The Dalles weekly chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1947, June 06, 1900, PART 1, Image 4

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Saturday'! Daily.
" W. E. Miller, of Goldendale, was in
town today.
Mr. P. L. Kretzer was a psssenifer on
the Dalle City this morning (jr White
r. V. Pr.ell. a Klickitat sheepman
ilia the city lookina alter the sale of
fata wool.
II. M. Fulwider, of St. Louif, Mo., ia
visiting the family of his nepbe
Simeon Bolton.
Geo. A. Liehe. Geo. MiPer and 8. L.
Brooks went down to Mosier this niorn
mi in estimate the damages done to
Mrs. Mosier by new county road run
ning through her land.
At the residence of his parents near
Bovd. Mav 25. 1900. alter a lingering ill
nees, Johnnie Sterneweis, sued 17 years
Monday Daily.
John Booth ia in the city from Port
M. P. Isenberg, of Hood Kiver, is
the city today.
L. E. Crowe was a passenger on the
mid-day train for Portland.
O. S. Evans, wife and son were in
town today from Hood Kiver.
Frank Connelly, who is now a resident
of bpokane, is here on a short visit.
.. Clyde T. Bonney, of Hood River, was
ia town last night and left for home this
Mrs. Robert Kelly went to Portland
yesterday on a visit to her daughter
Mrs. Gilbert.
Miss Maude Michell went to Portland
this morning on a visit to her grand
mother, Mrs. Bulger.
Rev. O. D. Taylor cme up from Port
land Saturday and returned on the mid
day train today.
Miss Mary L. Douthit, who has been
teaching in The Dalles public schools,
has gone to rortland to spend her va
cation. Misees Isabella and Leon a Noltner, of
Portland, who have been visiting with
their cousin, Mrs. D. V. Poling, returned
borne today on the mid day train.
Mrs. C. Twinehain, who has made
her borne in the Umatilla House for the
past conple of months, left for Portland
this morning to reside there perma
How Inquisitive Woman Managed
to Read the Paper of a,
A big, fine looking man sat in the
corner of a South side car reading his
newspaper. Next to him sat n little
woman in an up-to-date frock. She
had a box of candy in one hand and
.... unm uurruu in me omcr. tsne
tried to get a newspaper from a boy
who came through the car, but the
conductor broke up the tran.snelion
and, seizing the small newsdealer, put
him down on the pavement. Then the
pretty woman in the up-to-date frock
paid her fare in pennies, and smiled,
aays the Chicago Inter Ocean.
The big man's newspaper was
apread out before her eyes, and she
glanced at the headlines. Then she
read a half column about a thrilling
rescue of a typewriter girl by a gol
lant fireman. She glanced sideways
at the big man. Apparently he was
taking no notice. She began on a
atory of burglars in a South side flat,
how they bound and gagged a wom
an, stole her sealskin sack, and
"Oh, oh! the horrid things!" she ex
claimed, excitedly.
The big man looked around inquir
ingly, and then, quite as a matter of
course, he said:
"Have you finished this page, ma
dam? If so, let us turn to the stock
reports and the society news."
Tne Moat Primitive Maraaplal.
In the Quarterly Journal of Micro
scopical Science Mr. Hill, of Sydney,
gives an account of his important re
searches into the embryology of mar
supials. He has discovered the exist
ence of a distinct placenta in the Itaiuli
coots, nnd infers that the retention of
such a structure indicates a primitive
condition. Other orgnns of the Bandi
coots are in a condition which may be
described as persistently embryonic,
and thus much more primitive than in
any other known marsupial. Thus all
the evidence points to the view that the
marsupials originally developed a pla
centa, which has been aborted in the
more, specialized forms.
Queer Tlt-lllt.
The emperor of China is reported to
be especially fond of two dishes
tsimri and liinshtui. The first is a con
coction of rosc-cabbngp worms fried in
paste, the second in t-mall roast dogs,
a dish said by a correpsondent of the
Cleveland Plain Dealer to resemble
sucking pie. with nentice sauce.
Advertised Letters.
Foilowing is the list of letters remain
ing in the poeloffice at Tho Dalles on
calleJ for June 1, 1900. Persons
calling for the same will give date on
which they were advertised:
Donglas, Carrie Koseteli Morte
Hill, Miss Emma
Smith, I-Men
Shane, Josie
Taylor, Abbie
Hurst, Nancy
()1 instead, Bessie
Davies, Polly
Curran, Michael
Copeland, Will
Davis, J W
Hanson, Henry
Hubbard, M D
Iist, Claude
Rhoads, L N
Smith, C II
Stillwell, Wm
Tvrrell, Frank
White, Thomas
Wright, C H (2)
Starks, Sammy
Zigore, Mr ,
II. Riddell, P. M.
Mrs. Oladstoae Steadily ratlin.
