The Dalles weekly chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1947, June 09, 1900, PART 2, Image 3

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The Weekly Ghroniele.
- ok Ki on
Official paper or wasco cocmty.
p,Mh(d in tao parU, un Wednttdayt
nJ b-iturdav.
nnr Tear 1 M
ftI muatu
rn-w aiouina
Advertising rates reasonable, and made known
AdPrv H wmmnnlcattoni to"THF CHRON
ICLK." ia Hallea, Oregon.
Wednesday'! Daily.
Baker county republicans have re
sleeted for sheriff A. a. nuntiogton,
brother of our fellowtownsmen, B. S,
od J. M. Huntington,
The finishing toachei are being put on
The Dulles scouring mills, and Monday
neit the machinery will be started to
ion for two or three days as test.
The Hood River cannery bag con
tracted with the farmers to take all tbe
tomatoes they can raiee at $9 per ton.
Tbe cannery is now putting up straw
berries. The walls of the theater are resound
iog all day long to tbe merry coon eong9
of minstrelsy, and the girls fuel are
keeping time. Tbe dates are Wednes
day and Thursday, June 14th and 15th.
C. H. Smith, the wool buyer for C. S.
Moses & Co. of San Francisco, has ar
rived here on his annual wool-buying
trip. Besides Mr. Smith, Mike Man
ning is the only other wool-buyer In
town at this date.
We export American brooms to
various countries, and we send broom
handles to Auetralia. American churns
of one sort and another are sold
wherever churns are used. Of wooden
ware in general, indeed, this country is
tbe great source of supply for the civil
ized world.
Woodcraft Social Club excursion to
Bonneville and return, 75 cents, Sunday,
June 10th. Tickets for the excursion
will be on sale at the following business
houses: Clarke & Falk's drug store, J
K. Rees' barber shop, Parkins & Mene
fee's book store and William Jones
cigar store.
Herbert Spencer, in a recently report'
ed conversation, replied to tbe question
as to when he thought society would be
perfect by the statement: "When it is
truthful. No one Is now. We all ex
aggerate; we all use 'very' when we do
not mean it. Truth is the one founda
tion Btone possible for perfection."
The present common council are de
serving of great praise for the econom
leal business administration they are
giving the city. As will be seen by the
report of last night's council meeting.
they have, during the past eighteen
months, placed $7,500 in the sinking
fund against the city debt. Were it
not that they are required to set aside
$1000 a year against this fund and pay
annual interest on the debt to tbe
amount of $3,420, tbe income from
licenses, fines and other sources would
maintain the city government without
a cent of taxes. What city the size of
Tbe Dalles, or any size, cau beat this?
The voter of Multnomah county have
repudiated Assessor Greenleal, the man
who reduced the assessable value of
Multnomah property last year by over
eleven million dollars and "faved" that
county some $40,000 of state taxes that
the other counties had to pay Wasco
among the rest. Tbe republican con
vention repudiated Greenleaf, who
thought he was strong onoogb to run as
an independent. Now notwithstanding
his demagogic appeal to the pockets of
his constituents, they very justly eat
down on him.
"Whatever other states may declare
for, Oregon is for expansion and all that
it implies," said a prominent and well
known democrat, who always voted
with bis party, today in tbe hearing of a representatve. "Oregon is
for expansion and the gold standard,
and the rest of the country will declare
itself as Oregon has done the moment it
gets the chance. The only thing the
coming democratic national convention
can wisely do is to come out boldly for
expansion and denounce imperialism,
nd imperialism is only a Don Quixote
A Dalles physician of large practice
was rung np at 1 o'clock this morning
"nil asked to visit a sick woman in
what proved t be tbe tenderloin
district. The woman was a stranger, a
Cyprian from Arlington, and in fits of
convulsions she had chewed ber tongae
into rags. To add to the wretchedness
ol the scene she was surrounded by a
lialf dozen bleer-eyed women of ber
ciass and another half dozen whiskey
tf'l things in men's clothes, of a still
'ower dass, all In drunken hysterical
Plirenzy, screeching out their prescrip
tions for the woman's relief. The dos
tor has seen some pictures of human
rctcliedneBS and depravity, but he
never saw one that quite equals the
Picture of last night.
