THE DALLES WEEKLY CHRONICLE, SATURDAY. MARCH 31, 1900. tKOf-LB TOO ALL. KNOW. Wednesday's Daily. T. A. Pmith and daughter, of Wapa nitia, wereiu mwu last nitt on their way to visit Mr. Smith's motuer at Junction Cltr, Or. John Roth, the well-known populist Tygh Ride statesman, Is in the city. John's political environment reminds one of Moore'i Lost Rose of Summer. Ho blooms .'popaliatically alone out on the ridge. Robert Lawe, of Fairfield, came into town this morning with Mrs. James Uarson, a native of the Orkney Island and an old-time friend of Mrs. Lowe, with whom she had been visiting for a few days. Mrs. Uarsoo took the boat tor home. K. S. Holmes, of Cross Keys, G. J. Fanning, of Warm Springs, M.W. Hind man, of Sisters, L. F. Burdoin, of White Kilmon, F. G. Buskuhl, of Kingsley, A. W. Cooper, of Goldendnle, and J. H. Koberg, of Hood River, are registered at tne Umatilla House. Thursday's Dailr. John Brookhouse, a well-known Tygh Ridge farmer, was a passenger on the boat this morning for Portland. Mr. A. A. Gilhousen, who has been visiting here the past week, left on this afternoon's train to spend a few days with relatives in Clackamas county. Hugh Lister, wife and children and eieter-in-lavr, Miss Annie Fugle are at the Umatilla House. Mr. Lister is a wealthy sheepman of Paulina, Crook county. The party will leave for home in the morning. The following names appear on the register at the Umatilla House: N. McGuire, of Goldendale; A. S. Holmes, Cross Keys; Charles Hixson, Antelope; K. TiUany, liiggs; w. u. naaiy, woro; Ed Smith, Grass Valley; J. M. Cotton, Viento; K. R. Lake, Corvallia; J. K. feberar, Antetope; J.L. lunney. Ante lope; H. G. Clarke, Dufur; A. Harris, Naneene; I. X. Moore, Hood River; Frank N. Parker, Walla Walla. Friday's Daily. Eli Hinman, a well-known merchant of Dufur was in town today. C. E. Bayard expects to leave early next week on an extended trip to Call iornia. Henry Peterson, of Victor, has rented lia farm on the Wapinitia Flat and moved with bis family to I he Dalles. H. J. Byrkett, of Trout Lake, came op on the boat last night bringing with him 07 bead of cattle that he and a neighbor wintered for the Columbia Packing Company, The following names appear on the register of the Umatilla house : J. H. Eubanks and F. J. Ward, Wapinitia; Clyde T. Bonney and O. B, Hartlev, Hood River; Mrs. L. W. Curtis. Grand Dalles; J. A. Ellis and wife, Golden dale; T. Wyers, White Salmon. SELF DENIAL WEEK. It Tenth Celebration by the Salvation Array Here llegtns Tonight. The Silvatijn Army otands foremost as a powerful spiritual and social factor among the Christian nations of the earth. With their characteristic energy and thoroughness they are extending year by year their work into territories as yet untouched, especially in heathen lands. They settle embarrassing finan cial questions by voluntarily depriving themselves not only of comforts, but even of necessaries, in what is known as the week of self denial. The money thus secured in this great annual etlori is spent directly in the extension of their field of labor, both at home and in the foreign missionary field. Besides this regular missionary and relief work, the Salvation Army has this year another and most urgent work of relief on hand. A desperate cry for help comes from India, w here a fearful fam'.no is raging at the present time. Not less than 30,000,000 of Hindoos are on the verge of starvation. Salvationists are linked together in all lands in a strong bond of brotherhood, and there will be during eeli denial week of this year a great rallying of forces to the relief of those famine-stricken peo ple in India. A glance at the annual report for 1899 reveals a development in the social op erations in the United States of which the Salvation Army may well be proud. Their shelters, rescue homes, chil dren's homes and kindred social institu tions ars highly commended for cleanli ness and practical management. Their permanent