The Dalles weekly chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1947, May 30, 1900, PART 1, Image 2

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The Weekly Ghroniele.
AaW.rtlataS feat.
Om Ineh or leaa In laily
t tiM.t ti..h.. anj mult ftmr Inches.
Uf lour tiivtur. ao.l uudcr Iwelvt Indie .
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Ofartwelvo Inches w
Tbe mn wbo allows bimclf to lie
beguiled by clever sieecbes from
ilcaiocrsts, into believing that llie
tie rooc ratio jariy will carry the
election in June, will womler at bis
gui!i'k'5iie?s wben the votes are
cuunUil, and kick birosolt for throw,
ing away his vote on principles lie
Grids to be things of the past, says
the Pendleton Tribune. It is Im
possible to eliminate the personal
element in a county election, amun;
men who have known each other
for a number of years. This fact
roust be met and contended wiih as
far as possible, but the new man has
Dot that obligation of friendship
upon him and can vote straight for
bis ticket. We do not condone
voting for any man on an opposite
ticket but accept it as a fact that
men do such things, even when their
own party principles are much at
stake. There arc times hen it may
be done better than now, among re
publicans particularly. This is a
year when party loyalty is above all
friendships. Oregon, as has been
repented, strikes the key note of te
campaign throughout the entire
couctry. Let a single county in this
state go democratic nd it weakens
the effect of republicanism on the
United States. Bryan and bis fol
lowers will make the most of every
item in their favor. If one democrat
is elected in any county they will
boast of it, and if several are elected
they, will claim the entire county.
The results from constable to su
preme judge will be added together
and as big an account credited to
democracy as it will be within the
power of democrats and populists to
create. Were it not presidential
year it would not be so necessary
for men to vote for republican
principles instead of personal friends,
but the possibilities of a change of
policy in the administration of our
government should not be allowed 10
gain an iota of strength. One couuty
officer placed in the court bouse by
the democrats is too great an
achievement to allow, and can be
prevented if republicans vote solidly
for their ticket, which aside from
political reasons is well worthy of
their undivided support.
Referring to the timely letter of
M. J. Anderson, printed in another
column, The Ciihomclk at this time
has only this one word to say. The
editor of the Times-Mountaineer
never meant to be fair in iti attacks
on Mr. Roberts. The editor ot that
paper well knows that if there is any.
thing wrong about the increase of
the superintendent's salary that Mr.
Roberts is responsible only in a
alight degree. The increrse of salary
was lacked on as an amendment to
the Daly educational bill, known as
senate bill No. 3. The amendment
wk referred by the senate to the
Wasco delegation, which consisted of
Senators John Micbell and E. 15.
Dufur. They agreed on the amount
and so reported and both voted for
the hill on its final passage. In this
form the bill went to the bouse,
where it was referied to the judiciary
committee which reported It back,
recorr mending that it do pass, with
certain trifling amendments. In the
form recommended the bill passed
and Mr. Roberts voted for it. The
editor of the Times-Mountaineer
knew all this when he attacked
Mr. Roberts for voting for an
amendment that bad been introduced
and passed in the other house, by
the open vote of a man now seeking
election on the fusion ticket. If it
was wrong in Mr. Roberts to vote
for the amended bill, what was it in
Mr. Dufur? Will the Times-Mountaineer
please answer?
'Tbe democratic party has not
changed, but stands just
where it ,
did forty years ago." Times Mount
aineer. That's a mighty lad break
for a democrat. Forty years ago,
wis I860 and the tUaioc-ralic party
was mixed up at that time and for
tho live subsequent years in some
little affaiis that wo are all trying
our best to forcet. VTueu Howard
'and Osborne said tho other night
I that the oUi Itouibon democracy was
the same yesterday today and for
lever, it was charjjeit they were in tho
pay of tho republican national com
mittee. Is it possible that the Times-
Mountaineer and Mtk Il inna have
made a little deal on tho side?
The stark ignorance of the It iker
City Democrat or the cenfldence
with which it banks on tho ignorance
of its reader is conclusively demon
strated by tho following, which lately
appeared in the editorial columns of
that paper. The ouly comment
neeessaiy at this time is that tbe ship
subsidy bill has never been before
the lower bouse of congress for the
action of Messrs. Tongue and Moody,
and consequently they have no ex
planation of their action to mako to
The Hon. Malcolm A. "foody and
the Hon. Thomas H. "'Vngue, our
present representative. called
upon to explain their action in tbe
proposed ship subsidy steal that Is
being engineered through congress
by Mark Hanna. For political effect
the measure has been temporarily
dro ped, but will be revived after
tbe presidential election and mado a
law, unless the people arise and crush
these plaint tools who wear the brand
and collar of the Hanna ring. The
Standard Oil Company, and other
c i in i rial trusts of their like, hope to
rob the public of millions of dollars
by the passage of the ship subsidy
bill. Tbe Oregonian has denounced
the stea! in strong terms. Their lack
of consideration for tho people's in
te rests and their friendly actions for
tbe trust kings is sutlicient to condemn
Tongue and Moody to oblivion
There is but one way to thwart the
machinations of tbat imperious
rogue, Mark Hanna, defeat his bench
men at tbe polls. Voters, it is with
in your provinco to protect your
selves against the most gigantic
robbery ever attempted upon the
American people. Klect Tongue and
Moody and the steal is by your sane
tion; defeat them, and Hanna is
powerless to work bis infamous
designs. Vote tor Smith and Daly.
