The Dalles weekly chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1947, May 23, 1900, PART 1, Image 4

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1 De i:ot the first by
Nor vet the last to
..TUB plan w(i Dresses Weil.
Has that satisfied feeling which invariably comes to a
iaan after paruiiin? heartily of an excellent dinner.
It causes him to wonder what there is in this world to
le miserable about.
Pease & Mays
Is a rendezvous for well-dressed men. Very modest
are the suits and overcoats shown by us this season.
Our windows tell about them. Have a lock during
vour luncheon hour.
MEN'S SUITS $5.00 to $25.00.
MEN'S Topcoats $7.50 to $16.50.
Have you seen the new Itoelof Hats?
Have vou heard the talk regarding our Neckwear?
A!! Goods Marked
In P".ain Fig-urws.
P. F. Mitb.! wt ia town 2t Bibt (
from Merectcs. i
W. J. Lan-ier, a rromiDeist
a rrornineBt nv
trower ira saerar EriJje, ilia tbejKidte, vat in town last night
'-T- ! acd left for borne thit inornioz.
r, , j
Jasvx Ercwbhii! wect oat to
lii.a:erC.ntoat!et.d the repctuicaa '
ra4 y at ttat f a: tvaiit.1.
M m Mary Gror,oc was a rfnjr j
ot. tfci, mcmirV, bornx fj, Wfciw $a'.a.on. ;
where... wi.iT.aa few :..,.
uon. n. i. t. zvT.auririerrerwiii-.ceej,,;,,
rU:iaeeT. ia town iart nitKt.i
the roet t f tte l'o.i!i:: H nw, mud
left for !-.otBe 00 tte tiddly train. (
Tbf .:owici!atTiea'e r!Mred at j
the TtatiKa Hse: C. ttratton, j
Kirer; Balnaa aLd J Kha 1
T. T rrteT. MeTet.c4i ; tieorze K. er. j
or, Jr. Am P.acbeMc?er ud J. K. 1
B. F. Bro
W. Lori went toShac:ko yesterday.
Wilbur Bolton, of Antelope, it in the
itr. j
W.J. Caa-t-bell. of in
the city.
F. H. Button, a prominent cit:xn of 1
Hood K.ver. it in the car.
J. C. Gi!narer, of Post, it regit
te'ed at the I'matii'a Uooee.
Hon. R. E. Mieecer, fusion candidate
for jnt repreeentatiTe, as in town last
nitit from Mitchell.
Mrt. W. 1itd went to Portland on the
ti-1-dav train, accorjpanied by her
little aepbew, Lytsn Laughlin.
Mrt. C. A. P-jfdert retorted yesterday
from Portland, where the hat been vis
iting relative and friends.
Dr. O. D. IV ne left today for Astoria
to attend the meeting of the grand lodge
ot ta 1 re,;oa at place.
Mrt. O. B. Whittle, who hat been tit
Ing t'r te past eek with Mr. and Mrt.
R. H. Webher, left today for her Lome
ia Great Fails, Montana.
Sheriff Kelly, Treasurer Phillip and
Him. A. Roberta and J. X. William
son left today for llooti River to attend
the republican rally at that plaie to
night. Aaron Frtr, for many years prin-
cipai ct the lysine pnt.i-.c tcbcoit. it te a disgrace to Wasco county reptsbll
rec't'ered at the Imaiilla House torn , . - ... ...
M.tchel!,.fcereheitnow in the hotel ' ' enre tne,r 0,,d ap-
bo linens. ! Pr' to a man who ia in every way tor-
Mr. and Mrs. William Ptaats. Miss j tby fit' Sxth Mqbgax.
Kor,y iafrfrr, Mrs. . L. anderpool.
L. K. Thomas and Walter Briham. all !
ot uotur, rassel through town yester
d.v on l..e.r r t A.f.ri. to.ttend
the ,r.nd lodge c t O ld Fellows and Re- j
tca i. ! tea
Rev. D. V. Poling left todav for San iendci in Consumption. I bad fnoaent
ranritro to attend a conventr.n of On- i bemorrhaget and coughed cvht ard dar. !
egatioual n.ini'ters at that place. I,ln . j., . . . ,. !