relief depots, viz , one cent meal depots, labor bureaus and salvage brigades are doing an im mense amount of practical and efficient work in the way of relieving the appall-1 ing distress among hundreds of thous ands of the poor of this country. The Ra'vation Army is the recognized friend and comforter of the poorest and lowjest, and their efforts in behalf of the millions of "submerged" are deserv ing of the highest praise and the liberal apport on the part of those who are in the happy position to be free from the wretched worry for tlieir daily bread. May every one who belongs to tiiia for tunate cLss help to swell the Salvation Army relief fund during their annual week of prayer and self denial, which lor this year is set for lha dava from March 25lh to April 2d. Captain J. P. Simpson a i rived here last night and will take charge of this and fu'.nre woik in The Dalles. As the captain did not get here on schedule time, self denial wet k in The Dalles will commence tonight and last for the en suing wiek. Males for Male. One span of mules, 5 years old, for eale. Wtlht, each about IW0 tounds. for par: CJlars address . ... M. K. McLeod, -S H I n Pour miles east of Kings! ey ROBERTS HAS MUCH TO DO Winta Will Soon B5 Upon tne Trans raal and Trocps and Horses Must BB EQUiPDCd. THE BOERS ARE STRENGTHENED Roberts' Advance Will Be Along t Broad Front Boers Captured a Number of Britishers Near Lady Smith Interview With Kruger. London, March 29. Conjecture as to Lord Roberts' advance from Bloemfon tein is the topic of the day and is likely to continue so if the British commander-in-chief in South Africa conceals his movements as carefully as he has dose in the past. April 2d is set by va ious critics as the probable date of thr. de parture of the main army from Bloem fontein. It is pointed out that there will then ba over a week's hard march ing before Kroonstadt is reached, though there seems no certainty that Kroonstadt will entirely occupy Rob erts' attention. The advance, when it does occur, will probably be made by parallel columns along a broad front. The movements of the cavalry force and part of the infantry towards Glen can scarcely be construed as an actual advance although they undoubtedly point to the imminence of such a step. But only a small part of General Gat acre's forces have yet arrived At Bloera fontein and until that movement is completed, it is not likely Roberts will start for Pretoria. The latest news from Bloemfontein, contained in a dispatch published in the second edition of the Times and dated Wednesday, again dwells upon the ne cessity for not making a premature ad vance. This correspondent, who on' several occasions seemed to be chosen as the mouthpiece ef Roberts, cables : "It should be clearly understood that the present halt In the vicinity oi Bloem fontein is absolutely necessary as a mil itary precaution. It should be borne in mind that we are about to enter ou a new phase of the operations, with the main communication through a recently occupied hostile country and that the recent successes necessitated a great ex penditure of horse power. Here and in Natal we shall move on the commence ment of the South African winter and mnst be prepared to face effects of the first frost upon such animals as may be affected with horse sickness. It would be suicide to push troops forward until they are equipped to meet the exposure of winter. Horses, clothing and food we muet havo." The correspondf nt adds that the Boer forces have been re-equipped, and he says be is fully convinced that 15,000 foreign troops have been landed to aid the republics. Clement at Fauresmlth. London, March 29. The war office has received the follow ing dispatch from Lord Roberts, dated Bloemfontein, March 23: "General Clements occupied Faure- smith today without opposition. One ninepounder and one Martini-Maxim were discovered in a prospecting shaft of a mine, where a large quantity of am munition was