The Dalles weekly chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1947, June 16, 1900, PART 2, Image 4

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J 0Z ft frequently
I , Mr- the nose eaten into and destroyed, causing intense suffering and greany aisngunnK iuc .-:. ! r-
t8l WM1 Wa:bC nd ,alvM may Kive ten,Prary relief' n0 T1 beneht can be "I0"11 f rom ,nrb tretn"nt
and fr beyond the reach of mere local remedies. Those who rely upon them for .cure lose jj!
Doinwient and allow the disease to take firmer hold. Only a real blood remedy can reacn ims iraup,"..
Ts S cu. Sh because it first cleanse, and build, up the blood, purifies it. fi slllnulte '
put uev life into the sluggish worn-out
Vr Josephine Polhill, of Due Went, B.C., writes: " I had Catarrh .which became so deep
seall that I mi entirely deaf in one ear, and all Inside of my none, including part of the bone.
slokJihed off When the disease had gone this far the physician nave me up as Incurable. 1
determined to try 8. 8. 8. as a last resort, and began to improve at once. It seemed to get at the
aeU of the disease, and after a few weeks' treatment I wa entirely cured, and for more than
aeoen years have had uo sign of tbe disease."
S. S. S. is made of roots, herb, and bark, of wonderful tonical and purifying
Tvoperties. It i. the only vegetable blood purifier known, and a certain and safe
cure for all blood troubles. Send for our bonk on Blood and Skin Diseases, and at
the same time write our physicians about your case. They will cheerfully give yon
ny information or advice wanted. We make no charge for this.
Pioneer day, June 15, will be fittingly
observed in l'ortlaud by the Pioneer
George K. Dean, a capitalist who reg
istered from Spokane, dropped dead in
the Perkins hotel at Portland Sunday
afternoon at 4 o'clock, of heart failure.
Walter Ott, a butcher who has been
employed in Ttie Dulles tnatkets for sev
eral tears, arrive 1 yesterday and will be
employed with Carter & Miller, of this
city, aya the Biker City Democrat.
Prince Rupert, the heir to the throne
of Bavaria, dislikes very much the at
tention of the White Rote League of
England, which, because it recognizee
the claim, of the Stuarts to the British
throne, pereistf, much to his disgust, in
styling him "tho rightful prince of
The Seattle Times says that Miles
C. Moore, Walla Walla, will be preeent
. eJ to the fusion state conventions this
fall as a candidal for governor. Gov.
Moore's friends in Eastern Washington
are booming biin as a candidate, and
are urging that h in nomination would
settle ail differences in the party and
cause the fusion foicts to rra.'ent a solid
front to the common enemy.
Agricultural writers sometimes got
nixed in answering correspondents.
One wrote find asked how to raise a pair
of twins;, another how to destroy young
grasshoppers. The man with twins got
this reply: "Put out come straw for
them to crawl onto at night, pour kero
sene over it, and set fire to thtm.' The
grasshopper man was told : "oive them
gentle doses of castor oil and rub their
gums with a rubber ring."
London newspapers are "pointing
with pride" to tbe enormous expense
they were put to in the matter of tele
grams from South Africa. For example
the Morning Post paid $1 750 for one of
Mr. Winston Churchill's telegrams not
long since, and its friends chuckle ac
cordingly. We have in mind one dis
patch that ost the New York Herald
f7,000 during the war with Spain, and
there were several others received by
other journals that were not much
The New York democrats expressed
their "unqualified opposition to those
immense combinations of capital com
monly known as trusts, which are con
trolling and monopolizing industry and
business and crushing out independent
producers of limited means," and then
sent one ol the Van Wycke, a prominent
stockholder in the notorious ice trust,
that is plundering the people of New
York out of $15,000,000 a year, as a del.
eate-at-large to the democratic nation
al convention.
W. I.. Editings, of Honolulu, whom
President McKiniey has appointed one
of the United States judges for Ha
waii, was a motorrunn on a Seattle street
car line in 1893. Ho came to that city
from tbe south, where he had been
railed and educated, seeking an oppor
tunity to practice his profession, the
law. He found the field overcrowded,,
and secured a position as abstract clerk.
Later he married a daughter of P. D.
