The Dalles weekly chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1947, June 02, 1900, PART 2, Image 3

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The Weekly Chronicle.
' urru ia l fAi-itu or WAitco uot' nt x.
' al'MMI iiirnon HAIKU.
.1 Mia. rotno raariin. i mricB.
" . l Ml
,1 III."'' ' M
tarn iuii"
AilTni"liv rates reasonable, suit niad known
III.. I In Pal l. "".
Tburxlu) Dally.
M. J. i"Il.mrk I in the city for the
p,iri k' Introducing Ilia celebrated
I)i. I'revo' electric! lollon. hur removing
irrcale", tn, tniiburn, etc., it ll une.
Tm republican! ol Maier precinct
last iliinUy ulgbl iirganlatd a republi
can eluh of forty member. Aleiander
Ki,.w.ut ! president, h. I. Wood ircre-
t.rr, i"l w A- Kieik treasurer.
T. K. Leaven caught a hugh itiunfon
lu bit lili wheal near Stevenson Tuee-
djy murnlng. The fish wai 10 feel 8
,hf In leimHi anil weighed 700
pmiiiiln. It took four mn to dinnp the
D, .inter back Into Ibe Columbia river.
XI, In i of Washington prohibit tba
taking of sturgeon at tbii season, and at
( limes by llhwht. The vain if
ll-h, had Mr. I.aven been allowed
tu iliHie if tba tame, would be about
A parly of railroad purveyor are In
U II. M continuing the survey of the
rut.l lr" fbe lll tot'rook rounle by
any of I ilur. 1 gh Vallry anj tba IV.
cliiite". are at present In the tt tu
her aUiul a mile ntiil a bail wesl nf Ibe
Kii'iH-y Ki!tuUlre. It la aM the pur
try will tnke tba Ih-trhnU near III
continence with White river, below the
fa!!, and follow the coiiriu of the let
rtuitea to some point ioulh ol lha Mill
ion mountain!.
Tba funeral of Wilson Huntington
tjok pUce from tba rilenca of hi par
eota at 3 o'clock tbii afternoon. Iter!
P. V. 1'uling, who bad been telegraphed
fur to California on Ilia death ot the lad,
arrived on tba noon train and conducted
lb aervlca. Ilia llltle school compan
ion! acted a! honorary pall bearer, aud
a large concourse ol Sunday and public
icliool children, accompanied by a large
number of cltlaena, followed the remain
to their lait reeling place.
Tba Hon. K. R. Sklpworlh whlla here
lit Hatuiday bad two or three of the
old Una voter! crowded in a woodshed
trying to beat loto them the merit of
tie cltUene ticket, and oetenelbly hli
own gigantic worth, and bad occatlon to
tlludo to the Dingiey bill and ita thort
coinlngt, likewise the "great and nnnec
esssry" crpente it 1 to the farmer. A
li wa warming up to tii argument
one of the farmer (uggeated that If we
could have another four year of the
prosperity w baye bad In the laat tour
year, we could afford to pay for the
1'ingley bill. Hklpworlo heiltated a
moment, (milled one ot hi "intelligent"
auillr and changed tbe subject. Bohe
mia Nugget.
The Ciiaosii L acknowledge a pleat
ant call from (ieo. J. Barrett, republican
candidate for Joint representative of
Wucn, (irant, Gilliam, fiharman and
Wheeler countle!. Mr. Harnett wa
married at Kreemont, Neb., on the 23d,
and ia accompanied by bia bride on hi
ay to bla home in Granite. Tbe couple
will remain over here today and attend
the republican peaking tonight by
Hon. C. W. Fulton. Mr. Barrett I
largely iutereated In mining. He I part
owner of thirty claim and toperiotend
tbe nigral Ion of lour, lie I gentle
nun of One preaence and ha high
reputation lor probity and honor in hi
own coioniuoily. ill friend ay he
ill carry hi home coooty by three to
ore hundred majority. Mr. Harnett
ay if elected he will go to Haletu abeo
Inlely unpledged to anybody or any
thing aave to work for the beat Interest
of liii constituent.
