The Dalles weekly chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1947, May 30, 1900, PART 1, Image 4

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" Its a very good world to live in
To Ion J, or to spend, or to give in
But to buy, or to borrow, or to get a man's own
Its the very worst world that ever was known."
And Worst of all
The dear old world is busy, trying to
Forget how to give a lot for a little.
Its a fad of ours to be frank
And besides,
If we advertised it all time
To give you irore than " your money's worth"
It would" be an insult
To your intelligence.
This is rjUhat We DO do
Wti give you
One Hundred Cents' worth of
Merchandise for One Dollar every time.
Ask some of your friends they know.
Jrlen's all-wool Suits $5.00 to $25.00
Boys' all-cuool Suits $1.85 to $10.50.
ENGLISH PIMITIKS Neat little patterns in
delicate colors at 20o per yd
FOULADRINES The great leader in Wash
Fabrics at 15o
SPOT CBF.PE In solid colors, popular goods
for wrappers 20o
PRESS GOODS Homespuns, Covert Cloths, Serges,
etc., for unlined skirts, 52, 51 and 5 inches wide,
at $1.00, $1.50 and $2.00 per yard.
Summer Vests.
SILK VESTS An assortment of extra pink and
blue, at 05c, 75o, $1.00 and $1.25
and long sleeves, low neck and sleeveless,
short sleeves 10c, 12'e, 15c, 20c, 25c and .T.c
ON THE COUNTER Cleaning up odds and
ends we have placed on the counter vests sell
ing in tho regular way for 25c, 30c and 155c, at l'.o
All Goods Marked
in Plain Figure.
Uu Orru at Tm Dai.iss, Om.,
A.rll , l'M. I
Nolle. I. hen-he llrm Ihsl Ih. Mliiwlnt
namnl .elller hsa 0 U-.I male. ol hi. luletiliou h.
nl III.. I iir..l In upNil o( hi. i.l.lm. and
Ihsl ld .r.N. In. made helor. Hi Minl.ur
.n, K.ivu.t .1 lh.lalle, Oi.ou. u Miur
day, Juuep, n. u
Henry Readel, n( The nail", Or.,
Homestead K.ilrv No 7t. tor th K' w'Uon
, l..n.hii I iiorlh. ran. I.' asl, w
He tiaine. In lollnll. T"V HI.
eonttuuuus u-sideuc. Uau aud rulllyalluu ul
a.l.l Un.l. Tl
llenrj I .Heidi., liatirnn Arnold. I harlt. W.
Adau.a, Mlcliwl lhi l, alio! 111. 1'allwi. nr.
maj.M JAY P. UTAH. Hel.ter.
Ob. lay thy band in mine, dear!
We're growing old:
Bat time bath brought no sln, dear.
That hearts grow cold.
'Tit long, long since our new lore
lite divine.
But age enricbeth true lore
J-Ue noble wtne.
And lay thy cheek to mine, dear.
And take thy ret:
Mine aim. around thee twise, dear,
And make U nest.
A many care arc- presstrg .
On thia dear head.
But torrow'a hands lc blessiug
Are turely laid.
Oh, lean thy life on mine, dear,
'Twill shelter thee!
Thou wert a win .ome vine, dear,
On my young tree.
And so, till boughs are leafless
And birds are Hown, .
We il twine, then lay us, grielless,
TYgetner down.
Gerald Majey.
tance fntu ;he Wyeth water lank and
lain down beside it and gone to tleep.
A carve near by made it impossible for
the engineer of the train to lee the man
till the engine wat almost on him. He
WHt dragged about 300 feet. Hit head
nd one foot were completely cnt off,
and parti of hie body, including his
teeth, were scattered over the track.
(lis clothes were completely torn off
except one cock and a portion of one of
bis shoes. The jury returned the fol
lowing verdict :
We the juty, empanneled by the
coroner to inquire into the cause of the
death of the body now before ns, whose
name is unknown to ns, hud that he
came to his death by being run over by
train No. 5, about -:15 o'clock a.m.,
May 27th, aaed about twenty-two years,
weinl.t about one hundred and fifty
pounds, height about five !eet ei.-ht
inches; black hair, smooth face, and
that be came to his death bv his own
Deirliitence by Wing on the track.
Wyeth. Wasco countv. May 27, 1000.