-ever, this sat. ,..0ea qitrantiu; j i ' "", I " 'i
gregatioual n.initers at that place. If.l.ii
boa ever, thit s'at- ioes onrantine i
odert agiinst Calif iroia rn account cf I
bubonic p
p'.sgae. w'.ich it believed t l ;
it in San Fraiicicnf Mr. Poling !
at p-eeen
may ( no further than Portland.
Il'i4ir 1 tally.
Governor Movfy irri
from Salem.
here tody j
M. F. Bird arrived her. !.,t night
ns Vnto. A
E. C. H.ighl. of Antelope, I. regi,- '
r d at the Umaiilla HooseT
ter d at the L maiiila Hoase. ,
L. B. Kelly and G. A. Ward of Wa- i
pioitia, were in town last night.
Mrt.H.HCar, is registere.1 at Ihe
Caiati.ia House from Prineville. !
. Wheallon was a p..eneer on the
Regulator this atornir.g for Hoed River. 1 not
Wi'l If. Fe- .n.l - if. ... ,t.. a . i u"
the L'matil'a II ne from Warm Spricgs.
John M. Roto, the well-known demo
eeatlc war horse, it in Ihe city from
John Miehell was a passenger cn the
id day train for Asion., wbere Le goe, j letf.
whom the Dew are tried
lav the old aside."
to utrc) roetlicj of the grand lodge
lot OJi F.Lobi.
i Ab-!t Ea'Jsin in a cajr,reT rn the
Rej at thit roornicf on a basinest
trip to PortlacJ.
Mii'dors I'cLeod. a iroerjerorn Tvch
, . I tue biOOd and KDCOOS fOrfiCe".
Mrt. V. Parkins went to Hood K:twL . . ...
Uritw t , attod tae funeral cf JJias Id.
Fc, wtich toc k tltce this afiernocn.
" ARKlmu.
M ,t tfl 0H.rr
!r. Albert Limmercth ,
. .... . ... .. .
in this city, Sa'nrday, May 19th to
iIr- n1 Mrt. K. Bray, a ton ; weight
Martm ,.r A. 9. m.w.r..
Xbi Dallis. May 21. 1$00.
I I bare jit retornrd from a trip
jtbrooeh the Hood Eirer Ta'ley, where I
wai pleased to Co J the sentiment very:
(focg-'y in favor of A 8 Blowers for
eoonly- jidg Tbere ar) Mnje
!.,. , th.t ... .,i.v-.,,,
d of ,hrejr(J lnil0Mri03i Wert.
fruit men atd luaiber men Ti ev de-:
1 f
serve recognition in the distribntion of
the cenntr ofEces, and thev will do their I
t,a,t to obtain It h r::ir, nr. a !.r !
- . r 1 1 -
vote ior Jir. u.owers. it it weJl kooac
that I am not a repntl:can. My desire
to see Mr. Blowers elected springs solely
from the confidence that I have that he
aill rrake one of the best jaJget the
coonty has ever had, and that he will
do all in bit power to reduce the taxes.
Mr. Biowert it himself a large property
owner. He bat spent fourteen yeart of
hit life in the verr work he ill be
called npon to do as county judge. He
fought over foor long yeart to maintain
the nnion. He is ttiil in the prime of
mental and pbytical vigor, and, if elect
ed, will not make the office of coonty
judge a mere side issue, hot ill take np
hit residence at the county teat and de
vote bit entire tine to the work of hit
office. 1 know Mr. Biowert will get a
good many democratic votes, and it will
A Lira Aad Ieata ritbt.
Mr. W. A. Hicet of Manchester, Ia.,
r'"D ol b' miraculon, P
from death, saT: "Fxposure after meas-!
indnperl wrinm Innd irnnl.l. H
-- u., .iwui., . uu J
A.. 1 t .
