The Dalles weekly chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1947, April 25, 1900, PART 1, Image 4

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Washington, April 23. Information
tu reached Washington to tbe effect
tbat the Jspacts gorernment itself, and
without waiiinj a tequest from the
United SUt.ii boot to tke steps
rcctric- the iaimisration of Japanese
coohtitotbe United States. It it a
terte 1 th it the figures relative to this
immigra'.'oi have teen magnified and
that, as a matter fact, there are now not
mora than about 15,000 or 16,000
Japanese within the limits ol the United
States, outside of Hawaii. It is said that
oc!i immigration as bas lately occurred
ha retorted entirely from tho eompeti
tioo of the two great Japanese immigra
tion societies: t?iat trie laoorere nave
been practically brought here under the
delation tbtt there were untold op
portunities for work at great wages. The
Japanese government is interested in
protecting its people from the hardship
resulting from such impositions, and
that is the reason it intends to e tablish
restrictions upon the outward flow.
. ... f t t Vi a i v mnnlhl endlnff on
Of the County Treasorer oi aico vunuij, vitr(uu, j
the 31st day of March, A. D. lfcO. of money received ana paia ou., .rou, m w
receded an 1 from what source, and on what account paid out :
By amount due on roll of 1899, applicable to the payment 01 conniy
warrants. .. 3.674 30
L0.U!7 88
1,'.93 03
3.069 5
84 02
625 00
200 00
19 8)
1,5:9 37
Tw. Mar Swarms Caanlas;.
Victoria, B. C, April 23. The steam
er Braemar arrived at quarantine today
with lOjtf Japanese immigrants, while
the Empress of China, due tomorrow,
has 600 more, all or almost all being
bound for United States ports onder
Caropalga Bpaklna
Washington, April 23. President
McKinley will not deliver many cam
paign speeches this year. Hit principal
addresses will be delivered in the
larger cities included in bit itinerary
during his visit to the Tacific coast.
Despite the arduout duties which have
devolved opon the president daring
the last four years, including the con
duct of the war with Spain and more
lately the Puerto Riean fight, be it in
the best of health and ready to meet
the exigencies of the forthcoming ram
paign with the firm faith that he bas
followed the highest dictates of duty
in administering the affairs of the gov
eminent. Much speculation is indulged
.in as to the manner in which Bryan
will conJuct his campaigo. For that
matter, there is more curioeity to know
what Dewey will do, as he is not a bril
liant figure on the stomp, and his
vocabularly is marked by the terseness
which distinguishes an "oM sea dog,
Advance statements relative to Bryan
are to the effect that be will not repeat
bit extraordinary performances of rac
ing across the continent and talking
but will c infine hitnelf to set speeches
in larger cities. Ano'.her invasion into
the "enemy's country," or the eaaiero
tates, is also in prospect.
Tunnel Canter East Kiver.
Xtw Yoke, April 23. A franchise
bearing, whereby tbe New York, Brook
lyn and Jersey City Transportation
Company is to build a tunnel connect
ing New York and Brooklyn and to
operate an electric or compressed air, is
being had here today. Most compre
hensive is the tunnel company's project.
It proposes to begin its nnderground
road at a point under West street in
Manhattan, near Cortlandt street, and
ran tbence onder West and Liberty
street?, Maiden Line, to and under
East river to the Plan, Brooklyn.
There the company hopts to connect
with cart operate 1 by the New York
and Brooklyn Union Transportation
Tbe promoter of the enterprise is
George Wilson. He retains 5S6 of tbe
1000 shares of cipital stock. The capital
of tbe corporation is $'30,000. The tunnels
for which franchises have been asked
wonld cost millions.
To amoant on band from last report
To amount rtceived from taxes
To amount received from redemption taxes...
To fmouut received from Dalles City
To amount received from Dufur
To amount received from licenses
To amount received from Hood Kiver, refund.
To amount received from Coroner
To amount received from sundry fees
Balance tcbool fund
Bail bond
Redemption tax
f4,844 19
State or Okigon, County of Wasco ss.
