The Dalles weekly chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1947, May 05, 1900, PART 2, Image 4

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riurn ioc ali. know.
Wednevdar i Dai It.
Tom Frgher, of Tygli Ridge, i in the
EMer Jenkins, of Hood River, was in
tia tod Ay,
J. E. Sherar. of Antelope, arrived in
t)n th!i morning.
J. A. Gulliford. a wealthy resident of
Pufar, was in town today.
L. J. Davenport, prominent citiian
of Moaier, was in town last night.
E,lar Pratt, of Waniic. was in town
last night, the go est
o( the Umatilla
Mrs. Clias. Win?, of Waniic,
in with her tather-in-law,
It Villi-
Wing, of this e:ty.
A. J. Dafnr, who has been oa a visit
to hi ranch at Dolor for the past ten
day, returned today to Portland.
V. T. Kelly. F. Merries and X. J.
Lelland. Eastern railroad solicitors, are
registered at the Umatilla House.
James fkonaidson, a pioneer Ttgh
Ridge farmer, was in town last night on
hi way home from a trip to Cascade
Captains E. S. Edwards and Geo. F.
Faller, government inspectors of steam
boats and hulls, are registered at the
Umatilla House.
Will H. See, storekeeper at the Warm
Springs agencv, and Miss L. Henderson
were in town last night, the guests of
the Umatilla House.
Mrs. M. T. Shannon and her daogh
ters, Mrs. Howell and Miss Josie Shan
non, were passengers on the Regulator
thia morcing for Astoria, where they
expect to spend the summer.
Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Judd and W. II.
Demmiiig, of Hartford, Connecticut,
and Frank E. Judd, of t'ie Pendleton
soaring mill, were in town last night
and took the Regulator this morning (or
Thursday's Dailr.
Paul F. Mobr went to Poitland oa the
morning train.
Jno. M. Roth, a prosperous Tygh
Ridge farmer and horseman, was in
town last night.
W. J. Lauder, the well-known Salt
Sprints sheepman, is registered at the
Umatilla House.
L. R. Gresham, a staunch Republican
from Kent, Sherman county, made the
Chbo.mcl a pleasant visit today.
George T. Prather, chief justice of the
municipal court of Hood River, was in
towa last night, the guest of the Uma
tilla house.
Friday s Dally.
H. G. Wyatt, of Hood River, was in
town today.
E. P. U'Ren, a prosperous Ridgeway
sheepman, is in the city.
E, G. Bolter, of Croee Keys, is regis
tered at the Umatilla House.
B. F. Laughlin was a passenger t day
oo me oooa train Iroui Portland.
w. . Lauder, of fait Springs, was a
passenger on the Regulator this morn
ing for Stevenson.
Rev. O. D. Taylor arrived here from
Portland last night and returned at noon
today. He expects to be back tomorrow.
Mrs. II. Mitchell and Miss Soinmer
ville were passengers on the Regulator
tbis morning on viBit to friends in
Judge Bradshaw will leave for Prine
Tille tomorrow to hold court there. He
will be accompanied by H. S. Wilson,
A. A. J ay no and E. B. and Douglas
On fur.
Mrs. II. M. Westervelt and daughter,
who have been ou a short visit with the
family of Mr. Tom Ward, left this morn
ing on the Regulator for their homo in
Mr. E. S. Brooks, brother of S. L.
Brooks, who resided here the past winter
for the benefit of his health, left for the
valley this morning in company with
his daoghtere, Mrs. E. J. Collins and
Miss Brooks.
Tk VkHUr County Seat Fight.
A county seat fight can develop more
of the native qualities of the on regener
ate sons of Adam than any other thing
we wot of. And the fight now prevail
ing over io Wheeler county, whose cen
ter of operation is at Twickenham, on
the banks of the raging John Day. is a
case in point rather than an exception.
