The Dalles weekly chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1947, May 23, 1900, PART 1, Image 1

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NO. 36
FheYnd believed
peace t arty is tseiujj rorinea ai me
Transvaal Capital and Reports From
There Indicate an Early Suing for
Losddx, May 18. The latest news
roio South Africa a ad details of past
bperations tend to confirm the view that
the end of the war is within measurable
tjietance. From Kroonstad comes a story
ttributed to excellent authority to the
tlFect that a peace party ia being formed
bit Pretoria, while reports from Pretoria
Itself indicate discouragement at the
frecent reverses and the possibility of an
early suing for peace.
There is nothiug to throw light on the
havstery of Mafeking. National anxiety
Hs strained almoEt beyond endurance, al
though nowhere is the eliithtest belief
that Colouel Baden-Powell will not keep
the Union Jack fly in.
On the line of Lord Roberts' advance
khe Boers have Mown np a bridge over
the Rhenoster river, thirty-seven miles
'north of Kroon&'.ad.
London-, May 18. The following is the
text of Lord Roberta' dispatch to the
"war office:
"Kroostad, May 18. Methuen entered
,Hoopstad yesterday unopposed. Generals
EDuprey and Daniels and forty men have
' "Broadwood occupied Lindlcy yester
day after slight opposition. Only two of
our men were wounded slightly. S'.evn
was not there, and his government offi
cials had left last Sunday.
"Hutton's mounted infantry yestirday
surprised and captured, about thirty
miles northwest of this place. Command
ant Botha, Field Cornet Gassen, five
Johannesburg policeman and seventeen
lioers. Thero were no casualties on our
"Buller reports that several Xatal
farmers are handing in arms."
Mareklnf'a Kftlief.
London, May 18. A special dispatch
from Lourcnco Marques, dated yesterday
eavs :
'The last 500 refugees who arrived
here agree In stating that Mafeking has
been relieved. Tho end of the war is
anticipated by the Queen's birthday,
May 24."
It is stated at the war office that no
news as to the relief of .Mafeking bad
been received np to 8 o'clock this morn.
llullor at Danntiauner.
Danshai'skr, Thursday, May 17.
General Buller entered Danuhauser at
at 10 o'clock this morning. The houses
in the tow n were found to be not much
damaged, owing to the sympathies of
the Boer inhabitants. A number of
rebels were fonnd at their homes and
arrested. Tbe railway is little damaged.
The Boors north o! Newcastle are fall
ing back.
General Buller has received message
from the Queen congratulating him opon
the taking of Dundee, and expressing ap
preciation of the work of tho troops, to
which he has replied.
The Boers left two doctors and an am
bulance here.
Kr Kdvuji' Imprarfenc.
Nw Yohk, Mav 18. A special to the .
Herald from Washington, says: What
chance the Boer commissioners had of
being received officially by the President
and Secretary Hay is lessening in conse
quence of their conduct in New York.
Administration officials have been follow
ing with close interest the fctotemcnts
the delegates have tnf.ii.
It ia unusual, according to ths official.
'or the diplomatic representatives of for
eign governments to como to the United
Elates arid Immediately nnon arrival
publicly announce the purport of their
mission before they obtain recognition.
''l some of the authorities do not
"folate to cill such conduct highly im
proper. From the administration's
l'"int of view, the action of tbe delegates
and their friends Is calculated to stir np
sentiment designed to force the gov-
rnment to receive them and carry out
ny suggestions they may make.
becomiriir anr.arpnt. Imwavt-r.
at the mission of the commissioners la
"ore of a political than a diplomatic'
character, ami . i...... ..nnn.uinn.
...... T. Ilrill b1 IUJ'UCI.IUIID
v'ler maw l. i .
looking it me mTi
fent ion of the United Hates in South
,r'ca it is altogether likelv that the
preei,u,nt wlU decline to act.
, JI' R- f'mlth, Ilntternnt, Mich., says,
HeWltt's Little Early Risers are the
ry best pills I ever used for costivencs.
"ver and bowel troubles."
to the o-
Manila, May 18. A proclamation pur
porting to have been issued by Aguiaaldo
and dated May 4, from Pollilo island,
one of the Philippine group east of Lnzon
is calculating in Manila. It says the
commission appointed bv President Mc
Kinley was appointed without tbe
authority of congress, and hence it can
not treat officially. It urges tbe Filipinos
not to surrender their arms at the in
stigation of the commission and on
promises which congress may not ratify,
and also urges tho Filipinos to enthusi
astically welcome the commission when
it arrives in tbe town and provinces,
asking bodily for the form of government
they most desire, as the Americans p'or
mit of freedom of speech. The proclama
tion closes with asking the Filipinos to
strive for liberty and independence, and
again warns them against deception.
