THE DALLES WEEKLY CHRONICLE. WEDNESDAY. MAY 2, 1900. "Get Thee Behind Vie;" That's what this week says to last what May cayt to April. It's a mighty goo.l that the month just past did not hae wnrh repaU ion lo lose. ..'.twill be ''r Mf mT BU' capricious weather and Ot'K 0S ""j MUSS Herc'ouds had but ONE S1L LK Uj InJ; and that WE FURNISHED. Now we greet May on the Homeric principle: 'Welcome the coming, speed the parting guest ; and aa the mild eyed maid troopa over the eastern bill, we talute ber tbnsly: For this Week, rSi ages from 4 to H ,9c For this Week. f.St?(5 are slightly damaged, including several odd soils;; all e:zea; just the thing for rough wear....79C eatn For this Week. In the world to their discredit, save the absence of a few important sizes; regular values range froni l. 50 to $3 00 l.dO For this Week. .TclJiWo For this Week. ffii'SS For this Week. CS'iSJSt: ages 10 to 20 years v $1.05 For this Week tIUDt;,,d;nliEr; to lay in a stock of Boys' Wearables at positively less than manufacturers' cost. No trouble to show goods. All Goods Marked In Plain Figures. PEOPLK TOO ALL KNOW. Monday'a Dally. E. B. Wood, ol Moeier, was in town today. Rev. O. D. Taylor wact to Portland on the noon passenger. William McGuire, a wheat buyer from GolJenirale, U in the city. Frank Gabel, the well-known Wapin itia aheep owner, is in the cityy Mi9S Bess IsenberiZ, of Hood liiver, i registered at the Umatilla House. B. S. HuntinkMon was a passenger on the noon train today tor Portland. II. J. Maier was a passenger on the Regulator this morning (or Steveneon. Mrs. J.T. Reynolds, of Sprague, was passenger on the Regulator this morn ing , on her retnrn from a trip East. Mrs. II. Wing, of Goldendale, arrived here on the noon train on her way home from a visit with friends in Portland. Tuesday's Daily. Ben Snipes arrived in town on the noon passenger. P. P. McCuIIy, of the Goldendale Sen tinel, is in the city. Mr. and Mrs. M. T. Nolan were pas sengers on the Reliance this morning. Harry Gilpin, one of the leading farm ers of Watco county, was in town today. Ei-State Senator Biggs arrived in town today from Wasco by the overland roate. Mrs. t. S. Donnell arrived here today from Goldendale on a visit to her sister, Mrs. Simeon Bolton. Max Luedderoan, of the Antelope Herald, was in town last night and left for home this foresoon. G. W. Billington, a prominent farmer of Klickitat county, was in town last night, the guest of the Umatilla House. Mrs. W. A. Johnston was a passenger on the Dalles City this morning for the Locks, where she goes to meet her aunt, Mrs. C. C. Dunbar, of Saginaw, Or., who is coming hereon a visit. Miss Bertha Butts left on the morn ins: train for Portland where she ex pected to join her sister, Mrs. Matter, and with her so to Tacnma to visit their eldest sister, Mrs. Askew, who is danger ously 111 at that place. Charley McAllister, a prominent Sherman county sheep man, is in the city. Chatley is one of the few Oregon sheep men who is able to comply with the conditions that enable him to sum mer his sheep on tho Washington forest reserve. He expects to move his sheep cross the river in the near future. IK) UN. April 28'h, to the wife of Alfred Rey nolds, of Boyd, a daughter. Lost or Sltrayed From tl 3 pastnreon the ranch back of town, a chestnut toriel mare, brai ded with a blotched brand on left shoulder and weighing about 1 COO pounds. St.e has a strip on her face and was clipped this) ear. Had a recent wire cut on right foot. A reasonable reward will be paid for her return. ItdAw C. F.. Smith. The Dulles. Money the MufTerera. Oitawa, April 27. The government, at a cabinet meeting today, decided to i Kive 1100,000 to relieve the sufferers of the Ottawa and fllull Jfirp. The city council has decided to give f 10,00;). Montkkal, April 27. The Bank of Montreal has telegraped 100,000 to the Ottawa sufferers. Chicago, Aoril 27. Mayor Harrison today opened a subscription for the Ottawa, Ont., Are sufferers. M. B. Smith, Butternut, Mich., says, "DeWht's Little Kar'y Risers are the very best pills I ever used for cosliveness, .liver and bowel troubles." i Ill SILKS III An Elegant Stock of Silks and