THE DALLES WEEKLY CHRONICLE. WEDNESDAY. JUNE 20. 1900. The Weekly Chronicle. f,S cctven- ;cx;j l-4 jr tett tf tLe steel and Kt.ill.iai feat. z z dele'ites to '.be -a is r.' tf tin patty t Kirs City. ii-'A per cent ',1 the p-irc-a. Tie tff - i,.vtr rer-l.i.ri-s t-il j Cv;ienl:c-c" 15 IVttlan 1, TiMELY WARNING. I or l.r (wm aa4 Wmh a Ik. F.rM K..rea. --v -5 i.-iIt r. v iK:n.n.! - . .. ,3 5 or '- -? i-jti v . Trf 1 .lit ii K2a? Cr.te l-A 2.9 3 t- 1 IXLTQ mCJSS OS THE CS1TEI- Tbe fc :r 4 article U frets tie -Ccrre?p:i.e:,cIa de Pterto Rao" c-f Apr:! i. li-M'. It is interesting ia tbat it the ws bow cur tew wards fstniptLe political J f'r:i;-5 t tBc:r.i9 frett j-irtles ca tLe i.k; a: v i'.ur.icil ly j-st. tc . r, and te of -ar pointed every -s.lvtr ic;" ia the state U cv'-'.d tLitk cf kloi-t tblrty as .idriVt. and Terkl of tiec are net -sUver re pul linns." WU ft tit:enr. farce tLe pretended -siiver reritHc-an" party is, aayway tLe tie fcxroris from U.e Un.ted Stale to: P.tto lltco, Hiwair, tLe IT.:i-t Prrr. Or., Jate 13, 1X0. Lnc rtiai Ai the dry eeisoa it bo ij;i:.e ar.3 Mmoan wi leacu , I5.0'.' ... ia tbe tif.ll year C&!t Land, atsd Iart fiie r lib 13 .la lilj EOlth, Uiii tiirt-e tia oecor tifiOf!! crc c tbo .... . . . Aa.i-:r .Mir t nr? 11 a f.t Iirzer U-in ia 1?.'. 1-u sooo f C'a-i ?a c'M c'l tie !tal:on of; Th Sti'iUr ! OJ Coxrftoo til i ' ectit:J "An Act to ! m J tie- Laj iiCTe.i ia ctitl to iK''.'V ,('. TLls !xA i.U ft L: coaitg; i Uiua two f it U trtsa. : PrTct F -,ret F:ri ia tb Pablic I ! Utiti Ma1 dli'.rfct court cf tie Affer:cn ttcuftn;rt3 Ku'.Ltia dii'.rkt cf Ne York, Lu tliC Tftlue of 1 ,: ,'0 re tL:prJ ttt pirty or prtie, I oSVrr revtrd of I Ltidt 1 iV.ts in :cioa ia tie .ftt, to fciti;a c-ccctrie list April m.n. rUici.; i.J erMeoct fccieot to rrtt Tti cf JtLa IL Gotlz 4 Co. rs. tl a rtccr J-breiker, L 5:til .Vit?. ID blc!i b OtT.iiItj lL tr'.T cf I':;s xx':, lLt -Tlr cxf: cf tL dtit- tie ibitu cf tLe lc;.:; cf l'orto ocrvs. c-r v.r siiJ, cf Mr. Bryr. Dico is tUl cf itLibltstU cf s f r- f:-r aa iz.-iTit ' ctls'c c':rtult:oc. At ibe ci tbe Waibisflco , ,47 J 0f j.o. For Ti-iiion of ecticn to an-lt-r n j j ' cfrf;ti jb, scd etiieoc i ancient to 1 ! rrtt in! ronrict.Bnl er-on theeun-i ol tbe pirty or ptrtH, I c?sr a j Lis f s.vJ to tLe citrgofj cf i;'id l z.i. Ii i teid k::rr, ia t:w ct te svtis:Ics Lse j-jst lc3 i -i;.LtJ. TLtre i tow c;r ca'ftU'i ia tLe UoiteJ tte Ere slTer it 1 j-sftr cocty ttin io rj 7L is lb Llitc-rv of tbe c-icc. Fcr lie frit ti.e tbe eia couttrr, ii fersrJs tbe ctui;'.a f.cccf tbe I'ci'.tl vutSti w;;L:a tbe cciLir' cf tbe tir f ic3. Nortb Yax:a. on tbe 6. l.c'l t;et ia of Mt, it Ibe neceritr of rotec;in car foreU ' reerres from riMtrac!ioa bj fire uiwl i Cf; ;e: tj frc: tte f .:citj,o 15 .parent to ererr thinkloj ptrtjn, I jrz rf i-r.r:.irti oa t!.e brut rrw 15iJ ,be jac governing forest fire wiiij jn tb: t:'.e of H. n . Wfci:., of tbitk ...jet;, ecforced ocler ay tajervi- t !T, f rr:iJ it n fjsad tit be wis Lis rescbfcj Jtl for tie f.