9 WEEKLY, f 1 fill VOL. X THE DALLES, WASCO COUNTY, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, MARCH 28, 1900. NO. 23 if t rw' j- itf avx -n ii ill ii ii ri ivrf -w i i ei ii ii V V VaW r -5 V I El II II 0 rf M'lhi Tllrnr! SlMirtht Ju'UUul tt i'luuu tuiau wnui&m From Soulier. RESPONSIBLE FOR THE ARRESTS lid .Vol Know, However, Tu.it Any Were M.ule Otitaide Slate liu'l I'm Was a Necessity It Was Vol The KchuIi of a Specific OrJcr, Hut Was lur to Kctiiiremeiits of the Occasion. Waailisi. ion. March 5'!. Governor triincnt ii c uitliiiie.1 his tcitlmony In Coeiir d'Ah i iiiveatiwatiin t lnjr i inU rro ' I imimxl by F.C. RolcMaoii 'tnruey lor tiit n pron i iiiiu it. cie lie Governor tinted ItiMl II Mir SI rests fce'e in i prior lo li.e w(ii r.i roclatnatioii, it waa with Ida author m mul approval, ami (cci.ii'H of lii neral authority CtiU'l Fixrcnllvo uf ie tali, llefoiti General Merriatn wen! i tlii rrim uf disorder, the governor ll a talk aithhltn, an. I told him to bike null steps as were n-feasry to ainlKill order. Whin further qoea iifl at t.i Jul who as responsible fur arreats, Mrimpnbt'rg said : "1 K'Miine lliii reaporisibiliiy for every rot in fdioahnne county by General llerriam or any one else." Il aeae.l II ha aaiumed tlila ra oimnility in the case of a man brought mi Montana, and amounting, it was ged, to "kidnapping." Hennrnherg anerrd that If It amounted to that, lie l-ninrtl reionlhillty for ll. t'lisirinan Hull at llilf point slated 4t ha I. ail rrtelved a letter from Adjn lul-Gcneral (or bin saving that the war 'isrlmrnt was not In possession of lh u il roll nl prisoner.. Tha governor a nt on to tut if y llmt ha assumed re- uisihility for any of the arrvata inailn k Jr.iity outride the atat, althotith t ltl not claim authority bayond the olr. Hi- did not know that hia deixitlra "If tlirna arrMta, but if they did, ha ii tha rrapnnaib! cdlrlal. Mr. Ii ilxTtfon ked If tha regular Hi in whirli tlm Ko leral firlannxra ra c.lilliied wa not at Moarow, t' o. The governor din not know ol '. The nn of Hi atnekada or bull ii a not tha remit of any ecl(lc li ra, hut waa due to the requireuienla Hie ncraMon. A epmtrd conlroveray ng (lie nifinhrra of the committee iirri'd, whea Mr. Cheney, an attorney k the ileft nae, Interpoaed an objection iie of l!olertain'a iiuettlona. Kulr.er erpored a vignroua proteit anainut I j I'tiona from a private Co on re I. He filed tha. ll had txciiue apparent it a iiiKj irlty of the roi.-nulUee, throiiKh attorney, waatrjlng to thlfl the re 'iKiniiilr. lie ilevlate.l that thl aaa "outrage on the minority." Hull replirt I that he retented the In lutiun that the maj irlty represented i'le or the other, and denied that ' mitjority had taken any mcli attitude that angat ated by Sulrer. ENTUCKIANS ARE ON TRIAL Hcl Waa Shot From Office of Secre lary of State Flrat Shot Waa From a Hi Me, Other Seemed to He Pistol Shots. P mNKroKT, Ky., March 23 Soventy- " extra police ofNrere and deputy "''If guarded the ontor entrance to " foiirthonee today, while a file of liera atood at the doora and paaaed "'a ciedentlala of peraoni entering p room. The canae of thit diaolav of e waa the opening of the preliminary M ff tha Ooebel aii.pecte. Tha "ral public waa excluded. I-exlngton 1 Wincheater militia comnantet. I1 ''! with Wlncheaturi, were teat tered "gh the varioua rnomi. P'"lge Moore convened court at 10 "k. Tha prleonere, the Republican "lary of ttate, Caleb Towea, W. H. 