The Dalles weekly chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1947, June 16, 1900, PART 2, Image 2

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The Weekly Chronicle.
n rr lr i Itllj
O.-e l.ier uc :-.- aa tSe tIf ifi-
Ur? t Vol re .':.
In .11 f WtliiT
lai fc ..&. j-r iw-t
ir. r otrt- ,Ti-fc-i 1.-1-3 s'-.-r f-.? ilii J-
i !--. t :w &t fcu4 t.ilT lieu
Orr twTt iot io -.
.... 1 W
... J
1 .
. 1 Ml
rr;':.Y or tue
A 'r-cb'l cf The Cns mcie Lus
i!";-d cv.r lttt:oc to a !-o.srVMr
9-ill written;?! is lie April
tca-ltr c tie Ovtrlc i Monthly on
lie -Evt'utUn of the Northwest"
Tie article Is a spectsl itterest fix
tie peop cf Tbe Dalits U-t two
reasons: lt aubor is lie E.v. W.
A. Terry who ugai.lzeJ the Corte
gitlcxi! church at this pkee n lv":,
and was its Erst pastor; it givr-s
grinding ont all the atony gri-i that
fall itlo lb fcepper.
' This tiirticular fru't-btlt is aboct
the foot of Mc-cct Hx-d, as
richest cf it is scarcely twenty-Eve
tniles frora the jrjetai stow.
Xli'lk-us cf .c:c c1t a lii'.le trferior
tjt fnilt can 1 f.otd in cetera
Oir-cr, Wtiia aJ I"-b-,
Tb.s ttdastry is yet in iu ir larc r.
It is Et Un jtiis tlr-ct il'.tn'-t
bive been made to furtish the eist.
rrn msiltL S tu the p;odc;.tL
cciBa;t:.deJ the LiLcst prices wLer
ever it has been tfftiti. No ciber
frait htm transportation so
ii.tle itj'-M. WLen tie Este:n
market is overstocked, tLe 0:fvn.
fru't 15 rran.fes'Jy the -s-j:viv:.l of
lie fittest"
72 cj use wj.v.v(?.
A sUttttcxt recently pointed sums!
in fiTcr of voiEin ttSrsge, tea1
j friVxs a frLo:cg tlit cyglt to tla-
gfr tie faith of tLe most rdcctj
wi-iitrs 10 U-tl cstse. it is loo
Kait-a'iifm it the f 3i:n of ;-rrft-;
oil yoc'.Li.
Ma ii ks.o6 ly lie eoa-piey b '
keep tat of.
Mot tliojt cojat ii ti.oe La tattle
tUe Iter t.
' R -r : 1 f.-A rr,n rT;
Uit in twetty-four utt cr tr j c M wi i '?oor i
Uie fc,.e fv-rta of kLoo! iL?fg,; loa't ppt ti.e iJr ij,t j ycur ted tLt
yet col tttre tUsa e r crit of i Krir siJosi re treen. j
c tiB ft'.itltd to vote tare asi;cd ; F.-.::li cia ceTer .k ca jttr i Ii
tLfClr c f ti e -prit ile-c." Js t tkt fa:; tf Jo4. j
tte ttE Vtsrs froa I to 165. tbe I G " -a:e rn-c-: I "i tls:
t!.t"ii Ui.- tLe Mttr l f. j
i it i i i j i iiii if i";
v I ii if l a
tilt vim
1 &
HKB tf Co!rido, Utkii a J I
a',iii:t 1 life full lilt to vole, llli
toii. CoLLecticut and OLio gracted
won. en cLool su?rge. MiDre?-ota
ptrniilteJ vLetn to Tot? f.r Jttn-ben
cf library I oaria- low gave tLcra
a rtry retxit".t-d tiLt to Vila oa ,
ii.kri Li on op-
tlA tl,-i-i tjfilil
Ti. ico-e a nn tri?s t j r-roT tLtt
he irn't Ijo ti e me ;.e prove be i. !
Eva i.'.rn n. a a i
ror:uc:t:f tier are
Af;s-r a girl pi-i-s sTet.ttfa he l e-j
piut to Ivt Let L.-r. !c iook l J becuue j
ta be run over by a bU rcle rid Jen bj
nestioLS iLro'v.rj tie itue of
n-ULicir! bc-Ld.-. Louisiisa etc- Xv.hity ruikes a mia f-i t- ttll at
lc3 ijipr' .1 lsxiTivir? wotnto to vote
.i .