-st tixe 3 tbe LUX nr of tbe ccii'.ry trere is ia circIitic-a tbe no cf 2,".',C-1'v :.. -Dv.:ltz tie Lvi Cre jtsrs tie tain cf EtoieT ia c:fcula::cc co tbe first dy of A;-rL" Lm beta is f j!!os: AprH I, H,5t.43 Apr Tbe rery bo were tr.cst ri2.jLt:y eiger fcr tbe 1'i.ite 1 !us to trttr ClI- tre cow cost t!i.:3Li ia tbeir fr ia:-c.ei-i.e mi.LJ.'iKil frtaj iLt b'.iLd. la tbe fcrer c-se tber d:1 cot stop to a. Leber is.terTet.tivn were Lcc.jsry. Now ;ber da Let cca s::er wbetber ccLtiiueJ coLtrol of tbe is!id u ceiirstle. All tbcT TLe or'S'izi'.io-s of liter ic tie , 1- Awi: 1, Ateii April I. J;0 -Tbis dectccstra'.es Cie fcur jeirs tLst t'ie ftdai&istra tioa his been ia tie Ls&Js of Sir. VerT Eespectfo'.lT, a Teiit'trl To'.tr cf tbe tu:e of Orejan. j v. H. H. Dctvr, Mr. Str'.:t rr-ee;ed to Wasbiszton, i Forest Saptrvi'or "ortbern DiTisiou p'-te'-zg Lis pf; in tbe Lands of Con- Casciie F-jresl Keserre ani Bo'.l Kan fressxan Mctir, and in'r seven ' ErsrTe. j dijs irj'ji tbe lin.e tbe ajpeal was Tte act referred to by Mr. Duf jr leads ; ll.: to Mr. Mxdy, aa aoser eame as follows- ' i by aire tbit Lis appiiratioa as allowed j Tbat any person mho sbaii wilfuily or and tbat Lencefxth all tbat it necesarT aaiir.oosiy set on fire, or cause to be set j - -. . ; on fire, an t:aj6rr. underbrush, or i serve is tbat tf.e sbeep are actoa'.iy er.ctly or oeziizently leave or suffer owced and perxatetliy kept h).:n , fire to turn unattended near any timber tbe state. Tbe wonder is tbat an body or 0,bf,r inflammable material, sbail be wslI is -scTtllc y to izl tbe TtnL tnoaUl Lave been guilty of aeh a stapid ' weme.Dor, and. "'"'s 1 -c '4u : . upon conviction tbereof in any district V.ciLS in s t'jle." N. Y. Tntute. ro.mgas woa.i ei.-.uie sbeep from tbe con 0, the United .States bavin? juris- reserve if tbry happened to l-e owned dictiDn of tbe same, shall be fiat-i in a by a man wbo. tit any reason, bad bis a!n not more tJJO or t impns rei ience i-i aootLer state. Ti:s Cueosjcle ocdrrstands tbat Mr. The Kind Yon IlaT Always Bought, and which baa been in use for OTer 30 years, has borne the Bfgnatnre of and has been made under his per. Jfj , tonal Baperrision since Its infancy. CoccAti. Allow no one to deceiTe too In tiiu. All Counterfeits Imitations and " J ust-a-grool" are but Experiments that trifle with and endanger the health of InLants and Children Experience against Experiment. What is CASTORIA Castoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare, gvjric. Drops and Soothing Syrups. It Is Pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine .nor other Xarcotio wib.tance. Its age is its guarantee. It destroys Wortn and allays reverbhness. It cures Diarrhoea and AViud Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates the Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural bleep. The Children's Panacea The Mother's Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS Bears the Signature of OAi.Si- : U cited .Stites Lsj ron equally as fs5t He orzsLjrftticn of Uosts. 2 -i S: Wi;L a mtxlersbip cf 1,001,000 on d-jricg Jscuary 1, KX tbe A&erican Fed eration of Labor L since tcioJltd; SI oned for a term of not more than two ; years, or both. Sec. 2. Tbat any person wbo shall Curtis.of Cartis A Saailb.of Centerville, : buiid a camp fire, or other fire, in or was excluded from tbe reserve because near at,y forest, timber, or other inflam .' ; 1 t,rr,i . 1 f.-.;-. ,,,...:. mab!e material opin the public domain, ' r. . 