The Dalles weekly chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1947, May 09, 1900, PART 1, Image 4

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; ' 3
' .1
The Crowning
Of a man's suit, is
the HAT.-
Orerlook the fact we are
Headquarters for the New
est and Nobbiest Styles.
N. B.
We are agents for the Cele
brated Roelofs and Manhat
tan Hats. Best on Earth.
Con uteri and sbelviogs full of the lateet
production of design and coloring in
White or Figured
Wash Goods.
Organdies... 25c to $1
Victoria Lawns and India Linens. . ..6 to 30c
Ditnitieaand Seieeee All Price
Striped and Figured Lawn 8je op
Corded and Figured Piquet the prettiest
effect in. all white to be seen 20 to 40o
8cboro Cord 430 piece of tbeee good to
chooM from. Great value at
Mulls, Batistes. Ginghams,
Scotch Lawns, etc., etc.
Continued O Days Monday, Tues
day and Wednesday
lOe Para Linen, 16i34
15o Linen Hack, 15x30
17c Craib. 17x35
20c " Htick, 18x36 17c
25c - Crab, 18x40 ,. 21o
25o " Para Linen Knotted Fringe... 21c
35o " Plain Border Hack, 18x42...., 28c
40o " Hack, beaistitcbed, 20x42..... 33c
All other Towel reduced in like proportion.
House-Cleaning Time
New Cartaina,
New Shade,
New Napkin.
New Sheeting,
New Rag,
New Table Linen,
New Silence Cloth,
New Bed Spreads.
When In, look through the Notion Show
Catet for
Hat Pin,
Sbiit Waltt Set,
Pnllev Set,
New Puller Belts,
Finiabing Braids,
Anything yon want can be found here,
Stick Pins,
Beauty Pins,
Beit Buckles,
Chatelaine Bitfr,
Plain A Fancy Ribbons.
Remnants in each department
SATURDAY will be another
for announcements later.
Stylish Oxfords.
We are showing the greatest variety of Ox
fords thlsseason. All women who value com
fort, love beauty or appreciate ecmomy are in
vited to Inspect these shoes. .
Handsome Southern Tier, black or tan... $3 00
Full Coin Toe Oxfords, black or tan.. .,. .. 2 00
Easy wearing Prince Alberts (low cut
elastic sides) 1"5
Great comfort in our Common Sense Turn
Oxfords 1 50
Lots of style and wear in our Vesting Top
Oxfords, black or tan 1.50
We continue this week the special sale of
Ladies' Kid Button, square or coin toe.. 1.65
All Good Marked
In Plain Figure.
SOUTH and EAST via
Soiiem Pacific Co.
Shasta Route
Trains leave The Dalles for Portland and way
stations at 4:25 a. m. anil t p. m.
Leave Portland 8:30am
" Albany 12:30 am
Arrive Ashland 12:3S a m
Sacramento o:wpm
" ban Francisco 7:46 p m
Arrive Ogdnn 5:45 am
Uenver r:w a m
- KansasCity 7:25 am
Chicago 7:45 am
Arrive Lot Angelea 1:20 pm
" el rata o:iw p m
Fort Worth 8 :30 a m
" City of Mexico 9:55 a m
" Houston 4:00 a m
" New Orleans :25ara
Washington 8 fim
KewYurk 12:43 pm
7:00 p m
10:50 p m
11:30 am
4:3ft a in
9:00a m
7:25 am
7:00 am
(:00 pm
6:30 am
4:00a m
8:25 p m
12 pm
Pullman and Tourist ears on both trains.
I Chair cars Sacramento to Ogden and El Paso,
and tourist cars to Chicago, St Louis, New Or
leans ana atmngion.
Connectine- at Ran Francisco with several
steamship lines fr Honolulu, Japan, China,
rmilppines, central ana bouw America.
See agent t The Dalles station, or addrese
General Passenger Agent, Portland, Or
. .
