THE DALLES WEEKLY CHRONICLE, SATURDAY. JUNE 2. 1900. 7T Cannot to Cut Out or Removed with Plasters Surreal oprrnioo. and fleali daamng pUstrn are catlesa, painful and danperoaa. and beiiJe. Sfl tom ZTirllI w i . ,. ..,,..,t r.r.tSrr rome at or near the aame point, and always in a worse form. Tioea W eonelusilT that Cancer is a blood diEease. and that is folly to attempt to cure thu iK bUtfe Wetting or binii.C oat the aore, which, after aU, u only an outward ai. of the di.ea.e- place of exit f o, Car' ran. in f amflie. throcgh many jmerations. and tboa whose anceors hare been afflkted with it are liable at an, tine to be stricken with the deadly malady. Only Blood Diseases can be Transmitted from One Generation to Another further woof that Cancer is a disrate of the Mood. - Tocroreablood disease like this too roust cure the entire blood system remore every trace of the poison. Nothing cwres sTenteiw UltX Lnd removes all tab, aid atop, the fonriAUx. U ou. cll, No jnm tonic r ordJT Mood mecando this. & S. S. goes down to the rery roots of the di,e arid out the dead pn. .ore to heal "tnraHy and perkily. & S. S. at the pun6es the dad a- A Ulue pimple, a Uimn wait ui iuk, '' . - . . - , beal under ordinary treatment, should all be looked upon with suspicion, as this is often the beginning I a bad form of cancer. Mia Sarah M Kc!iag ast Yladser An Bristol Traa. n(M : I a 41 Tear osd. a ai foe three esrs had sufiered wita a arm f canal of Csacrr oa mv j whica the doctor la Uua cut satd wu wittble. swd thai 1 cowid aa Im snore thaa a;K months I accepted then- sil-ment aa tme as4 had anwea up a'.l hope ol ever being well agaia when my drng r kaowisg of lav coaditioa. recosnmewded S S S- After takir-g a frw Luetic the sore brsaa to bra!, snack to the anrprtt of the physicians, and ia a ahort time Bade a complete rare. I hare gained ia flesh, a appetite ia sptrssUso, ajcep ta mrcaciag ia ucx, ta eajmi nca aaiia. Yellowstone Park Line. THE DINING CAB BOriE FROM PORTLAND TO THE EAST. THE ONLY HKiXT USE TO THE YELLOW- HI ONE PARK 1 NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. 14D Ornca at Tas DAixas. Ou, Apni 30, i Notice ia hereby given tbat lb following named art tier haa tiled notice of bia intention to nut final proof In aupport of bia fUm, and tiiat aaid proof " ill be made before the Ke1lr and Kerater at 1 be Dalle. Oregon, on ealur- day, Junc, 1J. YU: Heorv Readel, of The Dalles, Or.. Home-read Entrv No 4', for tbe f-E'- section . tr.faip 1 north, ranre 12 eaal, W. tt. fie nairea toe fotlowiug ariumaea U prore bis eontiououa ieaileiic opon and cultivation of said land, rli: Henry Luebinr;. Geonre Arnold. Charlie H. Adams, If icturl Dorle, ail of Tbe Pailea, Or. mays 1 JAY F. LICA8. Register. Ci:ei Dfjet,nrjuiin CONTEST NOTICE. So. 2. U 15A.M I Fact B ail for Taeoma. . Xo. 1 Seattle, oiympia. Gray a Harbor ard huuUi rWrtid points, bp- kali. koaa- J Land, B. C fuUiiian. Moarow, LeaUtou, Bui-faJoHtimpniiningouun-: SiVtf. M. try, Helena, siinneapoj lis, ht. Paot, Omaha, Kaniaa City, St. Louis. Cbirago sod ail points. at and arMitsead. no. j. fotet hoaud Exprws for Tarama and eeattle 7:00 A. M. and iatermediata points - " Ah, ?arwitit ia in rharve- of nhvsw-iana of lonp iCr exnerience. who are especially skiJed in tieating Cancer and other Mood diseases. Write for any ad trie cx iniSrmatioa wanted, we make no charge whatever for this service, THE SWIFT SPECIFIC COMPANY, ATLANTA. 