I WEEKLY OTIC VOL. X THE DALLES, WASCO COUNTY, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, MAY 9, 1900. NO. 34 Y PRUNE INDUSTRY INVESTIGATION Secretary Wi.soo Anxious to Send Prof. Lake to France to Gather In forma tion About Prunes. Washington, P. C. May 4 Secre tary Wilson, of the agricultural depart ment, is very anxious to do everything possible to improve tho prune industry of Oregon, Washington and idatto, and with that view in wind is endeavoring to have an appropriation made to send Professor Lake, of the Oregon Agri cultural station, to bo sent to Franco to Esther information about the varieties of prunes used there, and the manner of picking and drying the fruit. It is a well-known fact that the three etatea named now have a prune industry worth fl,500,000. The experience of the past two or three years indicates that this industry is in a precarious situation, and to obtain the best results some varieties of prunes will have to be found which will avoid the antumn rains, which are not sublet to certain diseases, and which will withstand the cold seaon better. It ie necessary also that the entire question of harvesting, drying and preparing the prunes for market be investigated, so as to secure uniform grades such as are demanded in the world's markets. Secretary Wil son thinks that if the contemplated in vestigation could havo been made two years ago, the improvement in curing and marketing alone would have in creased the value of the prune crop of Oregon, Washington and Idaho by several hundred thousand dollars.. The item of loss from autumn rains is to be avoided chiefly by securing an earlier maturing variety. A difference of ten days in some seasooa is said to mean a loss of perhaps 30 per cent of the entire crop. Not alone Secretary Wihon, but the delegations from t'.ie three states, are deeply interested in this provision of the bill, and will use their best efforts to have the appropriation passed. Grazing on Ihe litietni, Washington, May 4. Gifford Pin- chot, forester ol the Department of Ag riculture, and F. N. Coville, botanist of the same department, will leave Wash ington for the West about May 15th, to make a personal investigation of the problem of grazing in the forest reserves. The restriction of sheep ((razing in these areas has raised a storm of protest from the wool growers, and public feeling in the West has become divided and in tense. A plan for an exhaustive inves tigation by the government was pub lished a few weeks ago; but the tour of these officials will be the first actual work in the field. They will be met at Holbrook, Ariz , by a committee consisting of A. E. Pot ter, of that city, who is secretary of the Arizona Wool Growers' Association, and J. E. Bark, of Phoenix, who repre sents the cattle and irrigation interests. They will spend three weeks in the Black Mesa reserve and then visit others in Ariz ma. The examination will be extended to other Western reserves later In the summer. Will Develop 1 blllpplna's linuurctl Chicago, May 4. A special to tho Tribune from Charleston, W. Va., says: Articles of incorporetion were obtained here today by the Philippine Lumber and Developing Company, of Chicago, tilh an authorized capital of fo.OOO.OOO. The incorporators are J. A. T. Hull, Des Moines, la.; John Gibson, Creston, !; J. 8. Bradford, Grandville, III.; Stewart Spalding, Chicago, Frank Phillips, Creaton, I. The ohj-ct is to obtain concessions in the Philippines. Morn rail Hack. London, May 7,4:10 a. m. Lord Rob ots is making better progress than any n'ie hail dared to hope, and is meeting ith success at all points. Theonly news "I the actual occupation of Winburg is the Incidental relerence to it in the dls patch from Vet Uiver, describing Gen eral Pule-Carew's operations, but as the latest news of General Hamilton's operations, dated Sunday morning, was that he wai then preparing to force the difficult passage over Little Vet River, u the Bloemfontein-VVinburg road, 'ere Is no doubt that the news of the occupation is accurate. The Boers, following their customary practice, had evacuated their positions on the Vet River during Saturday night. As Lord Roberts, advancing along the railway, ami General Hamilton, twenty miles to the east, threatened the two wings of tiie Boer forces, it could not be ""prising to hear that they had also evacuated Winburg. General Hamilton's advance will prevent the Boer forces in the direction of Thabanchn joining their maiu army near Winburg. General Rundla on Saturday had arrived in pur suit of the Boers several miles north of the Thabanchn, compelling the Boers to rotire in an easterly direction. A Boer account of the capture of Brandfort says : "The Federal forces, although weak iu numbers, offered strong resistance, but they were forced by the overwhelming force opposed to them to evacuate the town. - BRITISH OCCUPY BRANDFORT This, is an Important Step la Roberts' Advance 0a Pretoria. London, May 4. Lord Roberts reports to the war office as follows, under date of