The Dalles weekly chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1947, March 28, 1900, PART 1, Image 2

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' T " ! ' " . I "
The Weekly Chronicle.
Aaverttalac Katae.
At tn-A
O w 1Mb or Ins In Daily .. ' J?
n ar lam im-hva and uu.lof Imir Inch 1
Orat lr inrlwa ruil uudor Iwolv luchea
Om lwlv nichea
n.n mn HIT
i)n Inch or !, rwr Inch "J
OTrnn Inc h anil uoiler lour inchi-a "
IW f.,., l,i..h. and U11.I.W ln.T IllChO. . 1 ?
Over twelve luiaea
1 00
The Republican county convention
held here vesterdsv was the most
harmonious political gathering that
ever assembled in The Dalles. There
was no! a motion made, a suggestion
ottered, a resolution piesented that
was not accepted without a dissent
ing voice. The convention seemed
to know what it wanted to do and il
went about and did it in short order,
Congressman Moody special work
ers bad it all their own way, so far
as their main object was concerned
the election of a solid Moody delega
tion to the congressional and state
conventions. The names suggested by
Mr. Moody's friends for delegates
were accepted by the convention
with a promptness and cordiality
that was highly complimentary to
Mr. Moody. If there was the slight
est dissent it cast no discernable
shadow on the convention. Sheriff
Kelly's renominalion to succeed him
self was esteemed a fit testimony to
the prevailing impression as t bis
faithfulness to duty aid efficiency.
Al Like won the nomination for
tilerk by the sheer force of his own
personality. It was no discredit to
Simeon Bolton that be came out
second in a race with Al Lake. Mr.
Bolton has made an enviable record
for himself as a faithful, obliging and
efficient deputy and it is doubtful if
there is another man in Wasco
county, save Mr. Lake, who could
Lave beaten him for the nomination.
Mr. Blowers won the nomination for
the county judgsbip over two men
who would have honored the office
bad they ever been elected to fill il.
1'iik Chronci.e has the highest re
spect for the defeated candidates but
it has not a particle of doubt that
the future will jurtify the choice of
the convention. By the nomination
of C. L. Schmidt for assessor, the
county is assured of an able and
efficient administration of an office
that requires more brains, more
sense, more honesty and more back
bone than any other in the gift of
the people. Tbe renomination of C,
L. Gilbert to the superintendency of
public schools over Troy Shelly,
man of distinguished record for con-
scienciouiness and faithfulness, is
striking testimony to Mr. Gilbert's
popularity. As to the treasurership,
three good men were defeated in the
race apparently because the conven
tion thought that tbe county funds
could not be intrusted to better or
safer bands than those of C. L.
Thillips. Peter Kircheiner had it all
bis own way for commissioner and it
is doubtful if a belter choice could
bave been made. Surveyor Golt
succeeds himself because the conven
tion did not think it could do belter,
and Butts ' Dad" Butts the caa
didate for coroner, wasn't nominated
al alii The convention, when it
came to sit on his case, simply
Lout d "Bulls" with one voice and
Chairman Kutk declared him the
nominee of the convention. And
thus ended a convention that will
Jong remain memorable for the har
mony ihat characterized its proceed
ings. The ticket is unquestionably
a strong one and our friends, the
enemy, will have to bustle like Sam
Hill to beat any part of it.
t.V ISirOSSWLK ASSVMl'TlOS. K..hli CaunUr c.nn,
r - 7ifi.Affl.Ria
Frenchwoman, who was attached iu
some way to the royal household,
was detected in a conspiracy thai
aimed at the assassination of the
queen. The woman was arrested
ar,d ordered into Iho queen's pre
ence. 'Tograteful wretch," said
Elizabeth, "what should I do to a
miscreant like you?" "Doc your
majesty," said the Frenchwoman,"
"sak to me as a Jud;o or as a
queen?" "I speak to you," said
Elizabeth, "as a queen." "Then
you should forgive me," wa the
answer. "But," said tbo queen, "If
1 fotglve you what assurance can
you give me that you will not re
new your attempts against my life?"
"Giace," resHnded tho French
woman, "that hath conditions, grace
fettered by precautions, is not grace."'
