The Dalles weekly chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1947, June 09, 1900, PART 2, Image 4

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Wednesday's Dally.
Cbarlea Wing was In town today from
MarJock McLeoJ, of Kinzsler, was In
town today.
W. R. Menefee wai in town today
from Dufur.
J. F. Kelsay.of Antelope, is registered
t the Umatilla House.
C. M. Cartwriifht. of Hay Creek, ar
rived in town today by war of bhaoiko.
W. J. Lauder, of Sherar'a Bridge, it
in town tba guest of the Umatilla
8. McCartney and Robert Leasnra are
registered at tbe Umatilla House from
Hood River.
Father Bronsgeest went to Vancouver
today to attend the consecration of a
bishop over that diocese.
E. F. Hall, of Lyle, aDd G. W. Brown,
ofGlenwood, were in town last night
the guests of the Umatilla Housa.
Tbursjay's Daily.
E. B. Wood, of Mosier, is in town.
Mrs. J. B. Haveley and daughter,
Miss Nellies are in town from Boyd.
H. R. Mnrray is registered at the
Umatilla House from Fulda, Klickitat
A. Sarsfield, wife and child and L.
O'Brien and wife, of Centerville, were
in town today.
Mrs. Lena Scott, who has spent the
past year in this city, left this morning
for her home in Corvallis.
A. C. Haley and wife, of Pendleton,
topped over this morning on their wed
ding trip and took the boat ior Portland.
Captain II. C. Cook, of White Salmon,
stopped at the Umatilla House last
night on his way from Goldendale, and
took the boat for home this morning.
A. B. Jones, a former resident of Hood
River, is registered at the Umatilla
House from Grand Forks, B. C, where
be is running a prosperous hotel busi
ness. Friday's Daily.
A, L. Hodeon, of Goldendale, was in
town last night.
B. McDonald is registered at the
Umatilla House from Shaniko.
Robert Mays, Jr., arrived here on the
mid-day train iron: Antelope.
A. D. Griffin, tiie colored political boss
of Portland, was In town today.
Rev. U. F. Hawk arrived heme today
from attending the district conference at
Miss Annie Wright, of Troutdale,
stopped over yesterday on her way home
from Pendleton to visit Mrs. M. Par
kins, and left on the mid-dav train for
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Chrisman will
leave on tomorrow morning's boat for
Portland, from whence they will go to
eeattle, and if the climate of that city
is fonnd agreeable to Mrs. Chrisman's
health, they may remain there; other
wise they will seek some agreeable loca
tion in California.
Wednesday Doily.
This morning, June 6tb, to Mr. and
Mrs. Niels Petersen, of this city, a ten
pound girl.
A Practical Demonstration.
A fact proven by actual demonstration
is more satisfactory than any theoretical
proposition. Realizing this, and know
ing that they have a proposition which
they can guarantee, the Oregon Sanitary
Cloeet Company, of The Dalles, Or.,
have constructed one of their sanitary
closets and put the same into actual
operation. Tbe closet Is now located in
the rear of Chas. Burchtorf'e bicycle re
pair store on Second, between Federal
and Laughlin streets, The Dalles, and
be public are cordially invited to call
nd inspect the same. This company
is now prepared to fill orders promptly.
Parties desiring this system will be fur
nished full information npon application
to or correspondence with D. S. Dufur,
The Dalles, Or. m31-lwd3tw
Tha Dallas Markets.
Wheat No. 1, 46 cents.
Barley 114 a ton.
Oats $1.15 cental.
Wheat bay $9.50 to $10.
Timothy $10 to $12.
Alfalfa $10.
Potatoes 50 cents a sack.
Floor Diamond mills, $3.15 bbl ; Du
far mills, $3.
Ejfgs 15 cents a dozen.
Butter Creamery, 50 cents;
40 cents.
Cnickens $3.75 to $4 a dozen.
ers, $2.50.
Ed i tor- Awfol Might.
