The Dalles weekly chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1947, March 28, 1900, PART 1, Image 4

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Saturday Daily.
J P. Mi-inern went down on ine
Mclnerny went down
boat this U to Hood Kiver.
Robert Iline. a well known ware
hoasenii.ii of Heppiier, was in town
J. Tavtor Hill, a wealthy stockman of
Prineville, arrived in town today on ins
way to Portland.
Mrs. Polk Mays and family have one
to their farm home in Wallowa county
for the maimer.
J. W. Gum, special agent of the Liver
pool, London & Globe Fire Insurance
Co., is in the city on btisiutes.
Frank Hoott, of 8-Mile, was in town
today, r rank is making a pood living
traffieinc with the scattered ranchers in
Crook and Grant counties.
The Misses Rre and Myrtle Michel),
who recently visited the tonth and East
in company'witli the National Editorial
Association, are exrected home on tho
evening train.
Ira Henderson, of Columbus whoee
height is t ff et 8 inches in his stockings
and who is faid to be tho tallest man in
Washington, is in thecitv accompanied
by Mrs. Henlersoo. We, however,
have a "babv" out in the Iiakeoven
country who comes within an inch or s?
of Mr. Henderson's height and who ex
ceeds him in avoirdupois over one
hundred pounds. It's a cold day when
Wasco county gets left.
.Monday Dally.
J. A. Gnlliford, a wealthy citizen of
Dufur, was in town today.
Rev. O. D. Taylor returned last night
from a protracted business trip to Port
land. A. L. Hodson, of Gohlendale, was in
town last nitfht the gueet of t tie Uma
tilla House.
Mips Mary Perry left on last night's
train for Elgin where she will visit
friends for a short time.
Miss Rose D. Michell and her sister,
Miss Myrtle, arrived home Saturday
night after a delightful trip through the
south and h.iet.
J. N. Weddle, of Suplee, Crook county,
is in the city on his way home after
having been operated on at the now
Walla Wall a ln?pital for appendicitis.
Harry Curtis left this morning for his
father's sheep camp in Klickitat county,
where h? will remain through the lamb
ing season, and returning will resume
his law studies in Judge Bennett's of
fice. Sam Stark, who 'hag been studying
law in Judge Bennet's oflice, is at
present on his father's farm at Moaier.
Sam expects to offer himself for exami
nation for admission to the bar at the
May term of the supreme court in
Mrs. L. W. Curtis, of Grand Palles,
attended the funeral of the Oregon
soldiers who died in tho Philippine in
surrection, which took place yesterday.
Her brother, John H. Fenton, who died
in Manila more than a year ago was one
of the dead heroes.
Tuesday i Dally.
Henry Menefee, editor of the Dufur
Dispatch, is in the city.
Attorney W. II. Wilson was a pas
senger on the Dalles City this morning
bound for Hood River. .
Matt Randall was a passenger on the
Dalles City this mornintr on a business
trip of a few days to Portland.
Mrs. Richard Barton and Mrs. Harrv
Bulger, of Portland, daughters of Mr.
and Mrs. Frank Huott, of Eight-mile,
after visiting a couple of days wilh their
parents left for their home on the after
noon passenger.
Ordinary Failing Eycalht
Is by some regarded as alarming, by
others, treated too carlessly. All eyes
begin to fail at -JO years of age; some
have trouble a year or two before that
time the majority not until after.
From 36 to 45 is the time you should
consult a competent optician in order
to start right, otherwise several dangers
confront you, among w hich is that ter
rible disease, glaucoma, which leads to
total or partial blindness.
It is estimated that i)0 per cent of all
cases of glaucoma are due to the "put
ting off' the use of glasses after failure
begins. Scientific examination free by
Theodore H. Liebe, optician, next door
east of First Nat onal Bank on Second
An Honest Mrdlcln for La Crippc.
George W. Wait, of Ginlner, Me.,
ays: ' I have had the worst CDUgh,
cold, chilis and grip and have taken lots
of trash of no account but profit to the
vendor. Chamberlain's conh Remedy
is the only thing that lias done any
Rood whatever. I have used one bottle
of it and the chills, cold and grip have
II left me. 1 congratulate the manu
factur rs of an honest medicine." For
ale by BlaUelcy & Houghton.