6 A. rturn ioc ill;kmow. A lit Ortiil.Oi-S. Tfcor3y s Iti:y city accoinpaQied by bis son. j Attoreey J. B. h nford, of Moro, is in tovq accooii anied by bn brother. lion. William Smilb, fusion eaodidste for eongrestEsn of the second district, is at tbe Umatilla Iloare. Dr. C. E. Lootni. special sgent of the genera land office, is in tbe city on bai nf eonDected nith bit department. Mrs. J. C. BIt, who has been visiting for tbe past month witb her mother snd sister, Mrs. S. C. Gillistn and Mrs. O. W. Cook, left rn the ooat this morning for ber borne in Porto'.o Calif. Ale. McLeod, of this city, left yester day morning for California, where be goes to inspect some property that has been offered him in eichSDge for his borne in Latuhlin's B'.aS addition. Friday s Dally. Orion Kiners'y arrired in town today from Sham ito to remain here till alter election. Frank L. Bannell, of OenteiTiile, was la town last night tbe gaest of tie Umatilla House. Mrs. S. B. Driver and M:i Lena Driver are regiftered at tbe Umatilla Hoose from Waoiic. A Saa Frsaelae lleraraaaa Owaa Beaatifnl aad Talaal Craves. M ha la of a rg;: at price : per aero. I, all in I ur covered v. -i BORN. Vetterdsv morning, May 30lh, to Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Borick, of Grand DaKes, a daughter. Dalles Poblle Schoola. Following is tbe report f-jr the quar ter (5 weeks) ending May 23, 1900. TEACH EES. r 7 3 ir 4. 11 it ; j 41 41 4" Si 47 4 . " f.l 4.1 4 41 S-.l M 4! 4- 4". 4.' U 4'l; 4- 4i 4.i Earl Hill Primary. . Mi Nan Cvper 1 A, 2B and SB S9 S7 : Uua Koberu A, IA and 5A 4J U Jv irf .STrrrt. ! MIm Ponthit lt Mim E Kjr yi MiM Martin d lliaa H renn 4;b AHHirmy Part. Mian I'hlrman lt Jliaa Fliun 2B-3A Mia. Koehe 4A-'.B MiasBaU 37 Mr b m win th Mia I. Kinloil 6A-71 alias T. F.inloul 7tb alias Jlichtil (.h 11. & iKparlmmt. MlasHill I Mr. K8 H Uev. Eobert Mackerzie. D. D., pastor of the first Irebvterian church in this city and profesor in the seminary at San ADtdmo, while attending to the arduous duties of his ecrleaiastical charge, has found time to make a for lune. lie is a man of great wealth, says tbe Sen Francisco Bulletin, not inherited, but tbe result of bis own foresight acd wise investments. I Aliniit fVi. r- f mm rminl ifl town of l; ', in tbe choicest part . I.' re lacdi is marketable :i from $1,0C0 to fl,9C0 r. Mackenzie owns VI acres, ':.g oranges. The land is ii trees in full be aring and is worth in its present condition about J1,!X0. Tbe income must be very large, for oranpe groves pay a large profit on the capital invested. Dr. Mackenzie started the orchard in a small war a number of years ago. lie had a few acres, which were carefully planted. He tended his place with great zeal, and it is said that Mrs. Mackenzie herfelf went over the first few err. pa nnd sorted and boxed them a labor she would not trust to lesf cartful hands than her own. Thii prudtneegavethe crop a superior qual ity and a reputation. With his annua' profits Dr. Mackenzie extended hit acreage until he became owner of th present large and extremely valuable groves. Of course he has mpde a fortune out of bis oranges. He has taken care of his wealth and is now perhaps the rich est clergyman in C alifornia. PROJECTILE AIR. Mew Theory Thnt Dabbles Driven ty Vssirr Ballet Explode la Ike Body. GOING EAST. If you intend to take a tnp East, ask I your ticket agent to route yon via The Great Wabash, a modern and op-to-date railroad in every particuitr. Through trains fro.o Chicago, Kansas City, Omaha or St. Louis to Near York and New England points. All trains run via Niagara Falls and every through train has free reclining