The Dalles weekly chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1947, May 23, 1900, PART 1, Image 2

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The Weekly Ghroniele.
Ailrtllnf lum.
n i ii.oh or les In I'nilT M 60
it r two lnrht an t umlur fiur iiiohea 1 l
(;er (our Imhfc hii1 uutlvr telve luchw.. twelve itt.-litK
n i 1 1 V . m rx Wf k k I V .
) Inch or k-M, r Inch t-
Over. . ne l'.uh and muter four indie f
0r fmir ini luw iid under twelve inihin. . 1 a
Over twelve luchn 1
The democratic party Is sure to
win. The people are viitU us this
year, and they are in sympathy with
the principles which shall be en-bodied
in the Kansas City platform, and
which represent the feelings of the
gteal mass of American people. W.
J. liryan.
Among the principles that will be
embodied in the Kansas City plat
form are those which were declared
in the Chicago platform four years
ago. They will go in a lump. Oue
of the Chicago principles was set
forth in this language:
We are unalterably opposed to
monometalism, which has locked fast
the prosperity of an industrious
people in the paralysis of hard times.
The paralytics of 1896 are up and
about now, and they are a pretty
brisk and stirring lot. Nevertheless,
the association for the exhibition of
political dementia, which will as
semble at Kansas City on July 4lh,
will solemnly declare that we are nil
in the grip of the paralysis of hard
times, and they will denounce the
gold standard as the cause of it.
The lirjarites are determined to
go to the grave ot dead things for
roost of their issues. What an
awakening campaign they will make
on declarations calculated for the
industrial meridian of 1896. New
York Times.
Joint representative He is a roan
whom those who know him best will
delight to honor. He has a record,
too, as a .'egislaior and it is tLat of
a clean, upright, honorable and
independent man nhora the tongue
of calumny has never attempted to
besmirch. When the lamented J. N.
Dolph was defeated for selection, T.
II. MrGreer had the manliness tW
stand by the caucus nominee of his
p.iity till the lust vole was counted
and the ablest senator Oregon ever
had went clown in defeat. Mr. Mc
Greerhas been identified with the
stock interests of Wasco county for
nearly a score of years. He is en
titled to the solid republican vote of
his district, and, what is more, he
will get it.
Our esteemed contemporary says
"Judge Bennett addressed a large
and enthusiastic audience of voters
at Antelope" last Saturday. The
"large and enthusiastic audience," ac
cording to a thoroughly reliable
witness, consisted of between thirty
and forty persons, two-thirds of
whom were women. However it
may have been with the women, the
chairman was so much "enthused"
that be fell asleep and, to the great
amusement of the audience, timed
the judge's speech with a discordant
symphony of lusty snores. "If there
is anything in appearances," to bor
row the phrase of our contemporary,
"the Judge will receive a handsome
vote," but it will be to stay at home.
We have it on good authority that
Judge Bennett told the people of
Klamath and Lake counties that he
would carry Wasco county by 400
majority. The judge is more opti
mistic than bis history will justify.
A man who has been defeated at the
polls three times in succession
cannot afford to bo very optomistic
over the result of his fourth race.
The judge will be mighty !ucky if
lie is not defeated in his home
county b) more than 400 majority.
Years ago when the judge was study.
ing law and this county ivas demo
cratic he was elected as school super
imendent. After ho was admitted
to the bar, the county slill being
democratic, he was elected to the
legislature; before the legislature
met he repudiated the honor con
ferred on him and accepted a circuit
judgeship for the petty, unexpired
term of one year, and involved the
county In the expense of a special
election of a member of the legis
lalure to succeed himself. For this
.ct of perfidy, as many esteemed it,
numbers of his best friends never
forgave him and never will. There
lias hardly been a biennial election
since when he was not up for some
thing, and every time he has been
knocked out. It will be the came
this time. Our informant says the
judge has been preaching "free trade,
free silver, anti-expansion, anti-
proeperity and anti-everything," but
that he does not believe the judge
bag changed one single vote; for no
man with a single ounce of politicat
horse sense would expect to carry a
Ingle county in this senatorial dis
trict on a platform like that.
