v THE DALLES WEEKLY CHRONICLE, SATURDAY. APRIL 14. 1900. '-. i 1; Ho Tried a Sample Bottle Kearly every clay people come Into Srat lore and tuk l lie Druggist to recommend Soma medicine for their truuble. Very cjiicn vii f j ip fuse to do K, because, as a rule, they do Dot beliere it proper to ad vise anyone to take a patent mediefne ol which they do not know tlia ingreaiants.lt la the physi cian's butl cessa to pre scribe. Some make an ex ception, how ever, when mnyonehas acocgh, cold cr throat and Ir.nj trouble. "I alwavs recommend Acker's hiif lish Remedv, because I know Just what it ill do. It has cured every case where I Lave seen it tried. It i the beet expectoran and tonic I ever handled In my 1 years' experience. I will give Just one instance of a gentleman who had been troubled for years with a nasty, -hacking, cough. I ad wised Acker's laig'.ish Remedy. He tried a sample bottle, and was cured oeforo he had taken half of it. at no cost whatever. This Is an exceptional case, however, as it usually takes two or three bottles." (Signed) A. 1!. Coo.;, Dellc-fontaine, Ohio. Bold at 2.V.. .'A-., and $1 a bottle, throngh nt the United S'-.:es i:n.l Canada; and in England, at . i'd.. Sis. 3d., . od. If you are not satisfied after buying, return the Lottie to your druggist, and get your BJOnejf back. , ' We tuOunin the abort fmaneatet, PIIFRTO RICANS r IN A BAD way'?; EVERYBODY Knows the merits of the Ninety-Five in Per Cent of the Islanders the Peon Class. I I PEOPLE IOC ALL KNOW. Wednesday's Dally. John Roth, a wealthy Kingsley farmer is registered at the Umatilla House. Rev. Warner, presiding elder of this district, accompanied by his wife, left this morning for Chicago to attend the general conference at that place. Thursday's Daily Louis Klinger, of Dufur, left on the afternoon train on a trip to Portland. Mrs. George A. Licbe left on this morning's boat on a visit to friends in Portland. Jay Lucas, of the U. S. land office, made a trip to Portland yesterday morn ing, returning on the night train. Friday's Daily. John W. Minto, United States deputy collector of internal revenue, is in the city on official business. Walter Allen, of Portland, parsed through this city last night on his way to Ariiugton on bueinese. Captain J. L. Cowan, Indian agent at the Warm Spring?, was in town last night on his way home from a short visit with his daughter in Portland. T. C. Morrison, of Moro, R. A. Snyder ol L,vle, linis Hull of Moro, (J. l. O'Leary of Grass Vallev, Bert Brook of Wasco. R. N. Shepherd of Howard, Early Barzee of Wasco, Doug Allen of Grass Valley and W.O. Hadley of Moro, are registered at the Umatilla Ilouee. E. Jacobeen has returned to The Dalles after spending some eight weeks in et. V incent s hospital under an at tack of typhoid pneumonia. Mr. Jacob sen shows the effect of his sickness and fears he will not he himself again for months. He had a close call, made donbly critical by a relapse. Advertised Letters. Poses, Puerto Rico, April 4 (Corre spondence of the Associated Prees. ) At no time since the hurricane of August 8th last has the condition ol the poor of Puerto Rico been as bad as it is today, i g About ninety-ave per cent of the island ; J 1 I . 