THE DALLES WEEKLY CHRONICLE, WEDNESDAY. JUNE 13, 1900. It Mas Never Failed Mr. C. S. Peaslce. the well-known druggist of JZ&i Morgan City, La., is highly thought of in his neigh- borhood because ot bii skill ana care in tilling pie- iv x. script ions. The lrst physicians in the pla:e send their patients to his storewhciscver they can. Any thing which Mr. IVasleo may say cm ho depended upon abioluUlv. In ;i .'et:cr to'W. II. Hooker Co., New York City, p-o;v io'ms ct Ackert English Remedy, he says. " "hiulltny inany years' experi ence a"a drujjijist, I have never handled a medi cine of any nature that gave such complete satis faction a Acker's English Remedy forThroat .. ,1 I 1 X ami Itrij i rouoies. i nave soio. nunureusui b i ks. it-d have yet to learn of a single case it t'.iiled to cure. In . inii;. it acts wr.n a cer tainty that is really mar vcImk. My wife docs not take mticli stock in medi cine. Init sho h:s absolute faith in Acker's English Remedy, always having it nt her eibow in case the children are attacked by croup at night. It is a positively harmless rem edy, as I can personally tetitifv I know of a little girl who accidentally drank a whole bottle. She was, of course, sick at ter stomach lor a short time, but the sickness passed away, fcnd then the child was in better health than ever before. I can understand why Acker's English Rem edy is so efficacious, because I am a druggist. It is not a mere expectorant, but a strengthening, invigorating tonic as well. While it heals the irritations of the mucous membrane, it also builds tip the constitution and purines th blood. I endorse it absolutely." Sold at 25c, 50c. and $i a bottle, throughout the United States and Canada; and in England, at is. 2d., as. 3d., 4s. 6d. If you are not satisfied after buying, return the' bottle to your druggist, and get your money back. Wt authorize tlie aim guarantee. V. II. HOOKER & CO., Proprietor!, tiew York. For Sale by BLAKELEY & HOUGHTON. GENERAL NEWS. I PEOPLE IOC ALL KNOW. Saturday. Daily. E. T. Uinmsn was in town today from Dnfur. Frank Gabel, of Wapinitia, is in town today. W. H. Moore, the Moro banker, was in town today. J, A. Utile, m prominent sheep man from Antelope, is iu the city. Grant nnd Robert Mays. Jr., were passengers on the raid-day train today for Portland. D. F. Adamson is in the city from Prineville on his way to aUend the grand iodge of Masons at Portland. T. M. Baldwin, cashier of the Prine ville National bank, passed through town today on his way to Portland to attend the grand lodge of Masons, which meats at that place next Wednesday. Monday Daily. was in town today from C. A. Bell Hood River. J. A. Gnlliford from Dufur. was in town today Charlie Stoughton was in town today from Dnfur. W. H. Moore, the Moro banker, was in town today. V. H. H. Dufur, of Dofnr, was in town this forenoon. P. J. Walsh and D. McLennan, of Antelope, are in the city. G. V. Billington, a prominent Klick itat farmer, was in town today. on the Eego'stor this morning to spend the summer at Ocean Park. E. Fortner, a prominent Prineville sheepman, is in town looking after the tale of bis wool. Georgn Miller, wife and two daughters were passengers on the Regulator this morning for Portland. Mr. and Mrs. John Brook house, of Dufur, went to Hood River this morn ing on the Regulator. Mrs, William Mulligan came over to day from the Klickitat bills, accompa nied by her son, John. Mrs. Dan Baker and her five children left on the Regulator this morning for Ucean l ark, where she expects to re main for two or three months. Mrs. W. B. Saylor, of Sunny side. Or., is visiting her daughter, Mrs. W. II Taylor, cf this city. She is accompanied by ber daughter, Mrs. R. W. Reynolds, also of eunnyside. Mies Anna Smith, of Hood River, who has been visitinir with the fannlv of