The Dalles weekly chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1947, May 12, 1900, PART 2, Image 2

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Meekly Chronicled Ticket'.'-
- - m t rtiLted as! to ei-e Jo--i.u.' r : Island of Cuba,
lie filt ft" 1 ttvUt-
:.i L v sIK v'.i
' c" .'.:: :'! tuij iiliOi lc
v"T-tw w ::if! fc!4 UTiAtit ! 'U :lf'.J"-
i... .ii- Liiur int i.s-x
Ct I V- r't ilK"lJ
- . .t. .
I: w
i -
. 3
. 1 t
lite? ittlf l!:r W.ei os
c5 i.'l.r.; f.-r ti ,
olt.;e lL cstlx- in
lirf OL pkltT tilt LkS iLe I'w f TO
kf -rj relief?
U l.'. :-c;.r,ue trt F '
Iurv C sii t J. W.
so rcn sT.i7xrr ss ujie
Iti muter of comm-. tr-et
U'.k 3(-t iltana in li cut.
:,1 ; btirg Led to fit democrat
to i :-e- that some Use sir.ce ot ai- Cutcsix
mitu-c cf n-ttLiijii-u from tie Albita
car iic-ps -!- J C'C Presileit Mc&Vr,
of tie O. H 4 N- Cvaparr, td
rsAed as I-ire-ase of wge. A
U. s;."'7 rui tLey were iLtt w;tli
tiis rttj:
-OTr..'fat, j u roted tie w ror.g
-DJ tx't tbe S.aCB It rbttt cro2
J ictate the rois.iiikUiii.s f:r lb It-; :-
istive litkel ia the three KfctUTikl
t3 two re:exfctiive districts to
which Wasco eo'-tty ii tikcbed:'"
asks ibe Timts-Moci.LJui.fcr. Tin
tfered this qse-sUon
F-.i ati
i-r E.-vf . F. rit . J
aiib : Ti..b-s ftr4. of V
rKrti ; J. C c f.vtn. ti iKrg '; W.
J. F urt:t: s c4 Ureu :..
Ufcae it m tt(t lte -.nem
crci d' i3 iiC-iLiri to 3 5:rtifJjr
c-r it ir?ci.:T, witb tie ic-Jtitl;c-3 of
r.j nin tn ibe rt-pulitiB ticket Iv
liie d::rk-U uifi Tie "xo
diJ vol v.us4 t dkut
tbei;ciis r."J t-ui &ct
ti;ktt ia "f to kTkst yc-B ia tk-',iTe ritiaitte! If tier h.
ir. sitUr n itrreke kf t , pe tf Utfe district Lvl
tt tice. Ttf repsKlfio t0 fkrt.r lc of tie ":tLB
iw s-o ;i:rrwi tie i:ue of rvll '-roi ibJ rt-Ttd to&e. Tbej iJ
o'.itr rki.rC'k3 iLkttr;i3 likt c to to tie W-pislktive tswailr iv ;
C' cloaks Jlk-r: A. V-'3t.
II 1 ....
: T. U. Jet (4 k ; W.
W. ;.-. tsr, i tyeit.
Jalr.t Ef-;ii!f-t?tt'T--A. ?. E trt,
rt-tt. of OratJ; T. II. Si iii rf-r, of
I:-rr;-; Attn.5 Frtrk Mtsf?, iJ
Te1, ttkt ibe demx-ri;e psrty ;
tj pqBi;t:xi of tie ;
r-o tutu trc m will ;
l bwc-rkMe t'j o-aikclTe tDl j-wt
U piit. t lie esrlitit jTkC-lJcil'Ie
rtoxttt." !
Ii ii kn.fc-irg. kB extbfcpje, to '
ber a Bnktile t-jisicj m goli j
desioorkt to co: bk-ik to lb futji
bj tei::t Lia ti st ibe reiiMicL '
be dde it ixfotiiUe fur Brjua r
to destroy tie jcct klue of tie :
illkr or to pat tie cuttrj oa s j
:Iitr bii.s. 1
to ) vvj n
m. m
t-r--. .
0irj tj reilreaj-nt f Frck
Cz.t.tzLn from tb rm cf Cbrltaiin ;
I'.rt., lJ LU m taction ta U-ve tic i ii koi u pDsjb, kll deWi iae;
xSe f rni o.c be pkii ixiJ:tt !j. All !
bsT:rc ciin-t f'.n?t tL -ta"
f jrftett tbt-m H tte mukft f .Tj
CilESl Li .'T Hits.