' u'"-1 u'e. :
Ihen 1 i" to Dr. Kir.fc't Xew '
Discovery lor Consumption, which onj-1
pletely cored me. I ou'd not be wilhont t
' jiteven if it cost V00 a bottle. Hundreds !
j have used it on my recommendation and !
y it never fails to cure Throat, Chest !
and Long troubles." Regular size 50c !
I-00. Trial tottle. free at Bl.keiev
Houghton's Dreg Store. '4
will Hit. a sud.
.. .
,T0"M- M" - i f ff. ially an-i
nouncea mat Johannesburg will be de-j
. Tbe Cmta't- of tL rn!' I
P0"' heen advised to look a.'ter I
government will
bolJ "eIf '"?onsih!e for injary or
i Day.
Tk" Lxatiye Eromo Quinine T.b- I
AU drng.isu refund tie money. I
Commandant Both., counm.ndcr-in-! " 1 ' , -""'" 'KZZ'tJ'l X lbt A. D. CHARLTON,
chief of the Boer forces, repori. the bar- "ft"? "ld ', M?', ,,,, I J k and I , '-''miPm,5M)ra
i koooi UTspepti. Lore and it h-.elped me ; i-..rmf. rmatloQ Inquire at o9.r nt Binnoii , i - ,
T. Car. . cn , on. i.r. from tbe it. rt. I believe it to be ! "
Special Inducements to Bay This Oleek
INDIA SILKS all colors asd shades.
Regular 00c. This week's sale - 4?c
TAFFETA SILKS plain or changeable.
Regular . This week's sale 74c
Regular J 1 .5 . This week's sale.. $1.2$
Regular 40c.
Regular C5c
Regular $1.
Colored Waist Silks and Trimming Silks.
An endless variety of Fancy Silks for all purposes, in
cluding the verv late? Seersucker effects, reduced
$ .75 values cut to $ ..
1.00 " " .7$.
1.25 " " .03.
1.50 " " 1.1 a
Catarrk CaiMt a Care4
with local application", at the-T cannot
reach the eet of the diseaw. " CaUrrh
u a Diooa or eontmctionti a:eae. and
oraer "re " l"e ,nlr-
ualremediee. Hall' Catarrh Core
Uken intern;, and arts directly
i 7,,l"u vare ,B n Jl " ou:lc' n,wl'cinr
i " w"s. prr.oe-t it one oi me ve
! Prs'aM in tr:s coontry for years, and
i ' "t" P,eswiPtion- II U
bi ponneif, acting ci.recny
hat prodocea soch wonderful results in
caries Catarrh, fend for testimonials,
F. J. Cbixit & Co., Props., Toledo O.
Sold by drrogziets, price 75c
Hall't Family Pillt are the best. 12
Clou i the Vaal
Loxrxis, May 22, 3:15 a. m. British
horsemen, according to a dispatch from
LoareDCO Marques, are now ctoee to the
j Vaal river, within forty miles of Johan-
! 0oart-
The miration from Pretoria bat be-
8an' "omen nd children are being
""""'""' "". y
Lvdtobur?- Trains are arriving- at
Dc0 Marques filled ith passengers.
a a.. . a . - : a f.vJ
among whom are many Germans bound
for to rope.
At 9:3d p. m. the following dispatch j C, Company D, O. X. G., and all citi
wat received from Lord Roberts at theensare cord. ally invited to be present
war office:
Kroonstad, May 21. The following
it from Hunter: 'Mafeking it relieved.
Mahon filleted it May IS.' "
The Beat Itemed lor hbeuaaatlsm.
All who nse Cl.amberlaiu Pain Balm
for rheumatism ere delighted with the
quick relief from pain which it affords.
When speaking of thit Mr. D. X. Sinks,
of Troy, Ohio, says: "Some time a?o I
bad a teve attack of rheomatiin In n.x
arm and shoulder. I tried numerous '
reiuruirt, out got no reiiel until 1 wat
recommended by Messrs. Geo. F. Par
tont A Co., drtiirgistt cf this place, to
try Chamberlain't Pain Balm. They
recommenned it u highly that I bought
a bottle. ra toon rrHertd of all imih.
