Keekly Gbroniele. omciAi. f Area or WA8CQ cor tv. f.thUhtd in two parts, on H'edi:fnlay$ td S-Jturdavi. 6CBSCIUPTIOM RATES. IT HAIL, KTAO rMfAID, IV AOTASCB. ue year mollla .... tl SO 7 60 fir uiuuUw AuurrM Tiie lalloe, Oregon. LOCAL BREVITIES. Saturday's Dully The wi'low of the late" Major Ilandley j ill at her residence Id this city. License to wed was issued today to James M. Kiser and Katlie McCuietin, If Hood River. The Aericullurist announces the 111- !,,;g9 of the wife of William Mulligan, of the Klickitat hills. The bo.ler for the scouring mill has arrived and been set in place and ma eons are building the brick work around it. J. S. Cbeattam was arrested last night for drunkenness. After sleeping off his debauch the recorder mulcted him in a rioe of $2. Charley Adams, for the past eight years night bar keeper for Dan Baker, has accepted a similar position at the Umatilla House. 1 E. C. Dickerson, of Antelope, brought into town yesterday two carloads of fine draft horses, which he shipped today to the Sound market. Dr. HollWter was called here today from Portland to visit John Carey, en gineer of the Rockland ferry boat, who is ill at his residence in this city. Frank Davenport estimates that there are 500 acres in strawberries in Hood River valley. If anybody can make a better estimate, let him speak out, says the Glacier. C. B. Yeackle, a prosperous farmer of Klickitat county, uses a traction engine to do his plowing. The machine drags three gang plows that turn fourteen feet of soil tvery trip. Dr. R. K. Stewart, of Goldendale, has a collection of oyer 30,000 perfect Indian arrow heads, besides several thousand imperfect ones and a large and rare col lection of Indian ci rios. Johnny O'Leary, who has been living in The Dalles since he aold out his sheep last fall, has bought another band and moved bis family to the ranch near Grass Valley, Sherman county. A Kansas editor thus philosophizes; "It is hard for a married man to arrive at any scientific conclusion in reference to why a 4-montbs-old baby should be to much heavier at 1 o'clock a. m. than its mother used to be at precisely the lame hour." The ever-gentlemanly Fen Batty, who has been hotel rlerk and night clerk in this city since the memory of man run neth not to the contrary, is now night clerk at the Perkins Iiotel, Portland. Dr. Jones, of Portland, arrived here on the noon paesnnger today and he and Dr. Shackelford performed an operation on Lloyd Laughlin, the twelve-year-old ton of B. F. and Mrs. Laughlin, for ap pendicitis this afternoon. The types made Tub Chronicle say yesterday that Mrs. Frank Chrisman was ill in Portland hospital. .We are pleased to say this is a mistake. She was there some time ago, but Is now at home and in good health. John McAllister, a well-known sheep man of Klickitat county, says the shear ing of between twenty and thirty thousand head of sheep will soon com mence in the country northwest of Goldendale and the wool will all be hauled to The Dalles. Amos Root, of Mosier, was in town today. Mr. Root, who is largely inter ested in the fruit business, says there will be an abundance of all kinds of fruit in the Mosier country this year. Whatever thinning out the frosts may have done to early fruit the result has been more of a benefit than an injury. Chief Joseph Is shrewd Indian. When aeked why be wanted school houses on his reservation, but no churches, his reply was: "I fear the ministers would teach my people to quarrel about God. We quarrel about men sometimes, bat we never quarrel about the great Spirit whom we worship. A grand moonlight excursion will be given by the D. C. A A. C. band on the fad and commodious steamer Regulator on Thursday evening, May 10:b, at 8 :30 sharp, Everything will be done to make this a very pleasant evening on tho grand old Colombia. Tickets, 50 cents. To be had at all the business houses and of the band members. 6-td Watermelon Redington was in town lad week, and here is the record of an impression that struck him, which he re cords in the Heppner Gazette: "Peo ple who thought that the new town of Shaniko was going to absorb The Dalles o'lttht to take a look at the new store of Mays A Crowe. There Isn't a more compete hardware and implement con cern in all Oregon." The water commissioners met last ninht to hear the report of the commit tee appointed to confer with P. L. KreUer, relative to the cost of boring 'or artesian water above the reservoir. Mr. Kretzer was present and informed tl'e board that Lis price would be $3.25 THE a foot for any depth. No contract was entered into, but a co.nmittee will meet on the grounds at 10 o'clock tomorrow j and determine on the site for the well in j the event of the board's conclusion to bavo the boiing done. The commission ers ill meet agAin Mond.ty bight and, in all probability, mike a fiu&l deter mination of the