Our only apology for noticing the con
tention is that, as will be seen by a
letter published in another column, an
effort has been made to drag cerUIn
Dalles people Into it who have no desire
for that kind of notoriety. The Gilnian
French Land & Live Stock Company
protest against the nse of their name to
boom a county seat at Twickenham.
They say, what is quite trne, that Fos
sil is one of tho hsod'omeet towneites
in m!1 Kisteru Oregon. The town has
recently put in a gravity water system
t a cost of 112,000, bringing abundance
of pn re, cold water from a large reih
borirg spring. The town is supplied
with many of the modern comforts pe
culiar to larger towns. It has large
business hoiiste, with abundance of cap
ital. It has good hotels, excellent
graded schools and abundance of accom
modation for courts and county oftics.
Goad road lead to i fmri ' directions,
and it is the center cf a Nrge and In
creating agricultural population.
Ta ickenhani, on the other hand, is in
the canyon of the John Day, where the
beat during long months in summer is
aiiuuct uuruuurxuie. as a loan it ex
ists only in the imagination of a few
local property owner. It ha practic
ally no houses, no population, no neigh
boring population, and nothing onder
the star to attract a population, or
maintain it if it were there. Suve for
the patche of bottom lands, only capa
ble of production by artificial irrignion,
theurroundmg country is a vast, broken
nd mountainous cattle range and noth
ing else. Twickenham a a town La no
existence, ave in the hope-inspired
vision of a few local property owners,
who would be benefited at the cost of
ali the other, ai.d in a little antsidued
newspaper, whose editor, for ten cents
more than he is getting for the woik he
is doing now, woulJ just as sealoos
y fight for a county seat at or
Mitchell or Hades, for that matter.
Water, it is true, might be obtained by
sinkiug. and then it might not. At
present there is none in sight to justify
a town being boilt there, save whit
flows past in the alkali-saturated and
turgid John Day. And lastly, if by any
fatuity of lunacy a county seat shouid
be fixed at Twickenham, it wi'.l cost
enough to build necessary roads to it to
bankrupt the county.
For these and other good and suffi
cient reasons ths Franeh-GIlman Com
pany think it abject lunacy to talk of
making Twickenham the county seat of
any place under the sun.
Twaaela ! Flae Silk aad Mr Bi
toaa Are Amoaaj the Jew
Fealarea or Coma.
Much of the effect from small tas
sels as dress trimmings depends upon
their being heavy enough to vibrate
from their own weight. A tassel of
fine silk has not body enouch to do
this. Hence the knowing choose such
ornaments when made from heavy
silk cord. There will lie a number of j
new garnitures in the way of embroid
eries, and buttons will also be ex
tremely popular. j
Skirts are Iwing trimmed with two
rows of buttons down the front. The
two rows extend directly down the
middle of the front, nnd for this pur -
pose small but very expensive but -
tons are employed. They are of gold,
beautifully : t w ith mock gems of blue
and red : :.-l e;reen to imitate tur-
quoise, tl . merald and the ruby.
Some of -histf buttons cost five dol -
lars each. nr.d frequently two dollars
Foulards are goin to be more pop
ular than even last season. Blue has
hitherto been the chief favorite, but
now nil colors nre distinctly in voue.
Dines will, however, retain much of
their former fivor and will appear
with white embellishments. Illnck nnd
white, with a touch of color, will also
be much worn.
IieifTCS nnd light browns will have a
great rape for street wear in Rpring.
Indeed, brown is coming conspicuous
ly into style. The bronze or green
ish brown is the newest of all and the
most effective. Washington Star.
Where Women ( no Learn Iran Men.
Women when ill suffer more from
the indiscretion nnd the over-ntten-tiveness
of friends than do men; they
ore ill the more often, for one reason.
