THE DALLES WEEKLY CHRONICLE. SATURDAY. JUNE 3. 1900. The Weekly Chronicle. AdtarllalBa; Kataa. natural enmity with you and your! tboutaml time, exploded lunacy of j DALLES MILITARY ROAD MATTER claw Ihcn come to mo, says liryan, ami I will give you rest. Whatever the cause of your discontent, if you ai4 discontented, I will soothe you; if you nro enraged, 1 will avenge you. All ills that fret you and griefs Ftrtock O is Inch or less In Paily H m O uti'i tiiehea sml uiuter Knir Inches 1 s O iwt four tucnes and uujer twelve tncbi . " Ortir ll i h 60 D4ILV SND Wl" . .!.., J., ri,, fi ,,m th 9 iV VUtV UV w vtv" u rri . ' .. ...1 1 1 w ,Jnln.'h nr l. tir inrh Over om inoh umlvr four Inch Ovvr four .m-lni. -tid umlvr twoiv luetic Ov twelve lucU 1 uo Republican Ticket. STATE OFFICERS- Justice of the Supreme Coarl C. K. Wolverton. Kood and Dairy Commissioner J. W. Bailer. DISTRICT OFFICERS- Congressman Ma!eo!ni A. Moody, of The D-illes. Joint Senators J. N. Williamson, ol Crook; T. H. Johnston, of Waao; W. W. Steiwer, of Wheeler. Joint Representatives A. fi. Roberts, of H'(ro; K. A. Kmmett, of Kismath ; George Miller, of Gilliam; George Caltaiiarh, of Grant; George A. Bar rett, of Grant; T. H. McUreer, of Wssco. District Attorney Frank Menefee, of The Dalies. COUNTY TICKET. 8. Blowers, of Hood A. Kirchheiner, of County JuJge A. Kiver. Commissioner P. Antelope. SlieritT Robert Kelly, of The Dalies. Clerk A. E. Lake, cf Wamie. Treasurer C. L. riiillips, of The Dalles. Assessor C. L. Schn.i.H, cf Tbe Dalles. Superintendent of Schools C. L. Gil bert, c! The Dalles. Surveyor J. B. Goit, of The Dalles. Coroner W. II. Butts, of Tlie Dalles. For Justice of the Pesce of Tbe Dalles Timothy Brownhill. Constable Frank Hill, of The Dalles. .4 STROSO ISDORSEMEST. T. Brownhill, long and favorably known In the commercial circles cf Sherman county, was a visitor last week, says D. C. Iteland in the Sherman County Observer. Mr. Brownhill Is a rising attorney now in our sister count of Wasco, having recently passed a very favorable ex amination and been admitted by tbe supreme court to the practice of law in Oregon. He is at present justice of the peace for Dalles Cily district -and has been nominated to retain the same position after this election From long acquaintance with Mr Brownhill and a knowledge of his worth, we feel asscred of his election. Voters this year are called upon to exercise more than usual care electing a justice of the peace. Tbe last assembly passed a law revolu tionizing tbe practice in justice conrts for the purpose of doing away with numerous appeals that have heretofore been taken. The new law makes the rules of practice of tbe circuit court applicable to tbe justice court with these exceptions. The membership of the jury is limited to six, and the amount of controversy to 1250, but outside of this the Justice court applies tbe same rules to pleadings. The Jurors are subject to peremptory challenges and chal lenges for cause. Tbe court can In struct tbe Jury as to this law. Judg tnents are rendered and entered in tbe same places as in the circuit court, and tbe court has the power to set aside ft verdict and grant a ew trial on the same ground and for the same causes as the circuit court, It is therefore apparent that it is to tbe interest of a community that a ferson cf legal ability and learning ehouid be elected to the office of J iti-e of the peace. .Such a person is Sir. Iirowrhill to elect bim voters will And thst they have conferred fcemfit upon themselves. money power,whose mortal antago nist you behold in me, whose activi ties shall be forever stilled with my panacea of ftee coiungc. For cough, colds, rheumatism, headache, back ache, dizziness, loss of sleep, weak eyes, catarrh, diabetes, cancer, con sumption, scrofula, eczema, appends citis, lutlainination of tbe throat and lungs, bowel complmut, sallow com plexion, torpiil liver, iullatr.ed eye lids, deafness, freckles, chapped hands, chilblains, corns and bunions, take 16 to 