I have since recommended thit lini
ment to tnanr of my friends, who agree
a ith me that it ia the l-est remedy for
"Z7 ;
by 1.1. e.ey & Houghton.
Seltllat; Lau latm.
WasiusGTOS, V. C. y. 21 Senator
McBriile todav
1 . . ' . ......
i in- ran iry c:vi; 1,111 ap
propriating I'O for ascertainine names
of persons making entry on lands within
wazon ar.d ra lrosd and all other land ;
frants of Oreg-.n. with a view to settling
lhe claims of such settlers.
A Testimonial from Old Faflaad
I consider Chamherlaiii'a Con h I
U'SW .;. V T a
I R,e."!,J lU U ,n ' ,e, "orld for bro-
1 1 V1"? f Wjr- ' !
Warrington, England. "It hat saved
- ...miou, ani. -11 nat savea j
mT w"e . " bavirg been a martyr j
"'u"c' icr over 11 years, being
f tb f,a.n,finH '
5b U no 101t Sold by Blake-
ler 4 Houghton.
r.. ti- I- c v.- .. i
. j. .-T.iar. n. van on. l
irum toe sisri. i be.ier it to be a
Pn.ce 'or .11 form, of Indigestion." It
digesti wb.t yto e.t.
1 a.if.. "J s..fl -I - -: - - . . r' ' - . i... -a.a. in 111 1,11 n. rtn.i,. 1
This week's sale 25c
" 09c
" 73c
$1.75 values cut to $1.33
f ro(rim of Memorial ervtca.
! HlMBS J' " N".ITH.- PT-
i TnE Dalles, May 21, 1900.
i la compliance with memorial orders
u J ffom riltiorj,i ,nj departwect bead
on!Qrj,rter. the wemrt bl i V. Xe.
i mit'l Poft 'o wi' anil.n at rr,l
; nma rost, .o. wi.. assenjo.e at post
- ! hill on Sauday, May 27lb, at 7 :30 p. m
; ,,. .;lrc, t0 tr e jj . c,urch, where
J ,,, c:(.n!0rial sermon will be delivered
j by K,r. U. F. Hawk. The ladies of the
J Company D, O. X. G.,
are rrqut'ttd to accompanr the t0f t on
ua memorial ilar. Mav iiJ:b. the mem-
! trs cf V e ;V, a'see
j bi1 at l oV:otk D)-
nble at post
The ladies of the W. R. C., Company
D, O. y.G., the D.C.4A.C. band,
and a'l citizens who desire to j jin in
rremorium of their dead, are cordially
I invited to J3in the procession to march
j from the corner of Court and Second
i street at 2 p. m. to the G. A. R. ceme-
i tery,. where appropriate memorial ser
j vices will be observed.
0n return, nz from the cemetery the
j members of the 0. X. G.. the band, and
) comrades of the G. A. R. are r quested
lo report at post hall. Members of the
post will assemble at post hall at 7:30
p. m. and march to the M. E. church.
j where Hon. B. S. Huntington ill de.
1 liver th memotia! address. The W. R.
j Special invitation it extended to all
ex-soldiers, sailjrt and marinet of the
late civil and Spanish-American war to
j in the G. A. R. in all the exercises ol
the day. By command,
R. L. Aikes, Post Com 'dr.
Official : C. H. Bbowx, Post Adjt.
IVIaiep & Beotoo
Carry tbe folio ing lines:
Maltese Crs Garden Hose,
Force and S4 ray I'urnps,
Farm and Garden Tools,
Carpenters' Tools,
Aernioter Wind Mills.
Tinning and Plumbing,
Iron Pipe,
Sewer and Chimney Pipe,
Cleveland Bicycles,
Crawford Picycles,
Fishing Tackle,
Guns and Rifle?,
Bicycle Sundries,
Bicycle Repairing,
Delft Ware,
Cedar Posts,
Barb Wire and Nails.
