THE DALLES WEEKLY CHRONICLE. WEDNESDAY. MAY 23, 1900. Xbe Weekly Ghronicle. UFfYcIAL PAfEK Of WASCO COt NT1. 't..lli.hed in tiro parts, on Yeti.:e!ayi land SMurdav: - srBsC'KHTIOS KATES. t nkiu rotA0 rairaiD, ik adtahcs. -.1 eaai i. Iaree moutA i ivert!-in rate reeannable, and made known i A1 d"" enmmnaleatlon to"THF THROS irLE," iao Dalle. Oregon. LOCAL UCKV1T1ES. Saturday' Daily. Strawberries sold today at 10 cents box. The rlrer at 10 o'clock tbis morning stood at 32 feet, a rise of about a foot in taenty four hours. C. E. Howard, the soda water man, man, left today on a business trip to Sherman county and southeastern Was co county. The sentiment of having Grass Valley incorporated is (trowing etronger every day, and we are pleased to note that in itiator? steps have been taken with that end in view, says the Journal. Pay Bros, 'have commenced work on their sawmill at Cascade Locks, and when completed it will saw 60,000 feet a dav. They will get their logs on toe other side of the river, one logging camp being near Stevenson and another will be put in at wind river. An expert in our state experimental station in comparing and examining the wheat taken from Eastern and Western Oregon, and in testing grains for albumen, the constitutional ingredi ent of the kernel, found that our bunch grass product is far ahead of the Willam ette valley wheat in this regard. Uncle Sam's soldiers In Alaska are to be well supplied with butter. On the steAiner that is to leave the Columbia on the 24th will be 15,000 pounds of butter, all to be consumed by the blue coats in the far north. This butter is packed in ntr tight cans in the same manner S3 fruit, and put up in this manner it is as sweet and fresh when opened as though newly made. Charles L. Schmidt has been ap pointed census enumerator for West Dalles; J. M. Patterson, for Billow; It. J. Gorman, for Trevitt; Max Bartell, for East Dalles, and Homer Angell for East and West Dalles outside the city limits and Eight- Mile. James Kelly, of Kingsley, has been appointed for Dufur, Ramsey and Kingsley precincts. The rest of the appointirenls will be known in a few days. R. B. Driver, Tom Swift and Charles Dickens arrived in town last night with 14,000 pounds of wool from the George A. Young Son ranch. They say the road is lined with wool teams on the way here, and from the Ves Kelsay corral, at the head of Buck Hollow, alono comes 75,000 pounds. Messrs. Driver, Swift and Dickens will go back for more wool loaded with flour from the Tygh Valley flouring mills for Shaniko ami Antelope. For the past month Cedar Circle haB increased greatly in beneficiary mem bers. Last week several prominent Woodmen were Initiated by the help of Mary's little lamb, and refreshments were served and an excellent program rendered. Last evening two ladies be came Women of Woodcraft, after which all went over to Keller's popular cafe and enjoyed the delicious ice cream for which this place is well known. Cedar Circle will have more initiations next Friday evening. "Damn McKinley and all his works," said a Wasco county fusion statesman, slightly under the influence of a "spirit that prompted him to tell what was in him, to the Chbomci.e man. "Four years ago I could get all the men I wanted to employ for a dollar day. Now I employ twenty men every day and there isn't a son of gun of them that will work for less than two and a half a day." It is needless to say that our bowels of compassion were moved intensely at the distress of this oppressed brother. The owner of a magnificent thorough bred stallion now in town had the ani mal in front of the republican head quarters this morning as J. M. Patterson was mining the American flag. "Look out," said Jerry to the owner, "I'm go in i? to raise this flag and your horse nay get feared." "That horse, lir" id the owner, stretching himself to bis full height, "is a republican horse, I Want you to understand,' and if he would shy at an American flag, by the P'per that played before Moees I'd hoot him on the spot." As a sample of the talk that a Dalles newspaper man constantly hears these djs regarding the grain crops, take one from a w 11 known farmer out In the Eight Mile country, who stands about 0 feet 3 in his stocking soles: "My wheat strikes me here," said he, draw ing his hand across his whiskers at the din, "and it is still in the boot. I "ever saw anything to equal the grain "ops this year, and it is the same all ver the county. For thousands and thousands of acres the prospects are Kind for an average of from forty to fifty 'lshels to the acre." The pnstofllce department has issued fall for bids for carrying a daily mall from The Dalles to Herat's Bridge by way of Boyd and Nansene. On and after July 16lh all mail for Antelope, j Mitchell and Crook county will go Iroui j hers by way nf Shaniko. The