1 - . sba l, before breakicg camp or leaving ! .to Tbe Iaiies fct tbe education of bis Mi,, fire, totally ext:czuieh tho saa19. j !5C 4.000 ct:e ceaUrs, t;,Jes iu- TLenew in!in wiH re.'csut ; Any irson failing to do so sball be . , . , , , ,. . tiim acu others s mi;ar;v snuaiea. I"1'" su:- mi5iicu.nnur, tD'i, i tbe aeoium cf Kg lc! darters tL:s vear. i upen conviction thereof ia an? district ' -t' Utited .Slate Las increased iKl,-Tbe rit three vear have U-en lb' ! ,u-1'""""'1 c-v,.d. . c,0rt of tbe Unitedutet having juris- j - s d:ctiyn of ibe same, sba.l be- fined in a Ki-jfii-j, L;ib is 23 fr cent. ; of greatest success for tbe tonsolida Tl fo.loakg it an extract from a'samnot more than 1000 or be impris-' "Tbe ir.cre-i of tbe circulation cf ! lion cf laU.r inteiesti. i letter bich appeared in tbe Pr;r.ev;lle octd '' term of cot more than one ! -o' 1 bis i'o ten frr rrr.r. On1 . ,. I P.tview of last week, from a young man, 7tllI '"i?' . ,1 a ,0.1 im itren ecorcocs. un ' bEc 3. That in all cases arising under Awil 1 tbere wet 7- -1" -' A rCeEt leUer ltKm MsD,'a SaS: resident of tbat toan, now in , tbis the fin C0:iH.ted gbl!1 le r,aiJ The Kind You Have Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years. TMf eoMnurv. tt mvmmvt .mil. m. i Z i9 in gel 1 coin and go.'d certificates, ; 'TLe steed of Senator lkvetide 1 tbe P-ii'Ppices, Johnny Poindrxter by ; into the public school fond of tbe coon- . r . t air t rr- - i.;-U.ak.1 J- I a I ir Hume, w uo uj uiriu ni Hiv iOCg uJil j 1 - AU uivu iuc uuub urrtj iuo uueuee WLl.e iO 1 at tbe begicLicg of , L" ,Ue t?L5'ntt J "4 CW I'kCed tion. and envirenment i. cr was . bed- I committed are situate tbe McKit'ey ftdtLicistraticn Ibis j in tLe Lands of tTerr native. This sxe circulation miiCL:yi,151.-iJpeech:$lLcULt t0 U 'csPcib!e .15, Biking an increase of 0 rjeri much of tbe nnrest turbulence now so prevalent tLe nstives are rock democrat: "This is a enderfa! countrv. It ! Wl and Cbala K.Urd to Vairr, 1 m cocvinccd, after rcadicg tbe speech, see n,t very fertile and it very level. Tbere are many streams all yery tlg. gish; water not fit to driak. All tbe water it boiled and filtered. Tbere are Monday' Dallr. .Last Taesday a couple of yoonjfel-! lows, strangers here, left a gold watch with Adcox & Co. asking to have a : RpfnrO Uffll f'iace ,tlT orders for a tombstone or for DCIUIC JfUU-curbing, fencing or other cemetery work, call on Louit Coiniui. I will not only give yoa all tbe information you need but I will quote you prices you cannot beat anywhere. I-et no one blo.T yoa. Itai.lUke only a few minutes to call aud see me. If yoa Lavs a neighbor who ever did business with me consult him at to the price and quality of my work I niIri Pnmini and abide bv tbe result. : LUUIb bUlIllIll w t 7 cent in tbe fear years. Ttj !irff!!-t6 r.f Finrii t rr.r i . . ! tbit it i ti e ir.ter tirn to Vpn ibm j . , ... ..trifling repair done to tbe case and to clquc-at, and ibere is no remedy . 1 "u lue 111 leLUCn 10 ieeP lEem thousands of acres of open level land . e nime ..t,ie .. which was en- ... ... . . in inl.M-tnn fnr rnmrrorril vr i I.; ,,t 1 1 tn K. f.'j. I DTe ,ne nime Jefi"e- wnicn was en- excepi 10 cow 10 tbe Icrce cr tttir! ir6. ' ' , . . igraved on the inside, rubbed out. Mr. . ploitatson. jlbit 11 a great country for American , . .. . .. . , ar-jmect. 