Notice Is hereby gi
lion to make
claim, and that saidproof .n"?"-! .
W. B.-Presby, United Bute, , "V
Distiictof ahint9n at Ki.UJ?
dale, e,r;.Jkt
DeitricbH Stegn,,,,,,,.',
Homestead Entry No. 7,
He namea the following ltn.
eontlnuous realoence upLu aSS""'
said land, via: utt Wti,ti
Manuel 8. Leonardo, of Or.. )
Wash.! Herman Engalk- mZt r 1
Centerville H. O., Wash .and Win
ol Grand Dalles k O., wh UUta '..
1ah Ornci AT Tag Dall,,, H
Notice ts hereby given thii'rt"'',1"'
named settler haa file" BotliSk?!
make final proof in ,u7ii2 k,.'""
that Hid proluf will be mK?lii?i
and receiver at The Dalles. OrMn
May 5, 1900, via. : ' U"00'
Helnrlch Lnbbing.of TheDslUn. I
H. E. No. 4873, for the NW, 7" !
ship 1 north, range 12 east, If u 8'
He name tha fnilnin. i
bis eontiuuons residence unon .Tf."
of said land, vis. : PM' .
John Btegman, Henry Rlddell suk '
Charles Kllinert, all oPlne 3L fti
mat 24-11
Yellowstone Park Line.
Running Into One
Another. When reading at night do
the different letters run into one another
and confuse yon? If eo, you have astig
matism and your sight will rapidly grow
worse if not attended to. Many ail
ments arise from defective vision. Theo.
II. Liebe can fit you with glasses thet
will give you normal vision. He is a
graduate from two of tte finest colleges
in the Rest.
J. E. Adcox & Co.. Jwelera.
It's Our. Business
To dispense health-giving prescrip
tions in the proper way. It's a business
we have not learned in a day, but after
year of persistent work and careful
study. We nse pnre drugs and charge
n honest price. UiarKe & 1-aiK.
We. Want Heads ;
To St the smartest and most fetch
ing styles in Spring and Summer Millin
ery. All the latest shapes in Trimmed
and UntritDtued Hats. We handle ev
erything in head-dress, and charge a
price that is right for ever v pocket-book.
- Campbell 6V Wilson.
Monday's Dally.
John Fratiea, of Mitchell, arrived
here today overland. . : -
Mies Edith Randall left on the noon
train today on a abort visit with friends
in Arlington. ,
Mrs. W. W. Brown will leave in a few
days to spend the summer at the ranch
at Crosa Keys. ,
George Smith, a former merchant of
tbia city, arrived, here today on a short
visit with friends. '
T. II. Johnston, the Dofur merchant
and Republican candidate for state sen
ator, was In town today.
. C. 8. Smith, the East End grocer, Is
visiting his mother, who is aeriously ill
at her near Linnton.
W. II. Bntts went down to Hood
River tbia morning, where he has an
appointment to auction off a band of
' John Bonn was a passenger on the
Dallas City this morning for Hood
River. He ezpecta to rsturn on the
Mlsa Ella Donaldson, who haa served
for the past sis noontha as a nurse in St.
Vincent's hospital, arrived here yester
day on a short vacation, which she will
spend with her father at Kingsley.
Saturday's Daily.
W, II. Heieler, a prominent citixen ol
Dufar, was in town today.
Henry Menefee, editor of the Dufnr
Dispatch, was in town last night.
Fred Wallace, postmaster at Ante
lope, enme in on the stage this forenoon.
Editor Dootliir, of the Times-Mount-aineer,
west to Portland on the morning
Mr. and Mrs. Smiih F-eneh were pas
engers on the noon train today for
M.' J. Anderson, of Dnfur, came Into
town this morning and left for home in
' ' thai Bftrnnnn '
Misa Beolah Sterling who baa been
visiting here for a few days, returned
today to Portland.
