The Dalles weekly chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1947, June 02, 1900, PART 2, Image 1

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PART 2. 0
1L iCf llzX
NO. 37
The Boer' lodrpeudcnce U at ao End,
Ssvh Salisbury.
1 oMiuN, May 'JO. Lord Salisbury, w hu
hi entertained at dinner thit evening
It city of I-ondoo Conservative Ateo
rialion, limit en Important announce
u.eol regarding tlia guveintiienl'e N utli
African policy.
"Th 'ttup-lha-war party hav uml
ai j name," laid It. premier, "in tupport
ol their idcaa by stating lliat I promts J
there fhuiild bo no annexation ol territory
or annexation of gold lt1il. I never
gave a pledge. I never meant to give a
pledge. (Ini, fliettri.) I stated fiuipl
h.ttorlcal tact. Wa were accused of go
ing to war fur lust of gold ami lerrkory
It wae on of IIiom caltimnle which.
under tlia favoring luQuencri of Dr
Levdi, tpread 1 1 I f over Ilia prese of
Europe. Nothing could be mora un
true. Wa went to war to aliato op
preeaion of the Qiteen't tuhjectt In tlia
Transvaal, ami hrcauit. our remon
strance! wars met be au inanll'ng ulti
malum to which, if th (J'1"1' govern
ment liaii submitted, her power not only
in Bouth Alrlca, hut over her colonies
anil dependencies, would hav been at
an end. Wo wara forced lino war by th
action of our opponenu.
'To tay that because w repudiated
ti e greed of territory wa therefor bound
nurelv;i Avter to annex any tarrtiory,
is a nmtl ridlculuut loiaconatruction. 1
dwell on tliia point ocean thlt matter
of annexation ia about to become a burn
ing 1 Heal Inn.
"Wa hava uiada Iremendoue tarilire
ol blood and treasure in I liia con Hit I.
There are misleading prophets, whine
anion bulla are larga in the column! of
a newspaper aa the action of mora in
fluential and powerful peopl, alio mil
lead the uulucky rulera of tha Tramraal
to Continue resistance tar beyond tha
time when all reaittance had ceased to
be even (Miaaibly successful. Theaa men
are perpetually pressing tia to make fount
romlitione, to offer fomu arranged ttlpn
ltina that fhall leave it fhrt'd of hide
petidenca to tint repul.litt. Our only
certainly id preventing recurrence of
Una fearful war la to luaiire that never
again el. nil rtich vast accumulation! d
r in X iiii-ii t a occur, and that not a ahred of
tlm former Independent of tha former
repntillce thull remain. (Cheert. )
"We are not yet at the end of the war,
hut I fhall venture to lay it down aa a
primary c .million of any further fettle
nunt hat precaution! will bo taken of
tncli a characler that tuch war will
neref iMi ur again. Of JMrtirne, what
mea-uref will be necessary it if im
possible at thlt moment to determine,
because that dependf largely upon the
action and temper of thote with whom
aehave to deal. I have already Inti
mated that their reeiatance conld wiaely
I '. It ia not for ut to criticise their
tciiou In what they a.e pleated to rail
fell d. (enae, but they have acted to that
every luiternerf created by the war and
every severance of claaeet anil racea have
been at Imiilated by every meiture they
have taken ; nlid M they go oil.
"It wl.l tlmi n our duty to protect
Hume native racea who have been fo
r. ly alllit ted and at !be fame time to
to conduct our policy that ao far aa
poxii.le there ahall be a reconciliation
ml timt every one hull be a hap.iy
ni-iiilpcr of the llrilirdi Empire.
Alter the master of tha rolle, Lord AI
Ver.tne, had propofed "Tha Imperial
run e.," ..,rj 8i-hury ecaln rose, bold
big a paier in hia band, and tald :
"I find 11, at Lord Rolettt hat occu
P ! Jolianiietbiirg.''
ifiif annnnncement wa followed by a
display of enthntiaam, the com
pany cheering for "Bobt" and tinging
'xl Save the queen."
Pruoria Ail.imlnned by the Hoer Forces
Total Collapse of Dutch Cnose.
I-osnon, May 31, 3 a. m. Yetterday
.'mn the Itiitiah were only about two
'" inarch from Pretoria, and tha
. ' "'f'tary turret had abandoned the
'y Thit tntelllKenca comet from tha
K-nte, gent ,l ,hB Trilntviu, c,pUli
! from the F.arl of Uoy0, In a prett
iPtch. The two mettaget left abool
ma time. At 2 o'clock thlt morn.
lhe w' o'-lea bad received no newt
from Lord Unberta which tha offlcialt
would make publle, but It la attained
that tha prett advlcet are correct.