' oq all 'JCstiocs Mibujr.ted to tas-
l Lev ate wiifificl iLtir
re- ,
of a ccir.8c;c v.-tur I . "r; . tltC.;ou Lt 1 I tLU ttCtia a COCtl.tU-. TLe iaaa L c!;un to lave a pc-or
estixite tLt wis i!WtJ .-w-ru. v Uc.tkl .atjnett giving women ' cettory aay U csred by lend c ita&Il
fu;iur2e, wbirb a defeated by tutuS '".ey to J.u .'r:ejs.
to tie
t-urte of tbTs ;,tric
io the ibt
to tie
ca tbetn ty ei:!y Aitfr:
l"p ia tLe Ir.-i:sa territory
Lve to Tctfi. News.
TLey are gcvtrtnl without tL
Mayers.- Tte ksistore of Oregon :. .r
i.ej are Krf and k.aes d , b 5l t lL(J , tl tLe nt,.ir, ,
witb tlis
ccantrv :
La tOctM; v ' . " - : fu.; urge, wiU b wa
iiLttLu'r! an o er Ltlriiic j c;jniy.
at, ar d ocr v:.r I ,-tin " 1 ,oc ,: "r 1"cir Ua1s et la tbc-e same tea years three dif-
!bat:cktl .";c-e ,reveLt; ',0"11-lri J en 1 01 " j fereH lilh faile l in Arizona.
" 'Uirce in Ajkaossu, two in South
! ALd tL col , red men of MiiKip-; Dkola four iD California, and fotr
HaLd tertral otLer ttates are !-; tiJlf and or.e constitutional amend-
t t : , .i f . . . i . i
!wa.te... .Ltui.iw.ujit: Fo3r 8Dfrr!1ge .tnendments each t.iniag chance that along
a jirong jr,iuM n or ILC u-sl Llood oi ' Br. .i,...,,,! i;t,r.u tmr. in ' to teneirate the ei:a;i bovt ricoic rants.
Indiana and one in Delaware. In ' w'en a women admit to another
i'.cresti'nz tL:iu;b
from ri r!c".ir:j i; in full. The
f .liowirg txtiut, oa wlut Mr. Terry
calls c ne t f tie mir.or revcrces of
tie N-r'-L west, will L'n jor.:e a
d:.r.nce to become better acquainted '
. ... ... i
i Jtvtrr ilid thtiiH everyucoy ei-e ,
:kcoshiuj. That it irobju'y why he;
; wiites Lit came to too can't read it. j
A man fvrivea Lis ewte'.heart for ':
trninpinc bit ace, bat be alwayi re- :
uiicas her of it af'.tr tier are marrlel. !
v. v r
The Kind Toa Hare Always Boagbt, and wLkh has been
in me for over SO years has borne the signature of
and has been made tinder his per
, , onal supervLion since its infancy.
cZtcJU's. Alknr no one to deceiTe you in this.
All Counterfeits, Imitations and J ust-as-good " are bat
EiIMTiiuenti that trifle with and endanger the health of
Infants and Children Experience against 'Experiment.
Castor ia is a harmless substitute for Castor OiL Pare,
griric, Drops and Soothing Syrnps. It is Pleasant. It
contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Kamtic
twibatauce. Its age Is its guarantee. It destroys 'Worms
and allays FeverUbness. It cures Diarrhoea and AVind
Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation
and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates the
Stomach and Bowels, giviug healthy and natural sleep.
The Children's Panacea The Mother's Friend.
Bears the Signature of
Scon w ill tte little bny bee improve
tbe ioo'.h io their veins, and still
ioti? and marvelous
; tfcey are dis!r&t,chi?ed. And even
liil.. . : : t v . r . .i
Ot-e cf te minor resources of the, ' -
iD'i iocs OTcr iijeir Leaa sat nown-
Xortbwest is fcatd ia Its adtptition, j
txth in k;2 iod tlimi'.f, to fmit. !
trodden Tajalogs." More still, a
Obio a suffrse amendment and two
bills were defeated. In Washington
although in the territory women
women that he cciesiona'.ly So J a -to
ia ber bonso, it indicates trial the
reroee? the greatest confidence ia ber.
Every variety tbst can be grown in
lie teni-trite rose ficurl-bes bete to
j full m&jjrily of the white lace of
j Americans in the sovereign state cfi
were allowed to vote, a saffisge'
amendment was defeated.
The Kind You Have Always Bought
In Use For Over 30 Years.
We tsve eo fear of j Kentucky the st.te cf grest hcrsc-s ' aie tQ lLe t1es;re for WOffiflD
tx : :
wntr-adiction ia saying that tbe fruit, !?rt,t UkeJ"' fIr Wea 3D l t!,iv" fuff.age was
A Sprained Aiikl J"caljr I'Brrd.
