THE DALLES WEEKLY CHRONICLE, SATURDAY. MAY 26, 1900. IEALTIV The majority Cud their blood' x- J- ' ma other mineral poison S. S. o. i the only remedy tnat re acne ueep-aeateu dhxxi irounies iiae ocruiuia, vancrr, nurunw tiim, Edema, Tetter, etc. It purine and restore the blood to a healthy, normal condition, anil make it iiuitoasiblo fol ar poisonous waste materials to accumulate. If vmi have an old running sore or an obstinate ulcer Uitt refuses to heal, or are troubled with boil and carbuncle, trv S. S. S. It never fail to make a quick ana permanent cure 01 tnese pesi. n your system is run uuwu uu you the need ol a tonic, S. S. S. will strengthen and he'p you as it has many others to a happy, healthy old age. ... . , .,, . ' , Mn. P. It .Johnson, of Rlaikahear Ca. was for years afflicted S. . S. eared Mr. H. Vrien of Sauroavdl. a . of a eaae ol 1,, tvpaof rheumatism, ana had uaed rvtrv remedy Xcaraa of thirty-rive years standi!! after the Itea. jthraioana km.wn nii rmmrn.icj a cura without receiving- any is tn surrounding country had failed. Thia was aevya ytara brnrh 8 A prom,,(iv reached the seat ol the disease and ao, and there has baxa ao reiurn oi the d.a. M Je . p,.,, ,j miaaent cur. If you are in doubt about your disease, and will send u a statement of your case, our physician w ill jive rou any information or advice wanted, for which we make no charge. Book on Blood and Skin Diseases sent to any desiring it. Address Swift Specific Co., Atlanta, Ga. 5. 5. 5. IS THE IDEAL TONIC AND BLOOD OLD PEOPLE. TOC ALL KNOW. Wi!r.ediil Dally. Dr. S'iM.ill arrived on the mid day train today from I'ortlaud. F. Kagy. an old-time resident of Hie Dalles, i in tosrii in the interest if the Oregm Native Sun monthly. Charlie Kichaiocd, of the old Hich- mond stables, arrived in town ihiti morning from Gilliam connly, in com- j pany mith five others having each a; wagon and trail. Disking twelve wagon ' filled with Gilliam county wool. I Thursday's DaiTy. j J. A. Gulliford, of Pufur, was in town i today. X. F. Brock, a representative of the Oregonian, is in the city. Judge Mara returned last night from short business trip to Portland. Justice Brownhill lelt on the midday train today on a ehort business trip t0,eain,t ,n8 me,,,, , in its Sherman county. ! , i favor. Dr. Hugh Lrigan will leave tonight for ! Ietroit, Michigan, where he wiil attend i Mrs. Calvin Zimmerman, Mileshur, trie annual meeting oi rauroac mrge-n. V - ... .!.. 1,- -.(I A ll.nli. Pil. and attend the annual meetinn of ,ha national association of physicians and surgeons; and th-n. as is hia wont, be will epen.1 a couple ol weeks visiting tlie t..nic)go uospuais. Friday s Dallr- i.. ii, """i"'" 1,1 I diseases. It will prevent consumption ' Rev. O. D. Taylor was a passenger on j I the mid-day train today from Portiand. i Kmi-t'i rroriamatino. Hon. E. E. Dufar was a pssen?r on j Cai- Tows, May 24. President Kru tbe luidday train today for Hood River. I ger, it is annour.rrd here, ha issued a Mr. A. McAdam, of Pa.e & Maya', went today on a business trip to Slian iko. II. J. Dunn arrived in town todav ! from Goldendale and la a guest of the ! Umatilla Hocee. I Dr. SiddslI left on the mid day train Thompson, a large importer ol fine mil today for Portland, from thence to sail ' linery at IC08 .Milwaukee Avenue, CI. i on the Elder for Cape Nome. jcago.'tays: "Darin the Ule severe President Mellen of the Xortheir j weather I caught a dreadful Cold w hich Pacific passed thrgnyh town this arteu Uept me awake at night and ma le me noun wee'bound on a special train. I . , . , ' nr.nt to attend my woik during the iltv. Wallace McCaminant arrived in town;0neo( my niiiinr, was taking Cham today on hia way to Dufur, where he ' . , . , , . . speaks at a repub'ican rally tonight. j bena,D 8 Col!Hh Remedy for a severe . , , .... i cold at that time, w hicti serined to re Mrs. Ciav Myers ana daughter, W