The Dalles weekly chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1947, May 12, 1900, PART 2, Image 4

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Wednesday's Daily.
Chas. McAllister, Glenwood sheep
man, is at the I'uiatilla House.
T. A. Gilrnore, of Spra?oe landing, it
registered at the Umatilla House.
O. Kinersly wi a passenger on the
Regulator this morning for l'ortlaud-
II. D. Parkins was passenger on the
Regulator this morning for Cascade
J. T. and W. P. Harper were naseengers
on the Regulator thii morning for Hood
Mrs. Markillle an.!
cliildreo left on
the noon passenger on a visit to friends
in Portland.
B. F. Pike, assessor of Sherman county,
was in town today on his way borne
from Portland.
Commissioners N. C. Evans, of Hood
River and I). S. Kiuisey, of Antelope,
re in attendance at I hi county court.
D. S. Crapper, an old and respected
resident of Hood River, was in town
today and made this office pleasant
Mrs. Bostwick, representing the City
of Paris Dry Goods Co., of San Francisco,
is at the Umatilla Home for a few days
with a fine line of goods for ladies.
W. tl. lmvis, oi vvapiniua, leu on me
Regulator this morning for Yamhill
.i.:- ..:-.. ... v.,i,;nl
county where he goes to buy some
thoroughbred cattle to improve his
Mr. and Mrs. G. L. Black, of Hay
Creek, Crook county, were passengers on
the Regulator this uiornicg for Mount
Tobor where they expect to make their
future home.
Justice Timothy Brownhill returned
today from Pendleton where he passed
a successful examination before the
en pre me court for admission ti the bar.
Tim is now a full-fledged lawyer.
Thursday's Daily.
The Duke of Celilo was in town today.
W. Lord was a passenger on the noon
traiu for Portland.
A. Miller, of Monkland, is registered
at the Umatilla House.
A. E. Lake, republican candidate for
county clerk, is in the city.
W. B. Hayden, of Centervi'le, is
registered at the Umatilla House.
William Smith, a prominent sheepman
of Troy, Gilliam county, is in the city.
T. II. Johnston, republican candidate
lor joint senator, was in town yesterday.
E. Jacobsen was in town today on his
way to Prineville and other towns in
the interior.
Mies Crimmins, of Portland, who has
been visiting Mrs. Handley, returned
home on the noon train.
A. M. McLeod, the Goldendalo mer
chant, wis in town lust night on his way
to Portland on business.
Mrs. Jud. Fish and Mrs. Theodore
Reufert accompanied the pupils of the
Sisters Academy this morning on their
excursion to Hood Kiver.
II. C. Jackson, clerk of Klickitat
county, was in town laet tiinht on his
way home from a trip to Portland.
A. M. Barrett, of Caecade'L'icka who
haa been in town for a couple of days,
returned home by Steamer this morning.
Sheriff Kelly went down the river on
the Dalles City this morning to summon
jurors for the May term oi circuit court-
A. S. B'owers, republican candidate
for county indue, was in town lust night
and left for home on the Dalles City this
C. J. Bright, of Wasco, arrived here
on the noon train, in company with the
prohibition orator, Wooley, who spoke
last nignt in asco.
II. W. Scott, editor of the Oregonlan.
passed through town yesterday on his
way n,aBt, to oe gone about three weeks.
Whatever good things the Oregonian
may say during that time of the repub
lican administration must be charged
np to somebody else.
Friday's Dally.
Joseph Kune, of Wasco, is registered
at the Umatilla House.
M. J. Anderson, of Dufur, was in town
today on bis way to Portland.
John Haverley.of Boyd, was a welcome
visitor atb Tim Chronic n office today.
C. II. Moor, of Stevenson, Charles
Stargess, of Bakeoven, E. 8. Pratt, of
Wamic, O. J. Davis, of Shaniko, Will
lam Carrott and William McGuire, of
Uoldendale, and W. P. Wier, of Mav
ville, are registered at the Umatilla
Dr. A. Kinney, an honored Oregon
pioneer from Astoria, is in the city.
The doctor claims the distinction of
having been the pilot of the first river
steamer, the old Willamette Chief, that
ever climbed the rapids below the Cas
cade lock.
Saturday, 6th instant, to Mr. and
Mrs. Wooily, of North Dalles, a dangii
In this city, this morning, to Mr.
