THE DALLES WEEKLY CHRONICLE, WEDNESDAY. JUNE 20. 1900. A Grocer Says I fntr everybody in Bellevne, Ohio, Inows U. B. Lallufbttu, the grocer. 1 ant in his cm ploy, and am about as i I .veil known . grocery U a place where you hare cold justs of wind coming .n every time the door opens, and there ia a good deal of running about out-f-doors too. catch cold very often, but the minute I begin to sneeze 1 reach upon tlie shelf and take a dose of Acker's Eng lish Kemedy. I tell you it is wonderful how quickly it stops a cough or cold. I have used it myself, and in my fam ily tor a number of years, it works like a charm. I suppose mime of the folks would have run into consumption before this if I had neglected to keep a bottle ready all the time for immediate use. I wouldn't think of using anything else for throat and lung troubles. I know what Acker's Remedy actually iioes. so what sense is there in ex perinienting? Certainty is better than chance." (Signed) Johs Horr. Bold at Utc.. .W and tl a bottle, through out the United States and Canada : and in England, at Is. 2d., 2s. 3d., 4s. 6d. If you are not satisfied after buying, return the bottle to your druggist, and get your money oacx. We authorise the atone ffuaraniff. W. H. liMKUi is CO., Propriaan, Act J'ark, FOR BALE BY Blakeley & Houghton. PKOPH IOC ALL, KNOW. Saturday s Daily. Pat Conroy, of Grade, ia a guest of the c mat ilia House. J. II. Probst arrived in today from i aonna, Crook connty. i. M. and b. Is. Driver were in town last night fioui Wuruiu. Bert Stranaban is registered at the linatilla Hoose from Hood River. Fred Smith, a well-known resident of Beaver creek, Crook county, is in the city. Jndite Mars returned home today from attend in,- the meeting of the pioneers nt x ortlanu yesterday. Alex, E. Mcintosh and daughter, of ranlica, urook connty, are in town, the guests ot the European House. MiesCassie Thonrlmrn, of Kingaley, came to town yesterday to attend the closing exercises at St. Mary's Academy Dick 13 inkle, eon of Ike Hinkle, who owned a (arm near Xingsley In the 80s, arrived in town today with a load of wool from I zee. Rev. Robt. Warner was a passenger on the Uoldendale etsge this morning where he goes to hold services in the M. t,. church tomorrow. Lem Burgess, of Antelope, returned here last night from Rosehiirjf, where Lis wife bad accompanied him to spend a number of weeks visiting friends. Mrs. C. L. Gilbert was a passenger on he Dalles City this morning for Hood River. Miss Maud accompanied her in order to spend Sunday at that place. Mies Daisy Allaway, who Is now pro fessor of English literatnre in the Drain normal school, arrived here yesterday and will spend her summer vacation in Tbe Dalles. Mrs. Martin Wing, Mrs. Chas. Keys and family, Mrs. C. E. Hayjrard and Mrs. George Phillips were passengers on the boat this morning for Cook's Land ing op a fevv weeks' outing in the mount ains, Xioaday a Dalit'. 1 Frank AUrich, the Goldendale wheat buyer, was in town today. , Dr. Pilkington, of Ante'ope, is regis tered at the Umatilla House. W. H. Resvis left on the Regulator tbia morning for California. Brigadier-General Charles King was passenger on the Regulator tbia morn ing for Portland. Dr. II. Burchtorf, of Burns, was a paecenjer on the Regulator thjs morn ing for Portland. Arthur Chapman, s furniture dealer of Goldendale and ex-treasnrer of Klickitat county, ia in the city on his way to Portland. Rev. C. P. Bailey went to Portland this morning to be piesent at the per formance of a surgical operation on till ton for serious lung trouble, Mr' anJ Mrs. John End were in town today from Wauiic. Mr. End fays the graia crop in his neighborhood this year, will be the largest ever harvested. G. V. Miller will leave in the morning for St. Martin's Springs, where he will be joined by hia family towards the end of the week and they will proceed to Ocean Park for the cummer. J. Insley Huston, of the Crook County Journal, arrived here by stage today from Prineville on his way to attend the district