Moore, of Olympia. He was engaged
subsequently as a ruotorman on the
Union Trunk line, one of the street car
lines of Seattle. He remained in this
employment but a few months when he
removed to Honolulu, which has since
been his Lome.
The Belgian hare indnttry in this
part of tho st-.Ue and southern Michigan
is assuming an extent not dreamed of a
few months sgo, say. a dispatch from
Auburn, Ind. The animal is remarka
ble for its fecundity, the young attain
ing their growth rapidly, and for this
reason have developed a commercial
worth exceeding that of poultry. The
Belgian hare iadustry is rapidly- taking
the place of the chicken fad in many
places in the United States. Breeders
pay fancy prices for the best blood,
some of the bucks selling as high as $500.
Tbe rabbits breed every thirty day', and
it has been estimated thatne doe will
produce from 300 to 400 pounds of meat
. annually. The object of hare cultiva
tion is to introduce the hare for food,
and its flesh ts said by epicures to be
superior to that of chicken and beef.
O r UntLlrtUiJlJE-n ur
o consuMPTion.
Tew realize what deep-aeated. obstinate diaeaae Catarrh ia, regarding it as a simple inflammation oj
the nose and throat, little or no attention is given it. But, however insignificant H may em at first, it
is serious and far-reaching in its results. , .. , . ;
The foul secretion, entering the circulation poison the entire system Tbe stomach,
fact all the organs-feel the effect of this catarrhal poison, and when the lungs are reached Us progress
: ,l , am finally ends in consumption.
happen, that the 'mums of hearing and smel
organs, ana xnus relieves me sysicm ui u.
j common animal without pedigree
sells from 75 cents up.
The best methods for dehorning calves,
saj s the San Jose Mercury, is by means
of caustic potash, which may be pur:
chased in stick form at any drug store.
Just before the horn comes through tbe
skin is the best time to apply the potaBU.
Wet the stick of potash, after wrapping
the end held in the hand with heavy
paper, and apply it to the place where
the horn is located, covering a space the
size of a quarter of a dollar. Be careful
that none of the potash touches any of
the hair or skin of the animal, and be
especially careful that none of it nets
into the eyes. When using have some
strong vinegar handy to apply to any
spot where the caustic is accidentally
dropped. A little care in using is nec
essary. Remember that the end of the
stick ehonld be moistened only, not wet
until It drops. One thorough applica
tion will be all that is necessary, if done
at the stage of born growth indicated;
hut the growth should be watched and
if necessary another application made.
Arthur O. Bowereox, a prominent
young man of Corvallis, a brother of A.
W. ISowcrsox, of Albany, died in Salem
last Monday. Two weeks ago he was
kicked in the head, causing injuries
which resultod in tiis death. He had!
been taken to Salem for care and treat
ment. A Woodbnrn hop man is the father of
twins born last week. An exchange
says he named the boy Mark and the
girl Hannah.
A. E. Keainep, a son-in-law of Thos.
Tonune, and a strong Bryan man, was
elected district attorney of the first dis
trict on the democratic ticket by a good
Speaking of his vote for representa
tive the editor of the Salem Journal,
who was the union nominee for repre
sentative, says : "It is hard to down a
tuau who is a Dutchman, Christian and
editor of a one cent daily."
American woolen goods are beginning
to reach the markets of the world, under
a tan IT that prottcts the faarmers' wool
clip. Last year we exported over a mill
ion dollars' worth of American woolens,
ard our imports of woolens were a mere
trifle compared with those under the
Wilson law.
The flrat sale of wool of the season in
Heppner was made last week. R. F.
Hynd sold 50,000 pounds of medium
wool -in two lots at twelve and thirteen
cents a pound. George Fell, of Pendle
ton, was the buyer, and he represented
Hartford, Conn., people, to which point
the wool will be shipped after being
According to the volume of freight
handled, the Columbia Southern has
struck a bonanza by extending its line
as far as SliHniko, towards central Ore
gon, says the I elegram. Between May
15th and June 5th, since the road's com
pletion, it handled 5.COO.00O pounds of
freight from i.utpidw points, and over
200 carloads of stock for outside points.
Ttie viceroy of India, Lord Currm,
has cabled to the secretary of state for
India, announcing that a good rain has
fallen in southern India; that there
have been scattered showers elsewhere,
and that the meteorological reporter
forecasts a good, but late monsoon. The
hot weather, however, still prevails ami
the famine relief situation has not al
teied. There are no abou. 5,802,000
persona reeeivirig relief.