Then, too, men do not visit one an
other in sickness so much as women
do, not being fond, in fact, of the
sick room in any capacity. See a man
call upon his atilioted friend, nnd ten
to one his wife or other female mentor
sent him, and that nt considerable
outlay of rhetoric. Herein a man
shows at once his wisdom nnd his self
ishness. Common sense and observa
tion, if not nctual painful experience,
itself to some q
to die or to em
onlyhisfnmily about him. and he wants
them to be unofficious. He knows,
too, that n r.iek man is not entertain
ing; and, as for stopping a whole nft
ernoon to gossip with any other vis
itors who might drop in, the idea is
preposterous; the sick man would
never permit it, anyway. Bland
Brunner Iluddleston, in Woman's
Home Companion,
Lobster Salad.
Take two lobsters, three fresh eggs,
half a pint of salad oil, half a pint of
vinegar, two tablespoonfuls of made
mustard, cayenne pepper and salt,
three lettuces, a sprig of mint and a
boiled beet. To make the dressing,
beat the eggs well und gradually mix
them with the salad oil. Beat in
about hplf a pint of made mus
tard, cayenne pepper nnd salt.
Wash three fine white lettuces and
drain them; then cut them up with the
meat of the lobsters, adding the mint.
Take n deep dish, mix all the ingredi
ents together and pour them into the
middle of the bowl, heaped up. Then
pour in the dressing, so that it may
moisten all thoroughly nnd collect in
the sides of the ditch. I.ny slicrs of hard
boiled ersrs uronnd the edge of the
dish, with cr,p egg cut in two for the
center of the mind. Slice the beet and
lay slices of it across the salad. Wash
ington Star.
For tbe Tnmplrxloq.
One hears of so many girls who com
plain of thick or spotty complexions,
uud in nine cases out of ten the trouble
is quite tn:-i!y removed. The very
latest cure and quite the simplest one
to follow, i.i to wash the fnee with
parsley ;.tt r, says a recent authority. (
It is ill ue in this way. Take l.ulf a pir.t i
of rain water and soak ii in a large
bunch of parsley, letting it remain in !
the water all night. In the morning 1
rub the face well with dry towel, then I
dip your sponge in the parsley water)
nnd pass it over your face, allowing it I
to dry on. Do this three Jirrrs daily,
and at the end of two weeks if you have j
persevered in the simple treatment i
you will be rewarded to see that there
nre no more fpots or rougbness on
your face. Many of the hi-h priced
complexion nostrums contain this sim
ple remedy, which is as inexpensive as
it is effectual. Detroit Kree Tress.
U Clarke A Falk's qtrnine hair tonic
to keep dandroff from the bead.
Subscribe lur The Cbronicie.
For Nearly Two Years
Unable to Lay in Bed
Lick, who come into my store for medicines, and most of them tell me how they
are getting along. VI all tne Hun
dreds of preparations which I sell,
cot a single one begins to give as
much satisfaction as Acker's Eng
lish Remedy for Coughs, Colds,
Bronchitis. Asthma. Pleurisy and
fniKiimniinn. I sell it on a dis- i rrf
tinct guarantee that it will cure, IN
or the purchaser's money will be
returned. This is a perfectly safe
guarantee, because the remedy
dott cure. Nobody wants his
money returned. Its 'cures are
nothing short of marvelous. Take
the case of Mr. A. H. Gilbert, for
instance. He lives at No. 5 Carey
street. Buffalo, N. Y. For more
than three years he had a bad
case of asthma, and bad been un
able to lie down in bed for nearly
two years. He came to my store
and asked me what to do. I said:
Take Acker's English Remedy.
lie said he had tried other reme
dies and didn't think this would
. i i : n.. V, . I- AifTam
enthr now. Three bottles fixed his asthma all right He could sleep and eat
sifter taking them, as well an when a boy. He was cured several months ago.
nd is well yet. so I am certain his trouble is gone for good. ou can write to
Mr. Gilbert himself, if you doubt my word. He will go further than me in prais
ing Acker's English Remedy." (Signed) S. B. Thornx, druggist, Buffalo. ..V.
Sold at 95c, 50c. and $x a bottle, throughout the United States and Canada;
and in England, at is. d,. as. 3d., 4-
! return the bottle to vour drutrrist, and
ue auUkurUe the abort guarantee. '. U.