Nicholas Stokok,
Wv. MirntLL,
Cuarlfs Kvaxs,
II. I. Hakpham,
W. B. Yaht.
Roberts is One Day's March From
Johannesburg Pretoria May He
London, May , 3 a. m. Lord Rob
erts is now within a day's march of Jo
hannesburg and Oeneral French and
General Hamilton fought the Boers from
noon nntil evening Monday, with what
result is not known here.
II. J. Wigam, In a dispatch to the
Daily Mail, dated Lonrenco Marques,
May 28, says: "The demoralization ol
the Transvaal is remarkable. I'anic and
tesluroay s Itaiiy.
R. C. Brock wis in town today from
Mr. and Mrs. James Kelly, of Kings
ley, are in the city.
Emit Heckler, of Wapinitia, is regis
tered at the Umatilla House.
Hiram Dustin, the well-known Gol
dendaie lawyer, is in the city.
O. Hendershot is registered at the
Umatilla House from Goldendale.
Monday's Daily.
Hon. W. H. Biggs is in the city from
Hon. F. N. Jones, of Bakeoven, was a
passenger on the midday train today from
I her of duly authorized enlisted ship of
Frederic Joslyn, a former resident of .r (roin pl . th GrMt Lak.
The Iai!e, is registered at the Lmati'ia t ' : , . ,, , . ,
House from New York. Tn" "P''" the John Hay advised
, ,. . , ..... Chief Kio'.ey that be was on dangorous
Ed Histetler today took his two liUle . , , ,
iris to falern. where the will snend ; roand "rhen ,ue ordHr """-to "'0"'t
their summer vacation with their grand- the cannon on the tug, bnt the rhiel
mother. , said that he so'ild iwnm; hs responei
Tuesday Daily. bility. The chief of the squatters,
A. J. Dnfnr was a passenger on the ' Captain Streeter, has determined, it is
mid-day train today on his way to his ' eaid, to call the matter to the attention
ranch at Dofur. ! of the resident British Coneu'.
Its Violated International Laws.
Chicago, May 23. In trying to drive
off Captain Streeter's "sq'iatters" from
the lake front, Chief of Police Klpler,
acting in behalf of the city of Chicsg,
is alleged to have committed a breach of
international law. By arming with
thnee-inch cannon the fire tug Illinois
and the tug John Hay, Chief Kipley,
it is (aid, transgreed the agreement
betweer. the United States and Canada
whirn prohibits any bat a specified num.
tora Pastes. Thvansvlrss I post
la t'OMwresiattoa,
A rich rotigri'Kutimi lu s not need
to (To to the puurt'st pnrt of the city to
do mist-liii f, fur it ran crciile, if it an
please, a nursery of (rent eel tramps
Milliin it own boriirrs, writes
Ian Muclnreu, in Lnilim' Home
Journal. When a minister nnd his
people h.-ne tlio ripiilation ot n
oft heart, nnd by tlmt U often meiint
a soft head, the liens sprrui'li f:ir
and ide, nnd tl rre is i;n imiiit ili.ite
ncceKsiou to the niiinbrr of uorship
ers. Trmli-sprtiplf ,( li e Inner -l.r.s
who h to pu-h llu-ir Imsiiiesa nmrihi
not fi l l siili;. ii nl.'v ronliili nt uIumiI
the jfnod.s tln-y sell; yonntr men hn
hnve Inst t In ir .sit uat ioiis I-, ,iiise t lie v
wouldn't do their Mink: Limine (,f
Wlillieli uln, Unlll.l . ..l .i.l. r il 1.... I.
confusion prevail everywhere. Every i them to do nnMhii f,,r tl i ir ,,n lie.
inp nnd nre rnfi-p' in h:it may be
called ift-ti t.--l raidini:; ii ,,li- men
of business himi no li.-n:!, ,ni!d I rust
uilh fifly dnlhirs. lint ulio .,,,e I., K, t
n thousand by ii,iliin,- I he .! iin,u on
the Mount -nil thi s,- t-niher ninl n
down within the s1(.:!rrinr walls of
the Christian a-yluin.