Gilliam county is to have another
newspaper, the Condon Republican, be
ing a new venture, which Is to be
launched in about ten days. The plan
has been ordered from Portland, and is
to bo all new and first class in every re
spect. The paper is backed by a large
number of the wealthy republicans of
the county, who have formed a stock
company, of which George Dukek, 8. B.
Barker and J. B. Csmeron are the in
corporators. VVjllsm Christie, the
present foreman of the Condon Globe,
is to have tho management of the office.
Hobson is coming home 1 Now then,
girls, nil together West Side.
Pension appropriation" for the present
fiscal year are $4,000,000 greater than
Tbe deposits reach 1 15,000 and the de
are in part or entirely lost, .yn ;
positors number 7,000 in the Taeorua
public school savings bank. The system
has been in vogue two years, and in
this time the pupils have withdrawn
but a trifle over $3,000.
The Glacier says the strawberry crop,
compared with that of last year, fails
short about 10,000 crates.
The city council of Saletn has passed
an ordinance providing for a license ou
slot machines of $6 per quarter.
Having subfcribed $4,000, the Odd
Fellows of Portland have secured the
location of the orphans home for that
Senator Simon is hurrying home at
his first opportunity after adjournment
of congress, perhaps to discover how it
could have happened, says the Telegram.
The municipal democracy of Reading,
Pa., has made a regulation to the effect
that any candidate who is found guilty
of treating to secure his election shall
be removed.
Of the $18,000,000,000 worth of com
merce done by all nations, England's
share is 18.3 per cent, Germany's share
10.8 per cent, and 9.7 per cent falls f.o
the United States.
The Twickenham News, having lost
the fight for the county seat of Wheeler
county, has moved to Mitchell. Roy C,
Irvine, from Independence, has pnr
chased the paper from E. M. Shutt.
Chinese Minister Wn recently ex'
plained that the name of tho Chinese
Boxer society is "Yee Ho Chuan,"
which translated means 'righteotifiiese
harmony and fists'," and a neighboring
paragrapher suggests that the accent is
probably on the fists.
H. D. Langille, of Hood River, "re
ceived notice last week of bis appoint
ment as special field assistant in the
United States geological survey and has
been ordered to report to Tacoma, His
duties will be to inspect the forest re
serves in the state of Washington.
It is said in London that General
Cronje, the Boer commander, now a
prisoner at St. Helena, is a recreant
Scotchman; that his name was origin
ally McCrone, but that after settling
among the Dutch in South Africa he
assimilated with them so completely
that he changed his name to Cronje and
pretended to be of Dutch origin.
It is estimated that there are 1000
acres of flax that will be harvested in
Linn connty this year, states the Rural
Spirit. The greater part of the flax cul
tivated in Linn is located on the forks
of the Santiam and in the immediate
vicinity of Scio. The seed when har
vested is worth abont $1 per bushel nod
the fiber is used in the maunfacture of
grain tacks, burlap, etc.
In New York state the prisoners in
cornty jails are being employed to build
good roads. The good roads law there
provides that tho state shall bear fifty
per cent, of the total cost, the county
thirty-five per cent, and the property
owners along the line fifteen per cent.
The employment of prisoners is said to
reduce the cost of the improvement
very materially since board and lodging
is their only remuneration.
The Hood River Fruit Growers' Asso
ciation has proved itself to be a valuable
organization for the farmers of that
valley; This is proved in 245 crates of
strawberries which were shinned on
Mav 22nd and sold in Fargo, N. D., and
a check received in payment therefor of
$712.42, or, at the rate of $2 01 net per
crate. On the day the car was shinned.
local bnyers were paying $1 75 a crate,
thus making a profit ol $1.16 in favor of
the organization.
Rev. LeMaeters, met with quite an
accident near Turner recently, says the
Albany Democrat. While out driving.
in company with Mrs. LeM.sters and a
little girl friend, a mad bnll rushed
across the roadway from an open gate,
striking the vehicle and jumping over
the same between horse and driver.
The buggy was overturned and tho oc
cupants thrown out. Rev. LeM alters
had a rib fractured and the girl's wrist
was badly wrenched.