convention of the Woodmen of World at La Grande on the 2Uth. Mrs. J. A. Henderson , who has been visiting for a few days with the family of Mr. H. W. Wells, returned on the Regulator this morning to her heme in White Salmon. Alex. Mcintosh, who has been the U . a I V L-l a iiuvn. . if I i 1 V, T gnest of the European House for the past three or lonr daw, left today for hia home at Paulina, Crook county. He waa accompanied by hia daughter, Miss Katy, who ia on her way home from at tending the sisters' school at Portland. Tuesday i Dally. Mrs. John Perry, of Whit Salmon, ia yie'uing in tbe city. Mrs. George A. l.iebe was a passenger on the btav tbia morning for Portland. Charlie Frank and hia "wife" left this morning for few days' fishing in Fifteen-Mile creek. Frank McFarland, a former resident of this city, passed through town today on hia way to Heppner. Report baa it that Mr. McFarland recently acquired aome lands in Southern California that1 have proved to be in the center of very licb oil belt. Miaa Nona Francisco was passenger on the Regulator this morning en a visit to friends in Portland. Mr. and Mrs. Jod Fish and children were passengers on tha Dalles City tbia morning for Ly!e, Wash. A. M. Kelsay took passage on No. 1 today for Heppner, from whence he goes on a bukineee trip to Cinyon City. Mrs. Bazoni, daughter of A'ex. Mc Leod, of tbia city, waa a passenger on the Iralda this morning on ber w.ay home to San Francisco. Miet Pafence Cooper, who baa been visiting the family of I). J. Cooper, left on the Dalles City this morning for her home in Independence. George Anderson Mrs. Nellie Pierce, John Anderson and Miss Nettie Ander son were passengers on the Dalles City this morning on a few weeks' outing at I rout Lake. James Fitzpatrick, formerly of Salt Springe, now of Lostio allowa conn' ty, was in town today on his way to V. mic to visit hia granddaughter, Mrs Henry Driver. Mre. P. Robinson, who has been viv ting with the family of Frank Gunning, left on this morning's boat for Mosier to spend a few days with her parents, Mr and Mrs. Louie Davenport, before re turning to her home in Portland. Leon Hunting and W. J. Hosford, of Moro, lessees of the Collins hot springs, were passengers on thia morning'e boat for Collins Lauding, where they go to prepare the springs for summer camp ers. Their Intention is to have every thing in readiness by July 1st. INSURE AGAINST DECAY. Detraction or Wood by Dry Jtot and Vermin Prevented. From tbe Morning Orcgonian.J "Inoculation with vaccine saves the human body from the ravages of small pox. Inoculation with carbolineum avenariua aavea wood from the ravages of climate, vermin and resultant decay." This ia the terse way in which prom inent Oregon farmer expressed bis opin ion of carbolineum avenaric '. and bis enthusiasm was certainly warranted. Thia wonderful wood preservative has never failed to fulfill tbe promises of its German inventor since he first manu factured it some thirty years ago, whether applied to the timbers of some vast creation like a bridge or ocean vessel, or used to vitalize and preserve the humble fence post. Briefly stated, every wooden article exposed to climate or the depredations of wood-destroying vermin should be sale- guarded with carbolineum avenarius. The word "inoculation" employed by the farmer qnoted above aptly expresses the effect of the compound. It veritably inoculates the article treated from sur face to center, instead, ae in the case with ordinary paint, of merely covering the outside. Dry rot fungus, to which the fence posts, hop poles, house pinning?, etc., coming in contact with damp coil, are bound eventually to suc cumb, will not destroy these structures n twenty years, as has been abjolutely proved, if subjected to carbolineum avenarius treatment. This preparation not only eaves wood from noxious parasites, but it also pre serves wheat, in granaries treated, from weevils (without elevating the structure, as Iirs been suggested, on stilts), poul try, in coops trt.ated, from