Itlamarck'a Iron it
Was the result of his splendid health,
ludomitable will and tremendous energy
re not found where stomach, liver,
kidneys and bowels are out of order. If
you want U.eee qualities and the success
they bring, nse Dr. King's New Life
Pills. They develop every power of
brain and body, 0:i'y 2.V Ht Blakeley
a iiougnion drnsiore. 2
r Catarrh quickly yields to treat
ment by Ely's Cream Balm, which in agree.
hly aromatic. It is received through the
noKtrils, cleanse and heals the whole sur
face over which it diffuses itself. DruggUta
ell the 50c. size ; Trial size by mail, 10
cents. Test it and you are sure to continue
the treatment -
To accommodate those who are partial
to the use of atomizers in applying liquid
into the nasal passages for catarrhal trotu
tie, the proprietor prepare Cream Balm in
liquid form, which will
Uquid Cream Balm. Price including the
praying tube i75cent. Druggist or by
snail. The liquid form embodies the med--iowal
properties of (he solid preparation.
Filipinos TryiM U Mi Oil Until
They Have Been Led to Believe Demo
crats Will Win Gen. Otis' Civil
Government Commission Submits
Its Report.
Manila, March 22. The insurgents
expect that the rainy reason will enable
tbem to reorganize their forc3s, as dur
ing this period it will be almost im
possible for the Americans to do effective
work. The rebels frankly admit that it
H their intention to continue the struggle
until the American elections in .No
vember, in the hope that the present ad
ministration will be overthrown and
government favorable to Filipino in
dependence installed in its stead.
The activity of the Filipino junta at
Hong Kong is so pronounced as to excite
wonder why the British authorities
there do not suppress it. The junta is
now the insurgents' last hope.
Great interest is manifested here in
the make up and powers of the new
Philippine commission, appointed by
President McKinley.
There is a great opportunity for the
commission to perform a valuable service
in gaining the confidence of the people.
There is no question that the insurgent
leader succeeded in thoroughly alienating
the natives, who generally retaiu an un
friendly attitude. It will take much con
vlucing to make them render such sup
port as will enable tho Americans to
completely pacify the islands and sup
press the guerrilla warfare. But in case
the commission is empowered to deal
broadly with the questions of govern
ment and land titles it ought to quickly
obtain beneficial results.
The establishment of Gen. Otis of
garrison's in many places throughout the
archipelago has undoubtedly had an im
pressive effect upon the natives. The
fact that it has been possible to establish
these garrisons in a great number of
towns without the slightest resistance
from the natives exposes the hollownees
of the claims of the insurgent leaders
that their followers would everywhere
resist the Americans lo the death, whi'e
at the same time it affords proof both of
the power and good intentions of the
Americans toward the inhabitants. In
the words of a well-informed General :
"The people are clim'jing down from
the fence on the American side, but they
s'anii with their hands on the top, ready
f( r iy emtrceny. They accept Ameri
can supremacy and await rather im
patiently an explanation of the Ameri
can intentioni toward them and the
commencement of practical efforts for
the amelioration of their unsatisfactory
Prominent natives have been urging
Gen. Olis to do something definite with
reference to the form of government to
be established here. They beg him to
write to congress to take some action in
the matter.
The board which Gen. Otis recently
convened to devise forms of municipal
govern-i.ent has submitted his report,
which is now in General Otis' hands.
It is probable, however, that this report
will not be promulgated until after the
arrival of t ho Philippine commission.
General Otis considers the general situa
tion satisfactory. Although many
Americans have been captured here and
there by the insurgents, this year, their
cjptnre was largely due to their own
The American troops are constantly
catching thieves, scattering guerrilla
bands and capturing rifles. Many here
btilievo that ti-.e time is ripe for the in
troduction of severe methods in dealing
with recalcitrant native.".