CHINAS, INDIAS, TAFFETAS, GROS GRAINS PEARE DE SOIE In all the colors of the rainbow. Silk Waist Patterns All the latest fads known in silks to be seen for the asking. All be low today's market value. Silk Waists Just added to stock the newest made-up waists in colors and black SATURDAY Will be our Special Day on Towels A FILIPINO LETTER. Fanny English Written fey a Girl After Three Moatha' of Verjr Hard Study. Not long ago the girl pupils of Mrs. Wilbra Coleman, a teacher in the pub lic schools at Sioux City, la., wrote a letter to be delivered to the girl pu pils of a school in Manila, and the fol lowing lette;- has recently been re ceived in reply. The writer is a little Filipiuo girl who has only spent three months iu the study of Knglish, and while there are funny mistakes in the letter it is not likely that any Ameri can girl could write a better one in a foreign language after so little study: Manila, P. I., "January 7. 1900. My Dear Unknown American Friend: I'm glad the to be receive your letter the day 7 and intire of the ttuhat you say mi said speaking in it the seg mente. lour letter gave me the Mr. John Christensen iiuhat uuent me professor in the school of Paca and is your friend what have lived-before in the States Idaho but it to be finish of your service and are here of professor in pilipin. I am study with he three months from the months of July August Sep tember and the profosor John Chris tensen is very good for to tench and we the girls and boys the love much bevause is very kind and now we have other profesor nmerienn the profesor Christensen nre not more in our school. What n pity! I am very sor ry because he is a good profesor, he are now in a of the school large at Manila. I am like study your languages but is very difficult and the prounciation nevertheless I wish knou because is languages ofliciul here. And the o'clock utihen I am going in the school is 8 o'clock of the morning when I am go are 10 o'clock by the afternoon is 2 o'clock until o'clock. The piny utihat play' is the hen blind snlta la combn and the other play more but we the girls cannot play with the boys treatise so u done ncustunibra the flaili;'s but nouu I think utihat be change tttie castumbre because the government is other and now uue has n government very good. I do not understand the to be you play on the iee and the frost because here in my country is houn also what the spring of nmeriea in the Xmns enjoyed quite tmell nnd olso in the day of new yenr. The government Spanish is no more nnd the dishonest frailes fear now of the nmeriean. I am thank by to be receive your letter. I wish you a happy new year. Your filipina friend. ANGET-A AGriT.AR. I.ooban street, No. 14, Manila. Yeaeiarlaii nrddlnar. Fir Isaac Pit man invented the "vege tarian bed," composed, not of feathers, but of mosses, ferns, flowers nnd tiny. Thia bedding material, commended as healthy nnd health-giving by many doetorsnnd others, has become famous in vegetarian circles, nnd deserves t. be more widely known. "It amelhi like ozone," is the testimony of more ' tnan one pnysician, and many say that sleeping tipon it "gives rest to brain and mind." One Man to the Yard. Cavalry, when marching in sections that is, four nbreast occupy ns ex octly ns possible as many yards as there nre men in the force. Experience is the best Teacher. Use Acker's English Remedy in any case of congh", cold or croup. Should it fail to give immediate relief money refunded. 25 cts. and 50 cts. B!akeley A Houghton Druggets. Satins. PEASE & MAYS $i.oo per month. Strictly first class local and long distance telephone service within your home. Lines do not cross-talk. Your con versation will be kept a secret. Ko cost for installing. You get the 'standard Hunning Long Distant Instrument. Continuous day and night ervice. We will accept your contract for ten years and allow you to cancel same on giving ns thirty days writ ten notice. PAOiriC STATES TELEPHONE COS. C. J. STUBLING- Wholesale and Retail Wines, Liquors and Cigars. Agen' rthe Greate American Liquor Yellowstone Sour Mash JVhiskey. WHISKEY from ta.YSto ItToO per gallon. (4 to 15 years old.) IMPORTED 00GNA0 from $7.00 