I, A. M. Kelray, County Clerk ol the Connty of Wasco, State of Oregon, do
! hereby certify that the foregoing is a true and correct statement of the financial
condition ol said county, as the same appears of record Irom the nooxs oi earn
coonty, in my office and custody, and from the reports of the County Treasurer
and Sheriff filed herein.
Witness my band and tbe seal of the Court of laid Connty, tbit
sial. 12ih day of April, A. D. 19CO.
A. M. KELSAY, Connty Clerk.
By S. Boltos, Deputy.
$47,184 39
Bt amount paid oot on county warrants .25,f60 56
TaWnilfnilt. WHIIHUll . .
14,912 75
$ 6.7SS
100 00
379 65
10 00
110 20
$13,220 97 i
By amount paid oot on r-cbool 5?uperiotenaen warrant. .
By balance general ion J on nana
By balance school fund.on hand
Bv Dallee City warrants redeemed
By Dufur warrants redeemed
By road wa-rante redeemed
By road balance
Institute balance
3,059 55
84 02
531 52
2,722 84
13 15
9.84S 16
3,372 81
$47,184 39 $13,220 97
Balance " J!
Warrants redeemed . '
Balance '.
$ 5,852 E5!
750 33 i I
Wul Bryan Is Bnv Sense.
Washington, D. C, April 23. Two
Icdiana Democrats Morse, of the In.
dianapolis Jcurnal, and Shanklin, of
the National committee have gone to
Texas to consult with Bryan, tbe object
being, according to E if tern Democrats
to secure a modification of the Chicago
platform, in the interests of giving the
Eastern Democracy a chatcs to get back.
Morse was a Cleveland office-holder, and
Shanklin tried to be. The former it at
heart a Gold Democrat, in I the other
wonld be" if be had been given an office.
Their efforts with Bryan are not likely
to accomplish very much, btciae Bryan
committed himself to the Chicago plat
form at the recent Xel ra-ka convention.
I'arrto Kiean Money.
Washington, April S3. Two expert
accountants and finatciprs will leave
for Puerto Rico this wtek to convert the
money ani circa'ation medium now
employed in t'.e is'and into American
coin. The Spanish peso is to make way
forlba Americin do'lir, with Liberty
engraved on one side. There are at
present 5,000,000 pesos in circulation in
Toerto Rico, which is rquivalent to
13,000,000 Unitid States money. The!
pceoe will all be redeemed and sent here
to be recoijtd into American money.
The mm of $(00,000 in minor coin,
ailver certificates and gold will be
hipped to the island shortly to intro
duc3 tbe change in the cdntge system.
$ 6,602 68 $ 6.O02 8
Statx or Oregon, County of Waeeo s.
I,C. L. Phillips, do hereby certify that the foregoing is a true and correct
statement of the amonnta received, paid out and remaining on hand in the county
treasury of said county for the six months ending on tbe 31t day of March. A. D.
Vitne mr hand this 4th day of April, A. D. 1900.
C. L. PHILLIPS, County Treasurer.
Of the amount of money and warrants received for taxes, and money paid to the
Connty Treasurer by the Sheriff of Wasco Coonty, Oregon, for tbe six months
ending on the 31st day of March, A. D. 1900 :
To amount received in coin and currency during month of Oct., 1899. . .$ 3.393 28
To amount received in coin and currency during month of Nov., 1899. . . 6,741 03
To amount received in coin and currency during month of Dec, 1S99. . . 4,777 32
To amount received in coin and durrency during month of Jan., 1900. . . 11.590 10
To amount received in coin and currency during month of Feb., 1900. . . 7,761 44
To amoant received in coin and currency during month of Men., 1900. . . 18,707 05
By amounts paid to Conniy Treasurer, as per receipts
October, 1699 $ 3,399 28
November, 18f9 6,741 03
December, 1S99 4,777 32
January. 19C0 11.590 10
Febroary, 1900 7,761 44
Balance on hand March 1, 1900 18,707 05
State or Oregon, County of Wasco ss.
