through passed Lalng's Nek Mon
day. June 18th, ami proceeded to
The first batch of Mafeking't sick and
wounded arrived at the hospital at Bel
'ontein June 15th,
Situation in the Far East Seems to
Demand It and McKinley Is Said to
Be Ready to Meet Emergency.
Chicago, June 19 A special to the
Tribune, dated Washington, June 19,
says: Presistent rumors are afloat that
McKinley has decided to call an extra
cession of congress to deal with the Chi
nese situation. If war exists in China
growing out of the destruction of the
United States and other legations, it will
be necessary to send more troops to Chi
na. Owing to conditions in the Philip
pines no more troops can be withdraw n
safely. Therefore, it will require author
ity from congress to furnish troops.
The rumors of an extra session cannot
be traced to a reliable source at this
hour, and Inquiry at the White House
throws no light on the subject. A mem
ber of the president's official family,
when questioned, said :
"I do not know whether this matter
has been discussed or not, but the preei
dent can be depended upon to do every'
tbingh in his power to protect the lives
and property of Americans in China,
Heretofore this country has acted in
dependontly, but is now act'ng'in con'
cert with the powers."
The Chinese situation has been dis
cussed in all its phases by the president
and his advisers, and they have looked
far into the future. It is quite certain
the reconvening of congress has been
discussed, but none of the officials here
will admit it. '
The situation may change at any
moment, and the first advices from Pekin
will undoubtedly decide whether the im
mediate future will bring peace or war.
There are two possible causes for war
in the situation. One is the destruction
of the American legation and the mur
dering of the American minister. The
other is the action of the commander at
Taku. who ordered bis men to fire on the
international fleet. If his action is sanc
tioned bv the Pekin government a state
of war exists, but If he acted without au
thority and his hostile act is disavowed
there may be a peaceful solution of the
"If war exists in China, growing out
of the destruction of the legations or the
Taku affair, then it will be necessary to
send more troops to China. Owing to
prevailing conditions in the Philippines
no more troops can be withdrawn and
few, if any, can be spared from Porto
Ric, Cuba or the United States. There
fore it will be necessary to call an extra
session of congress to furnish troops to
deal with the Chinese situation.
If advices come from Pekin that Min
ister Conger and other Americans have
been murdered, there will be no other
course open to the administration, but
to send a force strong enough to bring
the Chinese to their senses and make
the lives of Americans as safe in China
as they would be in Washington.
Speculation to Salmon Shortage.
Astoria, June 19. The belief is daily
becoming stronger among fishermen and
others interested I.i the industry that
the failure of the supply means that the
claims of the number of salmon propa
gated artificially have been exaggerated
to a very considerable extent. That sev
eral millions of young salmon are turned
loose from the hatcheries annually is
thought to be unreasonable, in view of
the steady falling offin the catch, and
the success of the experiments conducted
on a small scale Indicates that a mistake
must have been made in the count of the
Notwithstanding the fact that there
were a large number of fish marked be
fore b( ing turned loose during the last
few years, comparatively few of them
have ever been heard of, although a very
close watch has been kept. At one of
the local csnnneries the Chinese who
clean the salmon have had a standing
oiler of 60 cents for every fish discovered
with the adipose fin missing, and it is
extremely Improbable that any marked
Hah wire overlooked. But, notwith
standing this incentive to vigilance,
only five marked salmon have been
detected this season.
Editor' Awful I'light.
F. M. Higxins, editor Senaei, Ills.,
News, was alllU'ted for years with piles
that no doctor or remedy helped until
he triad Bucklcn' Arnica Salve. He
writes two boxes wholly cured him. It's
the surest pile cure on earth and the
best salve In the world. Cure guaran
teed. Only 25 cents. Bold by Blakeley
A Houghton, druggist.
Clark A Folk's drug stock ii new,
fresh and complete.
Got No Farther Than the Adoption of
the Platform, Tbea Adjourned
Until to a. m. Today.
Fhidadki.phia, June 20. The second
day of the great convention opened with
leaders fearful that a coup d'etat or
stampede might knock all plans sky
high. There was talk of not allowing
Governor Roosevelt to second McKin
ley's nomination in view of the possi
bilities when he appears on the platform.
The convention was called to order by
Chairman Wolcott at 12:30.
The report of the committee on cre
dentials was adopted without debate.
The report of the committee on perma
nent organization wai adopted and Sen
ator Lodge, the new chairman, was
escorted to the platform by Governors
Roosevelt and Shaw. He spoke for an
hour and a half.
Senator Fairbanks reported the plat
form. It was adopted at 2:55, and at
3:13 the convention adjourned until
tonionow at 10 o'clock.