buried. "Arms are being surrendered gradual ly and the inhabitants are settling down. Colonel Pitcher visited Ladybrand on March 26. On leaving the town be was attacked by a pari y of the enemy and one of his force was wounded and five are missing. "During the skirmish north of the Modder river ou March 25, five men were wounded. Threo are reported to be ml -sing. Cup tain Sloan Stanley, of the Sixteenth lancers, and five men of that regiment were taken prisoners." Iuke of Norrolk'i Patriotism. London, March 29 The Duke of Norfolk has resigned the office of postmaster-general, owing to the fact that he is going to South Africa with the Sus sex Yeomanry. Interview With Kruger. Nkw Yohk, March 29. The World publishes a long interview with Presi- den. Kruger, under date of Pretoria, February 7, President Kruger said : "I sent a message to the World saying that the losses in a war 'would stagger humanity,' The British laughed at me and said they would only take a month to conquer ns. Did those 650 dead at Spion Kop and those hundreds who were killed In other battles please the British? Are they laughing cow? When you came throngh London did yon see much laughing?" The correspondent told him of the scents in front of the London war bul letin boards, the weeping relatives and the sorrowing friend;. Mr. Kroger went on : ''Yet, that is only one tide of the pic ture. Here we have the same scenes, only our casualties are not so great. Every home in South Africa has been desolated and the war has only begun. Wait until the war is ended and those who will suffer on account of it will be numbered by the hundreds of thousands. Did Chamberlain and Milntr and the the captalists who were back of them think of those things before they drove us to the wall? Are the tears of widows and orphans to pay for the gold fields? "Tell tne Americans that I appreciate their expressions of sympathy, and that Iwilliuform my burghers of it. I am greatly pleased to bear that committees have been formed to raise funds for our Red Cross. We need medicines and supplies for our wounded not so much for our own wounded, but for the many poor British soldiers who come into our hands. It makes my heart bleed to see tbat they suffer, we cannot help them as much as we would like to do, because the British authorities will not let us bring medicine or supplies for onr local Red Cross through Delagoa bay." President Krnger said that the Boers looked for no assistance from any nation. He declared that the Boers would not destroy the miues in any event. He said that beforethe war he believed tbat the United States would offer to act as arbitrator of the differences between the two'coun tries, and that be was per fectly content to accept the decision that would have been made, but Great Britain refused to arbitrate. Dissolution of Partnership. The business heretofore existing under the firm name of Lane Bros., is this day dissolved by mutual consent. L. L. Lane will conduct the business at the old stand, and collect all accounts and pay all bills of the firm. All parties knowing themselves indebted to the firm are requested to settle as soon as possible. The Dalles, Or., March 1, 1900. L. L. Lane, lm-daw NM. Lake. Attention, Carmen. Don't let your old worn out machinery lie tn the fence corner any longer. Take it to Fletcher Faulkner, The Dalles junk dealer, and get the caeb for it. Highest cash price paid for cast and wrought iron, rubber boots and shoes, bicycle tires, etc., braes, copper, zinc, lead, pewter, old woolen rags, bser bottles and flasks, horse manes and tails, and tones of all descriptions. Price paid for cast iron, 40 cents per 100 lbs. One door west of J. H. Worsley'g, Second St., The Dalles. m24-lmo. Blainarcli' Iron Nerve Was the result of his splendid health. Indomitable will and tremendous energy are not found where stomach, liver, kidneys and bowels are out of order. If yon want these qualities and the success they bring, use Dr. King's New Life Pills. They develop every power of brain and body. Only 25c at Blakeley & Houghton's drugstore. 