Mr. and Mrs. John Warden for the pact weeK, returned to her home today, ac companied by Alms irginia Marden. George Ross, who is now agent for the Columbia Sou I hern at Shaniko, and who has been here on a short visit io his family, returned today to Shaniko, accompanied by Mrs. Ross, who goes to have a look at the new town with a view of moving there in the near future. In this city, June 11th instant, to Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Kergnson, a daughter. Kryauism lu Operation. If a man opposes the gold standard trusts and imperialism all three the chances are a hundred tn one that he is in favor of arbitration, the income tax, and the election of United States senators by a direct vote of the people, and is op posed to government by injunction and the black list. W. J. Bryan. The city of St. Louis offers to the peo ple of the country the beet example, now anywhere on view of the principles of W. J. Bryan in practical operation. The blacklist and the injunction do not "go there any more than they "went" at Conev Island in the davs of Mr. and Mrs. B. S. Huntington were j John Y. Mi-Kane. The employes of the passengers on the mid day train yester- street railroad company of tbat'eity have day for Portland. i ,.:, , L--ti uii Buiao diuvo iuhv o, lucy are having things very much their own way E. T. Glisan, of Antelope, is in town, I .1 . . . I T ' . ' iuo gueei ui win j luauna iiouse. W, H. Hoduon, deputy county assess or of Klickitat county, is in the city. Ted Hanafin is registered at the Uma tilla House trum Kent, Sherman cjunty. Miss Minnie Blackburne is registered at the Umatilla House from -Goldendale. Mrs. N. M. Eastwood left this morn ing on the Regulator or Spragne, Wash, Dr. Gertrude French was a passenger on the mid-day train vesterdav for Port land. J. M. and J. K. McGreggor and Dr. H. G. Davis, cf Mosier, were in town today. Mrs. D. W. Wakefield arrived in the city today from Portland 011 a wait to Mrs. S. L. Brooks. Mies Etta Wrenn of The Dalles public schools has gone to Portland to spend part of ber vacation. A. R. Graham, of CeatervHle, is in the city nursing a sore foot, which was painfully injured by the tramp of a horse. Mrs. Gnnn, of the Spring Creek coun try, Klickitat comity, is in thecity with ber daughter, who is under the care of Dr. C. T. Smith. Delwyn Allawav, editor-iii-ehief of The Dalles "Star." accompanied by his; assistant editor, Harry Syleevter, left on 1 the boat this morning for a week's out ing at trout Lake. John Mn I hern, a locomotive engineer on this division of the O. R. A S who recently came here from Pocatello, is. so well pleased with The Dalles that lie will send for his wife and make his borne- here as soon as be can procure a anitable residence. Tuesday's Dully. W. R. Winans, of Hood River, was in town today. G. E. Patterson arrived here today j iron anieiope. Patrick Sarsfleld, a wealthy Klickitat farmer, was in town today. E. P. Weir Is registered at the Uma tilla IIose from Antelope. Mr. nnd Mrs. C. L. Gilbert went to Hood River on this morning's boat. Attorney E. B. Dufur was a passenger on the mid-day train today lor Portland. Hon. F. X. Joaet, of Bakeoven, passed through town today on bit way to Port- Nobody is permitted to ride on the street cars if they can prevent it oy threats or violence. There is rioting every day in mauy parts of the city. Business is either suspended or much interfered with, and is carried on under great difficulties. The comfort and convenience of the people of the entire city are sacrificed to the lawless will of the strikers, and the loss in money is al ready enormous. 