London, June 3. It is announced this
evening that Mrs. Gladstone is in a semi
conscious condition, and that her
trengtb is declining steadily.
cord of Some at the foplla ef The
Dalle Pupils Schools.
Pupils neither absent nor tardy dur
ing the term beginning January 22,1900
and ending May 25, 1900:
Miss N. Cooper.
James Feiguson
Helen Knectley
Albert Bcherrer
Newton Sexton
Harold Sexton
Elmer Smith
Earl Springer
Victoria Thompson
Veda Webber
Venon Webb'jr
Miss Roberts.
Adolph Bachler
Henry Buchler .
Ava Creighton
Alfred Ferguson
Frank Ferguson
Walter ficherrer
Mihm Douthit.
Wallace McArthur
Miss Martin.
Leou Alden
Kendall Dufur
Marie Keller
Nellie Kanfmann
Klint Nielsen
Miss E. Coopcb.
Jennie Buchler
Lou Hosteller
Julius Klindt
Gertrude Longmire
Gene McCann
John Stuben
Fred Walther
Alice Johns
Naomi Vause
Miss Wkkxn
Delta Alleo Clifton Condon
Mona Fargher Nellie Hostetler
Charley Johnson Maud Kirby
Hattie Longmire Lawrence McArthur
Edith McPherson Karl Sego
Ernest Walther.
Miss Ball.
Roger Birgfeld
Anita Bennett
flobart Booth
Gertrude Crow
Krma Dawson
Nova Dawson
Dora Johns
Frances Lake
Harry Nitschke
Katie Stephens
Miss Flixx.
Ida Crow
Clarence Dripj
Ramona b.ips
Roy Job ii '"it
Laura Ku, ,z
James liku
Irene M.inin
Genevieve Nielsen
Maud Weaver
Viola Young
Mks. Roche.
Norma Dietzel
Allie Groat
Walter Huntington
Wilson Huntington
Alice Kurtz
Winnie Oaten
Karl Turner
Miss Piiibman,
Crystal Bennett
May Baker
Leah Booth
Letha Collins
Maude Golden
Edwina Halfpapp
Evelyn Halfpapp
Paul Kreft
Estella Martin
Ella Young
Mim. Baldwin.
Emma Belat
Carrie Brown
Anna Bauer
Belie Champlin
Ross Davis
Miles Furguson
Ernie Halfpapp
Evelyn Hayes
Lela Kelsay
Thursday Kent
Miss L. Rintoul,
Gertrude Brown
Jennie Collins
Lizzie Davis
Stella Frizzell
Vena Frizzell
Laura Haight
Lindsay McCartney
Niel AlcNamara
William Seufert
Margaret Stuben
Guy Sexton
George Vause
Sadie Young.
John Kent
Vina Nielsen
Bessie Nielsen
Ethel Ruark
Ethel Willig.
Ml88 T. RlNTOUL.
Bessie Nielsen
Miss Michell.
Martha Bartell
Bertha I! laser
Grace Egbert
James Huntington
Sylpher Kent
Lulu Ward
Elizabeth Wyss
Lemmie Willie.
Xeno Riddel)
Leona Sexton
Alice Williams.
high school department.
Delwin Allaway Oecar Beck
Willie Cross Pearl Estes
Roy Emerson Porter Frizzell
Pearl Grimes Nina Guthrie
Florence Hampson Bruce Johnson
Loto Kelsay Maude McLeod
Maude Michell Harrv Miller
Joseph McArthur Dora Nielsen
Hallie Kice Nellie Roberts
Evelvn Sandrock Francis Sexton
Dora Sexton Olive Slate
Ireni Urquhart Lena Moore
Lena .imuierman.
J. S. Landers, Sapt.
Taylor Withdraws.
Indianapolis, June 4. W. 8. Taylor,
it is authoritatively asserted, has now
nearly decided not to be a candidate for
governor of Kentucky. He will yield
the right of way to John W. Yerkes.
Tylor will not even attend the national
convention nnless assured by Governor
Stone of Pennsylvania that he refuse
any requisition the Kentucky authorities
make to secure upon him.
Dull Headache, Pains in various parts
of the body, Sinking at the pit of the
stomach, Loss of appetite, Feverishness,
Pimples or Sores all positive evidences.
of impure blood. No matter how it
became so it must be purified in order to
obtain good health. Acker's Blood
Eiexir has never failed to cure Scrofulous
or Syphilitic poisons or any other blood
diseases. It is certainly a wonderful
remedy and we sell every bottle on
a positive guarantee. Blakeley & Hough
ton s drug store.