Mrs. E. L. Barzee, a daughter.
Catarrh Canuut be Cared
with local applications, as they cannot
reach the seat of the disease. Catarrh
is a blood or constitutional disease, and
in order to cine it you in ml take inter
nal remedies. Hall's Catarrh Cure is
taken internally, nnd acts directly on
the blood nnd mucous surfaces. Hall's
Catarrh Cure is not a quack medicine.
It was was prescribed by -one of the best
physicians in this country for years, and
Is a regular prescription. It is composed
of the best tonics known, combined with
the best blood purifiers, acting directly
on the mucous surfaces. The perfect
combination of the two ingredients is
what produces such wonderful results in
caring Catarrh. Send for testimonials,
F. J. Ciiesey.A Co., Props., Toledo O.
Sold by drriiggitts, price 75c.
Hall's Family Pills are the best. 12
Clark A Fslk's drag stock is new
fresh and complete. j
Some of the Wonders of Our Phys
ical Make Up.
Worklac of th Mnarlea la Dlflcrcat
I'arla of ta Hod) The Motloa
of Ilrcatalnit Caaa
of Saeealnif.
Perhaps you don't Know how long It
takea your finger null to grow its own
length? From one tu eijjlit months,
It grow much fnMer in the young than
in the. old. When you get u severe at
tack of illness it scarcely grows at all
and a sort of ricljn.' is found near the
tip. Mouths uftcr you are well a doc
tor can tell that you were ill by feeling
this ridge. Ihe nail of the ring finger
grows faster thnn any other.
Your bones, bays u medical author
it v, are the strongest tilings fur their
weight that can be found. Ilune bears
three times us heavy a weight as oak
and nearly ns much us wrought iron,
without being crushed.
You hear people say that bone makes
weight, meaning that it is the heav
iebt part of a man's body. This is not
nt till ili f!iv. titi 1 t i kLi.!i.tfiii wplo-lm
,,,., .,....,, ,i, ,,? i,u ivlmln iv.-iiHir
" ---o---
The skeleton of a man M) years old
weighsonly about half w hat it weighed
when he w as -k).
I am sure that you think the pupil of
the eye is a black circle just ou the sur
face. Jn reality it is a hole tilled by n
transparent lens. The black circle is
part of the inner surface at the back of
the eye quite three-quarters of nn
inch behind the front where you think
it is. There is n most beautiful ar
rangement of muscles around this hole
to widen it w hen the light is dim and
to narrow it when the light is bright.
If you lie on your back nnd bend your
leg on your body you will find thntyou
cannot possibly straighten it from the
knee dow: .i d. The reason of this is
that the i ipirpnrt of the legsare bent
ou the i. iiv und the lower parts
straightened by the same muscles the
hamstri:. and these lire too short
to perforin both nitrations at once.
When you sit on a chair you will find
that you can swing Ihe lower pnrt of
your leg from side to side. Now stand
up, ruise one leg from the ground, nnd
try to do the same thing. You cannot
do it, because the h g gets locked nt the
knee by a most ingenious contrivance
in order to make it firm to stand upon.
Why does your chest rise and fall?
This is a very curious phenomenon. Be
tween each pair of ribs there are a set
of muscles, and when they contract
the ribs are dragged upward, and en
large their chest cavity. Air rushes in
through the windpipe to fill the cn-
aigcd spnee, und thus the lungs are
filled with oxygen, and the impure
blood in them is purified. That is to
say, it is supplied villi oxygen in place
of carbonic acid. Hut the muscles get
tired in a couple of seconds, and the
presence of the outside atmosphere
makes the chest fall, r.nd, in conse
quence, the carbonic acid is forced
out. But in a second ti e muscles con
tract again, and again raise the chest.
.Now the rea-on the muscles contract
is this: When impure blord comes
into the lungs a i; i ssage is automatic,
ally dispatched to t he bruin, saying:
"There is a lot of po'scuotis carbonic
ncid here. The man w ill tlie if it is not
immediately replaced by oxygen." And
the bruin sends a peremptory order to
the muscles to contract.