The Dally Mall publiahet the following
from tha Kirl of Koitlyn, who wae a
pritoner at I'retorla, but who, at a
civilian, a.ipeare to have been released :
I'retorla, Wednesday, May 3d, 11 :10
a. m. I'retorla will beoccupied In aliout
two bouri without resistance. The
pretldunt bat gone to Watervalboven.
Uurgomaatcr ile 8ou.a ia authorised to
reculvit tha ltrltl.h. Ile, with an In
fluential committee of eitixeui, Including
Chief Juetlce (iregorowekt, hat been ap
pointed to preaerve lite and property
during the Interregnum. Kverylhing ia
quiet, but crow da areaaitingexpeclaiiliy
In Church t.iiare for the arrival of the
llrlllah. Fearing a otlble diaturbance
and bluod'hud among the prlronert ol
war at Watorval, I'nlted Stnlra Conaul
May and I-lgh Wood inflated upon
twenty omcera being liberated on parole
to go to tha men. Their action cannot
ba two highly praifed.- I wat permitted
to accompany the offlcert. Kvervthing
w at quiet."
"The war i practically over. I!y
lima tlia Iiriiieh flag it flying in Pretoria,
Mr. Krnger hat Owl, and it era thlt half
war to IMagoa Hay. Mr. Hay, ton nl
tha 1'iilted Statu Secretary ol State,
who bolda the oUir of American coo till
of I'retorla and who In that capacity
took charge of our Interettt, thoughtfully
1 ifiated on a tperlal tlep for tafe-gnard-lug
the large number of I'ritith
The Town of L'trccbt Han Surrendered
to General llild;ard-
l.oNtMiy, May M. The following dis
patch wat teceivuil from Ceneral Pul
ler: "Newcaitle, May '.'7. I ilirrct'ed
tha forco under (ienrral I.yttleton to
ndvance by Schangadrift on lornherg.
There niovetm nte caused the enemy at
Dornberg to retire to the north, (ien-
eral Ilildyard it at I'trei lit and the town
hat surrendered tohlm. (ieneral Clery
It bouiheriling I.alrg'e Nek.
Pkktiiuia, May .10. An official lioert
bulletin taya: On Sunday a fight oc
curred at Van V it ka roont In tiatrand.
Tha fought well but were forced
to retire on a ceo tint of the over helming
force of I'.rillth. Tha Prilith attacked
Witwatnrarand yesterday, and were in
Contuct with fcderalt at Oattrand, hut
were beaten back.
I!iom-otm, May 30. Amid fa
lutet and cheert and tinging (iixl Save
the tjuren, military governor, Major
(ieneral (ieorge Prettyman, at noon to
day formally proclaimed the annexation
af the "Free State" to (ireat Britain,
under the designation of the Orange
Kiver Colony.
Kalla tor l-itaalnfj Itoail.
STKViNaos, Wash., May 30. The firtt
load of Heel rallt tor J. O. .V I. X. D.iy'i
new lodging railroad wat unloaded near
Urn mouth of Wind river yetlerdav from
the ttramer Uegutator. Work on tie
railroad w ill now bu pushed from now
on, and when completed will tap a forest
of unsurpassed pine and yellow and red
fir. The projectors of tint road are now
erecting a large tnw mill at the ("acj.le
Locks. They have already diftritiuted
their engineaamong the primeval
forest of Skamania county, and are pre
piring to do an extensive lumbering
bnalnrsa on the Middle Columbia river.
They have two tteameraon the river now,
ia active tervice. They are uo ttrangeit
in thit country, for they were the cot
traetore w ho completed the locks at the
eiecadee, making it pnttible for boats to
ply between Portland and The JUIIes,
For the convenience of
partiet want
ing Ice in the afternoont, the Ktadelman
Ice Co. will carry a'ttock at their atore,
corner Third and Washington ftreets.
Phone No. 107; long ditlunce 11.
"King 'em np." ISm-tf
Caret Haadaeh Ualekly.