Memorial Pay wa fittingly obaerved
!t The Pallet. At 2 p. tt. proceealon
ol apparently a thousand people etart-d
for the cemetery. Tbe proceeeion wa
hra.led by tbe D. C. 4 A. C. band, fol
lowed in order by member of Company
0. O. N. ()., member ot the Q. A. K.
iil W. R. C., and a long procetalon of
citlu-na n carriage and on foot. In
connection with tbe niual exercleee at
the crmrti'ry, a quartet, consisting of
Profensnr Lander, Pr. Kabelman, and
Miet Mabel Collins and Klliabetli
Bonn sang aeveral appropriate selection
nl Hugh (iourlay delivered an addree.
n ri-tiiriiing from the cemetery the
member of thetl. A. K., W. R. C. and
N. and a number l invited guest
"m. bled in Krateruity hall, where
liey partook of a luncheon, which wa
followed by hnrt, patriotic peeche
"'I the tinging of patrlotio onge. In
the evening these bodie again asseni
"IkI in the M. K. church ami listened
( an eicvllent addreaa, which had been
prepared by Hon. It. S. Hnntington and
In bia absence read by lrofeor Land
'r. FrMar'a Dally.
At the regular collection day fall this
month on election day, collection! will
he pH pnned till Tuesday.
Conalderable Irelgbt la lieing hauled
hy wgon over tbe Klickitat mountain!
to ioldnulale. Five wagon loaded
with merchrndlae for that town were
ferried acroa the river till mornliig.
Over twenty cur of wool trom Interior
point are being unloaded today at the
wari-housea In the Kast Knd.
Twenty. live car loads of rattle on tbvir
way Iroin Albany, Or., to Cuthank,
Montana were fed at the elockyjrd this
The ladlea of the M. K. church wl.l
have a lot nf plea, cake and cookie for
sale at the more of Mr. Cros neat
The Wasco Ket lay twenty-seen
drummer were on the train last Tues
day, pasrlng through that town on the
way to hiiauiko.
(Inn who think! he kuoaseays that
Judge lllukeley won't poll nearly as
many votes in the Pultir and Kight
Mile precinct! as be would have leu
day! ago.
According to a dispatch in the Orego
nlan, a "heavy, sandy" clip of wool sold
at lleppuer Tuesday at 12 and 13 cents.
The clip consisted of nO,IXH) pound, di
vided Into two lot!. It wai Ibe Qrst tale
of the scan. in.
K. ('. Plckerson, nf Antelope, wa! In
town last night on hi way home from
the Koiind country, where he disposed
nf the Ut of 'H bead ot horse at good
and eutiefactory price. They were, as a
rule, line animals, ranging in weight
from 1200 to 1000 pounds.
John I'lilllips, who Is accused of selling
itlor to the Indi ins had an elimina
tion this morning before Commission
J. M. Huntington ami was committed to
appear before the United Mate Circuit
court at I'ortland. Deputy United Mates
Marshal A. A. Itobt-rts I hereto take
him down on tbe first trnin,
George Job'! returned last night from
the Fpanish Gulch country where he
an I Ida brother Iiaar have been working
ou their placer claim since the middle
of March. He will go back after bay
harvest. He brought down a couple ol
nuggett at samples taken from tbe
claims, one weighing 17 ounces and
estimated to contain about $250 worth
of gold. The run so far baa been quite
satisfactory, and at they have plenty ot
water they will work till the freeze
We regret to record the death tail
night at hit home on 8-Mile of Kdwin
Poyle. The deceased wal born In Illinois
Feb. U, IBu'J. He crossed the plains
with bis parents in IHtUand resided near
F.ugene lor three or lour year, when he
come to lids county and settled with
hi parentt on the place where be diud.
Hit deaih It deeply deplored by a large
circle ol friend and neighbor! who
respected hi in a an bonatt man and a
good ciliaen. He leave to mourn hit
lot an aged mother and one brother,
William A. Poyle, who live near by.
Few people, even In The Dalle, have
any idea of the amount of business done
In Ibi town. Tin Cuaonici.e claim
that there I more business dune here
than In any town In Oregon, outside of
I'ortland. Thi claim may be consid
ered extravagant, bnl let one mere In
cident be offered a proof. Today 100,
000 pound of miscellaneous merchan
dise were (hipped from on bouse,
Tease May, by wagon and rail to
Keller, Bontilee, Fife, I'ost and I'aulina,
In the luterlor, without f peaking of the
ordinary and enormona local trade of
the tame Arm. And thi i only one of
the big buainea firm of the city.
artlar mf Kaat Bad West Malles.
By the provision ot Ibe city charter
the legislature ha excepted Dalles City
from the road district! of the county.