in- ,. , . .. . , . nifred. left last nhl.t for Snmr.ter. l,eve ' q-'cklv that I bought some where they expect to make their houia. j Hon. II. II. Dufur arrived .n town to- i day, cco npanud by his wile. Mr. ; Duiur cornea to attend the meeting of ; the wool-growers tomorrow. Uncle Billy Keltay and Mrs. Keleay , are in town from their home nesr Mian iko. Uncle Billy owns the cniy livery stable in Shaniko and is preparing to accommodate the travel that ia bound to come that way. H. L. Pittock, proprietor of the Ore goniao, accompanied by Mrs. Pittock and three daughters, and a niece of Mr. and Mrs. Pittock from Pennsylvania, arrived here today by rail and will re turn by the boat in the morning. J. II. Cradlehsngh and his son, R. B., arrived here from the Greenhorn cion ery thia morning. Mr. Cradlebangh has made up his mind to t ike a tnach-nee-l-ed rest, and after stopping h-re f ir a ehort time, he wid go to his old horns in ! Nevada and visit for an indefinite time I among relatives he list not seen for! nearly a score nf year. tvhers Kuuiy llalla rrurn. "A great many people are making in quiries as to the origin of the Belgian hare. The present n'.ble and beautiful hare finds his remote origin in the wild rabbit of Europe. The domestic harecf j England is a large, haiidscme creature and affords delicious eating, but on the other hsnd ia not prolific. Tlie Uelian hsre receives ita nsme from being! brought to it high state of development j iu Belgium. B it in later yeara England lias become the home of the finest speci men. Interest in thia hare, wLetever he has been produced, has been two fold first, as a c-esiiira q iickly respond ing to care and ski. I in breeding, and, second, aa a coinrnerc'a. Lc.or. The remarkable deiusnl for the Belgian is in the daiotinesa and l.ealth falnees of the fl-sh. Aa an article of diet it has created a great demand 1 wherever it has become known. Mill ions of ponn la of hare meat, both fresh and canned, are consumed in the prin cipal cities of Europe every year, and vast some are invested In canneries and other establishments for supplying ihe demand. Wherever the Belgian has be come known it ha at bDce attained a popularity simply astonishing. "Very few have any true conception of the meat, taking it for granted that it it similar to tha ordinary rabtit they W ME of person upon reaching middle ae ami becomes weak anil thin, and disease that past were easily controlled in earlier lite begin to allect the constitution. Tl,,. nra.!U.m-.l tn SemfitU fiinrr Rheumatism. Gout till then, but a thev age the blood, ao long, tainted ami weakened by accuntulalcu waste matters, U no longer able to properly nourish the body, and it become an easy mark for disease. At this critical period of life the blood must be re-enforced before it can perform it legitimate functions and rid the system ol these poisons, and nothing so surely and effectually does this as S. S. S. S. S. S. strengthen ami enriches the blood, improve the appetite, and build up Uie general constitu tion. It is not only the best blood purifier, but the beat tonic for old people. It warm the blood, tone uf the nerves, remove all taint from the blood, and prevent the development of disease. S. S. S. i the only nurelv vecetahle blood medicine known. Not one particle of mercury, )Htah ol cau be found in it, and it may be tuken for have tmntel. This impression it erron eous The Iio'ginn meat is white, and in appearance reeeinlle the breast of a turkey. It is delicate and richly fliivored, an I is pronounced by epicure as auperior to that produced bv any olhei domestic aniuiiil or Id I. When given profer attention we unhesitatingly ray that no ajct-eter or u ore palatable meat mn ever terved for human food." Cuuinalaory luaarauce. Herne, May 24 A bill which the as sembly had adopted making compulsory the insurai i f -gainst acciilcnf) and ill- 1 ne 0f livinj.t! ' ward tl' J milted ' j aW) ,, : ns not earning their own I- delation contribiililig fo l uufe was, upon being aub nt! people, according to Sw ia ' J on Mar 20 by a maj rity j of l'U.U'j the vote standimr 30.000 , H ..As t.dv care for conahs, , colde. cronp sn l rxne throat Oue Minute I ; Cough Cure is nnt qnaie.l. It ia pleasant : for cliiltlien to take. I heartily reconi. ; menj u , mothers." U is the only I harmlets remedy that produces im mediate results. It cures bronchitis, j pneumcnia, grippe and throat ami lung proclamation saying he will dtfend Jo i bannsBburg, and calling npon all Roers j to Slit to the bitter end. Caught a Dreadful Cold. Marion Kooke, manager fur T. M I"01 myself. It acted like magic and Ij h"" ,0 i'"P"" once. I am now ! entirety well and feel viy pleased to ac- knowledge its merits." For tale bv Blakeley A Houghton. I The Dalies Cimirision House will keep fresh milk at ail times on hand and deliver it anywhere in the city at the following prices: One quart, 2 per month: three pints, 3 ; two quarts, ft ; three quarts $550; cream 20 centa per pint. Fresh butter every day. 18i lm Be sure and examine our stork of wnll pp?r thoroughly liefore buying eli-e- where, as we have t!.e latest shipment made to this city, now ready for inspet- tion at II. Glfnn A Co.'s. al7-lw M. B. Smith, Butternut, Mich., says, "DeWitfa Little Eiriy Risers are the very best piils I ever nsed for costivenes', livi-r and bowel trouble." !aieF & Benton Carry the ful!oing lines: Stoves, Tinware, -Maltose Cross CJardcn Ho? 1 I ! Force ainl S,rr.iy I'limpf, Farm and Canlon Tools, Carientcrs' Tools, Aennotcr Wind Milln, Tinning and riumbin, Iron l'ijic, .wever and Chimney Pipe, C 1 e v e 1 a n d I ' i cy c I e s , Crawford Pi cycle.-, Fishing Tackle, Cuns and I.i.Ief, Piicyclo Sundricf, I I ! -Ammunition, Bicycle Impairing, Delft Ware, Cedar Posts, Pat h Wire and Nails, lor a and other hereditary trouble niv rscam) any length of time without harm. PURIFIER EOR'a'n M- l)- captain and surgeon, BOGIE MAN OF HAVANA. rui. rileker of tha I'otlre Court Una j Meaoaua a Terror In Mauae tu i t hllJrra. When little children are naughty In Havana the nnd the mothers no longer frighten them into silence by talcs of the m lx;;ii- n un ho will come and "cat theui up." The ter rible bear who hue; bad In .;. nnd .'irU to death wht u t hey tliMi'm ilu ir par cuts, the g.pMts who t i ; I tliciu and carry them otT. into the woim! foretcr wheu they play outside tl.iir own yards, the organ grinders who press iinpuilt'lit Olio overcurioiiH elniiiSeli into aerviee a pciiny-hi'Kgirir inuii keys, uil pule into ui.i'ls of tlie most blessed and benelleei.t eluii. liter lie Hide the bugaboo which is luinjr held up before the vivid iir.aginnl ion i f (In vann's child world. A nintlierhus but to whisper "Pitcher" into the of the children and awettruek silence fol lows. "t'npt. Pitcher w ill come get you nnd carry you ofT to the dark, tlnrk vivnc," tiny sav, nnd the buck of diso bedience is broken. I . , ., ' ,. 1 ,' Maj. Pitcher, nils the New lurk Sun, rri.;u :., i;..i.. .1. .... t for, so far uh known, he h:is never eat en nnv Cuban tin 1. 1 is, but hi leenrilas I a d ller iu ji:slice lis the prrridin;; magistrate of the provisiunn 1 court is anmethiiifr fierce, lie I ns ut ' i rt i t lie m ntencc,"fl.l or ten iIiivk." tie al lowed him. with null per sistence that it now slips nut in his fclecp nnd his name lias now come to be one to conjure with nmnr.g nil evil doer. There never wnn imii n jmfge in Havana before and if the t ul.uns hnve their way about It there never wlllbengnin. The Sun's llaisi .i I, tter hove nlrendy told1 of his work nnd it inlliience upon crime but nt that time he bad not been I rnnsfornied into t he bog-ie man. As his fa nie has tfrown it has at last reached I i;i 1 . land, and now he' the terror nf the tots;. Pick h m;i II s;:iisiiiri several times, so thiit they will not hurst in