Fnnaton Knconntrred Itebcla.
Manila, June 4. Yesterday General
Funston, w ith twenty-five men, engaged
6fty of the enemy twenty-five miles east
of Sin Miguel de Mayumo. Captain
George J. Godfrey, of the Twenty-second
regiment, and one private were killed.
The enemy's loss is not reported.
Twenty-five armed insurgents have
surrendered at Caleere, Island of Panay.
Neglect is the short step so many take
from cough or cold to consumption.
The early use of One Minute Cough
Cure prevents consumption. It Is the
only harmless remedy that gives imme
diate results. It cores all throat and
lung troubles. Children all like it and
mothers endorse it.
S!ck Headache absolutely and perma
nently cured by using Moki Tea. A
pleasant herb drink, - Cures constipation
and indigestion, makes yon eat, sleep,
work and happy. Satisfaction guaranteed
or money beck. 25 cts. and 50 ct.
Blakeley it Houghton Druggist.
able TrlSea for the
son's Coelauies.
Shades of gray are charming in the
cew woolen materials which are to be
seen for the new gowns. There are all
sorts of pretty grenadine-like mate
rials, similar to those worn in the six
ties loosely woven materials, but
with body enough to drupe excellently.
Some of them are to be seen with pret
ty satin stripes, some with little em
broidered figures, the small bow knots
that never seem to grow old.
With the thought of the war in al
most everything done nowadays in
England, the bonbon boxes of silver
are no louger used to bold various
small bonbons, but are filled with
"meat lozenges." They ore fitted for
the pocket, and are supposed to be
just the thing for the soldier boy in
time of need.
Pretty little handkerchiefs with a
pattern woven in thera somewhat aft
er tlje way patterns are woven in
damask for the table are now coming
in. There urc little bowknots, for in
stance, at intervals through the body
of the handkerchief, and the table
linen effect is most noticeable iu a
.i.i,.tib i.,,i o,.,i h..,i nnH
in which the pattern is set at regular
intervals, as in a border.
Most of the shoppers from the big
shops who purchase French lingerie
are now abroad (retting up -the new
stock, and, this being just about be
tween seasons, it is a good time for
bargains in prettv nnderwe".. There
are many women who consiuYr under
wear their one extravagance. They
do not care so much about their out
side garments, but there ia a certain
delightful daintiness in wearing the
prettiest and most attractive clothes
out of sight. They feel that they dress
for themselves, and it gives a certain
feeling of self-respect and special
pleasure. These women never dare to
go near the underwear counters in
the big shops when the contents ot'
their purses are at a low ebb, for they
simply cannot resist the pretty things
The drapery effect around the shoul
ders obtains in many things, especially
where yokes are worn. Below the yoke
of the opera enpe soft material or lace
is draped entirely around the shoul
ders, und in tea gowns the same effect
is used with good results.
-ot every woman would like or
would look well in an Empire wedding
gown, but the gowns themselves nre
ehni ining. One has u puffed j oke and
sleeves, while from under the arms two
brord pieces of lace are brought and
faster a little to the left of the bust,
the ends hanging in soft folds to the
lower edge of the skirt. This gown
is finished without a collar nt the
throat, the top of the puffed yoke fit
ting snugly, with a cord pet in.
Long Empire coats which have an
air of distinction nre kilt-plaited in
the skirt and have little jacket effects,
In one cf these the jacket differs from
the skirt, being heavily embroidered
us nre the sleeves. The back of th?
jacket is cut up a little in the center,
.n;d comes down in long points in the
Much tulle ia to be used wiih strav;
this coming season, nnd mnnv linta
will be made in alternate rows of straw
nnd tulle. A great deal of lucked taf
feta will also be used, as ft has been
during the winter. The milliners art
groaning because Easter comes so Into
this year. Very few women wear the
old-time "Easter bonnet" to church on
Easter day; it is not smart to do so,
but at the same time Easter is the bon
net season, and its being late or early
makes the spring millinery late or
early. In good weather many of the
smart women ore out of town ovet
Easter. N. Y. Times.
A Oocid Speculation.
New York, June 4. Frank Reglid,
who married lue divorced wife of Peirre
Lorillard Ronold, aged 70 in 1894, is to
day a millionaire by the death of his
wile. Reglid was a grocery boy, later an
actor and when he married the old
woman was only thirty years of age.
Bit. Louis Striae.
St. Louis, June 4 The Posee
Comitatus Ibis morning went on duty in
full force relieving the police, who will
return to their usual duties. The sheriff
has issued an order that absolutely no
leniency's will be shown to those who
attack women.