This bold response, It Is said, so
pleased Elizabeth that she promptly
ordered the woman's release from
custody and ever afier bound her to
her person by the ties of gratitude
and affection.
Gold win Smiih describes Queen
Elizabeth as false and perfidious,
heartless and selfish, capable at
times of hateful cruelty, vain and
indelicate, and a virago who "spat
and swore and cuffed her would-l.e
lovers when she was post middle age
and the last traces of her youthful
eomelinoss bad fled." Yet she bad
Tenia; kable arts of popularity when
she chose to observe them and this
marvelous bundle of contrarieties,
who could discuss theology like a
doctor of divinity and swear like
The Orcgonian ridieulos tho con
tention that the constitution docs
not "run in our new possessions.
But ridicule is not argument and in
this case is unortby of a paper that
makes any pretention to being Re
publican. The Chkoni.cle docs not
believe in tariff restrictions between
Ihis country and its dependencies,
but Us faith is founded on far other
grounds than that the contitution
the whole of it if at all and not
merelv a part follows the flag. As
a Kepuulican iiik hikmi'lk can
never forget that this very question
was one of the main issues that
brought about the civil war and that
the first Republican president of the
United States was elected on a plat
form that affirmed the right of
congress to legislate for our territor
ies as congress deemed lit, in other
words that the constitution docs not
"iun"inany territory till congress
takes it there.
Tbe Puerto Rico relief bill passed
tbe senaie Saturday by a vote of 135
to 87. The vote was on party lines
except that a few Democrats and
Independents voted with tbe Repub
licans. The bill was promptly signed
bv the president and took effect
immediately. It turns over to the
president for the use of Puerto Rico
over 12,000,000 of customs receipts
collected on Puerto Ricaa goods up
to January 1st last, and such amounts
as may hereafter accrue until other
wise provided by law. The passage
of tbe bill is a generous act done to
a ueedy and suffering people. It
ought to convince tbe Puerto Ricant
and our American anils, too, if
they were susceptible of conviction
that the United States has no im
perialistic intentions towards ber new
dependencies and no notion of ex
ploiting them for ber benefit.
If the constitution "runs" in Puerto
Rico must not our whole revenue
system "run" there loo? And if the
internal revenue In Puerto Rico be
"uniform" with that in the United
States and it must be uniform if
the constitution follows the flag will
not the tax be vastly more op
pressive than one of 15 per cent of
the Dingley tariff on mere experts
and imports when every cent of that
tax collected here is returned to
them without a cent of cost for col
The American Agriculturist esti
mates that the products of the farms
of the United Slates were worth
1,000,000,000 more las' year than
in any of the last three years of the
second Cleveland administration.
This is another of the "mere coinci
dences" that mark the McKfnlev ad
There is not a Domocratio paper
in the land that does not iuslsl that
the sugar trust anil Hie tobacco trusl
are responsible for the proposed tariff
on Puerto Rican product. And nol
a few Republicau papers thoughtless
ly, as it seems to us, join in tbe
general cry. Why should the trtts
mentioned want a tariff ou Puerto
Ricaa sugar and tobacco? When
was it ever known that trust asked
to have raw materials larilllcd?
Tbe thins is absurd. The trusts
have always stood for freo raw
materials. Their interests lie in Ibis
direction and in lino with the oppo
sition to the Puerto Rican tariff bill
Administration Republicans In both
bouses of congress havo affirmed
again and again without contradic
tion tlist eveiy pound of sugar and
tobacco that swails shipment from
Puerto Rico has passed out of the
bands of the producers and is owned
by the two trusts mentioned. In
ilie name of common sene what do
Ihey want a tariff on these products
for? Have these trusts become sud
denly trarf formed? Have they be
come so patriotic that they have
forced the president, agaiusl their
own interests, to place a tariff on Ike
sugar and tobacco already iu their
bands, when Iho president wanted
to let these commodities come here
free? The opposition of the beet
sugar interests aud of Connctticut
lobacco growers to free Irado witu
the island has the merit of being in-
telligble; the alleged opposition of
the sugar and tobacco trusts lias not
a single grain of sense or reason to
sustain it.