Raldwln't tparkling eirervearent Cel
ery 8ola. A harmlett and efTective cure
fur headache, nervomneaa, tleeplettnetf ,
brain fatigue. 10 and -J eentt. Sold
by Clarke A Falk, droggittt. jn24 tlw
Columbia River Ice A Fuel Co. wUhet
to announce that they will deliver ice to
any part of the rlty at all honrt of the
day or night. 'Phone 33 or 81 Ixng
Pitt. J 73 or 8 Setifert A Condon.
" Ter "el.
A tecond-hand ten-foot Randolph
header, In fair condition. Will be told
cheap. F.nqulre of
Ai.kx. Mi'I.Kon,
The Dal let.
Payne of VMacooaia May Direct Ke
publican Canipaiifti.
WAaniNoro, May 30. The statement
It made with ranewed etiiphatii that
Marina will not ha chairman of the re
publican national committee during the
coming campaign. Thit ttatement comet
from no one "x.-ept a newt paper man
ttippnted to be clote to ll.nne, but It it
probably the present Intention of the
republican campaign managers. There
are plenty of men competent to take up
the work of management of the campaign,
and it la probable that Henry C. Piyne,
of Wisconsin, will ba chosen.
At the time for tha Oregon election
growl near, it attracla mor attention
here because both partiet are looking for
tometign of encouragement. It it known
that the deinocrala are getting ready to
make the campaign material ia fr.vor of
atiti expansion, thould the relurnt from
Oregon give them any encouragemeot.
(ieneral regret la expressed by republi
cane here that tha great apeech of Sena
tor Spooner, on the Philippine question,
conld not have been circulated in Oregon
before the election taket place. Tti
tpeech would leave nothing for the antr-
expantlonlitt to tttnd upon, and it a
complete historical review, fl. owing
clearly that the fntnrrection aitaintt the
I'nited Statet wat planned by Agulnaldo
before the cettion of the Philippine! wat
demanded by the I'niied Statet com
mlieionert at I'arit. Upon the allowing
made by Senator Sponner, which can
not be refuted. It it tald that no citizen
who It not blinded by partitaoahip ran
fall to tee that the United StaW t hat
been right In everything that it hat done
in the Philippinei, and that no excuse
remaini for thetopport of Bryanism and
itt encouragement of the war upon the
authority of the I'nited S'.atet govern
Ituat In VI heat rielils.
Pkxiu a, May !. The first injury
which haa been reported to the wheat
crop thit 'year it now tai I to be the
presence of tome nut in the placet
where the moisture it greatett. Some
f.iriiurt are (laiming that the ru-t ao far
It seen only on the le.ives, and that If it
is not communicated to the stalk it will
be more of a benelit than an injury, be
r.nia it will ten! to stop too rank
growth that has been attained ami cause
the ttrinjlh to te sent into the stn'.k.
thui insuring better tilling. The very
abundant raina that havo prevailed all
through tliu season have induced a re
markable heavy ftand of grain, which,
if properly filled, will give an enormous
yield. Harvesting it exacted to begin
in about two weekt in tho country to
the north and west of Pendleton, and
two weekt or a little more in other
parts. Kierynn it getting out Lit
machinery, and preparation are tieitig
made to gather the biggest crop ever
harvested in thit county. Warehouse
room may be tomew bat scarce, on ac
count of the large amount of grain yet
held from former crops.
IV hat Will (iolal llriieirraK Ilof
Washington, 1). C, May 2D. The
managers of both partiet here are watch
ing with keen interest the ciming
election in Oregon, and especially with to the poailion which tho gol I
democMtt will take. It it believed that
there it a general understanding among
the democrats throughout the I'nited
i':alri at to wSiat ther intend to do in
tint presidential election, and it la
thought that it will be indie ited by the
general election in Oregon. Tli silver-
itei are hoping that the gold democrat!
will return In the party, but they are
not oiJVring any inducement! in the way
of conceesiont at to the platform that
will be adopted at'KaneAS City. The
platform It almost tine to be at drastic
at the l t form of Chicago. If the gold
democrats tupport the fusion ticket, and
the reaffirmation of the Chicago plat
form In Oregon, it will be generally
taken to mean that there it a movement
on the part of the gold democrat! to
re--a to the party, regardlett of the
tllver istue and Bryanism, which drove
them out of the democratic party four
yean ago.
Hryan Maw tars ot Mmnlnatlo.