2 Stockholder! .Meeting. Notice is hereby given that there will bean annual meeting of the stockhold ers of The Dalles, Portland & Astoria Navigation Co., at their offict Saturday, April 7, 1900, at 2 p. m., for the purpose of electing seven directors, and trans acting such other business as may prop erly come before said meeting. By order of the president. The Dalles, March 15, 1900. L. E. Crowe, Secy. Rev. W. E. Sitzer, W. Canton, N. Y writes, "I had dyspepsia over twenty years, and tried doctors and medicines without benefit. I was persuaded to nse Kodot Dyspepsia Cure and it helped me from the start. I believe it to be a panacea 'or all forms of indigestion." It digests what yen eat. Nasal CATARRH In all Ha stages there should be cleanliness. Ely's Cream Balm cleanse, soothes and heals the diseased membrane. It cures catarrh and drives away a cold iu the head quickly. Cream Balm Is placed Into the nostrils, spread! over the membrane and la absorbed. Relict Is Im mediate and a cure follows. It Is not drying does Dot produce sneezing. Large Size, 60 cents at Drug gists or by mall; Trial Size, 10 cents by mall. UlX L-.WTHER8, 86 Warren Street, New Tork. Important Announcement to you. For 30 clays afler April 1st, I will sell all the Dry 'Goods, Clothing-, liools and Shoes, Hosiery, Klankets, Hals and Caps, on a cut in price of r 25 per cent, for Cash. Now Is yoor opportunity to get bar gains. Don't miss it. S. L. BROOKS, Successor to E. J. Collins & Co. T. BR0WNHILL, JUSTICE OF THE PEACE. Notary Pabiic. Collections promptly attended to. Money to loan. C. E. Bayard's of fice, Tht Dalles, Oregon. -.X.V' r To) o.TV i s tm i .. ieillloli Dinar TIKI tCHIDCLI. Faost Dallis. ABBIVS FlIOH. Fast Mall 11. li p. m. slt Lake. Denver, Ft. Worth, Onmfca, Kan Mail S:55 p 1 sas City, et. Louis, Chicago and East. 8r ikaoe riyer 7:0J p. m. Walla Walla. Bpokine, Minneapolis, .-t. Paul, Da loth, Milwaukee, Chicago and Kuk Epokane Flyer. 4:20 a. m 8 p. m. 4 p. m. Fbom Portland. Ocean Steamships. For ban Francisco December 3. C, 13, 18, 23 and 2S. 8 p. m. 1 E. Sunday 4 d. m. Columbia Rv. Steamers. !Ex.Sundaj To AsTum.1 and Way Saturday 10 p. in. Landings. 6a.m. Willakktti Riveb. 4:30p.m. Ex.bunday Oregon City, Newberg, Ex.undaj it n ay laua s. 7 a. m, Tues.Tiinr. and Sat. W ILLA M F.TTX AND Y AM-! 3:30 p m. hiix Kivebs. Mon.,Wed Oregoi City, Dayton, and Fri. and Way-landings. 6 a.m. Wilx-ame-" Rivta. 4:30 p. n. Mon. Wed Tue..Thur, Portland to t .Ilia and Sat. I and Way-Lar igs. and Friday Snake Rivib. Riparia to I-ewiston. Leave Liwiston daily 8:30 . oi. Lv Rlparla oauy 1.1 J a. m Parties desiring- to go to Heppner should UiteMi. 4. leaving me Danes at j:w n. m making direct connections at Heppner junction Returning makingdirectconnectlon at Heppner Junction with No. 1. arriving at The Dalles at 2:55p m. No. S2, tbrought freight, east bound, does not carry passengers; arrives 2;50 a. it,, departs 8:50 a. in. No. 24, local freight, carries passengers, east bound: arrives 4 :3U n. m., deparU H:15 p.m. No. 21, wedt bound through freight, does not carry passengers; arrives 8:15 p m., departs ::ki p. ra. No. 21, west bound local freight, carries pas sengers; arrives 5:15 p. m., departs 8:30 a. m. For full particulars call on O. R. A N. C'o.'s agent The Dalles, or address W. H. HURLBURT, Gen Fas. Agt., Portland, Or, Yellowstone Park Line. THE DINING CAR ROUTE FROM PORTLAND TO THE EAST. THE ONLY DIRECT LINE TO THE YELLOW SIONE PARK Union Depot, Finn and I Sts No. 2. Fast mail for Tncoma, Beattle, Olympia, Grny's Hurbor and South Hend points, Spukane, Koss lnnd, B. C, Pullman, Moscow, LeHtftou, Buf faloHmnp mining coun try, Helena, Minneapo lis, St. Paul, Omaha, Kansas City, St. Louis. Chicago and nil points east and southeast. Puget Sound Express for Tacoma and Seattle and intermediate points No. 1 11:15 A. M. 5;.'