Maj iry to Destroy Roberts' Line of
Communication riutner is on Half
Rations There Seems Little
Likelihood of the Early Relief of
Loxdox, JIarch 26. Tlie continned
absence ol an agKretsive movement on
the part of the British is heet eiplained
in a dispatch from Rloerofontetn, dated
March 25, and published in the eecond
edition of the Times. It says:
"The conditions existing In the oc
cupied territory render Imperative the
somewhat prolonged halt at Ttln.m.
fontein. It is necessary that the effect I
of the proclamation should have time to
make itself felt.
'It is said that danger of annoyance
to the line of communication may be ap
prehended uulee the territory behind
the advancing forces is rendered ab0'
lutoly secure. The accuracy of this view
is proven by the enemy' breaking up
into isolated groups such as that which
attacked the guards' officers Friday.
"The adjustment of financial and mu
nicipal matters in the Free State is now
chiefly occupying the attention of the
Governor and his legal and financial ad
visers. The military regime is being
conducted with great sinoothLes", but
recent investigations show that great
caution must be exercised in dealing
with persons apparently loyal."
This summary is probably an accurate
explanation of the frequent appearance
and disappearance of Boers an J insur
gents upon which the reports are so con
flicting, and which so puzzle the British
military critics.
General Methuen appears to be await
ing transportation, and with Colonel
Plumer's forces on half rations, there
now seems litt'e likelihood of the im
mediate relief of Mafeking, though
neither from this quarter, nor from
Roberts or Buller, is there any direct
news today.
The government buildings at Cape
Town narrowly escaped destruction by
fire last night. The state papers, biter
being much damaged, were removed.
A Lourenc ) Marquez special says the
Transvaal authorities are evidently re
cruiting actively, and large numbers of
French, Dut.:h and Belgian volunteers
are constantly passing through thut
place to join the Boer forces.
Attention, Farintrs,
Don't let your old worn out machinery
lie in the fence corner any longer. Take
it to Fletcher Faulkner, The Dalles junk
dealer, and get the cash for it. Ilighett
cash price paid for cast and wrought
iron, rubber boots and shoes, bicvele
tires, etc., brass, copper, zinc, lead,
pewter, old woolen rags, t:er bottles
and flasks, horse manes and tails, and
lues of all descriptions. Price paid for
ci'it iron, 40 cents per 100 lbs. One
door west of J. II. Worsley's, Second St.,
The Dalles. m24-lmo.
Dissolution of f'artnerslilp.
Tho business heretofore existing under
the firm name of Lane Bros., is this day
dissolved by mutual consent. L. L.
Lane will conduct the business at the
old stand, and collect all accounts and
pay all bills of the firm. All parties
knowing themselves indebted to the
firm are reqneeted to set'.le as soon as
The Dalles, Or., March 1, 1900.
L. L. Lane,
N. M. Lane.
CUKE t'Oli
Ely's Cream Balm
Easy and pleasant to
Con taint 110 in
jurious drug.
It is quickly absorbed.
(jives Relief at fine.
It OixMta ami flP,n0
Heals and Protects the .Membrane. -Restores the
Senses of Tmte and Smell. Large Size, 60 cents at
'"Sif1" "r " man ; i rim nine, itj cent Dy mail.
tLYBUOTUEKS, 60 Warren Street, New York.
to you
For 30 days after April 1st, I will eeil
all the Pry (rood?, Clothing, lioolg and
Shoes, Hosiery, iSlnnkets, Hals and
Laps, on a cut in price of
25 per cent, for Cash.
Now is yonr opportunity to get bur
gains. Don't mius it.
Successor to E. J. Collins A Co.
Pu.iiic. Col loci ions promptly attended
to. Money toloan. C. E. Iiayard's of
fice, The Dulles, Oregon.
Dyspepsia Cure.
Digests what you eat.
"kU " Bireninening and recon
itructlriftTtho exhausted dlRestle or
fans, it is the latest discovered dist
ant and tonic. No other preparation
can approach it in efficiency. It In
stantly relieves and permanently cures
Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Heartburn,
Flatulence, Sour Stomach, Nausea
allot her results of Imperfect d ! srestlon.
