The Dalles weekly chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1947, June 06, 1900, PART 1, Image 2

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The Weekly Chronicle.1"
Twm the tkuikt Leaier.
O rves " i
u r - ti a 5 S.r la-rsea
O S -I .- .i-r a.--?
t.- tw.i
Ot-t ! .i? el-art it' i
&-r- t '.! ' .
i rf.r lilicn s.ace 1 I U-e auiunva .
U,ty.buti, in Lee .! mxr ,f5Rl ,cJ ae inelINI
ti ti.: ia quarwr, .:uJ doc'l fiase together io t'iirKm Tt. p..;;,, tie rst o! the week ;
b.s.r- Is so vet y and. lew I- tiei-t of Alfred Austin, Eng'ana ' Lxklnj i:er t:tt in till iefUon. i
prtva to. This la'.ter view is t iurelle The flowicz vencrsj Tl rst thiect of ere from Stan-;
oa lie rehef cf Mif.kic-, if iffereJ , - fi Lere Friiar n.crn:tg f-e the
. . . . ' Tax:: it SJ-eiitr. TLe ccns-gaiLera wis
.scmoclr. .col J tae got .Lto, r.e,
acy waste Liiitt frosi Mime tjc( mirtct &;u pi of fiae m sd !
Oregon. VfiiiO ccun'.y lu a dis- cre ti err n-aa fuel c,u. ',
rpriiing ciliea of towns'
GecasiotsJ by tie fact tLt free
J tive decline J ssewLat an 1 i on
us doubled y erroneous. 1. ice were
i C icQ.h too list veir as al! coe-
KtxxMJt ft ; 1 WJ re C;p cf B..-H J Dares at tie Cascade j enU
now cere toc-oal ' .hM touM teat ibean U!tUb Sbaoi
As a ctqua busi: In general .j. LicJj d ub;cd ta
is c& 1
CiKwimW the PctUB-lireUUfJBcyqoo bst tUt
Lkil vesr
. st lia Uaie.
I . V . I l It n
c;a rirr to li. sts, I; vlrocit
tie laxeiiie cctititcti: by tie fcG(l knows itt if the felted j
gftTercxectcf rovJ tioand, 5l4!f4 filters la tie present criiis.i
Cite cUtriiC'.ioLS t Ct'.i'.o dJ Tbewe t; 1 U22irds cntil Jooils
De, f-r tenjxnry re!itf, od ttej dsy n.M yrrett, demo-j
cI:iTte ccw-ioction of a cscsl Bdctat iod farniT ediior of tLe Pojt-lx-
I Und Telegram, nd Ute mioister to)
Wub the tori;t ro J, ctesm boils s,taa) we ultf eTerJ Earopein
ecu! 1 g;tr tLe iroducrtj !or tejcofcoUj wiH f jrge ;orTpoodiP2!j
Cclaxb;i mcd tie Soike rirers r,d : tlMj jt Oregon sets the pace in
csrry Ilea: to the upper eoi of !f4jMr;cg ,Dj LaJticj, il cij led
ebort portage. Tbere tte cargoes j lhe wbole cmrj to water wbeo
cocli be tritsfened to cars, ndtbe qTje,llotl u fqurely before it
trom the cir tleliveied to other j wbel!i;r we 1 become the supreme
r.eimers at U.e lower eod cf themoraUnd ElUnsi itflecCe ia the
real. Tbetce, lj ceats of pC:Sc or forewer tril Along behind
exlstirj canil and !ocks at tte C- Grett Briuin Bussia, Gertcacj,
cid,tLere isopen aaTigation tolheFrincei ,niJ cven JipmDi If BBp.
Af:r tie compJetionof j preseion of the Philippine inurrec.
prcp.e.1 cacilacl locks at Celi'.o,- cwU CJ im lbe sum is
stMBbcaU coci-J rcn without inter-; tmaSJ toaptni lo t5jC iasmeasuMble
naption from L?wL,ton to the sea. jCOJtor m futore war to regain lhe
To this end, the Portland chtmoer j ti tnd commerce in the Pacific
of commerce or2es cnon evenrii.t. it v !
drawcg our fiig and forces from the
t kt '.-!- to Id),
ti U !orerac lei
Tiy, w:ta TitiM yeii,
Kiucm-ttl k.: Ln.ki3it.
its km dw-wl t it
A4 e4 1L 1 ijhiM
At th reiiTl!iJ bUrt
Btti ia Um t j- .