Special Sale!
1 g
' 4
J ft
...Steel Ranyes
1 5
To reduce our large stock we will
sell Stoves and Steel Ranges at
Greatly Reduced Prices
for a short time only. See our
goods and get our prices. . . .
Wasco Warehouse Company
for Seed Grain of au kinds
Headquarters for Feed Grain ot eii kin
Headquarters for Rolled Grain, ail kinds
Headquarters for Bran, Shorts, ;?dM?
Headquarters for "Byers Best" Pendle
ton Flour.
This Flonr
use ; every
We sell our goods lower than any house in the trade, and if yon don't think so
can ana get cur prices ana De convinced.
Highest Prices Paid for Wheat, Barley and Oats.
Wholesale and Retail
Wines, Liquors and Cigars.
Agen' rthe Qreate American Liquor
Yellowstone Sour
WHISKEY from 2..o to 0 00 per uallon.
IMPORTED C0GN AO irom vV.OO to H2.00
C'ALirOKJiIA BBA JiPILB turn 3.'.'5
OLYMPIA BEER on draught,
Imported Alo and Porter.
and Val
is leinn a.hxraied hy all parties restrdlets of race, color or pre
vious co!iditi..n of st rvitude. Remember we make onr ctuto
iners glad when they hny or Pure Prepared Paint. Tbere is
linisb and glos to its work that is adoiired by all.
Paints, Oils. Glass, Picture and Room Moldings
Be sure snd inspect onr stork of Wall Paper
Designs for 1W0 on Display
Washington Street,
between Second arid Third.
Subscribe for the Chronicle.
Advertise in the Chronicle
a- it you are "j"-s.
get your money back
UOOKEB A CO., Jhvprietori, Sea tyrfc
ar 1 -as.!
is manufactured expressly for family
sack is guaranteed to eive satisfaction.
(4 to 15 years old.)
per gallon. (11 to 20 years old.;
to 6 00 per gallon.
(4 to 11 years old."
Blatx and Olympia Eeer in bottle
rua muiinuu. Fsuh.
salt Ijkr. Denver, Ft.
x au 1
U.,0 p. m.j
Worts, C'mana, au
m City, ft. LouU,
Chicago and tut.
Ewikane Walla Walla, Spokane,:
Mail iHnneav"11- Paul,
aud 1) n I u t h, Milwaukee,
ExiirtM hlrao and Kt, via.
i-ix.knealil Huntiua-
ti-n: alao all pointa in
10:10 p.m. I WatuiiiKton aud Kat-
4:00 a. m
I p. m.
Fbok PomASD.
Orean Steamships.
For fan Francisco
April J7, May 1, 7, 12.
S p. ra.
4 p. m.
Ex.euuday Columbia Rv. Steamers. Ex.?unda)
To AfcTORli and Way:
Saturday ' LanJinji. j
in p. m.
li.n. Willamette Riveb. ! 4:30 p.m.
Ex.auuda Oretrnn City. Newberg, Ex.rjundsy
i aa.em ii nay Laud a.;
i a. it..
aud bat.
WliiAKrTTB A!D V an- 8:30 p. m.
i bill Kivebs. Mon.,n'ed
Oretrnn City, Iayton,i and Fri.
and H'ay-ljuicilugs. j
8 a.m. ! Willamette Kivib. 4:30 p. ra.
Tue..Thur, Portlmid to Corvallis.l Mon. Wed
aud eat. and Way-Landings. and Friday
Bkaie Riveb.
Rlpaha to Iwiatou.
8:30 a. m.
Lv F.lparta
1.20 a. m
C33F Parties desiring to go to Heppner or
points oo Columbia Southern via Ki(t, should
take No. 2, leaving The Dalles at 12:40 p. ra.
making direct connections at Ifoppner junction
aud Biggs. Returning makingdirec tconuecUon
at Heppner Junction and Biggs with So. 1, ar
riving at Tbe lalles at 12 :cO p. m.