1 In t V, a r.n n olaca which ' Ulaj uv pinLcu m iitw . -j . v , " ...... is made up of a mixture of all races. In the other five per cent are included the well-to-do, educated people, such as merchants, planters aud professional men and their families. The better class is able to pass through inch '.times as are now prevail ing without actual physical suffering, but their business affairs are at stand still, and have been for a long; time, and this deprives the majority of the large laboring class of a means of livelihood. This large body of laboring people fur nishes the very cheap and effective labor which is needed for agriculture and other work, but at all times they have been in an nnder-fed and poorly-notir- I ished condition. i BICYCLES COLUMBIA HARTFORD PATEE CREST $50. $35- $25. ' Many new features for 1900 which yon cannot afford to overlook. t Complete Line of "1900" Sundries. JVIflYS & CLOCHE. 1 Hi P aw UUOI ciriar rua till SCHIDl'LB. aoa Uiiua. Arb:v t'SUM. rut Mall U:j p. m Spokane riyer 7;'J5 p. m Matters Political. I.kwistox, Me., April 12. The publican state convention elected dele gates to the national convention at Philadelphia and Adopted a platform endorsing the ''wise, patriotic and pro gressive administration'.' of President McKinley, to whom it promised renewed allegiance and support. The platform favors the gold standard, the Frye shipping bill, laying a Pacific cable and the construction of the Nicaraguan cantl. Re- ! V following is the list of letters remain ing in the postomce at The Dalles un called for April 13, 1900. Persons calling for the same will give date on which they were advertised : GE.NTI.EME.V, Boyle, John C . Donelson, Dave Grant, Sam Main, Billy McCafl'erty, Chas Oman, Otto L Kowe, Joseph Tylar, Jim Terpennin?, J E Wilson, R G D Brown, C G Davidson, Birt Friendchild, Mr Gibson, Lyman McFadyer, Donald McCr-iskey, Milton Robtison, L Starr, C W Tillet, W R Tavlor, George Woodman. Wu LADIES. Bennett, Mrs M V Cooper, Mrs Mary . Evens, Mrs Bell Forsythe.MissMi'llie Gideon, Miss Sadie Gage, Mrs F E Krause, Miss Lil lie Martin, Miss Ethel Scholl. Mrs Mary II. II. RlDDELL, P. M. For Sale. Turkey eggs. Price 60c a setting. In quire of Mrs. W. W. Rawson, on 3-Mile. Long distance phone 9i3. m21-2wks Colcmbcs, O., April 11. Toe senti ment of thestate convention of the league of Democratic clubs which met here to day is solidly for Bryan although Presi dent Buchtel in his annual address re ferred only indirectly to the Nehraskan and Ignored silver entirely. It is' ex pected there will be a big fight in the committee on resolutions over the silver question. Kentucky Itepubllcan Convention. Louisville, Ky., April 10. The Re publican State Central Committee today issued a call for a State Convention to meet here May 1. It is practically set tled that Governor Taylor, ex-Governor Bradley, Senator Debne and William A. Gaines (colored) will be the delegates at large to the Philadelphia Convention. If, meanwhile, the Republicans are de feated before the Supreme Court in the contest for state officers, they will re nominate Governor Taylor for the November election. -I"-''?S?- 'tin 1 ijv o xXm 1 REGULATOR LINE. miles, Porffintf & Astoria fa. Go j ' . ... . V. . 1, 1 .. . , .111 ... A , V. . . i D tea iuctv vi luo nrguiavui uuc 1111 suu h .uc i,.