Oh, oct twet. Mabtrira kith,
)lAlsittg tdl vith
Lockaoar -4 1x1 tiL
AJ 00 U Mfiz(
civd we wiU ixrc B.Ft.
Wharf tb bT imin.
bvadj by tzwli a&d ra
Fslten4 not. c, no( coc,
LItu( oa bone Best:
-Oh. when ibcr n eone.
Itm'jbtA veU er rf dram.
Ar.l brill lb tit tua-lua
PouktI till tte er p!if
Grimly tte foe retired:
"ttie be irejaeol trei.
TiU, be wo. moody, mired,
H: td 3l rear rpiit:''
3 it hsrtioj acei:lT, '
t toiiblr Tbe Pi:e, it circulating re
j ports to ike Jtxt that ti-ert it to r-c !
j to t eep here. TLeee rertt m:gi.t
j Lve beea toe to nioaths io, tat not j
inor. Tbere are aecomaaodationt for 1
I oer
to i-tcrei. bitnself ia the effort by
osisg U hit ieSaence lo bear on the
comxerciarbodies in bis section, on
the state semtorsarid representatives
from the virions districts in the
coootry whoe future prosperity is
inrolTe J, and, at all tirtes and every
wlere, lo earnestly assist in the effort
to cause the making of a new survey
for a canal and locks, and the im
mediate construction cf a portage
railway, cece&sary in transpo ing
materials and labor for the canal
construction; hich, though built for
thai purpose, shall te open and free
to the public for transportation pur
poses until a canal and locks shall be
completed and daly thrown open for
the public service."
It is the belief of the chamber of
commerce that the result of these
improvements would be to "control
the freight rates of Dearly the whole
country. If this splenlid region is
to be developed to its fullest extent,
cheap transportation must be estab
lished along the line of least re
sistance the Columbia river."
yea ns
Last Tuetdiy, the 29ih ult, a
meeting was held in Blooraington,
Illinois, to commemorate the con
vention that met in that town forty
four years ago to organize the
republican party in that state.
Abraham Lincoln was one of the
delegates and made a wonderful and
characteristic speech. Io the fierce
light of the present democratic con
tention that the constitution, of i'.s
own force, follows the flag, it is
interesting to cote what the founders
of the republican party thought of
that doctrine forty-four years ago.
The convention in part
"Eesolved, That we hold, in a.
cordance with the opinions and
practices of all the great statesmen
of all parties for the first sixty years
of the administration of the govern
ment, that, under the constitution,
cotigress possesses full power to pro
hibit slavery in the territories; and
that, whilst we will maintain all the
constitutional righls of the South,
jastice, humanity, the principles Df
freedom as exprassed in our declara
tion of independence and our nation
al constitution and the rurity and
perpetuity of our i?orerDrrent re
The Times-Mountaineer says it
never knew tilt it teard Messis.
Wilson and Fulton Thursday night
that the way to relieve people in dis
tress was to tax them. The Tirres
Mountaineer in its brief career as a
Bryanite organ has acquired a vast
fund of misinformation. Congress
bad no choice in the matter of the
Porto Rican tariff between a direct
tax in cash, that Governor General
Davis assured the administration
would be actual confiscation, and an
indirect tax that would fall largely
on the sugar and tobacco trusts. So
they taxed the trusts and as far as
possible let the masses go free. Be
sides this congress placed nearly
everything necessary to the comfort
and prosperity of the Porto Iticans
on the free list. This is not after the
manner of democratic legislation, nor
what would suit the trusts, but it
suits lhe conditions on the island and
that's enough for us.
A private letter from Porto Rico
says that every body there is pleased
with the new tariff except one man.
That man is the British consul &t
Sin Juan. Mr. Finley, who bad
bought up all the sugar in sight, an
ticipating its free entry into the
United States.