The New York delegation indorsed
Lieutenant-Governor Woodruff for vice
president last night, after a stormy
session lasting four hours.
Senator Hanna was quoted this morn
ing as saying that Roosevelt will not be
nominated. Later he said it depended
on Roosevelt's action, and this afternoon
is said to be very weak in his opposition
to Teddy.
Wieconsln last night declared for
Roosevelt for vice-president.
Jude Bartlett Tripp was withdrawn
from the vice-presidential contest in
favor of the rough rider.
At a late hour this afternoon Roosevelt
expressed impatience at Hanna's neu
trality in the vice-presidential contest,
and the inference may be drawn from
his remarks that he w ill accept if nomi
Long's boom for vice-president has
received considerable impetus by Cali
fornia's action in declaring for him.
Dolliver foicea are still confident.
Missouri has transferred its support
from Roosevelt to the Iowa man.
Oregon delegates will vote for Long
for vice-president.
The committee on credentials had an
all-night session, completing their labors
at 0 o'clock this morning, when a lively
fist flgtt between Texas delegates took
Wheat Take Another Jump,
Chicago, June 20. July wheat ful
filled last week's prophecies, and sold
81c today. The volume of business was
enormous, and there seems to be no
cessation to the buying orders. Serious
crop-damage reports are coming in from
everywhere, and the farmer in the mid
dle states who is fortunate enough to
save bis crop will undoubtedly get ranch
higher prices for it. The advance has
apparently only begun. There are many
traders yet outside of the market, and
when they come, as they surely will,
prices will materially advance under the
infiunence of their buying. Receipts at
primary markets were 6U.000 bbshels,
and shipments 350,000 bushels. The
world's visible supply of wheat decreased
1,500,000 bushels. Liverpool futures
closed ?4'd higher. Minneapolis and
Duluth received 351 cars of wheat, and
Chicago 101 care. San
December opened excited, at $1 WC't
I lO'.j and the noon session was strong,
at $1 12'4'. '
China I ltenniillle.
Bkri.i.n, Juno 20. "The responsibility
of the Chiueeo government for the recent
events," said a high olllcial of the for
eign office today, "is now clearly proved.
It has been ascertained that 10C0 Chinese
troops who deserted to the Boxers did so
under the direct orders of the Chinese
government. The promotion to the
highest positions of the notoriously anti
F.uropenn officials also points in the
same direction. This is a war of China
against all foreigners, including Germans,
and the point now is to go ahead vigor
ously, quickly and resolutely, no matter
what the final outcome may be."
A flood Coufti .Medicine.
It speaks well for Chamberlain's
Cough Remedy when druggists use it In
their own families in preference to any
other. "I have sold Chamberlain's
Cough Remedy for the past five years
with complete satisfaction to myself and
customers," savs Druggist J. Goldsmith,
Van Etten, N. Y. "I have always used
it in my own family both for ordinary
coughs and colds and for the cough fol
lowing U grippe, and find it very effica
cious." For sale by Blakeley A Houghton.
Business Settling Down to Normal Basis
Skirmishes Are Frequent, But Xot
Serious Kitchener's Narrow Escape
From Capture.
London, June 20. The war office has
received the following dispatch from
Lord Roberts :
"Pretoria, June 20. Hunter's advance
column occupied Krugersdorp without
opposition June 18.
"Methnen, who was escorting a large
convoy to Heilbron yesterday, routed a
force under Chrietain Dewet, who en
deavored to prevent him from entering
the little town. Methuen had only
three casualties.
"Baden-Powell left this city today on
his return to Rustenburg. The country
is quieting dawn in that direction. This
satisfactory state of affairs will be
materially assisted by the capture be
tween here and Rustenburg, June 19, of
two guns by Hutton's mounted infantry
from a body of the enemy under Com
mandant Duplessis.
"Railway and telegraphic communica
tion with Cape Town is now completely
restored. All is quiet here and at Johan
nesburg. The shops are open and the
market is daily becoming more crowded
and business-like."
London, June 20. Lord Roberts this
afternoon reported that General Hunter
had occupied Krugersdorp (west of Jo
hannesburg), without opposition, and
that General Methnen, on June 19,
routed a Boer force which was opposing
his entry into Heilbron and the Orange
River colony.
The silence of Lord Roberts since June
10 disposes some quarters to believe that
his line of communication has again been
cut, especially, as, according to the latest
news from the Orange river colony, the
Boers are known to be still hovering
about the railroad north of Kroonstad.
