WEEKLY to VOL. X THE DALLES, WASCO COUNTY, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, MAY 30, 1900. NO. 37 BOERS ARE ALL ACROSS WAR CANNOT LAST MUCH LONGER BOER WAR NOT THE BOERS ARE LOSING HEART OREGON'S WONDERFULTRADE NEW FOREST RESERYEQUESTION OUR AFFAIR dip Swap IS Men Vaal Left South Kivcr. of the Lonihin, May 20 , 3:30 a. in. Tht latest Intelligence Irum Lord Roberta' headquarters at Vrtdefort station, Med Thursday, 5 .45 p. m., wat lint I lie British were rapidly advancing. General llaiuillon tial Heeled a Junction Willi Uint Robert. The country In front of Ihrm waa clear of Boer to Viljoen' Irift. Tim IWri were evacuating all their position onth of Ilia Vaal river, ami 6000 had already croil thai north hank. Pre bably General French' cavalry la alrraily reconiiolierlng the for J of the Vaal. War office observer expect that the next dispatch (nun the Held marshal will he dated "la (ilil of the Tranavaal frontier." Bennett Burleigh, wiring to the Daily Telegraph from YreiMort, Thuriday morning, (aid I.ord Robert would douMlet cms tho Vaal river Saturday or Sunday. The British oolp all were then at Krt Geluk, twenty tlx mill' sooth of the Vaal river. The railway it much damaged. While the British, in over helming force, are Ihna r .Mildly approaching the Tranavaal, the inovruienle ol the liners were enveloped in mystery. The laal Pretoria newspaper to reach Ixmieiico Marque waa a week old. K.very one seeking to cms the Portuguese border from the Tranavaal is searched for news papers and letter. Dlspatchr and mail letter containing even harmless rrfer rncea to the war are suppressed. The only new that haa emerged from the Tranavvaal duiing the laat tea day ha cotna by way of nioulh. According tn theae oral report, yesterday, the liners wrrvquarreliog among themselves. Tranavaal paper money wa circulating at HO per crnt discount, llrrket' firm mi giving I In gold for i In paper. Krouxend Kllnke, the engineer who oppoaed the Mowing npof the mine, have hern dismissed. Commandant Schuttee ha been appointed to defend Johannesburg, and all the British sub ject have bvm turned nut. The Tram vaalers fear that the lUilinh will blow up the bridge at komalipoort, Hull cutting idf thiilr supplies from Delag ia In?, and a coiniitondo of (VH) la gtiatding the bridge agiinat any inch attempt by British redder. ENVOYS ARE NOT DISCOURAGED They Will Now Try to Force McKinlcj to Take Action. Nxw Yiiiik. Mar 23. A special to tlie Herald from Washington ays: Not withstanding the declaration ol the presi dent that the United State will not interfere. In the Month Afrlran war, the Hit commiiMoncr expect that political expediency will cause him to make a move which will be beneficial to their cause. Jt ia apparent to the commission- em that political agitation alone will aid their cause, and they intend to take advantage of every opportunity to pre it ii ti the attention of the American psople. It will e tl,o earnest effort of tie South African sympathiser In the United Slate to make the failure of the president to act In the Interest of peace one of tho prominent laane of the cam PIkh. The Writ I reported wrought tip over the refusal of the president to intervene, and It I proposed to keep the discontent alive. Hhonld Bryan be elected, the fret that the president-elect of the I'ii I ted State ha made a dtclara Hon of hi Intention to lake meaaure to mop the war will have the sffect, It I believed, of canting the British to be m re lenient In the term they will propose. An official of the administration, who in clone t the prealdent, laid lh policy which had been adopted bad been rare 'Hy considered, and there would be no deviation from"!!, no matter how great night he the pressure applied by demo cratic politician, Unless Great Britain honld require It, thi official (aid, ti, president would probably I ,mse to even id the Transvaal to get term of peace more lenient than those which the Brit 'li would Impose, provided President Kriiger should offer to surrender. Clarke A Falk have received a carload ' th celebrated Jam K. ration trictly pure liquid paint No Fluting Eoiiagcmcntat Johanncslm. gand Lalng N'ck Are Expected to He the Last Fight of the Struggle Between llocr and Hritou. Nxw Youg, May 21. A dispatch from London to the Tiibune, any: The re treat of Botha' forces from the Rhcnosler to the Vaal (erve to convince military men that the end of tlie war la rapidly drawing near. This la, without doubt, the official view, althongh nolxidy con nected with either the war office or the headquarter stair i willing !u be quoted to tlial etl.ct. The date for the occupation of Pretoria which I usually named among bilker, I Jone 111. It la assumed among them that there will be no delay either in the passagr of the Vaal or In the occupation of Johannesburg, since General Itohert can turn the Boer out of every defensive position which they may attempt to bold. They expert to teethe llritlsli ling