1 lie authorities of the city and state are unable or unwilling to suppress the disorder. Ttey have called upon private citizens to form a posse to heln them quell the rioting. These St. Louis strikers simply prac tice what Bryan preaches. Next to Debs they probably look npon him as the greatest living American. They are" to a man opposed to government by in junction and the blacklist. New York Times. Tba report comes from Pittsburg that soon the price of steel billets sod pig iron will be reduced. The reduction will be fully 2 a ton. The anglers in Umatilla ounty have put 65,000 trout in Meachsm creek. Of this number there are 25,000 rainbow trout and 40,000 graylings. The final survey of government engi neers gives the Yakima Indians about 800,000 more seres of land on the west side, taken from the Klickitat boundary. Out in Kansas, where the demon of penury was thrusting his wsu visage Into every borne during the campaign of ISOtt, the farmers are now paying $3 a day for harvest bands. The Prtsbyterian church no longer re quires its members to kneel when pray, lug; but even this concession will not prevent a man from wearing out bis clothes by backsliding. Japan It seeking American and Euro pean cattle to introduce among nstive berdt and improve the general stock on the islands. Four Japanese government officials, specially commissioned to se lect snd purchase fine stock, have ar rived in this country to buy cattle for the purpose. Two carloads of cigarettes arrived over the Northern . Pacific at Tacouia the other day for shipment to Hong Kong. The consignment weighs forty tons, and contains 3,200,000 boxes or 32,000,000 cigarettes. The salmon pack on the Columbia river this seeson will be about 52,000 cases. There will be a heavy shortage from the pack of last season. Ti e sea son in the npper river was very poor, the shortage, compared to the pack of last year, being fully 40,000 cases. Governor Geer decided that the bids received last week for the construction of a new wing at the asylum are all higher than the appropriation will war rant, and has, therefore, rejected all bids. He will now call for bids for the construction of a two story wing. The first call provided for a tbree-story wing. The publishers of the Topeka Capital have alloted $5,000 to the Rev. Charles M. Sheldon as bis share from the profits of the "Christian daily newspaper, dur ing that memorable week in March. Mr. Sheldon thereupon distributed this amount among objects he considered both deserving and needy, giving (1,000 to the fund for the India famine suffer ers, $1,000 each to two Topeka hospitals, $600 to Washburn college, $300 for a public drinking fountain, and the re mainder to temperance, charitable and similar associations. A new wagon road is being built from near the Mulligan place, on the Colum bia mountain, to connect with the port age line. The grade is made very easy. twelve feet wide, and will save nine miles each way, or eighteen miles in the round trip that is, it will save that much distance over the old road now running to The Dalles. It is expected that the county commissioners will ren der some assistance to the road at the July session by an appropriation, al though the portage people will com plete it any how. Klickitat County Ag ricnlturist. A late arrival p.t Seattle from Cape Nome says there is one cow there, and the milk from her sells at $i per pint. He states that the owner is not worry ing about beach claims hile he has such a mine of wealth to draw from as that cow. According to his .account every saloon, restaurant or boarding house, as well as many private families, all claimed that they were getting their milk from this particular cow, and that the conclusion one naturally arrived at was that this cow had an inexhanstable supply. As a matter of fact the lacteal fluid was very liberally watered at every milking. . 