For full particulars call on O. R. A N. Co.'i
Kcnt The Liallea. or address
Cren Pas. Agt,, Portland, Or,
SOUTH and EAST via
Shasta Route
Trains leave The Palles fur Portlanl and way
stations at 4:25 a. m. aud 3 p. m.
Leave Portland.
" Albany ..
R::a m
12:30 a m
7:00 pm
10:50 p m
4:35 am
8:15 a m
Arrive Ashland
" Ban Francisco .
.12:31 am
. 5:00 p m
. ":4i p ni
Arrive Osdon 5:45 am
" Denver 9:00 a m
" Kansas City 7:25 am
" Chicago 7:40 u m
11:45 am
9:00 a m
7:25 am
Arrive l.os Angeles ...
" Kl Pino
" Fort Worth
" City of .Mexico..
" New Orleans. ...
" Washington....
" New York
1 :20 p m
... 6:W;m
.... 9:55 a m
.... 4:01) a m
.... 6:25 a ;n
fi:42 n u
7 . 00 a m
6:00 p m
;..u a m
9:55a m
4 :00 a in
C:23 p m
6 42 a in
12-4J p in
Pullnia:i and Tourist cars on both trains.
Chair cars Mcramento to Ugdvn and El Paso.
and tourist cars to Chicago, bt Louis, New Or
leans ana n asnington.
Connecting at Fan Francisco with several
steamship lines fur Honolulu, Japan, China,
ruiui'iuiics, icuirai ana douiu America.
See agent at The Dalles station, or address
General Pssstngcr Agent, Portland, Or
Yellowstone Park Line.
; Union Depot, rirtband I Sts
No. 2.
Fast mall for Tacoina,
Penttle, Olympia, lirny s
iiaroorana hoiiiii Hcml
points, Rpukane, Koss-l.-mil.
1). c. ii iitnii.
Moscow, Ilston, Htil-1
11:15 A.
m. iiuoiiump niltilngcoiin
;try, llelenn, Mlnticnpo
11", Ht. Paul, Omiilia,
Kansas cny. Ht. Ij.uls.
B;50I M.
'Chicago au! all pi.lnts
cast and southeast. i
No 4.
No. 3.
l'llirel Klllltul l'vr.n.ui
11;30 P. M. for Tacomn and Beattlni 7 m A i
land iuteriutiilalc piiinisj
I'rfiiman rlrHl.cti.tiM a.,H -
Vffitlhliled trasitiM f'ttl.. A,.t .
In all principal cities. ,"1 """
inigi(i,gec.h.!cke. todpstlnntlnii of tickets.
tickets, slc-ping car reservations, iic! call on or
Assl.t-nt (icncral Pasengr Ag.-n, iVi Morrlsou
elreet, corner 1 lilr ., Portland, Oregon.
li.JU p m
4 p. m.
Sooip Pacific Go
lemFae c
?TCILr& shortens )
helps the team. Raves wenr and
V enieuse. Sold every where.
wsoa av ' f
Lasd Omc at Ths Dallm, oato,, ,
March U, i'!
Notice Is hfreby riven that tb tt,lL.
Dameu seiner oa rile notice ol hi. 1..V2 .T"
mate final proof in support o h ,
that said proof will U ,Tde bef,, ' ,e'?1'vto
and rxivr at Th DaUea, OreKon on I T""
May 5, lsuO, vU. : "' to,oii nix
Heinrich LubUnir.of The Dalles Or
H. E. No. 473, for tbe N w"i, section it .
shin 1 north, range 12 east, W. M lo-
Hd names I he following wiuiesa-.
bis eontiunous residence upon.and..Mi ?,rw
of said land, vis.: P.ul euluVlUo
John fiegman, Henry P.iddell, Xllcharf n. ,
Cbarlea Kihuert, all of Tbe L-allrV i,nZ;'
Timber Lnd, Act Jane 3, 1S7S.