Hying over Johanneebiirg by iheend of anott.rr week, and Pretoria under irige early in Jane. Ueneral Koberta himself ha hern too wary to make any forecast respecting the duration of hostilities. The otllrial may have reason ( their ow n for con cluding that there will he peace at the end of three week, but they are not neglecting to (end out reinforcements from Kngland: Fvery week witm-ese the movement of fresh levies and details for strengthening the battalion and cavalry rquadron at the sest of war. Another matter whlrli is discussed I diicu.sed in official circle wilb Increas ing interest, Is the Dutch responsibilities South African are not agreed upon the financial aspect of the prjhlrin and upon the most practical method of dis tributing the burden of a costly war oo the basic of population. Land taxes llvlednpon the Boer will yield little when they are improvished, and the only idrqiiate resource for Iho payment of a large indemnity is the mining territory of the Kami. (Jussll'iN of Heerel Morlsiles. Cillt Atio, May 20 The question of admi'Sion of member of secret s iletles to membership In the I'nited Presby terian church precipitated the warmest discussion which has marked Ihe pres ent assembly. The question came up in the report of the c mittee to which wa referred at Ihe last assembly the revision of tho Kith article of testimony, which relate to secret ocietfa. While the report recoinmcndtd t which declare Ihe opr church In secret societies it recommend that an i he made to the presh) ' the article .mi of (lie uld Hand, .e should i of the ctiurcti asking their op.n.on a to whether the covenant of membership should be so changed a to allow mem bers ol secret societies to become church member if they should consent to re ceive from their pastor instructions a to the altitude of the church toward their societies. This propositi caused heated dircussion for and airanifl it. The discussion wa ended for the time by I r. John McNaughton, president of tlie Allegheny theological seminary, who moved that the report should be referred to a special committee of three, who should revise it and prepare a suitable preimhle and report back to the assem bly before It adjournment. The inc tion was carried iiuauiinouslv. Ilermann'a I'lan In I'rniirl For!. Wahiiiniiton, May 2(1. Commisrioner B. Hermann, of Ihe Ueneral Land olllce, has Issued an order Instructing snierln tendents of forest reserve throughout the West, to plant suitable saplings and tree where portion of the forest liavii been destroyed by fire. Ho 1 also mak ing arrangement for the establishment of a telephone system which 1 to con nect all the forest (tationa in certain dis trict o that In the future In cane cf a foresl Are, help may lie summoned Im mediately. Strikers Use ljwamlta. St. Lorta, May 25. Twenty-two line ol Ui St. 1-oul Transit Company are In operation today, but few car are run ning. At 0 a. m. an attempt wa made by (oinebody unknown to blow up a car on the Spaulding-Avenua line of the Transit Company. The wheel of the first car (truck something that exploded with a loud noise, and lilted the ear two or three feet into the air. Far Rale. A second-hand ten-foot Umdolph header, In fair condition. Will be (old cheap. Knqnirtof At KX Mi I.Kon, The Palle. maylMinw Governor Gver Believe Thi Is tho Opinion of the People of Oregon. Sm.iu, May 25. Governor T. T. (Jeer today received a message from the New York Journal, asking hi opinion of the auiilliueut of the people of Oregon a regard their sympathies with the Boers who are struggling fur independence, a follow : "New York, May 24 The Journal Is anxious to print a few message ahowfng the altitude of the American public sen timent regarding the triiifgle of tlie lloer for Independence. Will you wire us a few word regarding the sympa thies ol the people of our slate. "New Yuan Joirxai.." To which the governor ha made the following reply : "Salem, Or., May 23. To the New York Journal; 1 have no mean of knowing tlie sentiment of our people a to the trouble in South Africa, but I f. el sure they are oppoaed to 'mill tiirism,' and, therefore, to our taking anv step thot would probably embroil us In difficulties with a great foreign nation. It I likely our people think we have no more business expressing sympathy for a sister republic than Finland had expressing lyinpathy with her lister kingdom of Spain two year ago, which we re me m lie r very gladly, she did not do. It i likely our people think a policy of 'anti-militarism' at di reel variance with one of meddlesome activity wl'h tho afUtrs of a foreign nation In a mutter w hich doe not in any way directly cornern our own lnterete, and that in a situation like that now exlding in South Africa, the expression of sympathy, when nothing but men and gun will stop Kimland, i like giv ing a (tone when bread 1 asked, and they are likely of the opinion that quite probably the great nitiou of Kurope may have a Monroe Doctrine of