Now that the election is over the
next thing on the program is the
Fourth of July, aud The Dalles, with
its customary exchange of bospttility.
will depopulate itself on tLat day and
celebrate with its friends and neigh
bors in the surrounding country.
There U at least one country ia the
vori-l where- it costs nothing to die. Ia
tome of the canton of .Switzerland all
the dead, or poor, are boned at the
public eipeose.
Tti Kortbein Pacific announces a re
daction in rate for the trantportotion
5:t pertont in cn Lease, the1
1 r - . 4 n A A .n V., iK.ra a rat All
g AilvX, aula V J uv.r - ' - ;
piac, too, where the tired traveler can '
fet a Lirftt's lo-iirc . Di!et pjpert ;
Pam copy. i
Sixteen cars of sheep left the Saaniko
stock yards Friday, fourteer. v'ads
tfaturday, sod nineteen Monday. The
first ahipment was consigned to James
Wright of Spokane, the lat two trains
foinj to the Mallory Commission Com
pany, Chicago, and are part cf the herds
of J. E. Sherar 4 Co., of this county.
We understand the next consignment
will leave here June 8:b and 10. b, a
total of seventy cars.
The Columbia Southern Railway Com
pany has jast received a new band car
whose motive power is gasoline. The
car willl carry about eight men, and is
capable of making twenty miles an
j hoar. This use of gasoline is of very
! recent date; it does away entirely with
j men "working their way" after a hard
i day's work. Anything more convenient
j and hand? could not be had by the com
pany, as it wi.l save them in a snort
time its cost many times over.
The Boxers.'
The Chinese "Boxers," who are etart-
ling the world with atrocities inflicted
AYe5etatie PreparalioaforAs-
si-Tvi-uinO iVF.-kvl andRedula-
, ..uiuata - -9 7 ! .
Promotes DigestionJCheerfur
ness and Rest-Conlains nei liter
Opiurrulorpbjne norMineraL
ot .Narcotic.
.pefecl Remedy forConstipa-
; non.sotixaioinacn.uiaiTiioea
I Worrns,Corvvul5ions,FcvCTish-
ness and Loss OF SLEEP.
j Facsimile Signature of
ttT W 1
For Infants and Childron
The Kind You Hav
Always Bought
Bears the
f .KV In
For Over
Thirty Years
tmc etrrrw eeMN
, mrm nynn errv.
An riiiAciiinarlos n rf rf.A
of horses in car oad Iota fiom points in . . .. .....
. . . r, . c. d 1 1 have a membership running into the
VVacbicg'.on and Oregon to St. Paul. . ..... Ti..r.i.
The rate per car has been reduced from j ' . 8 .
,--j petrated in the maritime province of 5 tol. 0.50. j Shan Tung, which lies south of Peking. -5'
II wm Smith ' . . ... .. . ft'
lu ....p.v.., . i ltiia province, tnoagn smaller than the
Frank Carr. John Travis snd James Hy-! Ute of vahington, havinj, an area of
ler are oeieounnie 10 "ii"h,i 56.000 tonare n nnnnla.
H T-aCT"aV Ta CA' TA
ugainet them for gambling at Fort
Waene, Ind. The complainants are
tion closely estimated at 35,000,000.
As in the case of the vigilantes, or-
their wives. The cases are the result of K.cized in the lawless days of placer
a church crusade sgaintt gambling,
The monthly statement of the con
troller of the currency shows that at
the cioee of bo si nest May 31, 1900, the
total circulation of national bank notes
mining, the society of "Boxers" wat
originally formed with a commendable
purpose. It was organized to deal with
bands of native robbers, but later be
came an instrument of private revenge,
was ISOO.-lSS.&So, an increase for the i and later still for venting the Chinese
year of o8,424 335. and an increase for j hatred against "foreign devils." Ori
the month of 15.210.563. The ciicula- finally, the "Boxers" were the Brother
tion baeed on United States bonds was i hcod of the Strong Sword (in Chinese
t23.0i'9.m. and increase for the year j Ta Too Why) and accomplished good
of 56,73.163, and an increase for the 'work in the interest of law and order.