M. T. Nolan has been np for a few Caught a lreadrui told.
.s1" Hei.mlnjn!L.,rT?n of,Baker Marion Kooke, manager for T. M
coanty. He is expected nome torior- , , .
ro.,f Thompson, a large importer ol finer:::!-
Lm. P. McCartv. publisher of fhe,inery l Avenue, Chi-
Statistician and Economist, is in thei0""'' ,a-v,: Coring the late severe
city in the interest of the tale of the ' weather I caught a dreadful cold which
edition of 1SC9-1&00. j kept me awake at night and made me
Mrs. George Herbert and three ch il-! nnfit to attend my work during the day.
dren arrived here todav from her home : Ona of m millinra an ri.m.
in Cornucopia to ppnd a month with
relatives in The Halles and Antelope.
Mr. and Mrs. William Hlaats, of
I) fur, arrived litre today on their wav
borne from attending the grand lodge of
Odd Fellows and Rebeccas at Astoria.
Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Bolton, who
have been visiting here for a short time.
left for their home at Antelope yeeter-! Blakeley A Honghton.
7 1Mr7 were accompanieu vf trie
manes vesta ana l-.tlie Bolton
berlain'f Cough Remedy for a severe
cold at that time, which seemed to re
lieve ber to quickly that I bought some
for myself. It acted like magic and I
began to improve at onca. I am now
entirely well and feel very pleased to ac
knowledge its merits." For sale by
one is weary of the war and full of fear
as to the coming of the British. Opera
tions were being curie, 1 on for encircl
ing I'reto-ia with telegraphic com
munications. Fourteen points in the
lice of defenses were connected with
hendquirters and with the Stasis
artil.ery, bnt this apparently was the defensive measure adopted. There
irsre no other visible preparations.
"Around Johannesburg a few trenches
have been dug, but no other steps have
been taken for defense. The railway line
is blocked with refugees from the west
and southwest, who are parked like sar
dines in trucks. The government is now
endeavoring to reassure the biiblir by
telling them that the British will not
outrage and plunder them, but it is too
late. The previous misstatements are
bringing their rewards.
"Fjod is very scarce, and prices rule
high. The proposal to release the British
prisoners of war is due to this cause.
Members of the government and of the
Volkjraad express approval of the pro
posal, but President Kruger ia violently
Of f,oed to it.
"Oil form of infernal machine, which j
meets with much approval, is to be laid
uimer tin rails oi va ious lines. A pres
a.iaads lienril In a llallonw.
Mr. .1. M. I'a. i.n. i:e Kniflishman, w ho
rtith his ilniijrhtc r made a lofty balloon
"scent to nc ti e in, leor shower
Inst Not ember. ti-IU some iiitereMin;
I hint's about tie mhiihI that reached
their ears. At the height of J.O'O feet
the riiitfinir of horses' f.-.-t on a hard
road could be heard. At 1,'in the
tplashirjr sound inadi- by ducks In n
pom) vins audible. The bin kinir of dos
anil the crowing of cocks could be heard
at T,(ior S.UM feet. These soiini! ,:en-
j -trateil through a white llonr of cloud
! which hiil the earth from siirht. fn
the perfect silence of the air nrnurid
the balloon they were startled by what
teemed steidlhy fool .steps close ut hand.
IineKtipation showed that this sound
vas caused by the stretching of the
rope and th! yielding of the silk as
the balloon continued toexpamV,
t'snan er.ris I.asu tirrn s, 5
las IUIIS..HS , Alsy l.l. I'"'
A .uinel'tilis,iilrslsln.lavll bavlug been Sled
In Ibis iirlUss br l,us a. Alelamler, iHlilistalit,
assln.l hme.l,sid snlry No. .'i.';7, nisds May It
Isia., d,r sw, ul no',, see a, ls I n, rang 13 ,
by John T. w riahl. vousssleo. In whleb It Is si
l..srd thsl ssld John I WrlgM bss wholly
slH.ndn,sl ssld Irai'l, and eliangisl his resident
Iherelntie lor uoire lhall .la mmilhs slue niaa
lug ssld entry, slid lies! i,il,,r to Usle: and
thai the aU. lie ol deleiidalll tlom said Irael Is
n,l due to his employment In In niHHsry ir
its, si .of Vlee ,tl lh I u I usl Slsle. .Ml, wnw
sre hereby littllSMl to snfH'sr, respond slid "Iter
euil, nee Innenilig .nl,l all.wsinill s. i o n' a
a. m. on June jn. !.. bofors lbs Kmlsler and al lbs I tilled Males land little III l bs
Pltli,a, 4lwi.
