THE DALLES WEEKLY CHRONICLE, WEDNESDAY. APRIL 11. 1900. PEOPLE TOD ALL KNOW. ttaturdaj'a Daily. B. S. and Mr. Huntington left on tho boat thia uioruing lor Portland. Mrs. M. Buljer went on the boat thii innminir on a visit to Mrs. Warner at White Salmon. T..i,a Mai kin. a Dioneer tettler from 8otthern Sherman county, is registered at the Umatilla House. L. O. Hawn went down on the boat this morning to visit his family, who re stopping at the springs below Wind river. nanrro Wa'kintrton. one of the solid farmer of Klickitat county. Is in the city accompanied by his wife, on his home from a five-months visit with friends in Forest Grove. Frank Leiblin, of Kingsley, J. G. Potter, ot Wasco, E. W. Childers, of Colnmbns, Antone Bowers, of Boyd, Mrs M Hiirinbotham and M. C. Huck and daughter, of Moro, are registered at ttie Umatilla House. Monday's Dally. E. S. Tratt, of Waraic, wos in town today. MitcheM Smith is the guest of the Umatilla House from Baker City. Mrs. I. J. Norman is registered at the Umatilla House from Hilluboro. Mrs. J. T. Peters left on this morn inn's boat on a shoft visit to friends in Portland. W. F. Bird, of Viento, was in town to day on business with the county super intendent of schools. Mies Paisie Allaway left on the boat this morning to resume her studies at the Eugene universary. Mrs. John Michell was a passenger on the Regulator this morning bound for Portland on a visit to her mother. Elder B. F. Bonney and wife, of Wa mic, left on the boat this morning on a three months' visit to Keys, Wash. James Benton, of Maier & Benton, went on the boat this morning to Stev enson to receive and measures several cargoes of cord wood. Thomas Harlan, of Mosicr, who will be a candidate before the coining Demo cratic congreeeional convention for con gressman from this district, is in the city. Mrs. McLeod, nee Mrs. DeWoIf, left on the boat this mornins with her hus baud to their home in Newhall, Cal for ma, they were accompanied as tarns the locks' by Mrs. C. F. Stephens and Mrs. Dawson. L. E. Crowe and wife have returned fiora an extended sojourn at the Arkansas and Wisbaden, Indiana, hot springs, whither Mr. Crowe went to obtain relief from rheumatism and from which he derived decided benefit. Tuesday Daily. T. M. Baldwin, cashier of the Prine ville National bank, is in the city on his way to Portland. Hon. J. N. Williamson, of Prineville, arrived tiere today on his way to the Republican state convention, which meets in Portland Thursday. I. R. A. Gilley, representing the Spaulding Manufacturing Company, of liramell, Iowa, is setting a carload of bngnies and hacks that he inten Is to dispose ot in the interior. MAKKIKU. Tuesday evening, April Oth inst., at the Obarr hotel, Rev. IT. F. Hawk offi ciating, Mr. Elmer S. Remmington to Mrs. Anna Knighten, both of Wamic. At Dnfar, April 4th, to tbe wife of Melvin bigman, a son. BORN. lu this city, this morning, April Oth, to the wife of J. B. Golt, county sur veyor, a son. Remarkable Care of Ithenmatlsiu. From the Vindicator, Rutherfordton, N. C. The editor of the Vindicator has had occasion to test the efficacy of Chamber Iain's Pain Balm twice with the most remarkable results In each case. First, with rheumatism in the shoulder from which be suffered excruciating pain for ten days, which was relieved with two applications of Pain Balm, rubbing tho part afflicted and realizing instant benefit and entire relief in a very short time. Second, in rheumatism in thigh j iint, almost prostrating him with severe pain, which was relieved by two appli cations, rubbing with the liniment on retiring at night, and getting up free from pain. For sale ly Blakeley & Houghton. Catarrh Cannot be Cured with local applications, as they cannot reach the seat of the disease. Catarrh is a blood or constitutional disease, and in order to cure it you must lake inter nal remedies. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internttlly, and acts directly on the blood and mucous surfaces. Hall's Catarrh Cure is not a quack medicine. It was was prescribed by one of the beet physicians in this country for years, and is a regular ptercription. It is composed of the best tonics known, combined w ith the liest blood purifieis, acting directly ! on the mucous surfaces. The perfect combination of the two ingredients is what produces such wonderful results in curing Catarrh. Mud for testimonials, free. F. J. CHUNKY 4 Co., Props., Toledo O. Sold by drrnggists, price 75c. Hall's Family. Pills are the best. 12 Dull Headache, Pains in various parts of the body, Sinking at the pit of the stomach, Loss of appetite, Feveriehnest, Pimples or Sores all positive evidences. of imniire blond. Vr mailer 11 became so it mast he purified in order to obtain good health. Acker's Blood Einir has never failed to cure Scrofulous or Syphilitic poisons or any other blood diseases. It is certainly a wonderful remedy and we sell every bottle on a positive guarantee, Blakeley & Hough ton's drag store. LOCAL BREVITIES. Tuesday Dally. General Otis has been formally re lieved of the command of the United Statej forces in tho Philippines and of the Eighth Army corps, and Is coming home. Th nf the M. E. church will have on sale pies, cakes snd other sweet meats in the vacnot store east of A. M. Williams A Co.'s Saturday nest, the day before Easter. The Portland university will go out of existence June let, and all the alumni of the Portland institution will be en- rolled on the recotd. of the Wiilamettj university at Salem. Heavy steel rails, wide embankments, stone or heavy gravel ballasted tracks await the coming of tbe North Coaet Limited on the Northern Pacific April 29th, with its big engine In front and observation car at the rear of the train. The senate having git rid of the Puerto Rican bill for a time, will now plunge into tbe Philippine question in earnest. It is the Intention of Senator Lodge, chairman of the Philippine com mittee, to press the Spooner bill to an early vote. The Puerto Rican bill passed by the Senate provides that the silver of the Island ehall be exchanged on the basis of sixty cents in United States money. As the sixty cents will buy more of what the world has to sell than 100 cents in foreign silver Puerto Rico is in luck again. A tcientist says: "If the earth were flattened out the sea would be two miles deep all over the world." After medita ting, a Kansas editor gives out the fol lowing: "If any is caught flatten ing out the earth shoot biin on the spot, and don't be too blamed particular what spot. Most of us can't swim." B. B. Smalley, Democratic national committeeman from Vermont, and formerly secretary of the Democratic natioual committee, in an interview on Admiral Dewey's candidacy for the presidency, said that the delegates from Vermont Dewey's home state will be for W. J. Bryan. William Riddell, jr., son of William Riddell, living near Monmouth, was caught under a falling tree while work ing in the timber and was held fast until his brother, working with him, cut the tree away and extricated him in an unconscious condition. His injuries, while serious, are not thought to be fatal. Freight for the interior is beginning to move at a lively rate and without diminution as to quantity when com pared with other years. At the Wasco warehouse this trorning two four-horse teams were loaded for Antelope and three for Prineville, while yesterday three teams were loaded for Prineville and three for John Day. For one week only April Oth to 14'h, inclusive we are offering special bar gains In ladies' and children's muslin underwear. These are new, fresh good., just received from the Eist, and conaiet of the latest patterns and designs in lace and embroidery trimmed garments. See our west window for display. Re member the bargains last but oue week at the New Yoik Cash Store. McAlister, the fellow w ho was arrest ed here for collecting money for an al leged orphan asylum at Cascade Locks, was discharged yesterday, no one ap pearing against him. He promised to leave town and probably did so. He expressed himsell to the county officials as having received great spiritual bene fit from his soj urn in the county has tile. McAlister is the "slickest" cus tomer that has struck