Tut Ciikomclk is affected to tears
through watching the Orcgonian' j
tender caresses of Joe Simon. In
tho light of a wcll-remcmbcrcd past,
what can it mean? Isn't there a
proveib about Herod and Pontius
Pilate clinking glasses to each other
when they had made up their minds
to crucify somebody? Or is the
Orcgonian betraying Mr. Simon with
a kiss that it may nail tbe little
senator to the cross later on?
Kalunlav'e pally.
After lh nomination ol county olll
err tree was taken to glv Hi dele
gate ol th ieverl precinct the op
portunity ol nominating precinct ol
Hoer. Tiirt re reported a follow
and formally ratified by the convention.
Committeemen : Antelope), H. V.
Hooper; Itakeovcu, F N Joner; Tygh,
J L F.iwood; Fails, ;Wet
lleod River, F I- Stianahan; Kt
Hood lliver, C L Rodger; South
Hood River, C K Markhaiu; Paid
win, II II Tomlltiiori; Weil llli,
M 7. Donnell; Trevitt, Max Vogl ; ltig
elow, Cha Stephen; East Dalle, II
Rice; Moiler, E It Wood ; Eight-Mil,
II Mahear; Columbia, II ; Virnto,
t'hT Erly; Dulur, 1' W Khoale;
Ramsey, W II 1! !ufurj Boyd, II Hud
on ; Nantene, F O Clauten ; Deichute,
J C Johnson; Klngsley, E Willbint;
Mountain, O L Walter; Wauiie, J tin
End ; Oak Grove, O L
Other precinct officer :
Bddwin Justice ol tho poaee, George
Dimmick ; conttable, Bert Sandman;
uervir road dittrlct No 3a, A II Rill
ing; No 7, Warren Cooper.
Deichutei Juttice of th peace, Ooi
Neidrrberger ; constable,
supervisor, J 1' Uolton.
The Dslles Juitice of the peace, T T
Rroanhill ; conttable, Frank IIlll;uper
vitor road district No. 13, A V Vance;
No. 1H, Aleo Frasior; No. 2", Andrew
McCabe; No. 8, Peter Agldlu.
Motier Justice of the peace, L J
Davenport; cnttabl, Cha K Stark;
upervtior roii. I district iso. l , C
Young; No. 10, Root Dinaninre.
Tygh Juttice of the ptace At Slog
dill ; conttable, M M Morri; lupervieor
road district No. '.M, Jos (illuiore; No,
2V, C L Morri.
Viento Juntice) of Iho peace, J W
Wallace; coimtuble, R J Tucker.
Nansene Juntice of tlx peace, F C
Clauurn; constable. E I. Cralt; super
visor , E A Haynes.
Kali Jootico ol the peace, W Eahy ;
constable, II Wirkt ; lupervlsor,
"The Democratic paper at The
Dalle makes a prediction that the
nominees of its political faith 'will
serve Wasco county the next two
years.' Any one who cares to test
the value of the prophecy should
watch tbe returns from Wasco
county tbe morning of June 5th,"
says tbe Oregonian.
The Observer says: "Mr. Moody
has succeeded in tabling all the oily
schemes for leasing the public do
main; and transferring it to gamblers;
but no relaxation should follow on
tbe part of the people. Watch the
Salt Lake congress, next month, for
some more funny business."
Salem Democrats had the gall to
ask for the use of the hall of repre-1
sentatives for Ilryan to speak in, a
request without a precedent. They
were politely refused.
The Sumpter people call it "erup
tive disease." Moro folks still cling
to the eailicr nomenclature, '-Filipino
With the flowers that bloom in
the spring comes the unwelcome but
inevitable announcement that Cy
clone Davis Las emerged from his
Texas cellar and come lo Oregon to
resume his crusade against the money
octopus tind the crime of '".'5.
Great Britain pays a subsidyTf
ll9i,6CO to a line of slcamersto
carry bananas from Jamaica to Urit
a pirate, ctuld piesent on occasion all ish port. Our American free traders
the grace of bearing and dignity ofibave a habit of overlooking little
acUon thai befits a throne. Til ! thuias like that. 'r
Ciiiconci.k In rend
somewhere a
etory that presents this last phase of
Lcr character in fine relief. A
A glr! (o do Kreral housework. In-
J qaire of Mr. A. R. Thompson. n.21-3l
DirARTvuT or tm Ixtimok, )
V. 8. Lao Orrics,
Th Daller, Or., March 23, 1000.