.0 P. M. No. 4. 11;30 P. M. No. 3. ";00 A. M. Pullman first class and tourist sleepers to Minneapolis, St. Paul and Missouri river points without chanae. Vtstibuled trains. Union depot connections in all principal cities. Baggnge checked to destination of tickets. For handsomely Illiistiated descriptive matter, tickets, sleeping-car reservations, etc., call on or write A. D. CHARLTON, Assistant General Passenger Agent, 255 Morrison Street, corner Third, Portland, Oregon. SOUTH and EAST via Shasta Route Trains leave The Dalles for Portland and way stations at 4:25 a. m. and 3 p. m. Slo H en him SoutnBfD PacifiG Go. Leave Portland 8 : : a m 7 : " Albany 12:30 a in 10: Arrive Ashland l:Xtnm 11: " Sseramriito 5:mpm 4: " San Francisco 7:45 pm : Ariive Ogiton n:4'am 11: " Denver :) am V. " KaiisasCity 7:25 it m 7: " Chicago 7:43 a m !): Arrive 1-os Angeles 1 :?o p m ' El pso 0:iio p m " Fort Virth ::) a m " city of Mexico il :."', am " Houston l iiii m " New Orleans fi:J5am ' Washington i:42 a m " New York 12:4:1 pin 7:00 a m 6:00 p m n::w a m 9:55 m 4:00 a in 0:25 p in 0 12 am 12 4.; p m Pnllmai and Tourist cars on both trains. Chair cars Sacramento to Ogclen and El Paso, nil,, iiiiiiiim our ui mcago, bi louls, Kew Or leans and Washington. Connecting at Hun Francisco with several steamship lines for Honolulu, .lapnn, china. Philippines, Central and South America. See agent at The Dalles station, or address C. H. MARKHAM, General Passenger Agent, Portland, Or. ONE FOR A DOSE. PILLS swaadsiSBsaiSg NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION'. Laud Orrica at Thi Dau.k, o. I March 1!, r.UM Notice is hereby riven that the f.dlowlng nained hitler has nlel notice of his in ention to make liual proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will be made before the regisier aud receiver at The Dalles, Oregon, on Saturday May 5, luuO, vis.: Helnricb Lubhing.of The Dallee.Or., H. E. No. 4-73, for tho NW section 17, town ship 1 north, range 12 east, ft. M. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon, and cultivation of said land, viz. : .. t , - John Stegman. Henry Riddell, Michael Doy.c, t'barlea Kihuett, all oi The dalles, Oregon. I X P. LLCAa mar24-ii Register. EXECUTOR'S NOTICE. Notice is herebv given that the undersigned has been dulv appointed by the county court oi a. .... 1 . . JL-unA w,i(iv ii V W M 1 1 If with the will annexed of the last will of Mary Jane Beesley, deceased. All persons having claims against aaid estate are hereby uotilied.'to nrm'ni mnu vimcnim luvtv,. my office in The Dalles, Oregon, within six months from the date thereof. Dated Feb. 21, 1U00. B. S. HUNTINGTON, feb21-ii Executor. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. Notice is hereby given that the undeislgned has Been appointed by the county court, of the state of Oregon, for Wasco county, administrator forthe estate of Patrick Brown, deceased. All persons having claims against said estate are hereby notified to present said claims, properly verilied, to me at the office of Sinnott A Slnuott, In Dalles City, Ore., within six mouths from the date thereof. Dated January 25, 1900. DELIA C. BROWN, an27-ii Administrator. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Land Office at Vancouver, Wash , March 24, MK ( Notice la hereby given that the follow'ig named settler haa riled notice of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim, and that siid proof will be made before W. B. Prenby, United States Commissioner for District of Washington, at his office iu Goldendale, Wash., on Monday, May 7, l'JOO, viz: John G. McDonald, H. E. No. 9093 for the northeast quarter section 15, township 3 north, range 1:4 east, W. M. He names the following witnesses to prove bis continuous residence upon, and cultivation of said land, viz: Samuel L. Courtney, Harry Pennington, Eli G. Copelund, of llartliuid P. O., Wash.; and Nelson B. Brooks, of Goldendale Wash. W. K. DUNBAR, mar28i - Register. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. Notice iB hereby given that the undersigned has been duly appointed administrator of the estate of J. C. Baldwin, oeceased. All persona having claims against said estate are hereby notified to present the same, properly verilied, to me or to mv attornevs, Dufur & Menefee, iu The Dalles, Oregon, within six inoiitns from the uateot this notice. Dated this 14th day of February, 1900. E. H. MERRILL, Administrator of the estate of J. C. Baldwin deceased. febl7,-ii NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Land Office at The, Oreoon,) February 20, ltKjO. ( Notice is hereby given that the following- named settler has filed notice of his intention to make final proof in sunnort of liis claim, and that said proof will be made btforcthe Register ana Keceiver at me Dunes, Oregon, on Satur day, April 7, 1900, viz: John Frederick Walther, of The Dalles Uregon, H. E. No. 530, forthe NWv Sec. 11, township 1 south, range 12 east, W. M. He mimes the following witnesses to prove ma cuiiuiiufjus residence upon aim cultivation of Bald lmd, viz: W. Wolf, John Obrist, Frank Obrist, William jurist, an ox i ue uanes, uregon. feb28-i JAY P. LUCAS, Register. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Lakd Office at Vancouver, Wash.,! March S, 1900. j Notice is hereby given that tho following named settUr has filed notice of his Inten tion to inuko finul proof in suppoit of his claim, and that said proof w ill be unidc before n.r,. rresoy, umiea stares commissioner for Distiictof Washington, at his olHce in Golden dale, Wash., on Monday, April 8.1, 1900, viz: Herman Eogelke, H. E. No. HX94, for the northwest ouartcr of seciion 32, township 3 north, of rango 14 east, iiiii. mer. He names the following witnessf s to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of suid land, viz: Ifemy Stacker, William Wilkinson, Dictrick n. Stegman, of Centerville P. O , Wash., and Henry F. Brune, of Hie Dalles P. O., Oregon. W. It. DUNItAR, marlO-li Register. I Did yon ever hear how Mr. , of street came to buy a wheel for his wlfef Well, he cumo home one evening, and aaw her sitting on the baluatrade of the porch, as shown in the picture. Ho mode up his mind then and there thnt she would look just too sweet for anvthlns on a lilcvnU. And nhe does. Hut the kind of bicycle has a good deal to do with looking sweet. Bo if you want to look aweet, buy your wheel (as did Mr. ) of the agent for 'CRAWFORDS; Golden Eagle, $25 Crawford ... $30 Cleveland, . . ancJg We have handled the shove line if wheels for several years. The guarant e ontheahove wheels are such that loj one need to hesitate to buy either of them. IVIaief & Benton Sole Agents. FRENCH & CO., BANKERS. TRANHACT A KNERALBANKINB BUH1NKH Letters of Credit issned available In tht Eastern States. Sikfht Ei,nhan(re and Telegraphic Transfers sold on New York, Chit ago, Bt. Louis, Ban Francisco, Portland Ore ron, Heattle Wash,, and varioui points in Oregon and Washington. Collections male t all points on far orable terms. m fmm NOTICE Administrator's Sale of Real Estate Notice is hereby given that the e,i, J. H. Fergueson, administrator of the 2 Lyd'aA. Richardson, dcrae I, In nL?J4 an order of the Houorable Countv Co,im Ti State, of Oregon for W asco cun'tv h ,i, and enterea on thi 4th day of Jniitiirr i!L from and after the l.'nh day of 1 ebru'arr Z'11 proceed to sell at private sale for cub in V all of the following described real estate V, n4 ing to the estate of .aid Lvdm A. Kieuaw deceased, to-wit: The northwest quarter of thssouthwMt ter, and south half of the nor'hw,t nntitJ! the southwest quarter of the northeast on"4 of section three :i) in township four (D ,r;f! range thirtoeu (l:i) east f the Willamei.rm? Ian, in Wasco county, Oregon ; also that eeV, ,,iec orjwrcel of laud particularly boundj, described as follows: Ommenciug 21 n... 12' feet west of the southeast corner 1, southwest quarter