It is the presence of carbonic ncid
which brings the whole operation
nbont. If there were no carbonic ncid,
or very little, then no message would
go to the brain, and the chest would
not rise. Y'ou can prove this by nn ex
periment. You may notice that the
chest rises r.nd falls every few seconds
or thereabouts. Now take a very deep
breath and breathe out again, and you
will find thut the chest does not rise
for many seconds. So much oxygen has
been taken in, nnd so much carbonic
acid breathed out, that there is not
enough of the lntter in the lungs for
eight or ten seconds to require re
moval. Why do you sneeze when yon are get
ting a cold? Because your lungs nro
becoming inflamed, nnd the little
tubes that lead from them are conse
quently filled with moisture. The
sneeze is an effort to rid the lungs of
superfluous moisture.
II Fooled the Surgeons.
All doctors told Renick Hamilton, of
West Jefferson, O., after snfToring 18
months from Rectaf Fi9tula, he would
die unless a costly operation was Der-
formed ; but he cured himself with five
boxes of Bucklen's Arnica Salve, the
surest Pile cute on Eirih, and the ben
Salve in the World. 25 cents a box. Sold
by Blakeley fc Houghton Druggists. 4
Special reserve old government whis
key, recognized by the highest medical
authority in the land; especially recom
mended by the board of health of San
Francisco for ho'pital use, also A, P.
O'Brien, M. D., captain and surgeon,
and Wm. D. McCarthy, major and sur
geon U. S. army, as the purest unadul
terated stimulant for convalescent, in
valids and family use. Sold bv Charles
Stnbliug. ap"l20-dlm
Diill Headache, Pains in various parts
of the body, Sinking at the pit of the
stomach, Loss of appetite, Feverishnes,
Pimples or Sores all positive evidences,
of impure blood. No matter how it
became so It mast t e purified in order to
obtain good health. Acker's Blood
Eieiir 1ms never failed to cure Scrofulous
or Syphilitic poisons or any other blood
diseases. It is certainly a wonderful
remedy and we sell every bottle on
a positive guarantee. Blakeley Hough
ton's drug store.
Uie ClarkeA Falk's quinine hair tonic
to keep dandruff from the head.
cntdala af Eiaadllara
Showing the amounts of all claims pre
sented, ths names of all claimants, the
article or claim for which payment is
made, the amounts allowed and the
claims continued or rejected at the
May term, 1000, of the County Court of
Wasco county, Oregon. The following
list, however, doea not contain any
claim for which the salary or fees are
provided for by statute:
F J Everett, conveying prisoners. $
Glass 4 Prudhomnie, supplies. . .
5 00
20 (D
a 00
1 60
M r Shaw, examination insane. .
Win Jordan, bal. on or cash ex
pended Gla A Pradhomme, supplies. . .
Geo P Crowell, supplies for road,
Moise Kluker k Co., supplies for
J M Toomey, care of pauper
C II Crocker &Xo, supplies
8 58
4 35
2 9
2 50
49 00
O T A T Co, telephone rent 5
The Dalles Lumbering Co, lum
ber 8 64
Mays & Crowe, supplies 214 70
II A Kerns, repairs 2 00
Dr Hudson, medical attendance
on paupers 60 CO
Catherine Handley, rebate on
tax 35 50
Glass & Pradhomme, supplies. . . 12 25
Dr Hudson, examining insane. . . 5 00
Irwin-Hodson Co, suppli a 6 90
Ezra Hensen, labor.... 7 50
lr in-Hodson Co, supplies 9 2U
Dr Shackelford, examining in
sane 15 00
Irwin-Hadeon Co, supplies 50
John Gavin, examining teachers 18 00
E B Wood, deputy assessor 3 00
J T Peters, supplies 18 15
J M Toomey, care paupers 4 75
L L I-ane, blacksmithing 13 15
Tucker Saw Mill Co, lumber 12 41
I).illes Lu-i.berioB Co, lumber... 65
Chronicle Publishing Company,
suoniies 80 0'
Mavs & Crowe, supplies. .. 123 41
Maier & Benton, supplies 4 00
Oregon lelephone & Telegraph
Co, telephone ; 12 P5
C II Crocker, supplies 84 00
J T Watt, medical attendance
pan per 30 00
C L Gilbert, office expenses 24 55
lrwin-llodson Co, supplies 10 00
Dr Logan, medical attendance
pauper 12 00
Clarke & Falk, drugs for pauper. 15 35
Dr fenaw, medical attendance
pauper 10 00
Wm Michel!, burial pauper 20 00
Clyde T Bonney, supplies 11 37
Ada bagers, laundry work 2 00
Vesta Bolton, work in clerk's
office 73 50
Annette Michcll, work in clerk's
ofhee 15 00
Frank Hill, work in the e'erk's
office 23 00
J B Goit, work on maps 8 00
George Wade, bihlge timbers. . . 25 00
W E darretson, repairs 6 40
S E Bnrtmess, cot for pauper. ... 1 25
Rand A Stewart, supplies 22 50
Henry i ltzsimmone, allowance
per month
10 00
Times-Mountaineer, printing. . . .
