THE DALLES WEEKLY CHRONICLE. WEDNESDAY. MAY 9, The Weekly Chronicle. AdrlllD( Kate a. PtT IMth O I or le In liiiilr H ! O tt t Iwbv anl uii.Kt lnur Inchon I J 'vr iuolie U'l uudiT twelve lucbe. . Orurlwelra lut-hea ? W DAILY AND WILT. Jao inch ir le, iwr Inch , '. iur Inch mid u:h1t lnur indies i Owr lour iu.-hin uJ under twelve iucho. . 1 50 0ef twelve luttie ' .1 DEMOCRATIC BOGEY MAX. The Dalles Chronicle tries to ex use the despotism created for the government of Porto Rico by a Rc tuMic.m congress and president, by citing a bit of ancient history, and giving extracts from the acts of congress of 1803 and 1819 for the government of Louisiana and Florida, attempting to justify despotic gov ernment of the present time because a despotic government was created then. Times-Mountaineer. The Dallk Chkonicle never lliougbt of accusing Jefferson and Jsckson of being parties to the estab lishment of a despotism, in the secondary sense of a tyrra', over anybody. Much less has it attempted to excuse a Republican congress and president for establishing a despotism in the of a lyrrany in Porto Kieo. The temporary governments established over Louisiana by Jeffer son and over Florida by Jackson undnr President Monioe were des potic in the sense of being absolute, but they vere in no sense oppressive or tyrraoous. The temporary gov ernment established over Porto Rico is far less despotic than either of the others and so much the less oppres eive. We have done in Porto Rico what, in principle, we have done in every territory that has come into our possession since the acquisition of Louisiana. We have done in Porto Rico what, in principle, we re doing now in every territory in our possession. The government established in Alaska is far more despotic than that established in Porto Rico. The territory has not even the semblance of a representa tive government and even the system of local taxation is different from that in the Slates. The government is a pure despotism but in no tense n tyrrany. Yet nobody complains, be cause the exigencies of a Democratic campaign do not require it. There ! is wore despotism in several state governments in the South towards the negro race than congress ever dreamed of for the Porto Ricans, let no Democrat lifts bis warning votco and even Bryan, the prince of auti-despotism, is dumb as an oyster. la all our history as a nation there never has come into our possession territory whose people were treated with the kindness and consideration that congress has shown to the Porto Ricans. Despotism and imperialism are bogey meu, the invention of Uryaoite necessity, that every honest Democrat ought to be ashamed of. were asked to believe that the coun try went into a panic over the de monetization of silver when nobody knew it had been demonetized till years after, and that Uncle Sam fell down in '73 immediately that his silver leg was cut off, when, as even a Populist ought to know, Uncle Sam' bolh legs in '73 wre made of paper; for not till years after the crime of '73 was there a cent of gold or silver in circulation anywhere in the United States, save in a few states on the Pacific Coast. This is a sample of the arguments that this clown and ignoramus used to induce Dulles people to vote for Iiiyan! No wonder The Cuuokiclk's criticism gave no offense. The Chkonicle is pleased to learn from so high an authority as the Times-Mountaineer that nobody took offense at its criticisms of the speech of "Cyclone" Davis, "considering the source." Hut if the speech was defensible why did not our con temporary come to the rescue? It surely was not his natural bashful ness that kept him back. The truth is the Cyclone's speech was incapable of defense. It was a rehash of Pop ulist fabrications whose mendacity has been exposed twice ten thousand times over. In his financial argu ment he never got beyond that most lying of all the lying things that have been written on free silver, Mrs. Emory's -Seven Financial Con spiracies. He told of Ernest Seyd having been here in 1873 and of his .bribing congress with half a million dollars to demonetize silver, when it bis been proved beyond the shadow of a doubt, by the written testimony o Seyd's two sons, that their father lived and die ! a bimetalist and was never in the United States after X85tf. He pictured Uncle Sara as Undinj on two legs, one gold and the other silver. Ia 1873 the Re publican party cut off the silver leg mid the old gentleman at once fell to the ground. In one breath he told tba