matter. A communication was received from M iss Mary F. Denton today announcing that she would not be able to keep her engagement with the ladies of the Con gregational church and lecture here on Japan next Monday evening. Miss Denton, however, will be here some time in the near futare and due notice of the time will be given. The steamer Albany was taken back to Portland this afternoon, as the Paul Mohr company have abandoned all notion of being able to nse her at the present stage of water. The company will probably have their rails and ties brought here by the Regulator company and will have them landed near the North Dalles planing mill, where others were landed a few days ago. Alex. McLeod, while waiting yeeter pay for the funeral procession of Mrs. Askew to start for the cemetery, con cluded to give bis horse a little exercise by a short drive over towards the site of the old garrison stables. Arriving at a wet place cear Ninth street, his horse mired to the belly, and in the effort to get him out the buggy shafts were smashed. Alex came out of the scrape decorated with mud from head to heels. The sale of the retail business of Charles Stabling to Chas. Michelbach and Jas.. Fait, after having almost been completed, bas fallen through. Mr. Stubling's wholesale business has grown to such proportions that it alone was sufficient to occupy his whole ai'ention, and hence he concluded to dispose oi the retail and move the wbo'.esalo stock to another building. But now that the sale bas been declared off for good, both branches of the business will be con ducted as heretofore at the old stand, where, it need not be said, customers are always assured of good treatment, a hearty welcome, and the best of every thing in his line the market affords. Monday's Dally. Remember the moonlight excursion on Thursday evening by the band. The Reliance arrived here this after noon and will leave for Portland at 7 o'clock in the morning. The railroad conductors will give their ninth annual excursion from Portland to The Dalles May 27tb. John G. Woolly, the famous Prohibi tionist lecturer, will speak at the Vogt opera house next Thursday night. The first Hood River strawberries of the season were disposed of in Portland Saturday at 50 cents a pound wholesale. Two carloads of Weieer, Idaho, hogs were fed at the stock yesterday on the way to Portland and one this morning on the way to Troutdale. Charley Stubling announces that he wants to sell his retail business as bis wholesale business is all he can attend to. Here it a rare chance to step !nto a. large and flourishing business. The little minstrels bad a good bouse at the Baldwin Saturday night and the play was very creditable to the li'tle folks. After paying all expenses they have a balance left of nearly $15. The chairman of the Memorial Day committee in Portland has issued a cir cular inviting the clergymen of the city to turn out and march with the proces sion on the coming Memorial day. The store of Coe A Son, at Hood River, was robbed night before last and several dozen pocket knives and razors were carried off. The thieves had not been discovered when the message of the robbery reached here. Hon. Geo. J. Barrett, Republican nominee for joint representative from Grant, Gilliam, Sherman, Wasco and Wheeler counties, expects to leave shortly for Fremont, Neb., where he will be married on the 23d of this month. First Populist But you can't deny that the farmers is prosp'rotn now. Second Populist That's jest it. The farmers is mukin' money an' they'll raise bigger crops next year an prices'll go to smash an' this prosperity'!! jest ruin the country. Puck. The three Everding fish wheels caught 2,50o pounds of salmon last night, the largest catch for these wheels of the sea ion. The loci! market U now well sop- plied with salmon and the price, which is fixed in the Portland market, has fallen to cents, wholesale. That new machine at Pease A Mays', for perforating your initials on the tweatband of your hat, is the best thing we have heard of for a long time, in fact it is "the thing." No excuse for making a mistake and taking the other fellow's hat after this, even if it should be a better hat than yours. The steamer Reliance was delayed in Portland over Sunday in order that her builder might put a new valve In the machinery which bad to be brought from the East, and from which consider- able Increase of power and consequent sneed are expected. A telephone mes sage received today said the boat had been given a little spin down tna Willamette after the new valve had tecn put tn and that she made a trip of nine miles at the rate of twenty-seven nines an hour. It is but fair to say, however, , DALLES WEEKLY CHRONICLE. WEDNESDAY. that the D. P. A A. N. officials here think there must ba some mistake- in the figures, as t .venty seven miles an hour is more