The Dalles weekly chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1947, March 24, 1900, PART 2, Image 4

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W ednesday s Pallr.
J. V. rtker, o( UooJ Kivtr, It in the
Horatio Fargher, wealthy thMpman
ol Dofur, ii in tbt city.
Charley Stougl.ton, highly raspected
citiaen ot Pulur, wat in town today.
MiM Helen Michell, of Stevenson,
Wash., eauie up on Utt mght'i boat to
tpend few days among her Iriendt.
Henry Stegman.a wealthy sheepowner
of Centerville. Wash., was in town last
night the guest of the. Umatilla House,
O. Kinereley. after a two uionth'i tr.p
through the interior. spent the last
couple ot dart with hit family, and left
on this morning'! bat tor I'ortlanJ.
H. W. Wells and family have returned
to their home in thil city after e pending
the winter in Froer where Mr. Vell
hat eiteosive sheep and land interest.
Marroadnk Maxwell, of Ridgeway,
waa passenger on the boat this morn
ing for Portland. He will return in
time to attend the Republican county
Thursday's Pally
James Ward, the Kingsley merchant, is
ia the city.
M. P. Ist-nberg, the Hood River ora
tor, politiciau, statesman and all-round
good fellow arrived here this morning.
Robert McKamey, of Monnt Hood.
T. A. Gilmore, of Centerville. and
William Gilmore. of Grass Valley, are
registered at the Umatilla House.
Jim Brown, of Tygh Valley, left on
the boat this morning with twenty
eight head of fine work horses which
he will try to dispose of in Portland.
Mr. and Mrs. Jno. Johnston, of Dufur,
were in the city last night, the guests of
the European hotel. They were on
their way home from a trip to Portland.
Friday's Dally.
C. W. Elklos, of Lyle, is In the city.
J. W. Hodson, of Goidendale, was in
town yesterday.
Rev. Hawk it confined to his home
with chicken-pox.
R. Balfour, of Lyle, it registered at
the Umatilla House.
Robert Mays, Jr., ot Antelope, arrived
In the city thit afiernoou.
Dr. T. M. Henderson, of the Warm
Springs agency, wat in town last night.
A. Fleishhauer and A. Travero, of
Cascade Locks, are registered at the
Umatilla House.
Leslie Butler, accompanied hy Mrt.
Train an Butler, went to Hood River on
the boat thit morning.
C. M. Elkint, brother of C. W. Elkin
of Lyle, and prosperous merchant of
Prineville, it in the city.
MiM Mary Perry left on the boat thit
morning for White Salmon, where she
will spend a lew days visiting friends.
Louie Comini, the irrepressible editor
of The Dalles tombstone factory, went
to the Lxta thit morning on business.
John Fender, of Husutn precinct,
Klickitat county, brought Mrt. Fender
to thit city today to obtain medical
Fredereck Eshelman and wife, of
Centerville, Washington, are spending
few days in this city, visiting their con,
Dr. G. C. Esbelman.
Mist Christina Kickelaen went to Port
land on thit morning's boat to visit her
eister, Mist Clara, who it attending the
Holmes bueinett college.
D. F. Stewart, a well-known business
man of Prineville, was in the city Isst
nifntonhit way to Lawton, where he
it toon to open a general merchandise
AtteBtloa. Farmers.
Don't let yonr old worn ont machinery
lie In the fence corner any longer. Take
it to Fletcher Faulkner, The Dalles junk
dealer, and get the cash for it. Highest
cash price paid for cast and wrought
iron, robber boots and shoes, bicycle
tires, etc., brass, copper, xinc, lead,
pewter, old wcolen rsgt, beer bottles
nd flasks, borse mines and tails, and
bones of all descriptions. Price paid for
cast iron, 40 cents per 100 lbs. One
door west of J. H. Worsley'e, Second St.,
Tbe Dalles. m 24-1 mo.
RasBarkable Coras of Kheamatlam.
From tbe Vindicator, Rntherfordtoa, X. c.