CV-citT 2aZg A. fck-f
cj n.
tfi i it tlis iat Jffi lutelj trjgoi. Ar,3 tbi ii f
! c' 3t k it ioujJ be. Bt if olbtr-
CcatZi'v. trti P. A.
Anek'i. tw, of
Cerk A. E. Like, t VTa C-
Wn. Crr, .tnri, O.. ej, "We
ft-! fkfe witbont Oae Micnte
Cotf l Core is tbe bcn. It rtrei h.t
I'.n.e tOTi l;Je ilci f.f tJ lie jiieo
OLOtik. We iLirk it U it lrt medifiEe
it rcr ocftii kiid !1 3nrj
d:M-k4. PkLt to tkki tkrnile? kiid
Eer. W. E. Sirxtr. W. Ctnloa. K. Y.. j
iweki o-f t
Btl.tvz :Ut tii ft'ry k it'iitUtiinv Are tie Tcitr of
itTettc-.s, C Tt:l'j dos-fted lo jie district to ja.p out of tie Trrnrer C. L. Ph:!':;, U Tbe Dkliet. , -I Ud drtpepfim fer 't
effil uL-ciid cet' TK.ii.e ediu vioos-CocUtt frj itr; jn itt tie isfwo;
f Tbi CHBfSitix 3Js8e4 tie fol- deocTUc. j.ptl K-ilirt fbeol? ; tcj,, t, gi-,
.;.wn. jt-U-r to Mr. Mc,fT: . Wf trov tcfl. A bornei tiili dre.5i j trt. o! T!-e Pk .e.
Tnr Diuln Apr. S, 1K0. : tic f re. We Lire been liere Ufce. ' orveror J. B. Gost. ot Tbe Di;.
The? Kind Too Hare Always Bought, and which has been
in use for oxer SO years, has borne the signature of
and has been made under his per.
;X$sy--z- fconal toperrision since its infancy.
S-coccUtZ Allotr no one to deeeiTe too In tbi
All Counterfeits Imitations and Just-as-good are bat
Experiments that trifle with and endanger the health of
Infants and Children Experience again&t Experiment.
Catoria is a harmless substitute for Castor OH, Pare.
girie, Irp and Soothing Syrups. It is Pleasant. It
contains neither Opium Morphine nor other "arxitie
substance. Its age is its guarantee. It destroys Worn
and allays FeTerihne&s. It cures Diarrhoea and 'Wind
Colic It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation
and Flatulency. It a&Minilates the Food, regulates the
Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep.
The Children's Panacea The Mother's Friend.
Bears the Signature of
C L. 5cLa.iit, of TLe Dkie. i ?rr , tad tried &xlvr and mti,e.zt j
ilbcci teoirSu 1 f.-t0k3rd to cs i
-C. U Gil
: ExioJ iTiif;:! Care acd it kelped me
from tbe fUrt. I bt'iera it to be a ;
A. L. 51 .'-eix. Es ,
DtiS It i it titer ci
t'kifk k.r all forz&t c4 lLAlgntVon." lit
itc-a report tacrr ctrttiB poJiiiciia
ia ibt-se jriri tbit ttrikia rt;Iro3
eapiC'je Jimt A! bit sca,e i:n;e
fcii-ff tpjCieJ toyou fcr to iacretw
of krt. d tbtt j our rrjtj v&t is
iita:e: 5eT.i;f tren, yoa vcted
tie tiiktt ia 5-C lok fcr r
ei;ftt jus iM-ress of k;es. Tie
Ll.-t sc fSK-U-c-iive Itriif itr Lkve
c-c-ni-1 Well, admitting tiki The Chcs-
Ccrouer W. H. Eon, d Tbe j d:ft bkt yen eat.
icxi erred ttii it retl-'r oil
; Tit Jcr.ipe cj lie Peare tA Tbe Pa"
bc-wft!r, -lb'Df b jietbkp tie de n- '
. , ,- .-.ii ; Cir.f-lb;e Fratk Bill, oi Tbe P' let.
xrt:s vos t titjjtTe it in tie kca-:
ibe dea:oTue betdqawrters,
tioa f
ould rot tie t3d Tga, iih tie;
Jeerd tticct lie i,c ad-Laud furti- j
tcre" kt3 -t,jetrkt-t-e ke le jast Bevie
Care trMKk O'kly.
1 Fa'di't f ;-aik:irf eJerresotEt Cel
1 err Soda. A btrmles and tflertire core
f;r b-adcie, terp&of cef , e.lffDe, j
1 bi-aio fatia. 10 and 25 LJ. Sxid!