1 1 . L. t-.h seven wbaies siranoeu on m Ti.ese be killed with a botcher knife, not being able to kill tbeoi with bit rifle. He ttripped the carcasses of the blubber and now has several barrelt of oil. The halet were from eight to eighteen feet long, not big onet to be tore, only just calves. Nj danger of Belgian harea becoming a pest hen not as long as the thorough bre Is sre worth all the way from 5 to $1500 each; no more danger than that the bigb-bred Jersey eowt will become a pest, says the Salem Statesman. And then the Belgians would not be a pest, even if they were plentiful. One fartrer near Salem bat bad the Belgianl in his orchard and all over bit place last winter, and they do no harm at all. A dispatch from Fairview, dated June 9ih says, Will Coupeland, who lonie time since left for The Dalies, on account of ill health, Thursday morning tent hit value to bis brother.Ralph, with a letter saying that lie had just bad two hemor rhages. No other word came with it, and it gave no clue to his whereabouts. His mother, Mrs. G. Coupeland, becom ing very anxious, went to Troutilale and telegraphed and telephoned to find him but at last accounts was unsuccessful. Surveyors will toon commence to sur vey the rcute from the Columbia South ern, from near Grass Valley, down Pine Hollow to the John Day and thence np Butte Creek to Fossil, on the route to Canyon City, tells the Fossil Journal. When the road Is built to the John Day, it will receive 2,000,000 bushels of wheat annually near the mouth of Thirty-Mile, from the Mayville and Ferry Canyon coontiet. This will make it a paying proposition from the ttart. Wool sales to date in Pendleton are 650,000 pounds, according to the best estimate obtainable, states the East Ore gonian. It was not anticipated that so much wool would sell so readily, both buyers and sellers agreeing at the be ginning of the season that the local aarket was likely to be quiet for several weeks. It had been stated by the buy ers that they expected to be no less than ninety days in cleaning up the local clips, but the prospect appears to be good now for the buying to be all done by the first of July. Prairie City Is located about where the immigrants found nuggets of gold in 1349 and didn't know what it was, states the Sherman County Observer. Ttiey stopped there to recuperate, be cause of the convenient wood, water and grass, stock was driven away and re covered ahotit where Canyon City stands now, and this led to confusion of the lost B'ue Bucket mine. The two nug gets of $500 and $1800 value, dug out of a spring by a Chinese cook, was not far from the present site of Granite. Mys teries will all disappear some tir.10 to reveal the hidden wealth of that rich region. Everything must work tn har mony wun nature it .was 3U0 years from the discovery of Cuba to that of the Columbia river. Ad.l.l.'retot'a S.l. f f rPrty Vntlee if hereby given tht from and after the le, ior c.". "--"--" , private m firoperly belonging to "I'.A BC 'UK. r'.O. II, I.J. K ard U In block 57 ul tort Pallet JllliUry relation, In hor Information inquire at office of Bimiott "EES at Pallet City i'X Administratrix of tbe etteof fatriet brown dt-ceatcd. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. UKoOrrirt at Vaucouvsb. Warh., April ao, luo. I Vntic it hereby eiven that the. following named etllr baa Hied npuceol bit inten tion to mako final pr.f In nupport of bis claim, and that wid proof will be made before W. H. Prel)T. I' ill tea oiaiet unnaiun. Dihtiir-tof Wathlnaton. at hia ofllee In uoiaen rtnia. M ath., on Friday, June ), Iw, vu: Deitrich H.Stegman, devisee of Dietrich Stegman, deceased ; Homestead Kntry No. W.W, for the touthwesl H of tectum 31, towntblp 3 vuna 01 runge n enai, 11:11 VJ ... He names the following witnect. t to prove hit Con!inuout re&iaenie uuuu aim v. tuid land, vit: u iiiinritn. of Grand Pallet F. O. Wash.: Herman Knaelke, William W ilkinson, ol Ceutcrville P. O , Wash., ana n liuum vruwnnu of lirand Dalles r. O., wasn mnyli Kcgixter. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Laud Office at Vancocvbr, Wash., Muv 15. Nollee It brreby given that the following named tettlers have tiled notleeof their intention t m k. final nroof in Hunnort of their claimt, and that toid proof will bo niado before the register and receiver of the V. H. land office at Vancou ver, Wash., on July 6, l!X)0, via: Cieoree H. Sanford, who made H. E. No. 00, for the ',' SMni Sec a, and K'j SW'i Sec 2, Tp3N,K 12 t, W.M., who names the following witnesset to prove bit continuout residence upon and cultivation of said land, viz: Haskln Trabue. Christian Meckton, Thomas M. Vthitcomo, Kdward A. Hopper, all of l.yle. vt ash. Christian Dleckeon, vhn tnnrfo II F Vo Os'' for the X ! and El$ h'i, S0 HI, Tp 3 N, R 12,"W. M.,who numes the following witnetsea to prove lilt continuous residence upon and cultivation of said lana, viz: lluskln Trnhue, John Paulson, James Fit, George II. Sanford, all of Lyle, W asbington. Ilaskln Trabue, who made H. E. No. '.iMiiS, for the 8! SW'i, Sec :i. nnd N'i N WW, Hee 1U, To 3 N, K 12 E, tV. M., who uunies the following witnesses to prove bis continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land, viz: Chrislian Deickson, Thomaa M. Whiteomb, George II. Santord, James Flu, all of Lyle V. O, nasn. may23-l W. B. DUNBAR, lUcisler. land. Perry ing and wife, of Bovd, were passengers on this morning's boat for Portland. Attorney W. B. Presby, of Golden jlale, is in the city, tbe gnit of the I'matills House. Mrs. Hugh Gourlay and her nieces, Misses Lilly Kelly and Jlincis Uu, hli Dull Headache, Pains in various parts of the body, Sinking at the pit of the stomach, Loss of appetite, Feverishness, Pimples or 8ores all positive evidences, of impure blood. No roa-tter bow it became so it must be purified in order to obtain good health. Acker's Blood Eleiir has never failed tocare Scrofulous or Syphilitic poisons or any other blood diseases. It is certainly a wonderful remedy and we sell every bottle on a positive guarantee. Blakeley & Hough- lon'sarag store. Rsv. W. E. 8itzer. W. Canton, N. Y., writes, "I bad dyspepsia over twenty years, and tried doctors and medicines without benefit. I was persuaded to use Kodol Dyspepsia Curs and it helped me from the start. J bellevs it to be a panacea for all forms of Indigestion." It digests what yea eat. Subscribe for The Chronicle. . London dispatch of the 11th savs Mrs. Gladstone has suffered another relapse and is now unconscious, There are only a few of the founders of the republican party left. , So far as cin be ascertained, hut fourteen dele gates to the Philadelphia convention ol 1850 survive, and they are to occupy a place of honor at Philadelphia, F. M. Bewley, of Astoria, died at Hood River at 4 p. m. last Sunday. He was 58 years old. He came across the pltins with his parents in 1845, the family settling in Salem. He was en gaged in the cannery business in Astoria for twenty-four years. V. R. Brown, who lives near llilner, has a goose that !; neat ly 50 years old. This goose has laved yearly fur 40 years, and each year since 1854 np to two years ago she has hatched and raised goslings. The fimoits oid fowl was given to Mrs Brown by ber mother in 1854. It eoits $70 to ship 76 pound salmon, Iros in in a cake of ice, Irom Astoria to New York by express. There will hard ly be a rush to ship salmon that way in the future, says the Skamokawa Eagle. I he express companies have killed the goose that laid the golden salmon. In New South Wales the number of sheep has shrnnk from 61,8.11,418 in 1891 to 35,782,022 in 18'J9. In nine years, by natural growth the sheep of the colony might have been expected to have increased 100 per cent. Instead