contract I for the St.erar' Bridge roaie will in- Iclu lj the depositing of mail la boxes ;- .. . ... aioug iiiu route. Any person living on or near the route who desires his mail deposited by the carrier in a box on the road sfJe, may provide a suitable box, and a his w ritten request to the post master of his district may have his mail deposited in it at his own rick. The postmaster at The Dalles will re ceive bids for the Sherar's Bridge route till May 30th instant. John Thompson, a Klickitat toy ol 21, was shot fti.d dangeroutly wounded a couple of days ago by a young fellow near his own age, named Wagnon. The shooting was done about two mile above Columbus on the Grant. and Goldendale road. Wagnon and two brothers and an old man were in a buck board on the way from Ellensburg to Hood River to pick strawberries. Thompson, with a companion, had fol lowed them on horseback and being under the influence of liquor had tanta lized the Wagnon boys till the youngest drew a pistol and fired, but without effect. Then the elder Wagnon boy opened fire and at the first shot the ball struck Thompson below the eye, when be fell to the road. His assailants both fled and have not been found. Thomp son may die. The ball ranged down wards and lodged in the neck, where it remains. The young people's musical entertain ment at the M. E. church last night was probably as much enjoyed by those present as many more pretentious af fairs would have been. The music, both vocal and instrumental, was really first class and that it was duly appreciated was evident from the hearty encores that followed each performance. We have not space to sn all the kind things we feel like saying and hate to discrimi nate, but really that little melody of Mr. Hawk's was one of the sweetest things we have listened to for many a day. Archie McCully's musical glasses were greatly enjoyed and will be in future demand, but the "French Pro fessor," the star performer in his line, should aek the forgiveness of about half of the audience for wasting big gobs of sympathy on him, which his "Silent Sell" soon showed to be unnecessary and misplaced. There was a good house and the net receipts were quite satis factory. Monday Dally. The flrat car of wool from Shaniko was unloaded here today. James E. AdamBon was last Saturday appointed postmaster at Mitchell on recommendation of Representative M. A. Moody. The river has continued to fail slowly for the last forty eigut hours, the im pression is that the maximum height has been reached. The pupils of the public schools of the grades below tie high school will give an entei tainment at the Vogt Opera house next Friday night for the bene fit of the school library. John Fender, who owns a fine stock farm ou the White Salmon, is fixing up the property on the hill he bought a short time ago, and will have his family move beie and make it their permanent home. Mrs. J. II. Wilder sent to this office today a young potato, grown on her place east of the fair grounds, as a mat ter of course, without irrigation, that measures 10,' 4 by 8J4 inches in circum ference. It is of the Early Rose variety and came Iroui seed that was planted March 1st, two months and twenty days ago. Who can beat it? Small Willie was spending a few days in the country, and one morning alter intently regarding a pan of foaming milk for tome time lie said : "Grand ma, where do the cows get their mi'k?" "Where you get your tears, I suppose," she replied. Willie looked puzzled for a moment, then said : "Do you have to use your slippers on the cows, grand ma?" Msrtin Donneli last week added to his stock of Indian curios a liiicksk'.n tunic, elaborately adorned, back and front, with the, peculiar kind of heads that used to lie furnished the Indians by the Hudson Bay 'Company. Gar ments adorned with these beads are now very rare anil this particular one, old and partly ragged as it in, ia held to tie worth about $50 as a curio. Several prominent stock men have re turned from Shaniko and tint interior and say that the completion ol the road into Shaniko will result in the snipping of about 25,000 sheep from that point In about ten days. The sheep will be Shipped much earlier tin year than formerly, owing to their fine condition. Most of the sheep will go to Montana, while some will go as far east a Chi cago. Word was sent from If. m l River yes terday to Judge Mays that the authori ties down there had a crazv man in custody whom it took three men to keep from doing mischief, and asking what should he done witn him. The judge advised that under the circumstance ha had better he examined there before a justice an I, if found Insane, sent on to Salem, the proper papers being duly forwarded from here. The man was committed and sent below. His name is Evart and till lately be has been living across