Adaalnlstrator'a Bat of Heal I'roperty
''neT-r.y given I
NVetc, Is h-r.y given that from and after the
- 1
ninin or 01 June. 1 an. 1 ai
1 pnawl lrt i at I
Tr..... 1 , , D- ,!" dcwrltl
iMlad aaf TtallH a"t. . . ...
i ii ti i bl.uJv' 1
Administratrix of the estate of'p.ttlckVmwn '
' daaed.
i Uiiomci at Vitcocvt. Wash.,
Ma la, 1WU.
i XoW Is hereby nrrm that lb fallowing
' Based .rrtie-a hate Siel tit-"f their InteotloB
, Mud r.aJ r4 in upfTt .4 ibelf elaltcarid
; tbmt ihxW wi.l be male ta rrtiurl
! t4 I fx- I . . Un4 othe at uxx-
bMr H. Haaferal.
wfc male H. E. So. tO. f.rthe SE'i
jelarrf V,eirS,KL!.. "
mimoo fa wiiiil witues-ca fa prove hit
csu reaidiruea opuo and cultivation of
I i4 unl sir :
! Hutia Trawi. Otrlsnan Irieekmn. Thomas
: M. HaiMuna, Edward A. Hopper, all of Ejlr,
j Cfcrlstlaa Dleckaoa.
I who wie II LKa for the e NW'I and
' t , s f. m K 1H N. R li W- M . who
J tajr.ea lie following witneaeea to prova Lis
eontiuoooa roKlrt.ce npoo and cultivation oi
, m4 laxd, ill:
i Uaakiu Irabu. Jobs Paulsen, Jam' ritx,
j ueurge H. Saniurd. aii of Lj le. ubufluii.
Uastta Trak.
mho made H. E. Xo. . for the SW'f.
iS.. N see 10. 1 D 1 S. H;E..
j who nan. uu foilowiLg wiUee lo prove
. co miaous rrndccee upoa ana euiuituua ui
I eriMian Helekvosj, T boron V. Whitfmo,
George H. anjurd, Jame i.i, all of L la P. u.
scayZM W. 8. DCKBAR, P.erisler.
LixcOmo at Vascorrt. Wah ,)
May 17. !.. I
Notice Is bertbr riren that lh follnwtne
untO M-U!rr ka "rlfrd notice of l.n intention
to Bake j-rff u ui'port of h: elaiin, Dd
Ual nsd prool wiil be made before B.,
tnitid 4:omliio3-r. at (jt'ldvodale,
on Ja'. t, 1..JU. t;i:
Auhel K. Ollar, .
mo raad.- H. E. Xa for the fraction V
S',". Ti-1 X, K U E, and fcE'i of XE!4,
sec j,Ip;. h t, W. M.
He nin-e. fe fuiloainr witne'tea to prove bi
eouunuMi -e;dvt.ce uoiiu, aiid cultivation of
bil'J lani, vi:
Kotwrt A. Bmatbera. rhrit E. Will
Sais Garner, Jciiu Kure. ail of Lie P. O.,
mj2l KeiU-r.
Lasd Oftici at V5corvE. U!h.,
May 11, Wo.
Notice i hereby siren that the following
niDed wit'er ha tilrtl notice of hie intention
to muke final proof in sap-irt of bis claim, and
that aid proof will be made before V. B Freby,
I' lilted eiatea 1'oisriiiiM.ioner f-r li.triet of
Wahinirtn, at hia i.ffi-e in (iolden-lale, Waf h.,
on eaturday, June.', ljuo, viz:
Gaorsa O. Liadsay,
nomentend eotrr. So fi!9, for the SWJI of Sec
V: Ip3, S c-f K 13 E, W. M.
He came the follovina wltnc-set to prove
bis eo-itinaotis retideuce npon aud eultivatioo
of aid land, viz:
Juha o. XlcDonald, of Ilartland P. O., Vah:
M'endeiiD Leldl. Goidenoale P. O., Wh.; John
C. Beirv, Hnrtinnd P. .WaH.; Thomas P.
Liripps, Hartliuid P. O., Wuh.
ma;SJ I W. ft. DUSBAR, Register.