Times-Mountaineer, printing. . . .
2 50
20 00
7 00
2 25
809 75
40 00
ai . wottneii, drugs
Mrs E Carev, care pauper
Mavs & Crowe, road grader, etc
Boys' and Girls' Aid Society . . .
J C Benson, labor 13 50
titzeiuimons and family, allow
ance per month 5 00
reaee A Mavs, supplies 27 Oi
Dalles City Water Works, water. 11 20
James Busbee, burial pauper 10 00
I, A. M. Keleay, County Clerk for
Waeco county. State of Oregon, do
hereby certify that the above and fore
going is a full and complete statement
of the claims presented and action taken
thereon by the County Court of Wasco
county, Oregon, sitting for the transac
tion of county business at the May
term, 1900, thereof, save and except all
claims the salary or fees for which are
provided for by statute.
Witness my hand and the seal of the
County Court affixed, this 11th day
of May, 1900.
seal. A. M. Kelsay,
County Clerk.
If you intend to take a trip East, ask
your ticket agent to route you via The
Great Wabash, a modern and up to-date
railroad in every particular.
Through trains from Chicago, Kansas
City, Omaha or St. Louis to New York
and New England points. All trains
run via Niagara Falls and every through
train has free reclining chair cars, sleep
ing and dining cars.
Stop over allowed on all tickets at Ni
agara Falls. Boss C. Ci ine,
Pacific Coatt Piifs. Agt
I.'is Anuele", Calif.
C. S. Cbane. n. I'. A., St. L iuis, Mo.
Mrs. Calvin Ziniiteriiian, Milesburg,
a-.S'iyp, "As a speedy cure fur coughs.
cold?, croup and soro throat 0 e Minute
Coiih Cere ig uiitq-i:i!ed. I; ic pleasant
for rhildien to take. I heartily recom
mend it to motheis." It ii the only
harmless remedy that produces iin-
me. lute result?. It cure's bronchitis,
pneumonia, crippo and throat and lung
d;sease. It ill prevent rom-uwption
Wm. J. Landers, resident minsRer of
the L'on nt.d Imperial Firs Insurance
Companiee, w ihe to announce to the
patrons ol these companies t tint owing
to the eicknens of Mr. C. E. Bsyard and
the resignation of Mr. IJiijfh Gourlay,
their former aiienta, the (or both
companiea for The Dallea and vicinity
has been placed in the hands of Mr.
liuaotuy Brownhill. Any business
given to Mr. Brownhill will receive
prompt attention and will he appreciated
by the companies. Office in C. E. Bay
ard's old stand. No. S5 Washington
sttcet, The Dalles. Oregon. alO-im
Full blooded, barred Plymouth Hock
engj, per setting $1.00 and $1.60. For
particulars call on or address,
HAxnxRs Bros.
Boi 617. The Dalles, Or.
Taeeele af f'lae llk aad Maar Bal
toae Are Anions; Ihe Sew
Feataree or U ae.
Much of the effect from small ta
ela as dress trimming! depend upon
their being heavy enough to vibrate
from their own weight. A tassel of
-in, k. not txxlv enouirn to do
this. Hence the knowing choose luch
ornaments when made from heavy
.ilk rord. There will be a number of
new garnitures in the way of embroid
eries, and buttons will also be ex
tremely popular.
Skirt! are being trimmed with two
rows of buttons down the front. The
two row extend directly down the
middle of the front, and for this pur
pose small bu very expensive but
tons are employed. They are of gold,
beautifully set with mock gems of blue
and red and green to imitate tur
quoise, the emerald and the ruby.