Its membership is largely composed of
ignorant Chinese, and intriguing men
who desire the checking of foreign in
fluences, work upon the ignorant raasees
witb assertions that the missionaries
are opposed to the veneration of ances
tors and murder Chinese children to ob
tain certain organs said tot be nscd in
Colombia Suuthern Warehouse.
i;il StoYe
The election is over and we are
right glad of it. We shall now for a
time at least have a chance to find
space for something besides politics.
A Praetteal nemoDitraUoo.
A fact proven by actual demonstration
is more satisfactory than any theoretical
proposition. Realizing this, and know
ing that they have a proposition which
they can gaaraotee, the Oregon Sanitary
Closet Company, of The Dailet, Or.,
have constructed one of their sanitary
closets and put the tame into actual
operation. The closet it now 1-cated in
the rear of CI. at. Burchtorf't bicycle re
pair etore on Second, between Federal
and I.atichlin trenta Tha TlaMpa anil
iutre that power should be exerted lhe pobliC cordLi:y iDTned to call
yj prevent me extension or slavery lnd inrj,ct ,be Mme. Tbi, comp,ny
into the territories heretofore free." u nnfr r.rr,a-.i tn nil nrHr. Mnmnii,.
, r ,
Parties desiring this system will be fur
nished foil information npon application
to or correspondence with D. 8. Dafur,
The Dalles, Or. m31-lwd3tw
Bradstreets reports that failures in
the month of April were not only
fewer than in any corresponding
month for a number of 'years, but
were 13 per cent smaller than March,
and were in fact lighter than those
of any month recorded since Sep
tember last year, when embarrass
ments and liabilities were the small
est reported in any single month for
the last seven years past This is
in line with the general opinion that
oasfnesf reached its most prosperous
Starvation never yet cared dyspepsia.
Persons with indigestion are already
half starved. They reed plenty of
wholesome food. Kodol Dyspepsia
Cure digests what you eat so the body
can be nourished while the worn out or
gans are being reconstructed. It is the
only preparation known that will in
stantly relieve and completely cure all
stomach troubles. Try it if yoo are
suffering from indigestion. It will cer
tainly do you good.
month of $17,021 995.
C. S. Farrow, of Eugene, bas invented
a sidewalk nail which is driven into the
tides of the boards instead of the top.
He claims it ketps the boards from get
ting loose, and at the sau.e time pre
vents shoes and dresses from being torn
by projecting nails.
Mrs. Mary S. Mark died in Portland
Saturday. Mrs. Mark was a daughter
jf the Rev Dr. R. C. Hiil, of Albany,
eminent in Oregon's history, both as a
pioneer minister and phytician. Mrs.
Mark was also the eister of the Hon. V.
Lair 1M1, of Berkeley, Calif., and Dr. J.
L. Hiil, of Alhany, Or.
A Good CongS. Medicine.
It speaks well for Chamberlain's
Cough Remedy when druggists use it in
their own families in preference to any
other. "I have sold Chamberlain's
Cough Reooely for the past five yean
with complete satisfaction to myself and
ca-lomer." sie Druggist J. Goldsmith,
Van Eiten, X. Y. "I have always used
it in my own family both for ordinary
concha and colds and for the ough fol
lowing la grippe, and find it very effica
cious." For sale by Blakeley & Hough
ton. That Throbbing Headache
Would qu rklv leave you, if you used
Dr. King's New Lite Pills. Thousands
of taflVrere have proved their matchles
merit for Sick and Nervous Headaches'.
They make pnre blood and strong
nerves and build up yonr health. Easy
to take. Try them. Only 25 cents.
Money bark if not cured. Sold by
Blakeley & Houghton, druggists. 5, AKenllnal
N-itice is hereby given to all owners
of. dogs who have not paid license oa
the tame that they come forward and
take out a license before the 10th dty of
Jane, or in default the dogt will be Im
pooLiled and the delinquent! will have
to pay impounding feet as well as li
censes, or have their dogs destroyed.
N". D. Ht'Giiis,
ni20 jl0 Marshal Dalles City.
Unless food It digested quickly it will
ferment and irritate the stomach. Alter
each meal take a tearoonfnl of Kodol
Dyspepsia Care. It digests what you
eat and will allow yoo to eat all you
need of what you like. It sever fails to
cure the worst cases of dyspepsia. It
is pleasant to take.