'unand John Dayli. were broneht 0 Oie coarlroom an I took leatt by rcounnel. Thaeo:nuonaltli wit- failed, numbering forty. Nergrant Golden waa not Kx (lovurnor Brown read agalnai I'owere, mlilili ehurged i'ower with Itelng art accrtaory to tlm mnrder of Ooebel. llrowu oked for dlrmlaaal of the tlefendant on the ground that tha warrant waa defective in tint etntliiji that tha crime waa com ndltv t in Franklin o.iunly and did not ahow the oir'ne to have been committed In Kentucky. Judge Moore overrulid the ol 'lection to tlm form ol tlio warrant. Warden I.lllard, of the Frankfort pen Iti rilhiry, a the flrrt wltneaa aworn. lie tt ftllie.l that he waa with J' U-i a hen the latter way rhot. He walked ahead of (i.xdnl and waa Junt en'.i iin,- the date houra when thu almt aaa II red. lie looked towaid the executive building and taw that the K-cund window of the e.irm-r room mat aiightiy rained. Ttiia aat the ofjica of the eerrctary of tlile. Ho thought the allot had been fired fiom tlila room. Thero acre aeveral other ihna, hot ha laid I hey did not come fiom the lame place. The find ahot aaa cvl lently from a rifle, while the otl.era ti-emed t he from pintola. CAPTAIN MAHAN HAS PLEASED CANADIANS Naval txpitt llelicvcs I nitcd Stjlcs and Crcat llritain Should He Hound Together by the Tica id Warmct Friendship. MoTKi:Ai.,Mitrch S3. Captain Mahan la lo have the honorary degien of loctor of I.ia entered upon him on April 3U by McCiill iiniverailr. Tao Intereating lettera finn Captain Mahan to I'rinclpul I'ateraoit, are made public here. In one, hu eaya : "I am very glad to know that any ut terance of mine ha given aatlafaction to the people of Canada. At thit period of the woild'l hirlorv, whatever tenda to draw rlorer the ilea of kinahip l leen the I'niled Statra end the Itritlrh Km plre, whether In I'.a whole or iu ita part, la a matter for congratulation. The re nil of cordial mntunl uiidcratauJing la lire to be reached, provided llumu of ue ho realize the importance, rat) have tho patience to bear ailli the extrava gancra of opponenta on ono aide or thu other." In the ecuid letter he makea the fol lowing obaervatlona on International arbitration : "I do not greatly Vu'.nu arbitration, except in deciding pure matters of fact. Ae regards the relations of the to peoplea, you d i not dwell upon a hnt to my mind la the crucial neresaiiy, name ly, patience on the part oflho'ewho think at we dt with the VuUlile, prejudiced unthinking or malevolent parts of tha Community. In a way, tireat llritain neede thia more than we, became your c tmpnratively homngene- one people Unit ll haril to understand the violent utterances and profesaiona of a nation which baa not yet reached the stage, even of Ix-ii g compo'ite, but is imply heterogeneous with prejudices often akin to the soil. 'In this the Irloh arn conp cnoua, and en n tlie (iermnns do no! wholly eacape, although, as Americana, they have a higher and more Intelligent pa triotism. lut if it is hard for tireat llritain to bear, what la to thoe of u who see the rlghteouanera and policy of the state endangered by such folly and malevolence as has Wen shown here lately. There is but one thing pa lience; faith as tha elements of future undemanding between the K.ngliah- eking peoples exist so they a HI pro gress to perfection If only we are patient In action and endurance." Ilemarkahla Caraa nf Hhamnallam. From Hi Vindicator, Rulherlonllun, N. 1'. Tho editor of the Vindicator has bad occasion to teat tha etllcacy of Chamber Iain's Tain Halm twice with the iiiotd remarkable results In each ease. First, with rheumatism In the shoulder from which he suffered excrnciating pain for ten days, which was relieved with two applications of 1'aln Halm, rubbing the parts alHi.ted and realising Instant benefit and entire relief In a very short time, Fccind, In rheumatism In thigh joint, almost prostrating Mm with severe pain, which was relieved by two appli cations, rubbing with the liniment on retiring at night, and getting up free from pain. For sale by lllakeley Houghton. rural Haarlacha Quickly. Baldwin's sparkling effervescent Cel ery Bode. A harmless and effective enre for headache, nervousness, sleeplessness, brain fatigue. 