Terr Darin' Ulrthday.
Richmond, Va., June 4. The anni
versary of the birthday of Jefferson
Davis will be generally observed as legal
holidays in this state and Georgia to
morrow. Tribute is being paid the
dead president of the Confederacy in
many other southern states.
Kucceaaful Strike.
BuiTalo, N. Y., Jnne 4. All strikes
with the railroad are off. Twenty-six
hundred nen returned to work this
The freight handlers are the only craft
not securing an advance.
Notice is hereby given that nnder and
by virtue of an order of the county coort
of Clackamas county, Oregon, made and
entered on the 28tli day of May, 1900, I
will offer for sale, at private sale, from
and after the 7th day of Jufy, UiOO, for
cash in hand, all the right, title and in
terest of the estate of Walter Fish, de
ceased, in and to lot 12 in block 18,
Langhlin's Addition to Dalles City,
Wasco county, Oregon.
' Fbedkricr Rakdov,
Administrator of the estate of Walter
Fish, deceased.
Offers received by Attorneys for Ad
ministrator, J. T. Whalley, Pipe 4
Tifft, Portland, Or. ju
w iirrn r'IDT
a i . j u n n i u 1 i v l,
By S. H- James.
tin HALL I invite her?"
Stella Reeves paused, with pe
nnikd in the air,
"Can I help you, Stella?" asked Mrs,
Reeves, from the depths oi ner easj
ch.-iir hv the fire.
"I was thinking, mother," responded
Stella, "whether I should invite Myra
l". or Ifitif 1 in aiiond a week here. You
know that Patty Harper, Nellie Camp
bell and Jennie Stngg are coming,
"Why not Invite Alyra?" asked Mrs.
Reeves, eyeing her daughter curiously.
"Well. I don't know." said Stella,
slowly. "She is ever so nice a girl, but
she's queer."
"How oueer?
"Very quiet, and not at all like other
girls. Sometimes I like her, ana some
times I do not, and that is the way
with all the girls. She is not good com
rianv. I am afraid, nnd yet I want t
invite her for thut very reason. She
never (roes home except during th
summer, and it is so dreary in the acad
' erny during cnristinas ami umci ur
. . ... 1 V,. 1
. - . , .;n
Ida vs. liui i uure buj euc
come, anyhow."
"Invite her, Stella," said Mrs. Reeves
nuietlv. And Stella did
It was nicht when Myra came, the
train being late, and Mrs. Reeves did
not see her until they nil sat at the
breakfast table next morning,
All the girls were there, and at first
Mrs. Reeves mentally decided that
Myra was only a homely girl with
brown hair and hazel eyes, and much
like other girls, but before the meal
was ended she found herself wntching
the girl with increasing curiosit3r. Sh
was queer, in her reversed, almost mo
rose, manner, in her habilual silence
and her grave, sweet smile
"She is queer," said Mrs. Reeves tc
herself, "but I like her."
- Before the dav was out she liked
Mvra more than ever. When the othe
girls went out for a walk, Myra stayed
indoors, fed the canary, dusted the
bric-a-brac, and bhook up the sofa nnd
chair pillows, and did several other
little tasks which Stella generally for
Within three days Myra was firmly
?slablishcd in the Reeves household
She was so handy and so helpful and
so good nnturcd, everybody said, that
Stella and the girls actually held a cau
cus to discover vvhv thev had called
her queer, und failed to find a cause
On the evening of the third day Ar
Ihur Reeves came home on leave fron:
the naval school, where he was a cadet
Arthur was only IS, but such a big
burly fellow, especially in Ins cape
overcoat, would have taker
him for 25 at least at a distance,
"You shall be our cavalier, Arthur,''
said Stella, "and I promise you shall
have your hands full."
"All right," asserted Arthur, care
lessly. "Bring on your girls; you can't
frighten a sailor.
Then began a round of gayety such
as fairly took away the girls' breath
They made trips to the old mill and
the abandoned powder magazine, thev
went hunting and skating, and Arthut
was the guiding spirit in all their
Myra revived her reputation for
queerness in these expeditions.
jjy tne great tioop-block! criec
Arthur, with undisguised admiration,
to his mother, ns he was eating a late
breakfast, "I call her-n jolly girl, and
no mistake.
"The girls say she is queer," said Mrs,
"Queer!" he burst out. "Well, yes,
perhaps she is, but I wish there were
more queer girls like her. Is she rich,
i oeneve not, Artnur. ,.m
mat s nicKyi ' i-i't,
"For her. She will have to work, and
she is sure to make her mark, and it
will he a big one. Mother, I think-
"Artlnir: calleo Stella, outside, "if
you ever get through eating, we trirls
would like to have you drive us to the
post ofliee.