The ssld isiiilesUliI li.rlur, In a proper srllds
VII. Ill,sl llsv l.s rso. iw-l litrllt Iset. Hlth ll SIK
Ihsl slier due dlllsenee i-eiMins) M-rvlr l tills
nnllereall litd be mat!,-. II I. Iietebv ofilurrd slid
dlneted IIihI .Mill lnile to' ginell Iir du sud
, prols'r luibllesllull.
NorirK K)K rriii.ic.vTios.
1.4 Mil Or-rn It AT 'AUt cI'VlH. M M ,
Vlav IT. I I
Ntidri la lirrrhr vlvrit Itmt t!t h.U.iwtugJ
tinii-t! ttftUi'l- !) Illrtl i.Ilt- or Um liilvtill'
to ttmht Una I itriMif hi uiMr1 f hi rlniin, 4nt
IIinI wiiil inf will t iltaslt larttif W H 'r-l
I itihtl htnl i omntlMtuitrr, mi lii'lilpuilalt.
ou July o, l ui, vU:
A .ah l K. Ollr,
t.n matl.- . I So. wvV f.r th frrtl..f W.
SV v-Tti :i N, K 1 1 K, and KK't ul Nfc,
IW . , 1 p J, H la! l, . 3.
lit hiuici irt fitllowlnf; I tn tti rr.rv hi
rstntttiicu utHitt, Biti ruitiiin im
mI1 laiul, it
Kixrl A rtrmitlirrv. lirlnl K. Timttivn. H 111
lam (anti-r, Jtlili Kutr, all of I 1 I, it.
V hligUu.
W K. I't -JtlhK,
mijii I itri-ur.
LaNii Orrt ml Tn h l'Li a ,l
Aj.iu V, l-Mt. i
Nolle U hrrt'tr liven Dial I'le litllnw lng
hantfsl ftvltlrr lia tluM nullrr tt hla lutmtluM l
niakt Itiial ril .n .ii.;ir t-t In mint, aiisl
that hi ftit will trtt iiia lr tw-fofr ltnriir
aut Ktviir at ih lalU, (.r- Muit, n H(tir
llatT. JlIU t., al), (J
Wilkin J. JitIr- tif The P.iilt, Or.,
ii.tmralvasl I'ii try No, f..f the N'.N (
h-i-iuiu t4iiii I iicrlls, isii gv it m.,, ill
lii- nanut lb (uli.vtiifj llntwMa tn prn tit
O'iMiniioiif Tiiitm iittl at.ti c.llli all'tu Kl
all laittt. VI
Jnnifa Hrtiwt.n, Jr , Jamra MfttMtti, ft , ft Iff
(tt-llri-y, iMaf llokf laixl, m'.t ut 1 tie t'IU-w, Ot.
mm) ll JAY I. II ,4.,
tiso.aieu rart.)-I'uhoU
t0rvif8ai Tag lUit....,,,,,
Nolle, 1. her.1,, , ,h ".la:
b ssell.MIlH. tt, , Ke 1 '"tag ,
tlis ai l ol ....grss. si,,w, J;.b"'
d.,t lb. i,h da, ..f j. V t ,, ?.'
lu ., rha-k a. m .1 u.lsirie., IU; b
ul Isnd, Ui sill. 'ssln jl.
II as, W. M. n""M,
Any ftiiil All bar.n rlahiii..-
.i .l.-i.U.I .sr lb milling I,, IW
1 ' '
I.A.vDOrrn K at V .... tn. v ki i
Ntitirt I hctft.r U'n that thr ft.ljnwlna;
liail-.r! lll r lina HIm HotHx of hi hllff
tlofl to lim.i' Hint .rl lit tiptxiit ,r Ma
rijitm, ami thai tNl jn..f lll Ijv mmlr tirf.rtt?