The editor of the Vindicator hat had
occasion to test the efficacy of Chamber
Iain's Pain Balm twice with the most
remarkable results in etch case. First,
with rheumatism in the shoulder from
which he suffered excruciating pain for
ten days, which wat relieved with two
applications of Pain Balm, rnhhing the
partt afflicted and realizing instant
benefit and entire relief in a very short
time. Second, in rheumatism in thigh
joint, almost prostrating him with severe
pain, which wat relieved by two appli
cations, rubbing with the liniment on
retiring at night, and getting np free
from pain. For tale by Blakeley A
startling Claim,,
Eighty-five per cent ot all persons de
dared incurable or given op to die by
physicians can be cured, or their lives
greatly prolonged l.v tt e lieneficent
powers of the "Perfected" Oxygenor
King. Thit startling assertion it sus
ceptible of 'proof. We have it In the
form of letters from all classes of people
"residing far and near" who are de.
lighted to testify to the marvelous cura
tive powers of this latest and mctt per.
fected home oxygenating instrument.
For tale by J. M. Filloon, The Dalles,
Ore. ml-Iwd2w
For t)3.0O Cash
And one dollar and fifty weekly
you can purchase twenty-five
dollar watch or diamond at Harry C.
Liebe'i, in the Vo.t block. Watches,
diamondt, clocks, jewelry and silver
ware at most reasonable price. 3 8 3t
Lincoln PlaHcra Distcrtjs Eastern
If Adopted at Kinsas City. It Will Prob
ably Give the Republicans All
the Doubtful States.
Washisuton, March 21. The Bryan
platform adopted at Lincoln baa had a
disturbing effect upon the eastern Dem
ocrats. Of course, the leaders in the
movement which resulted in the nomi
nation ot Bryan and the Populittic plat
form of 18SHJ say tbey are well pleased.
But even Tillman objects somewhat to
the Bryan platform, and men like Mar
tin of Virginia, Bacon of Georgia aod
Campbell of Ohio do not like the plat
form. Eastern Democrats are very pro
nounced agaiust the platform, w ithout
allowing themselves to be quoted, and
declare that it is evidently the intention
of the western Democracy to make it
impossible to carry a single state for
Bryan. The southern Democrats slick
at the "initiative and referendum."
They are not quite ready to swallow that
principle of the Populism. The declara
tion iu regard to the Philippines is
thought to have been very ill-advised
an 1 short-lighted, as it can by no possible
meant be popular in thit country.
Jonet of Arkantas says that be does
not ehare in the indignation of some of
his Democratic friends, and considers
the platform upon the whole a fair de
claration of Democratic principles. He
and number of other Democrats tay
that it doea not necessarily follow, be
cause the Nebraska Democracy adoptt
the platform, that it will be reaffirmed
at Kansas City, although Bryan's
personality will dominate tbeconvestion
to each an extent than any platform
that he approves is almost sure to go
Ex-Governor Campbell, of Ohio, says
that the hope of the eastern Democrats
has been that conservative platform
would be adopted and some Democrat
like Whitney or Gorman be selected.
In that event, there would be a possibility
of carrying New York, New Jersey, Del
aware, Maryland, West Virginia and
Connecticut. Without most of these
states, he says. It is impossible for the
Democracy to win, and the Nebraska
platform means none of these stat?s can
be carried, nor will it be possible to
carry any of the middle western itaCH.
Tba Tata For Delia.
New York, March 21. Rev. W. D. P. I
Bliss, tbe Christian Hocialtst lecturer,
spoke last night before the Social Re
form Club on "The Social Reform Move
ment in the West," and predicted the
re-election of President McKinley, in
consequence of an immense vote that
the Social Democracy will, he feels ture,
poll in the middle wasrern stater.
The people in the far western states,
continued Mr. Bliti, are growing tired of
new parties, and many are thoroughly
disgusted with the Populist party, whose
machine it corrupt. Although Debt
spoke to packed houses in Lot Angeles,
and wat warmly greeted, the feeling
against new parties wat predominant,
and there was a great inclination toward
Bryan. Bryan, tbe lecturer beiieved,
would get a tremendous majority in the
far western states, but Debt would get
an overwhelming vote in the middle
western states and tbe East, with the
result that McKinley would be elected.
At the same time, Mr. Bliss noticed a
great feeling of unrest in the west, and
he believed that the people were prepar
ing for some great movement. The
farmers were tboronghly tired of the
trusts, is they were entirely at the
trusts' mercy, and had to boy and sell at
the trusts' prices.
Ul) If EA 1.1 MO
Ely' Cream Balm
Km and pleaMtit to
ttit Contaviiitf no in
)Mrioaa dm..