Xoti.-e i hereby riven that the underpinned
by an ordr of the Countv Court oi the Mate of
rc2un iorasw t.ountr, b.. been npp i- led
admiiilnrator of the ctateuf iiele-i Bradfoid,
deceiisel. All rerMint havina 'rluiinfc araiiut
the esUte f'f slid deceased aie u tifitl u. pre
sent th'ta, with ttie proix-r vouchers, to me at
11 000 tiiver. ortpm. wnnin six lnoutus irom
tneoBte ui this initio?,
llatld Mur 15, l'AW.
Adminivtrntor of the t ate ol Helen U.-ad
font, IX" -eased. 16 i
SOUTH and EAST via
Shasta Route
Trsina h ave The Dallea for Portlan 1 am! .r
staiiuus ut i si m. m. and 3 p. ra.
SoulleiD Pacific Co
W p m
s lia m
("a m
7 a ui
Arrive 1st Anieles
. 1 '-fi p m
6 to p m
.. .vm m
.. ti .V a m
. . t iv a m
. 6 -2S n
. . t.' a m
7 on m
6 rt)p ni
:: a rn
.va n.
t 00 a m
: 2 "i p m
6 ti a m
ti Vw
14 Port w.irth . .
' ity of Mexico .
1 Hou.ton.
Sew drlnins .
W ashliirton ...
' New Yoik
.12 :13 p m 11 4J p m
Pullman and Tourist cans on both traini
! '! "n '-M-'amenp. to IWlen and F.l Paso
n u,i 'L- ?" nieags M Louis, New or-
rtmum auu n asningion.
. iniiieriinr ai San Ipimlv .111. 1
. '"" ir iiiiiioiiiiii, Japan. China
ruiui.,i,.es. Central aud South Ameiica.
fee agent at The K.llea sutlon, or addrrs.
General Pv nger Art nl, Poitland. Or
Yellowstone Park Line.
cioXK park
No. 1
No. 2.
Fst mail for Tmc. ima, .
7''"ie. tilyini la. i.rav's
llailxira- d Honth lie'nd
punts, rip lane. H,,... 1
land. II. .. PuUnian.'
tin a ', 'ealston, Huf-,
1115 A. SI. fal.. Hump mining conn-1
try, Heicna, Mlunenia). I
It'. St. Pam, o,ah..!
Kan.a. ciiy, hi. Uiui,.
";V P. f.
No 4.
..I.I.K., aro all la Ini,,
(eat and soii)init.
No. 3.
ll.W P.M. for Tacma and r-eattu,, 7 ro A M
; and Intermediate poinu., '
witloint'j;.,,.;;""' " Missouri met point.
tStlhlllnl t'..t .
In all pro cli-,1 ;V.,M " " P" eontwll.m.
Il . '
. . -----..... -tllintioil OI I Irk ittaa
siKKxirr riicvkxBf Ih.-.i . .... .
ticket.. rJJV.,".'rl:,.!,,wri''tive inMt.-
"t "iions, etc., call mi ,
T.f. w. Wf.cnv
Vtuec oret r.-at N... tVn'i ORr.uon
Leave Porllnd 0 no a m
" Albany USuam
Arrive Ashland . l.' .tiam
" Mcrann nto 5:(pin
" au ranc:co T:V p in
Arrive Oedon 5 4s m
" Iener i:"0 a m
Kns( ity 7 -5 a m
" l hieeo 7 : 1 m
T-be, Land. Act Jon, j, "
Notice la hereby ifv .ll
with thewoTi.i, of It ir
ber Unda ia lha autca ot V.. . l
of The Dallea. Coo art of ., .
meut So. t. i the wirehiL.Ti .V Z
thattaa laz.4 f m ?' H
DnibtTov Uine than for .ritT 3lBiit U.
aud toetabli.h h.. ,?
la,Oron.on 04 """ i,
S.l.rd.e. tfc. 3d a., j
He name ta vitneaan- J n .