In the Cdtarma district chout 500 of
the enemy attacked a portion of the
forty-third regipient. The Americans
killed 203 of the rebels. Only three
Americans wore wounded.
Major John O. Gilmore and 100 men
of the Forty-third regiment were am
bushed May 0th near Painbugan, Si
mar. Seventy-five of the enemy were
killed and no American casualties.
The transport Lennox baa returned
here aftei landing fonr troops of the
Eleventh Cavalry to reinforce Colonel J.
F. Bell. Two troops, Maj r Sime com
manding, were landed at at Legaspi and
proceeded across the countrv to strength
en the garrison at Liago. They found
numerous entrenchments manned by
insurgents between the towns, and were
two days on their way. Their only loss
was threo horses. The officers report
they killed forty insusgente. but the
natives declare eighty were killed.
Telegrams From Boer Sources Say They
Abandoned the Siege Last Tuesday.
London, May 18, 9
king baa been relieved.
:10 p. m. Mafe-
Pretoria. May 18. It was officially
announced today that when the laagers
and forts around Mafeking had been
severely bombarded, the siege was aban
doned. London, May 18. A special dispatch
from Amsterdam says a telegram from
Boer source announces that Mafeking
was relieved Tuesday.
Ia The Uoum.
Washington, May 18. For the first
lime since the rebellion, the House to
day passed measure to pay confederate
soldiers for losses growing out of tbe
Civil war. It was a bill introduced liy
Cox (Dem. Tenn.) to pay the confederate
soldiers who snrrend red at Appomattox
for the loss of horses and other personal
effects taken from them in violation of
Lee's capitulation to Grant, by w hich
the officers and men of Lee's army were
allowed to retain, their baggaite, side
arms and horses. The biM originally
carried $200,000 but tbespecillesum was
Stricken out an 1 tho appropriation was
made Indefinite. The bill was panned
out of Its order as a special compliment
10 Cox, who, after ten yems of service In
the House, Is to retire at tbe end of his
present term. Many other claim bills
ere passed.
A bill to reimburse Colonel Charles B.
Dougherty and other members of tbe
Ninth Pennsylvania regiment for bag
gage destroyed at tbe opening of tho
Spanish war, favorably reported, but
not reached when the House, at 5:25
p. m. adjourned.
A Cuban rtlOal Cniirns,
Havana, May 18. W. H. Re-ve.
deputy ambassador of the island, made
a confession at midnight and gave tip
4 00 given to him by Neeley, financial
agent of posts at Havana, to perform
certain servicej the day he left. Gen
eral Wood ami the postal Inspectors
refuse to disclose tbe n.iinre of the con
fession, barely admitting that the
confession has leen made. It is claimed
that f 14(H) will be recovered today.
You will not have boils if yon take
Claike A Falk's sure cure for boils.
Subscribe fur Tus Cuhomi-i.
His Latest
Submitted by the
Chicago, May 19. The Record says:
"There ia before tbe statu department
at Washington a plan submitted by tbe
Russian government whereby Russiaand
the United States could dictate wbeat
prices for the world," said J. M. Flynn,
of San Francisco, at the Auditorium
Hotel. Mr. Flynn is an agent of the
Russian-American company, recently
formed with a capital of $.", 000, 000 and
has been in consultation with the Russian
Eoibassv in Washington for several
weeks on matters pertaining to the com
pany he represents. Continuing Mr.
Flvnn said :
"This plan was submitted during
Cleveland's second term, but it has
rested without action till the present
lime. I know thut the Russian goverr
menl is anxious that its overtures be
met by this country. The trans-Siberian
railroad develops a territory, the prin
cipal products of which are wheat and
c aton. Russia believed that with the
co-operation of this country, her wbeat
ami cotton, the principal items of ex
ports also of the United States, could
bring tsach better prices.
'"Russia's proposition was the result of
the Investigations made some time ago
by M. D Witte, minister of Finance, to
discover the cause of the low price of
wheat and cotton. They showed to the
satisfaction of tho government Hint this
low price was not due to the increased
acreage nor lessened consumption, but
was the direct reenlt of American com
Delegates May
Be Received
Washington, Mav 19. The Boer dele
gates devoted most of their time today
to receiving visitors and attending to
their correspondence. It was made
evident to Colonel O'Beirne today that
the state department is disposed to treat
the Boer delegates with absolute fairness,
and that their credentials, consequently,
are to be considered on their merits.