Bloemfontein, May 3: "We occupied Brandfort today with out much opposition and without, I hope, many casualties. The First bri gade of mounted infantry covered the left fhnlt of the Fourteenth brigade of the Seventh division, and Hie right flank was supported by the Fifteenth brigade. Pole-Carew's division advanced directly on Brandfort. The Boer armv, which was under command of Delarey, retired in a northeasterly direction." Tiiabanciiu, May 4. The Boer, have evacuated Thabanchn Hill and are be lieved to be still trekking, though one gun has shelled the camp intermittently. Scouts report that some of the Buers retired from Vepener. They believe the Boers evacuated the position during the night, trekking northwardly in three directions. General French left today. General Rundle is in command here. It is ex pected General Brabant will effect a junction at any moment. Aliwal, North Cape Colony, May 4. Sraithfleld was occupied by General Hart's brigade. Out of 150 Boers in. the town, 25 were captured and the rest decamped. Ladybrand was recently full of Boers' wounded, who have now been removed to Ficksbnrg. London, May 4. News of the occi pa- Hop of Brandfort was Issued by the war office at 10 o'clock this morning, con firming the dispatch previously received by the Associated Press. This is con sidered the most important communica tion received from the front since the capture of General Cronjs's force and the relief of Ladvsmith. The fact tl.at the position gives the key to one of the main roads leading to the Drakkensburg passes, which pos sibly may be the means of co-operating with General Bitller later on, provides an advance base of supplies, etc., and at the same time menaces the Boers now southeast of Bloemfontein, Is obvi ously the reason for the importance attached by all bands to the intelligence. The Boer army, which was at Brandfort, commanded by General Delarey, is pre sumably retreating on Winbnrg, which will possibly be the next immediate objective of the British. Vropi the Admiral. Washington, May 5. A special from Springfield, O., says: W. S. Thomas, chairman of the Dem ocratic state central committee, states that John R. McLean has deserted his brother-in-law, Admiral Dewey, and jumped into the front s-at of Bryan's band wagon. McLean lias niilliumcd the state convention, nnd has abandoned all thought of having tfe time when it will best suit Dewey's interests. Chair man Thomas stated further that there was no possible room for misconstruc tion of McLean's action, declaring that it meant that the Dewey candidacy, which has fallen flat the country over, is to be gradua'ly abandoned. The plan is to let the people gradually forget the matter. Trained the, Vl. Wambkntov, May 5, evening. The Vaal river has been successfully crossed at Windsorton hy Barton's brigade, with whom is General Hunter, com manding Hie division. The Boers have evacuated Wlndsorton and Kildam. They are trekking northward and are fighting for all they are worth. Barton is hanging on to their rear and shield ing them vigorously. Judging from the cloud of dost, the retreating Boers must be in very large numbers. Ring up Faulkner, the junk man, be fore hauling your trash to the beach. He buys old worn out rubber boots and shoes, brass, copper, zinc, lead, sacks, rags, etc. Dalles 'phons No. 214. itpr'.U lw EVOLUTION OF REPUBLICANISM Democratic Hodge-Podge and Incon sistencies Too Much for Him. Bai.i.ston, Or., May 2. (From the OregonUn.) As a pronounced free trader, my opposition to the Republican party has dated back some twenty-five years. But I hare lived to see a far greater proepect of the ultimate adoption of free trade by the Republican party than by the Democracy. This is the logic of Mr. Blaine's reciprocity idea, and of the almost universal demand of the Republican masses for free trade with Porto Rico. I was one of several hundred who helped to loudly cheer the free-trade expiesBions of Hon. William L. Wilson in his speech in Portland some ten years ago. But the reign of Grover Cleveland and his congress was distinctly disappointing, for, as ex Speaker Moores has well shown in your columns, the Wilson bill on a fair system of averages bad a higher schedule of tariffs than the McKinley bill! Further more, as a follower of Peter Cooper I have lived to see a scheme almost identical with his inter-convertible bond theory advocated iu your columns by as noted a Republican as ex-Seuator Corbett. This is the evolution of Republicanism ; but what do we find in the Democratic party?. A hodge-podge of every policical theory under heaven that bears upon its forehead the label of discontent and dis order! A gathering of the clans of miii marism and anti-miiitarlsm ; of slate socialism and thinly disguised anarchy ; of Briton-haters and Boer-lovers; of those who glory in the suppression of negroes in the South (videTillman),aud howl for the exaltation of Tagals in the Philippines, etc. You can find any of the newest brands of inconsistency you may ask for under