Justice Timothy Brownhfll haa gone
to Pendleton to be examined before the
supreme court for admission to the bar.
Charley Wa.'goner went to Hood
River today to look over the situation
with the view of going into business
Malcolm S. Jameson, formerly of The
Dalles, and who haa spent the time since
bis return from the Philippine in New
York, epeiit yesterday with friends
here, returning today to Portland.
T. H. Johnston, of Dufur, Republican
candidal for atate senator, was a pas
senger on the noon train today for
Hood River.
Tuesday's Dally.
Rev. O. D. Taylor went to Portland
on the 12 :30 passenger.
Mrs. J. W. Smith, of Prineville, ar
rived here on today'a atage,
A. M. Barrett, of Cascade Locks, is
registered at the Umatilla House.
L. J. Klinger, a prominent citizen of
Uulur, spent last night in the city.
L. E. Crowe was a passenger this
morning on the Dalles City for Portland.
' Mrs. E. L. Grimes is np front Port
land visiting the family of . her son,
Monroe Grimes.
Dr. O. D. Doane was a passenger on
the Reliance this morning on a profes
sional visit to Hood River.
Mrs. W. H. Metcalf ami little eon of
Vancouver, are visiting Mra. Metcalfe
mother, Mrs. M. A. Ewing, of this city.
John II.' Templeton, the Prineville
druggist, was in town last night on bis
way home- from a business trip to Port
land. ' .
C. L. Delhman, a prosperous fruit
grower of Hood River, was in town last
night and left for home on the Reliance
this morning.
Mrs. Dunbar, who has been visiting
with Mrs. W. A. -Johnston for. a few
days, left this morning on the Reliance
for her home in Grants Pass. , , .
Mrs. Paqnet. who haa been visitlng-
ner sister, mra. W. H.. Uarretson, for
the past, few days, left today on the
noon paseenger for ber borne in Oregon
Dr. and Mra. Jamea Sutherland ar
rived yesterday from Spokane. The
doctor will ; return soon and Mra.
Sutherland . will remain a short time
visitiog her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Geo.
Sunday, May 6th, at the residence of
the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. M.
Allen, of this city, Mr. John Miller to
Misa May bell Allen, Rev. Gentry Rush
ing officiating.
In this city, May 7tb, to the wife ol
C. G. Stacey, a daughter,
IlICO. -
At one o'olrcsk this afternoon. May 8,
1900, inthia city, Mra. Mary Walker,
widow of the late Arthur Walker.
At tbe time of going to presa the hour
had not been fixed for the funeral.
Catarrh tlaunot be Cared
with local applications, as they cannot
reach the seat of the disease. Catarrh
ia a blood or constitutional disease, and
in order to cure it you must take inter
nal remedies. Hall's Catarrh Cure is
taken internally, and acta directly on
the blood and raucous surfaces. Hall's
Catarrh Cure la not a quack medicine.
It was was prescribed by one of the best
physicians in this country for years, and
isaregularpiescription. It ia composed
of the best tonics known, combined with
the best blood purifiers, acting directly
on tbe m aeons eorfacee. The perfect
combination of the two ingredients is
'what produces such wonderful results in
curing catarrh, eentl tor testimonials,
tree. -
F. J. Ciiihit A Co., Prope., Toledo O.
Bold by drrngglsts, price 7Ac.
Haifa Family Pills are the best. 12
KgS for lilt.
Full blooded, barred Plymouth Rock
eggs, per setting 11.00 and 1.60. For
particulars call on or address,
Sakdkrs Bbos.
Bo 647. The Dalles, Or.
Use Clarke Falk's quinine hair tonic
to keep dandruff from the bead.
Caught a Dreadful Cold.
Marion Kooke, manager for T. M
Thompson, a large importer ol fine mil
linery at 1058 Milwaukee Avenue, Chi
cago, says: "During the late eevere
weather I caught a dreadful cold which
kept me awake at night and made me
unfit to attend my work during the day.