I. Robert Kelly, Sheriff of said Connty, do hereby certify that the foregoing
statement is correct and true.
Witness my hand this 15th day of April, A. D. 1900.
ROBERT KELLY, Sheriff of Wasco Count v.
Knows the merits of the
$50. $35. $25.
Many new features for 1900 which you cannot afford to overlook.
' " ' I
. i
Complete Line of "1900" Sundries.
Timber Lnd, Act Jane 3, lSTg.
V. 8. Lisd Ornri ' .
riKI Dtlxtn. o., Apr. li i
Notice U krn-bjr girim cl in emt.'n.L
wilh tbe provi.t. ot the art i t..lL'
Juue 3, ix?, entitled "An act for tbe Mu ,TZ
t-t Uud in tlw tak ot aliioruu u-li""
Nevada Bud W abingtun Territory," ' "'-'i
William K. Ketchnim,
of Tbe Dalles, Ooontr of Wasco, iuie of !,.
ba Urn d.T filed in tbU oc bia twin vj,?"'
men! So. 1-H, lor the purchaae of the W ' iT,
and NS Section No. St, in TpJ jj
u. i, k.. . it. . . will unt-r
Of the County Clerk of Wasco County, State of Oregon, showing the amount and
number of claims alliwed by the County Court of said county, amount of
warrants drawn, and amount of warrants outstanding and unpaid, from tbe
1st day of October, A. D. 1899, to the 31st day of March, A. D. 1900, both dates
inclusive :
On WW Account Allotied.
Amount Allowed.
For salaries of Connty Judge, Commissioners, Clerk, Sheriff. Special
Attorneys, School Superintendent, Assessor, Treasurer, Stock In
spector and Janitor t 7611 27
For paupers and county hospital 2361 43
For road and bridges 1589 37
For jurors in the Circuit Court, grand jurors and witnesses 2058 50
For fees Justice Court 677 90
For stationery and supplies for connty purposes 692 34
For court bouse and jail 28 45
For boonty 10 00
For bailiffs, Circuit Court 91 00
For salaries of road supervisors ". 1911 56
For insane account 20 00
For election ' 14 50
For coroner's inqnests 215 15
For fuel, electric lights and water 442 J5
For O. N. G. and O. A. R ' am m
For printing and advertising 549 73
For rebate on taxes 49 75
VJasco Warehouse Company
Headquarters for Seed Grain of ail kinds.
Headquarters for Feed Grain ot f 11 kin
Headquarters for Rolled Grain, an kinds
TToctrlrinci-no-na fVvr "Rron QVi nrc" and all kinda
.fcA.ll,ljB IA.L4.A, UU1 kJ M1AV1 UkJ, cf MILL FEED
Headquarters for "Byers' Best" Pendle-
LOU P lOUr Hour is manufactured expressly for family,
use; every sacx is guaranteed 10 give satisfaction.
We sell our goods lower than any honse in the trade, and if you don't think bo
can ana get cur prices ana tie convincea.
Highest Prices Paid for "Wheat, Barley and Oats.
nr. u .1 . .. ,
that tbe land foovbt la more valuable f ' !?
timber or atone than for r'.-n!t.,r.i ..
and toeatabl!b bia claim to aald land br-f.,WTh
kecister and Receiver ol tbia otrjee . t2
I -a lla, Oregon. u " I&
atardar. tSd daj or Jan. 1900
He name as witnwat-t: J. B. tioit. D p t'
Cbam, Juarpb llanna and H'iliam otJiiei, '1
of Tbe Uallea, Orwrun. vurt, u
Aoj and all penon fllimlni adveraelr ts.
above-deacribtd land are renamtn to rii'e th 1
claiiri in tbia orbec on or before idi)rd d7l
June, lno.
aprlS-luw-l JAY P. LUCAS, Riit
(Isolated Tract ) Public Land Sale.