Democratic banners. Tammany contractors calling in the soldiers to meet with the bayonet the just demands of the unfortunate Croton laborers, while the whole party howls itself hoarse against military inter ference in strikes, and "government by injunction." There are further howls and platform protests aguinst "mili tarism," by a crowd whose whole course is in favor of picking a quarrel with the most powerful em pire on earth a quarrel which would call for such a display of "militarism" as the world perhaps never saw a wanton quarrel with the only great power that has shown any real friendship for us of late, and a power which had only to lift her finger and we would have had a'J of Europe on our backs during the late squabble with Spain. State socialism, with all its in ferno of evils in control of our internal affairs, would hardly be more paralyzing to the march of civilization than a dire conflict between the two great Anglo Saxon nations, whose true Interests lie on the tame plane, and whose aim in the world's affairs should be identical. Yet the all-embracing octopus of Demo cracy, in its grab for votes, includes both of these giant evils socialism and war with England for the programme of its leaders involves every scheme for irritat ing our brelhern across the water, until, with a high-spirited nation, war with all its nntold evil will be unavoidable. Can th" American people afford to support such a party? And will my ancient factotums excuse me if I vote the straight Republican ticket? WALLACE YATES. No I'lagim In Honolulu. San Francisco, May 4. Tho steamer Coptic, which has arrived from the Orient, via Honolulu, is in quarantine. List Friday, when the vessel sailed from Honolulu, there had been no new cases of plague for twenty-flvo daye, and the quarantine that has been on the ports sincd the middle of last December, was to have been raised last Monday by the Honolulu board of health, provided no more cases of plague appeared. Itner l.rft 13 Ied on Fl. 1.1. Wakkknton, Sunday, May 0. Yes terday General Barton drove from 2000 to 3000 Boers from hilly positions at Rooidan, where they awaited them. They retreated after stiff Quirting, leaving a number of dead on the field. The British casualties were slight. General Barton is still pursuing. Wlndsorton and Klip Dam havo been evacuated. General Paget' brigade is attacking the Boer position at Warren ton. The engagement yesterday was severe, and lasted from 0 in the morning until 4 in the afternoon. More than once the British infantry were obliged to engage the Jloers at close quarters, and the Boers only retired when their retreat was nearly cut off. The British losses were five killed and twenty-five wounded, mostly Welsh Fusiliers. The British took a batch of prisoners, including the Swedish ambulance, which they altoaed to return. The Boers in their hurry left thirteen dead. Today General Puget made a strong demonstration against the Boer position, east of the ridge, thereby preventing Boer reinforcements going to assist in checkiug General Barton's advance. RELIEF OF MAFE- KING EXPECTED Boers Still Holding Their Own in Thabancbu District. . London, May 6, 4:20 a. m. London has been confidently expecting to have news of the relief cf Mafeking before midnight, but at that hour the war office stated that no further intelligence had been received of Hunter's column, to which the public believed had been assigned the word of relieving the town Beyond further details of the occupa tion of Braddfort, little or no news has come during the night. A dispatch from Thabanchn, dated May 4, says the situation is practically unchanged, the Boers holding their position and sending occasional shells into the British camp. From the top of Thabanchu Hill one can see over the Boer camp. The country, through which a number of Boers are trekking, is ex ceedingly difficult. It is learned that the Boors are trying to draw supplies from the Ladybrand district. The Seventeenth brigade has moved four miles south, presumably to assist Gen eral Brabant if necessary. A dispatch from Aliwal North, dated May 5, says : "Three hundred captured cattle and horses were brought in last night. The wounded are being gradually moved here from Hafeteng." A dispatch from Cape Town says: "The general feeling here, in which official circles participate, is that Lord Roberts' advance toward Pretoria will be rapid. The Boer prisoners do not anticipate that any effective resistance will be encountered." Anxiety is felt regarding the fate of Mr. Begbie, who has been arrested in connection with the blowing up of the shell factory. Consul Hay is watching the accused man's interests. FRIEND OF THE BOERS Teller Wants the Senate to Extend Its Sympathy. Washington May 7. At todays res- sion of the senate, Teller delievered a speech, in which he strongly urged the senate to extend its sympathy to the Boers In the contest with the British. Tire adoption of his resolution of sympa thy, he maintained, coul I not be con sidered as an unfriendly