. I Cuke & Fa:k. dropfirt. jat:4-6 I
... : . . .r
The Kind You Have Always Bought
In Use For Over 30 Years.
s? izcr-kM-3 tie price of rt:i tr.d
t-ibr rtiirtitd ctKriid tiki n ii.-
cretse of wicr is t lb; Hwe tn ibe de sicT'ue juiifc-rm
Tbe Joowitg from tie Spokane- .witf. litt EarlT B:rs"al.T.
rtmttktble S tbe BO- Krire certain reif. c-nre h,t Leadari. !
j tie la jJkpe cr tie real Lead- j prf julloed statement of pier that aEd never cripe." Ttey gent;? cleanse e
i catrteit? Utncx Ixizhl, bow, is sot . four Tears ro wewked with all its ! iar:ic-aie tbe bome: and liver. ; 5
-b lot of , ttkLt for Bryan and is still reckoned i DWitt'i Wite h Hj-1 Slre it on-! J
Wocld j ob ot jfi '0i rl.,tk3 to3B from U Ibe forct tmotE tbe surrxwters of tie Brrtnite :eqoa"iled for pile, iejaries and tkin!S
t3sit:e.oTfr yc.ETewB sirBre,sc,. ,fj: fr,ffl KiLn.!c.eed: I?"- I -tiori,Tii Wiurb Haseljg.
tbul ;t xrsT be t3 s I xttT deeai ! ..... . . i . . : salre. Etar-of ail eonoterfeits. J
. cof ptiiit'ua. Ett.ix, greeiitiact- rrosperity ana sirengta are re
Mr. Harriet Enrf. H in. i"
Special Sale
f t if fry atb itierTitw wctrred
if fsrb ti;f er was fireo by yoc? I :
Very rejtf b7!t, j
Hi .h Gc-txlat.
Mr. 5Joler protrpily rejuied as
f cCiowt :
PrBTtais Apr. 4, ISmO.
II. GortxT, F-i'iTC'K Chkosicxa,
lctr rare of April ijjr. M'X.dv, sat Ibe
J.J M-c-eixel. Tbe tetirity orntn j E.enj ' lis 0
tie iAnit p-.'aiokl pani of tie i wbc f1' icow L;zn M cau
ri:eJ SvUtes. sd its cspkye je jrtly bjo Lis fidelity lo tbem. There
ocapcisfi of ibe ssn;e d.ferfnt fore, every citlten, wbeiier repvb
i.rt.;es. Uxder to ciroca.sitBCs Las ', deaaocTtt or populist, Las
... . .xI,t,D;praclicl and iirportant inteiest in!
w.ib at. itcx w..j it) ask tbe ts .plores 1 -,... . . -
to to: Ux t irlinlr political i UTit Mt- Mc,od-T "bere be is.
party, we wiU It deruke to in- j If t opposed to Mr. Moody po-1
iaetic -tib votes. I ttTe XLtde to ( litically thitk Ibat politic consider- i
sbcL stt-.trretl referred to in yocr ; ativt outti?b tbe material ad-1
favor. Tiis ewpity'i relations. s-o : xxzll l0 u df ri.d IO thii sltl I
far s I k&f vr, tre ptrfectly Ltrniotj- j . 1 - -
owwitbtie cea ia its etrplor mti"v "' u'm lo
All-in, ted parties wbo f rcitb j eir Ti:Sie K act cpon tbtt Tiew.
swi SEfcnLtiioti I tielieve caa pilaia- j Tbere are tiers, to doobt, wbo will
Jy thbcwatot to t employe of , consider tbtsedTEtK-prroonnt,
1 1 a . v "
lut'in t'lc-j itV2
;sa &a atkrcijy. acj tmi tie E-r-r.ea irora CTery i;ae 01 ice cod-j " 1 i.i.r, i-'-tif.
tkkrkto"of ibis ion, (,rewas ag-jsJi.Utea Utk stalemeat, pcblisbed j .f 7 MW to re:iTe ffi-T'jj-.