On Tuesdny Arthur's leave would ex
pire, and so it was arranged that on
.Monday there should be a picnic. It
was Arthur s idea.
(Tt'l L t . .....
uy noi . ne nsKcu. "it s mere
nonsense to t-uppose that you can't
have a picnic rnly in niinineV. What's
the matter with taking the birr sleiirh.
loading it up with picnic grub, includ
ing rubber blankets, in case we want
to sit on the ground, and havintr a first-
class time generally?"
It was unanimously voted tliut there
wus "nothing the matter with it," and
on Monday morning the picnic sleigh
moro:horse sale at auction
June IGth I will have a lHnd of about
ltl tieau oi horses, bred tin In flUdua
dale, In Woro, broke an 1 unbroke, from
null, lion ndi weiuht down in anfkir
colts, which I wish to sell at private sale
in ma lorenoon, ana at Biiction salo In
too ftiiemnon.
lerms Ou all sums of 10 or lees.
onnKanie notea paya-
e.l XT .. I 4 e...w. J
"ovcmoei j, i:hi, or ten per cent
uu ii'r casn.
N. E. MoKflTT.
I also have a good No. 2 Hodge header
for sale, with two 20-foot boxes. Only
run one aeasen and in good order. You
can get this cheap fur cash.
Special reserve old government whis
key, lecognized by the highest medical
authority in the land; especially recom
mended by the board of health of Ssn
Francisco for hospital use, al0 A. P.
O'Brien, M. D., captain and surgeon,
and Wm. D. McCarthy, major and sur
geon U. 8. army, as the purest unadul
terated stimulant for convalescents, in
valids and family use. Sold by Charles
s'UDl'OK- apl20.dliu
l,.rrID,niT kiihi cf mt stati
f , v .,u. tor county.
j iin. Kate Hastinga, PUintllT,
I ntlnr. Eftfudant.
To Pnnald M. HaMlngf, the above-named de
;...""v f i, state of Oreron, You aie
in i ,h ai nuer the cr.m
lull on or before the ln-.h day of July. .. ana
II you do uut, fur want thereof the ph "''f
take juuxment araintt you and ill apply to
the eourt for the rli.I prajea or m
plaiut, to-wlt: for a decree of divorce from you
ne Mid defendant, Donald M. " . ..
i.. ufl'h nrion vou bv Duuiica-
tln. by order of the court, made on the i5th day
of June, UM, which aid ordtr di recta that thia
ummops be aervea uiwn you "J
Ihereof lor kIx conieulne wki iuTiis Vllm
Wkiklt Chronicle, a newspaper published In
... : . u .. ..,,,.! il,t the hrst nubllCutlon
I, made on the tith 'day of June. laCO, and that
the defendant be required to appear and answer
:.. ..iin. , f-fom the ixth day of July,
l'jou, aaid date being the last day of the time
iirecribed for the said publication.
The date of the first publicalioa of this um
mon,i.June,HUl. W.H.WILSON.
jC j Attorney for Plaintiff.
LtKB Ornci at Vancouver, Wash.
June 4. lMXJ.
v,-.ti..A ( hwhv elven that the following-
named settler has filed notice of his intention
tr nukp Hna Drool 111 suppori oi nis ciaup, aim
It,.! twin itroof will be made before W. B. Presby,
I'nlted fctatea Comnils(.ioner for Histrict of
Wai.hinstrin. At hia office in Unldendale, n ash.
lnttton, ou Monday, July li, l'AO, viz:
John Wat eon,
Homestid Kntrr No. 9:2, for the south half of
the southeast quarter of section !!, township 8
north, of riiiDte 14 east, Will. Mer.
He names the Mllowing ttitne.-ses to prove his
continuum residence upon, and cultivation oi
said land, ia:
rlmrlea Siraube. William Wilkinson, James
C. Daly. Patiiek Haggerty, all of Centerviiie,
P. O.-, Wash. W. K. DUNBAR,
jun61 Register,
Land Cpfick at Thk Dalles, Or.,
Apiii ;to, litoo.
Notiee is herebv given that the following
named settler has illed notice of his Intention to
make final proof in support of his claim, and
that said proof will be made before the Register
and Keceiver at 1 ne wanes, uregon, on ouiur.
day, June Hi, vi?.:
Wilson J. Jeffers, of The Dalles, Or.,
ITomestead Kntfy No. 4fi.Vi, for tho N' N 'A'H
section ID, township 1 nortu, range 14 cast, n in
He nmnea the following witnesses to prove his
continuous residence upon and cultivation oi
said land, viz:
J nines Benson, Jr., James Benson, Br., Peter
Godfrey, Isaae Howland, all of Ihe Dalles, ur.
maj'2 1 JAY P. LUCAS, Register.