It Is by no means a foregone conclusion
that the delegates are to bo denied offi
cial recognition. That was the first de
cision, and it may after all be the out
come. But it is suid tnat much depends
n ion the character of the credentials,
and also upon the attitude of the dele
gates themselves. It is suid among
certain Officials of the state department
that if the government should consider
it necessary to cast about for warrant
for accepting them officially it might turn
to the convention of 1884 between Great
Britain and the Transvaal, and declare
that in thut document is by implication
to be found a renunciation of Great
Britain's suzerainty, and consequently
tncie n longer exists any obligation upon
other nations in their dealings with tbe
B er republics, nt boast to the extent of
i Bering official recognition to thoir diplo
matic representatives.
The fact that consideration 1ms been
given at all to this phase of the matter
may be regarded as significant of the fact
that at present tho administration holds
iteif in a receptive state, as far as the
credcntiiilsare concerned, and isdispnsed
to consider them on their merits.
Hatrril of America.
London, May 19. "However much
Turkey may wrong the United States,
Ameiiean ships are not to pass the
straits in order to ex;icl relrees from
Constaiilinopr, under penalty of being
blown not of tbe wBter by Rusrian, Ger
man and Austrian ships."
This is the deduction drawn by the
Spectator, which, In the course of a long
article, based on tlie anti-American ut
terances of tbe Listock of Odessa, deals
with tho alleged hatred of America by
tbe continental powers, especially Rus-
C all Tor Two I'er tnti,
Washington, May IS.- Secretary
Gage, after the cabinet meeting today,
announced that he would issue a cull at
onco for the tedemption id the $25,.1(ii,
ol)0 of outstanding 2 per cent bonds of
the funded loan of 1H0I, interest to cease
September 1 next. During tbe last 10 J
mouths of the present fiscal year tho
treasury receipts have exceeded the ex.
penditures by somelhingover $53,000,000.
Attempt to Blow Up Fortifications
at Esquimau.
Cbicaoo, May 19
Times-Herald from
. A speuial to the
Vancouver, B. C,
says :
Fenian sympathizers with the Boers
have made an attempt to blow up the
British fortifications at Esqnimalt. The
big naval dock, where $7,000,000 damage
could have been done, was the objective
point of the leaders in the olot, who
barely escaped from the guard w:th their
- Major Bennett, of the Duke of Con
naught's Own Rifles, made a statement
of the circumstances today. He says
that three weeks ago tbeollicer command
ing at the Esquimau fortifications was
advised to look out for the possibility of
a Fenian outage. The information came
from the military authorities at San
Francisco, and with it the description of
three well-known Fenians, who were a
few days later recognized at Vancouver.
Orders were given to sentries to shoot
after the failure to reply to a second chal
lenge, and to shoot to kill. Wednesday
night, just at midnight, four men were
discovered by the sentries within the
line of first outposts, and they were just
abreast of the Fort McCauley works, and
within a Bhort distance of the large dock
of the North Pacific squadron. Two
guards challenged almost simultaneously.
There was no response, and the dimly
outlined figures crouched to the ground.
The guards challenged again, and at
this time several other sentries im
mediately fired. By the time a search
party had been formed thero was much
confusion, and tho men succeeded in
running past the ouler.ontposts.
Btatomeut lly Wymnn.
Washington, May 19. Surgeon-General
Wyman tonight gave out the follow
ing statement in regard to the plague
situation at San Francisco:
"March 8 Surgeon Kenyoun reported
a suspicions death in Chinatown, and
March 11 that be hud found the plague
bacillus. April 27, another case occurred,
verifying by bacteriological examination,
so reported May 2. May 13, there were
two deaths from plague. May 10 another
cape was reported. Thero have been six
deaths and so far as known the dierase has
appeared only among tho Chinese. Ti.e
bureau has sent to San Francisco about
25,000 bottleB of Hoffkino preventne
ami Is still forwarding it. It has alio
sent ' quantity ol tho curative serum.
Inspectors have been stationed at the
railroad crossings ol the state, and the
railroad companies have been instructed
to refuse saleof tickets toChinese passen
gers. A train Inspection service has
been ordered. Tho interstate quarantine
law of March 27, 1S90, will bo enforced."
Anita rr I'eao.