the Columbia from Hood River. It is repotted that whiskey bad a good deal to do with bringing hiui to his present condition. The report that appeared in Sunday Oregniian ti the effect that Li yd, eon of Mr. and Mrs. B. F. Langhlirt of this city, was "critically ill" at the G;xh1 Samaritan hospital is not trre. On the contrary the lad is getting along nicely, and today his parents expected to move him front the hospital to the Vendome hotel, and from thence it wts expected he would be well enough in a few days to be moved home. Tlainly it is not hard for the Indian to get whiskey in this town. Home of th Yakimas recently filled themselves with the white man's fire water after Ceing paid for the horses they sold to the Linnton cannery people. Last night the watchman fonnd an Indian lying helplessly drunk on the sidewalk. He was helped to the calaboose, where he was kept till he had sobered up, when, as he bad nothing wherewith to pay a fine, he was turned loose. The Regulator took down to Steven son yesterday 1700 head of sheen belong ing to J. L. Lauder, of Salt Springs, where they will be placed on the range back of Stevenson for the summer. Among them was an oddity in the way of a lamb of about a month old that had been paralyzed from birth in its hind- querters and followed the band, using only Us fore feet. When it starts to walk its hindquarters are balanced in the air after the fashion of a boy walk ing on his hands. It is not often that the preachers get us newspaper folks into trouble, hut things are happening these days that never happened before. In reporting a wedding that he had celebrated last Saturday morning, one of our beet known preachers somehow got the names mixed up so that Tub Chbokiclb reported the marriage of the witnesses, or bride's maid and groom's . man, in stead of the bride and bridegroom. Happily the mistake was only in the newspaper report, for Brother Poling tied Albert Limmeroth and Edith Un derhill so tightly together that no sub sequent slip of the tongue or error of the types can untie them. Word reached here today that a fright ful tragedy occurred at Trout Lake yes terday, resulting in the death of a young lady school teacher, named Ida M. Fobs, and the death, by his own hand, of her slayer, Ben Wagnitz, a young man of about 30 years, who lives on his moth er's farm about half a mile from the lake. From the meager particulars that have reached here we learn that Wagnitz had become infatuated with Mtss Foss and, his suit having been re jecied, he determined to kill her and put on end to his own life at the same time. Miss Foss was the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William Foss, of East Hood River. She was well known in The Dalles, and by all who knew her was esteemed a most estimable young young lady. IIr ago was about 26 years. By a bill introduced by Senator Mc Millan, it is proposed to reprint all $1, $2 and $5 bills now in existence, as they come into the treasury, ami replace them with "post checks" of like denom inations, with blank spaces for names, for convenience in making remittances, as well as to pass, as the present bills do, from hand to hand. Thus the pres ent pieces of paper currency, and also proposed fractional checks, can be trans formed at will into personal checks on the government for the amount they represent, and by affixing a two-cent stamp may he transmitted by mail any where, regardless of whether the des tination is a money-order office or not. It is thought that the proposed post check money will be an accommodation to very many people, and will increase the postal revenues. Careful experiments made at Cornell university are said to show that : "First, cut nails are superior to wire nails in all positions ; second, the main advantage of the wire nail is due to its possessing a sharp point; third, if rut nails were pointed they would tie 30 per cent more efficient in direct tension; fourth, wire nails without points have but ons-half their ordinarg holding power ; fif'.h, the surface of the nail should be slightly rough, hut not barbed barbing de creases the efficiency of cut nails about 32 per cent." The pointed end enables the nail to enter wood without breaking it fibre excessively, thus preventing its grip. A sei 1011 defect of wire nails is their leadiness to rust. They are mado generally of a sort of soft steel, and steel rust more readily than some other form nf Iron. In some parts of the country, it 1 said, shingles put on with wire nail drop off after six or eight years. Baltimore Sun. Tncntay Daily. Strawberries, three boxes for a qnarter at Tease A Mays.' Warner creamerv butter, 33 cents per roll at Pease A Mays.' Champion of Oregon gooseberries, "5 cents a gallon at Peae A Mays.' One of the biggest money-saving sales of the year is being held this