1. Comes, you democrats, be honest for a minute and own up, says the Spokaue Chtouicle. Candidly, doesn't it make you feel pioud of your conn try to know that the Uuted States for the year 1900 continues to bresk all records? In the nine months ending with March, exports of agri cultural products were 18,000,000 greater than those of the same months in the preceding fiscal year, products of tbe mine exceeded those of the corresponding months of lJS)'J by 33 per cent, those of the forest showed a like increase, and Usliertcs and miscellaneous also showed a gain over the corresponding months of the preceding fiscal year, and with tbe phenominal increase of 30,000, 000 in April, 1900, as compared with April, 1899, Ii is quite apparent that the record of the year, which ends less than sixty days hence, will ex ceed that of any earlier year in our history. the ad free silver Is enough for the voters of the second district if the candidate for congress had all the virtues of a canonized saint. tha K.Hr mt B.lllsrs Wha I. was Till la Their lluuaaa. It is very true, as The Chronicle says, Mr. Kelly has madu a good sheriff, bui ho has simply dona his duty, performed the services for which ho was paid.- Times-Mount-ainecr. And it is precisely for this reason that be is entitled to re election. No higher compliment could be paid to any public servant than to say be bus dono his duty and performed iho services for which he is paid. Without Iho kid of republican votes the fusionists cannot elect a single man on their ticket. If you believe in free silver, free trade, free soup, frco riot, poveity, idleness and low wages, vole tbe fusion ticket. If you believe in au honest dollar and a chance to cam it, In law and order, in tilcntv cf work at lrood . ... ii i adverse claim, in all sut-h esses, mi -njjvo, ii juu univio ,u """ "'-" matter how meritorious, lint tavern F.ver sines Tin Chmomum learned of lbs large number of Sherman county farmers whose till to the homes loins of them bad occupied for many years had been revoked by lbs government tn the ground of a prior right by the Katt em Oregon Land Company, wa have taken a deep personal interest lu Irving' to find out if it were possihls that some thing might be done for their relief. In respouse lo a communication of this natuie sent to Congressman Moody, we have received the following reply: WAHiUM.roN. I). C, Ma 2. UHW. 1 1 ; II liOl lU. VY, KlIiri'H I'llKOMl I.K f Data bin: Briellv tlie status of The DalL-s military road mutter is this: Tha bill tha settlers prepared and sent ma provides for the government reiiu bursing the- settlers lor Uieir Improve ments. Thev bane their claim on I lie around that tbe land department erred in neruiittiiiK thorn to til on lands w hich ultimately were show n not to b applicable to homestead or preemption tliiugs. This question has been up be fore con g l es I dad a gnat many times, and iu many cases wttli even more merit than The Dalles military road claimants have, !c'aiie thev, at a mat ter of fact, bad nut ice that there were Ii m Afoi rYn (S0fi euough alone, voto tbe republican ticket and vote it straight. When you vote for tho republican candidate for school superintendent! you vote for a man who has made as that c iuid no doubt he secure.!, but merit refuse to arnums anv liabilitv for errors of their olllcers or agents. They have, in one or two iimtance. permitted the land graut rrople to select lieu lands in place ol thus in c mlroveray, and allowed the settlers to go on and complete their lit Iff . Such legislation i.. I... ..i..... ..f i.:. !;f ....lime roan e ;, ;ln. to ,,t other in lieu m pen on hi probably nut lo accept other lauds in lieu of tl.ore In Sherman cnuntv, U-can.e, If you are out of a job, sajs tbe Oregonian, and never expect to have one because you are too faint-hearted to gi t it and too empty headed to bold it; if jou are broke and expect tobealwitys broke on the gold or tlie silver basis, under free trade or protection, with 2C per capita