audience that the panic of '73 immediately followed the crime of 73; ia the next he said even Grant, who signed tho bill, did not know Uiosilvtr dollar hd been dropped out of it till years after. Thus we The "Portland Mitchell-McUride literary bureau" is accused by the Oregonian of sending out editorial proofs to the editors of the state "from the office of a Dalles news paper," and the Oregonian supports its accusation by a clipping from the La Grande Journal which implicates the Dalles "newspapers" in this offense. There are two newspapers here, as the Oregonian well kncs, of opposite politics. The Chkonicle, therefore, can only speak for itst'lf. Neither the editor of The Ciikomclk, nor any one connected in any carac ity with the office, nor any one di rectly or indirectly controlling the paper, nor any one owning a dollar's worth of interest in it, has ever, under the present editorial manage ment, sent out from the oflicc, to any editor of any newspaper, in Oregon or elsewhere, so much as one editorial proor sheet or any ctner kiurt or a proof sheet, on any subject, political, personal or otherwise. And the same remarks, in all their explicitness and detail, will apply to marked copies of the paper, if the reference is confined to articles In any way re lating to any matter of controversy between the so-called imon-Corbett and Mitchell-McBride factions of the Republican party. Tub Chkon ici.e might have done all this, or been a party to it, and yet not have transgressed the limitations .or an American freeman, or been in the least ashamed to own what it had done; but it takes pride in the fact that it belongs to no faction; is in the secrets of none and never wants to be. What it does politically in the broad sunlight and if it has at any time published anything that the Mitchell-McBride faction happen to approve, it has no tears to shed; or anything that the Simon-Corbclt faction condemn, so much the worse for that twin iniquity. THE rOHTO UICO ACT. Now that tho Porto Rican question is becoming tatter understood by the people, the very proper stand taken by the administration Is ap preciated the moie, says the Astoria News. The Democratic paitj worked its haidcst to force the Republicans to adopt the free trade policy. Every effort was made to compel the abandonment of the protective principle, but fortunately without avail. Our sugar, our tobacco, our fruit, our vegetable and other agri cultural interest tan rest content that, Just as soon as the Porto Rican products inteifere in our markets with our own farm crops, then they will be fully protected. The prin ciple to do this has been retained,! and that Is tho main object for which tha administration contended. We have treed the Porto Ricans from a condition bordering almost upon slaverv. and it rests with them to attain a standard that wiU entitle them to enjoy and uphold the rights and privileges of the constitution of the United States. While wo are willing to help tLe Porto Ricans do this, the principle of protection to our own labor and our own farmers has been rightfully retained in such way that it may be applied vhen we come to consider the Philippines with their millions of low-priced laborers, and their possible ability to compete disadvantageously with our sugar and tobacco growers. Democratic papers that are work ing themselves into a frenzy over Simon's bosshipand the apparition of Corbctt's candidacy for the United States senate should preserve their souls in patience. The Republicans of Oregon can be trusted to take care of Corbett when the time for action arrives." Tho Simon-Corbett faction in Multnomah, even with the Oregonian at its back, is not the "whole thing" by any means. The legislative nominees of tho Re pub lican party for this district have no connection with any real or fancied Simon-Corbett ring in Portland. They owe nothing to it, have made no pledges to it and arc in no way or manner connected with It. Tbcy have been selected for their capacity and ability to servo the people, and they enter the catnpaigu owing no allegiance to any political boss and unpledged to any senatorial candi date. Candidate Wm. Smith, who is run ning (very slowly) for congress in the Second Oregon district, puts free silver at 16-to-l rs the paramount issue, and his sloffan. "Consentient. ly," says the Telegram, "Mr. Moody may confidently look for a largely increased majority, as most voters have already heard more free silver gush than is palatable to them." No roan will be