Was ever a more odious compari
son made than a reference to Aguin
aldo as a "Washington?" asks the
Astorian. The American who so
characterizes him is a Benedict
Arnold. The tories who called
Washington a bandit, the copper
heads who dubbed Lincoln a butcher,
may be recognized today In those
who call McKinley a blunderer. As
Ibo patriotic democrats supported
the federal government in the great
crisis of the civil war, so today every
democrat worthy of the name of
patriot points with pride to the star
epangled banner where Dewey plant
d it oa (he island of Luzon and says:
4il hope to God it will float there
There is no better man on the re
publican ticket, nor on any other
ticket, than T. H. McCrecr, of
Anteiofe, republican nominee for
Colorado, Idaho, Montana and
Wyoming considered the free coin
age of silver so necessary to their
interests that they gave Bryan more
than four votes to McKinlcy's one,
says the Inter Ocean. Most people
in these four states were sincerely
convinced that without free silver
tbey would bo utterly ruined. Yet
these states were never more solidly
prosperous than now. Not only has
the denial of free silver failed to
ruin them, but under the gold
standard they have grown enormous
ly in wealth.
Klickitat county democrats went
through the form of holding a coun
ty convention last week. As about
ouly half the precincts were rcpre
seined a motion was tnauc ana car
ried that every man in the meeting
who was friendly to Bryan should
consider himself a delegate. Then
the convention solemnly resolved,
"That wo as democrats do hereby
indorse and ratify the time-honored
principles of the old democratic
party," but very significantly said
never a word about the Bryanitc
fetich of 16 to 1.
tor for the ninth district. He is
conceded by all to be an able ad
vocate of the people and ono who
will represent their Interests in the
state senate." Times-Mountaineer.
There is every reason why he
should not be elected, lie is for
free trade. The people are for pro
tection. He is for free silver. The
people are for the gold standard.
Ho is against expansion. The people
are for it. lie would haul down the
flag in the rhilippioes. The people
aie for keeping il waving from every
flag staff where American valor has
planted it. Ab, but he is "conceded
by all to be an able advocate of the
people and one who will represent
their interests in the state seuate."
"Able?" Yes. ''Advocate of the
people an1 one who will represent
their interests in the state senate?"
No. His is ability wrongly directed,
and ability wrongly directed is the
ability to do mischief. Let him stay
at home.
George T. Baldwin, railroad presi
dent and fusion candidate for joint
representative for Wasco, Crook,
Klamath and Lake, and Judge A. S.
Bennett, who hates railroad presi
dents as the dnvil hates holy water,
spoke from the same platform a
short lime nso in Ltkeview. It
would appear from the report of the
judge's speech, as given in the Luke
view Examiner, that he was prudent
ly silent about that bogus railroad
plank of his. The appearance of
railroad presid.nt and an anti-rail
road lawyer on the same platform
asking the dear people for a chance
to give them remedial legislation, is
a sight for gods and men. We
would give a year's subscription to
The Chronicle to have these two
Bryanite musicians sing a duct to
the railroad men f The Dalles.
Vrmth Butig of In Aiiti-p''
I miu dying. Brvn, (lying,
For the tenth id dual time:
Cruel death t Ut filled 'ul
III tuUchil'.-aii'l Kver clime.
You ud Hoar and Itilly Mo,
Cleveland and ""M I'etligrew,
Now must fight the tug without nit,
For the game U u to vru.
Teil the b !) at K;i:ias City
That a harj tnd ciu-l fate
Hi deprived me ul my i hsm-es
To Umc j.iur running irate.
Tell them that 1 died in action,
liiinniiiR nwiftly t J the best,
biariding lut becuuica a hero
' $ul t well a running fast.
Tell the ilaacliuetU junta
That our (und are running low,
A Ld we can't kill any MiMlera
Till they forward ui mure dough,
bid my kind friend In the senate
All aflettionuU," farewell.
Tell them death i but a parting I'll sec them all 111 .
I am dying, Biyan, dying.
I'm ilnioat aa dead aa Hoar;
Thii will be my final menage,
For 1 vow I'll die no moie.
K Mailt Eruli Show Tbatl It la TUclr
Dcilara to Obtain Soprani
On the day that the news reached
the 1'acific coast that the Spanish
fleet had been sunk in the harbor of
Manila, there was not an American
from the Kooky mountains to the
ocean who was not ready to' cry:
"Perdition crush the hand that would
strike the American flag from any
ig staff where American arms and
American valor has placed it." That
is the American sentiment still, a&d
the republican party stands for it
with all that it implies.