of section thr e (3, in tow ship four (4) south of range thirteen (I3ij!; the Willamette meridian in Waco coautro gon, and running thence nonh one-halt iniu thence west 60 lods aud 4l ieet: tli,.,.."' one-balf mile, and thence east 50 rods aud S feet to the place of beginning; save anrl eXe3 tnereiroia iour ims iu nicnardson s Additim, 5. the Town of Tygh, which has been hwtifc. sold and conveyed; the tract above descrihS. eluding allot said Richardou Addition to Town of Tygb, as laid out aud platied end corded in tne Records of Deeds for Wtm couDty, Oiegou, said real estate above described containing 210 acres, mora or less. Any person desiring ".formation with referem to said real estate should call on or address ra u Junction City, Oregon, or my attorneys. bui, ii Menefee, at The Dalles, Oregon. m Dated this 12th day of January, 1900. J. 8. FERGUESOy ' Administrator of the Estate of Lydia A. K'ek. aidson, deceased. Dure a & Menefee, Attorneys for Administrator. 13jiu Sheriff's Sale. - IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF TILE STATS 1 of Oregon, for Union county. Ann Fitzgerald, plaintiff, vs. George Herbert, defendant. By virtue or an execution and order of mU duly Issued out of and under the seul of the Cir cuit court oi me mHus oi uregon, lormecountT ot union, 10 me aireciea ana aatea tne 2iith day ui i,uicuiuci, lorn, ujjuii i ucvicc lor Ule lOrS- closure of a certain mortgage, aud Judgment rec detedaud entered in said couit on the itidat of November, 1090, Iu the above entitled cut in favor of tlio plaintiff and against the defend, ant, George Herbert, as judgement debtor, In ttt sum of ninety one dollars and 20 cents, with in. tcrest thereon from the day of Apiil, li at the rate of eight per cent per annum, and tte further sum of twenty-two dollars and 50 ceiiti costs, and tlie costs of and upon this writ, and commanding me to make sale of the real property embraced in such decree or foreclosure and bn inaft-r desciibed, I will, on the 17th day of March. I'.KiO, at the hour of two o'clock in the uftei'.ioon of said dny, and at the front dnoroi the County Court House in Dalles City, Wuto County, Oreton, sell at public auction to the highest bidder for c.ish in bund, all the right, title and interest which the deiendant, George Herbert, or cither of them had on the 2,1th iti of November, li9, the da'e of the judgment en tered herein, or which such defendants ormj of the dei'rndenls heiein have sines acqnired, now have In and to the following described real I ropeity, situate and being in Wasco County, to w It: Commencing at the north cast corne of the same lot which Is situated and known u the former residence of S,rs. Mar Cooper, tut running tlieuceenst 17! feet;thence south from the middle of the street ten (10) rods; (henre west 1H feet; thence north ten (10) rods to the place of beginning; being InW. D. Blgelow's Ad dition to Dalles City, and known ou the record! of deeds of Wasco Countv, as a paicel of land deeded by E. M. Clements and wife to Miri Cooper, of dute December 18, 1SD2: this beioj the one-half of suid claim, and being the snmt tract conveyed to Mis, E. A. Cutes by Lonii Dawmport and wife by deed, duted May 12. 1?5, and recorded at page 108 of Hook E, Kecorrlnui leeds for Wasco County, Oregon, und beint descended to the said George" Herbert under the will of his mother, the suid Mis. K. A. Cate: said parcel of land lying and being in lialla City, W akco County, Oregon, and more particu larly md correctlv described as follows: Com mencing at the southeast corner of lot two (2) in block doignated 0 or zero in Bluff Addition to Dalles Citv, according to tho maps in common use in snid city, the said lot being the same designated as lot two 2 in block No 1, In till original deed by which it was conveyed by w.D. BiKelow to Ol'lande Hinmum on December 12 18ii4; and running Ithence northerly along tht east Hue of suid lot two T21 to the northeen corner thereof, and