frvii:L, Iny them in the blaer, cover eh selv, nnd cook until crisp. (Ir, if there rue cold cooheil si'iisnea In the house, they mnv lie hentid i,; the blazer in n little but ter or b.ieon fat. In either cm, mid to She fat two tablespoon TuN of celery, cut up very sum II, nnd bt this cook two or three minutes, so thiit it will be done throii-lj, but nut cooked enoiie-h to lode the dihtincive taste of fresh celery. Thia may be served on tonst or crnckers. Jt ia ulso (food served on hredded wheat biscuit. Good House keeping. GOING EAST. If yon intend to take a trip Fast, ask vonr ticket agent to ronie you via The Great Wabash, a modern and op to-date railroad in every particul ir. Through trains from Chicago, Kinsas City, Omaha or fcr, Imia lo New York and New Englund points. All (rains run via Niagara Falls ami i vory through trsin has free reclining chair cars, sleep ing ami dining cars. Hop over allowed on all t;r'cts at Ni agara Falls. J.-tiss C. Cum, Pacific Coa.t INsa. An'.. Iii A Pn le". Calif. C. S. Ciiane. ti. P. A., I. mis, Mo No.lca. N'ltice I. here'iy uiven l(.l (hern wi I bean innn il ineel inu t.f Hie atrn-Sc hulil ers of the (.iolileri Kij-le M ifiinwf Coin. ,yiny "' f,,nh Co., I I T. i . at ... ... .ti.aera, on i niirs-My, m oip Itrito, nl 7 o'clock p, in., Ihe ;.nr,oae nf elecl i,il Seven directors tunl traiisncliif (uc!, other hnsiness a nmy properly c jine he fore saiil nietlnaT. P.y oriler rf the preshlent. J. C. IIoktkti.kk, 8ecy. st. I Treas. The Dalles, Apl. 27, l!K)0. n27-li I nseil Klt)l Iy;ie,,ta Cur In my family w iih wonderful result. It slves liiiinriliate relief, la peasant lo take anil I Irnlv the ilrapeptic' het friend." ay E., Ovetiael. Mich. Digest ,rii yon est. Cannot f.iil to cure. S ck IleKiUehe ahsolntely an'l perma nently cured hy using Moki Tea. A plensant herb drink. Cures constipstion ami indigestion, niskpj you eat, sleep, work and happy. Satisfaction gnaranteeil money back. 2" eta. and 50 ct. Blakeley A Miinirlitnii Drnirvlat', t'se Clarke A Fulk'a qnmine hair tonic to keep dandruff from the head. 1 I C'olawbta Bnalhara Vrarohaaaa. At Stianiko the Coliimlda Southern Railway Co. coiilrole !0 100 feel of Ihe Slisulko warehouse building, to l used as a freight w alehouse, through which they will receive and forward freight tn the usual manner. The impression that all biisinrs must Iw l"iie through tor warding houses la an erroneous one and we take thla mean of dispelling It. Freight tecelvcd and held twrnly-fuiir hours will he turned over to a forward ing bouse subject to the ortler of the consignee. The rate on wool in sacks or in bales from Slianiko to The Dalle Is 25 rents per 100 RunJi. For rates or other information ra!l on or a. hires C. K. I.vti.k, (. F. A T. A., or liio. F. liots, Agent, Hiauiko, Or. Special reserve old government whis key, recognifed by the highest medical authority In the land; especially recom mended by the board of health of San Francisco for hospital use, also A. i. and W in. 1. McCarthy, major and sur geon U. S. army, as tlie purest nnadul ternted stiiiiulaut for con valerct it's. In valids and family U'. Sold by C'lmrle Stnhliug. apl'.M-dliu Kiperience la the best Teacher Use Acker's Fnglish Remedy in any case of coughs, cold or croup. Should It fail to give Immediate relief money refunded. 23 i ts. and SO els. lllakeley A lloughtui Drngglat. NOT1CK FOR PUBLICATION. I.ASbOrru s at Vison vs. Wa.h .l Mar t:.. I .'. Nollee l hirid,y etven Dial ilia lollowlnf natri-il .ell lorn hai e rile I not tee of Iheir In lenlloti 1,1 IllNki final roi,l In ii,Mrt ol llielrelalilia.and ttlMt Bald ,ro'f will t loa It' In ,re tin- retfl.ter and ri-eelvar id Uie I'. . Unit ol'leu at Vaneou ver, Vt aali., im July H, l-.ajo, via. t.aora " Haiiford, alio made H. K. No. istrt. for the N'a SK'. ef Sit Ll, and V , srt 4 fi. p a N. K IJ I '.. V, a lio naiiiea tne follow I naT a Itnea.ea to jroi a ti la rntillliuoiia lesiilenee uill and Clilllvalli.n ul aaid iHtnl, vl lla-kln Trabiie. t'lirl.llau Pterkaon. Th.'inaa M. WhlUMiuu, Kdward A., all id I.) Ir, W ah. hrlatlan IMrrkann, who made II. K. No. for Ihe Nt''j and I-', SH e In. I a N. K I.'