(Isolated Tract.) Public Land Sale.
Land Office at The Dalles, Orkoon,)
May U, IMA), t
Notice is hereby given that In of
Instructions trom tne commissioner ot tne gen
eral land otliee, under authority vcated la him
by section glr, u, a. Kev. btat., rs amended by
me aei oi conaress nimruveu reuriiary m, in;,.,.
we will proceed to oiler at uublic sale on iSatur-
dav, tlie pilh day of June, next, at thebourof
10 o'clock a. m. at this office, the following tract
of land, to-wit;
bh' N section 20, township 1 north, range
14 eat. W. M.
Any nnd all persons claiming adversely the
above described Ittnda are advised to file their
claims in this office on or before tho day above
oi signaled lor tne commencement ot said sule,
oine.wise meir rignis win oe tnripitea.
JAY P. 1.1'CAS, Register.
mayl2-il OTIS PATTkRSON, Receiver.
Timber Lend, Act June 3, 1878.
I'. 8. Land Office. I
Tug Dai.lks, Oh., Apr. IX VM. I
Notice is hereby given that in compliance
wiui ine provisions ot tne act or congress of
June a, 1X78, entitled "An act for tho sale of tim
ber lands In tho states ot California, Oregon,
William K. Ketchum,
of The Dulles, County of Wnsco, State of Oregon,
iihb nun uay ineo 111 mis omco nis Kwirn state-
... ..... lira .lit lMllVlltlBC U1V " i.C.,
and N) HKJi of Section No. !M, In Tp. I N. R.
No. 11 t W. M., and oiler proof to show
that the land sought is more valuable for It
timber or stone tlinn for agricultural iinrnosea.
and to establish his claim to said land before the
tterisier and Keceiver of' this office at The
I miles, uregon, on
Saturday, the 23d day of June, 1900,
He names as witnesses' J. ft Unit, n P kni
cniim, Joseph Hnnna and William spencer, all
of The Dalles, Oregon.
Any and all persona claiming adversely the
above-described lauds are reonestd to Hln thuif
claims In this office on or before said 23rd day of
June, 1Ik). '
aprlS-low -1 JAY P. LUCAS, Register.
Land Office at Vancocvbr, Wash.,)
. , May 11, Pkki. j
Notice Is hereby given that Ihm fnllnwino
turned scttlpr has filed notice of his intention
to make final nroof in iinnnrt of hi. luin. ...h
that said proof will he made before W. II Presby,
i uu,-., rwuei i.ominissioucr lor District of
nashlngUin. at hia iitlice In (.nM..,,,!., i,. w..k
on Saturday, June', I'.kjo, viz:
George U. Mndsar,
Homestead entry, No. K29, for the 8WU of Sec
IA, 1 p , N of R 13 K, W. M.
He mimes the following witnesses to prove
Ills continuous residence linon uiM f.nlti.-u,i..n
of said land, viz:
John . McDonald, of Ilnrtlaiid P. O., Wash;
W eiMlellu idl, (iolilenoiile P. )., Wash. ; John
. Retry. Ilnrtlaiid P. 0.,Vasli.; Thomas J.
Drlpps, Ilartlaud P. O., Wash.
majSJ 1 ;w. R. DUNBAR, Register.
Administrator's Bale of Ileal Property
Notice Is herebv plvnn fhnt fr.. -i.
ninth day of June, I'.wj, I will prwecl to sell nt
rivate sale, lor cash, the lollowliig descrllsKl
roperty iH-lonirlnir to tl, ut..,.. .,,
.'rno, ,.v:,-,ri-,i, , wil
ll. ...... H.. .7 . I.UII'l
l.'its A, I), C, I). K
block 57 of ort Dalle
, K, 1,1I,I,.!, KandL. In
s Military reservation, in
Kur Information homlm ... oi
Sllltlott. 1 ""
Dated at Dalles City this lmh dnv of Mny, Pkk)
....... . I'r;' 'A V. IIKOWN,
Ailinlii Is riitr of il,.. ,,. ..f i,..,.,..u ..
fit ceased. nrown,
l.Airn Office at The Dalles. Onr.noN,
A lirn .HI, iKl
Henry Readel, of Tho Dalles. Or..
loiiiestcad Kntrr No 471(1, f, ., nK, . .,m
township 1 north, range 12 east, W. M
"Id laml, vlr.: " lul"v"U1111
Henry I ueblng, licorgn Arnold, Charlie W
Adams, Michael Doyle, all oil ho I .II,".",,', W
"" JAY p. i.i-i:am. it..i...
yt- iiKiuMiimrrgn
I'liysiciau and Surgeon,
8N3clal attention glren to surgery.