1 j Adcox. tuseclinz that the watch waa Tbe Hillsboro Independent si.ys enterprise and push. etolen, delayed the execution of the work onder various pretexts till tbe end week, and meanwhile notified After! All it lacks is de- 1 Derroctalic papers are caking ft i -Pnnt ,r.d it will U tbe garden that the Orrrii.n n.le . m,...t-..8'w '--oui ie vuoaa pos , A ... 01 lne -t. m,.. ...-7,r frauds. P.ut they foreet to point oat fo. Special .N-ght VS atebman Alisky . . ,.,.', ... ";fr. rf :. . - .'"..r1 communicating with the Portland chief pnblicsn legislatiTe ticket to tbeilLit tLe "cord cf deWct ocs o , bree generation,, it will repay tenfold of .ntLe ,uthoriti ,t other onvpr rr.ior.T f nr, crnwi .r.tiinnt s,r :ior si it ft an rt in 1 miAii matm. 1 a-. . . wu-w " c.w.iupj v ; ! rvr.intw t wai Inirnorl f Ki f V.a ifanVilat C. L. Rodger?, of Hood River, had eome time 0, wbiie in church, lost a -icinae ltnutnce. ibe difeat u rather due to the men fore, Lave acted with -jrnoa minsgemect, acU are now ct'.erly tlifgusted with tbeir methods. Those are the men nbodid Uie work, for if tbev bid Toted as tbev did ! ti. . , . - goeramecv iui.',;s scows s.eailDS Ol lur " ",l CJ-1 l nueu ciaier. 1 lbc defeat is. c!t..-ij ' P . , jl.j.17 in evcrv l(K..O ondcr dc-oio-' Tbes ,IiDds re of "cderul resoarcesi f n, who, hereto-! . - 8a1 tte .rgamect tbat th anti- 1. o 'Cralic adaintstrations, as corcrred ... ... .. -,.' a te tttteu-! ' , expacsiomet need it to see these is!andt ; 1 111 r.r'v tt. I . In , . . .. 4 . -,f,ft . 1 . 'Wl CLEANLINESS. :s being advocated by all parties regardless of race, color or pre vious condition of servitude. Rmimber we make our custo mers glad when they buy or Pure Prepared Paints. There is a finish and gioit to itt work tbat is admired by all. Paints,-Oils. Glass. Picture and Room Moldings Be sure and inspect onr stock of Wall Paper Designs for l'0on Display H. GLENN & CO. Washington Street, between second and Third. ltL oniv -JO cents in every fc000 under republican administrations. Tony Noltntr's bead is level when be says in the Dispatch: "The man- iwo years ago, repuuncan candidates 3gtrs cf tbe national committee wou'.d bave beeo elected as tLey should .Lot down cn Cyclone Davis' and they would soon be cocvineed tbat our government should hold them. I ; was anti-expansionist until I came over j here, bat I have teen enongh to con me that I was wrong 'Llh' It All Bight. watch answering Ibe description of the one left with Adcox k Co. This was Friday ni?ht after the authorities here had given up all Lope of being able to j bold tbe yoang fellows on the charge of thett and had allowed tnera to get pos session of .the watch from the jewelers. were in ltl'-j. To rurtLer prove that McBride did cot do it, note the vote of Colombia county, Mcliride's Lome. biennial excursions to Oregon. Tbey are expensive to tbe party and of do value. A Salem dispatch in vesterdar't Tele- i 0n ref'P' of tfce ne im grauisavt: j mediately instituted and Mr. Alisky, "Lish" Hansaker. a middle-azed man ! bout midnight Friday niht, found the In fact Oregon bas orators started for Hood River May 14th and boys on tbe top of a freight car of a mi r . . r . r .1 i - i i; . " , . . , . ; train inai wat aooui io pun out lor tne Had Senstor McDride or Lis tr, n-.r r..l r i-r.t ir. crl ,.1 hat not yet reached that place nor teen y . . . . fneads refund aurnort to tl tlrWt . " heard from by hit friends here. He was j A11"-T ,nrew L1 intern in Ibe.r facet tnendsrerused support to tbe ticket,, reports." ia Portland, tot bit movements i nd ordered them down; but they Cornelius, for jotot senator, would j j since are unknown. He had about o0 jumped off on tbe other tide of the car bave been beaten. Yet McBride's The export trade cf tbe south fcr j with him and was not a driuking man. ! aoj took to ,heir heels. Later in tbe . 'the past twelve raontbs amountet to! xne a coupie oijDjghtone of them came toAIitkv and own county is tbe only p'ace ic over ? 130,000,000, more than district where Cortelius eot a mi- Jorttv. Tbe Oresonian should rcvi,e ! ,Lird cf tbal of lhe CDli're C0UDtr ia style of ctiticisa:. one-! ,ff0 'tef PDt5iD bout a week at delivered up the watch, admitting that nry.!11"6 .Lm,l:!: UoD.- ,Ie worked for ( it stolen bnl of hf Uie TLe inontbly statement of tbe fiublic debt bow$ tbat a; the close of business May 31, 1&00, tbe debt, less cash in tLe treosury, amounted to tl,122,e0S,ail,a decrease for tLe These are figures which speak rnorej weEt wben te Vt h we h.;. B"t' . I . ! . Dl "M 1 1 , weEl hen ne ie.t here we have not , 1Dy trouble but wanted tbe thief arrested eicuently than tbe narrow southern j been abie to learn; but bit friendt need j ,D(1 was .ailng to be arrested too, after politician wbo contribute so liberally i no uneasiness concerning him. He ' Lelping Alisky to hunt for the supposed to tbe Coc2rcsional Record. I'" 'n 04 J ,ookin genius, but not a . thief for alxut three hours without effect. i whit odder locking than lots of other I h. ... toi , . . . , . ...... ., -uw a v.kwu f-iuuiicc V I tT-j v (US New York bankers have loaned ' v ''-met!e val.ey folks. He took good wberesbouts, which he has done twice France i 15,000,000. and would bimeelf while here and seemed ,!reiljv. r,IM.P,l-to rln. !...! mc. - - aounoantiy aoie to continue to do so. This M. c L. RaJ month of 12,1 93,571; wbicli is C-;, , i cn.rtii ngnot u crd- jcame up from Hood River, and upon redemption off-, . . , Uh locai app;ications, as tbey cannot ! id--nt:bcation of tLe watch, it was band- of bonds so far ' " prosperity when our , reatll the Jea, of ,fce disease CaUfrb j ed 0Ter to her hy Shefiff Kel)y Th, exchacged at the treasury for tbe 7 , . , , " , ' . eonsmuuonai aisease, and , - - .rn.coe.yo ,ne 1 aawu UVW. Ill VlULt W UUJ i'VVI'li. W I " v" v vvaaw JVU J U vj I Li V4T I - I . . - uHi.vat, wrvi v counted for by tbe bonda. Tbe amount is new 2 per cent bond of 1900 2?0,36.i,H.3O, of which 04..CO,10O i loan tbeir money to. C. J. STUBLING Wholesale and Retail Wines, Liquors and Cigars. AgenTthe Greate American Liquor Yellowstone Sour Mash Whiskey. WHISKEY from 2.7o to ru pVr :alion. (Tto 1 veare old.) " IMPORTED COGNAC from f 7.00 to I2.00 per iralloti." ( 1 1 to"Mirt old. CALirOESIA BBASDIIS ftoni t3.25 to 6 tO ter gallowr4 to 11 Tvears oid.' ONLY THE PUREST LIQUORS SOLD. COLUMBIA BEES on draught, and Yal Blatx and Olympia Beer in botties Imported Ale and Porter. JOBBERS IN IMPORTED and DOMESTIC CIGARS. Jacobsen Book & JVIusie Co. were received from individuals and institutions other than national banks. 