like the speed of a railroad train tha a river steam boat. The total number of voters a ho have registered in the entire coun'.v to date is 2135, out of 2302 ballots cist at the last election. This leaves a ba ance of un registered voters of 257. It is believed, however, that this balance will be more than wiped out before the close of the registration books on the 15th. This showing is quite gratifying. Wasco county is overwhelmingly Republican, and her Republicans evidently do not intend to allow the coming election to go by default. Wool hauling has barely commenced, and only about 200,000 ponpds have yet arrived at The Dalles warehouses. By the end of next week it will be coming in at a lively rate as many teams from the interior are known to be on the road. Three loads came across the river from the Crawford ranch this morning. Lloyd L aughlin, the 12-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. B. F. Laughlin, was not operated on Saturday for appendici tis as reported. It was decided that it was better to take bim to Portland, and be was taken there Sunday morning and operated on soon after his arrival. Tho operation was successful and his recovery is fondly expected. The Forest Protective Association, with headquarters at Dtifnr, will give a grand picnic barbecue and ball at Dufur on the 31st instant. The best speakers in the state have been secured to talk on matters pertaining to forestry. The picnic will be free to all and there will be abundance of food for all. A grand ball in the eveniug will close the pro ceedings. Seventy five pounds of Cream of North Carolina smoking tobacco was seized in Walla Walla last week on in structions from the United States de partment of customs, Washington, D. C, by Deputy Collector H. Gregg. The seizure was made for violation of stamp regulations, the weight and stamps be iiig in violation cf that section of the internal revenue laves. The water commissioners will meet tonight and probably settle the question of boring for artesian water. A commit tee visited the grounds above the reser voir yesterday and located the spot where the boriug is to be done in the event of that determination. An option has been obtained on the land surround ing the well site, and the board can have as ranch or as little as they may require, from one acre to thirty. The land is the property of Mr. Henzie. To accomodate parties who find it in convenient to leave their work in order to register, Deputy County Clerk Bolton will keep his office open tomorrow, Tuesday, night from 6:30 to 8 o'clock. The registry books will close on the 15th so that there are only seven more days for registering. If it is considered necessary Mr. Bolton will keep the office open at other times between this-and the 15th, and if so due notice will be given. t Klamath county sends good news for the Republicans, says the Examiner. A careful estimate shows at leaBt 100 majority for the joint representative ticket in that county. Republicans in our sister county are -In perfect har mony, as there are in Lake, and there is said to be a split in the Democratic ranks. Indications are that Hon. R. A. Emmett, the Klamath nominee for joint representative, will run away ahead of his ticket. A man's popularity at home is sufficient evidence that be is all right. Frank Menefee had the misfortune to get mixed up in a runaway yesterday afternoon. As ho was returning in a buggy from Dufur, accompanied by his niece, Miss Blanche Emerson, and had reached the short incline in the road near the McHealey residence, east of the brewery hill, the tongue of the buggy fell out of the neck yoke. The frightened horses upset the vehicle, landed Frank on his back and Miss Emerson ou her head. The horses soon broke away from the buggy, but not till it was wrecked about $25 worth. The occupants of the vehicle fortunately got off with nothing worse than a few pain ful bruises. Jim Cunningham, a former sheepman of Klickitat county, who was in The Dalles about a week ago for several days, was taken In charge by officers at North Yakima yesterday and will be examined as to his sanity. Cunning ham was arrested at the tame place about three weeks ago and examined, but the physicians thought he would recover without bsing sent to the hos pital and te was discharged. When asked, when he was in The Dalles, what had been the matter with him over at North Yakima, he said: "It was rot gut whiskey, I guess." Yet he did Lot seem to be drinking and was always a man of sober habits. It Is strange, says the Dufur Di'patch, that able Democrats, residents of Ore gon, men who can produce logical argu ments in favor of the Democratic side of present political questions, should bs kept in the background while profes sional blatherskites are brought from Texas, or some other annexed territory, to drag up issues which the sensible