- PraQeraa- by C. C. DeWiw Co Cbieoo.
Offlcaover French A Co.'i Bank
puon. t.
Eczema !
The Only Cure.
Eczema is more than a skin disease,
nd no skin remedies can cure it. The
doctor are unable to effect a cure, and
their mineral mixtures are damaging
to the most powerful constitution. The
whole trouble is in the blood, and
Swift's Specific is the only remedy
which can reach.such deep-seated blood
Zczr ma broke out on my daughter, and con
tinued to spread until
her bead was entirely t
covered. She was treated F-
by several good doctors, Xff
UUk grew w I -vj ..... K
dreadful disease spread Tgy,
io ner lace, b u o w . tVUijA
taken to two celebrated -. yliZJL -y
health springs, but re-VAjPf
. , - .4n r
celved no benefit. Many Jr ir-- s-ir
Da'.ent medicines were taken, but without re
sult, until we decided to try 6. 8. 8., and by the
time the first bottle was finished, her head be
gan to heal. A dozen bottles cured her com
pletely and left her skin perfectly smooth. She
is now sixteen years old, and has a magnificent
growth of hair. Not a sign of the dreaaiui
disease has aver returned.
2701 Lucas Ave., St. Louis, Mo.
Don't expect local applications of
soaps and salves to cure Eczema. They
reach only the surtace, while the di
sease conies irora within. fcwut 8
is the only cure and will reach the most
obstinate case. It is far ahead of all
similar remedies, because it cures cases
which are beyond their reach. S. S. S. is
purely vegetable, nnd is the only blood
remedy guaranteed to contain no pot
swh, mercury or other mineral.
Books mailed free by Swift Specifla
Company, Atlanta, Georgia.
Did you ever hoar how Mr.
street came to buy a trhcel for his wife!
weu, ne cams home ono evening, and saw
her sitting on the balustrade of the porch,
as shown in the picture. Ho mode up his
mind then and there th3t she would look
just too sweet tor anything on a bicycle.
And she does. Hut the kind of bicycle has
a good deal to do with looking sweet. So
If you want to look sweet, buy your wheel
(us uiu mr. oi mo agent lor
Golden Eagle, $25
Crawford . . . $30
Cleveland, .
and $50
We have handled the above line of
wheels for several years. The cuarantee
on the above wheels are such that no
one need to hesitate to buv either of
JVIaieF ot Benton
Sole Agents.
We Put...
every bit of
tweniy years exieiicnce
and drug knowledge
with every
that's compounded here.
Is it any reason why
our prescription business
is increasing
so rapidly?
Ask your physician
if we are reliable.
P.i."""" f,n-m, Prrn
A nm and UfiirM.a sW
,::;rhnhVnVorf"""' .-r;
inr r wlf, ' ? ?"'' n. T.. cm.
' x.-j! ).-
IBSASS road- 1
Kj helps tlis team. Saves wear nnd jd
cxieusc. Sold every vvbere.
standard c:l co. 3?)
1 uoit titUM.
Ft Bi-lt Lak, Denver, Ft. Fat
Mail Worth, Omaha, Kan- Mill
11:42 p. m. ity, fct. Louis, :bd p to
Chicago aul Kast.
Cmkane Walla Walla. Spokane, Bpokane
Hyur ilinneaooiis. 't. haul, Hyer.
7 03 p.m. iu 1 u t h, Milwaukee, 4:Jna.m
Chicago and East.
Ip.m. 4 p. m.
Faon Po8TLn.
Ocean teamsbips.
For "S.i n Frarcix-o
December 3. 6, H, 18,23
and -M.
8 p. m. 4 p. m.
El. Sunday Columbia Ry. Bteamrrs. Ex.Suudaj
To Astoria utid Wy
SftnrJsy Landings.
10 p. m.
ti. m. Wiixamfttk Rivsr. 4:30 n. m.
Ex.bUBdujTjOivirnn chy. Kewla-rir, Ex.isuiiuhj
tiiiem & Wuy Land s.