F. M. Higgins, editor Senaca, Ills.,
Newt, was afflicted for years with piles
that no doctor or remedy helped nntll
be triad Bucklen't Arnica Salve. He
writes two boxes wholly cured him. It's
the surest pile cure on earth and the
best salve in the world. Cure guaran
teed. Only 25 cents. Sold by Blakeley
A Houghton, druggist. 5
Dull Headache, Pains in various parts
of tbe body, Sinking at the pit of the
stomach. Loss of appetite, Feverishness,
Pimples or Sores ail positive evidences,
of impure blood. No matter bow it
became so it mast be purified in order to
obtain good health. Acker's Blood
Elexir bat never failed to cure Scrofulous
or Syphilitic poisons or any other blood
diseases. It is certainly a wonderful
remedy and we sell every bottle on
positive guarantee. Blakeley A Hough
ton's drug store.
All who eoffer from piles will bo glad
to learn that DeWitt'f Witch Hazel
Salve will give them instant and per
manent relief. It will cure eczema and
all ikio diseases. Beware of counterfeits.
They Feel Disfranchised Under Exist
in? Conditions Cannot Vote for
Nw Hati-m, Conn., June 7. E
Benedict, the New York banker, who
recently returned from trip with Ex
President Cleveland, hat written a letter
in which he says:
"The gross outrages perpetrated on
the good name of the democratic party
by the present managers of a party by
that name, with scarcely a vestige
tbe old democratic gospel left in
mages me at present a political orphan
I am practically disfranchised by tliei
action, while their infidelity to demo
cratic principles has provoked infidelity
to the name to such an extent that
greatly fear we ran never again succeed
under it.
I am not alone in this orphnnago
On the contrary, I have not a singl
acquaintance among uiy democratic
friends with whom I have conferred
who does not share this feeling with me
It is also very apparent that this polit
ical orphanage is not confined to those
of our faith. McKinleyiem is becomin
almost as repugnant to the rank and
file of republicans as Bryanism is to us
As a temporary choice of evils, the
latter may survive the former, but only
for a little while.
"These vast and increasing rebellious
elements from the ranks of both parties
having common dangers, are fast be
coming common friends and are anxiou
to become enrolled under one banner,
But before an organization of these
elements can be effected, it is the plain
duty of outraged democrats to use thei
best individual efforts, in the absence of
organization, to clean house by the
complete destruction of Bryanism. From
present appearances it is the only
function we can perform In tbe coming
campaign. Soon thereafter McKinley
ism must surely perish as a punishmen
for its infidelity to all sound principles
of government. Then will come the op
portnnity for the formation of a great
party, based on a platform similar to
that of the national democratic party in
1896 (which was the soundest and most
patriotic ever planed before our people)
and the 'Moses' to lead it will be forth
coming when the proper time arrives.
"The 'Bab Ballars' tell us in sub
stance that to enjoy Heaven well we
should have a few moments of hell
This great, rich country is suffering
vastly more from the pernicious action
of its lawmakers and the unwarranted
action of the administration than from
all the law-breakers in the land; but
our matchless form of government re
mains, under which our old party, with
all its time- honored principles, may be
born again with renewed patriotic vigor
with overwhelming ranks, and, quite
likely, with a new name."
Such Is tbe Belief of Chinese Trooos
Regarding the Boxers Refuse to
Fight the Disturbers.
Londox, June 7. Telegraphing from
Tien-Tsin, under date of June 6th, a
correspondent says:
"I left Tien-Tsin this morning en
ronte for Peking, accompanied by Gen
eral Nieh, supposed to be one of the
best of the Chinese generals, with sixty
troops. We proceeded to Lofa, a dis
tance of thirty-one miles. We found
the plate-layers' cabins in flames and
telegraph poles cut, and men engaged in
destroying others in villages near the
railway, where flags were seen bearing
tbe inscription, 'Kill All Foreigners.'
"I saw smoke, evidently from burn
ing houses in the distance, but General
Nieh refused to proceed further, being
in mortal fear of the Boxers, though the
foreigners endeavored to persuade bim
to disentrain bis troops, who are firmly
convinced that it is useless to fight tl
Boxers, as other Chinese say they have
seen Boxers hit with bullet) rise and
li an awav.
"There seems to be little prospect of
a resumption of traffic to Peking nnless
the foreign powers assme control of the
railway until the Chinese government
proves itself capable of managing com
munications with its capital.
