The Dalles weekly chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1947, May 26, 1900, PART 2, Image 2

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The Weekly Chronicle, j:,: "
' UTrvn for J)ict senator, Eacmill,
jtlttilWI Kat.
O !a !-'.
I -f i.v-T Lk 5 -J0T t: UX-O. .
J tt-i : 'hi
J- 'res. f
1 - l..,n,,iU riumirMu nsruFo!
r AC ISO A HALL. Ktrusuw v.- ,. v
. : .! i
ate w " T K s a
hi teen studvitg the
iB,briDiMK far jiLt 'jatu le of democracy in this Cim-
r, txd te farr.tsUs this illostra-
not le
Representative James L- aison, j tBrr., M.M ty mtibL. rir-
f , lrn tudvt2: the' rr rrr..lr4.
0 l . lff '.- --'
; A4
or or-
Ojr esteemed costearporsry fays,
Ti;t Cnw;at: lit 'burled.' anj'.:fr4 fff at Ja?;e Benceltj
l.iiise il said, aart-i-g c'-hiT thirds.
thai tie judge ws core cpuasisuc
about La eVciioa than
resectativc ar.d you v.-t for fts
perity an I good governa-tnt, ar.d
against free :lver, free trade and
geLeral ruia. It is important ia ih;s
i i-s'ga to vote for the nun who
staid for tte f-iic:j-5e tlat advocate
tie best interest cf lie Aceriea
peo;-'e. Wecacnct afford to elect
any lut safe nsn to tLe IV. led
Mates s&ite.
lion, which, though it may
entirely plea.-irg to them, is loo It
to le k-st in i!.it wilderness of
wor-ls. tbe C-figres:.' Rccor.1:
-Whi!, tier, i lU:r irrjxci:ioa?
:tr'!r tLt tb.i ecisure is ocfon- , isfufiiiifo, l a sii 1 in pri: j
are; "Itt L-.nx? ui tvo.u;on w ie.
toaatB rure is tittorj of th evj'.ution
iththc u.Joi a'l 3 tLe . al,:ow tpotitia lo U.e UitH !
teir. We ta mc bckar.l, bt-t ' K0BUC.r b4 ficna lb liaitel oi?n-
uf rii. r-. i-- i:r.s of.
r.i, ret r-festirit i '.e, e-' nil tiZrie
i If t'e rer.tif rrea
to I tH-ueve l, tbe ctLstituuoa i$ a
i rlv n i:'.h ik ;iiJoj a'l ia tLe
' csn ceer ca'.cb a g!ixE'e of tte . arcsj to onr prot rpct.icn form of j
! He adrcitislratioa Las LnVcnetJ foture Tk0 ;;s te fcrever estab-! cjrrcaiit. Ia iUr morUi icn' ,
totbtcrtof the l'c.c coast anJ Vihe,' 3 tlt b"J kn w areJ
- . . i . . lirouza wr tou i i.ra mit
Lis i-oJiticali" j -Mr. ptaer, wiiai iMw-,MliM , rt etb!ihed men Mt
Ttcie U ajwj' ,,au u,v"- tut;oD? Il is m coiiccuoa 01 eie--t!ieir kowtt, gx their litrt, their a,I
K:c(r.rT Ai:!,l r.i'i'v
boaiclT provtrb that hjs: -Tbe tin lnc 'l'1 OM 'uru " u"'"; mental princ.p.e lajJ down lor onrnorJer to tecare tLeir po.iucaj niDis;
of a I : the ricchipo'f iu" If The whkh Pohiblla more lin thirtj , gDijance. n it 0Ot tbe caue of our ' and tie men of Oren are rotert tod.y
jj j.e it La. :a0e4 y bein- too:"0111 n De" w" bront .t0, years of 5!ru-!e and enJeaTor; WM; . . fjf Jitic,, frM
froi! of tbe Uuth. Let cs now """"" v' ... ; to ttake posiDie mil insirumenu dom U exactly tbe iame as that of man's
was born of tbe spirit of prosres. 1 ttrogg!e for po.hieal liberty. There is
it icust be interpreted in ac-! arament in fTor of man saf-
before the decree became effective. . ;., ,,., .r.;.;. it Hr ,r ,h1 d3M DOt PP!y
It is eviJect from this that the; . prevenl ,irosrei. bat, like
, i auutoriues ai tiaiuicgio were
tbe steamer
site iu'i rrc.rvi 4.a a kuu vi i
nsnicularswtbat.tcan be en at 'JP" on board bot they got away Lnd
a g-aoce tow far tbe jjJe's past.