Laud Ornci at The,
Apr. 14, lid,) " I
Notireis hereby el Ten that in puhuuqc of
liirtruetionH from tbe eommisMoner of the
eral land office, under authority vetted in bin
by eetion toS U. H. Kev. rial., a awetMtd br
the act of conRrets approvwl February nJ.
we will prxetd to oflrr . at public sale on 'lion
day, the 2Mb day of May next, at the honr
of 10 o'clock, a. ui., at this office, the folloain.
tract of land, to-wit: "
KV4 See. i!, T. 1 N. R. 12 E , W. M
Any and all person! claimiuir the abn.a.
described land are advised to rile thtir
daunt Id thia oltice on or before tbe day abora
desiirnated for the commencement of said iala.
otherwise their rights will be forfeited.
JAY 1". Ll'CAS, EegUter,
prl8-l OTI3 PATTEKSOX, Receiver.
Land Ornca at Vawcocveb, Wash I
March JJ, l;u.
Notice li hereby riven that the followint
named settler baa tiled notice of bis inteutiog
to make Anal proof la support ot his claim, and
that s-iid proof will be made leore W. b. Pnbr
United 8 tates t'ommissiontr for ijiKtrict of
Washington, at his oltice la tioldeudale, Wakh.
on Monday, Kay 7, 1AM, viz: '
John G. McDonald,
H. E. No. rC93 for tbe northeast quarter section
15, township a north, ranee I t east, W. M.
He names tne following witnesses to prove bit
continuous residence upon, and cultivation of
said land, viz:
Bamuel L. Courtney, Harry PennlnKton, 111
G. t.'opeland, of Hartland f. O . Wash.; snd
Nelson B. Brooks, of Moldeudnle Wash.
mar2s-l Kexiiter.
and fJotol'S
Total amoant of warrants drawn $18,623 10
Outstanding Warrants Unpaid Principal. Interest-
15,000 00
Outstanding unpaid warrants, April 1, 1900.
Estimated accrued interest
.160,399 4i
Circulars and particulars furnished on application.
F. S. GUNNING, Agent
State or Oregon, County of Wasco ss.
I, A. M. Kelsay, County Clerk of tho Connty of Wafo. State of Oreeon. do
hereby certify that thb foregoing is a trueand correct statement of the number and !
amount of claims allowed by the County Court for the six months ending on the '
31st day of March, A. D. 1900, on what account the same was allowed and the!
amount of warrants drawn, and the amonnt of warrants outstanding an 1 unpaid '
as the same appears upon the records of my office and in my cu;todv.
Witness my band and the seal of .the County Court of said County !
kial.J this 12th day of April, A. D. 19"j0. '
A. M. KELSAY, County Clerk.
By Simeon Boltox, Deputy. '
Of the fiosneial condition of Watco County, State of Oregon, on the 31et dav of
iuarcn, A. as. WW.
P. W. Knowlet is now rroprietor of
th Fifteen-Mile Hcuie and stables a
Dufur, where he is trepared to accomo
date the traveling public in first class
tyle. Good table, good rooms, gocd
beds and the best of cars for man and
beast at reasonable rates. m24-lmw
Wall paper!
Amount unpaid October 1st, 1839, as per last report
Amourt of warrants drawn from October 1, 1899, to April l, 1900.
By amount of warrants paid from October 1. 1899, to April I 1900 as
per Coonty Treasurer's report
i7,63 80
. 18.623 10
5S0.259 DO
25,800 56
is being advocated by all parties regardless of race, color or pre
vious of servitude. Ii member we make our cueto
niers glad when they buy or Pure Prepared Paints. There js a
finish and gloss to its work that is admired by all.
Paints, Oils. Glass, Picture and Room Moldings
- Be sure and inspect our stock of Wall Paper
Designs for 1900 on Display
Washington Street,
between Second and Third.
In the County Court ot the State ot Oregon lot
the Couuty of Wasco.
In the matter of the estate of Patrick Crown,
deceased, citation.
To Delia C. Brown, Anna Brown, Mary M. Leo
nard, Kntherine I.ncey, Krank Brown. Aunt
Brown, Alice Brown and Ethel Brown, greetirif.