One of my milliners was taking Cham
berlain's Cough Remedy for a severe
cold at that time, which seemed to re
lieve her ao quickly that I bought' some
for myself. It acted like magic and I
began to improve at once. I am now
entirely well and feel very pleased to ac
knowledge its merits." . For sale by
Blakeley & Houghton.
A Cuban Editor Assassinated.
Gibaba, Province of Santiago da Cuba,
May 7. Senor Albert), editor of Don
Calridadea, waa shot and instantly
killed by an unknown assassin at the
theater last night. Albert! was an ac
tive politician, and his paper has re
cently been criticising American officers,
particularly in election orders.
The Best Kemedy for Kheumatlara,
All who nse Chamberlain Pain Balm
for rheumatism are delighted with the
quick relief from pain which it affords.
When speaking of this Mr. D. N. Sinks,
of Troy, Ohio, says : "Some time ago I
bad a aeve attack of rheumatism In m;
arm ana anooiuer. I . tried numerous
remedies, but got no relief nntil I was
recommended by Messrs. Geo. F. Par
sons & Co., druggists of this place, to
try Chamberlain's Pain Balm. They
recommenned it ao highly that I bought
a bottle. I was soon relieved of all pain.
I have aince recommended thia linl
ment to many of my friends, who agree
with me that it ia the best remedy for
muscular rnenmstism in the market,
For sale by Bla' eley A Houghton.
From a
G. A. R. Llan
"My attack of miller's Asthma waa very
bad. I was afraid to lie down at night for
fear of smothering. I couldn t got my breath.
no mutter n an tue
doors and windows
in the house were
open, it seemed as
if there was no air
and that I must
surely smother to
death. Mr. W. B.
Long, of this city,,
called my attention '
to Acker's English
Remedy for Throat
and Lung Trou
bles. I thought lit
tle of it but bought
that it might help
me a little. It gave
me wonderful re
lief, and the second
bottle cured me
completely. My re- '
covery is permanent, too, for ever since I
imve nui naa me sugniest return or my old
enemy. I consider Acker's English Remedy
oy long otida the best medicine in the world
for hacking toughs, asthma and bronchitis.
It completely masters those stubborn dis
eases that many people wrongly suppose to
be incurable. If nulli-rpr m ill ind i,. . ,!
gle bottle, it will prove every word I Laval
aaid. and mnnttnn " . i
, .vvw. .
Commander John Megarah Post, No. 132.
Portland, Mich.
. . So'1 ?t Kc., 60c. and $1 a bottle, throngh'out
...pvimmcuii anu ianaaa,; and in Eng
land, at is 2d. !5. 8d., 4s. 6d. If you are not
satisfied after buying, return the bottle to
oururuggisi, ana get your money back.
. W. O. UQQkEH CO., lTvyrktor,, tew IV.
Blakeley & Houghton.
No. 2.
11:13 A. M.
No. i.
U;'j0 P.M.
Union Depot. Firm anrl I Sis
Fast mail for Tiicoma,
Seattle, Olympia, Grny's
Harbor and South Bend
points, Spokane, Rons
land, B. C, Pullman,
Mowow, Lealntou, Buf
faloHump mining; coun
try, Helena, Miimeimo
11s, St. Paul, Omaha,
Kansas Ctly, 8t. Louis.
Chicago and all points
cant and snutheaKt.
Puvet Sound Express
for TRRoma and Seattle
and intermediate points
S;.V) P. M,
7;00 A. M.
fUllmfln flrnt-rlflna anil tniirlfft .lun.,. ftyi
Minneapolis, St. Paul and Missouri river points
without change.
Vestibuled tValns. Union depot connections
sngEage cnernea to aexrinnrinn nf im.i.
lor handsomely riu.f
, I.. L .... -1 I " . 1 - " I
r. ' 'CTi""B "r reservations, etc., cull on of
Assistant General Passenger Agent, 25S Morrison
oihtci, vuruer imr., rortianu, uregon.