leaders of the party are trying to forget. Davis is one of the class of professional ttump speakers whose notoriety Is due to witty sayings stolen from the funny j columns cf the daily papers and deliv ered in a uianuer made famous by Sam Jones in his sermons, but lacking orig inality in everything rave the amount of self conceit. The first ripe straw berri of the tea- son to be placed on the Dalles market were sola by Pease A Mays last Friday morning at 35 cents a bcx. There were only two boxes. In the afternoon of the same day six boxes were aold by the same firm at 25 cents. On the 2nd the Stadelman Commission Company ship ped six boxes to Portland from the Mission gardens. Today there are home-grown strawberries at two or three of the stores, so that the market is almost fairly opened, or will be in an other day or so. One commission house received today a shipment of California strawberries, which are retailed at 2T cents. The home berries are 25 cents, but they will soon be cheap enough. George B. Halvor made his first ship ment today to Helena, Montana. He gets a better net price there than he can get here. Tuemlny t Dully. The county court will meet for county business tomorrow. Mrs. G. F. Guinther is seriously ill at her home on Ninth street. There will be a meeting of the fire delegates at the city hall tonight at 8 o clock. The Oregon state penitentiary has 100 less convicts than It had five or six years ago. In Addition to the large number of Japs already here it is said that 20,000 more are preparing to come. Tub Chronicle is indebted to the courtesy of Congressman Moody for number of valuable documents. Christian Fleming, a former subject of Great Britain, was today admitted to full citizenship by Judge Mays. Don't make a mistake in your hat Let us perforate your initials in the sweatband gratis. Pease A Mays. Just received a large consignment of Imperials and Rough Rider ties. New est and latest styles. Pease A Mays. Remember the Greak Art entertain ment given by Cedar Circle, Women of Woodcraft, at the Baldwin opera bouse tonight. The river rose so much last night and today that a rick of cord wood was half submerged before it could be got to a place of safety. License to wed waa issued today to John D. W. Farlow and Ella Mary Root, of Wamlc; also to R. A. Phillips and Nora E. Purser, of Hood River. The Ladies' Aid and Missionary So ciety, of tho Congregational church, will meet tomorrow afternoon at 3 o'clock at the residence of Mrs. S, L. Brooks. The entertainment at the Baldwin to night will begin at 8:30 sharp. After the program dancing, for which Miss Georgia Sampson will furnish music. Mrs. Andy Allen, of this city, was taken seriously 111 this morning with what appeared to be nervous prostra tion. She was somewhat better at Inst accounts. The Dalles City this morning towed a scow load of ties for the Paul Mohr portage road from the mouth of Mill Creek to tho landing near the North Dalles planing mill. Yesterday while tbe poundmaster was driving a couple of truant cows to the pound an attempt was made to rescue tbem, and In the scuffle tbe pound master's left optic was badly bruised and blackened. The offender was brought before tbe recorder yesierday afternoon and fined $10. A horse-buyer for the Linnton can nery is in Gilliam county buying "cul tus cuitans" at $2.50. He wants 3000 bead, and made the first shipment of five carloads Saturday. The Dalles City bad for part cargo this morning 20,000 feet of lumber be longing to Rowe A Co., which they are shipping to San Francisco, 460 sacks of wheat, and 120 sacks of potatoes. Those who were present at the Cedar Circle rehearsal last night were pleased with it, and the ladies hope to have a full house tonight. They have gone to much trouble and expense to give the entertainment and should be well pat ronized. Admission 25 and 10 cents. Iowa county, Wisconsin, lays claim to having the lowest-salaried official in the employ of the United States novern ment. The government hires Frank Lynch for one cent a year to carry the mail between this town, the county seat of Iowa county, and Mineral Point, nine miles distant. Fred Lempke and Coroner Butts found bee tree yesterday on the ranch of Joe Knehel on Mill creek. The bees are of the Italian variety. Mr. Lempke will have the section of the tree in which the bees are located cut, so that it can be brought to his residence on Ninth street. A Santa Croz woman took deliberate aim with a gun at a gopher, then shut her eyes and pulled the trigger and, hearing a ynll, discovered that she had shut her husband, who was in a very different direction from the gopher. Next time he wants to see his wife kill a gopher he will have her shoot at him. Dr. Geifendorffer, II. H. Rlddell and Frank Cram have arranged to go tomor row morning for a day's fishing towards the head of Five-Mile