chair cars, sleep ing and dining cars. Stop over allowed on all tickets at Ni agara Falls. Boss C. Cum, Pacific Coast Past. &s Los Areelea, Calif. C. S. C"a.e, (i. P. A., St. Louis, Mo. Sotlee. Oaring to the retirement cf Frank Cbristnan from the firm of Chriemsn Bros., and his intention to leave the state as soon as possible, all debts doe the firm most be paid immediately. All having claims against the firm will J please present them at tbe market for payment. iri4-tf Ciibisuas Brothers. Pullman first rlasa snd tunritt sleepers to Minneapolis, &L faul snd Missouri river points vitnout ehanae. Vesubuled traina. tnion depot connections in all principal cities. Bji eberktd tn destination of tickets. for handsomely illui;aled descriptive matter. tickets, sleeping ear reservations, etc., call on or write A. D. CHARLTON, di r ur roa TIMS 8CHIDCLS. fsox bAixas. Fat Salt Lake. Denver. Ft, Mail j Worth, Omaha, Kan-, 12.40 p. m. aas City, M. Louia, Chicago and East. j Spok Mai okane .lait and Express I A :ts Fsox. Fat Mail i:M p 10:19 p. m t p. m. M. B. Smith, Butternut, Mich., says. "DeWiit's Little Esrly Risers are the very best pills I ever osed for costiveness, liver and bowel troubles." 8 p. m. Walla Walla. Ppokane, Minneapolis. M. faul,! unlutb, Milankee,( Chicago and bust, via hpokane asd Huntlnsr- ton: also ali points in abniURton ana .sst ern Oregon. Fbom PosTLiicn. Ocean Biteamshipa. For Sail Francisco April 27, May 'i, 7, 12. Bpnkans .Mall and Express 4:00 am 4 p. m. 4 p. m. Ex sundaj Columbia Rt. gteamers. Ex.suudaj iu astokia ana nay Saturday Landings. 10 p. m. Totals S7 12 Nomber of days of school, 25. Per cent of attendance on number be longing, 95. School holidays, none. Aversge daily attendance 4S more than corresponding quarter last yesr. J. H. Landers, Superintendent. A Practical Drmonatratioa. A fact proven by actual demonstration is more satisfactory than any theoretical proposition. Real.'iing this, and know- ing that they bave a proposition which they ran guarantee, the Oregon Sanitary Closet Company, of The Dailes, Or., nave constructed one of their sanitary closets and pat tbe same into actual operation. Tbe clcsc-t is now 1 :cated in tbe rear of Chas. Burchtorfs bicycle re- pair store on Second, between Federal and Laughlin streets, Tbe Dalles, and tbe public are cordially invited to call nd inspect the same. This company ia now prepared to fill orders promptly. Parties firg th'r system will be fur nished fdll information uroa application to or correspondence witb D. S. Dolor, The Dalie. Or. m31-lwd3tw Xolle. Njtice is hereby given that there will bean annaal meeting of the stockhold er of the Golden Eagle Mining Com psny at tbe office of French & Co., binkers, on Thorslav. Msy 31, 1900, at 7 o'clock p. m., for ine purpose of elect ing seven directors and lianeacting such other business as msy properly come be fore said meeting. By order of the president. J. C. Homtitleb, Secy, and Tress. The Dalles, Apt. 27, 1'JOO. 2Md Lewis Ackerman, Uosht n, Ind., says, -'DeWitt's Little Early Riser, always bring certain relief, care my headache nd never gripe." They gently clesnse and invigorate the bowels and liver. Be sure and rzsmine oar sum k of wall psper thoroughly before toying the where, ai we bave tSe latest shipment made to this city, now resdy for inspec tion at II. Clenu Sc Co.'i. al7-lw Physicians in South Africa now have another theory fur expKiiuiiig ntvay the charges made by Loth llriton anil l!oer that the other is using explosive bullets, says the New Voik