Tim board of school directors of The
dalles district met yesterday and elected
"'e entire present corps of teachers to
,ff,ve for thejext school year. At her
own leqnest Miss Elsie Ball was granted
leave of absence for one year to attend
the Monmouth normal school, and her
'tor, Miss Alice, was elected to serve
in 111. ,.l..rt f. .t - . m:
lur mo coming year. jiiiesj
Alice is a former graduate of The Dalles
nig!) school and has been teaching at
Starbuck for the last two years. Tte
I Dai e sshools have a very excellent
corps of teachers and the action of the
board in retaining tbem will meet the
approval of ttie patrons of the schools.
Washington correspondents say that
an amusing and good-natured rivalry
exists between Congress nan Eddy, of
Minnesota, and Congressman Cushmsn,
of Washington, as to which of them
shall be entitled to the distinction of
being the homeliest man iu congress.
It was Eddy who was charged at one
time by a rival candidate for congress in
bis district with being "two-faced." He
went home from Washington to answer
the charge. "I hardly think," he said,
"that this charge needs a terioua an
swer. Does any one think that if I
really bad two faces I would keep on
wearing the one I have with me today?"
Thursday's Dully
Dr. Hugh Logan, of this city, was at
Niagara Falls last Sunday.
Sheriff Kelly this morning turned
over to the county treasurer $3,730 56,
the amount of taxes collected during the
month of May.
Remember the D. C. & A. C. band
also tbe Portland orchestra and Hood
River band will furnish the music for
the Woodcraft Social Club excursion
A yearling wether In the flock of
Frank ' Durbin, of . Marion countv,
sheared 26,l pounds of wool this spring.
A vearing ewe in the same flock sheared
23 pounds.
Portland is making arrangements for
a big celebration on the Fourth and the
Astorian characteristically complains
that.'Portland is trying to take Aetoria'e
Fourth away."
Ex-Secretary of State Kincaid's cam
paign for the county judgeship of Lane
county has ended disastrously. Now
let the old man quit. The people have
bad enough of him.
Deputy County Clerk Bolton, Justice
Timothy Brownhill and Recorder Ned
Gates are this afternoon canvassing tbe
election returns. The official vote of tbe
county will be known tomorrow.
The Northern Pacific announces a re
duction in rates for the transportation
of horses in carload lots from points in
Oregon to St. Paul. The rate per car
has been reduced from $185 to $175.50.
A train of fourteen cars of cattle,
mostly yearlings, were fed at the Salt-
marshe stock yards today on their way
to Cutbank, Montana They were pur
chased in Tillamook, Polk and Benton
counties, but chiefly in Tillamook.
There is much opposition to tbe re
turn of Chief Joseph and his people to
their former bunting grounds in the
Wallowa valley. A report comes from
Washington that Joseph has secured
the assent of tbe government to the
proposed change.
Thomas Gavin, who was injured a
short time ago at Shaniko through a
pile of sacked sugar falling on him in
the store of Pease A Mays, and who
came here for medical treatment, has so
far recovered from his injuries as to be
able to return to his post today. Mr.
L. W. McAdam accompanied him to
take charge o( the dry goods depart
Governor Geer's wedding invitations
have been received by several parties in
this city. The bride, as is well known,
is Miss Isabelle Trnlinger, of Astoria.
The wedding will take place in the As
toria Presbyterian church on Thursday
afternoon, June 14th,
Mrs. J red Bronson had a message
from her mother, Mrs. John Gore, of
Oswego, Oregon, this morning announc
ing that she had been "severely burned,"
iuet how severely was not stated. The
lady is 81 years old. Mrs. Bronson left
for Oswego on the mid day train.
The Linton horse abattoir, if that ex
pression is permissible, is running on
full tliue. Sixty horses are slaughtered
each working day, and since the season
opened 1000 have been killed and packed
for shipment abroad. The output for
the year will not fall much below 3000
C. B.
llaney, thirteen years ago a
teamster for Fields A Johns of this city,
is in town from Gilliam county, where
be and his brother have a growing crop
of two thousand acres of wheat, fourteen
hundred of which is fall sowing and
six hundred spring, all giving promise
of an immense yield.
Everything indicates that The Dalles
will Handle more wool mis year man
ever. The scouring mm will attract
wool from districts that never previous
ly sent a pound here. Mr. Russell, of
the scouring mills, says he has already
contracted for the scouring of a quarter
million pounds from a point that never
sent any wool here and never would but
tor the scouring mill.