I i
7 a. m, Wiu.AMrrs and Yam- 3:80 p.m.
Tues.Thur. hill KiVEHa. Moii.,V'ed
and tut. Urcvo'i Ciiy, Dayton,' Bud Fri.
uud Way-I.undiiig.
6a.m. WiLLAMKTTa River. 4:30p.m.
Tne., Thar, Port'and to Corva'lisJ lion Wi d
and Sat, and Way-Landings. and Fiiday
BNAKI Rivkr. Leavi
I.v P.lparla RIparia to Iwiston. Lewikton
daily daily
l.SJ.ra, . 8:30 a.m.
lr3' Parties desiring to go toHeppnersno
take No. 4, leaving Tfe Dalles at 7:05 p.
r should
makinir direct connections nt lleitnner lorctioii
Returning making oirectcnnnection at'Hennner
junction Mitnao. 1, arriving at the Dalles at
i;oo it m,
No. 22, through! freight, east bound, does not
cerry pjgscugers; urines 2:50 a. in., departs
a.rju a. in.
ro. 24. local freleht. carries nnsiccnfrpra. east
bound; arrives 4 :M n. m., departs N:15 p. m
so. -a, went Douiid inrougn ireignt ds not
carry passengers; arrives o:15 p ru., c'ejiarts
ino. west bound local freight, carries pas
sengers; arrives 5:15 p. ni., deparU8:30 a. m.
For full particulars call on O. R. & K. Co.'s
nent ine Danes, or address
Gen Pas. Agt., Portland, Or,
SOUTH and EAST via
Shasta Route
Trains leave The Dalles for Portland mul
stations at 4:25 a. m. and 3 p. in.
Leave Portland .
R:S0 a in
12:30 a m
7:00 p m
" Albany . .
1U:60 p m
11 :W) a m
4;S5 a m
8:15 a m
Arrive Ashland 1J:S3 a m
" Sacramento 5:00 p m
" Sail Francisco 7:45 p m
Arrive Oudon
. A:45 a in
. 0:1 J n m
7:M a m
7:45 a m
11:15 a m
" uenver
" KiinsnsClty.
V.W 1U
":'!' a m
Arrive I.ok Angeles l:Mpm
7:00 nm
t;ii p m
!:: a m
it: 5 a m
4:W a in
l':'J'y p m
I'r I:.' u in
12-4:1 p m
r.i rm 6:im p m
" Kort Wurlh :;m a m
" (ity of Mexico 9:55 am
" Houston a m
New OrlciiiiH 6:i'i a in
" WnshliiKton (i:r. am
" New Vork 12 :i:f p in
I'ullmn l and Tourist cum nn hnth tr:,l.
ChiilrcHm HucrHmcnto to Ondt'ii nml Kl 1'mo
it i id tourist cam to ChicaKO, t Ixmis, New Or
leans nnd VVai'tiliigtou.
Conncctinir at Kan Krnnclcn with aovnrul
utOHinnliip linen for Honolulu, Japan, china,
. ui,,.uc, wutrui nuu nuuiu America.
See agent at The Dalles station, or ndilresi
General Passenger Agent, l'ortlund, Or.
Yellowstone Park Line.
Union Depot, rifHanJlJis
No. 2.
Fast mail for Tacoma,
Scuttle, Olyiiiphi. (iray'sl
Harbor nnd Houth Hend j
No. I
poitUH, Hiwkanc. Hoss-
iland, it. v., I'ullinan,
, Moscow, Lcvhdnu, Huf
1j A. M., falollninp mining conn-
:try, Helena, MinneaiK).
ills, Ht. Paul, Omaha,
I Kansas City, Ht. lms.
1 Chicago and all points
No. 4. least and southeast.
Plilret HoiimH 1'.,.m..
5;50 P. M.
No. :l.
11;30 P. M.; for Tacoma and Kcattlel 7;00 A
c"i iiiicrmcuiaie Miiuts
Pullman fitst ) .....!..