U. 8. Laud Ornrs '
:Ths DAtias, Oa., Apr. li i",',i f
Notice is hereby given ttut in e.imT'n.!.
with tbe proviaiona of the act of Sif?'
Juue a, 1XT. eutltled "An act for tbe salt VTS 04
ber lands in tbe sutee of Caliiornia o7
Nevada and Washington Territory," ' v"
William K. Ketcbom,
of The Dalles. County of Wasco, 3ute of Or.
has this day Bled in this ottlce his swarnT'
ment No. 159, for tbe purchase of the W vl
and N)i hFMot becUon No. S3, in Tn f 2
No. lit.. W and .111 otter proofu,' 1
that the land sought is more valmble f
timber or atone than for agricultural nunl?
and to establish his claim to said land K
K arbiter and Receiver of this omce at tJ!
liallea.Oregon.on " I4
Saturday, the S3d day of Jane, 100O,
He names as witnesses: J. B. tioit. Dp cL
chum, Joseph Hanna aud William buenrip S
oi The Uallea, Oregon. "lancer, H
Any and all persons claiming adversely th.
a rxive d escribed lands are reouested to tile thTji
claims in this office ou or before said aird day d(
aprlt-lOw t JAY P. IXCA3, EegiB.
l". 8. Laud Office, Vahcodver, w ,
April W, 1931).''!
Notice la hereby given that Mary E. Gelbjm.
by I). H. Btegman, her attornev In fact, haitiu
notice of Intention to mat - linal proof beloit
W. B. Prcsby, L'nitcl 8tntes ConiniisioiiCT iM
District of W ashir.gton, at hia oiiice in nudes
dale, Washington, on Friday, the 29th dniof
June, 1900, ou Timber-culture Application
297, for the northeast quarter of section No 1 in
tow nship No. 2 norlh, range No. 14 east. W v
Hlie names as witnesses: Manuel 8. Leomnin
... u.H.iu ...... . . u.. iu. , ..1.1 lllllll Clirtlj:.
William Wilkinson, of Centerville P. 0 Vh
and William Crawfoid, of Urand Unites P u'
Wash. W. K. DLSBAS,' '
my-l Begisbr.
Land Office at Tuk Dallx?, Oainov t
April 30, lawi. j
Notice Is hereby given that the followinr.
nauied settler baa tiled notice of his Intention
to make nnnl proof in support of his claim, tat
that said pi oof will be made bt fore the Ketiatn
and Receiver at Tbe Dalles, Oregon, on batiu
day, Juue 10, 1900, viz:
Jens P. Agidius, of The Dalles, Or.,
Homestead Entry No. 4944, for the NWiNWi;
scclion 24, and K'i NE' and NE1 tFM mfltm
2:). township 2 notth, range 12 east, W. M
ue names me louowing wnnrsses tn pron
bis continuous residence unou aud cultivstiis
oi said l"tnl, viz:
John Crate, 1 harlee Snipes, J. D. Hockmap,!.
Simonsou, all of The Dalles, Oregon.
may2-l JAY P. IXCA8, Register.
Land Cffici at Tn Dallks, 0t,i
April M, I'.mi. j
Notice is hereby given that the follosinr
named settler has) filed notice of his Intentiosio
make final proof In supixirt of his claim, mi
that said proof will be made before the Keiisut
and Receiver at Tbe Dalles. Oreaon. on balui-
day, June 16, 1900, viz:
Wilson J. Jeffers, of The Dalles, Or.,
Homestead Entry No. 4656, for tho N'j'N'
seclion 19, township 1 north, range 14 east, WE
He names the following witnesses to prove his
continuous residence upon aud cultivations'
said laud, viz:
James llcnson, Jr., James Benson, Br., Pete
Godfrey, Isaac How land, all of Tbe Dalles, Or.
may2 I JAY P. LCCAS, Regliter,
Lakd Offici at Tns Dallks. Oriios,i
April oO.lWO. i
Voltce Is hprf'hv vlvitn fhn fnllnwlnf.
named settler has Aleil notice of his intenhoini
make final proof In support of his culm, im
that said proof will be made before tneBrtbur
ana Kcceivcr at 1 he Dalles, Oregon, on uui'
day, June 9, 19U0, viz:
Henry Readel, of The Dalles, Or..