New York, May 31. The Herald tayt:
William J. Bryan will be practically
nominated for president when the demo
cratic convention of this state mrett In
thit rlty next Tuofday. There will be
no oppotilion worth the name In over
ride all preeedenti of the orgainixation
and placing the national delegate! who
are to be chosen nnder instruction! to
tupport the Nebraska candidate in
Kansas City. All plani for c-ppoiing
Bryan in the national convention were
founded upon the hoatility of the New
York delegation and with thit removed,
the convention will be assured to him in
Conferences held by the opponents ol
the plan to Iri'truct the dele galea showed
that a majority of the ttato convention
wat against them, and they gave np.
With the Tammany vote and the dele
gates from the interior of the state wno
bava betn instructed for P.ryan, hia
friendt claimed 275 of the 4'.'o delegates
In favor of instructioni.
Caught a Dreadful Colli.
Marion Kooke, manager for T. M
Thompson, a larn in. porter ol Cue mil
linery at I0oH Milwaukee Avenue, Chi
cago, rays: "During the lale severe
weather I caught a dreadful cold which
kept me awake at niiht and made me
unlit to attend my work during the day.
One of my milliners was taking Cham
berlain'! Cough Remedy for a severe
cold at that time, which teemed to re
lieve her to quickly that I bought tome
for myself. It acted like magic and I
began to improve at once. I am now
entirely well and feel very pleased to ac
knowledge itt merltt." For tale by
Blakeley & Houghton.
( lira's Case tu Iteat.
W AsmsriTOS. May 31. lhe tenate
committee on privilege! and elections
hat reached an agreement with the
friends of Senator Clark, of Montana, to
allow the senator'! rate to rest w here it
it with the understanding that no further
steps shall betaken to have either Clark'a
or Maginnia' credentials refeired to the
committee and that no further action
fhall be taken on the resolution of the
ommiltee concerning Senator Clark a
original election.
(lorloua News.
Comet from Dr. D. B. Cargile, of
Washita, I. T. He writet:
Four bottlet of Electric Bitiert hat
cured Mrt. Brewerof rcrofula, which bad
caused her great tuiTering lor years.
ferrihle tore! would break out on her
head and face, and the best doctors
could give no help; but her cure is com
plete and her health is excellent." This
shows what thousand hive proved,
that Klectrlc Bitten it the best blood
pnritier known. Itt the supreme
remedy for eczema, tetter, talt rheum,
ulcers, boils and running sores. It
stimulate liver, kidneys and bowels,
expels poisons, helps digestion and
builds np tha strength. Only SO centr,
S dd by Blakeley Houghton, Druggist-.
Guaranteed. 4
The Cleirnan Meat lull.
Citti'AiiO, May 30. Chicago puckers
saw a chsnco lor rein I Iron, the rt
strictions of the Ocrmao meat bill in
the information cabled Inst night I hat
the bill was not going Into tir.ct until
October .Vh. By that time, it is sup
posed, German opponents of the meat
bill will be able, perhaps, to modify some
of itt workings
The Heat Iteniriljr for IthelimelUrn.
All who use Chamberlain Pain It 1 1 in
for rheumatism are delighted with the
quick relief from pain which it alTonl.
When speaking of this Mr. D. X. Sinks,
of Troy, Ohio, says: "Some time ago I
bad a teve attack of rheumatism In u.
arm and shoulder I tried numerous
remedies, but got n i relief until I a nt
recommended by Messrs. (ieo. F. Par I
Sons A Co., ilmcitistl of this place, to
try Chamberlain's Pain Palm. They
rerommenned it s i highly thai I bought
a bottle. u soon if Html of till oiii.
I have since recommended this lini
ment to munv of my friends, w ho agree
with me that it is the best remedy for
mntciilnr rheiimatim in the market."
For sale by Blakeley A Houghton.
Anilrew ('rnl' Wraith.
Nitw Yokk, May 30. Henry W. Lucy,
M. P., writing to the Till. one from
London, quotes a friend of And ew
Cartegie at sat lug that the ironmaster
has lately decided that his possessions
can las readily converted into hyd ev".
and will amount to t.'OO.OOO.OCO.
Catarrh Caowot be Cared
with local applications, as they cannot
reach the tent of the disease. Catarrh
is a blood or constitutional disease, and
in order to cure it yon must lake inter
nal remedies. Hall's Catarrh Cure is
taken internally, and actt directly on
the blood and mucous surfaces. Hall's
Catarrh Cora it not a quack medicine.
It was wat prescribed by one of the best
phynleienf In thit country for yer-s, and
it a regular piescription. It is composed
of the beat tonica known, combined with
the bett blood purirleis, acting directly
on the mncout furfaces. The perfect
combination of the two ingredient! ii
what produce! inch wonderful result! In
curing Catarrh. Send for testimonials,
F. J. Cheney A Co., Trope., Toledo O.
Sold by drruggisti, price 7V.