St:n. The extensive laccrniion often found in bullet uoiux's is now saiii to be cue tc the air which the Lullct drives before it into the weuiul. '1 he existence of this phenomenon t an be proved eau'h-. If a round bullet be dropped into a glass of water from the height of a few feet it will be seen that when the bullet touches the bottom a large bubble of air will U-come detached and rise to the surface. In this case the bubble will ut-ually be from ten to twenty times the size of the bullet. Now a Mauser bullet traveling at high speed is said to carry before it a bubble of cornpreKscd air of larire di menrions. Experiments made l.v a sur geon who fired a pistol ball into a glass of water showed the bubble to be one hundred times the size of the ball. From the of the wounds and from tl.rsj experiments ii is run. eluded1 that ihe mass of air driven bva Mauser bullet explodes ir. 1'iebodyof the wounded man uith rUi1U;nt force to cause extensive laceration. This de structive air bubble is well known to surgeons under the name of projectile air. To Car a Cold ia On Day. Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tab- i lets. All draegits refund the money. UeVtitt's Witch Hazel Salve is on- equalled for piles, ii.juries and skin diseases. It is tbe original Witch Hazel Salve. Bewane of all counterfeits. S a. m. I ft'ir.Mm Pnrii 1 l.An m Ex.eunday Oregon City, Newberg, Ex. Sunday . oaiem ol n sy uuiu s. . Use Clarke ox Falk's qa'nine hair tonic to keep dtndrufT ffom the head. 7 a tn, Tues.Thur. and eat. C s. m. Wilhwvttb and Yam hill KlVIRS. Oreeon City, Dayton, and Way-Ijindings. 8:30 p. ra. Mon.,Wed ana Fri. Willamette Kivzb. MM Tue..rbur, Portland to CorvallisJ Mon. Wed and r inlay nd Sat. j and Way-Landings. QJ1QJ Dyspepsia Cure. Digests what you cat. It artificially digests the food and aids Mature In strengthening and recon structing the exhausted digestive or gans. It is the latest discovered digest- Btiiauu tome. io oiner preparation can approach it In efficiency. It In stantly relieves and permanently cures uyspepsia, jnaigesuon, Heartburn, Flatulence, Sour Stomach, Jfausea, SickHeadache.Gastralgia Cramps.and iu oLrier resui s or i mperreci a l gestlon, rrcoono oy t. wewitt a to.. CQlcogo. Lr Rlparla aany l .j a. m. Bkaki Rives, filparia to Iwiston. I.KAVS Lewiktos daily 8:30 a. m. SF Fertlea dosi:irr to eo to nr r'""-' " omniDia oomnern via KiifJ!!'. HouId c o. i, tearing 1 He Dalles at U 40 p. ra. mat ins: direc t connection ,t ll,TiTinr inTitii and Biirgs. Re'tirnlus lnaSwicilireetconneetlon at Hej.jir,er junction and Biirgs illi .No, 1. ar riving at ihe failesat U.Jup. m. For full Particular call on n. R. x i'n a jeu t The iiallea. or add re-s W. n. HURLBURT, Gen ftt. AsU. Portland. Or, . 8. SCBEMK, fresident. . M. Beal , Cash in Eeosomlrsl Paddlasj. Ilakeany retunins of bread a goiden brown and crush them to a fine powder while hot. Of these t:i!c four ounces, .wo ounces of brown Lg:ir or golden drun, two ounces of rail inn or dried herriea, J,a!f n pint of milk and the same of boiling water, fr,j.-ther with half a teaspoonful of .il:p;ce. l'our :he boilinir saiir on the crumbs, stir well, and let them soak till soft, then "nix in til the other ingrtilicnts, and xitir the mixture into a dish plentiful y rubbed wilh butter or well clarified Jripping. and bake for 20 to 25 minutes. 