Vastlbnlert tmlna I nt.,,, .
in .11 ,.ri..i....r ...-"'I"" '"iiuectioin
IhigL-iifce checked to destination of tickets
Jl'I'i. -".nd,"'.me,5r '"""""le'l descriptive mil
;r r!servaiions, etc., call o
Assistant Ocneral Psssnnger Agent, -.w Morrison
...uiu 1 mru, roriiaud, Oregon.
j TR UtlUnDnRrriR
TJiysician and Surgeon,
Bpoclal attention given lo surgery.
Rooma 21 and 22. Tel. 32 Vtwt M, k
TTUNTINOTriN a uttniia
Tttf iw 1 1 u ! .. .
sooitierii Pacific Co
Nortliern M
'3 Sale.
n virtue oi an exreution frsued ont i ,v
( iiciilt Court at the State of r. f, u
Couuty,iu a suit therein peo.ll': hero. I T10
Freucii Is plaintiff and Kmehue Javi. "S"4
ora E. Coruni, Mrs. Uzzie J. F-"ri. v'a ?
Davis, William II. Davis, Mrs. Tina VlahT?
eted anil commi:ndlns mc to ell eerrni,, ,
SOlh day or April, loot),
at the Court Uousedoor In Dalles citr rr.
sell at public sale to toe hljhest bidder fo7T"j
in hand all of the interest ci e:irh sid all uf ?k
above named defendants in and totue iollnii
described trscis of laud situated in ma Counl
to satisfr t e seveml ums heieinaiier c.m.Si
towlt: The north half of the northwest r,ii.t!i
and the nortii half of the noriheaat nu iru-r an
the suilieat qiuirleroi the nuilheatt cmartii
and the northeast quarter of the soutlieaet ,,,i7r
ter of section 14, township n.wth, lan 'e i.
east. W. SI., to satisfy the sum of lio S7 a-id 1,7
tercst at ier cent per annum from March nth
and the suinot m2.J and lutereM thereon'
at 10 per cent per annum from said date aiid
the sum of 12U.'JI and interest at 10 per cent
per annum from said date, and I303.U) atinrnp.',
fees, and 116.40 costs and disbursements and
interest thereon from sai 1 date at 6 per cent
per auuum and the accruing costs, and fiiTiji
and iutetet at the rale of 10 percent per annum
fr.-nn said date, aud ian5.48 and iutetebt tiierwln
atl0)erceut per annum from said date- and
the southwest qunrler of Iho northeast quarter
aad the northwest quarter of the southemt
quatter of said cecti n II, township north
range 12 east, to satisfy the sum of tla.ixj and'
interest thereon at tho rata of 6 per cent per
annum from Marcd 15, 1900, and the unsatisfied
balance of said sums of 11211. 03, S;!00 00, jlij io
0t,2.-.0, uT1.21 aud 81305.48 ard Interest upon
each reptclively, as aforesaid; and alsolot4
of block of Dalles City, Oregon, to satisfy thi
sum of ?(;.. aud interest thereon at tho rate of
6 per cent per annum from March 15,
and the unsatisfied portion of said sums, fii';i !
21, 11105.48, 8.100.00, '.;C2 20, 11211.03 and 810 40
and tlie interest upon each respectively at
aforesaid. Sni.l tale will tie for cash in hand to
the highest bldter.
Dated this 17th day of March, 1000.
ni211 Sheriff of Wasco countv, Or
Land Office atThe Dalles, Oreoon.i
I'ebruuir ai, liioo.i
Notice is hereby given that tho followlni
rimi'id e.iler hps lika uo.ire oi his intention
to muie i;nnl p oo," in suproit 0 hia claim, and
tli.-c ; iiioufmil lie nii'de ttioiellie Ue',lstor
and lleceirer at The Dulles, Oie&on, on fcatur
day, Apill 7, 11XH), vi2:
John Frederick Walther, of The Dalles
H. E. No. KW1. for the Nff'( Sec. 11, township
lMiutli. ri"ij(e . e:st, V. M.
Ho mini"'! the followimt witnesses to provs
b1 cno'tnuous lesidojce upon aud cultivation
oi Kiid I 'nd, v,z:
W. Wolf, Joint ObiiNt, Frank (Jbrist, William
Obiiet, all of The Dalles, Oregon.
fcn2s-i JAV P. LUCAS, Register.