Homestead Entrv No. 4710, for the SK'4 ssctloi
9, township 1 north, rango 12 east, NV. ii.
He names toe following witnesses tn prnrfbs
continuous tesideuce upon and cultivation!
so i ii taiiu, viz:
Henry l.uebing, tieorge Arnold. Chsrllsf.
Adams, Michael Doylo, all of The Dalles, Or.
maj2 1 . JAY P. 1XCA8, Register.
(Isolated Tract ) Public Land Sale.
Lakd Offics At Tts Dam s, Onrnon)
Apr. 16, ). I
Notice la ucrcbv riven that lu nu'SiisMta
int tnictlons from the eommiasioner of the
eral land office, under authority vested In is
oy secnon J4vio u. H. Kev. btaL, as anieinm i
the act of congress approved Februsry K, W
we will Droceed u otter -at Diibllc ssle on M
day, the 2nth day of May next, at ths horn
oi ill o'clock, a. in., at thia oiiice, the louoviui
tract of land, to-wit:
rV4 N h i Bee. 22, T. 1 H. R. 12 15., w. .
Any and all ihtsoiib clalnihur the atm
described lands are advised to Hi
claims In this ottlce on or before the day J
dralgnated for thecoinmencenicnt of said si
otherwise their rights will be forfeits.
JAY P. LUC A 8, Register,
aprlH l OTIS PATTERSON, Rocctrer-
Lakd Offk a at VaNconvsa, Wah .
March 21, l'l.
Notice la hereby given that the fnllir
nnineil settler has filed notice of his lntrai
to make final proof In support ol his fl"1,'":
that aild pr.a.f will be inuile before W. B. '!
t'nitiil Hiatca Commissioner for M'trin
Wiishlngton. at his olilce In Oolilcuilsle, W"1'
ou Monday, May 7, 1900, viz:
John G. McDonald,
II. E. No. WW for the northeast quarter "c!1"
15, township :t north, range 1:1 east, . M.
He names trie following wltne-aes tiprii;
CoiitltnioiH rorlilutice upon, and cultivauoa -
siiki isnu, vis: , . n
Hamucl I.. Courtlier. Harry Pemi nrh.n,
(1. Coia-I.ind. of llnrtland P. O.. n"
NcUou li. llrooks, ol tioldeiidalo mir.
W. R. Dl'MW"'
martS-I IW""
Lakd Orrica at Vancouvsb, '
April .i. I1- !
Notice la hereby given that If '"'S
namcl settler has lilcd notice of hi" ' b
tlon to maku final prcn.f In fiDfii l
claim, and that mid mf will (
W. H. Prestiy, l'nlle.1 btatcs Coinini"!""'!,.
IMstilctnf Washington, at hie olilce In "
dale, Wah..on Friday, June 29, r..vl
Deitrich II. Slegman, devisee of D'etMC
Stcgntsn, deceased ;
Homc.tca.1 Entrv No. for the ,''1?l,i,
of section M, township 3 north 1
01 rsns
Ho nsm.'s the following witness. s to' pr
continuous residence umiii ami cinu"
sold UiimI, viz: . P.ft.
Matinol 8. leonardo, of flrand lal'" d
Wash.: Herman Kngelke, HH""'." 'V.-.tud.
1 1. Mer.
1 niirn III. I . II. sum . , mi'
ol (irand Dalles P. O., Wash
..,. , Vk..k nl.rl H I ISin V "
mijl I
a s NtTDTiKaioie
Till UAI'I"
0 Bee ovtr First Nat. Bans