10 and 25 cents. Bold by Clarke A Falk, droggists, Jen2 Oe? reaaea were The name of In the lint, the warrant CROCODILE POOLS Dispatch rum Eulnwayo, Indicates That tne EiM of toe Garrison at Ma'c kiDi is Now Fnrtlicr OS Tfcan E?cr. COVERING REMOVAL OF SIEGE GUNS kruiicr la Said to Have Issued Proclama tion That England la In Iire Dis tress and That Russians Occupy Londoo. f.osiMv, March "3 Colonel I'luii'ir apparently has retired toCrocodlle l'o"l and Mafeking seems farther .rf tiiun ever from relief. This neas was contained In a diapatch from Huiuwayo, dated March l'J, and pnhlUhed in the feoon I edition of the Timt e. There advic-a add that the base honpilal baa been brought back to (iaberorii'i, though tho corres pondent further says it is thought the oi'jirt of the I'.oer demonstration of March 15 and IU was to cover the re moval ol the siege guns from Mufui log. (it-iieral French's activity in theOrange Free State may well lie preliminary to a forward movement by I.-iid Koberta, with the main army. A di'patch from Hlormfoutuin, dated March 22, says that I'reaidenl Kruger, is reported to haveicsued a proclamaticn declaring that tireat Ilritaiu ia in dire ditlrera and that the Hueslans have oc cupied I-oii'hm. A Spriiigfontein telegram .ubliahed In the eve jnd edition of the Times, eaya : "The apparently suhmitaive altitude of F'ree Staters should be accepted with canlion. Tha large proportion of obsolete, lufeilor weapous being turned io by them lo tho Hritish isgiving the impres sion that large stores of modern Mausers aiolielng concealed. " The "Outlook" special CorreeKjnd ent at Cape Town says: "Feeling is running strong against the leniency a it It a hicli the rebels of Cape Colony ami Natal are being treated by the British authorities." Xilw Yokk, March 2;t. A dispatch lo the Tribune from l-ondon, March 2.ld, rl a. in., says: No confirmation has !ecn received of a very sensational rumor emanating from the I'.oer camp at Krnonstad lhat (ieneral (iatacre and his staff, with a number of Kuns, have been captured by Commandant Olivier. As a matter of fact, a News telegram from Spriiufoiitcin shows the Ilritieh general to have lieeu there at a date later than that of Ida alleged capture. I .ostitis, March - Aocirding to a rpecial diapntch from Cape Town, d.ited totlav, (ieuera! French's cavalry brigade ia fighting eaatward of Hloemfontein. STARVATION IN PUERTO RICO Fifty Thousand Laborers oo the Island Are Without Work. Sam Jv as I FfKRTO Rico, March 17. The recent strlkeol 7lH) men employed on the Ponce Adjuntaa-Utada gjvern- mentroad, their tleinand belrgfor Scents gold per hour, an advance of 2 cents per hnnr, ami the more recent strike of (WO men working on the same road, under a New York contracting firm, their de mand being for a uniform rate of .'id cents per day ins pad of 40 and 45 cents, have seived to accentuate the fact that there are, at tho very lowest estimate, ,0,(XX) laborers on the island out of employ inrnt. Though their demands were refused, the strikers remained quiet and orderly, and made no attempt at a demonstration. On account of lack of funds to keep np the estates, many plantations am bile and are being fast overgrown with wild vegetation. Thooaanda of workmen ara out of employment on this account. ' Governor-! ieneial Davis says that, In bis estimation, 300,000 of the Inhabitants of Puerto Rico are dependent upon labor. It was thought that the country was In such a condition as to al'ow the distribu tion of relief supplies to be stopped, but Immediately after this was attempted, the cities an 1 towns began to fill op with beggars, and Instances may be re corded where whoin families have died from starvation. A a c-innefjucnce, Ueneikl Davis has mjcted to tho authorities at Washington that the supplies be continued. About 000 natives have Immigrated from Ponce to Cnha, but from letters received by their families here, they have found conditions lu Cubi evn worse tlnui in I'ut rt i Rico. Anulhar fatten Calletl, 'Vamhisotos, March 21. Another