Notice i hereby giren that on May 1,
KKK), at 9 a. m., pproved plat of frac
tional township 5 south ol rang 13
eaat, W. M., will b filed In I hi office,
after which time th vacant tract in
aid township will be rnlj t to entry.
Jav P. I.iias, Register,
Otih Patters.)., RciTr.
t'o(ralaltl4int anil Ihanki,
The folljwlng telegram mi received
today :
Wahhington, 0. C., March 23, 00.
F. E. Bkoxko.x, The Duller.
Extend my hearty congratulation to
the county nominee. Ezpren to the
member of the Convention my grateful
apiiieciatiun of their valued eniIorein'nt,
M. A. Moody.
I.lvery stable f ir u!e at Centerville,
Vtaah.,f I'M) per month buitiei. Will
ell at a bargain.
i"27-lai A. R. Guaiiam.
For mim,
Turkey egg. Price V)c letting. In
quire of Mr. W. W. Kawon, on 3-Mile.
Long dint an co phone 913. Hi2l-2ki
Pure silver laced Wymi lutt -eggs ran
be fee u red at J. II. Cross' grocery store
for ft pei 15. feM.'8-lmo akly
J! icy let
repaired at Maier
A Ren
3 lotl
Hoyd Justice of che peace, J L Rich
ard; constable, ; tiipwivltor,
J D Bell.
Mountain Justice of the pure. I
Nelron ; constable, J C Matney; oper
yitor road district No. 14, W II Wolfe.
Fist Hood River Jutlice of the peace,
C J Humes; conn! able, E 8 Olilnger;
supervisor, Naru Harbison.
Writ Hood River Justice of th
peace, same; cooatahle, lame; super
riaor road district No. 2, Warren Miller.
Sonth Hood River Justice ol th
peace, T J Cuming; constable, Harry
Bailey; enpervisor road district No. 4,
Frrd E Bailey ; fo. 6, D 8 Crapper.
Wamic Justice of the peace, E II
Wheeler; constable, John Ilford;
opervisor road district No. 3, J E Ken
nedy. Kingnley Justice of the peace,
; conttable, ; supervisor
mad district No. 27, L PateuuJe; No. 2t,
L Rondeau.
Dufur Justice of th peice, I, It
Thomas; constable, Amos Gregg; super
visor, 8am EJmondson.
Ramsey Jasliceol th peace,
; constable, .super
visor, J M McCoonell.
Eigtt-Mile Justice of the peace, T
W Fliirc : conitable. J W Dixon: suuer-
visor road district No. IS, W Eudersby.
Colombia Justice of the peace,
conttable, ; supervisor,.
Oak Grove Justice of the peace, L B
Kelly; constable, O L Paqoet; super
visor, R A I.iughlin.
M 1' Isenberg, in a neat compli
mentary speech, nominated II I, Knrk
for re election a chairman of th coonty
central committee and the proposition
was carried with a whoop.
The following resolutions were tub-
mi ltd and carried with great entbntl-
Keaolved : That thi Convention In
dorse the time honored principle of th
Republican parly and point with pride
to their eieuiplilii ation in the present
unparalleled ptoiperity of th country.
Resolved : i'hat the indomitable rm
ergv d'iplayed by Congresaman M. A.
Mondy in behalf of the people and the
gratifying lucres that ha hitherto
crowned bit labor, entitle him to re
nomination at the hand! of the Repub
lican! of the Second Oregon ccngreatioo
al district.
A vote of (hanks wa then extended
to the chair and th other officer of the
convention; (oinebody called for three
cheer lor "Old Glory," and thus ended
th most harmonious political conven
tion! ever held In The Dallei or any
where else.
firrine IlrCl llaatler From 'Way
Hark-( Mlchdl Told nl Ike
Oreat Columbia Baala.