or 20 wnis; ir jou are penniless and always will be because you have aching to sell for money and no- rxxly will trust you with a loan; if every successful msn Gils you with rage because he reminds you of your own us.lessncss; if you feci that every man that has anything is at The fusionists condemn ministration for holding the Philip pines. What would they have it do? The treaty that give us possession of tbe islands is the law of tbe land The president must execute tbe law as be finds it. He has no choice. If it was wrong lo annex the islands, the one man on tbe American foot stool responsible for it, more than any other, is William Jennings Bryan. When it looked that tbe treaty of I'aris would fail of ratification, the colonel left his regiment and hurried to Washington and influenced enough of wavering democratic and populist votes to secure its ratification. This is history. But in tbe light of tbe fact that tbe Bryanites make a cardinal principle of anti-ex pansion, it is the history of low and con temptible demagogery. Our contemporary has wasted a large amount of amunition on tbe apportionment bill. The Chronicle nevtr admired it and hopes for a better arrangement of senatorial and legislative districts at the next session of the legislature. This much is true ; the counties grouped together are tnose possessing, as far as pos sible, a community of interests and tbe mere size of tbe districts works only a hardship on candidates who fee! it their duty to cover them during a campaign. No apportion ment could be made by a republican legislature that would please a party whose chief business is to carp and find fault; but that there was even a suggestion of corruption connected with the measure is gratuitous and unfounded. who. durioa bis incumbency, has helped to advance the public schools X' of tllO county to a state of ctllciency lenacliiim tber were entitled to Ihe. Iiu ,1 :.. ti . ........ ,1.. .. proved cultivation, at least to cover the that is the cnj of neaily cveij o( ,,,. T, r.nrllM County 11) the Stale. would also not he satintled with the privilege of selecting Und here. There is one man that the reptib-! im ",tt1l w",lM u ,'"" e ""l-en-X'" i for bis Impiovem-iitK. I onci'ienm licans of Wasco county w ill takr tli two sytem. which would l po- great pleasure in scquesterirg to bis ' sib'e w secure would n..l p ' I found, afier much research an I priiiiOVal strawberry patch, and that , counsel with land lawyers, an 1 wa c-e mnn i t ie renm ) rieo si ver i " " paranoic, T. It. Coon, of Hood, Tlie KIikI Yoii Huv Always Ilought, ami whirl. Im )Ccll In ne fr over :U ycurw. hits borne the rdipiiitiira 0f 7 - unit hits born luntle tttid-r hl y j fj? w,imI "IwrvWon sditre Itslnninr WiafX 4UcA4t Allow no o to IiM'lve yti a tn All Coiiiit rf lt, Imitations ami Jot--troKl" urn bug i:tM-rliiHtiH that trllle with nml iidanirrr the heulthnf JnliMtts inul Chlldrt'U-i:xiMTkiice nirulnxt Kxiwrliucut, What is CASTORIA Ciwtorlii I ft harnili'as Mibtlttito for Cantor Oil, Vnrt. mrlo, Drtipsi and Hoothlnir Hyrups. It Is l'leannnU It (iittilns iiolthrr Oplniii. Morphine nor other Narn.thj MibNSiiiirs. Its ape Is Its iftiarantce. It do troy Worriss mid allays l-VviTlahncss. It rurcs Dlarrhu'u and Ulna Col If. It ndU'VfS Tfrthlnir Troubles, cures CoiillpiiUua mid Fbituleiify. It nsnlmlliites the FohI, reirttlules the htoiuiK li mid IloweU, slvlnir henlthy and nuturul sleep, Tho Children's I'aiiacea The Mother's Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS Sears the Signature of 7 Tlie Kind You Have Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years. TNI MNflU. MMMMV. IWmi TIMV, HI. . W m. Rivtr. Aa lluaurahla Kurd. The republican ticket, from top to bottom, Is composed of clean, honor able and efficient men, the peers morally and intellectually of their opposer. ibey belong to no ring. and are pledged to nobodr and nothing save faithful and devoted service to the interests of the people. They represent tbe party and the principles that have rescued the masses from poverty and free soup. From Tu. Cm bomclb of May I.J Captain A. 8. Blowers, the republican nominee for county judge, is a native of the Kmpire state where he was born in I In the later fifties be removed to Minnesota, and when tbe Civil war broke out and he was scarce past the age of fifteen be elisted in the 16th I'. 