this town in many a day. J. C. Meins received notice today from the commissioner of pensions that a certificate for an orginal pension had been issued in favor of Isaac P. Joles, of this city, for G a month, with back pay from date of application, amounting to ab )Ut $218. Mr. Joles is s very worthy and honored citizens of this place. He I entered the army as a membar of an Illiuoi.4 regiment at the beginning of the war and served all through it, being mustered out at its closo. The cold of the pust two nights has been such as to create some uneasiness about the fruit interests. People living near town, with whom we have con versed, are of opinion that no serious damage has been done. A Hood River man said ha thought his valley was sfd as yet. A resident of Dutch Flat thought the early fruit would be found ferionsly injured in his section, while a Wamictte said the peaches ami cherries were killed In his section beyond r. -demption. The great frnit belt of the county Is believed to be all right s far. Self-denhl week with the Salvation Army ended here Friday night. The net cash result is 65 which is quite gratify ing to Captain Simpson, who desires Thk Chkonici.i to than for him the many friendj'wbo contributed to bring about this remit. The subtcripiions ranged all the way from $5 down to five cents, and it need not bo tai I that there were more of the latter than the former. A poor old widow in the country who could not come herself, sent the Captain five cents, which, given out of her proverty, was probably the most generous donation of all. The features of the week In the house, says a Washington dispatch, will be the closing fight on tbe Puerto Rican tariff bill. The Republican managers will cairv out the program agreed npon in csasus Wednesday, when a special rnle will be presented, which will bring the j motion in tho senate amendments to a i vote after several hours of debate. Both I sides are laboring earnestly to poll their full strength, but the Republicans a p- pear to be confident that tne motion will carry by a safe margin. They as sert that the Republican opposition will not be over seven votes, the number who voted against tbe original bill. About twenty-five men are at work on the ccouring mill A force of tinners are at work on the roof of the main building and its sides will be inclosed with corrngaled iron by tomorrow fore noon. The floor of the builJiog is laid and the brick wall, separating the build ing from the engine room is almost finished. Work will be commenced to morrow on the floor and roof of the brick building, formerly the Fitzgerald warehouse. The engine has been put in place, the well is being rimmed to admit of sixty feet of casing and the work all round seems to be rushing about as fast as men and money can do it. William M. Blakeley, sheriff of Uma tilla county, who was appointed on tbe committee on memorials by the Oregon Historical Society, will go to Walla Walla in a few days there to meet James McAuliff, for the purpoee of selecting tbe place where a temporary monument is to be erected to commemorate the battle fought by the pioneer regiment under the command of Colonel Kelly against Peu-mox-mox and his Indian warriors in 1855. The battle took place just south of the state line, within Ore' gon, and consequently comes within the field of operation of the Oregon Historic' at Society. It was a general running fight, covering quite a scope of territory. Assessor Whipple is busy these days posting up his property ownership book so as to get ready for assessing the county. Valuations, both on real and personal property, will remain the same as last year; but the assessor says he will urge the county board to make a horizontal reduction of twenty per cent on real estate, as he thinks real estate is valued higher here than in most other counties. The following deputy assess ors have been appointed. Asa Stogsdill for the Wapinitia and Wamic countries; E. B. Wood for Mosier district; C. D. Heinrichs for Hood Rivsr valley; A. A. Bonney for the territory east of the Des chutes, and L. B. Thomas for tbe town of Dufur. Four