Robert Kcllv has made tbe best
sheriff Wasco county bas ever bad.
This is no mere campaign talk but
solid and admitted fact. He bas
brought to the office rare executive
ability and brought tho business of
the office np to a standard never be.
fore attempted. The funds which
have come into bis bands have been
promptly turned over to tbe county
treasurer. His books are models of
neatness, clearness and correctness.
Through bis dilligenco as tax col
lector the number of delinquents was
never so small, and tho amount of
interest thereby saved to the county
bas gone a long way towards paying
bis salary. He bas always been
found at tbe post o' duly and has
been sheriff in fact as well as in
name. This record, which is un
questioned and unquestionable, en
titles him to the second term for
w'iich be was nominated.
Tbe Times-Mountaineer says "the
democratic party doesn't want the
guilt on its bands of stealing Cuba."
Who proposes to give it a chance to
steal anything? It stole enough of
wages out of our pockets and bread
out of our mouths and clothes off our
backs during the last four years of its
supremacy to entitle it to be put in
the penitentiary for life.
The Dalles-Celilo boat railway
scheme that, whether designedly or
not, has been a stalking horse long
enough for killing off or postponing
the only practicable permanent im
provement, a canal and locks, seems
to have been abandoned for good.
The Times-Mountaineer is just
now profoundly impressed with the
dignity ar,d majesty of the inde
pendent voter. So arc wc if the
independent voter has the dignity
and majesty to scratch the demo
cratic ticket.
Senator Hoar is helping the cause
of Oregon coppcrhcadistu and Aguin-
n 1 , 1 r I,., r,.,m:u:nI. . .
jjti uniiiuj wii'gun cotirier-
heads to use his frank for the circula-
tion of his anli-cxpansion speech on
the Philippines.
The citizen In the second congres
sional district that votes against
Mr. Moody injures himself, says tho
Oregonian. Mr. Moody has been
one of the most untiring committee
men in the house, and his attention
is always devoted to the measures
which affect the interests of bis
district and state. The uietsiires
which he has origiuated, or of which
ho has been clearly the champion,
arc :
The minimum land bill, especially
importaut to settlers along the
Columbia river in tho forfeited
North l'acific railioad land grant.
1111 for T ,(00 appropriation for
Baker City assay otlicc.
Tabling of biils of Senator Foster,
of Washington, and Representative
Mondell, of Wyoming, which con
templated the leasing of government
grazing lands. This action was
taken with a view to rendering it
impossible for legislation to be
enacted which would turn over
public domain to corporations or
large stockmen, to tho detriment of
settlers and small stockowners.
The establishment of the free rurl
delivery for residents of tho Hood
River valley. This serves a popula
tion of about 3,000, and Is highly
satisfactory to them.
lbe introduction into star-route
contracts, now being let in Oregon,
of the free rural delivery of mail,
where desired, along the staee lines.
The desr .'nation of Astoria as a
port of entry.
The securing of the first pension
granted to an Oregon volunteer in
tbo Spanish war, (Jacob C. limns).
He bas co-operated with all mem
bers of the delegation in their efforts
for legislation necessary to the stale,
such as appropriations for the Colum
bia river, Portland public buildings,
etc. A man of this fidelity and
energy should be returned by an
overwhelming vote, provided bo is
sound on main questions. Mr.
Moody's loyalty to republican prin
ciples has never been questione 1.
He deserves tho gracious compliment
of an increased majority.
Don't overlook the fact that the
men you elc;t to the legislature the
4th of June will electa United Slates
senator, says the Antelope Herald
Do you want a democrat sent to
the United Slates senate, who will
favor tbe removal of the tariff on
wool, cattle, bides and every other
product of this country, and conse
quently a depression and stagnation
in your business, or will you prefer a
republican, who will vote to keep
your business protected nnd the tide
of prosperity flowing your way? It
depends upon you whether a republi
can or democrat is elected. Vote for
the republican candidates for the
If the Iioer representatives are
familiar wiib tbo history of the
United States they know that this
country bas never interfered in lbe
wars of Africa or any other foreign
continent, and that to do it now
would be a complete departure from
the traditional line of action, l'resi
dent Fillmore lost no lime in convey
ing this information to Kossuth, tbe
Hungarian patriot and agitator, and
it was done, as was proper, in direct
and nnmistakable terms. In refusing
to admit tho Boer deputation to the
floor the senate simply affirmed tbe
time-honored position of neutrality
in conflicts between foreign countries.