"At one time 1 entered from a teveie
. eprsin of the ankie." ets Geo. E. Crr.
feruar lie Dest test taat Las txtn editor of the Guide, Washintcn, Va. ;
'After using several well recorcmea Je d
medicines withont sccc'fe, I tried
ChauiWrlaio' Pain taliu, acd am :
pleatf-J to say that relief unit as erjon I
as I bean its csr; ac J a complete care j
spees?i!y f .Ilowed " Sold bv Blakelev ;
in Massachusetts in
ia aittr, is i:, ar.l in textoTebas; iieyj. aii men and women wdo
Lever fcen nrp in ary Und!gTeat "tcnt " di-f rntLiscJ "0D j were eligible to vote at school
ticce Eden was closed. It will .0jtbm declaration of independence, cltclV.M wcre ,Ilowe to vole on
juaauiLa. otiiicui 1ue1.01.-r13 - lLis (Juetliol5i it expedient that. & floa,-k-tua
oeu is muiea. Ana even me odu-'.,,.;
tmperiilists forget them and look j WOIten
over their bea ts at clown-trod Jen
Tagalogs." Salt Lake Tribune.
Kog toward tie procf'of sccb a
swe-epitsr stiterceM to ssy tb-it tie
largest app'e, tLe largest pear, aid
the krgest cherries exhibited at tte
World' Fair at Chicago were from
Oregon, and. slso that Hock! River
won sixteen medals on fruit, ecven
00 app'e-s, and received the highest
prize on sttawlerries after they had
been four days in an express car on
a jjurtey cf two thousand miles.
Tie app'es from this locality, by
reason of their size, smootb surface,
splendid color, rich Savor, and free
dom from insects t'ke the first risk
everywhere. Io Jace, 1894, as an
experiment, a few boxes cf yellow
be granted to; .Special reserve old government wt'sjSj.O,
Of the men, SO, 970 voted ' key, recognized by the highest '
yea acd 1?6,97G voted no.
state 57j,00v women were
In the ' antbority in the lund ; especially recom-;
entitled : ,nt'nlJe, tT tije board of health of San
i Frttnpier ffir 1 re . ' an 1 f
The forefather of those who tike j 10 V0le al lu,s oui auu.uuu O'Brien. M. I)., captain and sargeon,
deheLt in abosm" President mc "cciincit to express an opinion, ana ani wm. u. .ticcarttjy, major and snr-
0 I . ... ' eeon IT. S. uqit. m tin rmwt nniHiil.
Kinley were occasionally active in ! ,ess luan Iour cenl volea j terated for cor.v,lescens. i... '
the esily days of t1 e republic The In Chicago the same experience has :ds and family sse. sold by Charles
foHowin abuse "of Washington teen bsd- 29-81 2 women registering liop; Pl-" ,
f ound in. paper called the rhiladel-f- school election in 16 U and , fc J," h wSesu ''u Z
phia Aurora might be easily take 1 ' lut for lLosC 18D8 In j immediate relief, is pleaiit to take and ;
for a leading deroo-pcp editorial of I Cleveland the women's vote has jg lrnlT tl-e dvipeptic'e best friend."
iml., if ih. mm.f.f MoV'-'ntrv .-. j f il!e n off f rom o83 1 in 1 875 to 2 ; y K. Uartgerink, Overisel. Mich.
CIlhitltnlAil fr.r ll.nt r.f VT..V.;n7fr.r. . ! VOteS in 1898
v m v j sva wuh va nuiUn kv.J
"If ever there was a fiicn.l of re- lliC5e iccta 10 "eutaoie:
joicicg this is the moment. Every I P" i"i e masses 0: women 00
j Digests whai
: core.
eat. CanDOt fail to
Before you
place any orders for a tombstone or for
earning, fercin; or other cemetery
work, call on Loais Coiuici. I will not only give yoa ail
the information yoo need tot I will qno'.e yoa prices yen
cannot beat any where. let no one bluJTyoa. It wiil take
only a few minutes to cill aud fee me. If yoo have a
nr-igLbor whoever did business with meconsalt bini as to
the price and quality of my work
and abide bT the result. : : :
Louis Comini V
is being advocated by all parties regnrdlets of race, color or pre
vioas conditinn of servitude. R-mi-mber we make our custo
mers glad when thev bay or Pure Prmared Paints. There is a
tinish and glo-a to its work that is adu.irt J by all.