creek. The MAY 9, 1S00. Chuo.mclb is promised all tho boys catch over hundred, so the chance of getting any trout from that quarter is about as slim as the hope of Democratic success next June. Rev. A. liron.cgeet niches to inform the members of his congregation to ap ply to Kev. Otmar MuKtr, on ttie Vogt farm, or to the Dominican Fathers, 375 Clackamas street, Portland, if they need the services of priest during the rec tor's absence. Next Sunday, May 13th, regular services wilt be held at the church by the Dominican Fathers. S. B. Adams has had returns from three different assays on samples of ore taken from the mines in which he is interested on the east fork of Hood river. The samples were all, practic ally, cropping, as neither of them was taken from a greater depth than seven feet from ttie surface. The assays were practically uniform and showed gold varying from $2.50 to $30 to the ton. A Topeka politician was passing along the street yesterday, says the Kansas City Journal, and saw two painters at work on an old house. "Hi, there!" shouted the politician, "don't you fellers know it is election day? Come down and take a hand." "No time to bother with politics when I've got a job," re sponded one of the painters, as he slopped a big gob of paint up againtt the weather boards. "Haiu't iwcu in politics any since 1SW5." The Democrats will locate their head quarters in the Bettinen building next to Charley Frank's place, on Second street, that has been used as a second hand store since the memory of man runneth not to the contrary. The old sign with the obverse legend about "Second Hand Goods," and the reverse "Clearance Sale" will be retained as the most befitting index possible of the job lot of new aud second-hand alleged prin ciples that constitute the Democratic platform and the final "Clearance" that will be made of Bryanism on the 4th of June. A lady on tho bluff, who has fine collection of roses in tho lot in front of her dwelling, but whose business calls her down town during the day, has been annoyed of late by boys on their way to school plucking the roses in a manner that often half ruined the bushes. This morning she made up her mind to "lay ' for the kids, and was rewarded by catch ing one of them in the very act. The kid cleared the yard fence like a deer, but the prompt use of the 'phone had bim cited before Professor Landers, and at last accounts the culprit had turned "states evidence" on six of his accom plices. It is very probable that rose swiping will degenerate into inocuous desuetude for some time to come. The Oregon State Sunday School Con vention will be held in Portland June 13 15, 1900. The following world-wide Sunday School workers will be prcient: Marion Lawrance, of Toledo, O., General Secretary of the International Sunday School Convention; Dr. J. L. Huribut, of New York, General Secretary of the Sunday School Union of the Methodist Episcopal church j Dr. R. G. Seymour, of Philadelphia, Bible and Missionary Secretary of the Baptist Publication So ciety ; Rev. Alexander Henry; J. Arthur Johnson, of Sunday school Times. E. O. Excel), who has led the music at tbe great conventions for many years, has offered his services and will be present so lead the music. Mr. Cattanach is one of the three nom inees on the Republican ticket for rep resentative in the legislature from this district, rays the Arlington Record, and his friends in Gilliam county, who were cognizant of the quiet canvass he was carrying on with his Salem constituency, take its successful consumation as an omen of the splendid success that will crown his political canvass in the com ing campaign. As a wedding gift to Mr. and Mrs. Cattanach the Republicans of Gilliam county will see to it that he is given such a majority at the June election in this county, as will be an honor to him and a compliment to the bright girl who has joined Iter life with his and cast her lot with tbe people of Eastern Oregon. Mrs. Elizabeth Southern died last Saturday at the residence of Horace Rice, of this city, aged 71 years. The deceased was the mother of C. H. Southern and Mrs. George Rice, of Boyd, and widow of Martin Southern, also of Boyd, who died about 22 years ago. She had only been ailing for about ten days. She was an exceptionally good Christian woman and the esteem in which Aunt Beth, as she was familiarly called, was held was witnessed by the Urge concourse of friends and neighbors that followed the remains to their last resting place yesterday in the Bolton cemetery, near Lloyd. The funeral services were held at the Boyd church and were conducted by Troy Shelly, of Hood River, an old-time friend of the deceased. Open Air Hand Concert. At the open air concert to be given by the I). C. A A. C. band at Washington and Second street on Wednesday even- ng, May Oih, at 8 :30 o'clock, the follow ing program