lice; cattle and sheep, in (bed treated, frotu Insects and diseasp, and residents of houses treated from 0 -as. bedbugs and onte. Carbo!iueuru aven&rlua does even more than this. o fatal is its effect on insect life and so far-reaching, it even seeks out and destroys the microscopic germs of disease which prey on human ity, and stops the spread of contagions disease. Knowledge of this virtue has led to its use in hospitals and on the pavementa of London by the advice of prominent physicians who claim the preparation is an antiseptic of great value in preserving health. Already extensively used and ap proved in Pacific coast cities for public and private structures, carbolineum avenariua ia certain to be employed by the sagacious farmer of the Northwest when a tingle trial has proved its merits Snd effectiveness. Editou's Notx The Pacific coast agent for caibolineum avenarius ia Fisher, Thomsen &, Co, Portland, Or., and can be purchased from Joa. T, Petera & Co., The Dalles. All who suffer from piles will be glad to learn that DeWitt'a Witch Hazel Salve will give them instant and per manent relief. It will enre eczema and all akin dieeasea. Beware of counter feits. One Second-Hand Hack. One 3 1-2 Bain Header Wagon. JVIaieF & Benton For uk Alt allots Tygh Vailcy, Or., June l, 1S00. EntTOB Ciieosicle: I hand you herewith a notice to horse owners that I hope yon will publish at the earliest opportunity, for I deem the matter of very great Importance to every owner of a horse In tha county. I am advised by tbe atate veterinarian that mange ia highly contagioua disease. He recommends as treatment that 1'4 pounds of aulphur and l'j pounda of nnslacke 1 lime be boiled in a gallon of water aud daily applications made. Or any good sheep dip used at Cve times its strength for sheep, Anyone can readily see that if thia disease shouid get well scattered among the work and saddle horses of the county, and the infection got into the public and private stables, it would be a tack of giant proportions to ever get entirely rid of it again. By united effort now it can be eradicated, and the effort must be made, and made r.OT. Any delay only makes the matter worse. I would request that every person knowing of cases cf tbia disease woald at once inform me confidentially of ita w hereabouts and who the owners of the horses are, or what brands they carry. A. A. Box.ney. OWNEBS Or riOBSES TAKE NOTICE. Information having been filed in my office that numerous cases of mange among horses now exist in Wasco county, I hereby notify all persons hav ing horses so ahiicted to immediately remove said horses frorr the public range and to keep them separate and apart from all other horses not so at tid ed, and to immediately treat said afflict ed horses for a care of said disease. And any and all persona owning or hav ing in hia or their possession horses dis eased with mange, who refuse or neg lect to take heed of this notice and re move said horses from danger of contact with other healthy stock, will be dealt with according to laws made and pro vided to cover such cases. A. A. Bossev, Stock Inspector for Wasco Co., Tvgh Vallev, June 18, 1900. J19-4tw News la Very Meager. New Yokk, June 13. A dispatch to tbe Tribune from London says: News rom South Africa was very meager at midnight. The opinion prevails at Cape Town that tbe Delagoa Bay communira tions will be cut off speedily and the war be brought to a close. There have been many untrustworthy rumors about secret expeditions toward Komatipoort, but there has been no definite informa tion that any movement of this kind is in progress through Swaziland. Lord Roberts' own plan of campaign seems to involve complete separation of the Free State and Transvaal forces by the oc cupation of the railway between Johan nesburg and Laing's Nek, which will probably be captured this week. Press dispatches indicate that no ad vance has been made from Volksrust to ward Ermelo, and that there has been no change in the situation in the Free state. General