However, the voting precinct! ol Kaat
and West Dalle! include the road die
trjeta adjacent to the city. Heretofore
aa the county court appointed the tuper
vlaora thla point did not come np at
election!. Now, however, it will be
nec-eaaary for the jndgea and clerk of
election to reitrict the right to vote for
to per visor to thoee elector! reiiding
outiide of the city limiti, Thi! glvei to
the parliet intereited the right to choose
their own tupervleort and leave! to the
reaidenta ol Pallet City the right and
privilege ot being exempt from tbe
jnritdiction ot the county court In road
maltert, but throw the cilixent upon
the tentler merclet ol tbe city council
and ipecial tax collector, J. H. Jackson.
The 14 road lax it collected by authority
ot tbe special provision exempting
Dallet City from tbe road dietricti of
tbe county.
Iln llotan, Allantlnnl
Notice la hereby given toallownen
of dog who have not paid license i a
tbe same that they come forward an I
take out a license before the 10th day ot
June, or In d fault the dog will be Im
pounded and the delinquent will have
to pay Impounding fee a well aa li
cense, or have their dog destroyed.
N. P. 1 1 coins,
mM JIO Marshal Palle City.
IVm, Orr, Newark, O., tay. "We
never feel Me without One Minute
Cough Cure In the It raved my
little boy'! life when he had the pnen
nionia. We think ll i the best medicine
made." ll cure cough and all Inng
disease. I'leasant to take harmless end
give Immediate result.
Good, pur natural ice from the Blue
mountain tor sale by the Columbia
River IceAFnelCo. 'Phone 33 or 81
Long Dial. 1 1ft or 8 Heofert A Condon.
To secure the original witch haael
talre, ask for DeWitf Witch INtel
a.aalur V. V, rullun Makes a Tower
ul lirrenaa or Hepulillcaa t'rla
eivles and I'vllsjr.
The speech ol Henntor C. W. Fulton
at the 0era house last night wa
th event of tbe campaign. The big
building wa filled to the door, and the
senator'a apeech of a couple of honrs w as
applauded to the rcho, F. W. Wilson
introduced tbe speaker In a tliort, but
eirective argument In furor of republican
principle! and policy. Hi n itor Fulton
began by laying that be had been all
over Western Oregon and tlmt every
where, be found the republican senti
ment very strong. Kvery prophecy the
dniiio-populitlt bad made four yean ago
hail been falsified by the logic of events.
The pnrty tidny it mounted on the
time old Rosiiiinte and has on ill ban
ner the tame old legend ( free trade,
free silver and the Chicago platform.
The people of the United Mates need tio
Rudyard Kipling to put In their niouthi
Iord God ol Hostt
llu with us yet,
Ixsl we forget ;
Lest we forget.
They never can forget the experience
they passed through from the time that
Cleveland started hi campaign of free
trade under the name of tut iff reiorm.
They don't forget the 3,000,000 of peo
ple out of work and depending on public
charily j the broken banks and collapsed
bunlm-s houses; the ruined lives and
ruined home of Hint awful period.
And yet the "toboggan slide" from
Cirover to Bryan was worse than 10 to 1 ;
it was a thousand to nothing. llu
wi-licd be could draw a crayon of the
"loboggau tiids" from the Jefferson who
procured ui the inestimable possesHiun
ol the territory, to the Bryan,
who wonli cowsrdiy surrender the fljg
to a lot of Philippine rebel. The party
thut cursed 1ncoln when he wus liv
ing, now deify him wlieu be la d-ad.
The demo-pops have a great admiration
for George. Washington that i to say,
Geoige Washington Agiiinaldo. Pretty
soon their admiration w Ml be extended
to some George Washington Arnold Jef
ferson Aguinaldo Lincoln.
The Bryanite nnivertal panacea was
10 to 1. It we did not get that, money
would become scarcer, tbe money power
would contract the currency, and it
would be the dollar Inalead of the man.
The republican party baa kept ill
pledget and given the country protec
tion aod the gold standard. What bat
been the result. We have npwardt of
1400.000,000 of money, gold ttandard
money, in circulation more than we bad
four yean ago. The balance ol trade in
our lavor In 1SV7 was over 1200,000,000.
In 181'U It wai over 300,000,000, and in
1R09 it reached tbe enormout total ol
1453,000,000. Money too I cheaper
than It ever wa In the history ol tbe
country, and government bonda bearing
three, lour and five per cent interest are
being refunded into oilier bearing two
per cent.