strangers, apparently working men, or possibly tramps, entered the brewery barroom about noon today and called for beer. After they had been served, the bartender, who wae in attend ance, stepped out for a moment to the front door. When he came back ho found the till had been robbed and about $20 taken. The men were speedi ly corralled, but not till the one who had taken the money had hidden it on the outside. The marshal was sent for, and rushing there in Bob Hood's wagon, arrested the four men and carted them to the city jail, where they await tbe action of the district attorney. One of tbe men was armed with a horse pistol about a foot long. Shortly after the arrest the money was found at a place near the brewery, where the thief had hurriedly concealed it. Archey Todd, wb) was arrested here a couple of days ago for having received money under false pretenses, was dis charged from custody yesterday by the advice of the district attorney. Todd had j'tat concluded a term in the Wash ington state penitentiary for forgery wnen ne arrived nere and succeeded in borrowing $5 from the barkeeper at the brewery, under the pretense that he was j.iet waiting to receive $1'.'0 that was owing him by a well known resident of the city. Before the barkeeper had time to Investigate Todd asked him for $15 more and when the barkeeper as sayed to inquire over the 'phone if the money was coming to Todd, the fellow suspiciously skipped out. This' con firmed the suspicion that the fellow was a fraud and the barkeeper had biin ar rested. The county attorney held that n case could lie sustained against him and Todd was discharged after being in jiil about thirty-six hours. Bigley Bros., have purchased a thrjughhred Jersey bull, registered stock. For particulars apply at reel dence on Tenth street, near the fair ground?. Phone 385. 3 0- lino Important Announcement to you.. For 30 days after April lf, I will sell all the Dry Goods, Clothing, Boots and Shoes, Hosiery, Blankets, Halt and Caps, on a cut in price of 25 per cent, for Cash. Now is yonr opportunity to get bar gains. Don't miss it. S. L. BROOKS, Successor to E. J. Collins & Co. DEMOCRATIC CONVENTION The I'aterrlllrd Go Threat's l STorm of Nominating Candidal. The Democratic county convention of Wasco county met in the court house this forenoon and was called to order by John Gavin. On motion E. B. Dufur was elected temporary chairman and Harry Lb-be and S. Stark secretaries. On motion the chair appointed a com mittee on credentials, one on platform and one on order of business. The con vention then adjourned till 1 :30 p. m. At 1 :30 the convention was called to order by Chairman Dufur. Oa motion the temporary officers were made permanent. The committee on credentials reported 01 persons as being entitled to seats in the conven tion, and pursuant to tbe report of the committee, on order of business, the convention proceeded to nominate tbe candidates for tbe several county offices. G. C. Blakeley and R. F. Gibons were placed in nomination for county judge and Mr. Blakeley was chosen by a vote of 73 to 15. Thos. A. Ward was nominated for sheriff by acclamation. The nomination for county clerk was left in the bands of the central com mittee. For treasurer, R II Weber, John F Hampshire and H C Nielsen were placed in nomination. Mr. Hampshire re ceived 47 votes to 20 for Mr Webber and 20 for Mr. Neilsen, and was declared the nomuiee of the convention. For commissioner, Thomas Bolton, W J Harriman and J R Cunningham were placed in nomination. Mr. Harrl man was nominated by 45 votes, to 24 for Mr Bolton and 18 for Mr. Cunning ham. . For assessor, C L Copple and John Filloon were placed in nomination. The ballot resulted in 43 votes for Mr. Filloon and 42 for Mr. Copple, and Mr. Filloon was declared the nominee of the convention. For school superintendent, T. M. B Chastain was nominated by acclamation. For surveyor, Chas. A. Schutz was nominated by acclamation, but the nomination was annulled as Mr. Schutz was a candidate for justice of the peace, VV. E. Campbell, the prohibition nom inee for surveyor, was Indorsed by the