Rundle's division is skirmishing with the commandos, but only insignificant outpost affairs are re potted, with some artillery firing near Fickshurg. The ministerial crisis at Cape Town is believed to be at an end, and Sir John Gordon Sprigg is reported to have re ceived assurances from Mr. Schrenier's group which will enable him to enter office. A Tnoaaand Toujoea Could not express the rapture of .Annie E. Springer, of 1125 Howard St., Phil adelphia, Pa., when she found that Dr King's New Discovery for Consumption had completely cured her of a backing cough that for many rears had made liie a burden. All other remedies and doctors could give her no help, but she says of this Royal Care "It soon re moved the pain in my chest and I can J now eieep soundly, sometuinj; I can scarcely remember doing before. I feel like sounding its praises throughout the universe." So will every one who tries Dr. King's New Discovery forany trouble of the throat, chest or lungs. Trice 50c and 1. Trial bo'.tle free at Blakeley & Houghton's drug store; every bottle guaranteed. 5 Mr. W. S. Whedon, cashier of the First National bank of Winterset, Iowa, in a recent letter gives some experience with a carpenter in his employ, that will be of value to other mechanics. He says: "I had a carpenter working for me who waa obliged to stop work for several days on account of being trou bled with diarrheal. I mentioned to him that I had been similarly troubled and that Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhtrpi Remedy had cured me, He bonghta bottle of it from the druggist here and informed me that one dose cured lum, and he is again at hia work." For sale by Blakeley A Houghton. rrj'i"3r preparations simply deveV op dry catarrh ; they dry np the secretions, which adhere to the membrane and deeonr pose, catiNing a far more fterious trouble than the ordinary form of catarrh. Avoid all dry. ing inhalants, fumes, smokes and anuria and tine that which cleanses, soothes and henla. Ely's Cream Balm is snch a remedy and will core catarrh or cold in the head easily and pleasantly. A trial size will be mailed for 10 cents. All druggist sell the GOc. ize. F.Iy Brothers. f.O Warren W., N.Y. The Bulrn cures without pain, does nut irritate or eaane sneezing. It spreads itaelf over an irritated and anprry surface, reliev ing immediately tbe painful inflammation. With Ely's ('renin iialm yon aro armed against Kaaal Catanh and Hay Fever. 1 ATTORNEY AT LAW, T II K, OREGON OH c ovei F'rat Nat. Bum. H.m.: PICNIC AT EIGHT MILfc. -fwwwww ww O U IXLiilUiN S Friars to B far tk Yarloas Bates at tha School Fwmf Friday, the td. First Race for girls, 5 to 10 years ; prize. large doll, donated by the Jacob sen Book & Music Co. Second Race for girla, 10 to lo years; prize, toilet case, donated by Blakeley 4 Houghton. Third Race for boys, 5 to 7 years; prize, penknife, donated by Mays A Crow. Fourth Race for boys, 7 to 12 years ; prize, a suit of clothes, donated by Pease j A Mays. Fifth Race for boys, 12 to 18 years; prize, a Cthinj pole given by W. A. Johnston. Sixth Free for all race for girl, 5 to 16 years; prize, a pair of shoes, by New York Cash Store. Seventh Free for all race for boys, 5 to 25 years; prlz. a book, by Supt. Gilbert. Eighth Wheelbarrow race; prize, a penknife, by Maya fc Crowe. Ninth Sack race; prize, a barmon ica. by I. C. Nkkelsen. Tenth Fat man'e race; prize, eoove nir of National Editorial Association donated by Sheriff Robt. Kelly. Eleventh Nail-driving contest for ladies; prize, a box of note paper, by Clarke & Falk. Twelfth Pie-eating contest for boys; prize, a handsome handkerchief, by II. C. Nie'aen. Thirteenth Egg race for girls ; prize a hat, donated by A. M. Williams & Co. Fourteenth Running broad jump, for boys; prize, a hat from A. M. Will iama & Co. Fifteenth Tag of war by tbe schools ; prize, Bilver ink stand, by C. F. Steph ens. Sixteenth Pitching horse shoes; I box of candy, by teachers. Sevecteenth Three-legged race; prize a harmonica. Colombia Southern Warehouse. At Shaniko