of this they have decreased by nearly fifty per cent, the effect of the drouth. A resident of Tillamook connty who lives near the beach, recently found jnays & e owe The only store in this city where the Genuine Imported Stransky-Steel Ware is sold A little hiRherin price, but outlasts a dozn piecesof so called cheap ecam olud ware. " Othpr wares look likoit butthegenu ina tho name St r:insky Steel Vv'a r tin euch piece. Do not be deceived Flint prize nt 10 liit'-rn-itional F.xhi bitio::s Highest fi' 1 nt World s Col nnlii iii Exhibl t:.:i ('iivuco l'r; f rr-il l.v tl.o best PMj-'.-iijrviUioritirfi, r-.T-iii -1 t by tho 1 i:iif;inclicni i 1 1 f t purity uii'l (' .. 1 !:! v ii; ig NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Land Office at Vancouver, Wash , j May 17, l'.mo. i lotice la hereby Riven that the following nameu senior naa men. notice 01 nis intention to make finul proof in sumiort of bis claim, and that s lid proof will be made before NV. B. 1'resbv, United Htnles Commissioner, at (Joldendttle, on J1117 o,, viz: Aaahel K, Ollar, who itiruu ji. r.. io. w;i, ior tnc irticuonai n NW 'ii, Fee :i, Tn :i X. Ii l:'. K. and sK'i of NE1,. aec 1 p j, w k r., . ai. He unmes the follow! lie witnesses to prove bis continuous residence upon, nnd cultivation ol amu mini, viz : Kobert A. Strouthers, Chris K. Franzen. Will Inm (iiirner, John Kure, all ot l.yle I'. ()., n asnuiKion. W. K. Dl'NBAIt, majili ltegiater, NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Land Office at The Dali.ks. Okeook,i Apiil 3u, 1:100. f Notice It hereby Riven that the follnwlng- nninra seiner nas nno nonce ot Ills Intention to make final proof in snnnort ot hla claim, and that said proof will be made before the Kcitister aim mceiver ai 1 ue naues, tiregon, on Satur day, June 111, l'JUO, vi: Jens P. Agidins, of The Dalles, Or., Homestead Entry No. -lull, for the NW'i NWU section 21, nnd K'j NK' and M-:1 section SI tuwnship 2 north, runge 12 cast, W.'m. He names the following witnrssct to prove u u'liuiiiKiiis xi-Muaice uHm aim cultivation ol said l"nd, viz: John Crate, Charles Snlpet. J. D. Hockinar, J. SImouson, all of The Dulles, Oiegon. may2-l JAY IV IXCA8, Register. CONTEST NOTICE. Ukpastmknt of the Interior, j i'kitrq ktatkh iani office, j A siilticlent contest affidavit having been (lied this inllee by (jus 8. Alexander, contestant, Inst homestead entry No. .r777, made May 14 In ava ior sww 01 nvt, sec. A, tp. 1 n, range IS o, by John T. Vt right, eonteslce, In which It la al leged that saiil John T. Wrlgl t has wholly abandoned taid tract, and changed bit resilience therefrom for more than six mouths since mak ing snld entry, and next prior to dale; and that the absence of defendant finm said tract it not due to hit employment In the military or naval service of the I'uiled Mates, said partlet are hereby notified to appear, respond and otter evidence touching said allegation at 10 o'clock a. m on June. W, l'.mo, beioic tbe Koglstcr and Receiver at the t' lilted mutes land oilice III The Dalles, Oregon. .Tl,.f."!l?.,",",'"t"", having, In a proper aflida vlt, Hied May 1.,, phi,. w-t forth facts which show that alter due diligence peisonal scivlce ol this notice can not be made. It Is hereby ordered and directed that tin Ii noMce be given by due and proper publication. 10 1 JAY I'. I.l'CAS, Register. BEST, TVnioinber thn cerebrated ennni cli' l ward i special Iv iiiixirtoil lor ami ml I iu this city ex clusively by us. It d os not rut-t nor abnorb frrense, does not d i.wolor nor rntcli inside; 19 noluflected hyncids in fruit or veRetiibles, will boil, ste-.", roost and bake without imparting flavor of previously nooked food, and will last for years. cash MORCKHORSE SALE AT AUCTION June lGtb I will have a bnnl nf l,. 