It i quickly ftbtrvrher,.
Oiree HJif at one.
It Otsr-nfl Atirl leaniaa
nl Protects th Memnran. Restore th
""" o' Tula and HmHI. Larga t, f i ernti at
Ur'iirrlsts nr ,., mull; Trial Hre, ll)ent hr mall.
ti-i uwi UKilrt, M Warren butt. Htm 1 or a.
A black horse weighing atont 120
pounds and branded 25 on the left
shoulder. Same strayed from the farm
otJohn Brookhouse. which It situated
six milet beyon I Dufnr. Liberal re
ward offered for information regarding
recovery. Address
S. R. Wi.ia.vs,
mar7-lmw Dufar Or.
Subscribe for Tbe Chronicle.
Faa.UU. la Kew lark ra4
That Ttaae Thai Aa
aaoraa taaats.
A wst sheet aud a flowing" aea hat
nothing whatever to do with life
aboard a yacht as exemplified in the
ltay Kidire Yaeht baiu, lu South llrook
lvn, says the New York Herald. There
are five or ix yacht there, one of them
a roomy schooner craft, which for va
riou reason are not lu commission
this summer. Nevertheless the owners
and their families or their friend live
aud sleep on board. On one sloop are
five youut? uieu, w ho go to a skyscraper
building in Nassau street every morn
ing and take out two or three vivacious
typewriter girl when work la over to
make the eveuing merry. They rented
the boat on condition that they would
not take her outside the bain aud hired
a retired sea captain, who lives near
the basin, to look after the boat durius;
the day and to "mesa" for them. They
find it cheaper than paying-board in the
city, and ever so much pieasanter.
Three families wintered on yacht
in the Hay Ridire baiu last winter, aud
they eujoyeJ the experiment ao much
that they talk of trying it ajfain. The
bliazard and the rouh weather had no
terror for them. One sloop, the Peri,
wa housed above deck, very much like
those in the tales we read about Arrtie
expeditious. The families who lived in
thi way were on terms of sociability
and visited every night for game and
curds. They (rave a boat party in Jan
uary and their friend in Brooklyn
who are given to assisting at social en
tertainments joined them in a modest
little vaudeville.
When the basin was frozen solid one
niirht they gave a skating- party, with
a piping hot supper below decks as
wiud-up. There are Mill novelties
about for people who know where to
look for them.
Statlatlea thaw That Woaia Are Not
Naa'e Bqaal la Liv.
In an article on "Women and the
Emotions," by Prof., in the
Humanitarian, there are some interest
ing statistics showing that those mod
ern sociologists who hold that women
are men's equals iu the field of criminal
ity are wrong. Here are some of them:
Man bears false witness 100 time tc
a womuuVlT.
Man for forgery and counterfeit
coining was convicted 10 times to a
woman'e 1 1.
In France women are summoned be
fore the tribunals four times less than
In France In lO women delinquents
were H to 100 men.
In Italy in the same year they were
only nine per cent.
In Algeria we have 06 male delin
quents and only four women.
In England and Wales between 134
and 1M2 there were 84 women to 100
men, all for the more serious offense.
In 1S71 Dr. Nicholson found in the
prisons in England 8,21ft men and 1,21?
In Havaria from 1-463 to M, in a pop
ulation consisting solely of peasants,
the women who were condemned were
in proportion 29 to 100 men.
In the prison of Turin from 1871 to
14 the women in respect to men are
represented hy a figure of 13-67 percent.
Taking the whole of Europe, women
are, the professor says, five times less
guilty than men.
Natives Eaaaloreal la Mlaea Will
at Week III,,, Closely
Tt. Ruoff, who left the Transvaal
last May for a tour of Europe and
America, in regard to labor conditiona
In the Itoer country, lately said to a
reporter for the Detroit Tribune:
une or tne miners In the copper
country will turn out as much work
as five of our men. We have to em
ploy Kaffir lalior. Kaflira are notori
ously lazy, and they require constant
supervision or they will ipiit work al
together. With every five Kaffirs one
white man is employed. One hole
drilled with a hand drill is considered
a day's stint for a Kaffir. Although
our employes do not get as much pay
individually as the miners hereabouts
yet labor conts lis much more, lieraiise
one of the copjier country miners will
do as much work a five Kaffirs.