8. Regulars, IX-c. 1, 1HT1, and served till tbe following year when he was dis charged because of his yonth. In the October of 1S62 be enlisted again in the Seeond Minnesota cavalry and served till April 3, 1860, when he was mustered out with his regiment. He participated in every engagement and movement of bis regiment durir.g the war and was several times commended by his superior officers for coolness and bravery .In time of danger. Ha is an honored meuber of tbe U. A. K. am' was for a time csptain of a company ol a militia at Hood Hirer. This is a record of devotion to the Union and its flag that any man may be proud of, and when snch a man comes before the people tor their suffrages in tbe lull vigor of matured mental manhood and ripe and varied esperience, it ought to receive Hue consideration from every patriotic citizen without re. pec t to his political affiliation. Whatever Captain Blowers has or is he owes to his own energy and to no one else. Left alone at the age of eleven years be bas since carved out his own fortune. In the civil walks of life bis experience bas been as varied as it is honorable. After tbe war be settled on a homestead and for a number of years followed the plow. Subsequently be engaged in (be lumber and sawmill bnsiness, to which was added a general merchandise store. For twelve years he served as commissioner for Beecher and Otter Tail ronnties, Minn., during which time he built and superintended the building of neatly all the roads and bridges in bis district, which comprised seventeen townships. When be wss first elected tbe county wss new and without roads, bnl under his management some of tbe beat roads in the state were built. Oood roads were ami still are almost a bobby of Captain Blowers, and for this reason he was kept In office from year to year till he left Minnesota and came to Oregon. Six years ago the republicans of Hood Kiver asked bis nomination as com missioner at thst band of the county convention. His election followed in lue course, and bis service in this capacity is a matter of public record. It is a matter of simple j'tstice to ssy that he brought into bis commissioner- ship the ripo business experience of long years of servico in the same rapacity meut riiullv, alter much agitntiou in congress, appionrialed money to buy the lands In in the land grant companies ; and give it to the Settler. Tint is the rjlan we n.iw nronnst. A bill was not I S introduced for tlie reason that we thought it might be possible lo secure on tlie sundry civil bill a smail appro priation authorizing a commission to investigate and report on the facts, and then secure the pasraifa of a bill for the settlers' relief. The bill was not intro duced in advance because its passage r-inld not be secured at this session, and if we had introduced it, we would probably be met by the appropriations committee when we asked for aa appro- i I priation with the fact that our hilia had ( not passed, and requested to wait until It ..... .1 . I L.r . i 9 tucy uiu fa, m-inrv an ronaimn . Our pnrpo is lo in- i amt it !. in - ..... I - -.w p- .., ...m au B III i frill. J. I.JC irovernmeiit to gi on with the balance. Should we fail in holding the appropria tion In on tha bill liefore Ihe conference committee, we will then introduce the bid, and be just aa far along fur action at next sea.ion as we would had the bill been introduced on Ihe outset. Yon may rett assnred, Mr. (ioorlay, that I will do everything in my power to push this matter lo a just and equita ble conclusion. Faithfully Yonrs, Mai.coi.h A. Moody. Special Sale! ...Steel Ranges and Cook stoves 1 should be made. sist npon Ihe appropriation first, and if If you want to "let well enough alone" go to the poll next Monday eiae,t,ere; that no meritorious Improve am; voie iuc repuouenn iickci irom A to i.zurd. Ihe fusion candidate for cunicss man for this district made a speech in Portland a few days ngo, devoting thrcc-fonr;hs of the time he occu pied to the advocacy of free silver. That's cn.'