Painls. Oils. Glass, Picture and Room Moldings
Be sure and inspect onr stock of Wa'l Taper
Les;gn for 19.Jon Display
Washington Street,
between Second and Third.
Horn. They were optLed in Lon
don in 2ocd condition . thirteen
months after the- had been
Newtown pirrinsaf:treL'bt months" i hrt in nnisrm with . frPPlf,n finl cot desire suffrage, ia spite of the
sWrs2e, were sh-pr-c-d srounj Car r.mnir.P r.r th rr.r.i rioht ir, 1.0-1 ', claims of a few members of tbe sex.
high with exultation thit tbe name j
of Washington from this da- hss 1
ceased to give curreccy to ptlitical! I1'3 tlje opinion of Oregon that!
from the trees at Heed River! tn iniquity and to legalizing corruption. ,be C0UDt-v Las esdj expanclecl. ,
an3bH3y give a r-srallel in the keej-! A new era is now opetiD" upon us I There arc plenty of "boxers" in i
.. .! C 1 !l,1 r:,.,.,4 l,l r.. !
irg qaaaty ire aty oinc-r eountrv . an era which nrcm sra mnch to tb ' u"""lJ '--"J
10 onr irsont KQoie?ge, so people; for public measures must
bte i.i ls73 hndtcapc abcit TLe j now
I ) . ' i i in n iri.i.irrrifcr r.i tt.?A ' 1 tl .!..,) . : . - T
... -li.(a..,.v'.i-v iui: ami ii'ai niui I'liii'i., r ill i i iiiiitri'r
' : citiiscs lor tiuituic,
be supported by a name. H is the
1 a,ui - me mtr i-aca, ; in&i a single iQdivMuai suouki Lave i ju or.ier to "d rid of hiui for 1901.
iflSt the publiCj TIlP l.,rm.,nv ,.f Tmmr.r will.
river was a succession of "drl . 1 b!rtv so far s to have i.ut inlu.i f.. f ,i. .i- r.
) . iM t IUV tm ' v v j vuw . Ill i ii cvav i
j boxers.
stand upon their own merits j u rcSre uie sviue-
uuui vi 9 uyvi sinkc ia aiiu;. vu
riothirz to
cf shifting
small town, presented
tLe ee I ut "a descit
and all the vast tract back from tbelcxrried Lis desists a
m t
The only store in
this city where the
(Jenuine Imported
Ware is sold
A irood many democratic state;
j hailed as a glorious augury of dcm-1
! . . ...... ii !
! octitio victory in me ia.i. ;
ver l .reless Liiis," exactly as Senator j jeopardy its very existence.
Webster a r.r! Mr Ilil'l li.l
scribed Ivrg before. Inlfe38we! Anw-expans.ono.errencu tcm. j Wouldn't . democratic .resiJent:
fund this same spot the verdant j it!?es wben ,tLeJ ,DsaBcIy altack in the act of turning the Philippines j
center of six hundred acres of fruit
Wholesale and Retail
Wines, Liquors and Cigars.
Agerr rthe Create American Liquor
Yellowstone Sour Mash Whiskey.
WHISKEY from to Sit W r taliour 1 4 I j 15 Vears oU.T "
IMPORTED COGNAO i"n 7.00 to Tergal IcnT (11 to fiars oid.
CAM FOBSIi L ERAKUIS now J.25 o b 0 ier i-l on. r4 t 1 I vears old.'
orchards. Farther Lack, for miles
and miles, weie luxuriant grain
C: !. Heie was certainly a marvel
cut evolution in tweLtv-five vears.
President Mckinley because of the over to Asuiualdo, the adventurer,
prosecution cf the war in tbe Philip- j be a pleasing spectacle for the Amcr-
ir.;nr.. i ... i .:,;i.. . i ican ion!e to contemplate ?
siocsib!e for the war, nor has Lc The limes-Mountainccr thinks it
been adene in urging it to a Gcish. ! wouI I be a blessing if somebody j
couu uiK-over AguinaMos recipe
. . ... ..... i A irinlnr.lti- nn'.ir tvMlinnl . rrn Tn
i. was ii reta.i oi mn s mteinsent - ' ' ifnr 'rir-nc&;iniir.n " An iri;,a i
use of natures inconceivable wealth J menl " aIil lo Ucoaie a boomcring, American recipe would be ten feet!
: .i : i .i rr. .. i wnaciiin iii wouid-ie wiisrtpr?. i r.t .tr..i vr.n;i '
ia i uc i'jii aiiti tiixaie. i wo miles: 3 oluul .. .v " . .u "w.gc
Washington" dangling at tbe end of
Two miles
wbove TLe Dalles, where the sand
along the river bank, until the last!