"In Oom Paul's domain the nntires
are restricted by strintrent laws.
When a natlvn . employed in the
Transvaal he Is (rlvcri u pas upon hi
arrival, and he l legally compelled to
work for a specified hnth of time.
If he ih-serls his employer he is nr
rested. When a native is seen On the
streets or hitrhwaya nnv white man
has a
of his
ritfht to demand mi inspection
pass. ir f:e docs not produce
i, or there
i prr.und fr.r belicvinir
that he has not
obtninid permission
from the employer to 1,-ave hi work,
he is taken Into custody."
tVhat Flat Owe lo taaeela.
The superior flavor of Srnymn dps Is
ascribed to certain Asiatic Insects,
which produce a more perfect fertiliza
tion of the flavors of the fltr-trces in
Asia Minor than is commonly effected
in other countries. The flavor ajqars
to depend upon the number of ripened
seecU in the fruit. During the past yenr
the department of agriculture has im
ported some of these insects from Asia
Into California, and It is hoped that they
will multiply there and improve Ihe
flavor of Ameriean figs.
Foaaaatlna for Ilaraaree.
It will be discovered that the only
foundation for the usual talk of a "ro
mance" in n woman's life Is that the aits
ind looks out of the window into the
dark night when she should be darning
Kalloe af lllaaatatlua
Notice It hereby given that the firm
of Foots A Johannsen hat thit dav been
dissolved by mutual consent, P. F. Fouls
retiiing from said firm. The buslnet,
heretofore conducted by the said Kant a
A Johannsen, will from now on be owned
and managed by C. P. Johannsen. The
said Johannsen will jol'ect all accounts
due said firm and will pay all bills due
Dated at The Dalles, Oregon, this
19th day of March, l'.KX). .
P. F. Fot Ts,
mlO lm C. P. Joiussks-n.
Ulssalailua or I'artaaishla.
The business heretofore rtlsting under
the firm name of Ijtne Bros., It thit day
dissolved by mutual consent. L. L.
Lane will conduct the business at the
old stand, and collect all accounts and
pay all lulls 6f the firm. All parties
knowing themselves Indebted to the
firm are requested to settle at toon at
The Dalles. Or., March I, l'.XW.
L. L. I.A KB,
lm-diw N. M. Lank.
riaa Taallrr east ttallae
Silverlaced Wyamdotte, English Rod
Cap and Rose Combed White Leghorn
chickens lor tale. .Single birds $1 each.
Kgt tor tetting 1 per fifteen.
Italian beet fl per pound. (Jueen
beet wai ranted purely mated, To cents
each. Queens sent by mail and sale ar
rival guaranteed. Address
Mas. A. A, Hon my.
fel ll-lmo Tygh Vallej, Or.
tllamarca's Iroa Matve
Wat the result of hit splendid health.
Indomitable will and tremendous energy
are not found where stomach, liver,
kidneyt and bowels are out ot order. If
yon want these qualities and the success
they bring, nse Dr. Klng't New Life
Pills. They develop every power ot
brain and body. Only 1 5c at Illakeley
& Houghton's drugstore. 2
For Bala heap.
I offer for sale, cheap for cash, the
Gilhoosen property on Alvord street
joining Mr. Oroal't property on the
east. For the next few dart Inquire for
me at Tin Chkonk li office.
m'J2 lit A. A. (imiui siN.
, !r! V do ,t;it. ii l.rurc wcrk in a
small tamilv. Apply at this office. If
to you..
For 30 dayt after April 1st, I will tell
all the Dry Ooods, Clothing, Hoolt and
Shoes, Hosiery, Blankete, llatt and
iapt, on a cut in price of
25 per cent, for Cash.
Now it your opportunity to get bar
gaint. Don't miss it.
Successor to E. J. Colllnt A Co.
au liau.BS.
11 tip. I
Halt iMkr, Penver, rt.
W.irlli, Omaua. Kan
sas itv, M. IJH1.S,
Chicago ana KaL
S..v p i
,-ikiii i Walla Walla, Spokane,
.Minneapolis, si. f.ul.i V,OT
tla 111 lb. Mllr.aus.ra,
Ltilcafu and Last.
i:J a. n
4 p. in.
Fbob PosTLixn.
Ocean Hteamahltis,
fitrhmn Kranelsco
becemlier a. a, M. IS, ,
and i.