The approaching city election bids
fair to be a hot one. Everything indi
Ctee that the sewer question will be tbe
bone of contention. The parties who
will have to bear the brunt of the cost
of the system in case it prevails have
been "laying low" but have not Deen
asleep by any means. Their time will
come when a new council is to be
elected, and In view of the number of
signatures to the remonstrance the
result is hardly a matter of doubt.
A rew coin three cent piece has been
authorised by act of congress, to take
the place of the old coin which was so
nioch like a dime that it coinage wa
topped. Tbe new three cent piece i
ordered to be made of nickel, the of
the old broLie cent, although thicker,
In the center is to he a hole one fourt
of an inch in diameter. This will make
the coin easily distiuguUhed by tiitht
or loach. It will be tome time, how
ever, before this coin will be in circula
Here is co-operation carried to llm ex
treme. One hundred and fifty uit-chi
ice and laborers have just opened
saloon in Boise Idaho. A carpenter has
been selected to manage the enterprise,
The stock has all been subscribed for
and tbe undertaking promises to be
success. The profits are to go to th
wives of the stock holders. The has
secured for the scheme the approbation
oi toe women, who see in it a source
from which Ihev are to be able to bu
silks and diamonds.
Mr. Hampton, a well-known Ne
York theatrical manager, lias brought
suit for $50,000 damages attainst Joh
Mink, proprietor of a fashionable res
taurant, because when he appeared on
a receut Sunday for breakfast without
collar or neck scarf, Manager Dwver of
the restaurant, would not peimit tbe
waiter to serve him. According to th
complaint, the manager reprimanded
the waiter for taking an order from
patron in undress and ordered tbe
plaintiff from tbe place.
The good men and women who are
making a crusade against the army can
toen do not stop to consider who are
their allies and who would be the bene
ficlaries of what they are attempting t
accomplish, inese are the unecrupu
lous people who kept shops for the ea
of bad liquors within convenient reac
of the army posts and garrisons, and
who are awaiting the opportunity to re
sumo their occupations. None knows so
well as the old soldiers the practical
temperance reform that has been effect'
ed by the army canteen. Philadelphi
The following short summary of th
results oi last Monday's election was
received at 3 :15 this afternoon from' re
publican headquarters at Portland
Tongue's plurality in the First congres
sional district is 2947. Moody's In th
Second district is 8405. Tbe legislature
is republican on joint ballot by a in a
jority of 21. But the senate has fou
citizens and" tbe house ten, and most of
these are just as sound republicans as
there are in tbe state. So that tbe real
republican majority on joint ballot is
nearer 34 than 24. Ed. Ciiboniclb.
Wolverton's plurality for supreme judge
is 10,068, and Bailey's for food commis
sioner 6,043.
Friday's Daily.'
Tickets for the Lady Minstrels will be
on sale at Clarke & Falk's tomorrow
Baker City lias a number of cases of
smallpox, but, like the Moro people,
the Bakerites insist on calling it the
Filipino itch.
An exchange says a census enumer
ator gets double pay for taking the name
of any one who keeps a goat. It will be
a red-letter day for Jerry Patterson tbe
day he calls on Louis Comini.
The annual encampment of the G. A
R. will be held at La Grande beginning
June 19. The various committees for
arrangement have been appointed and
are at work preparing for the event.
Complete returns show the election of
Fossil as the county seat of Wheeler
county. Twickenham, the strongest
competitor, received 263 votes against
436 for Fossil. Tbe victory was made
the event for a grand celebration Tues
day evening.
The box sheet for the Lady Minstrels
to be given Tuesday and Wednesday
evenings next, will be open tomorrow
(Saturday) morning at Clarke & Falk's.
General admission, 50 cents; reserved
seats 75 cents ; children 25 cents.
Don't forget the minstrels at the Vogt
opera honse next Tuesday night. Make
sure you buy at least one ticket whether
vou go or not, and thus help a most
woithy cause, The Dalles public library
Then, if you want to have a good time
you may be dead sure the minstrels will
give you the full worth of your money.
Don't forget to purchase a ticket for
the Woodcraft Social Club excursion to
Bonneville Sunday. Round trip only
75 cents. Tickets for sale at J. Reese's
barber shop, I. C. Nickelsen's book
store, Clarke 5c talk a drug store and
W. H. Jones' cigar store. As tbe num
ber of tickets Is limited, if you want one
you bad better buy it immediately.