Neglect It tbe short step so many take
from cough or cold to consumption
The early nse of One Minute Congh
Cure prevents consumption. It it the
only harmless remedy that gives Imme
diate results. It cures all throat and
lung troubles. Children all like it and
mothers endorse it.
Sick Headache absolutely and perma
nently cored by using Moki Tea. A
pleasant herbdrink. Cures constipation
and indigestion, makes yon eat, sleep,
work and bappy. Satisfaction guaranteed
or money back. 25 ctf. and 60 cts.
Blakeley A Houghton Druggist'.
riostd With Song.
Washington, June 7. In marked
contrast with the exciting incidents' at
tending the bitter struggles of the closing
boars of tbe session, Speaker Henderson
laid down bis gavel at 5 o'clock this after
noon at the conclusion of one of tbe
most picturesque scenes which has ever
occurred in the ball of representatives.
Party passion and personal rancor, which
have brought the House to the brink of
actual riots at times during the last 43
hours, gave way in the closing half-hour
to good fellowship, have ended in
patriotic outburst that stirred the
crowded galleries to tbe bightest pitch
of enthusiasm.
Largest Id Years., June 7. The bill for the em
ploy tnent of convict labor in tbe foundry
for the month of May is the largest foi
any similar period in some years, it be
ing $1075.90.
Superintendent Lee, of the peniten
tiary, is much gratified with the direct
evidence of better times and better d e
positions furnished by the thinning out
of his inetitution. Tho sentences of
seveuteeu convicts will expire this
month, and unless there is an nnusual
influx of new ones the number in prison
will be reduced lower than it has been
for several years.
A Good Cough Medicine.
speaks well for Chamberlain's
Cough Remedy when druggists use it in
their own families in preference to any
other. "I have sold Chamberlain's
Cough Remedy for the past five years
with compete satisfaction to ruyeelf and
customers," savs Druggist J. Goldsmith
Van Etten, N. Y. "I have always nsed
it in my own family both for ordinary
coughs and colds and for the ough f 1
lowing la grippe, and find it very effica
cious." For sale by Blakeley & Hough
Skirmishes la Luxod,
Manila, June 7. Captain F. Cren
ebaw, with forty men of the Twenty
eighth infantry, while scouting near
Taal, was led into an ambush by a guide
Captain Crenshaw was badly wounded
in the head, and one private was wound
ed. The ambushers were scattered
leaving ten dead and three wounded on
the field.
Captain Flint, while scouting five
miles east of Blanienabato, Buacan pro
vince, bad a slight brush with the
enemy, flint and two privates were
wounded. v
ttneer Auctions.
Ihe South African miction, which
is vogue tit the Onpe, Is a far more
exciting' nffair than its English imi
tation. Supposing n house is to be
boiu. a tie auctioneer rattles 50 sov
ereigns and cries out: "Fifty golden
sovereigns lor the man who lirst bids
3,000." Nobody bids it. After a
pause no cries: "iiity golden sov
ereigns for the first man who bids
4,!)00." And so on, until he gets a
bid. It by no means follows that the
property is sold to this bidder. For
tho auctioneer is ngain at it. Sup
pose that 4,400 is the first bid. Then
the auctioneer shouts: "There are 25
golden sovereigns for the first man
who has the courage to bid $4,000."
I'osisbly there is no bidder. Then 25
is offered for n bid of 4,r,50. If there
is no bid eventually above the 4.400.
the man who has made that offer is
Raddled with the property. Otherwise
he pockets the bonus and has noth
ing more to do with the estate.
I nlque Plan to Klrlarir Chinese.
Kither the queue or the Chinaman
will have to leave the mines in Brit
ish Columbia. Tho parliament has un
der consideration a peculiar Chinese
exclusion net. Tho province hesitates
to pass a direct act against tho sub
jects of a friendly power, so this will
bo "an act to regulate the length of
hair worn by employes in mines."
N. Y. Sun.
A Memorial of the Canturlea.
Colossal crosses are to be erected
rfn's year on 19 mountain peaks of
Italy to commemorate the nineteenth
century of the Christian era. A re-
igious society will have charge of the
matter. The crosses will be cut from
granite, marble, or whatever stone
haracterizos each region, and will
bear an inscription. Scientific Amer
ican. That Throbbing Headache
Would quickly leave you, if you nsed
Dr. King'a New Life Pills. Thousands
of sufferers have proved their matchless
merit for Sick and Nervous Headaches.