convention. A motion to indorse the Republican nominee fjr coroner was lost and George Williams was nominated for that office by acclamation. At this stage John Filloon resigned the nomination for assessor, as it was un derstood there was some dissatisfaction over his nomination among tbe Hood River delegates. To appease tbe wrath of Hood River, C. L. Copple of that place was nominated for assessor and everything was lovely. The delegates to the state convention and precinct nominations bad not been made as we go to press. JUSTIFIES HIS VOTE. Senator McBride Not Disposed to Fol low the Lead or tbe Democrat. Last Wednesday's Cheoniclb con tained the following: Senator Simon says the overwhelming sentiment of his people compels him to vote againBt the Puerto Iiican tariff bill. Malcolm A. Moody voted for the bill. Since then Republican conventions have been held in ten counties out of sixteen n his district, and if from these one sin gle vote will go to the congressional con vention against Mr. Moody, there is not a man In Oregon knows it. The senator had better put bis ear to the ground again. Referring to the above Senator Mc- Bride telegraphs as follows: Washington, D. 0., Apr. 10, 1900. Hugh Goiri-ay, Editor Chronicle: I am gratified to learn that Republi cans of Eastern Oregon sustain the vote of an overwhelming majority of the Re publican senators jind Republican rep resentatives in congress on the civil government and revenue bill for Puerto Rico. I voted for the --ill because it is right. It removes 85 per cent of the du ties now in force and empowers the Puerto Ricin legislature to substitute its own system of revenue for the temporary measure provided in the bill. I cannot believe the people of Oregon desire me to vote against the only practicable measure of present relief for the dis tressed people of Puerto Rico nor to impose upon these impoverished people the burdens of our own internal revenue and war revenue taxes instead of the very low tariff left in effect by the bill supported by the Republican majority. I am noj, disposed to accept the advice nor to follow the leadership of the Dem ocratic party either cn constitutional or on tconomic questions. George V. McBridb. No Itlght to t'gllness. The woman who ii lovoly in ihcb, form and temper will always have friends, but one who wonld be attractive must keep her health. If she it weak, ickly and all run down, ihe will Le nervoui and Irritable. If the hat con stipation or kidney trouble, her impnre blood will cause pimples, blotchei, akin eruption! and a wretched coropleiion. Electric Bitter la the beat medicine In the world to regulate atomich, liver and kldneye and to purify the blood. It glvee atrong nerves, tJright eyea, amooth, velvety ikin, rich complexion. It wi make a good-looking, charming woman of a run-do n invalid. Only 60 centa at Blakeley & Honghton'a drugstore. Dinar Tina CHiDULa. A;v rua "con iJiU.". Fo. Kast Salt I-ahr, Denver, Ft. Fat Mall Worth, Omaha, Kan- Mail 11:45 p. m. sas lty, fct. Louia, :5S p m Chicago and KaaL gpnkne Walla Walla, Bpokane, Bpokane river Alinneaijoil. frt. Paul, FWer. 7:05 p. m. i u 1 u t h, Milwaukee, :2u.lo Chicago and East. lp.m. 4 p. m. Faon PoRTimn. Ocean Steamship. For 6n Francisco December 3, S, 13, 18, 23 andJK. 8 p. m. 4 p. m. Ex. Sunday Colombia Rv. Steamer. Ex.bundaj To Astoria and Way Saturday landings. 10 p. m. 6a.m. Willaxittc Rivie. I 4:30p.m. Ex.bunday .Oregon city, Newberg, tx.oundaj J ftu cin & Way Land . I 7 a. m, Wnj.nrTT amd Yam- 3:30 p.m. Tuea.Thur. hill Kivkrh. Mon.,Wed and 6at. oreron City, Dayton, and Fri. and Way-ljuulings. 6a.m. Willamette Rivxr. 