1 pht.'orm bas been in active practical j nal remedies. Hail's Catarrh Cure is ! iIr- Klgert by Mr. Adcox on payment taken internally, and acts directly on ; ' small sum tbat be had given for it, Tbe free riot tlank of tLe Chicago i tll blood and mucous surfaces. Haifa under tbe impression that the owner, l&tarrli Lure is not a quack medicine. ! " ne eT" neara ot it, would I glad to j Tl. r . , r -.M 4 I l. c. t - , . u preoei ny one oi im M5I uan a ijuBrier Ol us 1 ' , physicians in this countrv for yee-s, and value rather than take chance of never I v i-i ic'itru,vu a. iuc ueasurv is ui ixjuiiiijs ui B cost, io me inxnavcra ;..r.n,.,:a.r,..:r..;.,n t : . i i hr nt nf it in i V i ia a iif uini j;ic;vi ij'iuil. Afc 13 CjUlurU J i.3l0,."00. Total cash, 1, 101,2-1,- of tbat city of a ft2). ! don. I ars. round million of , of the beet tonict known, cimbined with i Sheriff Kelly thinks the boys are es- tlie best blood purifiers, acting directly j epes from the reform school. The j on the mucous surface!. The perfect ' wtch and chain thus restored to tbeir owner cost . i-.x-ecrctary oi iaie Kiccaid Lasi 1 be average price of wire naiis in ; combination of the two ingredients is been elected county judge of Lane the United States last year was $2.57 ! 'bat produces each wonderful results in county by one majority, cstd Lad a Lit of spuck in -would feel insulted by a vote tbat and resign; but be won't. If Kin- per keg of 100 pounds, as compared Lira bejwtth an average of $2.50 in ls:C. like Tbe "silver repullicans" of Wash leg ton state, for a very good reason, Lire not beld any local convention, but a "mass convection" of the ''Mirer republicans" of tbe state has Tbe increase, therefore, was only 7 cents a keg notwithstanding the much higher cost of raw material. Tbo protective United States fur nished last year, 33.25 per cent of all tbe steel produced in tbe wot Id and 31.56 per cent of all tbe pig-iron. been caiJed for tbe purpose of tboos-Free trade Great Britain produced curing Catarrh. Send for testimonials, free. . J. Ciiimv & Co., Props., Toledo O. Sold by drruggiets, price 7"c Hall'i Family Piilt are tbe best. 12 A girl it wanted lo do general home work by Mrs. J. C. Hosteller. Good wages will be given to a competent party. jl5-6: Freth cracked Nebraska corn at tbe Wasco warehouse. Finest kind of chicken feed. ruth 25-tf NOTICE. Notice it hereby given that the under lined hat applied to the county court of the ttate of Oregon, for Wasco conntv, to have hit name changed to J. C. K. Fairview, and that sail applicat.on w ill be heard b? laid court on the 2nd day of Joly. 1XK), at 10 o'clock . m.,t which time all persoot may offer and tbow cause, if they have anv, wby tbe time should not be granted.' j20-ltw Jon McCabas. Boys' sweaters 25 cents at the New Yoik Cash Store. We bar better ones if yoa with them, Mammocks Hammocks Just Arrived The larjrc.-t and most complete line at Rock Bottom Prices. Crandall&Burget DEALERS IX RobeS, All kinds of undertakers Burial Shoes Funeral Supplies embalmers Etc. atBmmwB-w-mmBwBBBa ---bb------"--- "V The Dalles, Or. "V I