act ly the British government. During tho remainder of the session, the senate had under consideration the naval appropriation bill. Chandler's amendment to curtail tho increase of the Marine Corps created some debate and was flnall laid on the table, 30 to 14. The bill wa not completed. Notice was given that the armor-plate provision would he considered it) secret session, on account of certain facts that were to t o called to the attention of tho senate. This was suspension day in the House, an 1 quite a number of bills were passed. The most important was '.lie senate bill to amend the general pension laws so as to provide for apt-regaling disabilities under the act of ls:0 without regard to service, and to increase the net income a widow may have without destroying her right to l pension from ,Jd to f'JoU. Tho purpose uf the bill is to modify rulings of the pension otTice in accordance with the recommendations of tho grand army of the republic, It was passed without a dissenting voice. The bill to increase the appropriation for the National Guard from f 100,000 to f 1,000, 000 also was among those passed. Sulzer of New York attempted to secure action upon his resolution expreseingsympathy with the Boers, but was cut off by the speaker. Mrs. Harriet Evans, Hinsdale, 111., writes, "I never fail to relieve my children from croup at once by nsirg One Minate Cough Cure. I would not feel safe without it." Quickly cures coughs, colds, grippe and all throat and lung diseases. ROBERTS HAS CROSSED THE VET Hamilton Has Captured Winburg Ibis Puts the British Army Sixty-Three Miles North of Blocuitontein. LosnoN,May7,lla. m. Lord Roberts reports to the war office in a dispatch dated Smnldeel, May t, afternoon, as follows : "We crossed the Vet river this mom ing and are now camped at Snialdrel Junction. The enemy ia in full retr.-at toward the Z m l River and Kruonstudt. The turning movement was made by the mounted infantry just before dark yester day. It was a very dashing ufftir. The Canadians, New South Wales, New Zealand Rifles and Queensland Mounted Iufantry vied with each other in tiie determination to close with the memy. Captain Anley, of the Essex Raiment, commanding tho Thinl Infantry Bat talion, behaved in a very gallant manner. "The naval gmiB and the artillery made excellent practice, particularly two five-inch guns used for the first time with this force. We captured a Maxim and twenty-five prisoners. Our casualties are very few only fifteen wounded, one killed and three missing. "Tho British arrived here without op position. The Boers' last train lut't last Saturday night. The Boer losses yester day on the left fl.ink were forty killed. Their rear guard remains behind kopjes, ten miles distant. There is much rail way forage andcorn here. It is stated that tho Boers are retreating towards Kroonstadt. The Zand river bridge is reported to have been destroyed." London, May 7. The capture of Win burg by the British is confirmed and the main advance on Pretoria continues. By the occupation of Winburg, General Ian Hamilton puts himself nearly parallel with Lord Roberts and only twenty-nine miles eastward, whie he has Die ad ditional advantage of being connected with his chief by means of the railroad that runs from Smaldeel or Winburg road station, as it is sometimes sailed at Winburg. Lord Roberts is now nine miles north of the Vet and sixty-three miles north of Bloemfontein. Evideully he is not letting grass grow under his feet, though the Boers are equally anxious to retreat towards Kroonstadt, and are so doing. The critics of the newspapers view the situation with the greatest satisfaction. A special dispatch from Smaldeel dated 0:4 " p. in , May G, gives details of the occupation of Winburg by the British. It says : "Tho news lias just come here that General Hamilton Is giving the Boers no rest and that they are fulling back hurriedly. He entered Winbnrg today after a brisk fight, in which the Boers fell back so quickly that one of their guns, in addition to a Maxim, was abandoned." The tame dispatch, describing the crossing of the Vet River by the British says the Boer force, entrenched on the opposite bank, prepared to contest the crossing. Our guns were brought into place and a terrific shell fire was directed on the Boer lines. At the same time the Quaenslanders, under a heavy fire, dashed across the river and, advancing in the open, c jmpletcly turned the Boer right. It was dusk, but nothing cool 1 stop the galliot Australians. They pushed on again, seized a commanding kopje and by brilliant movements and ontiuuons r fl s tire, drove off the enemy in tho darkiices. The first gleam of day this morning found the enemy in full flight and our men after tln'tn, and by 9 o'clock thi$ morniiu we entered the important strat egic position. AJdisp.ttch from Bishof, dated Friday, May 4, says : "General Methuen inada a rconnois sance from here Thursday to the neighborhood of Sjutkoppieefontein, locating tho laager. A fairly strong f rce ol Boers was