They make pure blood and strong
nerves and build up your health. Easy
to take. Try them. Only 25 cents.
Money back if not cured. Sold by
Biakeley A Houghton, druggists. 5
Cash In lour Chech.
All county warrants registered prior
to June 3, 1896, will be paid at my
office. Interest ceases after February. 2,
l00. C. L. Phillips.
County Treasurer.
(Isolated Tract.) Public Lsnd Sale.
Laud Ornci at The Dalles, Oreoo,!
May, l'jiw.l
Kotlce Is hereby given that In pursuance of
Instructions from thi foininUf,.nr ).
eral land oftlre, under authority vested In Mm
Dy section lft , v. o. Rev. Htat., as hy
the sot ot congress approved February 2ti, i-'f!
we will proceed to otli-r at i.nliiin ,.i .... u,...'
day, the Kith day of Juno, nest, at the hour of
Ifto'c ork a. m. at thlaotllra. t.,. r,,iinui. .
of land, to-wlt:
Bh h!4, section 20, township 1 north, range
II east, W. M.
Any and all persons claiming adversely th
above described lands are advlstd to file their
claims In this office on or hefora th
d signaled for the commencement of ssld sale
otherwise their rights Will be forfeited.
JAY P. I.I CAH, Register,
mayU 11 OTW PATTKRrtON , Receiver.
How the Afrikanders Manage to Help
he Boers Without Sacrificing
TheCape Dutch are pretty shy. Most
of them sympathize with their kins
men in. the Transvaal, but they want to
retain their power, even if the repub
lic are beaten. Meanwhile every
Dutchman is at liberty to join the Boer
forces. In the Amsterdam Kigen Haard
J. A. Wormser describes how tbe thing
is managed to the following effect:
"Not two hours by rail from Cape
Town is the beautiful vuiley of the
1'uarl. Opposite Ihe town of I'aarl is
Fransche Iloek, one of the oldest Hu
guenot settlements. Both places to
gether have about S.C00 inhabitants
Over 400 young men have already fan
ished from there. They go 'on business'
by rail to Worcester, Mutjesfontein.
Triangle, or Beaufort West, and write
from there to pupa: 'I am going a lit
tle farther. Never mind where.' The
'old mun' can swear that he d'oes not
know where the hoys are. Two days
later they are with the Iioer forces.
"The Afrikander likes to manage
these tilings in such a way that he
docs not, in more senses than one, 'lose
his head.' Ke joins his compatriots.
und hopes to come buck with a con
quering army.
"An open rebellion would be more
dramatic, but the liner cares nothing
for advertisement. The republics did.
not advertise Iheir armaments. The
Cape Afrikander does not advertise
that he is tired of British oppression
when he has a British garrison right
near him. The Dutch mayor of this or
that town reads off some gubernatori
al proclamation. l!nt as he would like
to be burgermeester when the Free
States come, he does not inquire very
anxiously whether his hearers are
deeply impressed1 or not." V3r!
Precaution Taken by Railway C'oui
pnnles to Protect 1'nNscnarers
from Infection.
A medical journal calls attention to
the general neglect of sanitary and
hygienic methods in the management
of sleeping cars. There are stringent
regulations about the transportation
of dead bodies in baggage ears, but
there is no adequate and systematic
provision for protecting living travel
ers from exposure to disease-producing
germs in the bedding or uphol
ster y.
It is customary to cleanse the blan
kets and cushions of dry dust and
cinders by subjecting them o power
ful currents of air, driven- by steam,
but it is said that they are seldom so
thoroughly treated as to remove the
danger of infection. Unless railroad
authorities take prompt measures, it
seems to be the duty of state boards
of health to interfere for the safety
of the traveling public.
i his is only one ease among many
in which "new occasions tench new
u in ics. Almost every invention or
advance in modern life creates situa
tions which require the fresh npplica
tion of old, eternal principles. It re
quires the strong pressure of law or
of public opinion to secure the adop
tion of new and needed methods, even
when health, comfort and life are at
risk. Only the nimble-minded can
keep up with the incessant demands
for rc-nil histmnnf
Are Itrsardeit as the Present Lowest
Type of Modern European
Civilisation. jmttSV.