Re publican caucus on the Puerto Rico bill will bo belli Monday. The latest pro; osl tion is for Sfpnmle ini-ai-un.?, and an siiiendinent of the tariff xrt; -n ro as to allow froe trado on all product g'dng into Puerto Rio from the L'ui'ed Stm.es and reteution of the I i per cent dnty on products coming to to the. United States from Puerto Rico. If there can be found any substantial iinaniu.ily among Re publicans within the cauc), or if a etif fle'ent tiUin' er can be secured to poi-s the bill in the amen lid form, ii will be pressed to a vote. I'realilenl Kilned tha ICrllrf Mill. YYashisuton, March 24 The Pueito Ricau appropriation bill w::s signed by the President at 4 "i0 p. i-, today. Unplug fur lotervrutlon. Dt an.vx, March 24. It isleurned from an authentic souro that the I'ocr leaders are aware that th -y are lMT.tin, but think they can hold out for four or six mouths, in which time they firmly believe foreign intervention will fyrce (irfat Britain to grant favorable term-, including independence. They expect (icrmany or the United States to inter vene. The mUsion ot MeMirs. Wol niareue, Fischer and WeMels to Europe is to hasten this, so far as Herniary is concerned. The Hoer plans iuc'u It) a stand at Kroonstant, the Yaal river and other Hints, culminating iu the defense of Pretoria, which has leen preparing for a teige. The range of the guns has been tested, mines bnvti been laid and the forces In the field have not allowed themselves to be cut off ith their heavy guns, which are needed in tho forts at Pretoria. Tlie mnjority of the Transvaalers are ignorant of the gravity of the situation, and, though tired of remaining so long from their farms, will fight hard, be lieving that their liberty and property are at stake and confident of ultimate success. Catarrtl I'annot be C'ureil with local applications, as they cannot reach the seat of the disease. Catarrh is a blood or constitutional dineaee, and in order to cure it you mi't take inter nal remedies. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally, and acts directly on tho blood and mucous surfaces. Hu'l's Cntarrh Cure ia not a quack medicine. It was was prescribed by one of the best physicians in this country for years, and is a regular piefcription. It is composed of the best tonics known, combined with the best blood purilleis, acting directly on the mucous surfaces. The perfect combination ot tho two mreJietits in abut produces such wonderful results in curing Catarrh. Send fur testimonials. free. K. J. Ciiksky A Co., Props., Toledo O, Sold by drruggiets, price 7."u. Hall's Family Pills are the best. 12 fctrliatia nt rtorut. Washington, March 21. The ex chance, of t oi ds for.tlie 2 per cent issue authiirired by tho new currei.cy law, up to du'e agt-rettntci l4S,!".U.t00. Of this sum, (l;!0,."V.I,7,r.) were nllVrt'd by the National bank?, and t l$,".;t,lid0 by in dividuals. Ills I II aa Savant. Mr. J. E. Lilly, a prominent citir.en of Hannibal, Mo., lately bad a wonderful deliverance from a (rightful death. In telling of it he says : "I was taken with Typhoid fever, that ran Into pneumonia. My lungs became burdened. I was so weak I conld'nt even sit op In bed. Nothing helped me. I expected to soon die of consumption, when I heard of Dr. King's New Discovery. One bottle gavo great relief. I continued to use it, and now am well and strong. I can't say too much In its praise." This marvelous medicine is the surest and quickest cure in the world for a'l throat and long trouble. Regular sixes "0 cents and tl.OO. Trial bottles free at Hiakeley A Houghton's drugstore; every bottle guaranteed. A float! Cough Mnllrlaa fur ( lilltlrrw "I have no hesitancy in recommend ing Chamberlain's Cough Remedy," says F. P. Moran, a well known and popular baker, of Petersburg, Ya. "We have given it to our children when troubled with bad coughs, also whoop ing cough, and it has alwaj s given