H n mi I
Ki miu.l.f r'oinmhla Rt. ateamera. El h,illd'.,
Hi p. n.
... ji. pihi niT
a.m. I Uir.r.iatTTS Rtvia N-tOntn.
KLsurdaji Oniroti ( i,y .cwi-rs. Kj Bumlat
Haiein W ay Ijind s.
7. m. Wil , aaT-a . V . - I a -w.
lltealhir. NILLKlVSRS. Unn W.I
and nat. Oren i ( lis, liuvton.l and Krt.
aiid Way landinga.
' " i.,.j,kii m a a. i at a tn.
Ttte..Tlitir, Portlacd to I orvaills. Hon. Warl
ana hat. I and Way Ijincling.. and Krlday
I Usui Rivsa
Lr RIf atria Rlparia to laiwialon.
S Wa. m.
1 &i a. n.
Vmrll ilMlhB,nn ,n . ..
lasen. 4 leaving 1 1 lo.ll... at . m
niaklnxdins-t connections at Heppner Intictlon
, ,i.,i'in a, llfptificr
Junction blthNo. I.srrlvlitf at Ilia l.allcsal
!.( s in.
No, K lliintirhl frt-lvht. Mtit KrsM.ei a b. .
tilt i. IfaTSl! fnfarli daaslu
. . - " lanica BSWBl4r1 arpraa, Aaaajl
bntiea; arrives 4 , n. re , d. paru a n m
io. il. went hnui'd thro.i.h (,...... A ' .
"' 1j:mto1"- ' P hi., depart
NO. Zi. (Ht tVltirirl tfatl .
sengers; arrlyt .1A p. m dep.,u't sja. m.
FcrT full n-ll rt k . u . .
agent lbs lialioi. or audrraa ' '
W. H. HIHtl.nURT,
00 fas. Agt., for Hand, Or,
Administrator' Hale of Real F.ttate.
Nolle Is herel. slven (hat lh-,l
J H ,.,,, .n, Silii.lliMiKtor ol Ilia rslato ol
I Vila A Kulianlon. I, In i aiiea ol
.uol.lerol I ho I ,.l.le I elM !
M,l, , (r.ii l..r m'o e..iuil, duly made
and lilt.l i m lh. lh ilav ol Janiiniv. I !, will
-...i . i. ii, .1 , v i.r rrMuarr. I'""1.
imneod M sell M l-rlvale sule lor ch III hand,
all ol Hie ioIiom lii dTllir.l leal ell. Il'
Ins lo I." ol said Udia A. rIU'liuid.n,
daMl,to all.
The nollliaw.1 ' 1 if'e- ol Ilia a.Hilhwe'1 ouar
tri. and sonll! tala ol lha nolhal iiialle, and
Ilia oulliaM-at in." -t ol Ihe norlne.isl i.liailer
ol M-c.lon thiee . III owimlill' lour I II sout.i
rank lUitei O (I i) . l I ihe illa.neiia im-ild
Ian. In via en oil llv, llrt-vm; III .1 e.'italu
i.l.v-, or Miiwl oi lurlleularlv hollu.lid and
ilr'llld ai i. .Unas oinliienrlns ,'l roda and
l.'i, lev! efl o' ,li onlheal vomer ol Ilia
aoillliaesl iliarler ol seellmi lhr. I ! Ill loan-
hip lour (ii aoulh l ran thlitvvii tl:l) aasl ol
the :lluinellit meridian III W aani ooiinlr. Ora
on, a. id runnliia Ihenea north one hull uillo.
throe (. :l lils and leel; thence mull,
on hall mile, and lltanca ea.l to rials and I1.
Ir.'t lo the tilac ol l lnnln ajve and eirepl
tliaralloni lour lola la Klchardaon a Addition lo
Ihe loan ol I'vtil, wlllell has bei helelolor
add and eon vol: lh In-el r'e ilwtllml In
I'ludlug alio, and lllehartlaiui a Addition to In
Tiiar. o; Ijra-lt, aa laid out and Mal.rd ai d n
eorileil III to llwrda ol Ileitis lor n
eouiiK , tneMii, said realaal.1' ahov deaerill
eonlaiiitut .'lOaorea, mora or lea.