- lowing schedule, the Company reserving the right to change 'jS schedule without notice. Str. Regulator. DOWN. l.v. Dulles at 8 A. M. Tuesday Tl... .U.,..H i ButuritMV . . . . An. Portland f, at a r. . up. Lv. VnrtUnd at 7 a. M. Monday ...Vednedy Friday Arr. Dalles at:a0 r. U. Ship your Freight via Regulator Line. Str. Dalles City. DOWN. I.v. Dalles nt 8 A. u. Monday Wednesday... . Friday Arr. l'ortlaud at 5 p. M. or. Lv. Portland . at 7:00 a. u. Tuesday ' Thursday (3 Haturaay Arr. Dalles ' at 5:30 F. M. JVIaief & Benton Carry the following lines: Stoves, Tinware, Maltese Cross Garden Hose, Force and Spray Pumps, Farm and Garden Tool?, Carpenters' Tools, Aermoter Wind Mills, Tinning and Plumbing, Iron Pipe, Sewer and Chimney Pipe, Cleveland Bicycles, Crawford Bicycle?, Fishing Tackle, Guns and Kifles, Bicycle Sundries, . Ammunition, Bic3Tcle Repairing, Delft Ware, Cedar Posts, Barb Wire and Nails. The Puerto Klco BUI. Washington, April 12. Tongue mid Moody of Oregon and Jones and Cueh man of Washington voted for the Puerto Uicin Bill. Wilson of Idaho voted against it. Volcanic Kraptlooa Are grand, but skin eruptions rob life of joy. Bucklen's Arnica Salve cures them ; aleo old, running and fever sores, Ulcers,' Boils, Felons, Corns, Warts, Cute, Bruises, Burns, Scalds, Chapped Hands, Chilblains. Beet Pile cure on earth. Drives out pains and aches. Only 25 ctf. a box. Cure guaianteed. Sold by Blakeley & Houghton,, drag- gists. 2 Mrs. Calvin Zimmerman, Milesburg, t., says, "As a speedy cure for coughs, colds, croup and sore throat One Minute Cough Cure is nnequaled. It is pleasant for childien to take. I heartily recom mend It to mothers." It is the only harmless remedy that produces im mediate results. It cures bronchitis, pneumonia, grippe and throat and lung diseases. It will prevent consumption. J- FOR COMFORT ECONOMY AND PLEASURE, ij. Travel by the Steamer of the Regulator Line. The Company will endeavor to give Its pat 4 ron the best service possible. For further information address S, Portland Odlce, Oak-Street Dock. t p. m. gait Lake, Denver, Ft. Fat Worth, Omaha, Kan- Mail . City, et. I-ouiaJ 8:65 p m luicagu aim cut. Walla Walla, Fpokane, iiiunea.olis. -t. haul, i) a 1 u t h, Milwaukee, Chicago and fcafct. kane er. 4:2a. m Brfk Fl FaoaT PorriASn. Ocean Steamship. For Han Francisco December 3. 8, 13, 18, 23 aud t. 4 p. m. 4 p. m. Ex. eunday Colombia Rv. Steamer. Ei.buudaj 110 Astoria ana vtay Saturday I Landings. 10 p. m. Sa. m. I WlLLAMBTTK RtVER. Ez.bunday Oregon City, Newberg, oa'.eia it 'Way Land m. 4:30 p. m. Ex.suDday 7 a. m, Tuea.lbur. and tint. WlLLAKVTTa ANDVamT HILL K1VIR3. Oregon City, Dayton and Way-ljilidings. I S:30r . m. Mon.,Wed ! and 1'rL 6 a.m. f WiLLmrrri Rivca. 4:.d. m. Tuc.Thur, Portland to Corvallia. lion. MVd ana bat. and V ay-Landings, land rriduy Lv Rlparla daily l.&la. m. Smakk Riveb. Rlparia to Iwlton. Lravb Liwisto.1 daily 8:30 a. m. W. C. ALLAWAY, Gen. Agt. C. J. STUBLING Wholesale and Retail Wines, Liquors and Cigars. Agen' rthe Qreate American Liqnor Yellowstone Sour Mash Whiskey. WHISKS'? from- a.75lo b.00 per gallon. (4 to 15 years old.) IMP0ETED COGNAC from 7.00 to $12.00 per gallon. (11 to 20 years old. CALIPOENIA EBAMDiES from 3.i5 to 6.00 per galloiiT (4 to 11 years old".' ONLY THE PUREST LIQUORS SOLD. 0LYMPIA BEER on draught, Imported Alo and Porter. and Val Blatz and Olympia Beer in bottles JOBBERS IN IMPORTED and DOMESTIC CIGARS. IREASE 1 Wasco Warehouse Company Headquarters for Seed Grain of all kinds. Headquarters for Feed Grain oifii kin Headquarters for Rolled Grain, an kinds Headquarters for Bran, Shorts, yVSm Headquarters for "Byers' Best" Pendle ton FlOUr Thl8 lonr 18 manufactured expressly for family J , nse: every sack is guaranteed to give satisfaction. W a sell our goods lower than any honee in the trade, and if you don't tnink so van n,iu ku, tui ji auu w ijuviuueu. Highest Prices Paid for Whoat, Barley and Oats. help the team. Saves wear and expense, bold everywhere. STANDARD CIL CO. j. I Important Announcement to you.