to 12.00 per gallon. (11 to 20 years old.) CALIFORNIA BRASDIES from 3.25 ONLY THE PUREST LIQUORS SOLD. 0LTMPIA BEER on draught, and Imported Alo and Porter. JOBBERS IN IMPORTED and DOMESTIC CIGARS. CLEANLINESS. in being advocated by all parties regardless of race, color or pre viotis condition of servitude. K'tneinber we make our custo mers Klad when they buy or Pure Prepared Paint?. There is a lininh ai.d g!os tj its work thai is admired by all. Paints, Oils, Glass, Picture and Room Moldings Ee sure and inspect our stock of Wall Paper Design? for liWOon Display Washington Street, between Second and Third. H. Ddfnro lnn I lce any UGIUIG JUU curbing, work, call on Louis Comini. I trill not only give yon all the information you need but I will quote you prices you cannot beat anywhere. Let no one bluff you. It will take only a few minutes to call aud .see me. If you hava a neighbor who ever did business the price ar.d quality of my and abide by the result. : FOOT FORM... Is the prevailing shape for Men's, Women's and Children's Shoes. We ofFer you this week the real thing in Men's brown willow calf,lace..$4.00 " black velour " " .. 4.00 vici " " 3.00 " brown 3.00 Ladies' brown or black kid, lace, Queen Quality, specials 3.00 Ladies' kid, lace, cloth or kid top 2.00 Ladies' kid, lace, patent leath er tip and trimmed 1.75 Children's Rough Rider Shoes are also the Real Thing. Misses' kid, button or lace, 11 to 2'8 $2.00 Child's kid, button or lace, 8J to ll's 1.50 Special This Week! Ladies kid, button, square or coin toe $1.65. to 16.00 per pallon. (4 to 11 years old.' Yal Blatz and Olympia Beer in bottles GLENN & CO. orders for tombstone or for fencing or other cemetery with me consult him as to work : Louis Comini Advertise in The Chronicle Citation. In the County Court ol the State of Oregon for the County of co. In the matter of the estate of Patrick Brown, dnturtl. eiutlou. To Delia C Brown, Ann Brows, Mary M. Leo nard, Katheriua Lacey, Prank Brown, Anne B'own, Aiiee Brown end fctbel Brown, greeting. In the mint ol tne ritate of Oregon, you are hereby cited end required to appear in the Countr Court of the State of Outrun, for the Count jr of Wuro, at tlie May term of mid eon i t . t the court room the reof. at Dallea City, In said county, on Tuewiay, thetth day of May, I'M. at 2 o'clock In the afternoon of that day, thru and there to show cause, il any there be, why au or der of" sale should not be made by the above en titled Court, directing Delia C. Brown, adminis tratrix of aid estate, to aetl at private sale the following described real property otid. estate, Uwit; lota A, B.C. I,K. K, O. H. I.J. k, L, In block W,of fort Dalles Military Keaervation In 0V?l'lneB the Hon. Robert Maya, Judge of the aid County Court, with the seal of said Court affixed, this Jud day of April, A. D. laoo. Attest: A. M. KF.LSAY, Clerk. api5w By s. Bolton, Deputy. Yellowstone Park Line. ' THE JJININ'O CAR ROUTE FROM PORTLAND TO THE EAST. THE ONLY DIRECT LINE TO THE YELLOW-i-1 ONE PARK anion Berot, Firm and. I sis LltVI. No. 2. Fant mall (or Tacoma, Seattle, Olympia, Gray's Hnibur and gouth Bend 'points, Bp.ikane, Koxs i.iud, B. C, Pullman, Moseow, LewiHton, Buf 11:15 A. M.,lHloHump mining coun No. 1 8 IMP. M. No. 3. 7;00 A. M. try, Helena, aiuiiiiu lla, Kt. Paul, Omaha, f'hlf.Mcm htiiI all tMillitfi No. 4. cant and southeast. 1'nffpt Sound Kxorees 11;30 P. M. for Tacoma and Seattle and intermediate points Pullman first-class and tourlrt sleepers to Minneapolis, tit. Puul and Missouri river points without chunee. Vestibuled trains. Union depot connections In all principal cities. Baggage checked to destination of tickets. or handsomely illusuaUil descriptive matter, tickets, sleeping car reservations, etc., call on or write A. D. CHARLTON, Assistant General Passenger Agent, 255 Morrison Street, corner Thlrr:, Portland, Oregon. SOUTH and EAST via Shasta Route Trains leave The Dalles for Portland and way stations at 4:25 a. m. and 3 p. m. Leave Portland 8:H0ain 7:00 pm " Albany 12:30 a in 10:50 pm Arrive Ashland 12:33 am 11:30 a m " 8acrain(?nto 5:00 pm 4:35 am " Ban Francisco .'. 7:45pm 8:15am Arrive Ogdon 5:45am 11:45am " Denver.. 