thence continuing aloni said line in the same dlrecliou northerly to the souui .meoi Aivora street uncnce easterly along the south line of said Alvord street seventeei and one-half 1 17'v,) feet; thence southerly wl parallel with suid lirst line ten rods.moreo'rlea toa point 17!i fet easterly from tho point irf beginning, and thence westeily and at Hit: angles with said last line seventeen and one half 1 17'j, feet to the place of beginning, or mucn oi saia property as will satisiy said jini nieut and decree, with cosis and accruing couli emu proiK-riy win oe sola suo.ieci to enntiruu mation nrd redemntiou itshv laiv nrovirieri. Dated at The Dalles, Oregon, this lOlhdsyot rcuiuury, rjuu. ROBERT KELLY, febl7 ii Sheriff of Wasco County, Or. Sheriff's Sale. By virtue of on execution issued out of tin Clicult Court of the State of Orison for Winn i.ou my ,iu a sun i nerein perilling morel n smm rreiicn is planum ana r.mellue Davis, an Cora E. Corum, Mrs. Lizzie J. Karris, hi li it Davis, William H. Davis, Mrs. Tina Mahonej, Erfie E. Davis. Mrs. Annette F. McNeal. and 4 S. Laughllu, administrator of theestateof alio w. Davis, deceased, are defendants, Pi me di rected and commanding me to sell certain ral property therein described, 1 will at 2 o'clock, P. M on the SOth day of April, 10OO, at the Court House door in Dalles City, Orefon, m iMinnc saie io ine nignest oiniier lorctun In hand all of the Interest of each and all of tht above named defendants In and to the following described tracts of land situated In said Count) to satisfy the several sums hereinafter tumid, towlt: The north half of the northwest quarter and the north half of the northeast quarter is the southeast quarter of the northeast quarter and the northeast quarter of the southeaM qim ter of section 14. townshli, il north, mine If east. W. M., to satisfy the sum of III 87 and fa- icrest ai n per cent per annum Irom Msren ih. Paai. and the sum nf ta;i -o .nil iiiiprrnr therenfl at 10 percent por annum from said date, ml tliesuin of IPJIL'JI and Interest BtloperceDl Per annum from said date, and l:mo.tK nt turner' lees, and I1K.40 costs and disbursement and merest therenn fmm audi ii.ita at a Her crnl lier milium and the accrninar costs, ami i71 .21 and interest at the rule of 10 per cent iht nnniis from said date, and i:i5.4k and Interest there at 10 per rent per annum from snid dute; s thesonthwest quarter of the northeast quart", and the northwest quarter of the noiithcMt quartet of said secti m 14, township 2 north. range i.' east, to satisiy Hie sum 01 sw.t"'" Interest thereon at the rata of it nor cent a-inuin from March l", !!, and the iinsati" balance of said turns of fUlLIKI, ''. f'.i2.:i, fr,71.2l aiifl l: ,5.1 aril interest ur each respectively, as aforesaid; and also let, of block II of Dalles City, Oreg Pi nitWy V sura of piM and intercut thereon at the rat o pur cent per annum from Msreli P, " and the unsatisfied portions of said soma, I'"1-' 21, 1IIC.4.H, f.lon.On, $(s;2 20, H2ll.!tt and and the Interest upon each respectlvslf, aforesaid. Hald sale will be for cash In liana the blithest bidder. Doted this 17th day of March, 1(io. KOUKKT KKI.IX m21-l KherllVof W asco county, Or. NOTICE FOH PUBLICATION'. U. 8. Lard Umci, nt Thi, Osi , Faimi'AHYli, l'.- ' Notice la hereby given that Ihe follow named settler has filed notice of his Intention make final proof In support of his claim, that said proof will be made before the Kerl'" and Receiver at Too Dalles, Oregon, on fls"11" day, April 4, l'JOO, rl; William C. Clark, of The Dalles, Or. Homestead Entry No. W71, for the HW',, sw'1" II, township l south, range II east, W. M. t He naiiuv the following witnesses to I"1! "J contiiiuoiia residence upon and cultivnli said laud, vis: 1l Altiert Turner, Charles (loaaon, Charles sm C. A. (iibsoii, all of 1 he Dalles, Oregon. jay P. in; feb2 I Keglsl Jf. 8TURDEVANT, Dentist. Office OTor French A Co.'i Hsnk Phone 6, THE DALLE. OBEo''