The number of votes registered
the several precincts of Wasco
county, according to the list pub
lished in another column, is 3,102
This is an excess of ten over the
number of votes cast at the presi
dential election of 1896, an excess of
768 over the number or votee cast
for governor in 1898. The number
of votes is taken' from the World
Almanac, which gives 3092 for 18.96
and 2331 for 1898.
uen me cuicago Liattorm is
taken out of cold storage on the 4th
of July the delegates will be sur
prised to observe the number of
blowholes in it.
hile we are exporting half a
million dollars' worth of provisions
every day of the month the foreign
mniket must be of some benefit to
Republican Ticket.
The Oregonian's anti-McKlnley
chickens are coming home to roost.
1'he small fry fusion papers are de
voting much of their editorial space
to reprinting the oft'timcs unjust and
always severe criticism of theOre
gonian on the president. To be
perfectly fair they ought to give U9,
once in a while, the Ore soman s
criticisms on Bryan, say in parallel
Justice of the Supreme Court-
-C. E.
Food and Dairy Commissioner J.
. The Dulles.
Malcolm A. Moody, of
Farmers will find a reason for the
advance in bagging and binding
twine by studying the foreign prices
for Manila hemp and si?al. In both
of these fibers there has been an
advance of 100 per cent in value in
the foreign market within two years.
Jute has also advanced over .00 per
cent within the same period.
Joint Senators J. N. Williamson, ol
Urook; T. H. Johnston, of Wasui; W.
W. Steiwer, of Wheeler,
Joint RepiesPntativec--A. S. Roberts,
of Wasco; II. A. Einmett, of Klamath ;
George Miller, of Gilliam ; George
iauanarn, ol Grunt; George A. Bar
rett, of Grant; T. il. McGreer, of
District Attorney Frank Mom-fee, of
ine i-Miiee.
County Juiige A. S. Blower?, of Hood
Commissioner P.
A. Kirchheiner, of
Whenever wc hear a Bryan shout,
says the Forest Grove Times, our
memory turns back to the time when
democratic badges decorated the
bosom cf the pants of almost every
man in the country, and we wonder
if it isn't just possible that the
shoutcr has lost bis memory.
"There is no reason whf Judge
Becnctt should not be elected scna-l
Slierilf Robert Kelly, of The Dalles.
Clerlc-A. E. Lake, of Wamic.
Treasurer C. L. Phillips, of The Dalles.
Assessor C. I,. Schmidt, of The Dalles.
Superintendent of Schools C. L. Gil
bert, of The Dalles.
Surveyor J. 15. Goit, ol The Dalles.
Coroner W. II. Butts, of The Dalles.
For Justice of the Peace of The Dalles
Timothy Urownhiil.
Constable Frank Hill, of The Dalles.
,, Mrs. Harriet Evans, Ilinsdalo, 111.,
writes, "I never fail to relieve my
children from croup at once by using
One Minate Cough Cure. I would not
feel safe without it." Quickly cure
coughs, colds, grippe and all throat and
While most Englishmen' are con'
centratingr their uttention upon events
in South Africa there are signs that
the northwest corner of the mighty
continent will be the point ot at
traction in the very near future,
News has reached London that the
French had seized Ain Salah, from
which down to the present the To
arejjs, n Berber tribe, have waged war
with nil and sundry when occasion lias
offered. Ain Salah is the capital of
the oases of the Touat district, its
wild inhabitants pay no tribute to
the sultan, npr does his writ run in
their territory, but while he has some
claim to the country France has none,
says the Chicago Chronicle.
France is steadily encroaching upon
Morocco, working all vn.js at once.
From Oran and Tlemcen, in Algeria,
the rail runs to Ain Sefra, and thence
France could pour on urm.y into Fez,
which is within comparatively easy
The sliereefs of the holy city of
Wuzzan, who claim descent from the
prophet and .have a very rrent fol
lowing in Morocco, are under iVcncli
protection. Without an order from
the French consul it is very diliicult
for an Englishman to visit Wazzan.