4:90p.m. Tue.,Thur,' Portland to Co.vallia, Mon. Wed aud Sat, and Way-Landing. and Friday Snaei Rivib. Liavi Lv Riparla Riparia to Iwlston. Liwiston daily daily 1.20 a.m. 8:30 a.m. Partie deaf nnr to iro to Heppner should lake AO. 4, leaving me Danes at 7:uo p. m making; direct connections at Heppner junction Returning makingdirectcouneeUoti at Heppner junction with No. 1. arriving at The Dalles at 2:55 p m. No. 22, throufrht freight, east bound, does not carry paKnengera; arrive 2;50 a. m., depart 3:50a. m. No. 24, local freight, carries passengers, east bound; arrives 4:iJU p. m., depart 8:15 p.m. No. 21, werit bound through freight, does not carry passengers; arrive 8:15 p m., depart ::) p. m. No. 23, west bound local freight, Carrie pas sengers; arrives 5:15 p. in., departs 8:30 a. m. For foil particulars call on O. R. & N. Co.'s agent The Dalle, or address W. IT. nURLBL'RT, Gen Pa. Axt., Portland. Or. Yellowstone Park Line. THE DINING CAR ROUTE FROM PORTLAND TO TUE EAST. THE ONLY DIRECT LINE TO THE YELLOW- MONE PARK LEAVE. Union Depot, Finn and I ST! No. 2. . Ft mall for Tacoma, Seattle, Olympla. Gray's Harbor and Houth Ilend points, Hp.ikane, Ross lanil, R. C, Pullman, Moscow, Lew lutoti, Buf faiolliimp mining coun try, Helena, Mlnueniio H.s, St. PnuI, OmuliB, Kansas Clly, St. Louis. Chicago and all points cast aud southeant. Puget Sound Express for Titcoma and Seattle and intermediate points No. 1 5; W P. M. No. 3. 7;00 A. M. 11:15 A. M. No. 4. 11;30 P. M. Pullman first class and tourlrt sleeners tn piiiuienptm!,, 01. ram sua .Missouri river point without change. Vestlbuled trulns. Colon depot conncctloua in nu prim ipm UIUCT, DHggHge checked to dest nation of t ekets. For handiiomelv HlustiatedrieaerinrivF matter. tickets, sleeping car reservations, etc., call on or niiw A. D. CHARLTON, Assistant General Passenger Agent, 25J Morrison eireei, corner inira, rortiand, Oregon. SOUTH and EAST via :ific Co. Shasta Route Trains leave The Dalles for Pnrll.i.,1 n . stations at 4:2o a. m. and 3 p. m. Leave Portland .. 8:31) a m . .12:3ua m ..12:.l:i a m .. r:On p m . . 7 : ! p m " Oil p m 10:50 p m 11: 30 a m 4 :.') a m 8:15a m 1 Albany ,. Arrive Ashland " Kaerinni'iito . ... San Franeiieo . Anlve Ogdon " Denver " Kansas City. 11 Chleagi) 5 : i: a m . lino a nv 7 :-'") a in 7 : 4i a tn 11 1' a m V :IB in 7: 25 a in J MO a m Arrive l.ns Angele l :n p m ' Kl Pnwi ii im m " Fort Worth l::ia in " City of Mexico (i Vxiin " Houston J in, , " New Orleans fi:T a m " Washington 4.' a m " New York 12:4.1 pni 7 im a m t: IH p 111 0:10 a in H : 5 1 a in 4:00 a in 0 :2. p tn ri 42 a in 12 43 p tn Piillma-i and Tourist cars on both train. Chair ear HanramenUi to Dgilcn ami El I'n.o and tourist can to Chicago, at Louis, New Or leans aud Washington. Connecting at fan Francisco with several stesiii.hip lines for Honolulu, JHp,n. China Philippine, Central and Houth Amiilea. Sec agent at The Dalle station, or addnss C. H. MARKHAM, General Passenger Agent, Portland, Or. F RED. W.WII.KON, ATTORNEY-AT LAW, Onicova, F.rst Nat. h .ni. - 'I US' till I ij HUHTlUdToa TTUNTINOTON Jk Wllariu a a wiLaoK il ATIOHNKYK AT LAW, or., FI rst Nat Bani UAUM R J Min Pacini: Souinern Pat Sheriff's Sale. By virtu of an exrention ijTinnioim exrention 'ssmhI m,i -cnlt Court of the sure ot , ? iintyjn a :iU therein pending wherein!1 f ticn IViiiii Frencn is ittaintilf and Kuiiim.. i"eui :! Cora E. Corum, Mrs. LUle J. F..JJ;. : Davis. William H. Davia, Mrs. Tin, u ,"'. Etlie E. Davi. iirs. Annette F. MeXeTl S. LangliUn. administrator of ilife,t,jr'?ai W. Davis, Ii-es.'d, are defendant tali1 reelect and commanding nie to m:I1 eVru property thereiu docrifed, 1 wi;l at a?, P. M.,ou the fccl, SOth'day or April, 1900, at the Court Honsedoor in Dalle niT r,r , sell at publie sale to the bii;he t.i.i.i."..' ,'"' in hand all of the lutereat of e h snd muJ above named defendants in and to the ,,n " described tracts of laud situated in i'"" to satisfy t'.ie several sums hereinafter tuwit: The nonh half of thMionit.,t ,?ufct UU Lli, llllliu JlBll ! Ill IIUTinvaat lllar, lh...nll.....t nn.rlur..! II,. . ... i ..' "ZT S and the northeast quarter of the sou-hea?,1"'' ter of section 14, township 2 north r.!,',, east. W. M., to satisfy the sum of lii s; , teret at 6 percent per annum from Marrb"! lsoo. aud the sum of I'.tii.iJ and interest ihr at 10 per cent per aanum from said dai the sum of 4 and Interest stl0rrI annum from said date and l.loO.uo attTr ees, aud 116.40 edsts and disbur'raeuu 21 interest thereon from said date at 6 tr it? per annum and the accruing costs, audi,:-!,' and interest at the rate of 10 per cent per n, from said date, aud l:i5.4 and intereM owl nt 111 Tir nfiit rr annum frn uil .1 . the southwest quarter of Ihe northeast quint? ana me iioruiwe&i quarter ot tne southed quarter of said sect! in 14, township a nif range 12 east, to satisfy the sum uf 113 rkiuu! Interest tliereou at the rata of 6 per cent, annum from March 15, 1900, and the nnsti,-S baUnceofsald sums of $1211.03, fajo on lt"J IU02.