seen mot ing northward, General Methuen then returned to Bjshof." Ifrpburn rr MrKlnley'e Huiinhig Mat. Los A.MiKi.XH, May 7. The Times of this city, edited by Major-General If. G. Otis, editorially presents this morning the name of Congressman Win. P. Hep burn, of Iowa, as a running mate for William McKinley, on the Republican ticket. General Otis has himself been mentioned aa a ticn-presldcntiat possi bility. He is warm personal friend of President McKinley. The editorial says: "Mr. Hepburn Is a veteran representa tive in congress, w itli years of experience and a good name ; he is chairman of the house committee on the Nicarauga canal. He was the leader in achieving the superb and far-reaching victory won by the national house only list week, when therm! bill was passed. ".fr. Hepburn has hud a large and powerful hand :u the important initia tory work ol pushing the canal bill through the house of representatives against all opposition; he nasi proved himself a stayer and statesman. Why, then, Is lie not first-class timber for vice-president?" Too Maujr Jaiauvae. Nxw Yokk, May 7. Addressing the Central Federated Union, President Gompers, of the American Federation of L'ibor, spoke of the importation ol Japanese coolie labor. He declared that Japanese LMolIes were taking the place of the Chinese w ho had been excluded. ' No restriction," ho said, "is placed upen the Japanese and as a result they are routing into this country in droves. It is pretty ne.tr lime something is done in this nutter, as the first thing yon know we will be overrun with cheap Japanese labor which will supplant yours, as the Chinese attempted to do.' Mr. Gompers will nttc nd a meeting ot tho striking cigar-mkers at Bohemia National Hall today and afterward he will pluco himself iu a position in regard to the injunction to bring about his arrest. Ulorlnna News. Comes from Dr. D. B. Curgile, of Washita, I. T. He writes: "Four bottles of Electric Bitters hae cured Mrs. Brewer of rcrofula, which had caused her great suffering for years. Terrible sores would break out on her head and face, anil the best doctors could give no help; but her cure is com plete and her health is excellent." Thin shows what thomands have proved, that Electric Bitters is tho beat blood purifier known. It's the supreme remedy for eczema, tetter, s;t!t rheum, ulcers, boils and running sores. It stimulates liver, kidneys and bowelp, expels poisons, helps digestion and builds up the strength. Only 50 cents. Sold by Blakeley A Houghton, Druggists. Guaranteed. 4 Aculnalilo Again In the Field. Manila, May 7. Telegrams received here from General Young report that Aguinaldo has rejoined the rebel Gener al, Tino, in the north, and that they have reassembled a considerable force in the mountains. General Young de sires to strike them before the rains, and asks for reinforcements. The tenor of the dispatch leads to the belief that General Young is confident Aguinaldo is with Tino, and it la presumed they are preparing to ffitht. A detachment of the Forty-seventh Regiment met and routed a band of the enemy between Lgaspi and Riago, Province of Albay, on April 15lh. Two Americans were killed and five wound ed, including two officers. The Filipi nos lost heavily. The conditions around Legaspi and Sorsone are reported aa considerably disturbed. A Life And Death Fight. Mr. W. A. Hines of Manchester, la., writing of his almost miraculous escape from death, says : "Exposure after meas les induced serious lung trouble, which ended in Consumption. I had frequent hemorrhages and couched night and day. All my doctors fail I must soon dir. Then I begun to use Dr. Kind's New Discovery lor Consumption, which com pletely cured me. I would not be without it even if it cost (Y00 a bottle. Hundreds have used it on my recommendation and all sny it never fails to cure Throat, Chest and Lung troubles." Regular sizo 50c and 1 .00. Trial bottles free at Blakeley & Houghton's Drug Store. 4 California Oil Production. San Francisco, May 7. The output of oil iu California has increased from 1,245,123 barrels in 189"), to 2,2112,12:. barrels in 18!ttJ. The prospect is that the outout tor I be present vear will be much larger than that cf 1890. California now ranks fourth among tiie elates in the Union in petroleum production. One eignitictiit feature of the oil dis coveries in the stale is that they will put California on an equality with other states in the Union as far as the fuel question goes. The estimate has been made that three and ont-'ialf barrels of California petroleum are equal to one ton of coal. Free Sltnter 1'emorallKed. London, May 7. The Lourenco Mar ques correspor.deut ofth) limes, tele graphing Sur.dty, says: "General Botha has been to the Free State to rouse the burghers, but has re turned disheartened and disgusted. From n unimpeachable s. urct I learn that he is openly slating to friends that the Free Staters are to completely demoralized that it is hot eless to expect anything from them. Subscribe for The Chronicle.