Mr. Fulton had seen note ot a apeech
ot Judge Bennett wherein be condemned
the annexation of the Philippine! be
cause tbe people were not fit to bear the
bortbeni of American citiznnihlp,
while in the rtrxl breath he laid the
Filipino! ihould be given their Inde
pendence became they were a highly
civilixed people and the majority of
tbem while. Now, if tbe Islander were
o highly civilixed a the judge claim,
why thould he fear their annexation T
What ll the judge complaining about T
He wai reminded of the Highland
preacher' sermon on tbe text, a the
preacher read it, "The devil, be goetb
about aa a roaring lion seeking whom
he may devour." "First, my brelbern,"
aid tbe preacher, "we will inquire who,
the devil, he 1. Second, where, tbe
devil, he'i going to, and third, what, the
devil, he' roaring about." If these
people are ai highly civilixed aa the
judge claii-na th?y are, what the devil ii
Judge Bennett roaring abonlT
The republican party wai the ooly
party that had ever legislated against
trosti. It wai eaty to tell who raited the
ciy against the Porto Rico tariff. Senator
Jonet, Bryan' manager four yean ago,
and tbe chairman of the democratic na
tional convention, Introduced a bill In
the aenate to give back the dutiei col
lected on Porto Rican exportt to the
nien from whom they had been collect-1
ed. Tbe amount at that time waa over
11,800,000. Who were these men?
About the tame time the American
tugar trust instliuteu proceeding! to
recover thi money from the United
Mate! on the gronnd that its collection
waa unconstitutional. The suit I still
pending. About that time the president
sent a menage to enngresa recommend
ing that this money be given to the Isl
anders to build school honsei and repair
the ruin that the hurricane had made.
The republicani In congrest promptly
pa-sed a law in accordance with the
the president' suggestion. Which do
you commend, tbe action ot the presi
dent and hi parly, or the action of the
democratic party, who wanted to give
back the tax to tbe trusts.
The republicans recently Introduced a
bill to amend the constitution giving
congres power to deal effectively with
the trusts, and every democrat in the
committee having the bill in charge
voted against it en tbe ground that it
would Interfere with the right ol the
stairs, the old doctrine that we thought
had been (hot to death more than
third of a century ago.
Mr. Fulton referred to tbe demo-populist
railroad plank, and denied em
phatically that any number ol railroad
men had ever asked tiie republican
Hate convention for a timilar (dank.
He himself wai In favor of the relief
akud for in the plunk, and would sup
port such a measure; and whoever
might le defeatod, be would be in th
next legislature, for he whs a bold-ovei.
He pledged Mr. Williamson and Mr.
Barrett, who were on the platform with
him, that they too would help the rail
road boy to obtain Ibe relief they
sought. He bad talked with them and
they bad aott or!r."d him to say to. Tbe
republican party had alway been the
friend of labor.
Mr. Fulton closed with an earnest ap
peal for a straight vole. The election
of a deiiiu-populint would be heralded all
over the country. He did not need to
say a word to his audienca on behalf of
their fi llow-towusman and able and
hard-working representative, Malco'm
A Moody, but be wou'd have them re
member when they went to the pollt
that there wa a senator to elect at the
next legislature, and a vote for a demo
crat wai a vote to condemn the republi
can policy and to lend a demo populist
to the United State tenate.
Wstlbesdajr'a Haaobait f.ame.
The baseball game between Da'let
and Hood River Wednesday resulted
ill a cru-hing defeat of the hitherto un
beaten Hood River team. Our boyi
played fat and hard ball from the itart
and kept the visitor guessing through
out the game. The Dalles has a strong
team this season, and with the co-operation
and support of the Dallet people,
c iu'.I give the public some fine exhibi
tion. The buys need practice, and if
the people will only support a team, tbe
combination here would make a cham
pion team.
Hood River has s good team and
would propulily keep any other team
(except the Dallet) guessing whether
they were in tbe game or not. They
have tome fine individual players, and
with a little more team work wuld be
all all right.
The total teorei Wednesday were at
The Dallet 4 12 7 0 0 4 5 0 32
Hood River 0 1200920 05
Impirlaat Hooato Amendmoat.
The following telegram wai received
here today. It ihowi that Mr. Mc
Bride it fully alive to the interest ol
hi constituent! and ii working along
the lime line with Mr. Moody to ob
tain an equi'.able adjittment of tbe
wrong! that have been done to settlers
on Tbe Dallei military road grant:
Washington, D. C. May 31, 1900.
High Uoiklav, Kimtob Ciiuokiclk:
Tne tenate todav adopted in tbe sun
dry civil bill my amendment to enable
the secretary of the interior to obtain
information regarding entries on lands
within the limit of wagon and railroad
grants, and alio ascertain tbe amount!
necessary to purchase the title to inch
claims and other facta neceseary to an
equitable adjustment.