-.0, 1071.21 aud $1305.4 and Interest Vim each respectively, as aforesaid; and lsolou of block 9 of Dalles City, Oregon, to satisfy yi sura of $09.oi and interest thereon at the rite i! 6 per cent per aunum from Jlsrth 15, i and the unsatisfied portions of said sums In' 21, $1M.4S, $:i00.00, $'.2 20. $1211.93 and luia and the interest upon each respective!, , aforesaid. Said sale will be for cash in hind I Dated this 17th day of March, 1900. ROBERT KEI.LY m211 Sherlfl'of Wasco county, Or Citation. In the County Court of tbe State of Oregon lot the County of Wasco. In the matter of the estate of Patrick Brown, deceased, citation. To Delia C. Brown, Anna Brown, Mary M. In. nard, Katheriue Lacey, Frank Brown, Aim Brown, Aiiee Brown and Kthel Brown, gratiot In the name of tne State of Oregon, thiiir hereby cited and required to appear in ti County Court of the State of Oregon, for Ut County of Wasco, at the May term of said eomt, at the court room thereof, at Dalles Cltv, in uil county, on Tuesday, thesth day of May, im, 2 o'clock in the afternoon ot that day, then uj there'.to show cause, if any there be, v hy sn . der of sHle should not be mnde by the abon . titled Court, directing Delia 0. Brown, adralms trutrix of said estate, to sell at private sale Im following described real proierty ot said .ettw to-wit; Lots A, 11, C, l, K, K, G. H, I, J, K.L,u block .ri7, of Kurt Dulles Military Reservation it Oregon. Witnes the Hon. Robert Mays, Judge of th said County Court, with the seal ot as) Court afllxed, this 2nd day of April, A. D. lsjt SK AL. Atte-t: A. M. KF.LSAY, Cl-rk, ap2Sw Hy 8. Rolton, Dcpnlj, XOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Land Office at Vancouvbr, Wtsii ,i March 21. !!io. Notlee is hereby given that the foltowini named settler hns Hied notice of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim, in that s ild proof will be made before W. B. l'reabt, United States Commissioner for District ill Washington, at his ofliee tn Ooldvndale, With.. on Monday, Muy 7, hioo, viz: John O. McDonald, H. E. No. f09:l for the northeast quarter section 15, township 3 north, range 13 cast, W. M. He names tne following wttne-ses to prove til continuum residence upon, aud cultivation of said land, viz: Samuel L. Conrtnev, Harry Pennington, Hi O. Copelnnd, of Hnrtlnnd P. O., Wash.; sod Ieisou u. Broos, of Ooldendnle W ash. W. R. DUNBAR, mar281 Register. I Did you ever bear how Mr. , of street came to buy a wheel for his wlfet Well, he oamfl home ona stvenlnir. and saw her sitting on tbe balustrade of the porcn, as shown in the picture, lie made up hit mind then and there that she would look Just too sweet for anything on a bicycle. And she does. Hut the kind of bicycle has a good deal to do with looking sweet. So If you want to look sweet, buy your wheel (as did Mr. of tha agent for "1 CRAWFORDS) Golden Eagle, $25 Crawford , . . $30 Cleveland, . $40 and $50 We have handled the above line ol wheels for eeveral yeara. The niinrantei on the above wheels are such f Nat 0 one need to hesitate to buy either ' them. lYIaief & Benton Sole Agents. o)(o UVSDGDSia I Uigests what you eat. Tf,ftrrlflMalll - viuvmilj I j vn VQ VIIV a un- .nature In atretiKthenin-r and recon-itructlnp-the exhausted digestive of- tana. It. laths Infant rllannrnrpdrHCTe'V ant and tonic No other preparatlo can appronch It In efllclency. It'" utantly relievo and permanently curei Dyaprpsla, Indication, Henrtburn, SIcltHeadaclie.GastralRla Cramp-118 U ot her resu 1 1 of Imperfect dl gi'MO Cl J ... rt.t.i... & - rklfSM j-jr- o k 1 1 r n no it rr e ft Physician and Surgeon, fl-mlal sttawition flren to tatvn. RiKims 21 aud 22, Tel. 82 Vml" mMM