Some of these buttons cost five dol
lars each, and frequently two dollars
Foulards are going to be more pop
ular than even last season. Blue has
hitherto been the chief favorite, but
now all colors are distinctly in vogue.
Bines will, however, retain much of
their former favor and will appear
with white embellishments. Black and
white, with a touch of color, will also
be much worn.
Beiges and light browns will have a
great rage for street wear In spring.
Indeed, brown is coming conspicuous
ly into style. The bronze or green
ish brown is the newest of all and the
most effective. Washington Star.
Where 'Women Can Learn from Men.
Women when ill suffer more from
the indiscretion and the over-atten-tiveness
of friends than do men; they
are ill the more often, for one reason.
Then, too, men do not visit one an
other in sickness so much as women
do, not being fond, in fact, of the
sick room in any capacity. See a man
call upon his afflicted friend, and ten
to one his wife or ether female mentor
sent him, and that nt considerable
outlay of rhetoric. Herein a man
shows at once his wisdom nnd his self
ishness. Common sense nnd observa
tion, if not actual painful experience,
have taught him that a man sick is
like a wounded unims.1. which drags
itself to some quiet, sequestered spot
to die or to endure alone; he wants
onlyhisfamilyabouthim.rnd he wants
thpm to be unofficious. He tnows,
too, that a sick man is not entertain
ing; nnd, ns for stopping a whole aft
ernoon to gossip with any other vis
itors who might drop in, the idea is
preposterous; the sick man would
never permit it, anyway. Bland
Brunner Iluddleston, in Woman'a
Home Companion.
Lotiater Salad.,
Take two lobsters, three fresh eggs,
half a pint of salad oil, half a pint of
vinegar, two tablespoonfuls of made
mustard, cayenne pepper and salt,
three lettuces, a sprig of mint nnd a
boiled beet. To make the dressing,
beat the eggs well und grudually mix
them with the salad oil. Beat in
ubout half a pint of made mus
tard, cayenne pepper nnd suit.
Wash three fine white lettuces and
,!,; ,.. !,,. .. l.l, l,o
v,. u... ...V . ,lr
meat of the lobsters, adding the mint.
Take a deep dish, mix all the ingredi
ents together and pour them into the
middle of the bowl, heaped tip, Then
pour in the dressing, so that it 'Jiay
moisten till thoroughly and culiect in
the sides of the dish. Lay slices of hard
boiled eggs around the edge of the
dish, with one egg cut in two for the
center of the salad. Slice the beet and
lay slices of it across the salad. Wash
ington Star.
For the Complexion.
One hears of so many girls who com
plain of thick or spotty complexions,
and iu nine cases out of ten the trouble
is quite easily removed. The very
latest cure nnd quite the simplest one
to follow, is to wash the face with
parsley water, says a recent authority.
It is de ne in this way. Take half a pint
of ruin waler and soak it in n large
bunch of paisley, letting it remain in
the water all night. In the morning
rub the face well with dry towel, then
dip your sponge in the parsley water
and pnss it over your face, allowing it
to dry on. Do this three times daily,
and at the end of I wo weeks if you have
persevered in the simple treatment
you w ill be rewarded to see that there
are 110 more spots or roughness nn
your face. Many of the high priced
complexion nostrums contain this sim
ple remedy, which is ns inexpensive ns
it is effectual. Detroit Free Press.
The anie Old Ur oini k.
One of the greatest koi rows of fa
mous personages is that if in impossi
ble to live up to the ideal oninim.
......i 111.- imi mi. mom t Nov mi.i.t In
the ordin,,, llfTilirs of fift. i,,,,
fornu d of t l,cm.
It .a r., rd ,hat e,-rtai liter-
nry i.inn of hitrh rciiutnt inn Imrl
.. . ' " "!lr waiter iu the res-
1.1111:1111 wnere lie sometimes lunches
"iiirer, tins beefstenk is
1 he waiter looked nt him with n sor
rowful expression and sighed deeply.
"Perhaps you will t,. me," said the
literary ,, why .0 s, h ,n lha
fashion? '
"Ah. rir," raid the waiter, "I took
you for n man who always said orig
inal things, nnd here you come, nnd
fay the same thing, that all the rest
of them do." Tit-IIits.
Cash In tour Cr-.ecka.
All count? warrants registered prior
to June 3, 1890, will be paid at my
office. Interest ceases after February 2
uo- C. L. PmixiPg, ' '
Conntr Treasurer.