1'hiladelplna I'reFS. War Wear Ike Hair. Many ladies are wearinir their hair jarted a little to the side, slightly waved, and n ft-w soft curls straying over the forehead cn one fcidc only. Youtw srtrls diapenpe with the wavincr and fold ttie hair loosely on either side, so that it falls over in an artistic faith ion, but n git! needs to be pretty to wear her hair thin tvny.- "I used KoiJol Dyspepsia Cure in my family witb wonderful reftilts. It gives immediate relief, is pleasant to k and is trolv tha dyspeptic' best friend." y K. Ilartiferink, Overise'. Mich. Digest what you eat. Cannot fail to care, A fall line of Eastman 61m and sop pi lei jiiat received by Clarke & Falk. First national Bank. THE DALLES - - - OREGON A General Banking Euciners transacted Ltepoeits received, subject to r-ight uratt or Ccex k. Collections made and proceeds promptly remit Tea on aav oi collection. S'gM and Telegraphic Exchange o:d ci ie on, han irar.ciaeo anJ 'ort land. UIRKCTOHS D. P. THOMrSOB. J0. 8. 8CHSHCE, Ko. M. W illiavs, Gao. A. Lmbi. II M. Beau. FRENCH & CO., BANKERS. rKANHACT A KXEKALEASKINO ETl-lNE Letters of Credit issued available in tbe Kastern states. Sight Exchange and Telesrraphu tranniers soia on zsew I orE, Crilcaeo, I St. Lonis, Hnn Francisco, Portland Ore- ron, eatt:e v asb,. and varioue point m Oregon and asMDgton. Collections maie at ail points on fav- iratiie lerraa. Tfis ColumDia Packing Cq., PACKERS OF PORKand BEEF MANrPACTrKlltdOr Fine Lard and Sausages Curersof BRAND HAMS & BACON .JRIFD REEF. ETC. JVTaier & Benton Carry the following lines: Stoves, Tinware, .Maltese Cross Garden Hose, Force and Sprav Tumps, Farm and Garden Tools, Carpenters' Tool?, Aermoter Wind INI ills. Tinning and Plumbing, Iron Pipe, Sewer and Chimney Pipe, Cleveland Bicycles, Crawford Bicycles, Fishing Tackle, Guns and Pifles, Bicycle Sundries, A mm unition, Bicj-cle Ilepairing, Delft Ware, Cedar Posts, Barb Wire and Nails. I'lriarxxsr or the I.htieioe. 1 I'SITED STATES LaXII UmCI, A n (Helen I ouUtt alGdavit faavinf been flled in tfaia o0ic br oua a. Alexander, eouteataut. araiuat homestead entry No. o, ,., made Maj Is for aw'., ot see. 6. to. 1 n. ranee 13 , br Joiin T. WriKhl, cootestee. in which it is a letred tbat said Joba T. Wright baa wholly abandoned said tract, and enanred his residence therefrom for more than six months since ms inr said entrr, and next prior to date: and that the ab-fiee of defendant fiom said tract ia nc due to bis employment in tbe military or naval service of tbe I'nited gtates, said parties are hereby notified to appear, respond and offer evidence touching said allecstion at lu o clock t. m. on June before tbe Register and Receiver at tbe I'nited euu-a laud ortw-e in Tbe Xialles, Oregon. The snid contestant bavinr. In a proper affida vit, tiled May K, Iau. setforth facts which .how that alter due diligence peisonal seivk-e of this notice can not be made, it is hereby ordered and directed that such no'ice be f iven by due and proper publication. It 1 JAY P. Ll'CAS. Eegkter. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Lakd Ornca at Vakcocveb. Wash , j Msy 17, ( Notice is hereby riven that tha following! named settler has tiled notice of his intention to make final proof in supirt of bis claim, and mai s nu prooi win De made Deiore w . a. rresDy, I'nited Suites oinmlssioner, at lioldendale, on juiy o, iirju, viz: Aaahel K. Ollar, who made H. E. No. 9fi.i, for the fraction n i-w .w, ipi ., n id t, anu oi yx-y. oec -o, i p j, a t, ri . m. He names the following witnesses to crova bis conunnoas resiaence upon, ana cultivation oi sam lanu, viz: Kobert A. brontners. t hrist t. Franzen, Will mm oarner, John Kure, all of Ljle F. U. Washington. W. E. DUNBAR, majSM Register. NOTICE FOR PulsS (Itolated TrtL)-pabHe . . U0mc,T..DlUlM)ti XoUca Is hereby gtren th.. ! mamicuoDl iruui tmewnnii.