France lias extended her protection
among the most turbulent of the Mo
roccan fighting tribes. She recruits
her Algerian army from among them,
and in return for military service on
the frontier gives protection to them
and to their families. The Rill Arabs,
who are notoriously valiant and care
less, have some DO per cent, of their
fighting men under the care of France
in return for nn average term of our
year's service. In connection with this
branch of French enterprise there is
a French military' mission to the
shereetian court. Within the last JS
months France has given another un
mistakable proof of her intention to
extend her influence in the ill-governed,
country of Muley Abdul Aziz.
through her representatives and,
some say, nt her expense a lliissiiin
embassy bus been established at Tan
gier, but so far as the embassy can
discover there is but one Russian sub
ject in Tangier.
crisis is inevitable in Morocco.
The government is going from bad to
worse; corruption indescribable pre
vails everywhere; justice is bought
and noli!; weak tribes are dest roved
without mercy, strong ones are bribed
as we in old times bribed the Danes;
you can say nothing worse to a man
than "May Allah send the sultan to
you 1. e., may you be robbed of all
you have and cast into prison, there
to rot. The sultan is not yot a man.
and he has a Rinall intellect endow
ment; the strong man, Abu Ilained.
may be stricken down at nny moment.
iCebclhon, famine and misery untold
and unimagined stalk hand in hand
through a land that yields in point of
agricultural and mineral possibilities
to no part of Africa.
The end may come to-morrow, it
can be no more than a few years dis
tant. France in prepared, and,
though seizure of Morocco by any
any power would cause such a war
as may not be contemplati! without
horror, it. must not be imagined that
all the French preparations, involving
an endless expenditure of time and
labor, hove been undertaken for
Victim of gtrategr.
Wife George, are you going to the
;lub to-night? '
Husband Yes, my love. I really
lo.a core to go, but it i. an impori
taut meeting. i,nd it would hardly do
for mo to absent myself.
"What timo do you expect to re
turn home?"
"By 1 1 o'clock at the latest."
"Well, on your wny just stop for me
it the Woman's Twentieth Century
lub, on Keener street; I'll be sure
to wait for you."-Richmond Dis-:atoh.
The Kind You Have Always Bought, and which has h .
iu use for over 30 years, has borne the signature of
) and has been made under his tu.
f7-f-Z., soiml supervision since its infanev
XS&tCAiM Allow no one to deceive you In tw.
All Counterfeits, Imitations and Just-as-good "are bat
Experiments that trifle with and endanger the health of
Infauts and Children Experience against Experiment
Castoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare,
gwric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is Pleasant, ft
contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotie
substance. Its age is its guarantee. It destroys Worms
and allays Feverishness. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind
Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipatiou
and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates the
Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep.
The Children's Panacea The Mother's Friend.
Bears the Signature of
Tbe Kind You Have Always Bought
In Use For Over 30 Years.
Under the auspices of the Forest Protective Association.
will be held at
Duiuf, CQay 31, 1900.
Prominent speakers from different parts of the state will
address the people on forestry.
Grand Balf in the Evening.
A basket dinner and a barbecue of roast ox will be send.
Every one is cordially invited to attend.
Special Sale!
...Steel Haoges M Ml Ml
To reduce our largo stock wo will
sell Stoves and Steel Ranges at
Greatly Reduced Prices
for a short timo only. See our
goods and get our prices. . . .
Lewis Ackerman. Ooshpn, Inrt., lays,
"DaWitt't Little Early Riupri always
brin certain relief, cure my heartache
and never pripe." They gently cleanse
and invigorate the bowela and liver.
Physician and Surgeon,
Bpeclnl attention given to mirifory.
Rooms 21 anrl 22. Tel. XB Vogt Blork
Room, W .ml w.over V. H. Land Onico.
Wholesale and Retail
Wines, Liquors and Cigars.
Agen'rtlfe Greate American Liquor
Yellowstone Sour Mash
WHISKEY from 75 to mi iVr un,2 r;'rr'-:;
IMPORTED COGNAO tr-.m 7.oo to I2.00 ier iralloiT(ll to -ju y"
OA Llf gBHIA BSAMDIESon.L'r, i mr0 ,,,, yBlioi.7 n VL!l
- .J
COLUMBIA BEER on draught, and
Imported Ain bikI I'orter.
Val Rlats and Olynipin