From a telephone message received
this afternoon from J. N. Williamson, of
Prineville, we learn that Williamson's
majority over Judge Bennett In Crook
county Is 94, in Lake county 108, ami in
Klamath county 34. As will be teen
elsewhere, Judge Bennett ran ahead of
Mr. Williamson in this county 85 votes.
These figures, which are partly official,
give Mr. Williamson a majority over
the judge of 151 In the district.
Rhv. G. W. Black, late a resident of
this city, returned yesterday from
Roelyn, Wash., where he has, for a few
months, been serving the Baptist church
of that place as pastor. Mr. Black will
leave next week for Burns, whore be
has accepted the pastorate of the Baptist
church. In the absence of Rev. W. B.
Ciifton, who is attending the Baptist
Association at Fossil, Mr. Black will
preach in the Calvary Baptist church
next Sunday.
Tiie many friend of Mrs. Fred Bron
son will regret to learu that her mother,
Mrs. Gore, died last night at Oawegj,
Oregon. Mrs. Bronson had arrived at
her mother's be.Uide bclore her de -
partnre, having tieeu summoned there
by a dispatch winch said that she had
heen severely burned. No further par
ticulars have reached here at the hour of
going to press.
With official figures of tour counties,
and more or less imperfect reports from
the other thirteen counties of the First
congressional district. Tongue's pleral
ity over Daly is 3139. In the Second
congressional district three counties
have reporteJ officially figures, and the
other thirteen are Incomplete, and the
showing thus made is a plurality of 86.'2
for Moody over Smith. On the state
ticket Wolverton, for supreme court
judae, leads Greene by 10,380 votes. As
the reports gains in completeness tbe
republican pluralities increase.
The city fathers at Hood River this
week passed an ordinance (which, how
ever, the mayor refused to sign) reduc
ing the saloon license from $1000 a year
to $600. "It is expected," says the Gla
cier, "that three saloons will take out
licenses under this new law, and Hood
River will put on city airs. With three
saloons we will have a "live" town
Our town has been rather "live" for the
past month or so, and if we keep on at
the present rate, it will be "live
enough for the most zealous advocate of
the theory that the saloon makes the
The barn of Larkins Lamtof Mosier,
was burned to the ground yesterday
afternoon. It contained a nearly new
wagon, about a thousand pounds of hay,
a lot of grain, a set of double harness
and a number of other things. The
cause of the fire is unknow n. The barn
was a long distance from any other
building and no one is known to have
been near it when tbe fire started. Mr.
Lamb happened to be at the Mosier
store, half a mile distant, when he
heard of the fire, but before be could
reach tbe building it bad fallen in.
There was no insurance.
The Hond River Glacier Bays the
strawberry yield is not so good this year
as in former years. Some think tbe
shortness is caused by tbe severe frost
we had in April. Various causes are
given, but many are of the opinion that
the Clark's seedling strawberry is run
ning out, the fate of all plants of its
species. Our growershave been careless
in selecting plants when Betting ont a
new plantation. No other berry has
yet been found to be as good as the
Clark's seedling for Hood River, and
this favorite variety might be saved to
us for years to come, by judicious se
lection of new plants. Setts should be
token only from new plants, and these
new plants should not be allowed to ma
ture fruit.
Miss Bess Isenberg returned on Tues
day from her trip to Kansas, where she
spent six weeks delightfully in visiting
old friends. On ber way home, while
at Colorado Springs, she saw two crates
of strawberries placarded, "Hood River
Berries." Other berries were on the
long table, but no others were placarded.
She inquired of the merchant why those
two crates were singled out, and none of
tbe others marked. The merchant
said : "Here are berries from California ;
here are Missouri berries, and here are
Kansas berries, but these marked 'Hood
River' are the best. They come from
Oregon, where they can grow the best
berries, and where they know how to
put tbem up in good shape for market."
She then told the merchant she was
from Hood River and asked to see the
berries. He opened a crate and they
proved to be very fine. They were from
H. S. Ilibbard's fruit ranch. Glacier,
Fire insurance agents in The Dalles
have receiyed new rate books from tbe
board of fire underwriters which recog
nize the late valuable improvements to
the fire department and water supply of
The Dalles. The rates apply only to
property below the bluff and are equiv
aletit to a reduction of about ten per
cent below former rates. In soue in
stances the reduction is more than ten
per rent, in others lees; but the adjust
ment is generally recognized as uniform
nd equitable. Agents are advised that
as tbe reductions would prove onerous
to companies and agents if they made
necessary the return of premiums on
policies in force at date of publication,
the board has ordered that the reduc
tions shall only apply to renewals on
policies issued on or after March 25,
1900, and that reports of return premi
ums on account of said reductions on
policies Issued prior to that date will
not bo approved.