The lowest type of modern European
civilization nre probably the Russians.
While writers nnd travelers vary as to
tiie future of Russia, nearly nil are
agreed as to the litter degradation at
present or the Russian peasant. lie
ulways on the verge of starvation, and
is absolutely improvident, while hii
gross and complete ignorance is com
uim-u nun ine most, extravagant su
perstition. Like nil low natures he is
thoroughly distrustful of reform, and
as a climax to his infirmities; he is n
confirmed drinker. Middle class in
if,,..:- i j .
n-ic ja iifuciienny none, ilic
small shopkeepers combine exorbitant
harges with shameful usury: manu
facturers and producers nre neurlv nil
foreigners, and the larcer tnid nf f ho
ountry is chiefly in (iermnn hands.
Education tunv. afterthel 11 MKP nf srv.
nil generations, remove the inherent
dullness of the neonle. Imi If t;il I...
no easy matter to root out evil which
nre the growth of centuries of serfdom
j and distress.
Marrli of Ihe Telegraph.
Along with the rapid extension of
ines has gone n steady Improvement in
he mechanical appliances of the tele
graph, says Ainslce's Magazine. The
lending nnd receiving instruments in
ise to-day bear little resemblance to
he crude instruments Ufned' by the in
entor. Indeed, of the inventions which
dorse contributed to the development
it the telegraph, the only one that hns
lot been replaced by some improve
ment is the one he himself looked upon
is merely incidental to his larger
ichernc. That is the alphabet of char
acters used In telegraphic communica
tion, ji is m use in ull ports of the
orhl practically as when first per
ectcd, and as the Morse alphabet It per
letuates the name of the inventor.
Special reserve old government whls
key, recognised by the highest medical
suthorily In the lsnd; especislly recom
mended by the board of health of Psn
Francisco for hospital use, a0 A. P.
?n!iw" ' n" M,'ne,'?tain n'1 ""Won,
sndW .n I), McCarthy, msjor and stir-
geon U. the purest nnsdnl
terated stimulant for convalescent. In
valid, and family nte. Hold bv Charles
fctnb,lnt- pl20.dlm
Use Clarke A Fslk's quinine hair tonic
to keep dandruff from the bend.
Jane ICth I will have a Und of about
100 bead of horses, bred op in Clydes
dale, iu Moro, broke and cnbroke. from
1400 pounds weight down to suckling
coits, which I wish to sell at private sale
in the forenooD, and at auction sale in
the afternoon.
Terms On all sums of $10 or less,
rash Over $10, bankable notes paya
ble Novembei 1, 11KX), or ten per cent
off for cash.
N. E. Moffitt.
I also have a good No. 2 Hodge header
for sale, with two 20-fuot boxes. Only
run cne season and in good order,
can get this cheap for cash.
Guardian's Sale.
Notice Is hereby given that pnrsosnt to a U
cense and order of saii. t-.sda d issued to roe
as guardian of ,he persons and estate ol Lena
Mooie and Garfield Moore, minors, by tbe
County Court ol me mate oi urecon mr nrcu
county on tbe 6th day ol June, 1'JUO, I will, on
the list day of lull, M. t the courthouse
door in Dalles City, at the bourol 2 o'clock p.
m. of said day, rell to the highest bidder for
cash in hand, all . ' tbe interest of said minors
tn and to the n ll property hereinafter do
scilbed; said interest Wing a cmiting'nt two
sevenths interest in and to the rt i of the 6l-.'4,
the 6K'4 of the Vt"j.f. and Lot 4 of See. 14, and
Lota 1 und 2 of Sec. l', and that certain parcel
of land bounded as follows: Commencing at a
state on Ihe north line of the Victor Trevltt
Donation Laud Claim, where it crosses a ditch;
thence in a southerly direction ocroaa the bot
tom on the line id the present fence Ml rods;
thence went so rods: thence northwest Ml rods,
thence alum? said line m Inals. to the place of
beginning, being a part of the Victor Trevl't
Donation Land Claim, in Hec. 11, all said lands
being in Tp. 1 X, K 13 K, W. M. Also a like in
teiest in and to Lot XI, and feet off the west
side of Lot 11 in block 6 of Luubblin's Blufl' Ad
dition to Dalles City, Or.
jil-ii HO.MEK W. MOORE. Guardian.