When Judge Bennett entered the
race for state, senator with Newt
Williamson ho tackled the toughest
political j jb of hU life. In his own
county, where Mr. Williamson is best
known, there is not a democrat that
breathes the air tbat could come
within a thousand miles of beating
him. When the ballots arc counted
on the night of June ith the Judge's
six previous succcsiive defeats will
be only incidental backsets to a de
cisive Waterloo.
"I should like to see the revenue
tax taken off beer," said Richardson
of Tennessee, leader of tho demo
crats in the house. Then there was
deep applause Irora his side. Rich
ardson appears to have a sneaking
ccvy of Bryan's hold on the party.
Admiral Dewey is getting no dele
gates to the Kansas City or any
other national convmtion, but hi
s zes up the situation for that other
democrat very accurately.
'south was never in a more prosper-
out condition than it Is today," snys
tho admiril, who has just beeu
through that section, "and I know
that tho peoplo of the south dou't
waut Bryan for president." Neither
do lbe people of the east or of tho
lira vi a ft 'nt tlina V hlrU I-Isall,
Vravlrnl.d I In- tfuulUlt Hraa. l
Humor III. I rltlrlama.
1 lit" ntnt'rr, who i n ililiiM l.t tihli'lit
nf tiling Kn'lidi, Jins i'oitimreil I he
i m 1 in I put huiih'lil In I lie Knlml I'm k
Isli Kit It. UiiMIe Why in 'it 1 1 hi ih. ii I
like tin' Kiilml Tuiki.-.i Kith? Mr.
rriink Mnrtin, viho vwi I In" mmcr'a
lUlcner wht-n tlio i uiiijwiMiu mu
nitiiU, (hiiiIiI not fri'i'i-. tiveiniM' lie hud
not U'on tlierv. The niiieer, iij the
l.omlou News, would nut lie ill nu it, Ixit
.imply ailvixrtl Mr. Martin In if" to the
lliiitiant. In n In) went he found "tho
ti.ilh full of mill, ii ml I In- hi'h dome
overhead revet Ik ran d with niII for
tout la, roup ninl loml-voirisl eonverna
lion, until the ni;iiiliir of iiii.v iiitlhul
uiil won! ami the vtonla I I-iiim'I r
became lout In the confusion of aoumla
ami tint nililvil to the iiprunr."
'I'll ameer's riddle was answered. It
will tie seen from rhe reMirr which In
clude tliia story that the aimer, who
not no long . was t lionet' t to lr liv
ing, ia lively iniii-eil. lie i-rnteinea linn
inns uml Kinrlinh with delightful im
partiality. Hut he reserves a jr. mm I dial
of ayiup.ithv forlircat lli itaiu. ami re
rrrta he en mint help lis with his
forees in the present war. lie think,
his hardy warrior wouhl lie um-I.'k
after eroKsinjf the neeiin. They ure not
of the kiml who urc "never, never lrk
at mil."
4 Motftbla Mualeal K.eftl ol
th Wat Thai Attract
"I leon una of its aurroiimlins, ami
uplifting by its earnest met Inula am.
teaching, rhe KuMer performance, ol
The Messiah' hy the Sueitish colony
nt l.imUlioi g. in rtii trill ii
each xpriiig one of the intcrc .!itij
eent of the went," writi-a ( li.irlri
M. Harder of "Sininif 'The MeMnh'
on the I'l.iio ." in l.niliea' Home Jour
ml. "A musical festival that, out ol
the comparatively nparxcly aettlee
prairiea, rati lirinu together Hi.'ixi peo
ple iltiriutf Holy NYerk, many of then
coming im) mile, mutt lie evcelleul
imleeil. The growth of the amlieneei
in tliia Instance, yeur after year, In
ilicHte a thorough appreciation of
worthy rendering of Handel' great
"The Swedea are a linging people
anil the religious urn timrnt ia atront
in their heart. The one rherishet
day for tliia colony of perhaps 3JM.K
fatniliea i Easter, anil the chief glory
thereof is 'The Messiah. ' " Kour hum
Ireil men and maiden participate in
these rendirion. The orchestra iiimi
hers i'J piece and i supplemented by
a three-manual pipe organ. The lead
prs, director and soloist a are all
memlieri of the I.imlaliorg commun
ity and teacher in the college there.
The rhlef of (he foaaaarliea.