For Halo.
A good etcond-hand threshing ma
chine -for tale at L. Lane's blacksmith
shop, on Third street. j4 dAwlm
Clarke A Faik's flavoring extracts are
the best. Atk your grocer for them. I
At Shaniko the Columbia Southern
Railway Co. controla 80x100 feet of the
Shaniko warehouse buiUing, to he used
as a freight warehouse, through which
they will receive and forward freight in
the nual manner. The impression that
ail business must be done through for
warding houses is an erroneous one and
we take this means of dispelling it.
Freight received and held twenty-four
hours will be turned over to a forward
ing bouse subject to the order cf the
consignee. The rate on wool in sacks or
io bales from Shaniko to The Dalles is
25 cents per 100 pounds.
For rates or other information call on
or address
C. E. Lytle, G. F. & P. A., or
Gso. F. Ross, Agent,
Shaniko, Or.
Owing to the retirement of Frank
Cbrisman from the firm of Chrismsn
Bros., and bit intention to leave the
state as toon as possible, all debts due
the firm most be paid immediately. All
having claims against the firm will
please present them at the market for
m4-tf Ciibisma.n Bhothebs.
Experience is the beet Teacher. Use
Acker's English Remedy in any case of
cought, cold or croup. Should it fail lo
give immediate relief money refunded.
25 cts. and 50 cts. Blakeley & Houghton
For the convenience of parties want
ing ice in the afternoons, the Stadelman
Ice Co. will carry a stock at their store,
corner Third and Washington streets.
Phone No. 107; long distance 1S3.
"Ring 'em up." 18m-tf
for Sale.
A second-hand ten-foot Randolph
header, in fair condition. Will be told
cheap. Enquire of
Ai.tx. McLkop,
mayll-lmw The Dalles.
Clarke A Fa'.k have received a carload
of the celebrated Jame K. I'atton
strictly pure liquid paints
Why pay fl.75 per gallon for inferior
paints when yoo can buy James E.
Patton's sun pr-jof paints for f 1.50 per
gallon, gusranteed for 5 years. Clark A
Falk, agents. mi7
Will close Wednesday,
June 7th, 1900.
Those wishing a new Cook Stove
or Steel Tlange will miss it by not
taking advantage of this sale.
Stove manufacturers advanced
their prices 5 per cent this week.
Before you
pluce any orders for a tombstone or for
curbing, fencing or other cemetery
work, call on Louis Comini. I will not only give you all
the information you need but I will quote you prices you
cannot beat anywhere. It no one blorT you. It will take
only a few minutes to call aud see me. If you have a
neighbor who ever did business with me cousult him as to
the price and quality of my work
and abide hy the result. : : :
Louis Comini
is being advocated by all partiea regardless of race, color or pre
vious condition of servitude. R-memlcr we make our custo
mers glad when they buy or Pure Prepared Paints. There is a
finish and gloss to its work that is admired by all.
Paints, Oils. Glass, Picture and Room Moldings
Be sure and inspect onr stork of Wall Paper
Designs for WOO on Display
Washington Street,
between Second and Third.
I'A'iMA'A' A
S ' ' -
l: , 4;-
6' Str. Regulator.
Btfamera of th Remilator Une will run !"'
ow.rg M'liedule, tbe Company reacrrlng the right I" cb,vp
M'hedula without notice.
J' now.
f I v iiallet
f t a. H.
J. Thliitwlay .
f Saturday.... .
t Art. Portland
alar. .
re. j
l.v. Portland
at 7 A. M. I
MondHy !
. . . Wcdne-alay I
.. . . trlday I
Arr. Iallr
at A : r. m. ,
Ship your
Regulator Line.
Str. Dalles City.
I t. Ial
at n a. a.
Arr. Portland
at i r. a.
; itl a.
nl ....
, r.
Travel by the Steamer, ot tha Ro;,t. I ,. Th ,..,.. rtld..vor i.i give H
roin me beat -ervloe ikmioUs. For lurlher Information addwa
, Portland Office, Oak Street Pork.
W. C. ALLAWAY, Gn. Agt.