La?t year, says the Baker City Demo
crat, the Pendleton scouring mill used
as much as 5,000,000 pounds of wool,
and this year the output will be still
greater. Tbe daily capacity of the mill
I. from 26.000 to 46,000 poundi, and
from 55 to 70 men are given employ
ment. The Drodoct of these mill, is
getting wide reputation a first class
in every respect and is equal to if not
superior to the manufactured woolen,
of any factory in the country.
Pilici to Bt Given for the Yarluua
Usees at tha School I'icolc ou
Friday, the Sid.
First Race for girls, 5 to 10 years;
prize, a large doll, donated by the Jacob
f jn Book & Music Co.
Second Race for girls, 10 to 16 years ;
prizj, toilet case, donated by Blakeley &
Third Race for boys, 5 to 7 years;
prize, penknife, donated by Mars &
Fuurth Race for boys, 7 to 12 years;
prize, a suit of clothes, denated by Peae
& Mays.
Fifth Race for boye, 12 to 10 years;
prize, a fnhiu pole, given by XV. A.
Sixth Free for all race for girl, 5 to
16 years ; prize, a pair of shoes, by New
York Cash Store.
Seventh Free for all race for boys, 5
to 25 years; pr!z, a book, by Supt.
Eighth Wheelbarrow race; prize, a
penknife, by Mars & Crowe.
Ninth Sack race; priz?, a harmon
ica, by I. C.-Nkkelsen.
Tenth Fat man's race; prize, souve
nir of National Editorial Association,
donated by Sheriff Robt. Kelly.
Eleventh Nail-driving contest for
ladies; prize, a box of note paper, by
Clarke & Falk.
Twelfth Pie-eating contest for boys
prize, a handsome handkerchief, by 11
C. Nie'sen.
thirteenth h,gg race lor girls ; prize,
a hat, donated by A. M. Williams & Co.
Fourteenth Ruuning broad jump
for boys ; prize, a bat from A. M. Will
iams & Co.
Fifteenth Tug of war by the schools
prize, silver ink stand, by C. F. Steph
Sixteenth Pitching horse shoes; i
box of candy, by teachers.
Seventeenth Three-legged race; prize
a harmonica.
Song Tbittlc Hymn of tho Kepuhlic School
Introductory Address O. H. Kerns, s-Mlle
Kecltatlon Kobbio Williams
Hcc Fluffy and Mouse Wilbur Dickson
Bee. Tho Dillerence Altha Covert
Keo. The Little Speaker Lorcua Darnlclle
Kecltatlon Our Hired (,lrl Lena Ixmgren
Essay Life nti Fish! Mile Arvllle Angell
Kec Love l"nler Llmculthjs. . .Grace Southwell
Hour lust as the Sun Went lJown.5-M.Hc School
Recitation tiuide l'ost Kdna Uarrlman
Dialogue Mary Msloney k I'hilo.ophv
Kuhy Covert and Kthel Hovle
I!ec. The Brnvp at Home Mice Knck-rtby
The Voulhful Encounter ,
l hester Tecl and Ucorge Itoblson
rtLM'tiHiiou i ne iJoft auu ine. hhvtou
Recitation Why Cats Wash After Eatinff. ..
FsMiy What 1 Know About School. Arlie Drake
Dialogue Too Good to Attend School
Three Boys
irnounm iiHuncK mown ijuy leel
Dong Kcd. W hite and Blue
The Kings Three Bojs
nec. apuriicus itcicre me uiaaitors
Exercises in Manual Training 8-Mile School
Keo. Little IUlf Worn hhoe .. .Carrie Davidson
Bona; Vacation's Coining . Unoer 8-Mlle School
Essay South Africa Republic. ..Clara W illiams
Recitation The Reason Why Gertie Covert
Recitation A Kuook Out Blow Paul Darniellc
ran Drill 5-Mile School
Reading Miss Merelinnn
R' citation His Successor Dick Darniellc
Dialogue A Kcaudal on the llruln Five l, iris
song America
Dull Headache, Pains in various parts
of the body, Sinking at the pit of the
stomach, Loss of appetite, Feverishoess,
Pimples or Sores all positive evidences.
ot impure blood. No matter how it
became so it must be purified in order to
obtain pood health. Acker's Blood
Eiexir has never failed to cure Scrofulous
or Syphilitic poisons or any other blood
diseases. It is certainly a wonderful
remedy and we sell every bottle on
a positive guarantee. Blakeley & Hough
ton's drug store.