Land Ornca at The, Oreoom,)
April 30, l'JOO. 4
Notice is hereby given that the following
named settler has filed notice of his Intention
to make final proof 111 support of his claim, and
that said proof will t? made before the Register
and KccviveratThe Dalles, Oregon, on Satur
day, June lti, 1!MI, viz:
Jens P. Agiditi, of The Dalles, Or.,
Homestead Entrv No. 4M, for the NW NWU
section 24, and h1 NES and NEK W. section
2.1 township 2 north, range 12 east, VV. M.
Ho names the following witnesses to prove
his continuous residence upon and cultivation
of said Nnd, viz:
John (.'rate, Charles Snipes, J. D. Hockman, J.
Simonson, all of I he Dulles, Oiegon.
Diay2-i JAY P. LUCAS, Register.
Administrator's dale of Ileal Property
Notice is hereby given that from and after the
nintn aay 01 June, now, 1 win proceea to sen hi
piivatesale, for cash, the following described
roperty belonging to mo estate 01 Patrick
irown. deceased, to wlt:
Lots A, B. C, D, K, K.-O, It, I. J. K and I.. In
block 57 of fort Dalles Military reservation. In
lor Information inquire at office of Slnnott &
Dated at Dalles City this Kith dav of Mny, 1;K)'J
Administratrix of the estate of Patrick Brown
deceased. m
Land Office at Vancouver, Wash.,!
April 30, 19U0. I
Notice is hereby ch-en that the following
iiamen seuur 1111s niieo. nonce 01 111s inten
tion to make final proof in suppnit of his
claim, and that said proof will be made before
H . B. Prcsby, United KtntC9 Commissioner for
Dlstilnt of Wnshlngton, at hia othre in Golden
dale, Wash., on Friday, June 29, l'joo, viz:
Deitrich II. Stegman, devisee of Dietrich
btegman, deceased ;
Homestead Entrv No. 87W1. for the southwest t
of section 32 township 3 north of range 14 tast,
Will. Mer. '
He names the following witnesses to prove his
voNuuuous resmence upon una cultivation o.
sinu lanu, viz:
Manuel 8. Leonardo, of Grand Dalles P.O.
Wash.; Herman Engelke, William Wilkinson, oi
Centerville P. O.. W ash., and William Crawford,
ui uiaiiu suites r, u., wssn.
may21 Register,
Land Office at Vancouver, WrsIi.
May 15. llKKl.
Notice is hereby given that the following
ifaiuc KTumiBjiioe iiori urnireoi ineir intention
to make tllial nroof in MliriTinrt of their),.!..,., u.,
that said proof will be made before the register
auu receiver 01 me u. H. land oitlce at Vancou
ver, n asn., on July 0, l'JOO, viz:
George H. Sanford,
wno maao 11, K. No. WOO. for the N HVXi of
Bee 3, and N', '4 tfee 2, Tp 3 N, R 12 E, W. V,
.. .... ,nc luiiipnniK witnesses 10 prove 1111
continuous residence upon and cultivation of
said land, viz:
"u',n TrHbup Christian Dleckson, Thomas
Wash nuwarn a. uopjier, all of Lyle
Christian Dleckson,
Jfho nyi'lo H. E. No. 9s2i, for the H'i N ,t and
.;s -. re jo, Ip 3 N, R I.', W. M., who
names the following witnesses to prove his
co". Ilnuous residence upon and cultivation of
ni iniiu, vi.:
Ilaskin Trahiie, John rim I son. James Fit.
George H. Hanford, all of Lyle, Washington.