the Columbia Southern Railway Co. controla SOxlOO feet of the Shaniko warehouse building, to he used as a freight warehouse, through which they will receive and forward freight in the usual manner. The impression that all business must be done through for warding houses is an erroneous one and we take this means of dispelling it. Freight received and held twenty-fonr hoars will be turned over to a forward ing bouse subject to the order of the consignee. The rate on wool in sacks or ia bales from Shaniko to The Dalles is 25 cents per 100 pounds. For rates or other information call on or address C. E. Lytle, G. F. & P. A., or Geo. F. Ross, Agent, Shaniko, Or. 1 Itnbbed the Grave. . A startling incident, of which Mr. John Oliver of Philadelphia, wag the subject, Is narrated by him as follows: "I was in a most dreadful condition. My skin was almost yellow, eyes eunken, tongue coated, pain continually in back and sides, no appetite gradually grow ing weaker day by day. Three physi cians had given me up. Fortunately, a triend advised 'Electric Bitters' ; and to my great joy and surprise, the first bottle made a decided improvement. I Continued their use for three weeks, and am now a well man. I know they saved my life, and robbed the grave of another victim." No one should fail to try them. Only SOc, guaranteed, at Blnkeley & Houghton's drug store. 5 GOING EAST. . If you intend to take a trip East, ask your ticket agent to route yon via The Great Wabash, a modern and up-to-date railroad in every particular. Through trains from Chicago, Kansas City, Omaha or St. Louis to Xew York and New England points. All trains run via Niagara Falls andvery through train has free reclining chair cars, sleep ing and dining cars. Stop over allowed on all tickets at Ni agara Falls. Ross C. Cline, Pacific Coast Pass. Agt Los Angeles, Calif. C. S. Chase, G. P. A., St. Louis, Mo. Starvation never yet cored dyspepsia. Persons with indigestion are already half starved. They need plenty ol wholesome food. Kodol Dyspepsia Cure digests what you cat so the body can be nourished while tho worn out or gans are being reconstructed. It is the only preparation known that will in stantly relieve and completely enre all stomach troubles. Try it if yon are suffering from indigestion. It will cer tainly do yon good. Small In size and great in results are DeWitt'a Little Early Risers, the fa monft little pills that cleanse the liver and bowels. They do not gripe. ONE FOB A DOSE. Tt!ina Pimp!., Prm V' ""'jnms I'M 1 f, thrHlnnd, PILLS ... ti".iii n.Mi'!lifpi.1nt ti JjR. X. K. FICKGl ftO.f, 1'liysician and Surgeon, Office, Vogt Block (over PostnflW), 2fiaplmadw THE DALLES, ORF.IOS. Chicken Lies GoBpreL USE Carbolineum : Avenarius. The nwl efficient W ood Preerv!n I'Hiiit also a Kadjcal Hi-uiedy aualn'-t t bk-aeu Lie, iu ai.plioation to in ide nail l poultry huue mil j-r-nmueully exterminate all lice. -ault healthr ehUi. P enty of etm. M rite for eirculara aud piieea. .Mention tliu paper. Jos.T. Peters & Co., THE DALLES. OREGON. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. USD Ornca it Vakcocvr, wh.,J Jiuv 16. 1MU. I v.tif Iii hrn-hr riven that tbe fullowln named 'ttlr have lile-1 notieeof tbeir Intention i,, makr liual Droof In nunport of that mid proof will be made beii-ru the rwrier aui receiver oi ine i . n- im wuji.. . ver, Vah., on July 6, VMO, vu: George " HaDfnrd, who made H. E. No. 9,). for the N',' SK r :;. and SK SW See . To a N. R U E, W. if who iiamea the following witnemee to prove hit eontinuoua renideuce upon and cultivation, of ttiid land, viz: Hai-kin Trabtie. Christian Pieckson, Thomai M. Whitcoino, idwara A. Hopper, all o: i.yie Wash. Chrlnttan DleckaoD, wno maae ii. t. io. ior iur X4 E', feW'i, te 10, Tp 8 N, R 12, W. M., who names the following witnesfe to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of aid land, viz: Haskin Trabue. John Paulfcen. James Fit2 George H. Banford, ail of Lyle, Washington. Uaatln Trabue, who made H. E. No. 9NT6, for the S'i SW'f, Sec .1, and N' j N Sec 10, Tp 3 N, K 12 E, tt . M., who names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of said iHnu, viz: Christian Delekson, Thomas M. Whitenmb, neotge U. baulord, James r'itz, all of I jle P. V, Vtasb. may23-l VT. R. DUNBAR, Register. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Land Ornci at Vancouvib. Wash.,) April 30, 1900. Notice is hereby given that the following named settler has hied notice ot his inten tion to make final proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will be made before vt. u. fresoy, umteu states uouimissioner lor HlFtiiet of VVashingtou, at hia oilice in Uoldeu- dale, V)ah..on rriday, June J, l'JOO.viz: Deitrich H. Stegman, devisee of Dietrich btegman, deceased ; Homestead Entry No. 87W, for the southwest U ni section M, towushtp 3 north of range 11 east. vt in. Mer. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon ana cultivation o: sum iana, viz: Manuel 8. Ieonar(lo. of Grand Dalles P. O. Wash.: Herman Kngelke. William Wilkinson, oi t eutervllle r. (., n ash., ana vt 1111am Crawford of Uraud Dulles V. o.. Wash. W. R. DUNBAR. may2-i Register. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Linb Om k at Vancouver, Wash. ( June 4. I'll Ml. ( Notice Is hereby given thut the following- nnmeil settler bus filed notice of his intention to malic hnul proof in support of his claim, and that SHid proo! will be made before W. It. I'resby, I luted states Commissioner for District ol Washington, at his olliee in (loldendale, Wash ington, on .uoiiuay, juiy 10, i:h.v, viz: John Watson, Homestjed Entry No. 9.712, for the south half of the southeast quarter of section , townships in in, ui iniiKe ensv, .1 111. ,.ier. He mimes the following witne-Fcs to nrovc his eontinuoua residence upon, and cultivation of said innd, viz: I harks fctrnnbe, William Wilkinson, James . iwtiy, rairica iiaggcrty, all ol Centervilie, O., Wash. W. It. DUNB AR, 11116 1 Register. NOTICE.FOR PUBLICATION. Land Ornca at Vancouver, Wash ,( May 17, l!ii. j Notice is hereby given that the fnlloivintr named settler has tiled notice of hia Intention to make final proof in support of his claim, and that s tid proof w ill be made before W. M. I'resby, United States Commissioner, nt (IoUIimhIhI,, on July 0, liKjo, viz: Aaahel K Ollar, who made H. E . E. No. !WCi, for the fractional W.: 0, Tp N, R l:i E, and BEJi of N E!4, NWJ, Kecm Sec -5, Tp 3, N R 12 E, W. M He names the following witnesses to i,mv hi. continuous residence upon, and cultivation ol anid laud, viz: Hubert A. htrnuthers, Chris E. Frnnzcn, Will lam (iarner, John Kute. all of I.vlu P. n . Washington. W. R. DUNBAR. ra3"'I Register.. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. Notice is hereby iriven that thu inianmii.,. by an order of the County Court of the Mate of Oregon lor Wasco County, has been appolr ted administrator of the estate of Helen Bradford deceased. All persons having claims against the estate of said deceased are ni titled to pre sent them, with the proper vouchers, to me at Hood River, Oregon, wilbiu six months from the date of thia notice. Dated Slay 15, l'.iou. . l'CT F. Bradford, Administrator of thm l.'ut,.t ..t 11..1.... 1, 1 -- -- - - h.u v. IILILI! J I I (IH ' ford, Deceased. iu.i ADMINISTRATOR'S SALE. Notice is hereby given that under ami by virtue of an order of the rniinlv rn.irl of Clackamas county, Oregon, made and entered on the L'Hlh dav ol May, 1900, I will oiler for sale, at private sale, from aud after the 7th day of July, 1900, for cash in hand, all the right, title and In terest of the estate of Walter Fish, de ceased, in and to lot 12 in block 18, Langhlin'i Addition to Dalles Citv, Wasco county, Oregon. Fbkdeuick Bardos, Administrator of the estate of Walter Fish, deceased, OllVra received by Attorneys for Ad ministrator, J. T. Whalley, Pipes t Tillf, Portland, Or. j i ' MORO '.HORSE SALE AT AUCTION June lfith I will have a band of about 100 head of horses, bred up In Civile, dale, in Moro, broke and cubroke.'from Ui)0 pounds weight