In the name of tne state of Oregon, yuu ire
hereby cited and required to appear "in lbs
County Court of Ihe Slate of Oregon, for lb
County of Wasco, at the May term of Mod court,
at the court room thereof, at Dalles ( llv, in raid
county, on Tue&dny, the ctri dny of May, law. tt
i o'clock in the afternoon ol that day, then and
there .to show esut. if any there be. Vhy an or
der of aale should not be made by Ihe above en
titled Court, directing Delia C. Brown, adminis
tratrix of said estnte. to sell at private snie the
following described real property ot snid .eitstf,
10 wit; tots A, H,C, l, fc, F, G.'H, I, J, K. L, ia
block 57, of Fort Dalles Military ia
Witness the Hon. Robert Mays, Judge of Ifcj
Hid County Court, with tbe seal of Mil
Court affixed, this 2nd day of April, A. D. Im
Attest: A. M. KELSAY, Clerk,
api5w By s. Boltok, Deputy,
Yellowstone Park Line.
Union Depot, FirtC and I sis
Xo. 2.
Fast mall (or Tacoma,
Seattle, Olyinpla, Gray's
I Harbor and Houth Bend
K ints, Spokane. Koss
, nd, B. C, Pullman,
1 Moscow. Iwiton. Buf-
11:15 A. M., iHlnlliiinp mining coun
try, neienn, Minneapiv
lis, 8t. Pan I, Omaha,
Kansas City, St. Ixnils,
Chicago and all points
east and southeast.
I'nget Bound Express
for Tacoma and Seattle
and intermediate points!
No. 4.
11;30 P. M
So. I
7,00 A.M.
Pullman first elasa and tnuriit slecnera
Minneapolis, 8t Paul aud Missouri river poioti
without change.
Vestibuled trains. Colon depot connectJoai
In all principal cities.
Baggage Cheesed, to destination of tickets.
Kor bandaomelr Illustrated dccrintlveniattrr,
tickets, sleeping car reservations, etc., call onoc
Asilntant General Pnssenger Agent, 2M MnrrisrS
Direct, corner tnin, rorlland, Oregon.
SOUTH and EAST via
Souinem Pacific Go.
Shasta Route
paint and oil store.
At Glenn's
aprl7 Iw
Estimated amount of interest on outstanding warrants lsiooo 00
(75,399 44
By funds in hands of Coonty Treasurer, applicable to the pavment of
outstanding warrants, as per report " 114 912?
By funds in bands of Sheriff, applicable to th payment of out's'tandini
warrants j jy 94
B 7-fi ot ""IfSP du ,rom ', ' for'the yeari im, 92,' Mi V," '
to, Irb, 97 and 98 3,000 00
All kinds of
Funeral Supplies
Crandall & Barget
The Dalles, Or.
Burial Shoes
Subscribe for the Chronicle.
Advertise in The Chronicle
Trains leave The Dalles for Portlan J n&
stations at I ii a. tn. and a p. m.
Leave Portlsnd R::1am
" Allany 12:30 a in
Arrive Anhland l::tltm
HacrHTiiefito p m
" Han rranclsco 7 -topm
Arrive Ogdon
" livnver
" KanaasClty.
" Chicago
ft 45 a m
. a m
7: '.'A a m
7:4.1 a in
Arrive !na Angeles 1 90 p m
' El Pant f. no p m
Port Worth e :am
" City of Mexico :.w a m
" Iloii.ton 4 on a in
New Orleans , W a m
" Waslilngtou 6:4iam
" New York U i;l p ro
7 (t0
111:30 P"
7 :
7 00"
4 IV
f. v
Pullmai and Tourist ears on both "!'"
Chnlrcars Kacraniento ti Ogilen and r 1 rwj
and tourist cars to Chicago, 81 Louis, eu'
leans and Washington.
Connecting at Ran Francisco with sptjI
U-sinhlp lines for Honolulu, Japan. ' lP
I'hlllpplties, Central and Hotlth America.
See agent at The Dalle station, or aiMrr"
General Psss.nfcr Agent, Poitl""0'0'