their own secreted up tome unexpected sleeve, somewhere. "Thi I probably the opinion of the nisi irity of the people of Oregon. " T. T. (irKii, Governor of Oregon." Tranavaalera llerelve All. I.ONHOS, Mav 28 Tlie Lourenco Marque correspondent of the Times, in a dispatch dated Satuiday, sari: "Dining the week the Bocra have uc- cessfuliy deceived even the hept In formed resident with reference to the prcbahle course of event when Ixird Robert entered the Transvaal. While one section declares that ill serious (Wilting is ended, another is equally con vinced that the burghers will make a stand at Johannesburg and Pretoria. Men who have been present at the engagement describe them a igno minious routs, wholly unjustified by the initial damage ii. dieted br the British. Such observer are convinced that all inch operations ol a military interest are now at an end. Captain Alum, tho Norwegian mili tary attache, ia returning home. Indeed, lo great is the eagerness of continental resident to quit the Transvaal that both the German and French steamers are unable to cope with the demand for berth'. "It la rumored here that, the Cape rebel leader who aie now seiving with the Boer are anxious to escape to Kurope), and ihnt certain members of the Cape parliament are waiting on the borders for a favorable opportunity to start. Tha llest tfemvily for Hhaiiiiiatlsiii. (II'H'K l!XI IKK t'KOM I'.WV. All who use Chamberlain Pain Balm for rheumatism are delighted with the quick relief from pain which it affords. When Rpenkingof thi Mr. D. N. Sink, of Troy, Ohio, says: "Some time ago I had a (eve attack of rheumatism In my arm and shoulder. 1 tried numerous remedies, but got no relief until I was recommended by Mossrs. Geo. F. Par on V Co., druggist of thi place, to try Chamberlain' Pain Balm. They reconimenned it ao highly that I bought a bottle. u in soon rttitrtd of all pain. I have since recommended tin lini ment to many of my friend, who agree aith me that it It the beat remedy for muscular rheumatism In tho market." For sale by Blakeley A Houghton. "I used Kodol Dyspepsia Cure in my family with wonderful result. It give immediate relief, Is pleasant to take and is truly the dyspeptic' best friend," ay K. Ilarlgerink, Overisel. Mich. Digest what you eat. Cannot fail to cure. Rale. Trimmed hat and pattern at cost for the next thirty day at the Campbell A Wilson millinery parlor. 23 tf Kruiter Admits the Situation Is Very Grave and Ask the Burghers What They Wish. Washington, D. C, May 28. While Ixird Kibert' 30,000 Infantry, 20,000 horses and 150 gun are moving on JuhanneiMirg anil rretona, through a parched and deserted country, the silna lion at the Iransvaal capital, a It was last Friday, is thus described by an observer, who aent hi inessagu by private hand to Lourenco Marque yes terday : "The situation, both from a military and political point of view, ha become very critical. President Kroger yester day admitted for the first time that matter are very grave. The Boer de termination is to trust everything to a last stand on tlie Gaterand mountain, to the north ol Potschefostroom, where 30u0 Kaffir are digging trenches. To that point every available man and gun ha I men tent. "The whole ol Ihe western border of the Transvaal from end to end is de fenseless, and General Baden Powell can march in when be like. I.ord Huberts, on the other band, will en counter the greatest resistance. The Boer endeavor is to lure the British into appearing to threaten Johannesburg with attack, an excuse thus leing given them for the destruction of property. The Transvaal government wilt not dare destroy the mine and property without an excuse. Much dynamite lias been sent down the line, and loO.OOO cases lie ready at Zuurfontein, near J dmnnes burg. "General Loui Botha and General l.ucas Meier have pleaded lor the pre servation of proiwrtv. Both are Urge landed proprietor and fear confiscation, hut they have not received tatiefaclory replie from President Krnger. "Meanwhile, many French and Ger man adventurer havecomeforward with schemes and inventions for blowing up the Biitish troops, some of theeo having received a tacit permission to experi ment. One German invention is for the use on a railway, where it lie perfectly concealed nntil the weight of a passing train explodes the charge. "General Lucas Meier says surreuder would be nt once propo-ed by Ihe I'mhod. hut that everybody fear Ihe ignominy of being the one to make Ihe proposition. He declares that ho is assured that his men will not stand. Piesidint Steyn and Mr. Reitx, the Tranvaal state sec retary, are strongly opposed lo peace, but Mr. Krnger Ia Dot to much against It." President Krnger' proclamation to the burghee asking their vote or or against continuing tlie war 19 under' stood to say they can quit now with Ihe prospect of retaining their farms or con tinue to the bitter end. Komors are current in Lord Roberts' army that the Boers intend to surrender. A