London, Maj- 21 , 3 :10 a. m. Displayed
in the most conspicuous style in the
Daily Express, is the dominant war news
of tbe morning :
'We have the best reason for stating
that in tho last twentv-four hours a
telegram has been received at the foreign
office, addressed personally to the Prime
Minister, from President Kroner, pro
posing terms of peace. The exact terms
of the message cannot be stated ; but we
believe it is roonched in an exceedingly
humble strain."
It is Inconceivable,' of course, that
Lord Salisbury can have sent any re Iv
except tlis one that stands ready on tho
lip of every Briton unconditional
War Wa a Hlemlng to Fipnln.
Nkw Yohk, May 18. A dispatch to
the Herald from London says: General
Stewart L. Woodford, formerly United
Stales minister at Madrid, speaking to
night to a correspondent, p tinted a glow
ing picture of the future of Spain.
'Thrt lna if lici rnloriiHS." ho auii
' i
"means Spain's national rejuvenation
Relief after years of cease!es, strength
sapping anxieties incident to the govern
ment of her scattered island poses!.ons,
leaves her statesmen free to work out
the destiny of their own country. The
war with the United States was a bless
ing In disguise.
"I have unbounded faith in the
nation's future. A Spaniard is essentially
honorable. He wants to pay his debts.
He Is jealous of his country's name and
credit. The present agitation because
of increased taxes will subside as soon
as King Alfonso's subjects realize that
additional revenue Is necessary to main-
tain the national honor."
Good, pure natural ice from the Blue
mountains for sale by the Columbia
River Ice & Fuel Co. 'Phone 33 or 81
f".ong Ditt. j 75 or 8 Scufcrt & Condon.
Relief Actually Accomplished bv Colonel
Mahon on Thursday Last.
London, May 21. The following dis
patch from Sir Alfred Milner to Joseph
Chamberlain was received today;
"Ba'ton tele-graphs from Tanngj that
Mafeking was relieved on May 17. The
relieving column was a c.mpoito force,
under Colonel Mahon, of about '.'.'ICO
The war office confirms the dispatch
announcing that Mafeking has been
London, May 21. The Asociated
Prets is able to say that no message Iroin
President Kroger, direct or indirect, has
been recently received by Lord Salisbury
or by any department of the British
government. The proximity of peace,
according to tho government point of
view, will remain a matter of military
progress. How soon tho latter may bring
about 'he former U still too suppositious
for a serious forecast on the pari of any
government official.
The concensus of opinion, as gleaned
by the Associated Press and the govern
ment officers, is that tho Boer delegates
will exhaust every effort in the United
Slates before resting.
It is announced that Colonel Baden
Powell will be made a major-general.
Mafeking was actually relieved by
Colonel Mahon.
A dispatch from Kroonstad dated May
20, says n British convoy on its way to
Londley was attacked by tho Boers and
obliged to halt. The result of the attack
is not known, but it is evident the Boers
facing the main British nr.ny are on the
alert and aggresnive
owir Itrport.
London, May 21. The war office has
received tho following dispatch from
Lord Roberts : ,
"Kroonstad, May 21. Colonel Mahon
reports having joined Plumer at Jamaisda
May 15. He was followed by a Boer
commando from Fartiznm Siding and
turned westward to avoid it. May 13 he
was attacked in the thick brush, losing
five men killed, two missing and twenty
four wounded, including a Daily Mail
correspondent, dangerously."
Another report has been received from
Baden Powell dated May 13, giving im
portant news.
"Before dawn, May 12, a storming
party 250 strong, personally led by EloH",
rushed tho pickets and reached the Staat
and Protectorate camp from the west-
waid along the Maloppo valley, s strong
musketry demonstration being at the
same time kept np along the eastern
front of our position. Our western posts
closed in and stopped the Boer supports
following, thuscuttingou" Eluff's retreat,
while the two defenses stopped bis
further advance.
"His force got divided in tbe darkness
and a strong parly was placed between
them, completely surrounding them.
Firing continued all day long. Soon after
nightfall the two parties surrendered and
the enemy was driven out of the Staat
under a heavy fire. Ten dead and l!t
wounded of the enemy wore left behind
and 108 prisoners were taken, Including
ElofY and nine officers. Seventeen
Frenchmen and many Germans were
among the prisoners. Our losses were
six nun kilK'd and two officers and nine
men wounded.'
Advance on Trannvaat,
London, May 21. The war office has
received tho following meesage from
Lord Roberts:
"Kro mstad, May 21. Buller reports
that his advanco ill be delayed for a
few days, on account of tho way in
which the railroad has been destroyed.
' Bundle reports that Lidrbrand has1
ben occupied.