, i , ,. . , lebndren from crocp at once bv nsice:?.
g.Ef raliOB t tbe correct tbing for , elstwberc this morning. From Feb-j. M-01.e CoCfh Care , vonU notJ.
every telf-resjieelirg r.d patnotic j retry 1 Sib to April 2Cih, Spokne ; jw mitboat it." Quickly enre-
Aneiican to do Joie 4'i? back depci;s incieased bout t'lfrd,- cocgt, colds, pripfe cd ail throat and ;E'
' MO. nd nntwilbstandiriii- li ! long aiseaeee. it
Mnlinoaaa county is satisfied with ... , ..,..,. i ,! " i"
-.-w..- t --j i..icf op rn.cer, ice juii man, te- J
tearly 400,009 for investment in lore baniinr your trash to tbe beaco.;;
government bonds, la tie sme j He tn-Tt oli ara pn' rnbtier booU arid j
rriod cash and c-xebaoge increased j coPPBr. a.r.c, ieaMcts, ;
CTer 250,000. Tbe sUtement fnr-
vxier nkim u,ai r.j uaua ,u .oc j Expirien i. the beet letr. U'
city has from t0 to four times tie j Acker 'a Ex,clish Eemedy ia anj case ol ! !
Iff! requirements of cash on Land, eocgb, cold or croc?. Sboald it fail to ;
Id other words, money is pletboric immediate relief mooey refunded. ; 5
ia pDkane. ana tue onir anLruitv 1 " . : t
expenenced by tbe legal banks is
Steel tees and Coot Sfoves
a section,
!rar, etc Pallet 'bine No. 514.
apt4 1w
To reduce our large stock we will
sell Stove? ami Steel Kanges at
Greatly Reduced Prices
fur a short time only. See our
goods and get our prices. . . .
tbtt depositors to greatly outnumber
those wbo want to borrow banking
Prupj ins.
Nylic it hereby given that tbere wL'l
be as anaaal njeeiica of the notkhoid. :
ranas. live oatts are cotstantiy on jer of tbe Golden Eg Minicj Com
tbe lookout for desirtble borrowers, j paay at the office of French A Co.,
These cbeen eg condiUOD are in I backers, co Thnrsday, May SI, 15 at
rt mtrktbie contrast to tbe condition ? 'c)ot k p;. m- ,c a I,nrPw
year i
" - .1
a. and bare wrer n3e tbe "'tw
I am glad you Lte gives
hicb existed here seven vetrs ro
i ing seres director and trans-artiiif each
other bcaiDe a may psoperiy come 1
text June. Seven Srokine banks ( cre tceeunjt.
The treasBry department Las or- d gone down is lie crash, td only By order of the pres-idett-
A. L. Mohixk.
Tbe railroad mea are being frantic-
i. C HtrrrTL, Secy, and Treas.
The i :;, Ar-i. rr. i?nx. ai;-td
Ti Pallet Comnrision llonse will
keep fresh milk at all timet os band
kid deliver it anymbere ia tbe city at
the Ioiloirf price: One qoart, ft per
wutwtt and explaia our posiiVos. j aere-a 10 Ioceea to j -
Vocrs uuly, tie Pacific coast to in resiig te lie i t"xxm. Jlotey was tighter tian a
ttilterof the lrge itfiex of Jap- :dmmbed, and it was aJ but im
axese eoolies to this country whLin ! possible to iorrow on any sort cf
lie last few months. Tbe q'jcstioa 1 security. Profound depressic Lutg
ally appealed to to come to tie Lelp is fid troublitg lie immigration ' vv lie town, and thousands of eili- j oaonib : three piet, twoqnaru, H;
of tbe demot-rati- casdidatei for ' oScials. UctH two or three mottLj ' tncil distress. Even ) three ;nart 15 50; cream 20 cent per
ibe Oregoa k-gislaiive assembly and tgo tie im migration of Jpawse to ! the mc-ixicg paper, which Lad made j ?ttIlt- hotter every day. iSa-ia
in exctic card, tow before ts, of lie United Utes was small. It Lj. kre c2ort to whLle a conrazeou j T" c,rT " DV'
..... i . .. . I Tate Laxaure Eromo Qaicise Tab-
ne 4 the ed;dt. Las on its ob- 1 mrieased so as to excite st-spicios rin, was moved to say: lie Ali drnpcirj refaad a motieT
verse i!de part of ibe o-c-alied den ; Uikt tie men are coming bere ascca- ! trc-t,ble with ibe silver lining to tbi
wJe .-rilrokd platk and lk.w ibe Uct htorer&. Tbe treasury Las -''u 3 lies ia tie fact tiat even tie'
appeal: -Ekilroad met We wiil , lso re-q nested the stale department , initg locks dirk."
tits! ty j ob; will yea stand bj csT" ; to ik Amencin consols to itvesti-1 Almwt to ote paid taxes in those
Now ts;pce lbt ly ty cotrwvable gate tbe matter and make reports. 1 depressirg lime. Eventhirg went j
JVTaier & Benton
; dehrqottiL The deiinqaent lax lll
faiti-.y this ftrticclar democrtj
abed 1 1 elected from this dbtrkt I 4 lepuonosn r.i- f.aVlilitei 5o jaM, , U ae citv
tribe all cf railed men, votes. ! fc"fnl U "1 ! Ueasurer, .k-d ffly columns of small
tow moth ec-aii I arccmplia c-n
their lieblf? Fct vers tbe dem--
cppresMTe trusts tbkt CLbkcte tbe
'cost of tLe tecess-itifcs cf Lfe "must
type in til lper.