- For H0 days after April 1st, I will sell all t lie Dry Goods, Clothing, Hoots and Shoes, Hosiery, Blankets, Hats and Caps, on a cut in price of 25 per cent, for Cash. Now is yonr opportunity to eel bar gains. Don't miss it. S. L. BROOKS, Successor to E. J. Collins & Co. MANUFACTURED BY and Motors r AMERICAN IMPULSE WHEEL CO SUITABLE FOR DRIVING GENERATORS AND STAMP MILLS, ELEVATORS, PRINTING PRESSES, ETC Circulars and particulars furnished on application. F. S. GUNNING, Agent. THE DALLES, OREGON nn26 Advertise in the Chronicle Parties denlnni to bo to Heonner tboald Uke No. 4, leaving The Imllei al 7:05 p. m making direct wDiieclions at Heppner junction Ke'.urnlne inakinedirectcnnnection at Hennner Junction with No. 1. arriving at The Dalles at 2:65 u m. No. fc!, thrrwht freight, east bound, doea not carry passengers; arrirea i:W a. m., depart i:W a. m. No. 2. local frcisrbt. carrlen naasenffera. east bound; arrives 4:au p. m., deparUi 8:15 p. m. ro. n, we douuq inrougn ireieni, aoes nor carry passenger; arrives 8:15 p m., departs v:. p. m. No. 23, west bound local freight, carries pas- enters; arrives o:ia p. m., ueparts a:3U a. m. For full particulars call on O. R. 4 Jf. Co.'s agent i be Dalles, or aUUress W. H. HURLBURT, Gen Fas. Agt., Portland, Or, Sheriff's Sale. By virtu of an execution .tii ,,, . f ircait four: f the .-ute of . .r ? U t'ounty.in a suit 1 herein pen.il r, WntI.'r i I era E. Cmum. ilra. Lizzie J. r , IaviK, Williaui H. i-avL, Hi: Tin, u ,U,t trtie E IXvis, iir. Auuet'e F. MeNfTi11"0". 3. LnudMiu, ajmintstrotur of ihei .i W. Davis, dece.-d, are defendants to rwtfcd aud cunununding; met.H?ilAfri property thereiu deM-riud, I in P'", i: M..OU the ' ' "cktt, tOth day mt AprV, 1900, t. r..... it .... j t i-v .. all tat i.iiT.lie h1a tn Iha k(ut... l : ' . ''K cm n hand 11 of th? lnU-ret U each id JixJ bv nfltued dWrndHfite in tud tn ih. " A0 ilbesj trjictM of lituU kMum?) irj Mi ' l3C ril aaiiai a,, in ipvprs atiiirisi i. towit: Tbe north half of the nc.rlli. 54a and the north half of the northeast nulrT" the touthrtut quarter of the nortlieiut aud the uortheast quarter of the Kiuths.?. "tB ter of sei-tiou 14, towntlilp north r east. W. XI., to satisfy the sum of 4,,V ..f lerest at per cent per annum from VUn-k i and the um of '.ii2J and lnterwi ..J annum fnm u,M a...!3" the turn of lJ11.9t and Interest atnW. M at 10 per cent per the turn of Sl'.'ll per anuuni from said date, and $ jno uu it,T,. 1 tees, and 116.40 costa and dikbursemn . ' . . - i o m-r aim tne accruing eons .; aud interest at the rale of 10 percent i,r per annum ol lu tieriviit .1 '-i from said date, aud iato.4 and interwi pCr? at 10 per cent per annum from mi.i datTT the southwest Quarter of the nnrrhUMU. . ' ,6 aud the northwest quarter of the soliik quarter of saitt secti m 14, township 2 range 12 east, to satisfy the sum of tijtJT?: interest thereon at the rata of 6 per tent if annum from March 15, 19U0. and th nL" balance of said sums of I1J11.P3, fmuui Ji, ? .i.2.'.'0r t'.71.2l aud Wi5.4 and interest , each respectively, as aforesaid; and slvw7 of olock 9 of Dalles City, Orejron, to muJ(. ,hl sura of r..5J and interest thereon at the rt ! 