Hall's Family FUlt are the beat. 12
Almost ,o,ooo,ooo ia April Have In
creased 150 PerCeot in Ten Years.
Washington, May 31. (Special to the
Kvenii.g Telegram.) An exportation of
1 10,000,0(10 worth of manufacture! in
thirty dayt ia a reord unparalleled for
American manufacture". That is the
record for the month of April, 100. The
detail! ot the April exporlations just
completed by the Treasury Bureau of
Statieticr show that the exportation of
manufacturers during that month were
by far the greatest of any month in our
hiutory and within a fracnonof f40,000,-
000. This gives assurance that the ex
ports of the fiscal year, which neds with
June, will considerably exceed MOO.fluO..
000 and be nearly three times as much
is a decade ago.
This phenomenal Increase in eiporta-
:ion of manufactures ia enecil!v atrik-
ng when compared with the progrets
nnde by European nations, our rivals
n the attempt to supply the world's
narket with manufactured goods. Great
Britain's exports of manufacture! show
but flight increase aince 1890, and an
examination ot the export record of the
piincipal European conntiet failt to dis
close an instance in w hich the increase
has leen as much at 25 per cent, while
that of the United States, meanwhile,
hat been more than 150 per cent.
Cheered O'er Hia Grate.
Mw York, May 31. The Memorial
day service at the grave of Father Me
Glynn was mirked by bitter denuncia
tions of those in the Catholic church
a ho had disciplined the priest for htB
theories aa to the economic question.
At least 3000 persons were in the vicinity
of the grave, and as the Rev. Dr. Burt-s-ll
and others declared that Dr. Mc
Glynn had been a martvr ta the prin
ciples he advocated, the people forgot
the solemnity of the occasion and
The grave an I the monument at the
head were both completely covered with
flowers. When the rrawd had left, a
detail from the veteran corps of the
Sixty-r.inth regimer.t athered at the
grave ami uaid soldiers' lienors to
the dead priest.
Death ICate (.film War Veterans,
Newt Yoiirc. May 31. A special to the
Heiald from Washington says: Veter
an! of the civil war are dying otf at the
rale of ala ut S'a per rent rer annum.
Coinniie.'ioner Evaniestiiuatca that there
are alnint 925,000 survivors of the civil
war. Of this number there were on the
per.aion rolls last year 742,-)67. During
the year 24,787 pensioned veterans died.
Assuming that ti e death rate among
those not pensioned is the same as
among the pensioners, the total number
ot veterans who died during the year
would be ahout 30.855.
Commissioner Evans estimate! that
the average age of the veterans who
stiU survive is about 59 years. The last
survivor of the war of 1S12 died last
summer, 75 years after the close of that
war. At fie same rate, there will prob
ably be a few survivors of the civil war
still living in 1910.
fx-Oaem til Will Hue I role Sam.
San Francisco, May 31 The Call
f'ates that ex-ljueen Lilluokalani bat
decided to bring suit ngainst the United
States government for the restoration of
the crown lands and revenues. Colonel
McFnrlane, her confidential adviser,
said in reference to the matter :
"I have advised the queen to consult
Mr. Joseph O. Carter, her private agent,
ncfore bringing suit. A syndicste was
formed last w inter, which ( tiered to em
ploy the best attornet in tho I'nited
States to press claims, and briefs
and other papers for her case have been
"There it nothing to prevent her at
signing her claim to the crown lands to
whoever she may please, and the cauee
may be tried in foreign courts, bnt in
any event, it is likely that action will be
brought before the next session of con
gress." I'aeinratina r flll-ilnee.
New York, May 31. A Secia! to the
Her ild from Washingtin tayt; Another
effort in the dirtrtlon of the establish
ment of rivil government in the Philip
pines will be inaugurated tomorrow,
when the Taft Philippine ecmmlssioti
arrives in Manil.i. As toon after Itt ar
rival at possible, the commissi', n will
issue a proclamation embodying In-
trni-li.ini nri.l.r whii-h It -rill wlPriCCS
will inform the Filipinos that it has been
appointed to establish civil government
through the Islands and will urge their
It will co operate with, tha military
lervice until September 1, by which
time it It expected the municipal and
provincial governmenti will be in opera
tion. The conimiaiion will then separate.