I All tuili.rg tperaiiots were
criw members of tie Oreroa ai ; :'-3t di t mir trocrbt lo s atdr ili for wbo cared
- 1 1 . v - -1
ercd a . to build Ua slcre Uildirgs and
smlly Lve tardly turn'
coiporiTs gukri.
daellirgs acre daiir vacated? And
ior pstposej ana wwt to
, . 1
,el to beirhltn lie d.sire. tbe C-cr
alone. Thau siy tie lemocrUc d-AeBe aizA wnl t,sl oa !
New 1 crk Time, is lie plain. Lot- Bb1 j, Urt MTtr Jwl t
est tm-lH:t it -ill td tc, t eTa Lt, -U
make its iapreoa oa the voter. -re lck wiih tie lemptL Event,
utless Mr. Eryaa-s friends can End rtitu Lave more tiia JaniSeJ !
someii;ig Utter .td mc eonTiw- lLf ir Qt2i;ScfU courare- !
itr to sir.
Wiat Lve nv of
stitbenii? Practically nothing, f;
tie simple reaKa Hit ll.ey are tot
in wotliig Lirmocy wi-Jj the a
jpriiy. Tbe ten assembly is as
certain to t c verabelmirgly repub
lican as tbe saa is to nse tcacrrow.
A democratic aember of either
bouse, cjptised as Le wo-U be on Henry Wavtersos. call -the Lc;
rfiic'p'e to tbe mij .ritr, would get less stiie cf fr;rity the sure-st
to ail frcm lie m)ciiy for ry- rep'-liicaa state this year. Hit is
thirg. To aoccmpliib tyihmg of n 1vatce n the democitu out
itr itrporULce ia ty Vrislative tiis wy wbo claim lie profperity
body the meiscie must be faibercd ' a.l got times cime ly cbince, an!
tj S3e cm' it titmoty witi lie liit the repuiiifir.s were simp'y ; gotten tLt in lie two democratic
cj;rity. This miy be 13 wrcrg, lucky ia gcttirg around bout tie ' plitforsi tlx'. t Clarlestc arai
Itl as kt ai rrtT r:-t: exist me tiae. j Bkli-mcie is w tiis it:
It is fti.1 a acot qst;ca ia Cre- :
gc politics wbether tie democrats ,
Lave swallowed lie popilist riartj te
lie pcpolifis Lave si!kwt3 tie
democratic party. j
Seme it mocr' stem to Lve for-
Carry tbe folios itr lire :
Mah-se Crors Garden Hose,
Force and Sj ray Pumps,
Farm and Garden Tools,
Carj-enU-rs Tools,
Aermoter Wind Mills.
Tinning and Plumbing.
Iron Pij-e,
Sewer and Chimney Pije,
Cleveland Bicycles,
C ra w f o rd C i eye! es .
Fishing Tattle,
uns and Piiies,
r.icycle Sundrits.
Picycle Repairing.
Ie?t Warr-.
Cedsr Vv,U.
Rirb Wire and Naiis.
f j T i 1
I PlCplIC 1
Under the auspices of the Forest Protective Association,
will be held at
Dufuf, may 31, 1900.
Prominent speakers from different parts of the state will
address the people on forest r v.
Grand Ball in the Evening.
A basket dinner and a harl-eeue of roast ox will Ik? served.
Every one is cordially invited to attend.
i beir.(t advocated by ail partie. regard1. of rce. color or pr
vioc eortditi..o of tervitade. Keiueniber w make cor cnW
tiier f'.ad hen thev bnv or Pore rreuansl Paint. Tr.rre n
a;h and glo lo its aork that it admired t v all.
Paints. Oils, Glass. Picture and Room Moldings
t or Mock of Wail Paper
r 1 'A xl on Pitpiay
Be tare and inrct or rtock of Wail Paper
Petifnt ftr l AXion P.tpiay
Wl,:r.jto Street,
Uteen etond and Third.
Advertise in The Chronicle
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