chum. Joseph Uaoua atd D t t,
of The kallea. Oreerm. 1Jua "Kaen,
ahovnei ErT.rel
VulS'&f oSoe 00 " --
aprivtow-t jay P. lcca.
luxDOrncE ATTaan.,,.. '
Sotiee la hereby firm that th. L. '
Eamea aeitier Baa filed notice of buTr1
to male Dual proof in support of hi. .1
that -id pr'f wt,l be nfc "bVl?-
and Recttver at The fjallta. OraZn
day. Jane 16, 10, tU: on' eu
iena P. Agidias, of The Dalles Or
Homeiteaa tntrr No m, for the Hi ,.
a town. hip 2 north, ranee 12 ear i
Be natna tbe wUneii .
hu cnnuuuoua reudeuee npon and p,m,
of said 1-ud. Tiz: ln aao eaiUtttai
John Crate, C harlea Snipes, J r p.., .
Simonaou, aU of Ihe Lmllt, Oregt',""1
m, t 'AT P. LICAS. fcyinet
Laxn Orncc at Vascorvag, wlss .
April is, '
Notice i berebT riren that the m,J, .
..tfcejS aettlr baa flied not-eeol huS
lion to make final proof It, ,..,, 01C'?1'
Deitricb H. Stepman, devisee of District
Steginao, deceased;
Homesteod Entry So. 71. for the outhwi
ilTlier U"rnsh'p coni 01 nnwHeuJ
He name the following nitnewttoprnvsW.
contlnooua raidence npon aud ealur,.ki, 4
aaid land, via: "
Manuel S. Leonardo, of c.rtr.4 IHU Tit
Wash.: Herman 1 eeike, Wiutaaonr
Cectervllle P. O., . ash., and iIltamt'tJJ
of Grand Dallea P. O., Wash. 4
. K. DCKBll
Land Crnci at The Diixt,0u,,
April lso. j
Notice l hereby aiven that the followlar.
named settler has filed notice of tin intratumu
muke final proof in support of his claim, n
that id 1 nof will be made before the RrrLm
and lieeeivcr at The Ijalies. umnn.nn
Wilson J. JeSV-rs, of The Dalles, Or.,
Hornestead Lntry Nj. f fi.r the N1, N'",
m iiv.u ivwuimji 1 aurtii, niL gc 1 eal, ttu
He name the fonowinr witnesses to prove bii
continuous roijence upon and culliva'.ion m
said land, viz:
Jmnea Keneon, Jr., James Bnwn, Sr., Poiti
utiirvy, isaac now tana, a:, 01 ine utiles, Ur,
roai i JAY P. LUCAS, KerMtr.
Dtnimirt or thi I.vterios, 1
1'mb Stater Ld ornca,
The lixLLr.s. or.. Mhv 13. vjoo )
A snffirieiil content affidavit having been liW
in this oiBee by ou s. Alexander, contPMaii
aeainnt homestead entry No. iT77, made Mir II
1m6. for sw'i ol iiw1,. see. , tn. 1 n, rtutel3(,
by John T. Wrieht. contestee. in which il is il-h-red
that aaid John T. ttrirht has wholly
abandoned said tract, and chanced his residence
therefrom for more than six months since msl
ina said entry, and next prior to dite; im
that the atwnre of defendant flora said tract ii
not due t his cmplovinent in the military or
naval service of tiie United states. Faid parties
are hereby notiAed to apjiear, respond and offer
evidence toucbinc aaid ailezation .t 10 orloek
a. m. on June 30. !-. teiore the Itcelster aim
Receiver at Ihe I'nited e la tea laud olhce in The
lai!es. (irecon.
The said contestant havlnr. in a prorer alMs
vit. lilod May 1 IS O. set forth farts nick lb
that after due diligence peisoiiai scnireoi lbtf
notice can not be made, it is hervhy onlercd aui
directed that u h no'ic be given hj due ana
proper publicetiou.
it 1 jai r. 1.1 1 A!. neiisier.