-i "'"Car n I Mb Vest . "l " - rct. r.t by uie act ot eunrress approval rIM ,B1 T-.'" V'JZ? i life a .uv ioio ujitoi Jane. ik' ,u, " k oi lanu, lo-wii; ""Unit, IS. il!liKi:.u.H.. .... persons elainiin above d-rnbedUnds are v !"rk claims I u this olfiea on or oeTiTth. d. signaled for th fnmmeacJL'L'U Z oU.e,,u their rlf ht. ,t m iroti me eom mini i office under mhlt KOTICE FOR PCBLICatW (Isolated Tract )-Public Una 8' L.DOmc.ATT.,1)iL1,0,l Notice ia hen-bv rf v.- .k .P'- ".lwy. i i... . . - " "Ja in Tin i iui.iucuuui iiutj in.MMi..i r- ninu by section tbe we da uiiuvciiici.i, m.. at ll.w ..rt. .. '".fli . . .. I , . . ' UJW. Ilu, I.. n. tiwiui uuu, io-wii: - - wuga V U 1. L k 1 ..... ... . V '.'IS.! l'l Wu Any and all t-r,.. .Z,l- " K. described land. ar. ..i.. I 'S' th' elaiiusin thla office on or befo th. P1 t de.ignated for theeomm.I" lbty sioi otherwise their rihu will be ! forfeit. prlM OTI3 PATTER. v l' ZZZ-JJ "". oi congress atmm. t m - will proceed to otW J,"" NOTICE FOR FCBLIcIrwT id umciu VAxcorvia. Notice Is taerebv airm ti.m to make Admtnlatrator's Bala of Ileal I'roperty Notice Is hereby given tbat from and after the niniu aay ot June, r.KJU, 1 will proceed to sell at piivaie sale, lor cash, tbe following described roperiy ueioniriiig io uie estate oi Patrick irown, deceased, to-wit: Lots A. B. C. 1. E. K. G. II. I.J. K and I In bl-k 57 of tort Dalles AfiliUrv reservation, in Oregon. For Information Inquire at office of Slnnott & "1I1110IU Dated at Dalles City this 10th dav of Msy, 1900. DELIA '. RKOWV. Admlllisiratrix of theettlMte of PMtrinS Hrnu-n 1 --, ucvrwneii. 111 TIMBER CULTURE FINAL PROOF. NOTICE FOR-PUBLICATION. I'. 8. Lakd Office, Vakcol-ver, Wah., April au, lmo. Notice Is hereby s-lvpn thnt v.rrr i:.u,ai by D. H. etegman. her attorney In 'fact, has tiled iioin-e oi uiiennon io make final pnnif before w. B. rrehv. Cnited Mxtc I'nmm Uinnw r,r District of W ahinirton. nt hia tfi In diile, Uashington, on Friday, the uh dav of June, l!"), on Timber-culture Application No. J.'7, for the northeast quarter of section No. 4, in towuuhip No. 2 north, range No. M mm, W. M. ihe niimcs as wttnnftc- fMnui i. of (irand Dalles V. ()., Mash.; Herman Engelke! " '''!"'" " iiiiiiii, oi Lenierviue r. t) Wash., and llliam Crawford, of i;r,ii.l li.n.. o Wash. v. u ni'vuia' '' m"--' - kegisur. NOTICE FOR PUBLICAT" V. Lajtd Office at Vait corvk r, w .ph., I April M, Issjii. Notice is hereby riven that th. r.,iir.'in amed fettl. r bus tiled Doticc of his Intci.- lon to make flnnl nroof in minwit r.f hi. laira and that said nroof will tw. m.,i. i.. It. Presliy, l'nitel standi I'mnmlximi,,' i,.. MStliC t Of M lUlllllfflOTl. l hi. ntl,... I., dale, Vah.. on Friday, June j, laud, viz: Deitrich H. Steeman. devUen rif Dietrich Stegman, deceased : Homestofld Entry No. h7l:. for the soulhwt of KCttoIl :rj. to nshii, 'I, ,.l ......,. Will Mor r u," reoy given tba tbl) ,, I c'im " " -ro" "u trSLr.S n. a. rreDy, i nited outes f'ommi Disuict of W..hinEt.,n,.rhi.Srf!,7l dale. Wash.. Monday, Ju Hsnry Yearkel, Homestead entry No. 918, f.,r tr.s eyi v a i, Tp. N , R U t', W. M, who ii'.aes uTfl ing witnesses to prove his contliiuonTLiJ uiKin and cultivution of said land I rS ia Manuel Leonardo, William M Ui, Vranela L. boon. II, Homestead Entry No. 10,43 . forthr-.i , NW!i of 6 7, Tp. 1 N R'l5E'! name, the following witnesses to prove Lind? VltT