Any ron divlrluf n'ormailoa alih rvleiene
lo said real lal nou Id eallo.i or addra ..i at
junction t'ltv. tirrton, ttt i.iy alloriiajs, Iwlul
Meuelrv, at l h I'allcs, ounon.
Dated this day ol January, I'aO.
J. i. KKR!t'KiV.
Adti'lullratorot the Kauui ol Ltdia A. Kti'h
smImoi, decease!.
lU'rea VINra,
Atlolnrja Ijr Administrator. I.i;ull
haxudrrit a r Vatieorvta, Wastt. I
March a, fail. i
Noll,- la hnoky siren lhal tha 'ollnwlnt
liatnisl sv.llil litis ltlr.1 nolle id tils Inten
tion to in.iLe nal plia,! It, aiiplaul ol hla
elalitl. and I s.tlil poad a lit he made lislor
W. B. 1're.liy, I lillr,! at lira t'oiiinilulonar lor
i.til'l of vtashinvtm , at hla ottle In ootden
dale, Mash., oil Monday, April !, t'i, Via
Herman Kagelke,
II K Nn nwi, Ii th northwest uuarter ol
svion xi, lownshlp $ uorth, ol rausv Ii rnal,
ill. Mer.
II liamra the tollowlnt altneaara In prove his
eoiitlunoiis ri-aldeiie upon and eulllvatlou ol
aald laud, vis
Iti-ttry hlackef. Wilkinson, IU. lilrk
II alraman, ol IVtilvrvlll f o , Wash , anil
Meury Y. Brun. ol I he liallea P. O., Oreaon.
W. K. PI Ml K,
mar 10 II
Ntlc la herehy slven that the nnderaiannl
has heati duly apfMiiuloil hy tha county court o
the state of tir.-aoii lor W ai eotiiitv. evM-iilor
with II. will atitieanl ol lh last will ol Mary
Jan Hevilcy, dcfNrl. All rin, hsvtti
elalins aaaln.l said eltr ara
preavnt tlieui to me a llh tha proMr rotwhrra at
my oltle In 1 ho ItallM,,, allhln SIS
motttha Inua Ihe dal tlivrirof,
talsl reb. .'I . I'Jial
fetiJI II Kserutor.
Nllm U hfijr ffvfn thttt Iht tinlei (fn1
haa tv iiMinttti lif th emmtjr rs.iirl, H th
tjiit nf nnuii,(ir W AM rttiiitt,'1nitiilstralsr
4rt-th rll t t-Blfti'tk Hn.wn, awm-i. All
tM-rwina hnvinir rlaimi fiiralnwt Mill nlitt tn
nrrHijr notlltttl In jtitj-apni suticl rlaiina, t.tir-vrlx
Vtrit1fl, ti m m the orfrvol niTinntl Hlnistl,
In IniIIm h, i-rr.t withtu tlx mnutha (turn lh
diti Ihrnwif,
lUtl J.uiiarT I'M.
IKI.M r. HKuwy,
ij.T il AtluilultniUir.
Yellowstone Park Line.
,Diioi Dpoi, nntn. nn
No. 3. I Vast mall for Tacoma.
1 Hooitl, tilyiiipla, l,ray a
No. I
narrate and HiHitil llend
pointa, hpofcanc. His
land, H. I'., I'ullinan,
' Mohcow, lalstou, Htil
II l& A. M. lalolltiinp ailiiltiaooun-
Iry. Helena. MIlinratM
ilia, m. I'anl, (tmsha,!
Kansas I Ity, Kt. i.ula,
it hhao and all tailuUI
No. 4. jeaat and aimlheast.
'o. 1
riiffft KoiiimI r. tpreaa'
II .'JO V. VI. for lacuna and Hcatn: 7:tiri A. M.
land Interannllata polllta!
Pullman nrst elaa and tourlit aleeiMira to
Minneapolis, hi. I'aul and Mlsaotirt river polo la
no. in, riiniivm,
VasAhulad trains. I'nlon depot eontieetloua
In all principal cities.
Hsa-aaie ehrctni to destination nf tlckcta.
ror handsomely llliialialcd dtaerlntlt a matter.
tlcketa, alcplng car rttservatlons, ate., call uu or
Aaalatant lieneral panscnger Agent, S Morrison
ntltarl, nomer 7 llrd, Portland, On-goll.