HOp. I
I p. m.
Wm. J. Landers, resident manager of 10:10 J-m
the L'on and Imperial F're Insurance
Companies, wishes to announce to the
patrons of thesa companies that owing
to the sickness of Mr. C. E. Bayard and
the resignation of Mr. Hugh Gourlay,
their former agents, the egercy for both
companleafor Tbe Dalles and vicinity
haa been placed in the hands of Mr.
Timothy Brownhill. . Any business
given to Mr. Brownhill will receive
promt t attention and will be appreciated
by the companies. Office in C. E. Bay
ard'a old atand. No. 85 Washing
stteet, The Dalles. Oregon. alO-lm
If you intend to take a trip East, ask
your ticket agent to route yon via Tbe
Great Wabash, a modern and up-to-date
railroad in every particular.
Through traina from Chicago, Kansas
Uity, Omaha or St. Louis to New York
ana New England points. All trains
run via Niagara Falls and'every through
train has free reclining chair cars, sleep
ing and dining CArs. .
Stop over allowed on all tickets at Ni
agara Falls. Ross C. ClI.NE,
Pacific Coast Pac. Agl
I"" Angeles, Calif.
C. S. Chanb, O. P. A.,St. Louis, Mo.
Don't let your old worn out machinery
lie In the fence corner any longer. Take
it to Fletcher Faulkner, The Dalles junk
dealer, and get the for It. Highest
cash prica paid for cast and wrought
Iron, rubber boots and shoes, bicycle
tires, etc., brass, copper, tine, lead,
pewter, old woolen rags, beer bottles
and flasks, bono manes and tails, and
bones of all dew, Iptions. P.ico o. d for ' 1 " " " ,0.' 0Ter "J
1 IA ...,a " , " " l HI
iivu. w wriiva itvr iuu ids. iin.
iu p. m.
a. m.
Fbom 1MU.XS.
Salt Lake, Denver. Ft.
Worth, Oms ha. Kan
sas City, St. Louis,
vmcago ana aast.
Walla Walla, Spokane,
Minneapolis. St. Paul,
inlutb, Milwaukee,
Chicago and East, via
Spokane akd Huntlng-J
vni i an poinra in
W ashington and East
ern vregou.
Faost Portland.
Ocean Steamships.
For San Francisco
April 27, May il, 7, 12.
Columbia Ry. Steamers.
To AsToata and War
7 am
ana fcnu
s. m.
reserve old government "whls.
key, recogniied by the highest medical
authority Id the land; especially recom
mended by the board of health of San
Francisco for hospital use. also A. P.
O Brlen, M. D., captain and surgeon. IW.Thur,
... ....... ' i ann h-
ana ivim. ii ! 1
unjiir sou gnr
geon U. S. army, as the purest unadul.
tcrsted stimulant for convalescents, In
val'ds and family n. Kni.i h i,i.
Stubling. ar.l20.dlm
door west of J. H. Worsley's, Second St.,
The Dalles. m24-1mn.
Mrs. Calvin Zimmerman, Milesburg,
J, At a speedy core for coughs.
colds, croup and tore throat One Minute
Cough Cure is unequaled. It Is pleasant
forchildien to take. I beartily recom.
mend It to mother." It is the only
barmlesa remedy that produces Ira
mediate results. It cares bronchitis,
pneumonia, grippe and throat and lung
diseases. It will prevent consumption
Clarke A Falk have received a carload
of the celebrated Jamea E. Patton
strictly pare liquid paints
Testimonial fram Old England.
consider Chamberlain's Conoh
Kemedy the best In the norld for bron.
emus,' says Mr. William Savorv. nf
11 I a . - "
warrington, Jinglnnd. "It hai laved
my wife's iife, she having been a martvr
a. i i ,.. . r
me confined to her Kh
one ia now quite well." Sold by Blake,
ley A Houghton.
l-v Rlparla
l iMla. m.