. si., w lot iiann-a 11. e follnwliiic w llni-aa to tirovo lila eoiilinuoua r-alili'iii-e uhiii and cultivation, id 1. land, viji ' li.iaWln 'I rnhue. John raill.en, Jama FlU, (ieorxv II. S,: ii lord, allot lyle, aalill gkm. Ilaat In 1 raltua, aim mnV If. K. No. Lul. for the P., st 't, I. and N'-j N '.. s.-r In. 1 1. .1 N. K lj H, tt . M . w ho Inline lh foth.lTtl.e Hltl'.e.M-a lo r,,ve lila eoiilinuniia naliletiiv ukmi and en III i atlou ol .Jld Irilnl. 1 I liri.tinn i-Irkon, Thumna M. W hlti-onib, '.entice 1. Minlolil, Jamra H i, all id I )l I'. O, U.'li. Uitir-'M W. R. Id M1AR, Killlalnr. NoriCK FOR PL'Iil.ICATION. I.mourni R it V ANrot m, V i n ,i May IT. I't.i. i Notlee t lierehy efven thai the lollowltts: nanttsl aaltler has filed nolle. of lila Intention to make final proof in aiit.imrt td lila rlaliit, an, that lid I'f-'l u III la- tia.lf talora W. It. I'tol.i, t'tilttd Male. I'otninlaalitin r. at tioldi-nilnle. uu July a. Mo, vli: Aaahrl K. Ollar, l,n riad.j If. K. Nn. taw.v fur tha frnellon n SH' s,r .Hi, T,, a N, It l.i K, and eh', nf Nfc1., See .i, 1 p j. N ll J K, VV. JJ. Ha namea Ihe follow Ins wltna.aea lo itrnva Ma riMtideiti umjii, and cultivation id aiild lantl, 1 1 - Kola-rt A. srntither.. Christ K. Franzen. Will Ittm l.arner, John Kuie. all uf l.ile I'. o.. W aahlnstttii. W. 11. Ill N HA K, majitl IL g-ialer. NOTICK toil PCBMCATION. I.asid Orrit a at Vamcoi vrs, Wa.h ,i May II, 1 Nollee la lirrtdr rflvrn that tha f,.owltie lialttt.l aertter liaa lileil ntillea ttf It la InU'lillon to make final l.rtw-f h, ati ..rl id hi. elaltii, an, I Unit aald .roof lllll Is- mailt- ladora W', 11 I re. Ity, I lllletl Slates I tun tn la. Inner for I'i.trlrt of W a.lilnzloli, al hla oftlie In ttnlileudale. Wa.h.. uli Saturday, J tine S', l:u, vl: atir(a tl. I.inilaayr, flonieat) nd entr'. Nrt .vl, for IliC SW til see 1., I J, N t.f K 1.1 K, '. M. He Itstnea Ilia followinsr wlllnai.a to ttrova ma ettniinnoiia real'li nee upon silt rulll. allon of aaicl Itintl, vl: John ,. Mt Imriald, of llntllat d V. II , W ah : Hendelln l'!dl. Itoldeiiuale V. ll., Wa.h.: Jolin C. Metrv, Hunt. nil I'. It.Waali.; 1 Iiiiidu c brl;..a, llartiaitd Y. O.. w a.h. '"a)i I W. K. bl'MlAK, HtlalcT. APMIXISTRA lOP.'H NOTI C K. Nollee la here,y lven that the linderalKnrd. by an order of tha t t.unlv t ourl of tha Htate of ttreyon lor Waaeo Coiinti', ha tsa'ti atisoti Itj adnjlnlatrator of the ealute td Helen Bradford, dfet-aaet, a (-tiMtna having elttltna ae.lnal the estate ol aald dreeaaed ara ll. lllletl to pre sent tlo tn, a III, tha .rois-r n.iirliet.. to n'r m Htaal hlver. Oreirnn, wiihiii all nioiiiha Irniii thauale ttf this liollt-3. I'ulid Hay IJ, I. am. Ittnaw r. lis trims It, Administrator nf the ka ate of Helen llrad ford, lie-rased. a SOU IM and EAST via Shasta Route Trains leava The I In I lea for Portland Slid Wat tallona al I .'1 s. In. and .1 t. in. l-ave I'orllafld Alltanjr ..... ... Arrive Aatiland Mac! antf-lito " Wall r ranelarti . a :s s hi .1.' :H in 1 ni in . ' i"i t in . 7 . i'i p in 7 on p m I , In : .'al ji m j 1 1 i a in I 4 l'. a in I n 1 1 m I Arrive liudon ' Itenver .... " Kan.aallty " ( hletco K O a m W:la, a m 7 ".i a in V : l.i a m II mm mn s in 7 : a in I :m a in Arrive Atin-les . . . Kl ra ' Korl W.trlh " I It jr of Mexlen . ' ll'.ll.tolt . . ' New llrleatia . " Wu-liltiKtoll " New Vork . I '.'0 p in ! p in . . m a in . . U .1 a in . I ii a in . li Jo a in . ri a a ni IJ II p in 7 im a in ft , p in t. i a in li :. a in I i'i a i.t p in ft n ,n IJ il p in ........ riiilmai and Totirlat era on holh tnttireara niieramenlo lo ltgU-n ami souto Pacific Co. ami itinriai eara lo I hleiiKo, M ,tia leatta antl w aalll IlKlntl. folinactllia; al Han franrl eo ith several i aresm.hlu lliif. for llnnoliilii, Ja,.n . ..,,.,,a,..T( , eniiai aii miun Alnellr liee sgiit st The halles alatlon, or sddros C. H. MARKHAM, Ueuersl raeii(er Agent, Pol Hand, Or NOriCK FOR I'l'III.ICATIO.V. Timher I,m I, Act June !1, 187S. I'. M. I isii iirrn . f 'Tit I1.I1.S., or., Apr. M. I'so. i Nolle Is lieretiy glv-il Hint III mniil'llaiirs Willi the i.iuv l.lims uf I lie a-l ef emiyit ul June .1, l".s, lltlll.'l "All set (.ir I ha sale "I lln. hi-r lill.l. In Ilia alalea nl I n'llurula, tile' Hi vvadalld ahliitiu lerrinny, William K. Krlehuni. of Thu lllr. CoiiiiK ef eo. SIiiIk uf, llil d llli l In Ihla nil e lila 'in iii lii. Mil Nik I VI (.ir lh I'lireliaw id lli' M ' and N't ft.', id Helton So. :U, In In. I N. II. No. II M , and lll nlt.-r irnof In li"W llial III land sonalil U 111. 'IK valllalilu f .1 lla tlllllMiror lillO Until for NSHelllllllHl llllpi.e. ami In lil eliilm lo .aid land Ih Ilia Killi'l and ItM'vllvr id llila nllica al I llu I '!!., On-Koll, oil Halurday, tha .ld day of J una, IttoO, Hi name aa arlrtleaaear J H. dolt, l. I, ket rliuin, Jimm'.i llaniia and Mlluni i-Hriui'r. all id I ha lialliw, tlreaoit. Any and all h laoita rUlmllif ailiiirai'ljr the alMn edeaorllM'd lamia are rt(uelsl lo rlln lln-lr elaium In Ihla i(tli'e oil ur b-'I'TS tuld J-lrd du)' td Jtinv, lia.l. air. liio I JAY l. 1 1 l AS. ll.nM.r Aduilnlairalnr's Wal at liaal l'riart)r Notlee la hi-rvhy yru thai from and alter Ilia lilulh day nf June, I will T,'eeil I II at n Ivale aie. for, Ilia fnllimtii; deM'TllNHf 1,m-rt iN-lonaltia: to Ilia yalale td I'atllik Irown, dvoaMd, lo wit ' tola A, II, 1, l. K. K. l, II. f, J. K ard I . Ill tilia k A; id tori t'allea il III Inly imnilluu, III Oregon. r ,r liifortnatloii lniUlre at iilBiy of rtlniiolt Jk Xlnuoit. Kali, I at Pallea ( Ity this I'M li dnv of Mnr, I'.nrl. Ill I.I V t UKuW S, AilmhilallaliU nf Hie estate id I'kImi s 111" ll. dii'vaard. Ill itsrisr SOS tin at h site La. t SUM I'lUII. Aas.ra SOU. sa'l Ink,, rvnver, H.I fa-t Uotlli. (Uealia, Kan I Mall s.ta i Itv. rt. lonla.i IS tt Chicago and Kaat. j Walla Walla. p,kan. Hf kan Mllllirat'lla. s. I'ail,i Mall i n I ll I h. M llwtttikts'. and t liliatftt anil kaal. via Flprt'aa si okaiir aa,l 11 nnllti li ti . alwi all tltit In ' VV a. Illusion and haal 4 Ola. m etu iires'tii. ! ID I'J S i. in. 4 p.m. FSOW I'ORTL 4 Sfl, (Hean Slew inatillM. r'ni san frmni-ws- -Aitll .'7, May .', 7, IJ s p. m. f t Milnlny r..l ir Ma Itv. I o AaTosi V Sntllt.l.y Uliull lo t. ut. I ! in. iMin'.a) Way S a. m. W'ii.LttKTTK Ittvra. Kx.enniiay llrK..n I ,iy, N,--..tRt, 1 aairia ik W ay l.auj a 4 f P l I l.slil', M'iu.vaarTS asiti Va mux hivsr.a. tlreroti I 11 v . iiailoTl, and W ay lan.lilisa. I m it m M. :. Wr.l Tllea, I hnr. and s,il. a. m. Tue., 1 hur, and sal. W I1.LAMSTT rlivxr. Pt.rt'aiid lo I .rial' and w ay Ijunlinga. .ii Hrt Ham hivia l(ltana Ut llalon. Inri I sai.roy dally S kj a. in. l.y Rl.arla daliy i I Ji a. in. I Tarllra ttealrin 1 n n Ileprii er tr l.,nta on I , luml.i. -..ulli. -tn via ll:r". .Iiotil.l a.a .so. i, le.vllK Ilia mlli-a at 114.1 . m matins tliti'l eo.iiaei.,tta at llt-i.t-ner ntnetloii and lilirya. hettirnlns inaV In ttlt.. i utn at He. pner jtiut lion atol lll.-va a uli No. 1. ar riving al lllr lla.lraat IJ -on. in. For full l arlleuluia eall nil O. It. ak N tllt the I'alle . ur aiMn-aa W. H. IICKI.IICHT, 'ifll I'aa. Al., I'ttrtUud. Or. Yellowstone Park Line. TMK IXNINO CUt HOME FKOM ro!TI.AM TO Til K KAhT. THE O.M.Y MKK T LINK TO TIIK YM.MiW 1 O.N K fAKK Uau-g Depot, nrtlani !5:s No. J. ' Fal mall for Taeotna, N. Seattle. Ill; ni.a. I .my 'a llatltttrat d Honih lletitl pt.lnla. ht.,kalie, kt.a ' Inml, ll. ., Pullman, M.wi'W, trt I. ion, linf . fnlolliiidtt mltilti.t et.tni VI p f tljr, II, It tin. MlMieiii.o. Ha. m. I'aiil, (moil,,. Kunana I lly, el. I , nla. I h leu so ami all In'. ea-l anil aoiiilieH.I. J,'n. i. I'nael H-iiind K,re.a fttr 'laeoioa and hottlUe 7,i.)A. . "till Intern, tdl.ilu tonla No H al Y. Pnlllnnn ltinetllt.,1 flr.telaaa and tonrlit alij.Ta In H It lit Ol t ri:atiRe, " l aiiiann Jil....inl m,., ,H,i,. Veatllttlleil I rl tin. f I, , 111 all l.rilif Ittttl elllea. imt t'outieetlol.i en.. k.. lo,i...,n ,, tlt-kt la for hundMiniely lliti.i. .1.