W. i I'n tt.T. l iitiril ht.t' 1 "'ii in it' :i'r l-.r
lM"lili't ol VI ailiififft.tii, at til iiM.- ht l.sjlilrt
dalr, U ah, ttfi I rtilav, Jtino if i, I '.a it, li
I't'itrii h II. Strgntnn, ileviaro tif IMrlrirh
ltftfiniti), (Iter1 I ;
Mliirfral V ittr Tlo. :(., f..r trie HilhTrtwt 4
..( tn-v tl.. 11 (J, tn Mil whip i in. fill of rai K It nil,
Will. M.r.
lit tiann Iht f..l low ln tnrtw a tn j.rstv M
rliMniMHia rt-aliU-tu v llifii anil rtitllialitiu is
mi il laiul. vti
Vtami'-I M In'tiar.t.i. tti lifimt l!!stj I n
V lt : ! r ilia 11 h iik ikt. H liltiei V i kliit-.-n,
"1 " . '! -t 11 imiii maii'ru,
of I. cmihI 1'nllr. Y Ut!i
W It H Nil K.
.DMIMsrUAloU'S .oru K.
Notl'-t hi-n l rlvt'ti lltal th- iitilftiitttn.t
liy an i-f.l. r o( lh i i iv . urt ul tltr nuii . I
or-' ir W iw.i 1 (MiKir, hi I i.' it (-'I
a.lnilhKtralor ( tht rtM nf II-ir-t llr.f .mi,
'Itf.-ftM't. All tiavlna; i-ialitia aaliwi
the lnt-o( j, the. ,-,, I mttl n, UUn tn ( rr
" i m. in, a 1111 ifitw I'Ti'Tar viMirlirraj, ,( lt A;
ll'Nal Ki.r. nn-"n. viii 1 11 i hiMiitlia Imiu
utr imii' im. fl-p.
I'uU-l May ).", i KNi,
I'l'TNtM r. t a a ficmt.
A'ltiilt'Mrafor tif that i-wi.i. n-i.. 11...1
ii'fi, li-rri, ia 1
(lasalalaal Tr-et -I'.l, Ua "
Millie. I. hrreb, g, lh., '' !
In.lruellim. fit.u. ti. omn,,,.., " .m ,
er.l land ,.le. umle. aiiih..,,., l as
UT sveiion swi it. H. Ksv sui .. 7 St
Hi. a. I .4 eongrs.. sppr, '.,"h"s s
siiii nriss-d bitil1t. ., ..... .. -"IS
ds. III. Slh da. ... S
ul MiuVks-k a. m . al I hi. ,!.,. 'oi ?
Ual ) land, tivvu """Was.,
i- w j. a. sr. SI, T I N. It 1 1 g .
An and all psrs.,ns s-Uin.i.!. II
de ill lan.l. ... s,K,l""i.lir tss, tins urnea .hi ,h ., .- - ,
dr.lgn.le.1 ..r Ih. ,,, ,,'
uibeiwiH n.bu in i ,K . .i.-
tilla I'ATIIKWIM s '
sprlS I
NOTICK lull i-uiiucTrmT
I . si. orri, s.t V4x,, v.Kia'
Nolle. Is hetehy tilZiL.J
I. sii.e.1 sstllers fcsr. m
II. .n to ...... Bm.i p,,., . "'W
eisim snd Ml. j1"'
W. II fie.1... r.,iu.l aisle. ! M.,
lM.t.1.1 .. W..I.1,,,, n .7.1 S';--1"
dale, h., M..od.,, Jul, , t?
II. mr i,
ll imesbs.,1 enirr V,. f.,r tr. KI, j.
1. 1 e n. M it tf. w ti. .i, ,. , "ZL''
!..( nllnj-e. u, pe.,,. ,. r..u,Z?
U-.n and e.illliralli.n ol uh issd ,
VI. nu. l..a.n.,, w III I.,,, u ,,,. ,
f"""" U M''''V .11 lo
f. O , It ..lilisn.ll. w lamsn
rra.els I.. s....,
n.imeslesd t'utir Nn HI. Mi, l,ts,fM
..I ee. 7. Tp , S, K ,!, , "ft the I.. II. .!,,( . It,,,.., I
U.'.d Mlsr'''"nP" " ""'""
Msi.uel l,iiar, , Willi. m VI iii.
wulilgsn, llenr, '
II. , a.l.ltiglu. sm,us, ,
B.aMll l SbAllUs,
NOTICK Kilt riT.I.lCMws,
l .soorn. a it V.s, ,., .,. ,
....... K.l li. lu 'l
Jt.ille. Is si.n II,.. il. l ,.L
l.sninl M'(llf hs. Slcl niilliv nl .1.
l.l mske K II. I ,p, ii U , b!,,- m
Ihsl ..l.l pr... am l ,f,. (
, iiiTni is.r. f ,nitiil..i,.t.,-r l. tiwlnrt .