Laud OrncE at The Dau.i. Or.iww,!
April 30. IK I
Notice la bcrehe riven that the fc-Ilowiiif
named settler haa tile.1 notice of his intrntionle
make final proof In support of bis claim, anei
that said prool will be made before the Keari-wr
and Receiver at The lallt, Ottgon, on
aay, juneK, lo, via:
Henrw Keadel, of The Dalles, Or..
Homestead Entrr So 471. for the aeftim
9. townahip 1 borth, ranre 12 east, W. 11.
He uamea toe following witnesses to prowM
eontlnnoua leaidence upon and culliratioiia
aid land, via: , .
Henrr l.urblnr. torre Arnold. Charlies.
Adams,' Michael ljle, all of The Daile. ur.
mays I JY P. l.tCAS. Register.
I. 8. Lakd Omci, VAJtcot via. W.,
April, Ml I
Notice ta hereby riven that Mary K. i',h'!'J
by Ii. II. Merman, ber attorney m fact. """''I
notice of Intention to make dual pn.rf nelw
W. It Pr.n!iv. I'niuiJ ttate Commissi W
1'lstrlct of ashlngton, at his ..ihoe in ("WJ
dale, Washington, on FrMar, Ihe -"n,l'!r"
June, 10. 011 Timta-rultiire Al'lii'stl' -
'.".'7, f..r the norihea.t quarter of section V
Uiirnshi. i north, range No. U cast,
Hhe namca aa w itnesea: Manuel H lxonanw.
of t.rand lalle P. o.. ash.: Herman ""';
William W liktn.11. of Centerville P. .. '"
and William crawfotd, of t.rund l'sll'1
W ash. V. K. Il Bit.
mavil fcegislif.
(Isolated Tract ) Tohlic Land $t.
Lakd Orrt. i at The 1'all. '"""''J
May, h'0-f
Notice Is hereby riven that In I'l'rT"?
Iiis'nii tlona fp..n tnecinniis-loncrol l' I
cral Inod otllce. under anthorit) rcstrtl
hr Hs-tion '.',, r. H. Rev. s'tat., a amej.1"?
me act ui eongnrsi aii.rovei renni"i .
we is ill pineavun . i!, r at public sale on W '
day. the n.i!i day of June. i'"t. t "''. d
1 1 o cliak a. m. at thlaoltice, the iolIol"
ol Innd, to wlt: lk
et't NK',, section 30, township 1 north. " T
II ea.l, W. M , W
Any ard all perains claiming aim ,.
... alelM' dcacrita-il lands are advis. 1
claims In thisoftice 0.1 or bo-ore the i"T "
d sigiiatcil for Ihe eoinmcncemcnt of saU
othe wise their rlghta will net r-cuci.
JAY P. l i t A". KMtister.
m.ylJ II uil.t PArrsKni'N. Kewlt
W. B, PrebT. Cnited 'eute, c. nmSr'S
Kimictof hi.oc taM?
dale, a.h..on Friday, June , lZ. ri, "'
eiajm. ana inn u n nrmi ...i
(NuUtsd Trart y Puhlic IJnl
I.A om e at The !
Apr. I"- of
Notice I. hcrchy given that In i'"'.'""".
Inilriicliona liom the commissioner J,,,
eral land office, un.t.-r authonly vcsl-o o
by .1 f. H. Kev. Ktai..
Ihe act ol e..ngr.s appniveil rM ,
e Mill pna-ead to ofti T at public sale i" j,
iliv. the ih day of Mav next. ,l i,,lii
ol lin.vick.a. m , at tills olh.-e, tlie "
tract of laud, to w It : u
h ' N h', cc. ti. T. I S. K. tJ " .hove
Alir and all -nilia claiming in' h,)t
di-wilt.e.1 laud, are ad lel " L ,mv
claims in lids i. nice on or hclorc '"""'.j ,ale,
dcirnnlnl for thceommencc n't "J w
olh. iuivv their ti. hta will be loth im.
JAY P. i.ita. .
"I'll" I OI1S PATTER). B'1" "