According to a Cape Town dispatch of
this date, General Kitchener had a nar
row escape from capture in the engage
ment at Leeuw Spruit on June 14. He
was sleeping in the repair train when It
was attacked, and many of the engineers
were captured. General Kitchener's
sleeping car was at Kopja's station, when
the Boers, under General Dewet sudden
ly opened tire at 3 a m. Kitchener man
aged to reach his horse and galloped to
Rhenoster, two miles distant.
The Boers numbered 900 men with
three guns. They destroyed the culvert
which had just been rebuilt, and de
railed the train. The Boers, who are
alleged to be hemmed in by General
Rundle, began shelling Ficksbnrg yester
day, June 19. It Is said they apprehend
that a force is marching on them.
Swung to Woodruff.
Philadelphia. June 19. Lieutenant
Governor Timothy L. Woodruff will be
presented to the national convention as
the candidate of New York for vice
president. It was decided to do this after
a four hour' stormy session of the New
York delegation, during which every
kind of appeal was made to get Governor
Roosevelt to say that he would accept
the nomination.
In general, the idea seems to be preva
lent that Secretary Long is the most fa
vored candidate, with a probability that
Roosevelt may still be nominated. Gov
ernor Roosevelt believes that his wishes
have been respected by his own delega
tion, and that he is finally out of the
Seymour lleni-hea I'ekln.
London, June 20. A news agenc dis
patch fiom Shanghai, dated June 20,
says :
"After an arduous nnrcli anil frequent
fighting with the Chinese, Vice-Admiral
Seymour arrived at Pekin Sunday after
noon. On live occasions) the Chinese at
tacked the column in great force. There
wera umiy mounted men among the
Chinese, but most of the natives were
badly armed. At times they fought with
admirable ronrago and bravery. The
losses of the Chinese during the march
are estimated f t 500 killed. The losses
of the foreigners were trifling.
A Sprained Ankle nulrklr Cured.
"At one time I suffered from a severe
sprain of the ankle," says Geo. E. Cary,
e litor of the Guide, Washington, Va.
"After using several well recommended
medicines without success, I tried
Chamberlain's Pain Balm, and am
pleased to say that relief came as soon
as I began its nse and complete cure
speedily followed-" Sold by Blakeley
A Houghton.
Clarke A Falk'f flavoring extracts are
the best. Ask your grocer for them.
Will Forgive all Filipinos Who Sur
render General MacAarthur Today
Issued a Proclamation Offering An
ncsty and Immunity to tbe Fighting
Washington, June 21. The war de
partment has made public the following
notice of amnesty, w hich was issued by
General MacA'thur today at Manila :
"Manila, June 21. By declaration of
the president of the United States, the
undersigned announces amnesty, witli
complete immunity for the past and abso
lute liberty of action for the future, to
all persons who now or have since Feb
ruary 4, 1899, been in insurrection
against the United States in either a
military or civil capacity, and who shall,
within a period ninety days from the
date hereof, formally renounce all con
nection with such insurrection, and sub
scribe to, a declaration acknowledging
and accepting the sovereignty and
authority of the United States in and
over the Philippine islands.
"The privilege herewith published is
extended to all concerned, without any
reservation whatever, excepting that
persons who have violated the rules of
war during the period of active hostilities
are not embraced within the scope of
this amnesty. All who desire to take ad
vantage of the terms herewith set forth
are requested to present themselves to the
commanding officer of American troops
at the most convenient station, who will
receive them with consideration accord
ing to rank, make provision for their im
mediate wants, prepare the necessary
records and thereafter permit each in
dividual to proceed to any part of the
archipelago according to his own wishes.
For which purpose the United States
will furnish such transportation as may
be available, either by railway, steam
boat or wagon.
"Prominent persons who may desire
to confer with the military governor, or
with the board of American con
missioner?, will, as far as possible, be
provided with transportation for that
purpose. In order to mitigate as much
as possible the consequences resulting
from the various disturbances which
since 1WIG, have succeeded each other bo
rapidly, and to provide in some measure
for destitute soldiers during the transi
tory period which must Inevitably suc
ceed peace, the military authorities of
the United States will pay 30 pesotos to
each man who presents a rifle in good
"Abtiiur MacArthuii,
"Major-General U. S. V Military Gov
ernor." l'owera May Awaken a Giant.
Philadelphia, June 21. In the opin
ion of Senator Davie, of Minnesota,
chairman of tbe senate committee on
foreign affairs, the situation in China is
even more grave than published dis
patches would indicate and may develop
into an international problem such as
the powers have not had to deal with in
many, years.