allowed to vote at the Democratic primaries over in Washington unless he pledges him self to support Bryan for tho presi dency. This is a species of despot ism, not to say imperialism, that has no parallel in the history of the party of "Emperor William." The Times-Mountaineer is opposed to tho Simon-Corbett ring. So is The Chronicle. The Chronicle bates the ring because it is a bad lot. The Times-Mountaineer fights it for the Democratic capital it ex pects to make out of it. The Chronicle warns its contemporary that there is no Democratic capital to be had from that source. What ever infamy there was in tho legisla tivc hold-up, which our contempo. rary so very justly condemns, the Democrats were in it to the neck. If the Times Mountaineer wants the Democratic participation in this infamy stirred up, all light. But if not, let it keep silence in all the languages it commands. One thing only we mention at this time. The Republicans of this legislative and senatorial district had the grace to leave every man at home who was connected with the hold-up in 1897. The Democrats havo added insult to injury by renominating a man for the lower house who was in the front rank of the infamous lot, who was bought twice and then had not the manliness to stay bought, and who did other things, under the nurturing care of the Populist Jonathan Bourne, meanwhile, (bat we dare not defile this paper by putting them in print. No; the Times Mountaineer had bet ter drop the hold-up business right here and now. to come West and take up land on the Colville reservation that's ex pansion; he can't welcome the na lion's president to this city that's McKinleyism ; he can't cheer for the queen of the industrial exposition that's the pomp of monarcy;he can't ovpn ffft in with the rest of ns and brag about the wonderful way Spo kane is gaining in population, and wealth, and beauty, and industry that's prosperity. And when the election returns come in well, he can go away out behind the barn and cry. Cyclone Davis says: "We are going to burst the hills in twain and give the silver and gold to the people." Won't that be nice! says an exchange, -uursi me nins in twain!" But that would be work, and the idea is to avoid labor. All of these bills of gold and silver or, excuse us, silver and gold will have to be stamped by the govern ment or It would not be a medium of exchange. Then all would roll in silver and gold, none need work and if any get real hungry they can cat silver and gold. 'Tis a beautiful dream with the practical part left .for the wakening moments in the morning. mm w niii m m m Everything tended to disaster during the last Democratic adminis tration, aad since then everything has moved in the direction ot pros perity. If this is "mere coincidence," vote for the coincidence, says the Times-Democrat. Fresh cracked Nebraska corn at the Waeco warehouse. Finest kind of chicken feed. mcb25-ti No reflection is intended upon any sheriff that Wasco county ever had, when it is mentioned as a matter of common belief that tbo business of the sheriff's office was never in better hands tbac in these of Robert Kelly, the present incumbent, who has been nominated to eucceed him self. The books of the office are kept as they ought to be kept, and as they never were kept under any other administration. The taxes are collected up closer than thev ever were b.fore, and tho result in Ibis respect alone is a saving to the county of much of tho erpense of the office. Moreover, the sheriff is never absent from his post of duty, while the business outside the office s always attended to faithfully and punctually. And lastly, and as a fitting compliment of any public seivnnt, Wasco county never had a more genial or more obliging sheriff than Robert Kelly, or one that would do more to please and oblige any one who has business to do in the office. For these reasons alone the people of Wasco county want no change in the sheriff's offico and will vole for none. Hliicd a Minuter. New York, May 7. Eev. Charles 8. Morris, a colored Baptist missionary, recently returned from South Africa, was vigorously hissed when he cham pioned the canse of England in a lecture before the West Side Y. M. C. A. The counter-demonstrations of the audience finally became so pronounced that the lecturer abandoned the diecueslon of the merits of the contending nations. Dull Headache, Fains in various parts of the body, Sinking at the pit of the stomach, Loss of appetite, Feverishness, Pimples or Sores all positive