eUC" Up0,, B1 cum'lMo(? Manuel Leonardo, William M Main... i v W. R. DlSBAR.brhte. may.Y, 11 NOTICE FOR PUBLICATIOS. Lakd Office at Vaxcorvga, WmKj Notice is hereby riven tht'Vhi',i.'3!LiL fiamed settler haa bled notice of hit IntaUn to make tlnal pnwf In support of bisdsim.i tbat said prool will be made before W B date I ui ted Iriates Commissinner for DUirict i Washington, at his office in (ioldenii.i. i.i on (iaturday, Junei. lwio. vii- George o. Lindsar. Homestead entrr. No. for tha aui IS, Tp 3, N of K 13 E, W. 51. He names the following witnesses to pro, his Continuous residence nnon anil of said laud, Tiz: John G. MclMinald nf ltartl.,. D o v..k. Weiideliu Iidl, Goldenaale V. O.. tVanh'.': Mi cin. iiariiana v. i.u,,h Drlpps, Hartland P. O.. Wah. maril 1 TbomM t. B. DCNBAR, RefUta. He names the following a itnessf to prove his '""""""""silence Un.n and cultlvaliou o.' iaiiini s,. l-onnnlo. of (Irnnd Dslles p O ssh.: Herman Ei.gelke. William mnin enterville K () . Wash .n,i unii.,. , f li.and Dallw p. c... Wash '" . W. K. Dr.VBAR. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Laso Oftice at The Dalles, 0ioo,i April J, lm Notice U hereby aiven that iho tnlln.1... Darned settler baa hied notice of hliltiMiim to make proof rii supfMirt of bis t Ilm, tiki that said moot will he made h. f orp tha Rii.iM and Heceiver at The Dalles, Oregon, on sum day, June 16, law), viz: Jene P. AttidiQP.of Tbe Dallet.Or,, lomestead Entry No. 441. for Hi XVHtXI". section '4. and L'. NK'i and NE'i tKW sectloi township 2 north, range 12 east, W. II He name the following witnesses to ptoti bis continuous residence upon and caltiyaboa ol said land, viz: John Crate, t'h-r!es Snipes. J. D. HockmiP.J. Sluionson, all of The Dalles, Oiegon. mav2-l JAY P. IXCA3. Rerisltr. mn)2 I K.-gislur. ADMIXISTRATOR'S NOTICE. i,v Jl r?i". .e':?'r "v,'n h" 'he undersigned, b an order of the t'ountv Court of the Mate i f l-tegon tor Wasp., Countv. h.s b,n apnS ted 'fcHi'y?!, "' ,lM 'Hl' '' rdfor he,a,e,sald deceiscd .VS . , ed ITX" ni inein, with the pro,.r voucliers. to me at ( River, nn'irni wit hi.. .V". heoaieofUiis notice. ' Daud .May I.i, 1ai. ... Pctnam F. H, Adinlnlstrator of the Ks ate i.f iii-,. n'..... 161 ford, Deceased. s SOUTH and EAST via rij Pacific Co. vShasta Route oiie Trains leave The Ilallea for PortUn I .,,.1 . stations at 4 2.: a. ni. and S p. m. l-sve Poitlnn.t .... " Albany Arrive Ashland ' siacrrnm'tito " fmn SrHiu : a m I-' .30 a in 12 .tiam ii p in " r p in AtriveOidon ' lenver " K .insanity ", . VIA a m :ii a m T -A H 111 V :4,i a iu V4 60 YEARS' -- V EXPERIENCE JJ . 8TURDEVANT, Dentist. Offlc J ot er French aV ( o.'s Bank Paona , TnE DALLti, OEEOOS JCtlONS CoavsiaHTt Ar. anrnne senting aal-trti and do-crtnti"" sna-nl.-ly ax-erlain our ofinion freewhethor a Invention is prohsMy pMeniahla. Commnnlcs tlonsalr.clly c.nB.lcnilal. Ilandhxnkon Psteut ser.t frs. I MeM airetx-y f.,r -ur,ri patent.. I aiai.ia taken itin.unh Uluiin Ala, recslya -sMlsvrfScs, with oo.chanra, lath Sclcniific Jlmerlcatia A hatldSOmaty I1lntmtei4 Waakta f .1 ..,1 a.. mlalHin of any s-ientu lonrnal! Terms, f .l a ' tl- bX all nswsrtaalers. HmisHi .srflAas ATM. fa? EsM WW, a T T. M w t-i wv MniDfflun, 1 i bobacriba lor Tb Ciironicla. Arrl jn Aiigel-s . M l itta " Kort Worth' " lly of Mexico ! Houston. " New Orleans'.. "nshingtoii " New York... . 1 iipm b ui p m . a hi a in Mm . . 