6 per cent per annum from March 13, ioJ and the unsatisfied portions of said sumi --f' 21, IJ.aB.-W, :IOU.O0. tM2 20, 11211.9:) and 'lu'i aud the interest upon each respective, i aforesaid. Bald sale will be lor cash in hni r the hiirhest Mdner. ' Dated this 17th day of March, looo. ROBERT KEMy m211 Sheriff of Wasco couiiif Or Citation. lilero Facillc Yellowstone Park Line. THE DIXIXG CAR ROUTE FROM PORTLAND TO THE EAST. THE ONLY DIRECT LINE TO THE YELLOW STONE PARK LEWS. No. 2. 11:15 A. M. No. 4. 11;30 P. M. Union Depot, Firm and I sis Fast mail for Tiiooma, Seattle, Olympia, Gray's Harbor and tiouth Henil points, Spokane, Ross land, fi. C, Pullman, Moscow, Ie lston, Buf faloilumpminina; coun try, Helena, Minneapo lis, St. Paul, Omaha, Kansas City, 8t. Louis. Cblcatro and all points east and southeast. l'neet Sound Express for Tacoina and Seattle and intermediate points No. J 5;50 P. M. No. 3. 7;00 A. M. Pullman first-class and tonrlit Wtwra tn ninneapnns, hi. raui ana Missouri river points without chaufte. Vestibuled trains. Tnlnn rlonot crtnniw,tlnM in tui princiimi cuies. BH(ri?aa;e checked to destination of tickets. For handsomely fllustiate,ldiw.rfTtHvinttor tickets, sleeping car reservations, etc., call on or write A. D. CHARLTON, Assistant General Passenger Arent, 25 Morrison oireei, corner imp., I'oruund, Oregon. SOUTH and EAST via Soui to Pacific Co. Shasta Route Trains leave The Dalles for Portlun 1 and iray stations at 4:25 a. m. and 3 p, tn. Leave Portland. Albany . . :.'!0a m 12:30 a in Arrive Ashland l!:Ma m ' Pacranientu 5:00 p m ' San Francisco 7:45 p in Arrive Ogdon 1 Pcrivr 1 Kansas city . 1 Chicago . .. . . 1:45 a m . H;im) a m 7:25 a rn 7:45 a m Arrive Los Angeles . . . r.i I'ftso Fort Worth City of Mexico . . 1 Houston New Orleans VVashlnirton New York . 1 :'."" p m rt:HI p m . ::) a m .. 11:55 a in . . 4 in a in . :2 a in fi -42 a m .12:1:1 p m 7:00 p m 10:50 p in V.Mn in 4:3 a m t:15 a m 11:15 a m S m m 7:25 a m 'J.Mnm 7 00 a m :() p m ': a in :5i a m 4 no a in :25 p m 4-J a m 12-43 p m In the County Court of the State of Oregon l In the mutter of the estate of Patrick Bror deceased, citation. '10 uena i;. rirown, Anna Brown, Mary If. iiaru, fvrtiiirrin lAt-ey, rraua JiroM'n, Anci onfw ii, Alice diw.u unu ciuei nrown, gTeetinc in the name of tne State of Oregon, vug ,r. nerebr cited and required to antiesr in uoiliny uiuri in uiu niHie oi uregon, lor ttr Counly of NVasco, at the May term of said eonr at the court room thereof, at Dulles City, in ME county, on j uesijiiy, me eiu uity or lay, l!lUl.i: o eitn-a in me aiieriiiHiu oi inai uay, QeQ v& mere .10 snow riiuse, ii any mere oe, unjr amy der of sale should not be made by t lie aborea titled Court, directing Delia C, Brown, adreinis tratrix of said estate, to sell, at private sale it following described real property oi said.enw lo-wit: lots A, l, l, K, K, i, H, I,J, K.Lii block 57, of Fort Dalles Military Reservation is Oregon. Witness the Hon. Robert Mays, Judge of Ifc said County Court, with tbo seul ol Court athxeij, thin 2ml day of April, A. D. U seal) Atle-'t: A. M. KELSAY, Clerk, ap2o-5w By S. RoltoM, Dcpulr, NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Lakd Offh b at Vancouver, Wash ,i March 21, VM. Notice is hereby given that the fulkmlm named settler bus tiled notice of his liitcmk to make final proof in support