It s.liiegi'iii, st Ills i.rt., iii
U.urg. It. .,.4ssr.
neslesd eiilir. No tt. , ib, ,i Skr 14
writes: "lfavlnir
a 1,1 cause this to eiulodH a it li moat ter. t. .,.,!
M. P. Isenberft cams in today from
Kingsley, whera ha addressed a political
Meeting last night. .M r. Wnberg-, who
it a veteran of the civil war, will remain
over tomorrow and attend ti.a memorial
awrices. I. Hla.p Ua th. Traeb.
Coroner Butts held an Inquest at
Wyeth yesterday on the body of a man
that bad been killed by a passenger
train that morning. The evidence
abowed that the deceased was a tramp.
Ua wat testing his way ti Utah, which
be claimeJ to be his home. Jle had
told a witness the night before at Trout
dale that be bad been cn the road seven
yeart. He appeared to be demented
nd bad not a cent of money on bis
perron. He bad built a fire in the
middle of the main track a short dia
stasis' rillplnoa Rorr.nriercd.
Washisotox, Mar 28. The war de
partment received the following cable
gram from General MacArthur, at
"Three officers and M men, with 44
rifles, lanenderrd unconditionally at
Cnyspo yesterday. Three officers, 40
men, with 65 rifles, surrendered uncon
ditionally today at Tarlac. These spon
taneous surrenders are very encourag
ing." N. I'lagu. la Has.
Sax Fbaxi isco, May 2S. The house-to-house
inspection of Chinatown is be
ing continued by the inspectors of the
board of health, but as yet no case of
bubonic plague has been discovered.
Confidence is being restored among the
Chinese, and it is expected that most of
the it will reopen their stores today.
rible tflVet. Many ,f these machines j nan
are being made at the arsenal, and great
caution will have to l;e employed in neu
tralizing them.
There has been a decided c'.ange in
public opinion, which has bicime rp'te
Kng!ih. The burghers on command
sing; vjou nave trie. 17 leen,' ami ttiey
CAnnot be stopped. All a-e sick of war
fare. In the towns the rabid anli-F.nglish
are less rampant. People are thinking
of their properly. The party eager for
surrender is now very influential, and
includes the political leaders in the front.
The intelligent public feel that the game
is up. False news no longer has any
j effect, and the lying reports of the news
papers are universally disbelieved. Al
though the hand of the censor has been
very heavy on news of all kinds recent N
every one believes the worse.
e iJ still waters run nil) (r deep,
tif 7ew words, but one of the mm
An eg-drajrenn
icrved under 'Silent French,' I was not
1 n trie I,.nr .a,,..,..;.....! ... n...i ..... i
sure of some tons' weight of the engine ,,,. rtlieved Kimberl.-v. lie la nn
business (re n era 1 In the army and a
-ijrid disciplinarian. I heard him
summed tip by n trooper whom he had
sentenced in u word or two to II days'
'oiifincment t) barracks: 'Old French
lon't bark n bit; but, crikey, don't ho
I iloomin' well bite!"1 fxunlori ( hron-
Admlnlslralur's Hal. of I rop.rly
N'lee I. h,-r, to tlvcii lh.1 tr.,m .Tut .I!-, .1,.
muni (inr ,11 jin.e. I Mill i,rNS.l n. ...II .1 i,,r ,-a.ii, iu li.U'.oltig ,l,erlis
I..,,, ikhttisiiti i., ii,. rstale i,l I'atllik
mi w ,,, ore,'. r i, , , wif
. ,1. .1. I . ... I . I I! .1 I I L I 1..
niik x n! fnrt Ksllrs mm.,. '.,..,....' ,..
Tf liiformalloli ln.iilre al (tIBi of mmiott A
,Ti, ii,,,
I'alMl st iMllas ( lly 11,1. ,ih ds of Mn, psn
A .1 im I nisi rnt 1 1 s t the ..Isle ol f.lrlek ll'rli.
(tif, ...
j Jit. K. at. KHI.I SUM.