week at Pease A Mey.' See ad. Dyer Phelps, an employe at the scour ing mill, hail the misfortne to lose one of his fingers yesterday while working with machinery. Conductor Dunn send word to Tits Chbomclb thai 2500 person re ex pected to participate in the conductor' excursion from Portlaud to The Dalle next r-unday. The Dalles base ball team are cnioT to be devotuij ail their leasure time towards qualifying tbemselve for the contest with the Hood River team on decoration day. From the Colorado Springs Telegraph of Mar 10 h we learn that Miss Best Isenberg, of Hood River, had been there for some time visiting fiieudsand had that day left for Kansas City. Mhx Vogt had a force of carpenter at work today tearing down the galleries of the opera house, over Charlie Frauk' sali-oa. Mr. Frank will use that part of the b'li'ding as a private residence. Judge Martin L. Pipes, of Portland, will discuaa the political issues of the day this evening at the Vogt opera house. The judge is very able man and should have a large hearing. Both the Columbia and Snake river are falling in all distiicts above Wenat chee, where the Colombia ia slowly ris ing. The river here ia falling and is predicted to continue falling for several days. The ladies Good Intent Society will meet with Mrs. Smith French tomorrow afternoon. All member and friends are cordially invited to be present. A pleasing program is being prepared for the occasion. All members of the Y. M. C. A. and all intending members who are inter ested in the organization of a base ball tdam are requested to meet on the fair grounds tomorrow, Wednesday, after noon at 4 :30 o'clock. Judge M. L. Pipes addressed a large crowd of voters at Hood River last night, making an able speech and creat ing a fine impression. He left Hood River immediately after the meeting and arrived here on the midnight train. As announced previously, the judge will speak tonight at the Vogt opera house. Twenty-three carloads of cattle were fed at the Saltmarsb stock yards today. There were 1120 head in the lot, and were all yearlings. They were purchased in Southern Oregon and were on the way to Cutbank, Montana. The following epigrammatic sentence from a recent speech of Gov. Roosevelt, of New York, is referred to our friends, the prohibitionists: "You must not sacrifice a. possible good because you cannot get a possible best." Hon. Geo. J. Barrett, republican can didate for joint representative for Wasco, Sherman, Gilliam, Grant and Wheeler counties, will be married at high noon tomorrow at Fremont, Neb., to Miss Tillie Pfeiffer, a resident of that city Mr. and Mrs. Barrett expect to reach their home at Granite by June first. Astoria is going to celebrate the fourth in grand style. At least one war ship will be in the harbor, with a possibility of two. Governor Geer has promised to attend, accompanied by his staff. All the other state officers will be invited and a committee will ask the Dalles people, who, the Astorians sav, owe them a visit on the fourth. So there you are. If nobody wants a celebration here, let U9 all go to Astoria. The fiscal year, in 1900 continues to break all the records in the matter of exportations. April is an example of this fact. The total exports in April, as just announced by the Treasury Bureau of Statistics, are $11 3, 920,507, which is $20,000,000 more tnan in any preceding April, $30,000,000 more than April of last year, and double that of April, 1803. Never before has April, which ia usually a light export month, reached the $100,000,090 mark in its exports. C. L. Schmidt, republican candidate for assessor, has just returned from spending three or four days in the Hood Riyer valley. He had not been there for some time and the sight that met his gaze was a revelation. He says there is no place in Eastern Oregon equal to Hood RiveV for a home. He thinks the country back of the town has improved more than the town and that before another five years the town will have a population of three to four thousand inhabitants. There's point and potency to the New York Times' story of the man who wanted to buy a dog, but who objected to its bark. The man who had the dog for sale reminded his customer that all dogs barked, and that if he wanted one iliat wouldn't bark he ought to buy a giraffe. This ended the negotiations, and the man who wanted to buy the dog is now in very much the nine state of mind as these earnest patriots who want to see Mr. Bryan nominated with a muzzle on his mouth. Ed. Clanton, a former resident of Klickitat cocnty, now of Sumpter, is here on a short visit with his wife, intending to go back to Sumpter tomor row. Mr. Clanton say the Golden F'agle mine, which it managed by John II. Cradlebaugh, and in which a number of Dalles people are interested, is reputed to be a flue piece of property. He