-1 . .t,l,,i,, P ,, w'f'lia ' ''"r '"" rvailona, te., rail on or A. D. CHARLTON, Dyspepsia Cure. Digests what you cat. It Artificial! aril irnat a ft,.. A - J ' ... . " . " ,c ivnaii iiu Bias) lNaturfj In atrenKthenlni and rccon ; structlnjj tlie rxhauated digestive or j fna. Itltholafetdlcoverctlfllgeat- ami nunc, no otner preparation can approach It In erticienrtr is .ni'jmmt.mcmmmmnw xjieiaiiinatsai irlfifi-Mi d r.l I'a.o. jtantly relieve and permaniTitly cures , New or - Iy-P';piU, Indiifratlon. Heartlmrn. I r latii enr). riimr Kii,nni, j ' ''''htOasitralKla Crnnipa.anfj , m.. v. vrni:: m to., (.rjlcogo. It ED. AI'IOHNKV AT LAW, IIS llll I ... , (..,.. Oniooovei first Nst, Uum, ' NO TICK KOK I'L III.ICATIun. (laolale.) Tract )-Puh0 U. ' l.AMiOrrii a atTms lu I LK. M "1.1 a ...i.u i. . ..u . -i IUJ r hi v.n t, , : ' " "iiniio 'U aii., . ni-r i n... l , ,ito,r anllior Hi i..i..i . "" l,T a.-non .1, I . g, ( lliaai-l td eonirrv.a aie. "I"' . a. .,.'.'" '" "'""" I l ill. rat iMil.lle a. K day. Ih. Ullh day ..f j,., V, ,,"" ti.,. .T.:nt,7."u''u,M,'-i,-'U" !-. M rriion jn, to,i, , ltaa.l, W. M. 1 "'""inn Any and all iH-ra ni, t tHli..lil(I eliilma In llilaolhosiiil or U ota if.. , "'"ll.1t I alunala.1 lot in- V" 'a idlie lv iiivlr Hirliia win i.n .'...! ."''' aa. J A i V I A Kt.i.t . nil. .i i . J, ."''iw, ma) I.' II ' r us t. llwsl,. NO TICK KOR Priil.lCATlOM, t Isolated Tract ) Puhli,. t.,,,,, S I.AaotirriiSAtTHti.n,..,,, ' , el. l..-reby,lveu Ih.l Z'!,""'J In.ltin lion, lion, h. r.,.,, .,. ' " a land iiiritsa, under atillioni. I. y ihIIoi. .1. I'. H Ne. .1,1 . a. ,'' Ilia aet td e...,tn.s .,.,., V.,,. " .' ".5 "l l"'- wd to niter al pnl.ii,. ..: ' '. lav. Ilia ;.tl, Oay ..f M. , ,, ol III..-, Iia-k. a. Ill , a ,, ,! ,. ' " u Itael of I., wit ' '" '"""lm N N r. '. s.l. Jl, T I N. K IV r w H any and all la-rnni rlalml,,, dwiiltaat l.tela at. ..v,, fo T. .." elalinalli llil.oltlra. , ,,,,, ".I, dt-tiriiated lor Uiaotinilneiitv.iiriit l , , , ulliitwlaa Ihrir rlihU will la-l.ul, n, , 9 Hk- JY I. I I . A. .,., !"! OtM fATt'KstlS, Ureai, NoriCK FOR PIM1I.ICATI0N.T I.asii lirnt at Viiii.i ua, Vm. . .. . . . . , ' ' ' Nollea la herelvy lt,n llml ihc namiil aeiil.t. have ntni..i uiZr II. -n In niaka Una I nn.,1 i elalm Hid lliat .aid I t will l. a-Tr . II I re.l.r.l iill.-l Hlalra .it.ri.i.MlV! I'l.l.l. t ol Maahln.l II. al lila m. ila.e, w a.n., Moinlay, July a, i m.i, 11 llawrr Waakal. Ilot ieatead entry N.t ta.ta i r ir v i-K' .Ml. N, ll II .. W. M. win. i,.,..,....,..',,! In wllia.-a Ut .nie hi. e..iii. ,,,.,, .a,, U",tl and riiltlvalloli of aald Un.l, , i. .taiiu. i i cnaino, iniaiii M Vltil!it, ) Miilli.n, r l. , llonnail, all i l i tulMvil f. I) . a.,li lon. mwviu franrla I., haaa.ll, rtemeatrad Knliy No. Ill o t, l,,r i,r trarUtaiat NIC, .1 7. T. N. H I, rt. u M .1 naima the follow In nllnr.Ma in t,r,. i nm lliimnia reaidt-msf uioll and calltl atlu .a ... land, 1 Manuel I roltar.l. Mulilsan, llrtiry 11.. H a.lilnsl mav jn Ullllani M M.,lli,.j, -ll krl, ail . I t IIH.HI11, f W. ft M MUR.KrfJ.lrt. .NUUl'K OK rt IH.H ATU)N. I m ( rrn i h( Tmi lutim.iiii t Aji.ii .m. itt. Nil!r U hrrt-l'f flvn (if ..P.i!rif hatttnl artlr list fllrl tlM)r , tna I titti ho to in hi- miMl rN. In u.trt ! Hftim, tm) Unit i l - til m hisvl s (.ir v il.c k-ru 'nl ll-frlrrr nl Ihtf I'Kliiiiti'C'".! ilij. lit, Jultv !. l-atl, VU. WiU'in J. Ji (f.T, ol Th I.i!r. Or., II,, ni. (. ( y nirv N.. tV.;, r r );, V,.i M.r f TlNlllltl til f'.LltH iitff v,lMt.r ,i prr r)iiMiiu'i r-!nn r' wit. I Un.l. K taint i MfMaxl., Jr , jfifilf) ls-t 'f , M , f(f (i-llr. . , IaM IIowImihI, at, ,. I ho in '". I JAY I'. 