Kxpreaaea Heartfelt Appreciation.
Washington, 1). C, June 6, 1900.
Hoi. 7.. K. Moony, The Dalles, Or.;
Your congratulation, the report of
increased majorities and the election of
our legislators are most gratifying. Con
vey to my many friends my heartfelt
ppreciation of their renewed and never-
failing support. The magnificent vic
tory in the district has national signif
icance that is deeply appreciated here.
M. A. Moody.
Campbell & Wilson will sell their lino
of millinery, trimmed and lititrimmed
hat?, flowers and children's bats, At
greatly reduced prices for the next
thirty diyi, I'leaso call and get our
Bllr (ioitew Oul by Stale Ha.
perluteadetil Arfceriuan.
I Superintendent of l'unlic Instruction
, J- H. has just completed a
1 new register, to b used in all the rub-
lie school iu the state. The general
plau in the new register is to have a de
tailed record of the work of every pupil,
from the time he enters school until he
leaves, and a copy of the record to be
left by the teacher for the use of his
It has heen the experience of ever
teacher wto is employed lu the country
schools that their predecessors are neg
ligent In the matter of leaving records.
A "new teacher" has been compelled to
enter tbe ecrooliooiu on the first day of
the term v'thout the slightest informa
tion regarding the classes, the woik
they have covered, the proficiency of
the pupils or the Btudies they should
next pursue. The new register is de
signed to remedy this defect in the pub
lie school system.
Aside from the facts regarding attend
ance, deportment, etc., shown by the old
form of tchool registers, the new record
book contains blank spaces for a list of
classes, the names of pupils in each class,
the text-books used, the page at which
the pupils began and ended, tho pago at
which they should begin in the new term,
and special information regarding in
dividual pupils. A full programme of
the branches taught, with the hour at
which each class recites, and the number
of minutes given to each recitation, is
also to be given. The register contains
detachable blanks, which must be filled
with copies of the programme, and filed
with the county superintendent. The
annual report, heretofore made singly, is
now to be made in duplicate, one copy
to be left in the register and the other to
be filed with the county superintendent.
After the teacher shall have completed
bis record for the school year, be must
sign it and have it approved and signed
by the chairman of the school board.
Each teacher is required to report to
the county superintendent whether the
preceding teacher left the records as re
quired. By the use of this new register the
records left in each school in tho state
will be so complete that a new teacher
may enter the schoolroom and take up
the work exactly where his predecessor
left off.
Secret of Mrs. Green'e Sncceai.
Hetty Green was recently induced to
talk to a writer for tbe June Ladies'
Home Journal of ber business methods
that have won ber $00,000,000 or more.
Tbe secret of ber success is worth know
ing. "I don't believe In speculation as
a rule," she says, "and I don't specu
late as much as people think. When
offered so many shares of stock at so
much I boy one share and then send
out to see what it will bring. If its a
good advance I buy the rest. If not, I
don't. This was my plan when I used
to deal in horses. I would get a day's
option on a horse, and see wbat it
would bring before buying it. I attrib
ute my success chiefly to the rule of al
ways buying when everyone wants to
sell, and selling when everyone wants
to buy. There's a price on everything I
have. When that price is offered I sell.
I never buy anything just to bold on to
it. Not much! And I try to steer
clear of Walt street. Any one who
hasn't a whole fortune to back his deals
had better do the same. I do every
thing with all my mind. If there is a
lawsuit on hand I go into every detail
of it with my lawyer. It'a the same
with everything else."
Hchool Report Victor Dlatrlct.
Following is the report of the two
months school taught in district 65,
from March 26 th to May 18th :
No. of pupils enrolled the first month,
27; daily attendance, 23.
No. of pupils enrolled the second
month, 31; daily attendance, 26.
Those not having been absent nor
tardy the first month were Ethel Butts,
Maggie Crabtree, Roy Crahtree, John
Gray, Joseph Gray, Bernard Huston,
Flank Huston, Silva Huston, Blanche
Martin, Frees ie Martin and Willis Mer-
rifield. Those not having been absent
nor tardy the second month were Ethel
Butts, Rop Crabtree, John Gray, Joseph
Gray, Silva Huston and Bernard Hus
Excellent in deportment and scholar
ship were Maggie Crabtree and Sylves
ter Gray.
rcsi ward, Teacher.