has talked concerning it with some lead ing mining experts around Sumpter and they all say it is one of the best pieces of mining property in that country. Yceterdny while Mr. Hastings, who lives out beyond Eight-Mile, and an other man were digging sand from a pit near the county road, for building pur poses, the bank caved in on the man and burieJ him completely. William Steel, a traveling man, happened to be passing at the moment and at a signal from Mr. Hastiugs hurried to the spot and oon had the man relieved. It must have been a close oil, even alter allow ing for a g d margin of extravagance iu the statement of Mr. Steel that the poor fellow was "at flat as a board" when he was dug out of the hole. Wool haniing has commenced in good earnest, aud large quantities are arriv ing at the warehouse daily. About seventy s.icki came over this morning from Klickitat county of the clip of Sam Sinclair, of Cleveland. Tim bill of lading have been received of eigM car loads from Shanik.t. Considerable wool has already come by freight teams from southern Gilliam and Wheeler counties. The Arlington Independent says: "A great many of the leading sheepmen of Gilliam and Wheeler counties, and even Morrow, are hauling their wool to The Dalles by teams." because it is cheaner to do so than to haul to Arlington and pay the freight to The Dalle over the O. R. A N. Co.' line. The indication are that the amount of wool handled here this year will lie as great, if not greater, than ever. THE TRAGEDY AT TROUT LAKE Ad Account of the Affair A Clten By a Vat respondent. The following is the account given of the Trout Lake tragedy by the Ore goni ail's Hood River correspondent : Miss Ida Foss, a school teacher, about 25 years of age, was shot and instantly killed Sunday evening by Benjamin Wagnitz. Miss Foss taught school at Trout Lake, across the river in Washing ton, and boarded in the home of Wag nitz, who was paying some attention to her. In a fit of anger and jealousy he attempted to stab her, and afterward, while following her in the yard, Bhot her with a rifle. After seeing what lie had done he expressed great sorrow and, although having but one arm, he carried her into the house and covered her with a blanket. He then went out, leaned against the rifle, with a foot-rulo pulled the trigger and fell dead. Miss Foss was born and raised here, and educated at Monmouth normal school. She was a fine vocalist, a suc cessful teacher, a member of the United Brethren church, and a favoiite in a large circle of friends. She taught at Trout Lake two years. Wagnitz, who wad about 26 years of age, was regarded as educated and pos sessing good judgment, but was known to be high-tempered. Some persons be lieve he was insane. The unfortunate affair has cast a deep gloom over thin community. Kentucky Game Law. The Louisville Courier-Journal pub lishes the following abstract of the Ken tucky game laws, compiled in the light of recent events iu that state : Plain citizens may be shot from Jan uary 1st to December 31st. Senators, governors and members of congress may be shot during any polit ical campaign or within sixty days thereafter. Niggers may be fhot at any time. Hunters in search of this game may also use a stuffed club or a butcher knife. No man shall be allowed to kill in ex ee of six persons per day. In cases where it is an affair of honor this num ber may be increased to 103. Every citizen who does not tote the remains of his game from public sight within forty-eight hours of the time he fired, will be fined one gal'on of moon shine. If a citizen leaves home ball shot and is found on the street, a shoit time thereafter, full of buckshot, that is his fault, and his relatives are not allowed to shoot more than seventeen persons to find the guilty person. Iteflitereil Vote oi IVico County, Following is a list of the number of the number of votes registered in each of the several precints of Wasco county : Antelope 201 Bake Oven 54 Uigelow 244 Baldwin 60 Col inn bia 75 Des Chutes 30 Dufur 13 Eight Mile 45 East Dalles 28!) East Hood River 230 Falls lOfl Kingsley 100 M osier 105 Nansene .1 40 Oak Grove 88 Kamsev 50 Tvgh 104 Trevitt 250 West Hood River 213 West Dalles 253 Wamic 125 Viento 47 Mountain 40 llovd 57 South Hood River 131 Total 3102 The Dalles Comix ision House will keep fresh milk at all times on hand and deliver it anywhere in the city at the following prices: One quart, $2 per month: three pints, $3; two quarts, $4 ; three quarts $5.60; cream 20 cents per pint, fresh butter every day, lsa-liu Be sure and examine our stock of wait paper thoroughly before buying elee where, as we have the latest shipment made to this city, now ready for inspec tion at II. Glenn A Co.'