"Hunter is piiHliing up the lailway
with supplies for tho Mafeking garrison
mid is arranging a hospital train for the
conveyance of the sick and wounded to
"Melbnen has left Hcopstad lo co opa
r.ito with bis force."
Du'l Headache, I'.uin in various parts !
stomach, Loss of appetite, Feverishness,
Pimples or Sores all positive evidence,
of impure blood. No matter bow it
became so it must be puriad in order to
obtain good health. Acker's Blood
Elexir has never failed to cure Scrofulous
or Syphilitic poisons or any other blood
diseases. It is certainly a nonderfifT
remedy and we sell every bottle on
a positive guarantee. B'.akeley A Hough
ton's drug store.
Fresh cracked Nebraska corn at the
Wasco warehouse. Finest kind of
chicken feed. mcb25-tl
Case Finall) Decided ia Favor of Beck
ham, the Democrat, Thus Upholding
the Finding ol the Kentucky Court
of Appeals.
Washington, May 21. The Unite J
States supreme court today decidid lhe
Kentucky governorship case in favor of
Governor Beckham, dismissing the writ
of error from the Kentucky c-iiitt of
appeal. Tho opinion was handed down
by Chief Justice Fuller this morning ami
a vigorous dissenting opinion was de
livered by Justice Harlan. Justices)
Brewer, Brown and McKonna also dis
sented from port inns of the opinion.
Tho opinion was handed down by
Cliief Justice Fuller, and tho case dis
missed for whnt of j irisdiction, it tieing
held that determination of cises ol tbia
character and all contest far state offi
cers in net necssarilv be settled by the
political branch of the government.
That branch had acted In the Kentucky
case when the general assembly took:
jurisdiction. There was no nppeal front
the assembly's decision, which wus
favorably to G iebel and Beckham, ex
cept to the tiibuunl of ill jieople, which
tribunal, the chief justicj said, was al
ways in session.
He also said the case was purely a
state case that Kentucky was in full
possession of its faculties, as a member
of the Union and there was no emergency
which called, for interference.
The opinion in Kentucky was not un
animous, Justices Brewer, Harlan and
McKenna dissenting.
But Governor Mount Refused to Honor
the Requisition.
Indian, May 21. Chr.rles Fin
ley, ex-ticrelary of state of Kentucky,
was arrested here tonight for complicity
in the Goebel plot, but Governor M- nnt
positively refused to honor the requisition
from tbe Governor of Kentucky, and or
dered the release of the culprit. G v-
ernor Mount's refusal to honor the re
quisition papers was as follows:
"The within application for the extra
dition of Charles Finlcy is hereby re
fused this 21st dav of Mav 1900."
When Govern' r Mount was ban. led
tho requisition be asked to be shown thei
"What w as the complexion, politcally.
of the grand jury thai found this indict
ment?" he asktd.
The Kentucky officer rej lied that bo
did not know.
"Were not a'l the ineinl-ers democrats)
but two?" the governor nsked.
He was given the same leply, hfter
which the governor siiil, very emphati
cally : 'l shall not honor this requisition.
I am In a hurry to catch a train and can
not give you my reasons. I shall simply
indorse that the requisition has hern
Later Governor Mount, said : "Where
the proper time coms I will give an ex
planation for my refusal, which willbtt
aitiefactory to any fair-minded person."
W. S. Taj lor, of Kentucky, arrived
here this afternoon on the train, mid g. t
offal a siding some dh'tanco Ir on t! e
station. Hecuinothsj Incited, tno'i.ti
it is believed be and Finley met rai li
other at mhlivght."
riiiici fi.pitui.
Washington, .May 21. The dem.i
goues who are so rampnnt to makx
political cipitul out of the Boer itmilioii
and tried to involve the United Stute
by some n.etl o I to ei press sy m pat by or
intervention may create komo )i H ichI
capital out of it for the democratic p-rty ,
although the re iv.lic . n s believe that
w hen the fltn ition is ixpia'ned it will
prove a I oomeran'.
Ills well understood Ih it an i xprciiio
tnr- 1 1. .. it... K ,.ri. . it..
States will simply mean a ruptur- of
diplomatic relitioiis with (treat Britain,
which wou.d accomplish nothing what
ever for the Biers. SjmpHtby w nM
mean nothing. Intervention is the enty
thing that would do the Boers ai.y ',
and the demagon -s icem not to n n -r-sland
that Intervention would wr
with Great Brituin. The question arist-.i
whether tho pe phi o( the United Siaten
want to plunge this country into th
most nicko'l and cruet wa.' of the century
for the pnrpiro of establishing th
republics of South Afric.t.