The affairs of the Comanche tribe
are absolutely controlled by (Jniinnh
Porker, who 1 supreme In everything,
say the SI. Louis Glolie-lteinocrat.
He ha the white man's keen percep
tion, and the Indian' cunning. lie
converse well in English, and away
from the tribe he wear the white
man' dress. At home he paint hi
face and don a blanket, 'lis resi
dence i a large, two-story house, on
the southern slope of the Wichita
mountain. The room are elegantly
furnished and carpeted, and hi din
ing table amply supplied wiih china
and silverware. Costly pictures adorn
the walls, among Ihem one in oil of
hi mother. (Juanah may at well aban
don all hope of a congressional car
eer be I the husband of seven wive.
Hi last domestic acquisition It a
beautiful and charming woman, said
to have been purloined from a neigh
boring Indian, who threatened dire
vengeance, but was Induced to stifle
hit anguish upon receiving 11,000 in
money and mustangs.
American exports to Africa have de
creased slightly In the seven months
ending with January, showing that
the war has lost ut more than U'bas
profited. Chicago Tribtif.
Offlelal laatlaaatloa.
Quick aa a flash the man snatched
firr purse nnd was off with It. PI-
rectly behind her, not V) yard away,
stood a Kilieeimin who had witnessed
the crime, fiho turned to him. cry
ing frantically: "Itohber! robber!"
In a few moment the policeman
toid In side her.
"Sny!" he cried. "Don't yon yel
'liubi-er at rne!"
His indignaiion was but natural,
for was it not his duty, after all, to
ee just tuch things? Philadelphia
I 'res.
Good, pure natural b e from the blue
mountain for ale iy the Columbia
River Ice A Fnel Co. 'Phone 3.1 or 81
Lontr Dial. ; 75 or 8 Senfert A Condon.
Fresh cracked Nebraska corn at the
vV'sei reli'ine. Finest kind f
0 iek-n ted. mcl 2r-i
iimoMiiiKi rr.ii
I'liyM.Han and Surgeon,
special sttenllon lven lo surifer;.
I R im it anil 22, tel. Vlt. Visit RIiki
nnoss miis s.vis
Kooina m anil m.or.-r I!. . Unit 0 flics.
Ki v ' s 1 r ' mi 1
Tho Klutl Yoti Huvo Alwaya Ilougl't nul which ha hew
lit ust for over ilO jrnr, h born) tho ulirtiutnre of
uml haa brii inudo under hi Hr
jZXT" Hotutl auMrvlitloii lno Its Inniney.
tac)4Ciii Allow nu one todwlve you In thl.
All Counterfeit, Iniltntlon and " Jut-ainodM art but
Experiment tliut trlllo with nnd einluiurer the health of
lnliniU uml ChUdrcu-r.iperlcneo ngnlnat Kxncrliuuut.
Cntorlrt In ft Iu.rtn.eaa ubtltut for CaMor Oil, Pare,
irorlc. Drop and Hoothlnir Hyrupa. It la Plennt. It
eiintulrirt neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narootlo
wibxtuuoc. It nir It lt Ktiuruntee. It destroy a Worn
suid alluya reverlxhneaa. It curca Dlitrrluca attd Wind
Colic. It relieves Teething; Trouble, cure Conatlputlon
and Flatulency. It the 1'ood, reirulatea tbo
htoiiiiu h and liowel. fflvlnir healthy nud natural alvep,
Tbo Children' l'auacoa Tho Mother's l'rloud.
Boars the
The Kind You Have Always Bought
In Use For Over 30 Years.
Special Sale!
Steel Mm
To ritltuo our largo rtnt k wo will
sell Stoves and Steel Ilanges at
Greatly Reduced Prices
for a short tiino only,
goods and get our rriec!.
Under tlie ausjiices of the
will bo
PIGfllG 1
Dufup, may 31, 1900.
Prominent tweakers frora different parts of tho Mate will
address tho people on forestry.
Cpand Ball in
A basket dinner and a barbecue of roast ox will bo (served.
Kvery one is cordially invited to attend.
1 llng a'lvoraloil lijr all parlies rrgsrilli-ss of rscn, color or rrfl"
vlons of SKrvlimlH. Ki-nii-mlM-r maka our iinio'
rnera kU'I wlirn tlmy buy or I'ura l'rfrari Paints. Tbers n
iimali and glo.s tu III work tbat Is admired by all.
Paints, Oils, Glass, Picture and Room Moldings
lie sura ami Inspert our stork of Wall Paper
Ilnt for 'MH)on Display
Waliiiiton Slreel,
between Hecoml ami Third.
Subscribe for the Chronicle.
Advertise in tho Chronicle
Signature of
and CooR stoves
See our
Forest Protective Asnociation,
held at
the Evening.