100 head of horses, breil nnlnCl,.. tale, j Moro, broke an I Piibroke.'from pounds weight down to siu-klina colls, which I Wipll t0 8t prVRle a,e in the forenoon, and at auction sale in the afternoon. lentis On all ti,n. 0f in n. iu0. Over till, banknlilo hie Xovemhei 1, lHOO.orten per cent off for cash, N. E. MoKFirr. I also have a jjood No. 2 Ilo.lue header for sale, with two 20-foot boxes. Only run one seasi n and in Rood order. Yon can get this ( heap for cash. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Timber Lund, Act June 3, 1878. ,. ,, ' H I anii orni e. This Dames, or., Atr I ! I'sm I wlll'I'Thc ,:.hT,,h' ,V :n '"-it' D, complla ,ce Willi the piovislont of the act of loiurresi nf ber lands n tho Mulct of t a!liornl, oiego Nevada and Wai hlngton Territory," "'"""' William K. Ketch oni. SUMMONS. IS THE CIRCUIT COlRT n. . ol Oregon, for WcSj.t?' TB S M. Kate Hatting., PUiuuJ; Donald it. Hasting,, Desn(1,at To Donald JI. Haatingt, the .L. fendniit: 8 ' lne ')T.. In ihe Name ol the State of c 1 hereby renuired to appc., ,L0"", T.J iWut tiled saaln.lvn.7 ' JN suit on or before the laih dar ot iT' If you do not, for want theref.fVs H lake Judgment againit" voT ? the court l.,r the relief 'U L plaint, to-wlt: for a decreVnfa'0 ta lne id defend.ut,"C ,!;.! Tblt tnmmont la terve.1 u,,,nii. H tlon, by order of thtSSuSSJS ' of June. 1'joo, which .aid ord"!; summoet be terved upon 1 ' i Ihereot for til eontSuViV. ?wJSf. Pfr tnaoNicLi, a ll'Z aid county; that thi nUt"! "jl'de on the 6th day of June LVi"1 the defendant be required tamLZ- pr'cMbed ,0? iK ffirpubM V 16t At-jn NOTICE FOR PCBUCATIOJ LtNB Om AT VASCOPVEg, w, Notice la hereby given thW' ' named settler ha. filed notice of h, "' to make filial proof in support of hi. .!1"1 that said proof will be maUebXS ,"? Inlted btatea Commissioner f iu,tf Wasbirgton, at hi. oilice in (Uf 1 lugton, on Monday, July 16, l'juu, "j,; ' John Watson, Itomctt.i A Kntp Krt ati the southeast quarter of section w north, of range 14 east. Will. Mer He names tbe followins uit continuou. residence upon, and wS' said land, viz: cu'uion, Charlea gtraube, William Wllk'nu. 1 c 11.1. i.,,i..i. 11 ... v.1 s-nsoo, Jm. NOTICE FOR PCBLICATI0X Land Offic at Tits Dm,.,,ou Notice Is herebv eiven th. iv.. .... named tettler bat filed notice of his in ZZ. make Html proof In .upport of 1,", J ?'" that said proof will be made before ujrul and Receiver at The Dalles, Ore, 0. uay,june 10, iuou,viz: Wilson J. Homestead section 19, town .Mer. Ho name, the following witnesses ttimnnA continuous residence uuon ami ,iJ:"l tuid laud, viz: -.. 1 Jiimea Benson,. Jr., Jamct Ilensoi Sr. PmsI Godfrey, laaao Howland, all cf The Dallea, Or I mayi i ja 1'. LI'CAS. Si.i-. J. Jeffere, of The Dailn, Or. I Kntry No. 40.W, for tlic N I township 1 north, larje 1 1 eulVil! I NOTICE FOR PL'BLICAUOS. i-arivrnLi al Jrll UAI.Ltf, (HSfiOSJ I April VJW, , i Xoilre 1h herebv si von Ihut th fi.iw,- I in 11 siy iniui itrtni 111 lupiinrr, or nin . I that salil proof will be nmde before the tn I huh ivtt-L'iver ni jne iaiifs. utcgon, on sautr I uuy, Jviiit'v, imut, vie.. Henry Readel, of The Dalles, Or., Homestead Kntrv No. 47H). for the RE'.. I II, township 1 north, ranire l east. W. u I He names tne following witnesses tonmnkJ continuous residence upon and cultivitlwcl sain 11,110, viz: Henry I.uehlng, (icorge Arnold, rharifcl. I Aaama, Aiicnaei iioylo, all of The JJallea, Or. may21 JAY P. I.l'CAS, Berjita, ADMINISTRATOR'S SALE. Notice is hereby eiven that under mi by virtue of an order of the countvcMl of Clackamas connty, Oregon, made ud I entered 011 the 28th dav of May, 1900.1 will oner for sale, at private salf. dot I and after the 7th dav of July. l'Mra cash in hand, all tho right, title and is-1 terest of the estate of Walter Fieh, del ceased, in and to lot 12 in block II Lantrhlin Addicion to