musenient Inestlou Deeltled. Ciiioaoo, May 20 Bv a cbso vote, and after a debate which exceeded in bitternen and feeling displayed any thing yet heard dining the session, the Methodist general conference practically decided today to mnkd no charge in the attitude of the chntch in regard lo card playii g, dancing, theater going and other forms of amusement, w hich sii ce IS72 have been under the ban of the church. Preceding the vote to accept the minority report, which recommends that no action lie taken, tlie conference at time waa in a state of wild disorder, duo mainly to attempts to amend the section ol the book of discipline under discussion, and some exceedingly (harp language was indulged in by the angry delegate before the vote was taken. I hillelhla to Aalrla. Astoria, May 23. The committee which ha in charge the Fourth of July celebration ha received word from Rep resentative Moody that the United State cruiser Philadelphia will be here for the big observance to lie held. Mr. Moody' message w as to the ellect that he had eeen the secretary of the navy about the request for the presence of a warship here and that he bad been as sured tlie Philadelphia would be here. The committee is also at work trying to recure the presence of another ve;ael. Mr. Harriet Kvans, Hinsdale, 111., writes, "I never fail to relieve my children from croup at once by using One Minate Cough Cure. I would not (eel afe without it." Quickly cure coughs, colds, grippe and all throat and lung diseases. Subscribe for Thi CnHoxicx. lt Prospect in the Orient According to Congressman Sibley Becomes the Master Question. Washington, May 26. Representa tive Joeph C. Sibley, oneof the principal figures in the American Bimetallic League, has addressed to Thomns H. Tongue the following letter on what he considers to be Oregon' chief interest In the campaign now in progress: "Looking not backward, hut forward, to unsettled problems, the trade ol the Orient become the master question. I indorse the administration, because it has established the policy of the open door in China, because the world's trade ia the Oriental trade, the Philippines affording u the base from w hich we will distribute, and in which will he assembled the products of a commerce which is destined to outrival tlie commerce of the Atlantic, and which will make the coast statu in commerce the rival) of tlie Atlantic seaboard. "The wall of exclutiverte is being broken down in China. Trade, which in the past ba never penetrated a fringe of more than ten mile from the sea coast towns, now, with the extension of railway in every direction throughout that empire, will bring over 400,000,000 people to our market with iheir multi plied demand. Geographically and industrially, the United States is in position to command this commerce. If we fail to do so, we w ill have committed a world Plunder. Already the Chinese, Japanese and Coreans are demanding tlie product of our cotton field", and our wheat held. At a price 100 per cent higher than the present ruling price u wheat today in Oregon. China can feed her teeming millions aith a nu tritions food, at a Ice cost than rice or anything else w hich can sustain human life. The eurplui of wheat produced determines tlie valuo of Ihe entire crop, w ith an outlet giving ux millions cf more people c nstiiiiing, Ihe farmer become by right, as he should be, the king of men. An no distant day, my personal belief being within three years at Ihe farther t.every exportable bushel of wheat raised c;t of the continental divide will find its markt'tand consumption in China ami the Orient, nud that at a price w hich would make recent prices seem insignifi cant. "I ftaml today for the republican ad ministration, because it stands for devel opment, for progress, for t:.e realization of all the aspirations r.f American genius, abet her in lactory or infield. 1 stand for it because it ia seeking to encourage tlie enlargement of our merchant nuriue, the construction of the Nicaragua canal, and the enlargement ol opportunity and w idening the door through w hich honest enterprise may press lo the peaceable conquest of the world' market for that American genius. "I sincerely trust that Oreg.in, regard less ol past party or political afliliaticr.s, may speak in no uncertain tone touch ing these gr.at problem of such moment to all our citizsnthip, especially lo their oan possibilities. It ia not a difficult matter to picture Portland rivaling in it commerce a Liverpool or a London, and to see the farmer ol yonr magnificent valleys the peers ol the product in their possessions." IVlr lriartnimt Krrulvs Charges- Nkw York, May 2i A special to the Tribune from Washington says: The war department tins issued a statement from the division ol customs and in-ular atfairs designed to show that the number of "carpet-bagger" in Cuba had been overestimated so far as the custom service of the island is concerned. According to the latest