I'liysioiiin ami Surniu,
Olllee, k (ver l'i,.tnieel.
JOaplmodw 1 UK DAI.I.I'rl, IlKKi.dN
t.lnrlwna M.tta.
Comes from Ir. I). II Catgile,
Special reserve old government whis
key, recognised by the highest medical
authority in the lsnd; especially recom
mended by the board of health of San
Francisco for hospital nse, also A. P.
O'F.rien, M. I., captain and surgeon,
and Win. I). McCarthy, msiorand sur.
geon U. S. army, as the purest unadul
terated stimulant for ronvslesc. n's, In
valbls and family ue. ol ! by Charles
.Stnbling. tpiaO-dlm
To secure the original witch bagel
salve, ask for DeWitt's Witch Hniel
Washita, I. T. He writes
"tour tattles of F.lertric Hitlers has
cured Mrs. Ilrewerof rcrofula, which bad
caused her great suffering for years.
Terrible sores wonld break, out on her
head and face, and Ihe best doctors
could give no help; hut her cure is com
plete and her health is egcellent." This
thowe what thousands have proved,
that Klectric Bittert is the best blood
purifier known. Itt Ihe supreme
remedy for ergms, letter, salt rlienm,
ulcers, boils and running gores. It
stimulates liver, kidneys and bowels,
einels poisons, helps digestion ami
builds np the strength. Only o0 cents.
Hold by Blakeley rft Houghton, Druggists.
Guaranteed. 4
Columbia River Ice A Fuel Co. wishes
to announce that they will deliver ice to
any part of the city at all hours of the
day or night. 'I'hone 33 or 81 Long
Dist. ; 75 or 8 Seufert & Condon.
jVIaiep & Benton
Carry the following lines:
Maltese Cross Oanlm lose,
Foree ami Spray Pumps,
Farm ami (Jardeti Tools,
CarjientiTs' Tools,
Aennotcr Wiml Mill,
Tinning and Plumbing,
Iron Pipe,
Sewer and Chimney Pipe,
Cleveland Bicycles,
Crawford Bicycled,
Fishing Tackle,
dins and Bifles,
Bicycle Sundries,
Bicycle Kepainng,
Delft Ware,
Cedar Posts,
Barb Wire and Nails.
IV. l. J. N .1 ti II It. W VJ
11. ni me. th. Itillftariti. .itilu M.
hi. e., re.ldri.e. uiM.11 .i,d..ut,.r
,m win mho . .1 ji :
ha 1, II. I'oi :d. i.l ll.,il..d n 1
Wer, leTdl i,,l,-im.-.r ,, a...'
Iieirr. Ilsrils.,,1 y. it.t.,n.. ikI., HartLlld V. II , ..!
"'Ill ;w. K. Pt'NKtt.tiguai
lasntun, g at Tna ius..ottw
A'll , 1st .
Nolle. Is lierrt,. gtren Ihsl ISe ML
Bsmril s. Illrr liss Bl.,1 I.. Ilee ,. lila.tlwu, fltisl tiovf lit .u..M.rl .f hi. t'tm .slil t,l, i .III ! r ..I. t h. lb. (,
S..' .'l(.r si 1 he linOva, .10(14., tM UJ
ilsy. June Id, I's.), Hi.
Jens I. The Ilalles.O.
Il,iiitetes. Kntrr So I'.ll. f,r Uit HWv, t
' ll.m .'I. s.,4 .', M. ' , .u l ',r4
t'O.n.1 t 1 no. Hi, rsiiff 1.' rs.l, a. a
lie nsie'-s II.. .ill,,w:i.s .iiti.MM l. w
hi. r.ii-ii.,(i,rti. rvsltlriiiv ui.'ii simI
01 .su: i-i.'i, is
J,'lo. I'fsl,', 1 hsrlr. nl.-, I p HurlSMS.
Sli.t'..,.ia all ol l b. li.ll.. ...rffxf..
snajJI JAV I'. I I I As. Rf-iar
I isd nrrn a at Van "i . .'
M.v l IfS 1
Nolle. I. Iitrehr slirn Hi. I tti. (m.'.1
ns.neil M.fte,. tis.s fklel,-r.l llrlli:e:
nizti r.,,.1 rMl( in .t.t i.rt l liirireiuw.