Ilaakln Trabue,
wno mane 11. r.. io. for the h U hW'i, Brc
Land N, NWW, Hec 10, Tp 3 N, R 5 E, w M.,
who names the lollowlnir ulti, ....... ... ......... 1...
coiitiminus residence upon and cultivation of
rs.i hums,
mriMmn iH-IrltMin. Thorn. r u'i..nAMK
('CfiTirO II Uu.l.r,l I... t.1.- .11 . . . n . '
ii- 1? onniw riias, mil OI sUJier. U,
W. R. DUNBAR, ItexiHtcr.
jVIaiep & Benton
Carry the following lines :
Maltese Cross Garden Hose,
Force and Spray Pumps,
Farm and Garden Tools,
Carpenters' Tools,
Aermoter Wind Mills,
Tinning and numbing"
Iron l'ipe,
Sewer and Chimney Pipe,
Cleveland Bicycles,
Crawford Bicycles,
lushing Tackle,
Guns and Rifles,
Bicycle Sundries,
Bicycle Repairing,
Delft Ware,
Cedar Posts,
Barb Wire and Nails.
s wilsok
ruNTiNuTny wiimn
A 1TUKN S V M A I- t 1 is.
Omcaotar First X at. Bank
of Oregon, for Waaco Countr U
ic iiasnngs, rialuutr,
Donald M. Hastings, Defendant
To PoDaM M. Hasting-., the .h
feudant: 8 ' wt bove-BijM,,
I u the Name of the Bute of n
b. by required to appear sno0"". Vo,
pblnt filed .gainst V iie ""?
ut: on or before tbe lx;h day of iT U
f you do not, fo, want therejf ',1 S
Uke judgment against yoTaia ' ,nlh 3
the couit for the relief pwed "iiVwji
plaint, to-wlt: tor a decree of i JL1 00
tbe said defendant, ta.Ta,fcS
This summons is served nr.J I . "".
tl .?. by order of th. eourt.T.aC S
of Jane, l'joo, wbieh said orde , d, ,h(
summons be served upon yot? b?U 2
thereof for six consecutive wirk. f i"""""!
ssld Wasco couuty; that theH.publuU
be made on the liih day of June
the defendant be required fa . Z
the complaint on or before the ih J m ,D"
1!J0, said date being the last Jf J".
prescribed for the said publication "
LtND Oefice at Vancocvi,Wjk1(
Notice Is hereby given thaJtU'i'h.V'ul '
named settler baa filed notice of hi,
to make liuul proof in support of hisM?1""
that said proo will be made before W J'T'
fnitod Mates Commissioner for i.f,
W-sh.Tgt- .t his cilice in OoldendS11!? ?
lngtou, on Monday, July 16, Xm, yii- ' ui
.John Wateon,
TTomest3d Entry No. !U32, for the snutK s .,
the southeast quarter of section toL' 5
north, of range 14 east, Will. Met m,um
He names the following wittn.'..i-.. .
continuous residence unon. .n.i r'.Tf "
said lind. viz:
Charles Btraube
1, William Wilkinson. j31M
Huggerty, .11 of teattrS
, - 1, ... '
U. Daly, 1'utrick
P O.. W ash.
June I
". K. UL NBAB,
Land CrrtcE at The Dalle,, ou ,
., , . t Apni an, i). '
Notice is hereby given that the folk
named settler has tiled notice of his la "S.
make final proof in support of hi,
that said proof will be made Ud.-re tbi M
and Keeelver at The lMIlcs, Oro ,,?,nS
day, June hi, 1'JbO, viz: ' 'w
Wilson J. Jeffere, of The D;ii!e.,0r.
Homestead Entry No. for the K' vra
r?rln 19' ,ow"6h'1' 1 nortni l''Se H uti'm
He names thefoliowing witnesses to wmhfi
continuous residence upon and cuIUhsmoJ
said land, viz:
James Benson, Jr., James Bensoo.St, ttta
Godfrey, lsuac Howlaud, all of The Dalles Oi
""J'M JAY P. LCCA8, Rejina.
Lakd Office t Th Dalles. Omoos.i
April 30, ins. 1
Kotlce Is hereby given Hint the followias
named settler has tiled notice of his intenuna
make liuul proof in support of bis ol.lra, nd
that said proof will be made before the Koii.ut
and Receiver at J he Dalles, Oregon, on Mb
day, Junes, 19(10, viz:
Henry Reatlel, of The Dalles, Or.,
Homestead Entry No. s7 W, for the RE',, swtlot
9, township 1 north, range 12 east, W. M.