returns, which were those of December 31st last, there were titHiS custom employes, of whom 515 were Cubans, 09 wero Spaniards, and only 50 were Americans, ol whom 20 were employed at Havana, principal ly at headquarters. The total number ol employe in the Havana custom house was 3113, ol w hom 200 were Cubans, 08 Spaniards, 12 Americans, and three be longed to other nationalities. At the aub-port ol Batabatio all three employes were Cubar.. At Cienfuegos 53 were Cubans, 11 Spaniards, and two Ameri cana. At Santiago there were 4-' (juoane, lour Spaniards and three Americans. At Matanxas ttiere were 24 Cuban, three Spaniards and one American. Sick Headache absolutely and perma nently cured by using Moki Tea. A pleasant herb drink. Cure constipation and indigestion, makes you eat, deep, work and happy. Satisfaction guaranteed or money beck. 2o cts. and 50 ct. Blakeley ct Houghton Druggist. How to Deal With Settlers Whose Lands Are Not Yet Surveed. Washington-, May 28. At iiie time of the proclamation creating the several forest reserves in the stato ol Washing ton, there were a great many settlers within Ihe limits of these reserve on land which had never been surveyed, an I to which, consequently, no title could be shown. The question of how these settlers can obtain title to their land has been he fore the commissioner of the General Laud i ffice for some time. That depart ment ha now ruled that, according to the term of the teveral proclamations creating the different forest reservation, there waa excepted from tiie force and eff-ct cf forest reserve proclamations all land w hich were, prior to thedate there of, covered by any valid settlement made in pursuance to law, and the statutory period within which lo make entry of record had not expired, provided tlie settler continued to comply with tho law ut,der which the eelilement was made. If sucii lands are ui, purveyed, the settler ha three months, after the filing of the plat of lurvev in the local office, within which to make hi claim of record, provided he has iu the mean time complied with the law and is qualified to make entry. It is stated by tt department that the un-nrveved land in the forest reservations are . being surveyed as rapidly as the appropriations made for public surveys will admit. Keport From Itnberta. Loxdox, May 27. The war office has received the following from I.ord Rob erts : "Vereeniging, Sundry, May 27, 1 :13 p. m. We crossed Ihe Vaal thia morning and are now encamped i n the north bank. The advance troops, which crossed yesterday, were only just in time to save the coal mines on both this and the other side of the river, from being destroyed. Oar casualties were four." Baden-Powell reports that the railway between Mafeking and Bu'utvayo has been restored, and that supplies are being brought Into Maleking. He says the Ca nadian ariillerv i-iined Colonel Plainer from Beira, with incredible rapidity. Lieutenaut Webber was taken prisoner at Heilbron a few days ago. He went there oh ttlegraph duty. It was not known that our troops had been tempo rarily withdrawn. Cnlumlila Inilirov-inent. Washington, D C, May 26. The senate adopted the amendment for the Columbia river improvement today, also the amendment of Senator Simon for copying the records of the L:keview Lsnd office. Representative Moody hns been giving attention lo legishttioa fur the state, and has been urgiug every hill that was of interest to Oregon. Thofe which had no show whatever of being cor.silered, or measures which he has Lund it impossi ble to make any progress w ith, because of the determination of the l oive not to uive consideration to. he has wasted no I.:...- ... i.., i.... i. . . ..i, - l.lilc oil. vi una uo uiii jii .loinn that Mr. Moody. '. Longer Any troulit. Astoria, Mav 28. List Saturday for mal announcement of tiie engagement of Governor T. T. Geer and Miss Felle Trullinger, of this city, waa made. The wedding will take place in this city on June 14, at the residence of the bride's parents. Miss Trullingtr is cue of the most beautiful young women in Oregon, and is a general favorite in local society circles. She is highly icoinplished. Tho announcement ol the eiuaement was not a surprise, as Ouverr.or Geer ha betn paying Miss Tiuilingcr marked attention I' r some lime past. Tha Appetite or a iot Is envied by all poor dyspeptics whose stomach and liver are out of on'er. All such should know that Dr. King's New Life Pills, the wonderful alouisc'i and liver remedy, gives a spl .ndid appetite, eound digistioti and a regu'ar bodily habit that insure perfect health and great energy. Only 23 cents at any drug (tore. 4 Caa In Tone CbiCK. All conntr warrant registered prior to June 3, 189 i, will be paid st my office. Interest ceases after Fed ruary. 2, llajO. C. L. Piiiixips, Countv Treasurer. Clarke A Falk have on sale a full line of paint and artist' brusher. A lull line of Eastman films and sup plies just receivd by Clarke A Falk.