dc?3 at the rolls warrants him in
i It isevkW from this that the ... ' ,it. i a qaesi.on or nam.n
... , r - irifnu.ana ary tuon to ttcare lor any
bepisg for success at the coicicg j ,ulJ,-Kiut' " .. .u.ueu - .EDcer boaid, poinU out ILe way : e.ass tbeir rights only ht!ps to rreserTe
election. Let tie Tiaes-MounUin- Pron:Fl ,n consmuuicsung a loe : ajcog which we must march. i and strengthen tbe rights of every other
eer rTi cr acec J this record if hi ey were notified of j Mf Hbe4 wan, it is one built U-j class. Biht wrongs no one."
dare- tie great ina ax of Japmnesc coolies tict1 UJ tc evect r,ar retrosreision ! im WE or Jrwt nfIS.
Merino the iconlh of Apri . and the .t . t . ""P" oprncu ... n-m.ri.
I r ' j riiLtr iusu utiorc us ('icitui uu
!emfior, wbo has always expressed , t;ivlcCmeDt
la ly-l iefatel for rircait jaJfe.
In 1 -- o,i? ;ed for the !eg.!!ore.
Ia 1; J-r!eJ fr the ir:f.;are.
Ia J-? Jfe:eJ f.r isjreice jaJie.
Ia 14 dr?etied for scfrece jaJge.
lo l -legated for or cire. j. , ,
la l- to dte, ifited f jr V S ne ) e do more rear or
Is rac-J:ate Ur rxt'.c fenate ? ? t i little brown cen
elections Julie Dennett bis beer a m.;temen
can liJate in seven. In six of these
savinz that the repaiiicin partr is op-
Bat the democratic rx-fj. in '96. br three Dailies: that
a warm fiien.Uhip for this country, psMVt wi.h j,, fsce aiwaj-, to tte j tbe principles of the populists, as be
j acted at once. So now there need ; reJ" jma(jCes jt is in front of chose to call this political trinity, were
hordes Of the cs ,cd Jt our O0W4fJ Bsrch 1 1!' "e, and that these principles were
lcvadic tLi; : enshrined in the Chicago platform, n l
TLe demcraU grumble because ! er' "hen crystanxed into the smallest
... .' conjrats, free silver and free riot. The
tirres are too good and puces of: , , , . . , .
7 i n:A 1p mriirl ia rtrtr saraa tat tear t ha
Thus in nire cocsecativc lient,ial j couttry and irs tbe places of
! AVcgciabkPreparalionforAs
similatLng ttieroodandBegula
: tgtlKSiQiiKttiBanlBow'eisof
rronwles Dicstiortrheerfur
nssandRtst.Contains neitluT
j Opiiim3forptune norIineraL
bt CmmmM Urn I
1 i j anr
Aperfecl Remedy forCoitslipa
non. Sour Stomach. DiatThoea
Vorms .Convulsions .Feverish
ness and LOSS OF SLEEP.
TacSlnile Signature of
m hj w
For Infants andf!1
The Kind You Havs
Always Bought
Bears the
b 111 II
For Over
Thirty Years
rut ciTu ewtwirf. oi vow, etrr.
.. 1 , . i i .i . i .