A little liighpr in
price, but outhista
a dozen pieces of so
callei cheap enau
eled ware.
Other wares look
bkeit.but thegenu
ine has tbe name
St ransky - Steel ; COLUMBIA IEER on dransht, snd
Ware on each piece, j Imported Alo and Porter.
Do not be deceived .
Firvt prise at 15
International Exbi I
bitions. Ill sheet j
award at World s ,
Colombian Exhibi
tion. Chicago Pre- I
f erred by the best
certified to by the
nio-t famotischem
i.its for purity and
darabihty it is
cheapest becausa
Val B'.atx and Olrmpia Beer in bottles
Missouri having a governor wiih'j
rubber backbone, and .St. Louis !
Jacobsen Book & Music Co.
twelve years, drifted .ad summer like having a mayor with a spinal column 'entirely responsible for the increased'
tte winter mow in Xew England, or
like the iLstging between
San Francisco and the Cliff House,
j of putty, tbe people themselves of : republican majority. Senator Host's
tbe metropolis of tbe Puke stale are
obliged to take in their own hands
famous aati -expansion speech was
extensively ciiculated all over the,
stale as a campaign document. !
Kofr.rd In ;.
A ii ci-lent, of which Mr. j
John Oiiver cf I't.iladelphia, was tbe
tahjtct. Is narrate 1 l y tiui as folio :
lands, pulverized austlz. but Prar.o-i .sitrvt;on never yet cored dysrepsia. ! " nioiioreaiiai conainon. 3,y j
. . naif, m A a m.n(t r! nmr. vtj tnnin
t erih.,T.a w.iti tnri irtnr arei lirM.lT ; " ' - -i cfan - .at a . I
.... . .v.iy oi iruii trees ; tbe task tf mtoric, or,ier out cf lLc
that can Lardly be surpassed .Dj-jchaol occasioned bv the strike of
where in the abundance and qislitj , lbe ,trcel y ; ln t!ial tVt
f their Ticll of riches and cber-' ar, Saum s..t,.n.
ric-s. This escd is not, as in many
latt-d basalt, containin-r aorr r.f it.o
r,t r,riiiv- , Jba;f -rvel. They need
"" .wholesome focd. Kcdl
sfiordj. Jhe old mill wLere this
plen'y of ' uufl id uiti
Dy-pe; ia '. u 1 ' l'-r"""i; grow-
:Core diges-s what you eat so the bo-Jr ' ,nfr wc"er U1-T lf oiT' i,iree - ' I
sm-l hr. been grinding h r thousands ean be nourished while the worn out cr- j !"" l 1 K "n me P- Forton?-.T' 8
;iJia ia run I U iilj lb. It L V C I e - - w... a.
will visit tLe foot of the rsnds c( i '-r Kepir.tioa known that
iij ,J,ts!arit:v re.itve and coiupleteli
r.L.ri ai i.. ..... n ii are urine tecannmntn. it i
UUI. Illx. . . 1, jr , . . i , , . .
will in- -" ' ' . .
p.jiiinVti. r rv.rm a 1 , wi vie a iiiM'ini iuiiivTruiriiv, i
fhc Dalles at a low stse of tbe ; sromach troables. Try it if you are continued thtir nse f.r three weeks, ar. 1
It wi.l cer
saff-ririg from la iigestion.
t.ver may look into the great pot- containing iccks a ton in I
aru now a well in, in. I know thev mi 1
j my life, and robbed the grave of another '
Frr.Vl rr,.l..l V.l.r,... n fl. !v:..ftm ' V.-k r-.. .1 . .n 11 fa i 1 I I r .
whill.Cg i ir-. arelion. Kine.1 kirrt r.f f)nl .StV. naranle,..l. at I::keleT A
duric the Lig'j sbigcs Of the river, 'chicken feed. mct23-if I Houghton's droj store, 5
i 'rJ
Uempmber this J
celebratei enam- j
eled ware is special I
ly i in ported for and 1
o!d in this city ex-1
clu'ively by us. I
It d es not rnt
ror absorb grease,
(loci not iicolor
ncr ratc'i inside; is
XMll boil,
stew, roast
and bake
impart .nz
flivor of
foo 1 and
will last
for years,
Just Arrived
Thy largest ami most complete line at
We cau.
tion the
i -
Grandall S Barget -
.Wof undertakers Burial Shaes
Funeral Supplies embalmers Etc.
The Dallos, Or.
Advertise in The Chronicle.