Tiimmed hats and patterns at cost for
tho next thirty days at the Campbell &
Wilson millinery parlors. 23-tf
For Sale.
One Second-Hand
One 3 1-2 Bain
Header Wagon.
IVIaiep & Benton
In all Its stages there
should be cleanliness.
Elj'g (ream Balm
cleanses, soothes and heals
the diseased membrane.
It cures catsrrh and drives
away a cold la the bead
C'rram Balm Is placed Into the nostrils, iprsadi
over ths membrane and It absorbed. Rellsfls Im.
aiedlsts and a cars follows. It It not trylng-loet
not product sneezing. Urge Blzs, 60 otnts st Drug
gists ..r by mail j Trial Blse, lo cents by mall.
USX KWT11EI19, M Warren Wrstt, New Tork.
Irrin2 preparations simply devel
op dry catarrh ; they dry up tne secretion.,
which adhere to the membrane and decom
pose, causing a far more serious trouble than
the ordinary form of catarrh. Avoid all dry
ing inhalants, fumes, smokes and anuffa
and use that wlucn cleanses, nwurai
heaU Ely's Cream Balm is such a remedy
and will cure catarrh or cold in the head
easily and pleasantly. A trial size will ba
mailed for 10 cents. All druggists sell the
50c. size. Ely Brothers, 60 Warren St., h.Y.
Ti.a lulu, mra without Bain, docs not
irritate or cause sneezing. It spreadfl iteelf
over an irritated and angi-y surface, reliev.
jn ;n,m,iiatc1v the Tjainful inflammation.
With Ely's Cream Balm yon are armed
against Nasal Catarrn ana way I ever.
Ladies' heavy duck skirts, 99 cents
and 1 48 at the Ntw Voik Cash Store
(eclated Tract.) Public Land Sale.
Land Office at Ths Dalles, Origon.)
May a, mxH
Kntlee Is herehr Biven that In pii-snarce ol
Itikiniftion from the commissioner of the cell'
eral land oltice, under authorit) vested in him
by -tion 21. "i, V. S. Kev. Stat., as amended by
the ai t ot congress approved Febiury Jt. 1",
u-u u-tii ir,; in r.Hr at ixihllc sale on ttatur-
day, the loth day of June. cet, at the hour of
10 o'clock a. rii. at thisoiHee, the following tract
of land, to-wit;
sE'4 NE'.,', section 20, township 1 north, range
1l.nv, w r
vnvnnilall nersons claiming adversely the
above described lauds are advistd to tile their
claims in thisomeeoo or beiore the day above
di signaled for the commencement of said sale,
othe.-ttise their rlgnts win De n rienea.
JAY P. I.l'CAS, Register,
mayl2-U OTIsi PATTKRSO.N, Receiver.
Guardian's Sale.
Notice Is hereby given that pursuant to a li
cense and order of sale made ard issued to me
asguardiuuof the persons and estate ol lxma
.Mooie ana oarneia Moore, minora, dv me
County Court of the State of Oregon for n asco
County on the 6th day of June, l'.ioo, I will, on
the :llt day of luly, 11HI), at the court house
door in Dalles City, at the hour of 2 o tlix'k p
m. of said day, sell to the highest bidder for
cash In hand, all of the Interest of said minors
in and to the real property hereinafter de
sciibed: said interest being a conting-nt two
sevenths interest in and to the W'U of the SEV4',
the SE'i of the 8W(i,and Lot 4 cf Sec. 14, and
Lota 1 and 1 of Sec. l"i, and that certain parcel
of land bounded as follows: Commencing at a
stake on the north line of the Victor Trevitt
Donation Land Claim, where It crosses a ditch :
thence in a southerly direction across the bot
tom on the line of the present fence Hi rods;
thence west SO rods: thence northwest so rods,
thence along said line SO Irods. to the place of
beginning, being a yart of the Victor Trevl't
Donation Land Claim, in Sec. 14, nil said lsnds
being in Tp. 1 X, R 13 E, W. M. Also a like in
terest in and to It 12, and h'j feet off tbe west
side of Lot 11 in block 6 of LaiiKhliu's Bluff Ad
dition to Dalles city, Or;
ja il HOMER V. MOORE. Guardian.