Dalles Cut, Wasco county, Oregon. r IIEDKI1ICK HA RDM, Administrator of the eetateof Wiltvl Fish, deceased. Offers received by Attorneys for. U mlniBtrator, J. T. Whalley, Pipes 1 1 l int, Portland, Or. jn NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Lanu Ornci at Vcot;vga, Wk.J Mav 11. m. I Notice la herebv irlvcn that the follotlm named settler baa tiled notice of hit InMiioj to make final proof In mpport of his elaira.Mt that said proof will tie made before W. a hi t'nlted State, tlomnussloner for DWritt Washington, at hla oilice In Uoldendale, e on Saturday, June 30, 1'JoO, viz: Georse U. Lindsay, Homeatead entry. No. Km, for the 8WX ol o, lp3, N of K 13 K, W. M. . H nntiifit Him followliiir wftnefset to PI hit coiiiiniiout residence upon and culllviuit or tarn ianu..vtz: , .l.ilm f. llnlbitiuM lliirlltien V. V.. s Weudclin lbll. (ioldcnoale P. )., '" ? C. Beiry, Hartland I'. i.,Wnh.: Thomti brippt, Hartland P. O , Wash. maM W. R. Dl'NHAR, KeglsK We cau tion the public against imitation of The Ilsllct. Connty of Wasco, rttate of Orivon ha. this day filed In this ,1 !' Mid N"'k'' '"I !"--f the wVNKU !-."' Section No. iu, In Tp l N V tl,.f .K ,i '''ter pr s.f to sliow Regis'leV1.",!:!!"'? P WZi -r. ,,i iiuice at The NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Lawd Omcim Vanioiivis. Wub.i u vi. imxi. I Notlco la herebv srlvcn that the f"Un" n.. ....,... u . ,.ui ..... i,u ni Ihe r nirw- i.... ... ... I... Mnul ...,u. , MimiMirt Ol ID11 ...... . "". - '-. MM nun ann mat said proi'ia win imj ui"" Ml. I'reshv. I' lilted Mtates ciiinmll"Hi Ustrli-t of Washlnat ,n. at his oilice In n"1" (lule, wash., Monday, July V, r.rnu, vu. U.tir Vitiekel 11 ....... v.. miiu t..r ihcSE'i l lug wltnessc to prove hit coi,llinii'"""w UIMII! Hllli CIlltlVMllOtl itt NMlll Itlllll. Vi. . l. - - - : ....tii.,!,. jne" Jianuel ionanlo, v iinain m. min -: lUI MulllgMii, Krancla U Huniicll, all of uu"u' ., n aslilngton. V I .. . . n .. , I . noini-sicitd r.niiv no, io.i.i-, i" ""..: ., .ha Mil. nt IIm 1. Tn M- It l.'l fc. nanict the following wllnesw s to proj dilj tin, ions residence uuon and enlllvatl"a land, viz. : ,,, ,0ki Manuel f connrnn, W illiam M. M''111'"";,;, i. MulllDiili. Ilcurv Vf.uckel. all of lellHi'- - tl.. WumIiIiidIiiii mayaiHI W. R. DIN PAR. Register. TIMBER CULTURE FINAL PROOF. NOTICE FOU PUBLICATION I,'. H. I.amd Crricg, Notlco It hereby given that Mi.ry r.. " A rii '. I'alle., Oregon, on a.tord.y, (he 3H da, or June. lOnn. llenamesaawltncttct- J R. (i,,ii i, n , ui i ii wiimhii, dnirriti, ibfidnJ!, tdvcrsely the tra ve-flesc MImi lanus are reniicstcl to 1,1. tl ,. . JmlelVVl,""" mre '! "."I'day o, aprls low I jAV P. I.L'CAS, Regi.ter. riiysician and Surgeon, Bpecial attention given to surgery. Rooms 21 and M, Tel. t l Vogt Block nuui i! is oen-ojr viveo him - i,HM n,a by l. II. Nti guiaii. her attorney In ',,r' Vfett notice of Intention to make final P w W. II. I'rrsbv, United Htatet cominli ' . District oHUshlngton, at hit """''"JV ,,( dale, Wnshiiigtini, on Friday, tne ,o. June, l'.tm, on Tlmla-r culture Appm"" . tB W7, for the norlhrast iinarter ol secilon iiwiii i ,-iu. i norm, riiiR.. -- u ,,-1n"'i Hbe names at wltncaca: Manuel . ' 1M) ol,, rani Halle, p. O.. Wath.; ",;'"'.'' w,ib.. W llllnin Wilkinson, of Ccnlervllle . " p ., and William Crawford, Wash. Inay'J I ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. ,lerllf"i v...i i. i..... ih.l the 1 tiiin.-o ia iit-ri-iiy a'ir, , ,,, atnir w by an order of tbe oiintv Court of '''ni, ,M )regn lorWaaco County, hat r" "J ' .afnrt admliilstrator of the estate of 11(1"' " ,le, All persona having c' n" tbe estate of said are "' '"" Lm,il sent them, w H h the mopcr vouch" r. Iliaid Klver. llreron. within tl the dale of this nolle. Admlnlatrator of the Kstate of n'c )fl ford, iHtceaaed.