A ralcer peculiar feature ot this prwucis .oo ciq; iney say rirtv of eonnd taonev and expansion.
contents te has been defeated and , j,r4ceie immigration is that 11 the would have things different if they j Till the period of the Spanish war every
tte ktcv.'m dt feat is as sure to corxe ' .,,,;,. ,,f .i,,. , mr.r-.r in tiiis were intrusted with Dower. And i foot of territory added to the thirteen
as ibe sun is to rise tomonoir.!,,,,,,. m,-w ,, ; there is no doubt in the world about i 0':V ''h the elLgle exception ; 2.
ander !
The BrTan-ig-
ite wing of this popoiin party are ask-ij
so . ing ns to ectrnst them with power occe ; S'
The Chbom-lk wi'.l cot say that
this record of ULSuccessful ofJke
teekitg is without a parallel, but il
oei;eves it is, ana u anyone canttj.ev are
show aDytbing to equal it The
Chronicle will be g!sd to bear of it.
The trout !e wi:h the judge is that
be is alwavs going to be elected till
.... .ii .u f Alaska, bad icn acoaired
"r lu au" eeu j ..s- I democratic administrations.
empiie. There is no power to com-: twinkling of an eye, to ruin and
rl them to obev such an order, but devastation. There is no joke
loval neonle and il is Sood to them as the Joke that was I more on the ground that the republicans : 5'
doubtful if any great number would j told in grim earnest after the dcroo- j hive published the gold standard on j
! , . , , such a solid Dasis that the election of!!
tte ballots are coasted,
not in i'
Tben he's
The democratic party, in rational
convection assembled, would be de
lighted to adopt the fullowicg, or
sotrjtr'.Lir,; similar, as a part ot its
platform if it could do so without
making i:e!f lidicu'.cus, says the
Kanii5 City Journal:
William MeK'nler was elected
preside tit upon the ledge that he
would restore confidence and revive
business and industry. This was
the promise of the republican plat
form and the promise made by re
publican orators on tbe stutrp in
every str.te of the union. Yet today,
after three years of tbe McKinJey
administration, the country is still in
dire distress, business is paralyzed,!
industrial tlanU are standing idle,
labor seeks in vain for employment,
famine s' abroad in the land.
We arraign the republican part' for
its failure to carry out its r-aroraign
pledges to the people, and we urge
oters lo condemn with their ballots
the inefficiency and iocompelenci of
an administration which has only
succeeded in aggravating the distress
it was elected to alleviate and re
move. A declaration of this kind would
occupy the most conspicuous place
in the platform which mill be adopt
ed at Kansas City in July if cir
cumstances were radically different
from what tbey are. Lut no such
declaration will appear in that plat
form, or in any other democratic
platform adopted this year, for obvi
cus lessons.
refuse to respond if called upon. j crats elected Cleveland any every- no .fc.
The American laborer who has , lh:ng went to smash; when savins ; the pjpulist wing refuse ts bate a j .t of j
come into competition with tbe j workingmen applied for work to get j their demand for a debased currency. 1 ?:
l..... 1... r u... I,., il.. .i..... i mr.pthint t.i pt tlipr wcro tr.1.1 tn The onlv fafe thin? f r the tnteri lr .l.i !.
,.,i AAr.n was to vote the repob.ican ticket and!?-
live on tbe cheapest fools and who I their bats. Salt Lake City Tribune
is not a circulator of money. While
he is useful in a number of trades
Special Sale!
Steel Hap ana Cook mi
which arc uot to the liking of while
men, Le is not a very desirable
admit thai the democrats
bad a plauk in their platform in loC0,b3Ck3 of tbe country.
The figures furnished by savings
banks are the best evidences of the
condition of the working classes,
mechanics and laborers. In 1889
there were in tbe United States in all I
3,00,000 depositors in the savings
take no chances.
The anti-expansion idea was Iareely 5
sectional. We bad taken the Philppines ! S
a - u- n - .1 1 1 . 1 1 i '
them il e would. What American I J.
will dare to say that the order given to j
Admiral Dewey to destroy the Spanish U
fleet was wrong? Tbe history of civili- j
zation is the history of conquest, and
expansion is the handmaid r.f r!ri-i,.