Notice Is hereby given that the undersigned
has been duly appoi. ted by the coumy court, of
the state of Oreeon, executor of -the hist will
and testament of Kvallne Evans, deceased.
All iicrsnus having claims against the estate
of the said Evaline Evans are hereby reunited
to present the aine to biin, properly veriiied, as
liv law required, at Nosier, Orcgun, within six
months from the date hereof.
Dated tula 1 t li day of June, l'M.
Kxarntnr ot tho last will and testament of
Evaliue Evans, deceased. junlO ii
Land Office at Tiik Dalle, Okeoon.i
April SO, lyoo. (
Notice Is hereby given that the followlng
ramed settler has filed notice of his intentlim
to make final proof In support of his claim, and
mat sain pioot will be made In lore the Kegister
and Receiver at The Dalles. Oregon, on Satur
day. Juno 10, l'joo, viz:
Jens P. Agidin?, of The Dalles, Or.,
Homestead Entry No. 4!U(, for the NW'f NW'4
section ?l, and h'i NE'j and NK! SE!4 scctlou
J;l tuwnsh'.p 2 north, range 12 east, W. M
lie names tnc following witnesses to prove
his continuous residence unon and cultivation
of said lnd, viz:
John t'rale, Charles Snipes, J. D. Ifockroat', J.
Siraonson, all of The Dalles, Oregon.
may2 I JAY P. LUCAS, Register.
Department of the Interior,
L nited States Land office,
The, Ob., May 15, 1'.KXL)
A sufficient contest affidavit bavins been Hied
in mis opico by ous S. Alexander, contestant.
nicniiini. uoinenieau entry im). iMit, maue luay 14
1MK, for sw)4 of nwJ4, sec. t, tp. 1 n, range 13 e,
by John T. Wright, contestee, In which it la al
leged that said John T. Wrigl t has wholly
noauuinieii saiu iracr, ana cnaugen nis residence
therefrom for mote than six months since mak
ing said entry, and next prior to date: and
that the absence of defendant fiom said tract iB
uotduetohls employment In the military or
naval service of the United States, snld r,ril..
arc hereby notified to appear, respond and otter
etioeiiee loucning sain allegation at 10 o clak
a. m. on June 30. l'ss). hem ihe l; Pt Im lor aaiiil
Receiver at the United Mates land ollice In The
uancs, Oregon.
The said contestant havlnir. In a srnt,ir nMHn.
vlt. tiled May is, Into, set forth facta which show
that alter due diligence personal scivlee of this
notice can not be made, it is hereby ordered and
direettd that such no'lee be given by due and
proper publication.
'' JAY P. LUCAS, Register.
June 16th I will have a band of ahnnt
100 head of herpes, hred nn in f'ledea.
dale, in Moro, hroke and ntibroke.'frorn
pountis weight down to Biu-klina
colt, which I wieh to sell at private Bale
in tne forenoon, ana at auction sale in
the afternoon.
Terms On all sums of tlO or less.
cash. Over 10. bankable llflleH nova.
ile November 1, 1000. or ten nor cent
oil' for each.
N. E. MofTITT.
I also have a good Nn. 2 Hodge header
tor tale, with two 20 foot boxes. Only
run one season and in good order. You
can get (hit cheap for cash.
Timber Lund, Act Jnne 3, 1878.
' - I'. H. Land Office,
,.i.l I ,i hT'.ty "''" ,hHt compliance
with the provisions of the act of congress of
June :i, IH.N entitled "An act for the sale.if t,!
ta-r lands n the states ol t'a', Oregon,
Nevada, and Washington Territory,"
William K. Kctrlinm,
of The Dalles, County of Wasco, rftatc of Oregon
nleV.'N V'!'" U.lms w-!rn .faff.'
Vi hep"i'ehasenf lhW'a M.i;
that the land sought Is ,. valuable f ,r hi
Saturday, th. .1d day of .., IfioO,
He name, as witnesses: .1. H. tlolt, II I' Ket-
.i!!y""'..nlL T"""" elalmlng adversely the
n h ve deserlla d lands are requested to ill,, their
June" '.V'"" omw '" hel!"" Lijrof
I u oe, I'M).
aprM low I
JAY V. I.UCAS, Ileglstrr.
riiysician and Surgeon,
Special attention given to surgery.