JlllmnlK2 l!1 Vo Block
M00KK & 0AV1I?,
Ro"n '! ), over IJ. 8. Und Ollice.
Ofl,o. ot Kirar Nat. bVuiu "U,tH' 0RE(,0I
Notice Is herebv given tlint the followiiia.
nanietl settler ha. Illed notice of hi. Int.' t o ,
rnajo I mil pt.H.f In snpM,rt of his elm, ,,
that snld ,(r,, H.n) ,m lnm ,,, ; A" gilt" r
and Receiver at The Dalles, Oregn, ot M tur
day, June !i, n), viz: ' r,llr-
Land Office .
at AMCOrv.. .
Notice 1 hereby given ("','', '",
named settlers have lilr noiic . i
tiou to make final pr.f 'ui?
claim and that said proof, i.lw '" of i
W. B. I niuil StateVi,1! &
Kisiru-i oi n asiungt n, at iii , T ""is .
dale, Wash., Monday, July , i'f-tais
uenry Vrackel,
Homestead entry No. Dmis f. ,v
i Tp. N. R 14 J, W. M who'SLSS
Ing wituesMMi to prove hia eontil!!. "
UH.a and cultivation of "Ud Und ""
Manuel Ionardo, WiUUii J ill V
Mulligan, Kraucl. L. Bumiell all i.j : '
P. O., Washii gton. ' U u W
rrauela t. Bauarli
(Tomestead Entiy No. 10,13 . f,.h.,
NWfi of Sec. 7, Tp. N Vli tHK
names the following witnesses to iJllf
Und?vi.?' 08 UPonl WIUtS,1;
Manuel Leonardo, William M n
Mulligau, Henry Veackel all nl ,""15,-V
O., Washington. ,eatu' " ' Uuter,.
m.y2Wl W. R. DUSBAE,
" ualles.o,,,
Notice is hereby given that tb wi
named settler has filed notice of
to make final proof in support of hi. ii Bte"
that said pr.x,f will be made ..'.J1';". 6
will t made bt fore thi iT'
t The Dalle., Oreg
ana Receiver at The
day, June 10, l'JOO, viz
Jens P. Agidius, of The Dallas n.
Homestead tntry No. 4911, for th Kwi
section 24, and NE and NElai.T4!tr.
St. township 2 north, range 1 esit w l"
He names the following wltnesM
his continuous residence upon andJLiH
of said land, viz : " aua Ultima,
John Crate, Charles Snipes, J n h.i,
Siraonson, all of The Dalles, biegon
msy2-l JAY P. LCCAs! Eeum
Land Office at Vancouver, uKi
Notice la hereby given that" the' ftlj,
named set tiers have fi led notice of their E
to make final proof In support of thelrrl.,? "
that said proof will be made before
ana "-Mver of the U. 8. land ouaV.ftlE5
ver, Wash., on July 6, lyoa, viz:
George U. Sanfrd,
who made H. E. No. torn, for the M an
St 3, and H'4 S VV u See 2, Tp 3 N H I V
who iiHtues the followiim witnee t0 B ?
continuous residence Ukjii and culilv.Z.
said land, viz: lumuim,
Haskln Trabue, Christian Pieckson Thm
WashhUC"1D' Kdwar(1 A lloWfiiiloH
Christian Illerkson,
wno mnae it. I'., o; twa.for the8UNirw
K1 SW'i.
follow ins wltnestea i,, ......i i
J". IP 4 Pt, K lv W U .1,.
names me
continuous residence upon and cultiribna
said land, viz:
Haskln Trabue, John Paulsen, hmn nt,
ueorge ji. nnniord, an oi Lyle, H'siUanun.
II. Hanloril, all of Lyle, W'siUajtun. '
llaahln Trabue
who made H. E. No. flsofi, for Ihe Si SWi ttr
:t, and N N WJi, See 111, 1'p 3 X, K l2 K, f it
who names the following witnebses to prove hii
continuous residence upon and ctiltlvuiott
said land, viz:
Christian Delckson, Thomas M, Whiltnnl
fieorge H. Banlord, James Piiz, all of LileF &
Wash. '
ma j 23-1
W. R. PCN'BAR.IKjlilit.
U. 8. Land Office, Vancopvsr, Wah,,
April ao,lu. ,
Notice Is herebv elvon that Mi.rv F r.ihn,
by D. H. Stegman, her attorney In faet, hat ti!
iiouco oi iiiieuiion to mime nnal prnof
W. B. Presby, United States Coinralsilonetlj'
District of ashitnrton. at his olllce In i., kw
dale, Wiishlngtoti, on Friday, the 29th tm.