. al7-lw i SURVEY OF DALLES CANAL. MeBrlil Will Offer an Amendment Pro. Titling for Canal Survey Croat The Dalits lo lelilo. Senator McBrnle ha prepared and will 1 ff r en amendment to Die emer gency river md harbor bill au'hnrixin a survey and estimate for a canal from IheDailesto telilo, He will not ask for an appropriation for this rmrrose. as the available fund for surveys U large enough to embrace this item. He say he thinks there is little doubt that thi amendment can be put on ia the etnate committee, and he hopej to teable to have it retained in conference. The house committee rejected Repre sentative Mo-xly's amendment of this character, a well as an offer to tske sufficient funds from the balance now on hand for the boat railway for thia survey. Thi was because Speaker Henderson would not consent to theta items going in the bill on the ground that it provided only for urgent defi ciencies. Chairman Burton stated that from form r surveys it was apparent that a canal and lock would coat $6.- 000,000 or more, an expenditure which Ins committee and congress would con sider unwarranted by the amount of commerce benefited. R -presentative Wilson, of Idaho, has introduced a bill appropriating $5000 for a survey for thia canal. Never Heard of that I'elliloa. Monday a Daily. "I see," said the Chkonici.b man lo Hon. A. S. Roberts as the two met on the street this morning, "that the Times-Mountaineer charges you with having ignored a petition that was tent to you at Salem, during the last legisla tive session, risking you to introduce bill to have the saUries of the county judge aud treasurer reduced. What have you to say about it?" "I never heard of anv such petition till I saw the matter mentioned in the Times-Mountaineer last Saturday," answered Mr. Roberts. "Most certainly no such peti tion was ever tent to me. Nor did any one, at any time during the session of the legislature, or at any time before it met, nek me to work tor a reduction of the salaries of anv county officers. Thia thing of a petition is a surprise to me. If it was sent to me I never got it. If it was sent to any other of the delega tion he never gave me the slightest hint of it. Right here and now I may just aa well say that if the taxpayers of this county want a reasonable horizontal re duction of the salaries of its officers tliev have only to say so, and they will find no one who will work harder to carry out their wishes than I will. I do not think, however, that any two or three of the officers should be singled out for a reduction just becanso some body might have a spite against them, or for any similar reaeon. If any re duction is demanded let the people say so, by petition or otherwise, and I will obey them with all the energy I ran command ; but let it effect ail equally, as far as may he just and right. Let 110 one, however, blame me for ignoring a petition that I never heard of till the time mentioned. Ii the Times-Mountaineer ha any evidence that I ver heard of tbis petition during the session of the legislature, I, for one, would like a bill of particulars." Moaler Hiding Club Take an Outing. Society turned out in full force at Mosier Sunday to participate in one of the pleasant rides through Hood river valley which the riding club always en joys. They were favored with a lovely day and all enjoyed themselves im mensely, and especially enj yed the sumptuous repast of which they partook in one nf the beantful pine grove which border Neil creek. The afternoon was spent in gathering the wild berries and flowers, which abound in that country, after which tiiey returned to Mosier and their respective homes. The party was composed of the follow ing: Misses Mairgie Smith, Edith Le piear, Augusta Cask, Kate Davenport, Nora Root and Mabel Riddell, and Messrs. John Davenport, Win. Graham, Chas. Stark, Ed Densmore, Sam Stark, Harry Davis, R v Lepiear, Homer Smith, Chas. Davenport, Ben Salinger and Price Hunter. Rkportbb. Early Cloalna; In tha Iaopla Hand- To tub Editor : I note with pleasure the attempt of my fellow clerk' and the newspapers to Induce our employers to close their stores at 6 o'clock. I think the people themselves can help us a great deal, if they will, by simply refusing to buy anything at all after 6 o'clock, excepting Saturday evening, when I believe the stores should be kept open later. The Dalles, May 19, 1000. Salerma. Special reserve old government whis key, recognized by the highest medical authority in the land; especially recora mended by the board of health of San Francisco for hospital use, also A. P. O'Brien, M. P., captain and surgeon, and Wm. D. McCarthy, major and sur geon U. S. army, as the purest nntdnl- terated stimulant lor convalescen's. In valid and family use. Sold by Charles Stubliug. apl20-dlin DeWitt's Witch Hhi-I Salve ia on. equalled for pile, injuries and skin diseases. It is the original Witch Haiel Salve. Beware of all counterfeits.