"No man can tell what will come out
of the present situation in China, said
Senator DbvIs. "I shall be agreeably
disappointed if the immediate conse
quence does not result in complications
which it will take years to straighten
out. Moreover, generations to come
may find that in awakening China the
western world has brought into exist
ence a giant which will insist upon tak
ing part in affairs at inopportune mo
menta. "That the powers are in a dilemma
which they would have been glad to
avoid, may be taken for granted. It,
seems inevitable that China will be par
titioned. C. rtainly tbe acting empress
would he dethroned. This canuut. he
dono w ithout a war, which will proba
bly repeat itself many times."
Catarrh ulinot lie Cured'
with local applications, as they cannot
reach the seat of tho disease. Catarrh
is a blood or constitutional disease, and
in order to cure it you must take inter
nal remedies. Hall's Catarrh Cure is
taken internally, and acts directly on
tho blood and mucous surfaces. Hall's
Catarrh Cure is not a quack medicine.
It was was prescribed by one of the best
physicians in this country for yee-s, and
is a regular prescription. It is composed
of the bust tonics known, combined with
the best blood purifiers, acting directly
on the mucous surfaces. The perfect
combination of the two ingredients is
what produces such wonderful results in
curing Catarrh. Send for testimonials,
F. J. Cheney A Co., Props., Toledo O.
Sold by drruggists, price 75c.
Hall's Family Pills are the best. 12
Rumor is Viewed With Suspicion, But
it Prompts the Mikado to Press the
Powers for Consent to Take More
Active Measures.
Yokohama, June 21. The reports of
the murder of loreigh ministers at Pekin
and of the death of Admiral Seymour al
though viewed with suspicion, have-
create a piofound sensation. The press
expresses the opinion that Japan must
with or without the consent of the powers,
adopt active measures. The naval and
military officers are very busy. Probably
the whole Hierosouia division, under
command of General Fukashima, will be
afloat within a few days.
Trie Russian cruiser Rurik has arrived'
here with the new Russian minister to
Japan and will leave for Taku today.
Shanghai, June 21. The British
destroyer Whiting, at Che Foo, reports
that nothing has been heard from Ad
miral Seymour's force for six days.
The French consul wires that the
British mission at Tsan Chow has been
looted and the missionaries conveyed to
an unknown place by a Chinese general.
Berlin, June 21. A semi-official dis
patch from Tokia, dated June 21, says
tlie Japanese consul at Shanghai con
firms the report that Vice-Admiral
Seymour has arrived at Pekin and with
members of "the diplomatic corps are
According to an official Japanese re
port from Che Foo, the foreign settle
ment at Tien Tsin was reduced to ashes
June 18.
Hono Kong, June 21. Reports have
been received here from Canton that,
owing to the representations of the
foreign consuls, Li Hung Chang has
consented to remain in Canton.
Scheme for Developing the Valley by
Means of Irrigation A Party From
Turner is Interested.
Silver Lake, Or., June 18. The cor
respondence In The Oregonian from Lake
county within the past six months has
attracted attention to this county, not
only from other states of the United
States, but from Western Oregon also.
Everywhere touriBts and prospectors are
traveling in large numbers and are ex
amining every foot of ground they pass
A party of eight, consisting otW.T.
Riches. 11. VV. Smith, Gilbern Riches,
C. H. Riches, J.'N. Robertson, Mel
Drake, Henry Barnum and J. A. Parker,
all of Turner, near Salem, are here now
investigation a water project.
A mountain a few miles across sepa
rates Silver and Summer lakes. At the
foot of the mountain, on the Si-mmer
take Bide, right in he midst of the sage
brush, a river rises up out of the sands.
It is not a branrh, creek or small stream,
but a river. Two hundred yards from
where it rises it will swim a horse,
Winter and Summer. Them are three
sources within 1(H) yards of each other.
Theso sinks are 100 to 200 feet across,
and the water, clear and pure as crystal,
shoots out as if driven by a terrific force
from beneath. The depths of the. sinks
have never been ascertained. The
streams from these sinks join in a few
hundred feet, and flow in a channel
called Anna river, to Summer lake.
Mr. W. S. Wheilon, caHbier of the
First National bank of Winters!, Iowa,
in a recent letter irives some experience
with a carpenter in his employ, that
ill tie of value to other mechanics.
He says: "I had a carpenter working
for me who was obliged to stop work for
several days on account of being trou
bled with diarrlm i. I mentioned to
him that I had been similarly troubled
and that Chamberlain's Code, Cholera
and Diarrhie Remedy had cured me.
He bonghtjit bottle of it from (he druggist
here and informed me that one dose
cured him, and he Is again at his work."
For sale by Blakeley A Houghton.
Why pay $ 1.75 per gallon f jr inferior
paints when yon can buy James E.
Patton'e sun prjof paints for f 1.50 per
gallon, guaranteed fur 5 years. Clark A
Falk, agents. I7