.ugh. Mr. Smith may be a very nice soit of a fellow and all that; the fact that he still walks among Ihe tombs of tho dead fast, and Lug? to Lis Ircnst the tcn- The Dalles Comtriaion House will keep fresh milk at ail times on hand and deliver It anywhere in tbe city at the following prices: One quart, 2 per month: three pints, 3 j two quarts, t ; three quart. S5.50; cream 20 rents per pin i. rresn oiuter every ilay. lH-lm Mrs. Calvin Zimmerman, Mileshurg, a , says, "Asa spewly cure for coughs, colds, croup ind sore throat One Minnie Cough Cure is unequal!. It Is pleasant forchildien to Uke. I heartily recom mend It to mothers." It Is the only harmless remedy that produces 1m mediate results. It cures - bronchitis, pnenmonia, grippe and throat and lung diseases. It will prevent emsumntian Mrs. Harriet F.vans, Hinsdale, 111., writes, "I never fail to relieve my children from cronp at once by nsieg One Minate Cough Cure. I would not feel safe withont it." Quickly rnres coughs, colds, grippe and all throat and lung diseases. Hal. Trimmed hats and patterns at cost for the next thirty days at the Campbell A Wilson milllnary parlors. 23-tf Kxperience is the best Teacher. Use Acker's Knglish Remedy In any case of coughs, cold or croup. .Should it fail to give Immediate relief money refunded. 25 eta. and 60 cts. Blakeley A Honghton Druggists. Yon will not have boils if you take Clarke A Falk's snreenre for boils. h.cial reserve old government whis key, recognized by tbe highest medical authority in tbe land; especially recom mended by tlie board of health of 8an Francisco for hpital nse, also A. P. O'Brien, M. I)., captain and snrgeoi, and Win. I). McCarthy, major and snr O'ition for the Improvement of tho roads' K""n K- ,rniT' "ths purest nnalnl- irrnif.i si hum am lor'a, ln valuls and Umily hold by Charles To reduce our lario flock wo will K'U Stoves ami Steel Jianges at Greatly Reduced Prices for a hliort time only, gootlrt and j:et our priccf. .N'O our l.w.wia IVlflYS & CROCUE merit was ever discriminated against because of locality, snd that every prop PICNIC 1 Under the atifpicea of tho Forest Trotectivo Association, will ho held at Dufup, may 31, 1900. Prominent ppeakers from different parts of the Mate will address tho people on forestry. CttQnd Boll in the Evening. A hasket dinner and a har1xcuo of roast ox will l nerved. M very ono in cordially invited to attend. leading to tLe coui.t) at at netivej his special and cordial support. Captain Mowers will bring to the county judge ship tbe varied experience of long years of service as commissioner in two ststes, added to that of a long and successful business career. Hiould he be elected he will move his family to The Dalles and devote his entire lime to the busi ness of the county. Captain Itlowers is entitled to and ought to receive every republican vote in the county. Sliihling. spl.'i).,ll, J)"- ! MiHr rtH riiynioiau find Surgeon, H HI attention (Iron to surgery. Rooms 21 anl . Tel. 3a VoctBUx a . fH. JIIHaOAVtB M0ORK Si (iAVIN, ATTOKNKVM AT LAW Rooms suit 10, over V. ft. Land Ofllra. CLEANLINESS. Is being advocated by all parties regardless of race, color or prs Vlons ronditii.n of servitnde. Itmember we make our cuslO" rners glad when they buy or Pure l'rtared Paints. There is s finish and ghns to Its work that is admired by all. Paints, Oils, Glass, Picture and Room Moldings t our stock of Wall Paper r lit M) on Display H. GLENN & CO. He sure and Inspect our stock of Wall Paper Designs f,,r lit M) on Display Washington Street, between r-ei-ond and Third. Subscribe for tho Chronicle. Advertiso in tho Chronicle