4 m a in in 42 a in 1- :W p m 7: p m I" .VI p m 4 , Vi m a ni 11 11a m ia ni " a in U..iani litiin 6 (1 p ni :iiim '") a m 4 no a in p in 14-! a ni Ii 4.1pm NOTICE FOR PUBLICATIOS. Lakd Office at Vascovvee, 'nli.,l May l, I Noiloe Is breliv riven that the foilntlm nainctlsettlcishave die I notii eoi their Intnlia to make linal prinif In su)port of th'ircllmMn4 that aaid proof will be made before thf rnniti anu reoeivar of the li. H. land olllceat Vaiwas ver, Wash., on July 6, liniO, viz: fleorga II. Sanford, who made H. E. No. . for the N'j ST'Ltt fT S, and N, B w se 2, Tp 3 N, K U E, ' V, who names the following witnesses to pmrtak continuous residence Uoii and culiivaUoDd said land, vir: Haskln Trabue. Christian Pleckson, Thrtnaj M. whitcouiD, Kdward A. Hopiwr, ill of Ljk, Wash. Christian Uleeksoo, who made II. K. No. !si.'. for the UK K', wi4-, kc 10. Tp S N, K li W. a ,l names the following witnesses In prow h continuous residence upon and cultivates said land, vis: Hiiskin I rahue. John Paulson, tsmrt Flu, George II. Panford, all nf I vie, WshliigUm. Ilaskln Tiaboe, who ma.le If. K. No. Wni, for the P. S''. W ::. and N', Mi.. Sec lii, IpS.N. K ii E. : who names the following" tnprovtW continuous rtsldence Umiii and cultivation ol said land, viz: Chilsllan Deiikson, Thomas M. White" lieotge II. Maniord, James H.z, all of L ss r Wash. mayj.1l W. R. DUNBAR, R"!1'' NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Timber Lin.l, Act June 3, IS" V. P. Land ornrE, The Daiifs. tia., Apr. M, lii Notice Is hen-bv lven that In c.mll" with Ilia i. .... f ik. mtt fif eitiizrs.'s June 3. ls;, tulilM "An act for the l' ;,( " ber Units In the sutes ot t a'lionila, 0rnj"i Nevada and Washington Territory," William K. Kelchum, of The Dalles. Comity of Wasco, Mateof Or has this d iwtiled In this oft'ee his p ment No. I.iO for the purchase ol the i w . J and N'a r-f. . ol cectlon No. In 'V: No. 11 t1 W.M , and will olb r pr.s'f W ' that the land sought la more valuable MJ lliuberor stone than for agricultural t'n""7? and to establish hla claim to said land b,,,,,rejJ! Register and Heceiver of this oilice si i Dallea, Ongon, on Haturdar, lha t.ld day of June, I son. lie names as wltmwsr: i n. oii, " ; i rhimi. J..-t.h Hanna and W'lllam ?l'nf,'K both traina. and Kl Paso. la, New Or- everal lilna, Pullman and Tourist cars l hair cars .......... . ".. ml ton.iat rara to . i, Mg , , i" .,, leans and Washington. 1 " oiinectlng at Kan Kranclv. win, ; ea.n.hi,, line, for Ho,," lu 'j l-lippluea, ,r, , mUl""- fee agent at The Dalle, station, or addr... C H. MARKHAM, -i!.'!!!!i',"n'f,'r Ae,,t' r"r"n, or JK. It. E. rKltUI num. l'lij-sician and Surgeon, Ofllce, V.vt Ii,a,k (V0f Pl-ltofnrf,,i Mmodw TIIKDALI..okkhoN. Joseph Hanna and W1 I'aiiea. (invon. .-. Auy and all tieraons clslmlmi sdverspiy anove di srrllsrd landa are rtiinesii.i i" j claims In this ofllee on or before asldiioi" June, ls. .M prM ldw I JAY P. LI CAS, Reflsttf NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. UCrru-..tTH..S-1 Notice la hereby given that the '""'.'"'"S nameil settler haa flie. notice ol his Intenii w , make tlnal pna.f In supiairt of his rl"!:lWf that said priaif will be made la-fore ' 5tur and Receiver at The Dalles, orif"", "n " day, June lit, l.o, viz: Wll-on J. JetTer. o( The DH. 0r ' tl . .- f.. l ie Fi'l ' ..7 iiinimiiwi r.niry ,o. , : "lion l, township I north, range It mm. lie name the following wltnrsws to V' j ronlinuoiis n sldeni uikiii and cuiin"" said laud, viz: , p,UI Jamea lletiaon, Jr., Jamea Benson, O.allrey, Isaae How land, all of The """ maji I JAV P. I.t ti;! IRKD. W. W I I.Hi IN. AT1OttN.KATDAUti.0K'' OQ e oyt rrl Nat, B'iuk. Will hi!