will be rendered : The ( harlHtau March aAmi Overliira-Rlval PtU't Wblntlliiar KufuK Cnry Mill Walla-VUIuds of Parmllne ('. II'. ltrnnrl ( kc Walk Alabama Ke J. (I. I.hliiieoat Helena Walls , I'-ltre Hereilaile i'W'awinf Dii-ama h'ipl'y WHlr- 1'leasaMl Menmriea Harnhount F. A. ISlondin, Director, batuMay'a lUllr. Mrs. Nettie Askew, who was buried, here yesterday, was the daughter of Coron. r W. II. l'.utts. She was bom io Portland thirty-two years ago and mar ried in tlii city twelve years ago to William Atkew . Two'tioe boys of A and 8 yean blessed the union and, w ith the husband and father, survive her. When only a girl the mother of Mr. Atkew died, leaving six children, of which Nel lie was the eldest, while the youngest was almost a child in arms. How well Nellie performed the part of a mother to her threj little sisters and two brothers is only known to themaelvee and to the widowed father, who shared with her the care and anxieties inci dent to watching the expanding child hood of hi motherless little ones. And even after she had married and gone to live on the Sound her every letter lo her brothers aud sisters was full ol mother ly anxiety and advice. Mrs. Askew had been in bad health for irany months. The immediate cause of death was lung trouble, con tracted from a cold caught at a time wheu her weakened system was not able to tesist its c-vil effects. She was laid to rest yesterday beside her mother and in the presence of a large and sorrowing number of friends atd kindred, who had known and loved her as it Is the lot of few to be known and loved. NOTICE TO WATER CONSUMERS. All persons using city water for irri gation on aud after May 1, 1000, and until September 1st, inclusive, will be charged the following rates per month : For every lot 50x100 feet, $1.50; for every half lot or fraction thereof, 75 cents, and no rebate will bo allowed to persons leaving the city unless w ritten notica is served on the superintendent of the water works to turn off the water. Above the bluff water may be used for irrigating from 6 to 8 a. ui. id from 6 to 8 p. in. on the odd days of the month, and below the hi nil during the same hours on the even days of the month. These rules must be strictly complied with, and any deviation therefrom will subject the violator to the penalty of having the water shut off, and in order to get it turned on again he must pay a lee of one dollar. Persons willfully wasting water, or allowing it to run con tinuously through their closets or lava tories, or allowing water to run after irrigation hours, will suffer the same penalty as above stated. By order of the water commission. J. B. Ckohhun, Supt. The Dalles, Or., May 1, 1900. 6t rlil Koonuiujr. "Went home Thursday night and found my wife ill. Symptomsalarming. Dosed her best I could. Friday morn ing she was no better. Felt worried. Wife dull and stupid. No life to her. Started for doctor. Struck by happy thought. Turned back. Cure complete," "What was It?" "Simple as pie. Just said, 'Too bad you have to be sick on bargain day, my dear.' She bounced np. 'What!' she cried, 'how stupid of one to forget.' Ia five minutes she was op and dreBsed and frizzing her hair." "Wouldn't It have been cheaper lo have fetched the doctor?" "By Jove, I guess it would !" Cleve land Plain Dealer. Advcrtleect Laitera. Following is the list of letters remain ing in tbe postoffice at Tbe Dalles un called for May 4, 1900. Person! calling for the same will give date on which they were advertised: LADIK8. Brown, Ida Kumbell, Allie E Mcintosh, Mary McAlIister,MrsST2 GENTLEMEN. Bergeron, Edoir Drake, R V Einfeldt, Frank Giblin, John Johnson. II M (2) Kochler, Chas Lindsay, David F Tucker, R E Page, J R Veit, Herm Lndwlg Vam, D W Williams, W H H. H. RiDDKi.j., P. M. Notice.) Notice is hereby given that there will be an annual meeting of the stockhold ers of the Golden Eagle Mining Com pany at the office of French A Co., bankers, on Thursday, May 31, 1900, at 7 o'clock p. in., for the purpose of elect ing seven directors and transacting such other business as may properly come be ' (ore said meeting. By order of the president. J. C., Secy, and Treas. The Dalles, Apl. 27, KMX). a27-td Notice. Owing to the retirement of Frank Chrisman from the firm of Chrisman Bros., and his intention to leave the state as soon as possible, all debts due the firm must be paid immediately. All having claims against the firm will please present them at the market for payment. u4-tf ClIRIXMAM BuOTIIKRX. Win. Orr, Newark, O., says, "We never feel fafe without One Minute Cough Cure in the house. It saved my Utile boy's life when he had the pnea monia. We think it Is the brat medicine made." It cures coughs and all lung diseases. Pleasant to take harmless and gives immediate results. Clark A Falk'a drug stock is ntw fresh and complete. Subscribe for Tub Cukonici.