Another Curloua Kpltaph,
Thomas Sheahan, of Herrings, N. Y.,
adds another to the collection of curious
epitaphs, which be says is to be found
in a little country graveyard on the
banks of the St. Lawrence river, near
Preecott :
Erected to I tie memory of
who hernlcly defended the life
(if her lover by ticking- a
pitchfork In a mud cow'i noje.
Ago as.
ncontplete Official Vote of Waaco Countj
Tho official canvas of tbe voteot Wasco
county is still in progress and will not
be completely available till tomorrow.
The following figures are given from the
incomplete ollicial footings: Moody's
majority over Smith for conjressman is
1113. Wolverton's majority over Green
for supreme judge Is 412. Meuefce's
majority over Moore for district attorney
is 670. Bennett's majority over William
son for state senator is 85. Johnston!
majority over Dnfur for state senator it
The vote for members of the lower
house had not been oflic'ally counted in
time for today's issue. The republican
candidates have run ahead of their fusion
opponents an average of about four
hundred vote. H. C. Liebe, democrat,
ran ahead of his t cket tome 300 vote.
Lake's majjrity over Filloon for county
clerk is 280.
(laaa and Ilia I'ulitU'al Sheep.
From the OreRonlan.
A Klamath county lawyer who haa
been watching the local political situa
tion pretty closely was avked yesterday
what he thought Graham Glass would
say to Senator Simon when the latter
returned fro n Washington and asked
how a 5000 majority bad been converted
into a 1000 minority.
"I don't know," said the lawyer,
"but I havo an idea it will be something;
like the answer of the Klamath sheep
herder. Never beard of that? Well,
this herder was engaged by a rancher to
herd a baud of sheep, aud he went out
on the range. In about a month he
came came back and asked his employer
if there was any more work for him to
" 'Work !' exclaimed the rancher. 'Of
course there's work. Didn't I hire you
to herd my sheep?' .
" 'Well,' said the herder, 'if you want
me to do that you will have to get some
more sheep, for them I had is all gone.' "
A Thouaaud fouauea
Could not express the rapture of Annie
E. Springer, of 1125 Howard St., Phii
adelplia, Pa., when Bhe found that Dr.
King's New Discovery for Consumption;
bad completely cured ber of a backing
cough that for many years had made
liie a burden. All other remedies and
doctors could give her no help, but she
says of this Royal Cure "It soon re
moved the paiu in my cheat and I can
now sleep soundly, something I can
scarcely remember doing before. I feel
like Bounding its praises throughout the
universe." So will every one who tries
Dr. King's New Discovery forany trouble
of the throat, chest or lungs. Price 50c
and $1. Trial bottle free at Blakeley fc
Houghton's drug store; every bottle
guaranteed. 5
lied Mod, Attention:
All member of the local wigwam of
Red Men are requested to be present at
tbe wigwam next Tuesday evening,
when there there will be degree work
and corn and venison on the side. By
order of tbe tribe.
J. D. Hockman, Sachem.
A full line of boys and children Bum
mer underwear juBt received at Tbe New
York Cash store, we have also a full line
of men's summer underwear from 25c up
to 76c. Be sure and see our goods before
making your summer purchase.
1 lio t.ui v t'loro in.
this city when the
Genuine Imported
Stransk y-Stee!
Ware is sold
A little hitiheriii
price, but outlasts
a dozen piecesof so
called cheap enaui
eled ware.
Othor wares look
like it butthegenu
ino has the nania
Stransky Steel
Wit re on each piece.
Do not be deceived
First prize at 18
International Exhi
Tuitions Iligheet
award nt World s
Col imliiau Exhibi
tion Cliictiiro f're
t erred bv the lest
voi k infant honties,
rcrtifi d t by tho
most fainouschem
ists f r purity and
durability it 13
cheapest becauao
Remember this
celebrated enam
eled ware inrpecial
Iv imported for and
Mild in thin city ex
clusively by us.
It docs not ru.-t
nor absorb Rreasc,
tines l ot lUscolor
r.ot rn:cli inside; IS
liotalTected I'vacul.s
in flints or
ll 1)01 1 ,
f te-.v, roast
i t b o ii t
i in parting
11 ivor ot
f.i 1 i nd
will last
ijv years.
Wo cau
tion tho
Plays & fine