Ten rears Itirn. ti. i,;.tr.r ,. -..:,i
. - - - - - viii. n ui ,u rilkfia?
To reduce our large stock we will
sell Stoves and Steel Ranges at
Greatly Reduced Prices
in favor of annexing Cuba." say The ; in 1833 thcre wcre n0 less ' that expansion is a law of human nro
Dalles democrats, -but that was a j lu4n 5.200,000 depositors, a gain of ' reis- The Jews expanded when they
settled in Caanan, and to them through
Christianity we owe the purest morality
and the highest civilizition the world
has ever known. The Pi:rini fathers
very cr.nereni lurng irom wantinx to 1)100000 in ten ycais. In le34
steal Cuba as you republicans wantj6icu depositor had" an avetr.gc of
to do. obody wants to steal UZC9 in tLe ln lbe;
. 1 T i a) ' i
.uo. iue repuo.ican imiy Las . aVerage had risen to ?I9, so that, expar.ded. and without the consent of
always kept iU pledges and will keep! whiie tbe number of depositors had j he native inhabitants, founded the
those made to the Cubans. But ' i,r..v in.-rimeft t!, ,vron rr.,...nt I hibest ty of national civilization on
.i , ! - e ilkV.l. Tf .1.. m ...
you miss ine pvini, gentlemen, n of m,JDev oa dctosit increased
practically the same ratio.
for a short time only. See our
goods and get our prices. . . .
-Resolved, That the demociaMc
with-i PnrlJ ' 'n avdr of the
is not a question of simple annexa
tion. Nobody thinks of blamiug
yon for wanting to annex Cuba.
Rut rrii wsntptl In nnpr it
out ever consulting the Cubans, i01 lue -i cuna, on sucn terms
without, that is to say, "the consent!5 wil1 c tonorable to ourselves and
of the governed," and now voii j Just 10 P"D at the earliest practic
hypocritically damn lbe republicans j Me BiomenU" That was demo
for doing tbe same thing with the crlic doctrine just forty years ago,
Filipinos. You forget, gentlemen, ' 84 declared by the lemo:ratic plat-
that nearly two thirds of all the ter
ritory of the United States, lying
between the Atlantic and tbe Pacific
and between tbe British possessions
and tbe Gulf, has been added to the
original thirteen states by democrats,
often by force and always without
"lbe consent of the governe J." This
is your record, gentlemen. What
makes you ashamed of it?
forms put forth at both Charleston
and Baltimore. Expansion was not
then denounced as undemocratic and
In the greatest year of prosperity
the United Slates has ever known
the democratic party will nominate
a calamityile for president. It's
queer, but characteristic of thai kind
theg.obe. If we (tive up ihe Philip
pines, we must, to n consistent, give
np Porto Kiio, the Sandwich Islands,
the Indian reservations, and every foot
of American territory. Where shall we
acquisition : go? Astronomers ssy there is one spot
in the far off universe of G ui that comes
as near being nowhere and as full of
nothing as the human mind is capable
of conceiving. Let the Populists hie
themselves there, where tbey can have
all the anti-expansion they want and
free silver at 16 to 1, without asking the
consent of anybody. Tbey cannot stand
on a foot of American soil and not vio
late their own platform.
Weaie going to bold the Philippines
and to give them every inalienable
right a human being is entitled to onder
the American flag, and a species of lib
erty they never kn-w nor ever dreaned
of onder the rule of Spain.
of politics.
There is not a man on tbe icpub-
lican ticket who is not the ieer of;
bis opponent on the fusion ticket.
Wbv then should a recubiican n'rh
" r . , ..... write "i t..
in favor of a demoroDu-! " cse there -a.nt! , .