Room. 21 and 22. Tel. 3M V.ajt Block
o( Oregon, for Wasco County. " Sir
Mrs. Kate Hastings, riaintlfr
vs. 1
Donald ii. Hastings, Defendant
To Donald M. Hastings, tht ii
feudaut: 8 ' e ,bove-lutt(- .
1 n t he Name of the State of Orsn ,.
nf T'ed to I'Ir and J
Ijislnt tiled gainst you In thi ,J ""
m:1' en or before the Dob day of j,,iiv. ""t
1! yr.-j do not, for aut there,,! th. iT'
t,;ke judgment against you 1Ud ft'1""
the court .or the relief pr.d i. ,iu."Wrk
Pt"; , r . decree of d vor n""
tne said defendant, Donald M. uZ?n '!
This summons Is served upon tm,
ti-.n, by order of tbe court, made on K Kbl
of June, l'J which said order iirUtl
summers be served upon you hV . .
thereof for sii consecutive w,t i 1,Lub'ltU..
Weiklt Chbo.sicli, a newspaper bum, .1U
said Waco connty; that tbe , ,P! ul"1 1
be made on the tith day of June li ?UU
the defendant be required to aprwV.,,.?M "'
the complaint on or before the lMh ,f 0,-l-,
said date being the last day tl'.S. J,;'
prescribed for the said puMieatl,,,; lt 6
The date of the first publication 'of thi,
mouiis June A, I'.mu. 1 a.
J6 1
W. H. ivilsot
Attorney for l-'j
Lso Ornca at Vancocver, Wlti .
Notice Is hereby given th"uJlJ
named settler has filed notice of hi. ii,0"
to make final proof In suppurt of his eliYif""
that said proof will be made before W n ?' K'
fnited States Commissioner for 1,
Washington, at his cilice in GoldcndZ i? "
ington, ou Monday, July lii, lyui, "z: e' ta
John Watson,
Homest3d Entry No. 9.S2, for the tonih k ,.
the southeast quarter of section J"' I' 1
north, of range 14 east, Will. Mer '"""""P
He names the following witne 'sestn- ,
continuous residence upon, and culti,-?M
said land, viz: r m c""iiiUooK
Charles straube. William Wilk'nson i.
C. Daly, Patrick Hagger.y. U ofT.ufe
. . ,. iia.ii. vv . k I'tD.H
Land Crrtcs at The Dauis.Ou ,
Notice la hereby given that the foil.,,,
named settler has filed notice of hl iiii?, f
make final proof in support of mV" l.TmT;
that said pioof will bo ad,. h..f. . ." "v""1
and Receiver at The Dalies, Oregon, buta?
day, June It), law), viz: ' n s,lll:
Wileon J. Jffer, 0f The Dailei, Or.
Homestead Entry No. 4tVifi, for the kVht.
section towushli. 1 north, m, ... n ":..)
lie names thefoliowlnir ttii, . i I
ij V i "-" - "iku aim cultivation of I
said land, viz: " " I
James Benson, Jr., James Bi-nion, Sr., Petti
.....c-j mim, mi ui ineualles, Or
mayJ-i JAY P. LUCAS. buJ
Lakd Office at The Dalles. Oemwi
April M, law. 'j
Notice Is hereby given that the t..uni..
named settler has tiled notice of his Intuition!
mase final proof in support of Ms cl.lm ini
that said proof will be made before the Knirir
and Receiver at 1 he Dalles. Iri ir,.n.
uu) , June.;, juu, viz:
Henry Readel, of Ttie Dalles, Or.,
Homestead Kntrv So. 4740. for the SK'-. wti
niii i not in, raiifre easi, w. h.
He names tne following witnesses
continuous residence upon and cultivations
stiio laou, viz:
Henry Luehing, (icorgo Arnold, Charlie V.
Adams, Michael Doylo, all of The Dalles, Or.
may2 I JAY P. LUCAS, Register.
Notice ia hereby given that under ml
by virtue of an order of the county cojit
of Clackamas county, Oreiion, made id
entered on the 28th day of May, 1900,1
will oner for sale, at private sale. Iron
and after the 7th day of July, 1900, lor
cash In hand, all the riirht, title and in
terest of the estate of Walter Fish, de
ceased, in and to lot 12 in block 13,
Laughlin 8 Addition to Dalles City,
Wasco connty, Oregon.