U. 8. Land Offic e, at Titk Dallk.o, Oke.,1
l' ll;Kl'ARY tf. 1S.K). I
Notice is hereby given t' e followinif.
named tcalei hesrii-J no.iieo,' h's intention to
make llnal pinf in out.port of his claim, anil
that s-id moo! will be nicde be.ore toe Kegister
and lici'eiver nt The Dalles, Oregon, on Wednes
day, Apiil 4, l'Jt'0, viz:
William C. Clark, of The Dalles, Or.
Homcst-f d Entiy No. 5271, .or the SV.'Ja, section
11, township 1 . null, la.i", II ejst, V. M.
He name) ihe.ol'owiug witnessci to prove hit
continuous te iuence upon a, id cultivation of
n.ilil land, viz:
Albeit Turner, Charles fiosson. Charles Smith,
C. A. Ciihson, all of 1 he Dalles, Oregon.
, v o , jay p. Lucas,
febiS I Register
Land Oprica at Van oi'ver, Wash ,(
. ,, , March l, P.KKI. (
Notice Is hereby given that the following
named settler has filed notice of hia intention
Io make final proof in support of his claim, snd
tlint s ltd proof w ill be made belore W. B. I'resbv,
United Htates Commissioner for District of
Washington, nt his ollice in Ooldendale, Wash.,
on Monday, May 7, 1.100, viz:
John G. McDonald,
H. E. No. '9:l for the northeast quarter section
15, township 3 north, range 1:1 east, W. M
He names tue folLiwing witne-ses to prove his
continuous residence upon, and cultivatiou of
said land, viz:
Samuel L. Coiutncy, Harry Pennington, Ell
). Copeland, of Hartlaiid H. O., Wash.; and
Nelson B. ilrooks, of Uoldeiidule Wash. -
marM-i Hegister.
Notice, is hereby given that the undersigned
bus been duly appointed administrator l c ..
estate of J. C. llaldwin, oeccased. All persons
having cliims said ciit.tte aro hereby
notllled to preicut the same, properly verified,
Io me or to my attorneys, Dufur A Menefee, in
The Dalles, Orcon. within six monln. fr..m n.
date of this notice.
Dated tills lUh day of February, I'.ks).
. K- H. JIKKK1M.,
Administrator of the pMtnt of i r uui.i.i..
direaxed. ' ' f.. 1,17.11
liiSGuiyia Packing Co..
Fine Lard and Sausage3
Curers of BRAND
wfc4l. BO YEAR8"
W 1 '4.
Trace Marks
'rl' CncvmnuTi Ae.
A nronK sending a sketch and rlescrlntlon ma
nitlckly ascertain nur oiilmon free whether a (
liitrenllon Is pnieiitahln. Cdninimilek.
lions airlctlyeonHilnntlal. ilntidliookon Patent
lent fro. dldest oitnnry for SMeiirina patents.
Pfitei.tfl luktin t inmuh Mm,,.. & IV. .,..U(A
iprrtdi notice, without ehsrito. In tha
Scientific American.
A handsomely lllnstrated weeklr. LariMt clr.
rnlatlini of any s. leiilldc lournal. Tnrma. 3
"iir: K.tir niontlia. IL Ho Id bvall naaxlvaliirs.
CQ.3'B'oiw.,.NfiW Ynrt
Mranvh ornow. ia r ft, Washington. IK C
Letten of Credit Issued available In tin
Santera Statea.
Blifht Earhanire and Telegraphic
Tranaer gold on New York, Chicago,
ht. Louii, Ban Francisco, 1'ortland Ore
eon, Keattle Wash,, and varioui poinU
fn Oregon and Washington.
Gollectiona made at ail points on fav
orable terms.
n rxrrzrrrrS
f.a ... TUB DAU.Erl, OREOOH
OOioa otti Flrt Nat. B iuk.
OfflctOTtrFIrat Nat Bank okiuuw