Subscribe for The Chronicle.
tiniT TIM ffHIl'LS. Ati.v
roa isonbAU.Es. Fsoa.
U:4U p. m
aT t iVr. Denver. Ft
Wortn. Omaha, Kaii-
aa City, t. Louu,
tliicago nd Kaat.
Walla Walla, Hpokane,
Uinneanolis. i-t. t'aul,
10:10 p. ta
i u 1 u t b, Milwaukee.i
( hlrago and Kafct, vial
Rn-kHiieatd HulitlnK-
Iiiii: also all point In
Washlutton and East
ern Oregon.
4:00 a. m
8 p. m.
4 p. m.
Ocean SteaiiiKhips.
For fran Frauelneo
April U, May 2, 7, 12.
H n. m
4 p. n.
Ex.bunday Columbia Rt. Bteamera.
lo ASTORIA unu Tl U)
10 p. iu.
6 a.m. I Willamette- Riveb.
Ex.buaduy Oretrmi City. Kewberg,
I oh cm ii Way Laud .
4:30 p. m.
WiLLJitTT and Yah- 8:30 p m.
! kill Rivers. Mon., Wed
1 ortei'ii Cltv, liavton, and Fit
aud chI.
aud Waj- ljilidings.
- 1
. m. Willamette kiveb.
4:30 p. in.
Mon. Wed
Tue.. Thar, Portland to CorvalUs,i
and But. I and Way-Landings.
aud Friday
Snake Riv.
Rlparia to Ixswiaton.
8:30 a. m.
Lt R I pari a
dally I
1.20 a. m.
y Parties desiring- to jro to Heppner or
points on Columbia Southern via Mkk, should
take No. 2, leaving Ihe Dalles at 12:40 p. m.
making direct connections at Heppner junction
and BiKga. Kef urn Inn inakiugdirectconnectlon
at Heppner junction and Dings with Ho, 1. ar
riving at Xbe pallea at 12:'M p. m.
For full particulars call on O. B. N. Co.'i
agent The La Ilea, or addretta
Gen Pas. Ant., Portland, Or,
(Isolated Tract ) Public Land Sale.
Land Office at The, Orkoonj
A nr. 16. l'JOO. I
Notice la hereby given that in iiii nuaiico of
Imtructions i:om t-ie comnilsHoncr oi the gen
eral land ollice, cider authoiity veted In him
by flection '.M.'i5 V. 8. liev. cstat., ns amended by
the act of congreH approved rebruary , lH!t;i
we will proceed to oner at public kulo on Mon
day, the 2Mli day of May next, at tlio hour
of 10 o'clock, a. in., at tills olhce, Ine lollowing
tract oi land, to-wit:
NWU NEW Sec. 21, T. 1 N. ft. 12 E., W. M.
Anv and all ik-Thous claiming the nbove-
H..w..rjK.1 l.nila ... n.l.-tu.ul ... .11.. 4 1.. I
'claims In this oltiee on or before the day above
designated for the commencement of flald Halo,
otherwise their r I. Ills will lie forfeited.
JAY Y. LUCAS, Register,
aprls i 0113 PATTKKWOX, Receiver.
Land Office at The, Orrhon,!
April 30, l'JOO. 1
Notice is hereby given that the following
Damed settler has tiled notice of Ills Intention
to make final proof in support of his claim, and
that said proof will ho made btforethe Register
nnd Receiver at The Dalles, Oregon, on batur
day, June lti, l'JOO, viz:
Jens P. Agidiu", of The Dalles, Or.,
Homestead Entry No. 401 1, for the NW NWJ4
section 24, and h1;, SFM nnd NKU t-K'i section
";.lu"MI"l"l". i. range r.' east, n. m
lle names 1
the following wttmsNca to move
ma uouuiiuoiis resilience upon ami cultivation
of said Nnd, viz:
John Crale, Charles Snipes, J. D. Ilockmiin, J.
Bimonson, ail of The Dulles, Oiegoii.
may2 i JAY P. LUCAS, Register.