1.1 t Af, K.ll. CONTKST NO TICK. I rl rXfaTR I Ar) 'tlt I. J I HI 1 I I r , I I R , Mar I V. '. M T fin till nflliu r .H , AUM.rt, r.iufrclul, i- .., tn il t, '' , !). 1 t, tmugr Ml. Ir John T flirlil, (-iilti, lii mIiu I) il I ti that Ml. J. Im V l l jtv4if (aiul'int Mti.l trHct, aittl rbiii't ItU rrwi4H, tl,rr'f MU f..f llliaf IIiMtl 111 tlMil.lll t !( BUI- tcitf Miil rutf. nn1 tint ar-r 4. Ihmt liifnl. ur ,t )rft-U4tiinl f..m Ui frvt 11 iinl 1n U hi rmfitm nitMil hi ln tf-liiurf hMv mI 4-m ir- ! iir I bluM iNln, miJ nrt'si mrr hcn t.f holirtt .i atifM-air, r- -im1 um! r.. ,r ttiirhli;ir b.i IU M I I li ni n I l) n rir .(ii on i'Mtf Jit. !'-, Mfnrtt Hi ttfltrf t-4 H.. . trr at lt I nil-., tttulv Uli4 itllirr la 1 t'sl.r. tvn 1 h tM tistitcafnt.t hnvltir, In ft tf' lf 1M Vir. hltil Mnf i u m (..rih ( m hi. b ifj-t llml mit f i)n tilhr itt- f-'i mtnal rt t.- tt ll.-tli v run Im.I k$ niif, hrfk hf imtrtfi Vti tlritr mil hii'l'O b gitn hj da a4 (tn tr iihllr-fili.ii. ! I JAY P. I t ( A-. Nonet: nut ruiii.K'.trto.s. .ap t'rrn k at Vakc ffvir. u.i MMl.t l wltl.f ,sta umIIimi l Millit'i.- tt. ft lo matte f.tial f.t.M'f In I ct tit . :(iti, atnt Hint l ptiM-r m III U- iiimtf b l" w. I l'rrhr, l niini Mtntt- r.'iniMi! lM-lilti.f anliit.jriMii, at til o'tVt lii ifdiJw (lalf, a)t . nti 1 !Uimy, Juiit kft, i, 11 Hlffltt ilrci-funl ; irmrrfey4l K.iitrv No 7J;, fur Itm .inihvn! 4 -f atfthm ij, t-rvtmhiti Ji.urih'f ra:.tfcl4wt. 1111. M. r. IU him.1 th fnlli.wli'K itn-- to i-n.TtKM in. ntlnu'itii n-i. l.-m u on ml rulu Ml'l UihI, vl. Manila I h. 4H.nanlt, of tlratnl VnU T 0 Wah Ilrrman lKi.BfU. Vtliti v rklawn. i ftiiif vl) o , w ftii . aint W llllniii i riHr4, "I ffrmi I'utN-a f. it W. It. M'MHH. t.i; J I K. Xittf. .voricic i ok run.MC.uiov. l.AD tsn a at Tn lui it". or ,o., A l.ti; ji. I Nollee la ,en l.y film that Ihe f.'d nan.t d lllef haa llltl notlea id hi. Int. ti'l'in Itiaka Dual tria. ,n ati,r, I of Ida 1 1. int. art. llml ald tr t.. Mill I,- luaila l lore l,e li l-"f and Heeel.erat 'Ilia liallra. On soil, in "sue day, Junali,, vis Henry Iteadel, n Tl o i.ille, Or., lloi,iea...d t'litry Kn 47 an. for I lie Ka-tl'tS 'J, town. hlii I mirth, rat. a l.'eaal, W. U Me l.tllnea Ine (oUowllia; wltll..ea I" .rovn Bta 'Mini a n aldenia- ti.,ii and eulln all. n laid land, vl. Henry I Held nr. lieorin Ann. Id, I'ltarlla w. Atlalna, Mil liavl lt, all nf 1 lie hall. a. or. ma).' I J.Y p. .tca, te.lsr. T1MI1KU CUI.TUHK FINAL I'KOOF. NuriCK FOIl I'UIU.ICATION. I . . Ukii Orrn , Vmun ", "( A.ill '. '" I Nolle Is lie.edy slvan lhat M.rv V. f .ethatia, hv li. II SI. s. nun. her allnrnrr in fuel, haa liws nollee of liilt tn make II oa I .r.-'l ' H. II Pre.l, I lllletl hlnlea l oin ..nar Id-drift id aahlnstitii, al hla mini-1 W": da If, Waahlnit ll Krldav, Ihe ."'in '"f " lillie, I'a ti. , ' Intla.r rilltnra A fplli ""n m, for the lit rl li quarter of wa-iloti v biaiiahlp Nn. l north, range No. I lea. I, Mhe lintnea aa allnuaaea: Manuel H NamartSt nil. rand I ia I lea P I). Wa.h : llermiil, "H!'' William Wllklnaon, nil enter VI He '""", i' and VMIIIain I law I. .Id, nf Itrand I'"''"" ; " Wa.h. W. K. Id M"'1'. ma) 10 ''' ' NOTICK FOR rUlll.ICATION'. I.anii lisrn at Tim Hsu r.: (HirtntW.J Anll .'. ' N'ollea la liarahy slrrn Ihal lie ,1 to innae niini iriaii tit piit.,.i ... thai .., II...I alll lie made ladnell"' "' ... ....I I .....,,... .ni.. i...,i... io.u.,11. nil day, June HI, I-..I, U. .foa I t.f e, iMlles.Or.i - ..i.n..-.'. ' iioinraien.l r.nirt r.n nil, inr ti.- -- . i ... ... i 1 1 ...t a;i i i-l 'i atl'le .'.I townahltt i inn 111. ranee I J eaal, W. ' , ilti liinni a Ihe foil. iwlng II li. P" hla rniillnnoiia real, li. lieu lllaill Slid rillio nl tali! land, via' . ,, J, John ( 'rule, I hsrles Rnlitea, J. P ll.teknisr, M, non.., ii, all of I ha iJallea, lliefin. msjJI JAY P.l.l'lAH, K.1W-