- ;.-,r- is
The democrats of Ibis county re
mind one of two small boys Gjjhiing
over who shall get the core of an
list? What do we owe to demo- ta' tQ tc no corc-
Voters of Lake county, says the
Lakeview Examiner, should remem
ber wbeo they go to the polls on the'
4lh of June that a vote for Hon. J. j bis ticket
N. Williamson for iint senator. ,
K. A. I.ajjjitt, A. D. Robert and i populism n) how? Did not the very Come to think of it, lbse middle
T. II. McGrecr for joint represents- j dread or it give us four of the most 1 0f-tbe road populists ore an awful
tives means a vote for sound money J wretched years in American history j nice lot of fellows.
and proerity. It means a vote for and cause a loss to the American! , i
a United States senator who will ' people in wages and values of prop-' full Headache, Pa:n in various parts
ote for all the principles that go tojerty greater than was incurred in au j of he bc-ly, Sinking at th pit of the
observe the best interests of the ! the wars the country has been en-! , ' w
matter how it
Columbia P.iver Ice A Fuel Co. wishes
to announce that they will deliver ics to
any part of the city at all hours of the
day or night. 'Phone S3 or 81 Long
Diet. ; 75 or 8 Seufert A Condon.
JVIflYS & CROttlEj
, .1
Under the auspices of the Forest Protective Association
will lo held at
Dufup, may 31, 1900.
Prominent speakers from different parts of the state wi'
add res the people on forestry.
. vouu, u uw en- rimpl(.,orgore. .UUive
nation, and for continued and in- gaged in since tbe battle of Lexing- 0f impore biood. No mat
creasc-d prosperity. A vole for the
f js'oo candidates for the state offices
aeans a vote for a United States
senator who ill do all ia bis power
ton to this hour? To say that an became so it matt t pari lied in order to
! individual csndidate is a good rran, I obtain good health. Acker's Blood
is no excuse. No good man has any i E:',ir l' D'Terlmi!'d,oco'Scroo!oa,
.business to be connected with an a, ' u Z . '
to reduce this country to tbe panic aggregation of political imbeciles remedy and we sell every bottle on
of the early nineties through all the . that nearly ruined the country from P?it'v guarantee. Blakeley A tlongh.
3ears of democratic rule and distress; 1832 to I?96 and would ruin it 1 ' dfg UfC'
it meant a vote for free silver and'aeain. The memorv of thesa data li0- ' ,? ',J ,re ving a
n,y.nism, poverty, distress and na- La, teen burned into some of a, too-lZZZ! Z
niioDi calamity. iae county s eieep 10 De easily lorgoilcn.
Mrs. Harriet Evans, Hinsdale, 111.,
writes, "I never fail to relieun m.
croup at once by nsica
One Minate Cough Cure. I would not
feel safe wit hoot it." Quickly en res '
coughs, colds, grippe and all throat and
long diseases.
A roonmg house of eleven rooms fcr
rent and furniture for sale. Apply at
this office. mlMi:
Your choice of wait. or base balls, I
bats, capt or belts with boys' suits at !
A. M. Williams A Co.'t. j
You will not have boils if yon take'
Clark A Falk't sure cure for bniia.
uiissiDnRrrin !
Physician and Siirseoii,
S'pwUl ttcoUno given lo nrrrT.
Roonif Zl .1)4 IS. Tel. ZJ Voct Bkw k
Grand Boll in the Evening.
A basket dinner and a larVeue of roast ox will he scrvd
Kvery one is cordially invited to itttend.
' vnt
, r
M0OHE k fi.VVIX,
Kor.mi JEst and J, over I. S. Lar,4 OtT.r.
is ting advocated by all parlies regardless of race, color or pre
vious condition of servitude. Keniemher we make onr
mers glad when tl.ev buy or Pure Prrnar.! Paints. There is
finish and gto to its work thai is admired by all.
Paints, Oils. Glass, Picture and Room Moldings
t onr stork of Wall Paper
r I'.M) on Iiplay
Re sure and inspect onr stork of Wall Paper
lVsiuns for PAD on Display
Washington Street,
between Second and Third.
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