Timber Land, Act June 3, 1878.
lT. 8. Land Offic e, J
;The Dalles, Oh., Apr. la, piuo. (
Notice is hereby given that in compliance
with the provisions of the act of congress of
.tune 3, 1S7S, entitled "An act for the sale of tl in
ter lands in the states ol Calllornia, Oregon,
Nevada aud Washington Territory,"
William K. Ketchnui,
of The Dalle.. County of Wasco, State of Oregon,
has this day tiled in this his swim state
ment no. i.i'.i, lor the purchase of the WU NK'i
and N,'4 SK'i of Kcetlon No. :u, in Tp. IN. R.
No. 11 L W. M . anil Bill oil...
that the land sought is more valuable for Its
timber or atone than for agricultural purposes,
and to establish his claim to said land before the
Register and Hiwlver ()f tl, omce at The
vim, vsi7(iiii, ill,
flaturday, the 23d day ofjune, 10OO,
lie names ns witnesses: J. B. tiolt, D. P. Ket, Joseph llanna and W'lllam niwiicer, all
of 1 he Da I lea, On von.
Any and all tieranna nlal.nlt.s .l.....-Ai u
above-described lands aic teouesteil to tile their
"ns omce on or before iald2:ird day of
aprl vlOw-l
JAY P. LUCAS, Register.
Dyspepsia Cure.
Digests what you cat.
Itartlnr.inlltfrl! rrnof a ll-n a . .
iNature in nt renL'thoninr,
.. 4 u is tin- larcsi n acovprort Hirrc-
. Ant. ami tnntn xt- -.v.,Kc51U-
I Innln XT .... v.rcou-
i can approach it in cnicierFcyIt1 i'n"
; Btantly relieves and permanently ctirea
I IndlBe-.tlon, Ilearthu
I fatll ICnC6, Sotir StomacVi XI.. '
I r , "tV:, "r'-;""!!".
RaniTS PimM,. fr,A
. . .... ,,,
,i. - will ,, ,.-r'7" "wan-Ban. !'
...ill,.. ""r la nrr.
T. BROWN hTll7
Oflieoorei r'r.t Nat. llVrlf. "A,J t" 0RKOO.1
j li .M p m
I Spnisn
for public;.--
at Vaiccoi v,. .
1-AKD Orricc
Notice 1. hereby riven .(., ' "
named act 1 1, r haa tiled r Hli.
t on to make Kn.1 " tlr of ht. .7 '
A ' l
claim, aud that said proof li'i,,". '''""t of t
W. B. Pre-Lr, I'm ted W 11
IMstiie. of W a.hington. it M,-;V-Hi-i:i,
dale, Wah.. ou t riday,' iu
ueiincn n. Megmau, devisee if n-
SteBman, deceased- D"U
Homestead Entrv No. sti,-. c... .t '
of aei'tloii 32, township 3 Lorih , , "H1
Will. Mer. v cortaol riu,t;i-S
e name, me l lowing tnek. .
ennlliiuoua residence n..?",t"t
anid land, via: " "a e"lUv
Tiauuvi o. Lranirna. of r:mn
Wa.h.; Herman Enaelke. w m," r ,
Centervllle P. o , ,
ol oraud Dalle. P. o., W." n -'.
my2l "KClNB.u.
V. 8. Labd Ornci. VAitro,..
Notice 1. hsieby riven that SUn v'c 1
bTtP. H. Steirm.n, her attorney H- r
notice of intention to make ttu.i V"
W. B. Presby, United Stat" fnl,1
dale, Washington, on Friday, ihl ,-Ut":'
juue, i9ou,on iimtier-eulturn "
297, for the uortheast quarter of "h
township No. 2 north, range No u.. w la
She names as witness..." m.. ' Wi. 1
of Grand Da Ilea P. o Wash rilL Lw,3rti
William Wilkinson, of CentervilWnJ?ft''
and WilUatu Crawford, of
uiay2-i K-bl.NBAi,
(Isolated Tract.)-Public Land Si!,
Land Ornca at Thi Dalles, ottoo, ,
MsvU In..'!
Notice 1. hereby given that in
insrruction. from tbe er,,,?L!" 'miM,
eral land ortice, under authorin vL,Llf
by section s!l55, U. B. Rev. gtat., u , , '?
the act ot congress approved Feb,'
we will d rooted to nth-r t ,.i.ii. .?! . 1
day, the l.ith day of June, ne.t, at th. k
bbM A., rctlon 20, towmhlp l north
Any and all person, claiming adv..i.
above described lands are advlspd to
claim, in thisoHiceon or hafnr.
designated for the commencement of uuSS
otherwise their rights will be forfeited
JAY P. Lt't'Aa. '.