Willi m ctti Si...
Oregon City, Newberg.
Haiem Way Land's.
Wan urns akd Yam
hill Kivbss.
Oregon (;ity, layton,
aw1 IO :orv'"J
" -auuiugs.
Bra ga Rivaa.
Rlparla to Uwlston.
13:30 p m
4:00a. m
p. m.
i n. n.
4:90 it. ra.
11:80 n. m.
M on, Wed
and Fri.
4:110 p. m.
Mon. Wed
and Friday
S:30a. m.
Psrtlea riMf.i..
nd Him RetiJm l?' "r',nne' J"tloo
u d. m.
agent The Lallw. or aililn.
LaDaa. or address
V. Co.'i
W.H. HDRt.Bt'RT,
Pas. Agt,, Portland, Or,
fooled tha Rargaons.
All doctors told Renlck Hamilton, of
suffering 18 I
West Jeflersoq, O., alter
""msv mniinwuu
months from Rectat Fistula, he would Cures Impotency, Night Emission.
die nnless a costly operation wasting "if, l.-.A81?!" a?.a
. i . ..... ... ...
uruicu, uui ne cured nimself with five
boxes of Bucklen'a Arnica SalT., th9
sorest Pile cure on iiarth, and the beet
Salve In tbe World. 25 cents a box. Sold
by Blakeley A Houghton Druggists. 4
Wan tad.
Furnished house, with five or six
rootna and batb, fjr the lummer. Anr.1.
at this office. is. a. i
wm v a
abuse, or excess and India
cretion. A nerve tonic and
uiwm DUiKicr. Brinfja ths
pink glow toalc cheek ani
restorea the fire of youth.
Dvmall4antilv. il l
lor MJ.not with n. wriii...
tco to euro or reHind tlio monev.
Clinton Jackeon t, CHICACO.'llJU
"viivo run aUoHCATIOS
P. 8. Lahb Omci, Vabcopvi. w ,
Notice Is herehv airen th.t u. '
by p. H. Btegman, her attorney in Wt
notice of Intention to make final ktJ1
W.B Presbv, Unitci Claui cbCSK
District of Washlnrtnn. .t hi. rr
dale, Washington, on Friday; The ZT
June, 1900, on Timber-culm a-jTS.?.'
297, for the northeast quarter seitloaxiY,
township No. 2 north, range No.
She names aa wltnixim. a 7 '
of Orand Oslles P. O., Wash.) Hcrmin tZ?
(Isolated Tract ) Public Land Bait
LAJID OmcB At THa,0tMi
.'.. Apr. uma,
nonce is mreny fc:ven mst in pui.u il
Inttmotlons from tne oommissioDerof tkt r
eral land ofiice, nnde- authoiity vetted hi
by section 24A6 V. B. key. Stat., as amenta
the act of congress approved Kebraarf avi
we will proceed to offer at public sale n It
day, the iHlh day of May next, at the a
of 10 o'clock, a. m , at this office, the toUoij
tract of land, to-wit: I
N W K E H Sco. 22, T. 1 N. B. 12 K., W. g.
Any and all persons claiming tbe tfenl
described lands are advised lo Die It
claims In this olllce on or before the dnr aV
designated for theeommenceinent of ultai
otherwise their rights will be forfeltod. I
LUCAS, Beghter,
. Land Orrtca at Vancodvsi, Win ,i
March 24, 1SW.
Notice la hereby given that ths Miosis
named settler haa filed notice of his intend
to make flnal proof in support of his clalm.o
that s tid proof will be made before W. B. Pit
United States Commlsiioner for Dlntrirt i
Washington, at his office in Goldendsle. WuL
on Monday, May 7, 1DU0, vis: , 1
. John G. McDonald,
FT. E. No. F093 for the northeast ausrter m&t
15, township g north, range IS east, W. H. i
He names the following wltne-sestoMimll
continuous residence upon, and culllritioe
saia ianu, vu:
Bamuel 1 Courtner. Harry Peunlntton, D
O. Copeland, of 11 art land P. O., Wain.;
Nelsou B. Brooks, of Goldendale Wash.
mar2S-l , Segisltf.