down to anckling colts, which I wish to sell at private sale in the forenoon, and at auction sale In the afternoon. Terms On all sums of 10 or less, cash. Over l(l, bankable notes paya- November 1, 1900, or ten per cent oil for cash. N. K. MoFI'lTT. I also have a good No. 2 Hodge header for sale, with two 20-foot boxns. Only run one season and in good order. Yuti can get this cheap for cash. Physician and Surgeon, Special attention given to surgery. Rooms 21 and 22, Tel. Xn Vogt Block J)K. V. T. RVIITII, ' Osteopath. Room, m.nrl II, Chapman Block, The Dalles, Oregon. Tuesdaa iituf r rldaya,sa. m. to IJ. inaylH-iin J IS THE riRCPlT COURT Of Ttr. J of Oregon, fur Wbc County. THE ti i I vi Haitingm, Plaintiff, 5 Donald U. Hasting. Defer.,'.,.,. I Jn Donald M. Uiuting., the ahnv. i. In the Nam of the8tateof hereby required to arir !!"" Ton ... the court for the relief praveri i i. , u. !! plaint, to-wtt: for a decree of rti. e tne said defendant, $ 'root Thia summons is aerred upor VfJ. Mod, by order of the court, ft Hibb. of June, which said orr summons be served upon a h. U-j thereof for six eonaecutive w'-ei, in i'L"1' aaid W asco county; that thaTst 'f1 be made on theCHi dav of June ii.?uU"'ii tha defendant be required to anil, tint the complaint on or before the lvh a " ' P.SX), id date being , las, Jo" prescribed for the mid publication " Oae The date of the first publication Tof im. mouj la June 6, l'jw. . 01 "a sa. w- H. tviisos jt Attorney for p; iiatit NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Timber Ltnd, Act June 3, 1878. Th Daixas, Ob., Atr i" i Notice la hereby given i. -V .-t with tbe provisions of tbe act i rra!'"i June 3, 1S7S, entitled An act forth, i"","8? " ber lands In the atatea of t Vi oru Uo Nevada and Washington Territory" ' 0r"11' William K. Ketchom. of The Dallea, County of Wasco, dtate of o has this day filed in this offee hi T.wi,?"'' ment , No. K,9, for the purchase of the wiL vl? and N $ KEo! Section No. :y i,?' rVl Xo. 11 h.. W. Si., and .ill oHcr p,oJ to?,! that the laud sonant ia more , timber or stone thau for arir.i., ., ie. ' " " aud to esUblish his claim to said l.nd Is-IS I lallea, Oregon, ou " " Saturday, tha 23d day or June, isoo He names aa witnesses: J n i:,.i. . ' chum, Joseph lianna and Wliiam Bwmi, !?i of Tbe Ualles, Oretton. "Pencer, m Any and all persona claimin? adverselv th. above-described anas are i,uJ f. y. JunSI'l iw.lhU mee OU ' 'mU A' aprH-mw-1 JAY P. LUCAS, RegUte,. CONTEST NOTICE. Department or tiik l.iTtR'oa , Umtkh Ktatek I.anp hkfu'e ! Ths Iiali.ks, Ok., .May l.v pjoo t A stifficlent contest affidavit havin. hivTi,.. In this ortice by iu S. Alexander, eouttaSt na-alnst bixnestead entry No. 5777, nmde Mrii lNNi, for of iii,4, sec. 6, tp. 1 n, ran'nf n. by John T. rt'rlRht, coutestee in which Tl. J leed that said John T. Wright h" whoily abandoned said tract, and changed his resident therefrom for more than six months ilDccmit ing said entry, and next prior to date- ind" that Ihe absence of defendant fiom said tiwt ii not due to his employment In the miittart or naval service of tbe L'ulteri Mbit are hereby uotitled to appear, respond anduffcr evidence tonchiiiK suM alU-itation at 10 oclofk ...... .... u, ii, ueiure me Ki-Bifr and Receiver at the L nited hiitp Ian. I i tl. Dalles, Oregon. The said contestant havinr. In a nmw .?r,,i. vlt, tiled May 15, lir.o. set forth facts uhl.n show that alter due diligence personal seivlec ol Hi! notice can not be made, it is herein- .r,t..r,i ,,n directed that su( h notice be given by due ml proper publication. 