He names toe following witnesses to prorehli
continuous residence upon and cultivation
SHld land, viz:
Henry I.uebing, (ieorgo Arnold, C'brllI,
Adams, Michael Doyle, all of The Dalles, Or.
msy2-l JAY P. LUCAS, Regiito.
Physician and Surgeon,
Special attention given to iur?ery.
Rooms 21 and 22, Tel. 32S Vogt Biol
Rooms 3D and 40, over U. 8. Land Offlet,
Notice is hereby given that nnder wd
by virtue of an order of the count cwrt
of Clackamas county, Oregon, made nd
entered on the 28th day of May, 1900,1
will 0 Iter1 for gale, at private isle. Iron
and after the 7th day of July, 1900, to
cash in hand, all tbe right, title and in
terest of the estate of Walter
ceased, in and to lot 12 in block IS,
Laughlin'! Addition to Dallel tuj,
Wasco county, Oregon.
Fbkdkbick Bardm,
Administrator of the estate of Waltti
Fish, deceased,
Offer received by Attorneys lor a
mlnistrator. J. T. Whalley, ripes
Tifff, Portland, Or. J1
Land Ornca at Vakcocver, 'M
May 11, W J
Notice is hereby given that the
named settler has tiled notice of his '"K""'"
to make final proof in support of hlicUln."
that said proof will be made before W. B rrwj
I ntted Mates Commissioner for ",,n."k"
Washington, at bis otlice In Uoldendul, ""
on riaturday, June 30, lyuu, viz:
(isorg U. Lmdssy,
Homestead entry, Nn. K229, for Ihe 8WJ
, Tp S, N nf R 1,1 K. W. M.
He names tho following witnesses
his contiuiiniis residence upon and cuiii
of said laud, viz: , . B,,k.
.liho i. McDonald, of llarliana r.
Wendelln l-eldl, tioldcnoale P. .. 1
Berrv. Hartland P. ..Wash.i Tbom
Drlpps, Hartland P. O , Wash.
majJ I ;W. B. DUNBAR, Ktw'
Land Ornca at Vancocviir, WM
May at, ."'O'; ,,..L
otlce la hereby given inni 7,ui, intm
named settlers have tllel notice of their
Notice la hcrehv alven that Ihe i " - :
tion to mako final proof
proof In """"."s.ii.rt
pr.K,fs will be
d mates t'oinnilssi".
claim and that said p
i.u ... .r,"7v'.',', T,..; .Vhi in ou
dale, W ash., Monday, July V, l'.),vU:
Henry aeael.
Homcstes.l entry No. f"HH, for the r-r.
i, Tp a N, K 14 K, W. M, wh" name" ' ,
lug witnesses t4 prove his rontlini"""
Uron and cultivation of said land, vl'. jnM
ianui'l ionanin, w 1111am 'V,1,."Iltervill
Mulligan, Krancls l Hunnell, all f
P. I) , Washington.
rranrl I.. Bnnnell. ,
Homestead Knttv No. I0,s.t, for tnej'"' w
Si of fen. 7, Tp. 2 N, K ! Z'.tliiv
name the fidlowiug witnesses I" t,r";"n ui
luiioua residence upon and riiltivstl
and, viz.:
Manuel I eonsrdo. William M. """" ,,. p.
Mulligan, Henry Yetickcl, all of tem"
., n asuingiou.
W. R. Dl'SnABI
V. H. Ornca, Vacoiiv. ("-
Notice Is hereby riven that Msry K- 'jJU
by li. II, Hleuiuati, her attorney J" ,' bel' i
notice of Intention to ',l""e,!'"','i",.inr
W. II. Preshv, llnlim H'r,1,uLli 0(.kl
Dlstrl. t of Washington, at his 0 Hie' Md
dale, Washlngto n KrMay, ,7tos
June, 1K, on Tliia-r culture A.p 4 u
W, f..r the nortlieast (uarter of '" ' .
township No. 1 north, range No. n .Vo.nt
Mil. mi incs wltnes-es: Manuel ",'Tli.
ofiirand Dalles P. ).. Wash. ; ,.
William W ilkinson, of Cent' rvlll' r)HI p,U.
and William Crawford, ''!" tii'SH
wash. "
mayj I