9:00 am 9:00am " Kansas City 7:25 am 7:25 am " Chicago 7:45 am 9:30 a in Arrive Los Angeles 1 :50 p m 7:00 a m " El Paso (1:00 p m 6:00 p m " Port Worth 6 :;' a in fi :: a m " City of Mexico 9:55 am 9:55 am " Houston 4:00 am 4:00 am " New Orleans 6:25 am 6:25 pm " Washington 6:42 am 6 42 a m " New York 12:43 pm 12 43 pm Pullman and Tourist cars ou both train. Chair cars Sacramento to Ogdeti and El Paso, and tourict ears to Chicago, 61 Lou Is, New Or leans aud Washington. Connecting at San Fronclico with several steamship lines for Honolulu, Japan, China, Philippines, Central and South America. See agent it The Dalles station, or address C. H. MARKHAM, General Passenger Agent, Portland, Or JWaiep & Bentoo Carry the following lines: Stoves, Tinware, Maltese Cross Garden Hose, Force and Spray Pumps, Farm and Garden Tools, Carpenters' Tools, Acrmoter Wind Mills, Tinning and Plumbing, Iron Pipe, Sewer and Chimney Pipe, Cleveland Bicycles, Crawford Picycles, Fishing Tackle, G,uns and Kifles, Bicycle Sundries, Am munition, Bicycle Repairing, Delft Ware, Cedar Posts, Barb Wire and Nails. FRENCH & CO., BANKERS. TRANSACT A KNEKAL BANKING BCKINKS Letter" of Credit ismied available in the Eastern States. Biicht Echang and Telegraphic Tranafere aold on New York, Chit ago, St. Lonie, Kan Francisco, Portland Ore gon, Seattle Wash,, and various pointi In Oregon and Washington. Collections made at all points on fav orahle terms. linfaci Soulto Pacific Co. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION iiruuer unJ, Act Jane 3, lgrg June S, 17S, entitled "An act for the ber lands in the .utea ol Ca'iiornu' . c . . . M , .tiiiu.rj, . William K. it..i. -".iq, of The Pa Ilea. County of Wasco, state 1. hua thia dav tiled in this oll ce Lis aw ment No. I .9. for the purchase of the u i V5 and S' f-KWol Section No. Tu fi I... rvm im more Vaiuarit , ' timber or atone thau for agiicultur-i .... ' and to establish hia claim to Mid u 'J""!""" Ul.t.r km,! VmvIu. .. .... - "el!L, Hallea, On-gon.ou l Saturday, Ihs t3d day of June, lo He name as witneass: l p - ' ehum, Joseph Ilanna and Wliiam siinw.'"' Any and all persona claiming adversel, , above-described Unas are requested to a'. V" claims in thia otliee on nr h.. . 7 , ." ' prl-iuw-l JAY P. LLCA3, Resijt,,. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Lakd Ornca at Vakcocvik, Wash , April Hiu." KntlPA ia hernhv frlvpn that .i . .. ifamed setthr has tiled notice of hi, ,," tion to niako final pr.iof In suppo,. ,"?;' claim, and that said proof will be tnadvLiT W. It. Presbv. United States Com mWoni f Disttict of Wahlngton, at hia otllce iu Tnla dale, Wash., on Friday, J uue , l'juo, viz w Deitnch H. Stegman, devisee of Dietrich Stegman, deceased: Homestead Entry No. 7I6, for the southKii. of section 32, townBhip 3 north of ranM 14Z' 11 namea the following itness to mot. hi intinuous residence upon and cultiviinn i! lid land, vli: "'aiioo g Manuel 8. Leonardo, of Grand DhIIm P a Wash.; Herman Engelke, William Wilkiuinn J Centerville P. O., Wash., and William t ,,W of Uraud Dalles P. O., Wash. """lord, W.B.DCSBAH, "inr. maj2-i TIMBER CULTURE FINAL PfiooF. NOTICE rOK PUBLICATION. IT. 8. Land Offick, Vancouver, Waml i April 30, mi. 'j Notice Ma hereby given that Mary E. Oflhim by D. H. Stegman, her attorney In fact, hanilu notice of Intention to make final proof beW W. B. Presby, United States Commissioner District of Washington, at his oHice In Uolta dale, Washington, on Friday, the Jilith dtTi June, l'JCO, ou Timber-culture Application So 27, for the northeast quarter of section No. tt township No. 2 north, range No. 14 east, W. i She names as witnesses: Manuel d. Leonank of Grand Halles P. ., Wash.; Herman Emelfc William Wllklnsoi , of Centerville P. 0 Wasi and William Crawioid, of Uruud Dalles P n Wash. W. R. DUNBA8, ' mayM Kejutct. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Land Office at The Dalles, Omt.;o,( April SO, lauo. 1 Notice la hereby Riven that the followlnr named settler has filed notice of lila liiieriiu to make final proof in support of his claim, 10: that said proof will bo made before the Rpjrlsir and Receiver at The Dulles, Oregon, on bate day, Juno 16, 1'JUO, viz: Jens P. Agidius, of The Dalles, Or,, Homestead Entry No. 4944, for the NW'4 Nr, section 24, and K1, NE'i and NK t-K' aectk X). township 2 north, ranire 12 east, W. M. He names the following wil Hisses to tiior' his continuous residence upon and cultivate of said lnd, viz: John Crnte, Charles Snipes, J. D. Hockmar,.1 Slmonson, all of The Dalles, Oregon. may2-I JAY P. LUCAS, Register. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Land Office at The Dalles, Om.,i April 30, I'M. 1 Notice la hereby given that the fnllowlur named settler has filed notice of his In ten Hon. make final proof In support of hia rlmm, 1:'. thut said proof will be mode before the KerfMc and Receiver at The Dalles, Oregon, on Salic day, June 10, l'JUO, viz: Wilson J. Jeffers, of The Dalles, Or., Homestead Kntry No. 4fi.V,, for tho K'S'i section 19, township 1 north, range 14 east. Will. Mer. He names the following witnesses to prove ha continuous residence upon aud cultivation li said land, viz: James Benson, Jr., James Benson, Sr., Pelc Godfrey, Isaao Howland, till of The Dulles, Or. mny2 I JAY P. LUCAS, Refliter. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Land Office at The Dalles. OrotcM Aprils), 1!MI. I Notice la hereby given that the followinf named settler tins filed notice of his Intention" make fimil proof In support of his claim, and that said proof will be made before the Kri and Rwelver at The Dulles, Oregon, on balm day, June 9, 19U0, viz: Henry Readel, of The Dalles, Or., Homestead Entry No. 4T4A, for the sm aectja U, township 1 north, range 12 east, W. il. He names tne following witnesses to prove ti continuous residence upon and cultlvatloai said land, viz: Henry l.ueblng, George' Arnold, Charll. Adams, Michael Doyle, all of The Dalles, Or. may2-I JAY P. LUCAS, Kegiitet. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Land Orricc at The Dalles, OreookJ March 111, l'.MO.i Notice Is 'hereby given that the followinf named settler hat filed notice of his Intention tj make final proof in support of his claim, that said proof will be made before the reii"" and receiver at The Dalles, Oregon, on SaturMi May 5, l'juo, viz.: Heinrich LubMng.of The Dallcs.Or., If. E. No. 4m7.1, for tho NW'U, section 17, tow ship 1 north, muge 12 east, W. M. lie names the following witnesses to pi his cotttintious residence upon, and cultlniw of said land, viz.: John Ktegman, Henry Rlildell, Mlelincl D"? Charles hilinert, all of The Dull''", own. IAYP. 1.UCA3. nmiJi 11 Kegite'. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. (Isolated Tract ) Pnhlic Land Sale. Land Office at The OueoohJ Apr. in. M0. I . Notice Is hereby given that In !"''"" J"" 1 up 11 11,-1 11,111. irmii iii coin in is.iih" ? M c-nl hind olliee, muter authority voted In by section tfl.Vi I'. 8. Rev. htau, n omen" w the set of congress nppioved Kehrimry we will proewd to oiler at public sale n ' duv, the 2tli .lay of May next, at tl J of lOo'cliM'k, a. 111., at this olUcc, the fulloww irar i 01 isno, to-wit: . NW! NK'4 Hen. tt, T. 1 N. R. 12 K., W. V. Anv nmi uii ..., ..lo4mliiir the v'Z deseilbe.1 IntulH are advled to tils l claims in this ollleo 011 or hetorc tne imj designated for tliecoinmcwemert of sW M otherwise their rlijita will be forfeit 'I. JAY P. Lt:cA9, Kegl'ter, aprlH I 01I3 PATTKRriONIteM". NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Land omn at Vancoi-vee, W'"-) Mareh -4, 1' Notice la hon-by given that the '"""'HZ named settler haa filed notice of hi" r, ' ,H to make final proof In support of hit ""I"'"' M, that sild proof will be made before tt . B. iJ" I' nltel Htutes t'oinmlatlomr for I""uw.,k., Wnshlngton, nt his olllce fti Ooldeuilald on Monday, Mnv 7, I:ki, viz: John O. McDonald, If. K. No. fine) for the northeast V '''. " lo, township 3 north, range 1:1 east, " He names the following wltne'" to P'"' coiiilniioiis ri-nidenee upon, and eiilu"" snld land, viz: ,, 111 unninel L. Courtney, Harry IVniilnS'1, 1 Copelnnd, of Hiirtlnnil P. . Nel B. Brooks, of Uoldeiidnle Warn. W.R.I-IN$,, S HDNTINOTOH " Hl'NTIXGTON wlTJON, ATTOKNK Yrt AT I.jW. RftJ0 TIIK DALl.t'1. vw OXct over First Nat. Bank