ASctfclaUe Pre parnltonfor As
similating tttc Foul ami Hctf ula -lint!
the StuuKtchs tutdUowls of
rnTnTia-v imii innw-'i 1
Promotes Diiiestion.Ctwrfi
neasflral IVst Contains ndltrr
Opium. Morphine nor liiu:iaL
VIm Stmt'
.0, tm
AporTecl Remedy forConslipA
tion.Sour Slonvvh.PurrUH-A
Worms ,(onvilsK)rw.Fevrnsh
iu'ss nod Lohm or Sleep.
Facsimile Snjnnlure of
Ft' II P .11 M
IP lH ,
For Infant, and Child,
The Kind You Have
Always Bought
Bears tho
A At
For Over
Thirty Years
hm III i
him ith nine read ng imti. r and Ivlt
him of the grrat State of Oregon. If the
train stopprd half an hour (or iiiej!,
menilwr of th delegathin ladle at
ell gntleuien were out hui:lng
through the cite like a candidate for I
vole, and leaving tomething that aoold
dvrrtlMi your ttale. Ittet-mel ti in I
that Albert Toiler iimal bar givrn
A Urlaalr SlllUd. civerl'Jor U)arth opi
Siltei crek and Mr an hare tnlfrnitt,
loat of large amount of lork, by
killed by a lar grm'y hear ahlrh W
roamed ih country touth of SilmU
nd it l eatlmateil that bruin hu aw
an average killing of AO bead of a::.
away KH eople of the daily Oregonian. j r,r'
II mad a tour of th bu.lne.a hoo-ra I '"n pi h W-
of Nw Orlean and prrtrntel ,irm I "'ade lo kill thl riily. II haiku,
with cople of Oregon prr. railroad , 5 ,,r olJ AshlghMC
literature and vouveuir of all detcrlp- j ,,M for hi alp. II. a
tlon. Mr. II tang Ih praite ( been een mny llmi. nd all re
Eattern Oregon, Mr. VYeatherr-d akel ,,lu' ,u l" uotei In iae, w II t.
mine and gave out touvenire. Mr. I '''r a dalical undertaking lo Hie
Conklin dlatrlbuted eoovrnlr coplr of j ,,itu- "ul ' pef'e of U,
hi Mining Journal, Mr. Sirl d.ted on 1 vlflnly determining lo hav hi tn;i
mountain peaki, Mia Michll told o ! e"' over lor W. T. Vandeverl, who'ntj
the great CulumbU-kivr-r bann, Mr. I ol ' Ireechutr. and h went orwa
Aabury praiied old Yamlilll, Mr. IVaalee
talked Portland, Mr. Cheney kept Ore
gon City before the manufacturing
intere!, aod Mil Joor, Mia Ilufling-
ton, Mi Ogleihy, Mia Si eel, Mia
Toiler, Mr. fbnford and other took
turn at diitribnting lileralui. Ye,
your delegation are worker, and none
need be aihamed of them. When our
train pulled out of !,o Angt-ie on our
retnrn homeward, a delegation lined up
alongside and gave three routing clurra
and a tiger for Oregon. Modealy lorhula
my (peaking of my o n delegation, but
took hi bear dog and a deters
croad darted lor bruin' teen otem
lion. On Friday nf laat week liUlrvj
wa discovered and on hunday afurM
he wa trailed to hi den la th if
end of Thompson valley about 14 a
omit ol Silver Lake.
The party comnted of W. T. V
vert, JelT Howard, Ueorg and U
Small, Creed Conn, and lliliy k
They went into th Oril den, ahirkw
KilOand (lvefeol high. A email k
led from thi into another den In !
the lear ai located. The d.-g
Iimi hot fir biiu and he Bttemptel
F. D. Hchnebly, of Kllensburg, v. ho
has joat returned from attending the
recent convention of the National K1I
torial Asioclatlon at New Orleans, tell
an Oregonian reporter of the good work
done by the Oregon delegate!, among
ahoin was Mis Koe I). Michell of Tin
Ciiiiomi'I.r. Mr. Hchnebly tavt:
"Your Oregon delegation to the Na
tional Editorial Association are hustler.
It teemed that they never slept from
the time they left Poltland the night ol
February 17. At eyery station, day or
night, that the train made a stop, some
member of the delegation was out dis
tributing literature and talking Portland
or Oregon. It was a revelation to me.