of his clnim.it: that s ild proof will be made before W. II. frntn united suites Commissioner for Ulstnn t, Washington, at hfs olHce in Uoldendaie, Win on .uonuity, -uay , i.sjo, viz: John G. McDonald, H. E. No. fO'13 for the northeast quarter art 15, township 3 north, range 13 east, W. M. He names the following wltne-sea to prnTrt. continuous residence upon, and cultivation said land, vi: Samuel L. Courtney, Harry I'ennlngton, I (i. Copeliind, of Harthind H. O., Wash.; u Nelson B. Brooks, of Goldendnlo Wash. W. R. DL'NBAR, mar28-I . Hfgiiinr. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Land Office- at Thk Dali.es, (Irsooii, Murch l'.i, isw.1 Notice la hereby given that the fnlloilM named settler has ftle-J notice of his lntenlioa: make final proof in support of his claim, au that said proof will be made before the refine and receiver at The Dalles, Oregon, on Sstunli' May ft, 1'JOO, viz.: Helnrich Lubhing.of The Dullei.Or,, H. E. No. 4K7.3. for the KWy. section 17: Ion ship 1 north, range 12 east, w. M. lie names the followinir witnesses to arm his continuous residence unou.and culllnu of said laud, viz.: John Slegman. HenrT Rlddell. Miohse DC" Charles Rlhnert, all of The Dalles, (Iregnii. 1 AY P. l.UCAi mai24-il HesiMn. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Lasd Office at VANcouvs.it, vm.. March s, mi. I Notice Is herebv given that the followia named settler has tiled notice of hi inie tion to make final proof in suimoit of claim, and that said proof will tie mailt bil W. B. Prcsliy, United States Cominissionei Distiii't of Washington, at hi o'hee in Gol"' aaie, an.. on .Monday, April HI, l'JOU, vu: Herman Eng-elke, H. E. No. Mill, for the northwest nurt ' section 32. townshin i north, of run ire Hm Will. Mer. He name the following- witnesses tnnrovtti Continuous residence upon aud cultivation stun tana, viz: lienrv Ktncker. William Wllblnsnn. D ctnfl II. Steirman. of Oiitervllln f (i. Wish. Henry F. Brune, of The Dalles P. ()., On. W. 11. DI'NBAK, marlOII Kntii Pullma i and Tnnrl.i n ....... Jhalrcars Sacramento to Ogden and F.I Paso! md tour st cars to i l,iu.. u. i - I- ' leans and Washli.guin. " ' " "l'w several C hiiia, ronnertinr at Han i.w teainshln lin I,.- ar Philippines, Central aud South America. Sec agent at The Dalles sUtlon, or addrts C. H. MARKHAM, (ieaeral Passenger Agent, r.irtland. Or. T. BROWNHILL, JUSTICE OF THK PKArr? v..a Puolin. Collections riromntlv ttun,a.i i. Money to loan. C. E. Bayard's ot ce. The Dalles, Ore(Ion. .'RED. W.WtOOM, ATTOKMCT AT l.AW, Til It hill,.'. OOlcoye, First Nat "" IO. Dyspepsia Cure. Digests what you eat ., It artificially digests the food andali' Mature In strenKthenlng and recc Btructlnsrtho exhausted digestive fans. It Is the latest discovered dlw ant and tontc. No ot her prcprw can approach It in ernclcnry. H stantly relieves and permant'ntlye11 Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Heartburi Sick IIeadache,Gastral(?la Cramp-J anotnerresultsof Imperrertaiirw" Preoared by E. C. DrWItt Co., Cb'e ONE FOR A DOSE. Qll I C Rm-)T. Ptmplwi, PT-,t I U ",,"!:?"!" P'""rth-Klo..rI, I IW Vr-'i""- Th-7 nllhrsriH. riorum .. J' it- Z Vi V , will mail m.l fr.-, '.r rni' 7",; BMdbFdraai,, m B0SANK0 C0.P' JK- URlB!IOKrrKK riiysirian and Siirireon Bpecl! attention givn to suriterT. Rooms 21 and 22. Tel. a stuimifaTON Ht'NTI.NOTOM A WII.SON, ATIOMNKYH AT I.A. ,. Til K AI.I.i " iflu Jrtr Pine Nat Baua