'f t JAV V. LUCAS, Register. Guardian's Sale. Notice Is herebv iriven that nnranant tnslt. cense and order of sale made ai d issued to me as guardian of the persons aud estate of Leni M.mjio and Garlield Moore, minors, br the Jotinty Court of the Mate of Oregon for Win :ounty on tbe 6th day of June, I will, on he 21st dny of Inly, l'.HD. at the court hisin door In Dallea City, at the hour of 2 o'elork a. of said day. sell to the highest biilih-r for cash 111 band, all of the Interest of said mlnon in anil to tho real property hereinafter de sciibed: said Interest being a conting-nt tc sevenths Interest in and to the V, of the Bi tho 6K'i of the and j)t 4 of .See. 14, nil Lota 1 and 2 of Sec. 1", and that certain parcel of land bounded as follows Commencing it i staae on Hie north line of the ictor Iretitt Donation Land Claim, where it crosses a ditch: thence in a southerly direction across the bot tom on the line of the present fetice sti roili: thence west HO rods: thence northwest Rilrodi. thence along said line so Insis. to the plica of beginning, being a r-art of the Victor Trerlt Donation Land Claim, in Hec. II. all snid lands being In Tp. 1 N. R 1:1 K. W. M. Aisoa like in- terest In and to Uit 1-', aud Kl'-1-, feet oil the wett side of Lot 11 in block Oof LauKliliu's Blufl Ad- ltion lo Dalles city, or. lea City, Or. HOMER V. MOOItK.Cluardiati. JSIIl NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Land Okfu e at ViNcorvitR, Wih.,l May 11, l!w. I Notico ia herebv given that the follewlnr inieil settler has rik-d notieeof his Intention to make final proof In support of his claim, ind hat said proof will be niaik' before W. II. FresC!'. 1'nlleil Htntca fomiiilHslmier for l)llri't oi Washington, at Ilia ollii e in Uoldendale, Wish., on Saturday, June;', Usui, viz: Gears U. Lindsay, Homestead entry, No. WJ9, for theSW.'i o(S li, Tp8, N ot K 13 E, W. M. He mimes the following witnesses to prove his eontinuoua residence upon and cultivation of aaid land, viz: ... . John (. McDonald, of llnrtland P. "., "" Wcndelln Ia-IiII. lioldenaale P. o., Wash.; Jn C. Berry, llnrtland 1J. ((..Wash.; Thotnii i. Drlpps, Hartlund 1'. ()., Wash. mayai 1 ;W. R. DCNBAR, Register. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Land Office at Vafcoi viir. Wish.,) Mitv 21, l'.k). .. f Notico la hereby given that Ihe f""T' anied settlera have II It-.i nonce oi men " tion to make final proof In supp '' 1: aim and that snid pris'is will be inane ; W. II. Fresby, I nited tilatea Cninnii .Inner Im trlft ol W sslilnirt .11. at his olliie In ooiircu dale, ash., Monday, July V, l'.xJ, viz: Henry Vearhel, Hoinestead entry No. Bills, for the t "'.; !, Tp. 4 N, K II K, W. M, who names m" ng wltnessea to prove ills ronll'iinnn tesiu"' ipon ntid cultivation of said bind. v':; ionn .Manuel i.ckiiiihio, v. iinam .n. "" " ...iie ulllgim, Krnnela U Bunnell, all "1 tenteruiw ()., Washington. rrancla I.. Wiiniiell. ' omestea.1 Kntiy No. 10 I.T, tor the traction W' '' r-en-7. 1. 8N. R U .' ...1 Cii nls amea the following wltnews n tn " uiiotis residence iisin and cultivitloitoi ""Vlz:'. , ., .itt..ii.Jolin Miinuei Leonarno, imam n. ,,1, e. nlllgaii. Henry Veai kcl, all of leiiterMne ., Washington. W. R. DI NISAB. '""" TIMBER CULTURE FINAL n.w" NOTICE FOR PUBLIC ATI0. l fl. Lasd Ornt-r, VAircorvr.Wjl'l Notice Is he:eby given Hint M'.r' y l. II. Hti gnian, ber nttoriiey n ia : w!on lien 01 intention u V .i mer 1 . II I'r.-sl.v. I'lilled Htntes Coinniil' ' . Khtrlctof Wailngloii, at his ot.i" - . . ale, Wahliigton, on Irlday, ' in N- may2 I EXECUTOR'S NOTICE. Nolle Is herehv given as lMen Uul y a' apiaiii iff ' he state of Oregon, enecni'" ... utor of the ml t.-stament of rivallne Kvans, - - toi r.vanne r.v"- ,, All persona having claims .nltv" of the aaid K.vallne Kvans are ner J'J u 1 present the same lo lilin, po'i" lhm si y law re.,.ilrfd, a-Mosier, Oregon. " fitilhs fiom Hie data herefif. Dated this l.,tli day ot FVAMj, Kxeeutor of tha last Will' and I",,,71','," II valine Kvans, deceased. plaint filed agaiuat you In tb. uf ou or befor tha lx;h day of j tT'r U:1 if you do not, for wlt thereof the ,i' tt take judgment against faiatiif June, nam, on 1 miner -cunun ' N 1 in 211;, for the northeast quarter of " "'''' v ii township No. 2 north, range V. M ' . Hhe names as wllnona-s: Miiiniel . i- U(i off, rand Dallea I'. O., Wash.: Hem " rv,.. Wllllsiii Wilkinson, of Centervllle " ,, 0,( mid William Crawfoid, of riin 1 Wash. W. R. I'l n',,,p.r. I