Every time a passetignr boarded the
train some Oregonian would present
I I me adviae your people to tend that
sam delegation to the Huff do rueetlnir i r"", 0,,t' H'lly Hall wa penlivd jr
nett year." above the hole leading lo th Rrtt
- - In th back of lb head, killing biar
II. Eimer Noland.or jouth l.o go tlanlly, wl.ile tho real of the croaJ tr
Dy mat name, I anted hern and in , on th waiting tohtlW
Dulur and In Klng.ley and ptibly in n hi) death but Hilly' aim s
Other (dace. He wa employed for and bruin lay a orpe.
om tlm here a solicitor for the Timee- The (courg of that country lay
Mountaineer but, not giving any re- t their feel and all hand fell
markable degree of latiifarllon to lilt over their ucce. II wa a roi'
employer, wa given tbe bounce, lining wouJ lg, atmut 1000 pound..
out to Dufur b. iu furnlahed Iwrae ... ,8 inrhe long and Mr.C
and boggy and lent out to solicit tub Fa.rell, our Informant, had ont W r
wription. for the Di.palch. lie viaited v,hlch four Inch. &
n.mic, nspiniii. lygi, and Klng.ley w ,. . Klnii tmo.yrtroi
...u anu.n io nave uone tome Imi.i- iri( no ,!,,, W ,bout j(, Jrtrt
new ,or nit employer. I ha la.t heard The U.yi showed eon.lder.l I 1"' 1
oi mm wat at Mngiley latt Vt ...i.. . ,... ,i. .,i ,,,:, ,.-. M
uight where he Hopped at the Kmg.ley t ,a j,,., ,tock hi.'.
iiuito, mim aapiier ami tiaririi, at wa
I opposed, for Dufur. Hi nee then all
trace of him or hi travellngnntSt it loat.
Noland may turn up all right, but cir
cumstance ar against htm. lie heat
th Obarr Hotel here out of board bill,
went tick with a local optician for a
pair of 111 gold rlrimed ey glatte. beat
the Kingtley hotel out of hit board bill,
and "borrowed" the hotel keeper'iover
coat and in other ay eem to have
petty-hircenled everybody he hai had
anything to ilo with.
Noland ii a ilick talker. While at
Tynh he tohl the citizen he wai going
right back to The Dalles and from there
to Portland to buy a newtpap.r plant
for that little bnrg. Noland appear lo
lie bout 25 years of ge with light hair
and smooth (ace. lie aean durk clothei.
Any one knowing anythingof hi there
about would confer a favor by tending
Information to thn Dufur Ditpatrli.
hit li
Mr. Calvin Kimu.erman, Mileiburg,
a., lays, " Al a ipeedy cure for cough,
cold, croup and sore throat Oi;e Minute
Cough Cure It line r,,iled. It it pleasant
for cliildien to take, I heartily recom
mend it to mother." It It the only
harinlei remedy that produce Im
mediate remit. It cure bromhltlt,
pneumonia, irrlrmfl and throat ami Inn
d'leaici. It will prevent confiimnilon 1
jutlifr Ih haiaidoot nndertaklng. T
etpeel toon lo lnaect hi den l4
what can be found. Prliievlll Rrrx
l.alv Arrlvalael Haw Vurk '"'
Over 1000 handkerchief lo till
1c up.
Hrownle tulli, tget 4 to 12, 50
Little boy' while ihirt igetotol-''
with thete they wear the
col I art jutt like papal.
II yi fancy whit aalat ami b101
Irlend wiltt.
Ladle (uinuier nnderwear, lies'1"
lug ileevei or long tleevel. He
VV hay jmt received nd putoi'
a large thlpmenl of gr mile wtrtil"'
from the factory. New York CathSW
Pur Rale I heap,
I r.ff.T for aalo. chean for ct
(lihouiiiu nronertv on AlvrJ
Joining Mr. Uroal' properly '1
east. For the neat few dayi Inqi1"
me at Tua Ciibonici.i ofllce.
m'.'S.'H A. A. (iii.i""'"'
Mllllnary liinlii(-
Mr. Marie Pulrano a III hav
ripening of tprlng and iiimnier BI",B
on Wednesday, March --lh" ,
numerous lady Mends ar Invite" "
tend. . '