Hist ul.l I r.. l mil 11 . 1.1. r. IM -t "
sti.f r,erlv.f 1,1 Ihe I5, s. Ulid ultl;. si MS
.er, sT...,on a, r.u, 11.
(i.nffa. It Hast,.ra,
ah,i tna,1e II t!. No ,i. f.,r Hi. s1; 'I
svs I. so. N ' Hre I. Tli J V K 12 1.
ho 11a. i.e. Hie f,ll,,STls a in,r.w-. U SS" M
iioillniiiiii. ie.,l.i.c U.i aiel eullli.usa
.Sill .Mil, I. Vl.
Ils.kln, r' Mrrlsi. Ttc.
M. TI0,.,0, K.l.nnl A. llois, .Urt.)"
krl.llaa IM.rfc..a."
nhii m.,1. II. K. Nit lor Ihe s'
,. e.. 1, 1 4 N. K IJ.
l.sme. If,, fa.ll. w trial wllnr...-. I" le'T v
euriiin.ii.i.s rsileiie arsiu eulti.suis "
SSl'l 1st!,, lfc
lls.klu Iralioe, J"hB I'si.Nii. Jsaii "1
ie"ls II. Mat. lord, all l I.) Us s.blUl
lis. tin Ttahns,
who msit. II. f . N,. l. r llieV'i
I, sml N", N W ... ,e in, 1 1, X V K I. '
l. ns a Ih. f..l I..W ItiaT I'tF""' ie.l,eii,si ui"i. ruiu.-1
Mhl In. i,l, 1 ,
I I, tl. li.ii IKIrlu.n, Thi-tn.s M. "',
eoTire II. Hal.1,,1,1, James H i. all ol l)' "
main I W. R. PIMiAK.R'fi
TtmUr l.ind, Act June S,lrT
r. H I iii (irirs. J
Tms Hiu.ii.. M" l'-1'" . '.
v...,..- , .., ih e,iU.I',r
wlttl Hie i,l ol Ihe s- t "I """Tr,
June I, "., si.lllle,! "Ail set I Ih.
Imt Isml. I Ih. .1st,-, ul I ''ll'ioiis,""
.Neiraila ami W 'aahlnitoii Jrtttuty.
wiimaS. K.lehant,
..f Th. Ii.ll.-s. ri.mitTi.l s. 't.t'ol'"
has tl... .Is? lili'il In llil. litre. o ,f
l.iriil No. I .'l, lor III. l,iin-l'n " - i, ,
anil S'a r-l-'.ol Merllirti N. W.
Nn II ... W ll , sml .III i.lW e'",.,",7i
Ihsl in. Is.., I ims:lil Is none '
llints-r.f slim. Ilisn (or slli uloirsl I" e
ami tii ntnhll.l. his elslin l "! I"" "V. ts
Hi-aUlef ami K'-eelver ol Hit. -
I miles, I Ireson, on
aslnr.lsr. Ih. I3.t day vt
.. . . . O..II. t t
It. nsme. ss wiiriessr. ,- l.uyf .
ch J. .li II. una ami w 'lllaia sfssm.
ol I he Hallo, (lr.sii.1. j.ll
Any sml all persons elalmlns a
shot . ll,-serHMit Isnils sr. reijue.!..! w .
elslm. In this nine, oil or nsfore ssiu-in., I'.s.i. ... . siib
aprls-luw I JAY r. I l
C. . laanornca. Vc;j;'i' i
Nolle. Is heletiT (Iven lhal M.rr f. 'j
br l. II. Mti-a-maii, her rnr "
nolle, of Inlel.tlon K. ti,t
W. M. I'resl.y, fulled mates '''" "'"',.
in. i, 1.0 ..1 .i ..i,o,...i si his ..n.L-e i .
nsle, Ws.hlnston. on KrH"'. ,',ii,a v
June, I's o, nn I Imls-r enllure ' A.pi , ,,.
lor the norlhes.t ,iisrter "I w
town. hip No. 'J north, rane N iVmoT
sue. H ... ..h.: ;:''?",,
Ilklnson, nlreiilervlll' r. f
m I raislotd, l '
(,rand I'slles H O., ah
MIIIIiiiii W
ami William
ms) 4 I
I.HKI). W.!
) ItTllIt!,
1 II at II A I
OB'os nrst rnl "at. Nn.