Geo. W. McBkidx.
Colwmtfla S.iottaorw Waroboase.
At Shaniko the Columbia Sonthern
Railway Co. control! 80x100 feet of the
Sbaniko warehouse building, to I used
as a freight warehouse, through which
they will receive and forward freight In
the uual manner. The impression that
all business mutt bw done through for
warding housei it an erroneoui one and
we take thi mean ol dispelling It.
Freight received and held twenty-four
hour will be turned over to a forward
ing boute mbject to the order ol the
contignee. The rate on wool in tack or
In balea from Sbaniko to The Dallea is
25 cents per 100 pounds.
For ratei or other information ca'.l on
or addrett
C. E. Lytls, G. F. A P. A., or
Uxo. F. Rna, Agent,
Shaniko, Or.
Jodga Mlakalejr Calaros tba Prise.
Tux Dai.i xh, June I, 1900.
To Tit Ekitob: I have just returned
from the Fort it Reserve Association'!
barbacue at Dufur, which wai a grand
occett. There were plenty of well
roasted beef and roast chicken. The
picnic wai attended by a large crowd
and the day wat well spent. In the
afternoon the whole herd of candidate!
were on ihe ground and political chipi
were flying in every direction; and to
cap it all the merry-go-ronnd gave a
price to tbe ugliest candidate. I left
before they bad decided but I heard it
whispered around that Blakeley would
gel the price. Situ Mokoan.
Card of Thanks.
The following card of thank wa in
advertantly omitted to be printed yes
terday :
"The member of the G. A. R. and
W. R. C. desire to sincerely thank the
member ot tbe D. C. & A. C, band for
their kindness in furnishing nuuic tor
the procession on Memorial Day.
S ck lleadache absolutely and perma
nently cured by using Moki Ten. A
pleasant herb drink. Cure constipation
and indigestion, makes you eat, sleep,
work and happy. Satisfaction guaranteed
or money oecx. ..- cts. ana no els.
Blakeley A Hnnghton Pruggistr,
Why pay $1.75 per gallon fir inferior
paints when you can buy James E.
ration' run pr of paints lor $1.50 per
gallon, guaranteed for 5 years. Clark A
Fa!k, agent. n17
Jacobsen Book & JVIusie Co.
Just Arrived
Tho largest and most fjomjilete line at
Rock Bottom Prices,
51 A X I' F
Circular and particulars furnished on application.
F. S. GUNNING, Agent.
Wasco Warehouse Com w
Headquarters for Seed Grain of all k'nds.
Headquarters for Feed Grain ot f 11 kin
Headquarters for Rolled Grain, ail kinds
Headquarters for Bran. Shorts, mTlle'd
Headquarters fcr "Byers' Best" Pendle-
ton FlOUr his 'oar " manufactured expressly tor family
use: every tack is guaranteed to give satisfaction,
n sell onr goods lower than any house in tbe trade, and if yon don't think aej
call and get enr prices and be convinced.
Highest Prices Paid for Wheat, Barley and Oats.
Grandall & Barget
JUi kinds of undertakers Barial Shoes
Funeral Supplies embalmers Etc.
The Dalles, Or. m
Wholesale and Retail
Wines, Liquors and Cigars.
Agen'rthe Greate American Liqnor
Yellowstone Sour Mash Whiskey.
WHISKER trom tito "to t (W pVrVallbn? (4 to 15 year old.)
IMPORTED 00GHA0 frum 17.00 to $12.00 per gallon. (11 to 20 year old.
OALirORHIA BBAHDIES from S.25 to 16 00 per gallon. (4 to 11 years old.'
COLUMBIA BEEB on draught, and
Imported Ale and i'orter.
Before you
place any
work, call on Lotiia Comini. I will not only give yon all
tbe information yon need but I will quote you prices you
cannot lat anywhere. It no one blnfT you. It will take
only a few minutes to call aud see me. If you have a
neighbor who ever did business with me consatt him as to
the price and quality of my work I niie Pnmini
and abide by the result. : : : I UUI5 UUIilliil
I have re-opened this well-known Bakery,
and am now prepared to supply every
body with Bread, Pies and Cakes. Also
all kinds of Staple and Fancy Grocer es.
and Motot'S
Val Blats and Olytnpia Beer in bottle
orders for a tombstone or for
fencing or otber cemetery