evidences, of impure blood. No matter how it became so it must be purified in order to obtain good , health. Acker's Blood Eiexir has never failed to care Scrofulous or Syphilitic poisons or any other blood diseases. It is certainly a wonderful remedy and we sell every bottle on a positive guarantee. Blakeley & Hough ton's drug store. Sulclda Near Eugene. Eugene, May 7. L. Marquis, a farm er who resided seven miles northwest o Eugene, committed suicide this morn eng. lie left a note In the house saying that his bod; would be found in the corral near the barn. His sou looked and found the dead body of bis father in the place designated. A messenger came for the coroner, but no details have been learned, even as to the man ner of the suicide. The Kind You Have Always Bought, and which has been. In use for over 30 years, has borne the elgnatnre of - ana na uetrii maue uuuer lus peji. lU- . sonal supervision since its infancy, CUcJUi Allow no one to deceive you in thi.' All Counterfeits, Imitations and Just-as-good "are bo Experiments that trifle with and endanger the health of Infants and Children Experience against Experiment, What is CASTORIA Castoria is a harmless snhstitute for Castor Oil, Pare, goric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is Pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic tubatance. Its age is its guarantee. It destroys "Worms and allays Feverishness. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates the Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep, The Children's Panacea The Mother's Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS Bears the Signature of SI The Kind You Have Always Bought In Use For" Over 30 Years. TMC COMPANY. TT MUNMV TKICT, NCW TON OIT. X Special Sale! ...Steel Ranges and Cook stoves... To reduce our large stock wo will sell Stoves and Steel Ranges at The Appetite of Goat Is envied by all poor dyspeptics whose stomach and liver are oat of order. All such should know that Dr. King's New Life Tills, the wonderful stomach and liver remedy, gives a splendid appetite. sound digestion and a regular bodily habit that insures perfect health and great energy. Ouly 25 cents at any drug store. Be sure and examine our stock of wall paper thoroughly before buying else where, as we have the latest shipment made to this city, now ready for inspec tion at H. Glenu & Co.'s. al7-lw This is going to be an awful Lard year for the fellow who's a Democrat Id Spokane, says tho Chronicle of that city. He can't hurrah for the soldiers on Decoration day that's militarism; lie can't help hoist thn flag on tho Fourth of July that's imperialism; he can't tell his friends lVIaief & Benton Carry the following lines: Stoves, Tinware, Maltese Cross Garden Hose, force and Spray Pumps, Farm and Garden Tools, Carpenters' Tools, Aermoter Wind Mills, Tinning and Plumbing, Iron Pipe, Sewer and Chimney Pipe, Cleveland Bicycles, Crawford Bicycles, Fishing Tackle, Guns and llifles, Bicycle Sundries, Ammunition, Bicycle Repairing, Delft Ware, Cedar Posts, Barb Wiro and Nails. i Greatly Reduced Prices for a short time only. Seo our goods and get our prices. ."" . . IVlflYS & CfOrjUE RpfflfP Vfill P'RCe ny orders 'or a tombstone or for UGIUIC JfUU curbing, fencing or other cemetery work, call on Louis Comini. I will not only give you all the information you need but I will quote you prices you cannot beat anywhere. Let no one bluff you. It will take only a few minutes to call aud see me. If you have a neighbor who ever did business with me consult him as to the price and quality of my woik I nn.',n and abide by the result. : LOUIS tUllllill C. J. STUBLING'- Wholesale and Retail Wines, Liquors and Cigars. Agen' rthe Greate American Liquor Yellowstone Sour Mash Whiskey. WHISKEY from S2.75 "to Kon Ter irarion." TtiTliTy wif ) " - IMPORTED COGNAC from ,7.00 to 12.hi mr : ii,ii .X on rr.TTdil.; OAJJIEHIABEANDIES from 3.25 to I6.H0 per aHonrT4 to lTves"' ONLY THE PUREST LIQUORS SOLD. OLTMPIA BEER on draught, Imported Alo and Porter. and Val Blatz and Olympia Beer in bottle JOBBERS IN IMPORTED and DOMESTIC CIGARS. CLEANLINESS. Is being advocated by all parties regardless of race, color or pre vious condition of servitude. Keniember w make our f unto mers glad when they buy or Pure Prepared Paints. There ii finish and gloss to its work that ia admired by all. Paints, Oils. Glass, Picture and Room Moldings Be sure and inspert our stock of Wall Paper designs for l!K)0 on Display &wtn&nKd Third. H. GLENN & CO.