AuunuiBirituri naie or Real p....
- rrij
Notice is hereby riven that from wtHftam,
ninth day of June. 1. lit. will ,.rnZA ."""."
pnvaie saie, tor casn, the following ievHW
property belonging to the estate of iff
Krown. decease!. t.i.uit uiu
. ... . . ' " vu ui urn
Lots A, B. C. D. K. F. (i. II. r 1 v ..j, .
block 57 of i-ort Dalles Alilitary reservatlo
Oregon. '
ror Information Iniiu re at nmr,in
. . .uiiuin
Dated at Dullea City this loth day of Mar ma
Aduilnlalratrlx of the estate of PatrickBrtm
1.AKD Office at Tii Dalles. Ore.wj
April 30, m '
Notice Is hereby given that the fclkmitt
named settler has tiled notice of his intention w
make final proof In support of his clim ik
that said proof will be made before theRirl.w
and Receiver nt The Dulles, Oregon, on Mlm
day, Juneii, 1000, viz:
Henry Rondel, of Tlio Dalles, Or.,
Homestead Entrv No. 4710, for the SE'-. leciin
9, township i north, range 12 east, W. M.
lie mimes toe following witnesses to prove bii
continuous residence upou nnd cultivation tl
said land, viz:
Henry Lueblng, tieorge Arnold, rharlie W,
Ailiinis, Michael Doyle, all of The Dalles, Or.
may2-i . JAY P. LUCAS, Rcslitcr.
Yellowstone Park Line.
Unlofl Eerot, riflb and I Sis
No. 2.
Fast mall for Tacoma,
No. 1
Seattle, Olymnla, (iray's
narooraim null in ncnu
points, Hpuknne, Ross
land, B. C, 1' u 1 1 in nn.
Moscow, Iaistou, Hni
fiifniiuinp mining coun
try, Helena. Minneapo
lis, fit. Paul, Omaha,
Kaniaa Cily, rit. Louli,
Chicago and all lKiluti
eat and aoiitlieaat.
Piiict Sound Exprwa
for Tacoma and Seattle
and intermediate uoinla
11:15 A. II
No. i.
11:00 P. SI
Pullman flmt elaaa and tourlit If!''
MiiineatioMa, Ht. Paul and Minsouri river potB"
without change. ,
Veatlbuled trains. Uulon depot eonnaUoM
In all principal eltlcr.
Baggage checked to destination of tieketa.
Kor bandaomely llhiBiiatedderlpnviwj
tlclteta, Blifplng car reaorvatious, etc., call o
Annuitant Ocneral Pm-enger Agent, 2SS Mrl.
ritieet, corner Ttilr'., Portland, Ore"ii.
SOUTH and EAST via
Shasta Route
Trains leave The Pallex for I'.irllun! 14
Ktaliima nt i:2j a. in. and 3 p. m.
Leave Portland
' Albany
. a ;m a ro
'..r.'::H "
.. l.!::n a m
;, nn p m
... 7 '. pm
Arrlvo Alilnil
" Haernmentii
" Han frauclnco .
Arilve Ogdon
" i'enver
" liieago
ft:f) 11
l:iio a in
; :.i a m
7: l 'i
Arrive Isia Angele ...
l '.fi p m
ft it) p m a m
, i .Vi a ai
4 nn a m
:. a m
1J:I1 !
r.l Pbbo
" Port Worth
" I'lty of Mexico .
" IloiKton
" New OrlcHua ..
Waalitngtoii. . . .
" Nw York.... ,.
Pullms 1 and Tourlit cr
I and ToiirlBt car on fKAf,
b Hacrampiito to Ogdcii je1, 01
atraratol liloago, ht I""
1 hair cars
nnd tourlat
llllll .till IVantll llfftllll.
iik trrfr"
Connecting at fan Knuie "Co . ym,
BTCiuiiHriln lines for llouomi" '
iteiiinahlp linen for llonolnlu, ''r""'
I'lilllpiiluea, Central and "l" AiuiM'-
MiW PaciliG I
Bee acont at The Dallea station, or a!"-
(Jcn.r.l P.aainjer Agent, Pottl1