Laxd Orrtca at Ths'Iall. Osteon;
April ao, wm I
Notice Ia hereby given that the folios!
named settler haa filed notice of his InteaOoaii
make final proof in support of bis cllm.
that aaid nrnnf will Im marie before the
and Receiver at The Dalles, Oregon, oa h
day, June , 1U0, vli: . .
Henry Readel, of The Dalles, Or.,
Homestead Entry No. 4740. for tbe REV. new
K, township 1 north, range 12 east, W. B.
Iln namu t.a 1 iiv virnMW, In WOftW
continuous residence upon and cuItlyatluaS
aaia land, via: ' . ,ut
Henry Lueblng, George Arnold, CMria".
Adams, Michael Uoyle, all of The lMlles,0r.
may2 l , . JAY t. LUCAS, Iw
Lad Orncs at Tub, Oujj'
April , 1 '
ntlnM la l... miwn that IhS foltowlaf-
nmmvA ..,1.. h.. flfLi nnlliw Of hiS InWfin
to make final proof In support of tajJJv!S
mat saia prool win na mau uwi"
and Receiver at The Dalles. Oregoo, eS
day, Juno 16, WHO, via:
Jena P. AaMIna.of The DallM.OT-
Homestead Entry No. 494L for the Wi
section 24, and ' NK!4 and NE'4
XI. township 2 north, range 12 east, W.
He names the following wllnr.M
bts continuous residence unca and euiu"
of said lnd, vis: . 1
John Orate. Charles Bnlpes, J. D. HocW"!
fllmouann. all nf Tha Dalles. Oregon.
mart-i JAY P. LUCAS, Bft
Notice fa hereby given thst the J'J
Mama .at.laa k... A lal lllilir. nf hIS IBW'"- .
make final proof In suppo" "'. ''".fl 'Ti
that ssld proof will be marie before UsM
and Keeeireret Tha Iall., Oregon, oa tt
day, June in, ltibO, via:
Wilson J. JetTera, of The Da1I.
Homestead Kntrv No. 4fi.'A for the? ,ji
secUon 111, township 1 north, range !".
M"l . in tiro"
onnttnuoui mldeuc upon na uit""
i- l . t- finnn, " f '
Qodfroy, Isaac HowUnd, all ol The
maya I JAY P. Li c.
Timber Lod, Act June 3, 1ST.
IT. B.
f . aa Av.fCS.
r. i
tnat in
notice la hereby given m.
ber lands' I'll the state of itlliK,
eyadaand Washington, rerun"?.
William K. K.lehai".
of The Dalles, Oonnty of Wasco, ta " " ,
has this dav tlkd In this n'.f'Su M
ment No. ite, for the pnrchiise of tn 1
snd NU HKiof Section No. W, '"4 gof
Na 11 i?.. W. If., and lll odor P'" ' I
that the land sought la more vs nan m
timber or stona than for agtlcnl iirsi t'
na to catahllsh his elaim in "" -'i1(, ! i"
Mrtl.U-r and Keoelver
a lira, Ori-gou, on
Saturday, the SSd day
lis names as witnesses: i. i.
Chum, Jo-eph Hanna and W'Ulam By-
Holt, 12
of The Dalles, Oregon. .rirsreelf
Any and all persons elalmlnf "J" ti
abova-deserlbed are """"TVird M
claims In this ofllee on or before saiu"
une, loo.
, Bes''1.
Physician and Surgeon,
Omoe, Vott Block fovsr Pu.foffl'
THf DAUE8, 0-