SOUTH and EAST via
Shasta Route
Tmfm lmvTh Ib1Im f.r rortUtui mi
nUUijiii at i Li . in. nu1 X p. n.
tptive fotiUnd
. . ma m
. la! ua III
. Uimrn
.. ft hi p m
.- 7 4. p m
7 r p in
lu ut p m
II mam
4 V a in
ft It tn
Arrlv Awtitan'l ,
' HarrmnciiM
' hail Kranrlco .
Arrlvs Ogdm
A 14 am II I,', am
. W:tai am ti m
1 i."i am 7 v.'i a in
I tun v :w a ui
' lienver ,
1 Chicago
Arrtv lm Angeles . . .
.. I '.si p in
. amp m
. . tiiia ui
. . . lit
. I in m
. . ft a n in
7 mam
(I ki p tn
ft i a m
'A a m
4 tat a ui
ft i. p tn
r.i i-ai
" Port Worth
" Pity of Mellc ,
" lloiisbin
New Orleans , .
" W'aslilnghin ,,
" NawVork
ft I.' a ni
a 42 a m
.12 4.1 p m I J 4.1 p ill
i."iri.. ,-.r. on notn trains.
l.halrcara Hacramento lo Ogdcn atol KI I'aao
and lout ..I can tot lilcag, nl luia, Nrw Or '
., o aiiingtoi,.
fonnectliig a Han 'ranclaco wllh acyrral
tcaui.hip lines for Honolulu, Jaimti, , i,,,,,
I'hllippltiea, Central aud r4oiiih America.
aea agent at Tha liallea .ttatlnn, or adder a
(leueral I'aasenger Agent, fnrtland, Or.
Souinern Pacific Co
PuUtribt lor Tn Chioxici.
IN TMK I'lHI'l'IT ftU'KT ir 111. MTl.
1 ol iireaou, lor I iiion oouiii). "'AT
Ann Kltterald, vlalutlrr,
tiaorg Marbeil, dolamlanl.
hv virtue l an esas-iillon and nrd,.. ,,,
rtuly,1 ootid and niidoi 11,. , . '
cult i mill ol the main ot ua ,,, ,, , 1 "
ol I' iilon, lo n illioeleil and dalnl u, 4 .T"!1!
ol Noremhrr, l-aaj, ti,, a d. r.s, I, ., j. '
cloaurvol a,ertalu nioilasae, and Jinlamnu HIT
di tr.1 aud literal III said eoun mi il,. . ,1 , '
1. 1 Sinam U., nasi. In Hi kIho rnliilr. '
In lavor ol III plalutm aud aaaln-l ,. j.?"!'
ant. t.eol.. llerlaut, as )il l. ,nrl ,, ,,,
kiiiit ol nlowlv on ,lo.lur .Olltr
l.nvl Itiottviii Iroin lliai ilih .1-. .., .. .. ts
at Ilia rate ol elthl pwr cent nor iilniiii,'j5:
luither anm ol lwuly-lwo dollma ,,, '
!, and th Kali ol and llni Hit, ,u J,T
ctiiniiiaiiliiR mi" li utakr
aiuhmtHtl in tn-h .Itm-i-.
..I lor,, l,.,' dr"i
hiail r tlwtllw.l, I will.
1. (HI Ilia I7,h
Mtn I
rt h. Is,l, at lh hour ol la,, n rl, k lu u?
ni.m ol aald day, and at th lr..i,i,y.H .