per fect satisfaction. It was if commended to me by a druggist as the best cough medicine for children aa It contained no opium or other harmful drug." Sold by Blakeley A Houghton. s CONSPIRACY Democrat Had Heir s:ar ffitocss en tlie s:s,l TOLD SENSATION AL TALE Mountaineers Were Expcvcd to Kill tbc Democrats Phn to Distroy Majority Witness Sick. Frankfort, Mutch 'J4 The pros- ci tion in the c.nu agninfl. Secretary f State Caleb Powers, chirged with c im plicit) in the Ciuebid assassination, in troduced Its principal titn.s t-id'y, F. Wharton Golden, of Knox County, i.n intimate friend of Powers. Attorneys for the commonwealth s.iy lhat Goldcn's testimony is praclical'v the capstone of the whole structure of evidenc?, and ex pect to prove by his testimony not only that a conspiracy existed, but also who ere implicated. Golden was the Erst aitness today. He sai l ho wss in Frankfort Janrary 14. He went to Harlan countv on the lH;h and then lo Laurel county for three or fo ir dave. From thero he ro'urned to Frar.kf Tt. "When did yon have the conversation with S.'cretary Powers?" askeJ Attorney Cam phell. "When Poaers an I left here to gether, Powers told me to go to Harlan county and tell Postmaster Hirst to send if m n ten witness-.. in a contest case, who were regular mountain feudists." "What was your understanding of that request7" Witness hesitated, but finally said : ' Well, men who would stand np, and if necejsary go into that Legislative hall and kill off n- ngli to make it in our favor. I didn't See Hirst but saw Hainp Howard. I told him ae wanted ten recul.tr mountain feudists, for witnesses, men who had Rood Colts' forty-fives." j "Were ti e C'jlts' forty-fives to be pnt in evidence?" "Most assiired'y thry were." "Who selected the n.en from Il.irlan county?" "llamp Howard selected thirty men besides the ten. Caleb Powers, I think, selected the men from Kn- x. There were seventy or eighty. Jim Markf. County Attorney, sekcted the men from Lsnrel county." Witness Stilted that Powers raid he wanted a regular army of mountaineers tocomoto Frankfort. "Did you have any further conver-a-tion with Poaers regarding the work to bt) dono by the men coming?'' "No, sir ; they understood what they were kept here for. We knew those men were here tc go into that Legislative hall and if necessary clean out enough Demo crats to make a maj irity on our side." The answer created a ft r,sation. Dur ing a lengthy argument over a technical point Golden became ill and the court adjourned until 1 :30 p. in. Mill Not Quit. I.AnMirn, March 21.- The scouts frequently engage the Boers beyond Mj ran, nnuer the lJigijarsberg. bill no im portant fighting has taken place. The F'ree-Stnters continue to enter our lines surrendering under tho proclama tion istied bv Lord Roberts. They de clare that the Transvaalers are deter mined to fiht to ttio bitter end. The majority of those who have hitherto taken part in the fighting have been Free-Staters. The Transvaalers have been held in reserve. Tho Poors are preparing for another c.imikn, and will occupy a strongly fortified position in the Tr.insvaal, necessitating heavy flchting before they can be driven oit. The Roerl aro not expected to makea stand at Johannesburg, but to concen trate at Pretoria. I.ord Roberts' proclamation is causing much dissatisfaction among the loyal Dutch farmers in this neighborhood, as it is taken to mean that be has morally pledged himself to preserve the. life and property of the rebels who lay down their arms and return to their homes. Rail Ralea Hrab. Sr. ril., Minn., March 24 Second- class colonists tickets ara still being sold from Chicago on the basis of 25 from St. rani to the coast. Today, labor rates went to pieces between Chicago and St. Taal, dropping to 15. A rate war expected to s'rike Crst-elass busi ness next week. The pie-i.lenl's agreement to maintain rates is Woken with their consent, and it is believed 1 lie (in n t N n l!."rn iil at suti.e tho .aii)i-n; of c .unniB'-ioin in a short lime. The Cum l:an P.cloo posi tively r'-fiiMC-s to j tin the movement to i!iscntii; ue co.