Judge Taft remaining in Manila, and tha
fonr members being distributed among;
the fonr departments and acting in
dependently in the capacity of governor!.
The authorities have alio established
a system of espionage in China, designed
to apprise General MacArthur and Kear
Admiral Keuiey of liiihnstering ex
pedition. A Life Aail I-raih t ight.
Mr. W. A. Hinet ot Manchester. Ia.,
writing ot his almost miraculous escape
from death, tayt : ".Exposure alter meas
les induced serious lung trouble, which
ended in Consumption. I had frequent
hemorrhages and coughed night and day.
All iry doctors i-aid I must toon die.
Then I began to use Dr. Kin't Newt
Discovery lor Consumption, which com
p'ete'.y cured me. I would not be without
it even if it cost $Y00 a bottle. Hundreds
i n,ve u,ed " oa recommendation and
"r never fails to cure Throat. Cheat
and Lnog troubles." Regular fix? 50c
! ttnJ 1-00- TriaI bottlet free at Blakeley
Monghton I Drug Store. 4
It Was I'lafue.
San Francico, May 30 Dr. Kelloge;,
who haa been investigating the corpse
of a Chinaman found in a Chinese un
dertaking establishment, expressed an
opinion late last night that the China
man bad died of the plague.
"I am satisfied it ia the plague," be
said, "and I am confident that an au
topsy and animal inoculation will con
firm it. One not conversant with the
situation in Chinatown cannot imagine
the d.tlicuitiet that confront the inspec
tors, bat they can be imagined when I
tiy we have only discovered the cases
after the victims were dead."
Campaign la Lmos.
Washington, May 31. The following
dispatch was received at the war depart
ment laday fri.n General MacArthur at
Manila :
"Small surrenders continue to the de
partment in Northern I.nzm.
"Corino, the fugitive governor of Ben
get, rich and cctive friend of Agumaldo,
wat captured yesterday near Cabayan,
im portnnt.
"While scouting near San Miguel
Mayumo fLuzor) May 29, Captain Chas.
D. Roberts, Privates Mclntyr and
Akens were captured ; Sargeant Gallen,
privates McCourt and Green killed;
George Kiner wounded in the thigh,
Ail of ci mpany I, 35th regiment."
lie Fooled the Surgeons.
All doctors told Renick Hamilton, of
West Jt Hereon, O., after fullering IS
months from Kectaf Fistula, he would
die un!es a costly operation was per
formed ; but he cured himself with n've
boxes of Bucklen'a Arnica Salve, the
surest Pile cure on Earth, and the best
Salve in the World. 25 cents a box. Sold
by Blakeley & Houghton r.ri!t-gi-ts. 4
Dull Headache, 1'ams in various parts
of the botiy, Sinking at the pit of the
stomach. Loss of app-tite, Feverishness,
Pirn plea or Sorct all positive evidences,
of impure blood. No matter how it
became to it innst be puri.i-d tn order to
obtain rood health. Acker's Blood
Elexir baa never failed to cure Scrofulous
or Syphilitic poisons or any other blood
diseases. It is certainly a wonderful
remedy and we sell every bottle on
a positive guarantee. Blakeley & Hough
ton's dm;; store.
1 I consider Chamberlain'! Cough
Remedy the bct in the acrid for bron
0 litis," says Mr. William Savory, of
Wsrrington, England. "It haj taved
my wife's life, she having been a martyr
to bronrhiiit for over eix years, being
most of the time confined to ber bed.
She is now quite well." Sold by Blake
ley A Houghton.
The Appetite uls float
Is envied by all poor dyspeptics whose
stomach and liver are out of order. All
such should know that Dr. King's New
Lifo Pills, the wonderful stomach and
liver remedy, gives a spl ndid appetite,
sound digestion and a regular bodily
habit that insures perfect health and
great energy. Only 25 cent! at any
drug f tore. 4
Cash la tsar Cheeks.
All county warrants regittered prior
to June 3, 1S90, wiil be paid at my
office. Interest ceaset after February. 2,
jOO. C. L. Phii.lip,
County Treasurer.
Campbell A Wilson will tell their line
ot millinery, trimmed and uolrimmed
halt, flowers and children'! Lat. at
greatly reduced piieei for the next
thirty dart. Please call and let ior
Freeh cracked Nebraska corn at the
Wasco warehouse. Finest kind of
chicken feed. mcb25-tl
Clarke A Falk have on sale a full Una
of paint and artiat't brasher.