Frkderick Bardox,
Administrator of the estate ol YVilttt
Fiah, deceased.
Oilier received by Attorneys for Ad
ministrator, J. T. Whalley, Pipn i
Tifft, Portland, Or. j6-i
Land Office at Vancocvkk, Wh.,l
MaylMMO. I
Notice is hereby given that the fulkarinf
named settler has riled notice of his Inttotim
to make final proof in support of his cliim.ind
that said proof will be made before W. B Pra
United States (Jomniissinner for District s'
Washington, at his ollice In (ioldendule, L.
on Saturday, June 30, I'.mh), vi:
Osorgs O. Lindsay,
Homestead entrv, No.f?l, for the of .
l. Tp8, N of K 13 E, W. M.
Ho names Ihe following witnesses to pre
his continuous residence upon and cultlvsuoo
of said land, viz: .
John . McDonald, of Hnrtland P. 0., V:
Wendeliu N-ldl, (ioldenoale P. I)., Wssh.; J
f. Hetrv. Haitlaud F. (,.,Wa,ii.; Tkorou )
Dripps, llai Hand i. U., W ash.
niajai 1 W. K. DUNBAR, Beglster.
Laud Urrica at Vamcocvfr. flM
Mayal, !'..,
Notice Is hereby given that the Ml""'
named settlers have riled police of "eir ,"''
tioti to make final pnaif in support of ts
claim and that said proofs will he mailt
W.II. I'resl.y, l; lilted hlates L'oinnil!""';''
Dlstilet of Washlngt n, at his. .Hire 111 Holif
dale, W ash., Monday, July tf, I'tsl, vi
Henry Ve. kel,
Homestead entry No. 9-.HH. for the ff-U "! ''
2, 1 p. N , R I I K, W. M, who nmnes tne i
lug wltneasi-s to prove his i liuiious retM
upon and cultivation of said hind, vl.: , .
Manuel Leonard. i, w llllam i. .nums -
Mulligan, Francis l Hun null, all "f ceiitenu
Y. () , Waahli gton.
Francis L. Bunnrll,
Homestead Kntty No. 10,13 '. f'1' h' J'tf'-1!
NW." of (.. 7. In. 2 N. It l-'i B. ".'Ili
names tho following witnesses to prove dim
tltn s residence upon and miltivtlon oi
lunil, vl.: ihi
Manuel Leonardo, William M. MniiiK"'-- .
Mulligan. Henry Yonekel. all of Centenu"
U., Washington,
niacin W. R. DfXIlAB. IW
. ,vir
IT. 8. LANDO rtca, VABcnrvF-.. '; '(
Notice Is hereby given that Ms.ry E. l',jS
by H. II. Hfgmiiu, her attorney in l''ibfi
iiotlco of Intention to moke ,'lnsl V"'" 9
W. II. l-resbv. I' til tifi Hlates t o"'"'1" ',''m
District of Washington, "t his oihcein"
dale, Washington, on r rlday, the s
June, I'.S'O, ou Timber ciiltun' ' AW "" All
mi, lor the northeast iiiarier m . jj
tiiiviiMliI,. N'i, ! mirth, rana-e N". M esuii ,
Hhe names as wltn s: Manuel -
of I i rand Dalles 1' O.. Wash.; I'';"1'""'
1.., i, ......... v l e I . O.
nuuaiii niiaiiisiiii, in i-ii - ii.iiM r.
aiss William Crawfoid, of t.rand " A,
Wash. o. 1((rr.
A I) M I N I .ST It A 1 0 R'S NO I ICE-
Notice is hereby given that tbe l'"',
by sii order of Ihe o.ninr 0irt ol , H
tiregon lor Wasco t'ountv, Ims l" n Jf ' ,frf.
sdinlnistrator of the estate of in u " ,(pa
de-eaa.-.1. All poisons having m ste
tbe estate of said are 1 ,,,
sent tbein, with tha proper vouem rs. (plS
HihkI Hlver, Oregon, within sl I'""""
the dale of this notice.
D.Ud May IA, VMK r liB.n
Administrator of the Ks.ate ol n"
ford, Deceased.