-ii in ln-i-,.1-, an 1 competing lines ill be fort-e l to renew commis sions. This movement w ill rett-jrecom-mits-.ons on all lir.t a. SUPERIORITY OF AMERICAN GOODS Fncjund is Fast Losing Prestige in Her Home Market .Newspapers Fret About It Call American Goods Cheap and Use ibe Word "Xastj" Frequently. Washington-, Ma-eh 16 In bis forth ciii!i. report, Jamet I'.oyle, Unitd Mates c.'.'.ml M Liverpool, calls atten tion to the fai t that Aun-ricaii manu factures, "particularly in Fpet ia'.ti -s, me be in accepted by Engiisli pirchaera in preference to those of home produc tion. English critics writing to Liver pool newspair?, he says, have Bt tribiited this to the Auieiican goods being el. can, and they often a-M the aord "naly." The consul is able to refute theee charges uy a letter from a prominent biHiness man to the Liver pool Chamber of Commerce. The writer studied trade conditions duriog teven years-epent in Africa, Anstra'ia and Canada. A oortion of this letter is incorporated in Consul Poyles report, and reads, in part, as foliowa : "I have found that American and G-r-uian manufac:uier9 are gradually oust ing us from all these mjrkets. This truth is corco-ly appreciated at a time of worldwide prosperity, but it will mske itself unpleasantly obvious when the inevitable reaction sets in. I find that throughout the countries I have named there is a universal complaint, 'You English will not make your goods to suit our markets. You send your samples aid tell us to take them or leave them joi don't care which. If we afk yon to alter things you either re fuse to d i it or elt-e yon demand pro hibitive prices. Germans and Ameri cans, on the other band, care for e.n 1 ascertain our requirements and then supply our needs at reasonable prices. English giods go Ibrong'i too many hands." Consul Boyle ftites that American matmlacturt's can now tin 1 plenty of other champions iu England, who base their support on the ground of actual Mi'.eriority, both in workmanship and adaptability. So KlRht Iu I gllnraa. The woman who is lovely in fac-.', form and temper aiil always have friends, but one t i.o on;d be attractive mu;t keep her he.ilth. If che is weak, sickly and ali run down, she will l nervcus and iiritah'e. If ehe Iirs con stipation or kidney trouble, her impure blood will cause pim-Jt-r, blotches, ekin eruptions and a wretched complexion. Electric Bit'ers is the best medicine in tho world to regulate stomach, liver and kidneys and to porify the blood. It gives strong nerves, bright eyes, smooth, velvety skin, rich complexion. It wi make a good-looking, charming woman of a run-do An invalid. Only 50 cents at Blakeley A Honghton's drugstore. Notice or lllaaoltlllnn. Notice is hereby given that the firm of Fonts A Johannsen has this day been dissolved by mutual conenr, P. F. Fouls retiring from s.ii I firm. The business, heretofore conducted by the said Eouts A Jobannseu.a ill from now on be owned and managed by C. P. Jobannsen. The said Johannsm will collect all accounts due said firm and will pay all bills due therefrom. Dated at The Dalles, Oregon, this 19th day of March, 1000. P. F. Foi ts, ml! lm C. P. Jolt an, sen. aiorkholttcra Meeting. Notice is hereby given that there will be an annual meeting of the stockhold ers of The Dalles, Portland A Astoria Navigation Co., at their ofTlej Saturday, April 7, l'.HX), at 2 p. in., for the purpose of electing teven directors, and trans acting such otiier business as may prop erly come before said meeting. By order of the president. The Dalles, March 15, 1-JOO. L. E. Ch owe, Stv." Freeh cracked Nebraska corn at tha Wasco warehouse. Finest kind of chicken feed. mcb25-tf Subscribe for The Chronicle.