June, 1900,oii Timlier-eulture Application Si
2J7, for the northeast quarter of section No U
lowiiKiup wo. i norm, range wo. 14 east, w.
She names ss witnesses: Manuel S.Lmnii
of (irand Dalles P.O., Wash.; Herman Enriili
William Wilkinson, of Centerviiie P. 0.. Uiik
and William Crawford, of (irand Dulles P.
Wash. W. R. DL'NBAJ,
maj'2-1 Rtjiiln.
Land Office at Vancouver, Wiih.,1
April 30, luuo. I
Notice Is herebv glren that the follortt
named settle r has filed notice of his iota
Hon to make final nroof In suiinott of k
claim, and that said proof will be msdeWm
vi. ii. rresny, united mutes comnimBiouei w
District of U ashlmrton. at hia office In UolJa
dale, Wash., ou Friday, June 29, lisX, vli:
Deitrich II. Stegman, devisee of Dietrich
htegman, deceased ;
Homestead Entrv No. 87H1. fur the southweU
of section ;)2, township 8 north of rang Mt
Will. Mer.
He names the following wltnessri to prow m
continuous residence upon and cultlvsllon
saiu lanu, vis:
Manuel 8. lonardo, of (Irand DsllM
Wash.: Herman Knirelke. Wllllnm Wilkinson.
Centerviiie P. .. Wash., and William Crh
of Grand Dalles P. O., Wssh.
Vt. K. Liunnflw.
maj-2-t Kejutif.
that the nndrlp
by an order of tho Countv Court of the Sh
Oregon lor Wasco County, hs lieen SrVJ'
administrator of the estate of Helen HiwIWi
do-easel. All persons having claims afiss
the estate ot said deceased are n. tilied w P
sent them, with the proper vouchers, to e
Hood River, Oregon, within six montbi Iros
tho dale of this notice.
Datid May 16, l'juo.
Puta F. Bbaoforb.
Adminlatrator of the Estate of Helen"
ford, Doceaaed. m
Dki-aetxent of the Ixterios, I
L'nitcd States Land ''il
The Dai.lks, or., May l'V,rf
. ...... .k.i....i f.u.,inirbeeii 11(B
n this ollice by Cus S. Alexaniler,eont'1'
against homestead entry No. o?77, mw
', lor sw 4 ol nw'a. sec. a, tp. i '. . . i. . i.
by John T. Wright, conU"lc. In WW "IT.
leirprt Hint i,i Inhn T. riarl t has ""'''i
almnrtoncd said tract, and ehangisl liH rw "?
Iierefrotn for moro than six inuntin ini
ng said entry, and next prlur '"""'lj
e ot ilcmnnant ii"'" "" ,,
not one tu ins eiiipluymctii in ;i
lymi-iii in ..
(lulled States, ssid rfri
.appear, rescind
mid iillcgiilieiist 10
i, the K" "S
States land OlIKf in 1
unvai service tn inc.
are hereby notified to
vnience touching snld iiiiegniiu" ,
. in. mi June 3D. I'.hhi, before the. R, ; "TM
Receiver at tho (j lilted States land oinu i
The snld contestntit having, I" Vr"!f'h i
vlt, liltil May l.v VM. set forth fuels wliU
that alter due diligence pcrsotisl 'V'J,,
notice can not lie made, It 1 herehy "rni'' ,j
Dalles, I tregon
(HreetiNl that sik Ii uoUce be given oj u "v
projii-r publication. iiMt
Land Office at VAK utvs,''"'
a leu""-
on July (i,
narle If. F. No. flss.'i, fur th-"'itV
, See :l, Tp 3 N, It l:t K, and r. 4 '
i, Tj. .1, N Jt 12 K, W. M. p
names the following w,n7"''Hv.U
iuoiisrtwl.lenceupun, and ftil,B
Him lami, vis: . ..-,n.
Robert A. Mtrottthers. Chris .. Jr. ', p, I,
am tiarner, John kure, all oi "
mays l-l
jjit. it. it. r it no if -.
riiysiciiui and Surgeon,
Ortlco, Vogt lil.k (over p-toffletl.
lLnllA 1. .l.-At, tllHt til
...m,i in ,,,.-,j . Itll(l"
namiil settler has filed notice ''', "" ' ,, ,tl
to make final proof In support of l'1" r'",,nM,
tlintsild prHif will lH! made helore i w.n-
United States Commissioner, at U"i"1
p.sw, viz:
A ..k.l k liliar
THE VAt.l.r., I