t oillllv ourl ll.ias In Italics iiv
a(ltsrnm i
lllf) t (MIIMT ouri II' III I'M l Ii llii, wn
I ttiiDtr i -nt"ti, '(. ai pulillft aiiriit.n
hti.s.i biitir nr rtn in haiMl. i( u, rt r
inn ami Inlrrrat wlilt'H 1ht lUlriMirim
llrrliril. ir vlOirr il Ihcm hail uu lh,- vMbiuI
ol Nuvwiittwr. iwu, lh dtu tl jiiiUm, nl JJJ
faaffMl hrrrln. t hli'h surh MutUut , Z
t4 Hit drlrlitlvltta hrri'llt hav ttitrr tu uiiirtwl
IMiw havalnaml lo th il., , ,)-tj ,Jj
I nsrl) , kllual m4 lu
tt wil t tititmritrliif n lht tintllt mot pikm
ol Hit umt U-t whli'lt la 1IumInI au.l kuuMa a
lh Itirmrr mhlrttcv nf Mr. lar 4 mint, aJJJ
riMiiihta llMtiirsj. r 17', ll .tl-wi- tvih trlZ
th tiihltll ul lh atnmrl ton (,u riw lUmum
l U'tJ Iwl. Iln nw twirl h trn (" "l (u tw
pUf nl Uaft1llltlK ; brill HW. . Illttrlw . iT
iliiltin In I'alli 1 llv, ami kituwn ihi hr tweu
of iltli ttl Wio mittty, mm m parrl o Urat
illiU bjr K M l'lmuta an4 ll tti Mn
4 of ttat iKt-srmlirr a, thi. briuj
lh nit half nf mi Ml rial in, aittl bring
Irarl ts.nryl lo Mia. K A I nin Uf tlit
ImwniMMl ami M bv lti1, Uita May II,
ami -.wofiltil at tf V t Umk K, Niirn,,,
irttla bit ar.i ('mini. I)rsgrn, aiii) Uiu
it-M-nirt 1 th aalil ;..irit I(irtarri umui
lh will ol hi inwlhrr, tha an Mi K A Tatn
Mht jsarrcl of Uii 11 nf atwl tMliig In IhiW
( lit, W a-i t'lHihly, Ofrtfsttt. a its I h.nm janrtioti.
Urljr lot twrrtartiy dvrtlnl aa fi.:.. ( im.
bin tri it a at h fMtitttvtt rriisr of list inn ui i
hlttrh ililauli u or af In Hluff ..litiat)
rr llv. afrtlnff tii Iho ma In rnuis
lit In Mt rllv, th aald lot brill f Iht mm
di-vlanatnl a bi lti 1 It. bliM i, S I. la taa)
original Jl by which it oIivimI bv VI It
hta-low orlanH Muinaiii on lry iiitatf l,
ami running ,thnr norlhrrt aln Ux
mutt 1 1 11 of Mill lot two J to lh n..rtKj
rsrtiff thereof, ami Ihrl.n Ctitiltitiit g in
aM Uu tU lh atii dlrvrlloii mtrthfrlv hi iw
tilh aistiof Alv.srd alr.Uiniiittl)r
lilts 111 til out 01 Mm Tiiri tiifsr, M-rt-igav
n ml on half (''"il 11 Ihrnr asiuthsrlv q
riralUI with swltf hl Hit lro riaU.imir ur itm,
ia point i:1) fri-l tirlir from lh rim f
U-ginnlng, ami thnr wmiiI ami at tlM
ai'gto . 1 1 K Mihl laal lilt arot4'ii and
hall (.IT1) II"! la I III plMsft) n ht-altis;, ftf a
imirh ol mM i.r.(rl aa witl aatuly sti'l ju1f
m rot ami iliarr, wlin snta ami arartulng r
Ha l-l prosrlv Will h at 1 It I btlt)rt lo r- iiAra
DialloiiaiMl rtwlnnitlhui aa bf Uw priti.It1.
iNtti-U at 1 h ImllaM, Orr.H. Iht iMh .,
tfftsruary. !'.
db IT II MierlfT.sf Wmmv I oun1),l)r.
Sheriff's Sale.
Hy vlrtnaof an sn-lltlon fsailed out ftf tw
t'ltenlt t'onrt ol tt alat ol Ont.i f.,r W.w
t' a suit therein p ruling ahertusaiu
llrtien Is ptalntin and riuellua Itavu,
t ora Ii t'lifiiiu, alta. 1jahs J. I arris, tlat 1
Ih is, W llllam II. I sirs Vina al.ia.Km
t.mi. K lN,la, Mrs. Annel' r. MrSeal, ail t
a laughltn, adniiiilsliatir of that.tlci! m
W. Iijil, deceased, ara defendants, to ataav
rwl,s and coinmsiidlng ma lo sell eerutn rari
rrota-rly Ihervlu devrtltad, I will at i urkai.
'. at ,on lh
soih day af April, I .
at lh Court Hons daf In taMea f'lty, drrfa.
all at public .lie lo lh highest hhtdrr In, raak
In hand all of the InteieM c each and all ot IU
ahove named defendanta In a tot lolh (ll..laf
deteillied traeia i laud alluated In aald t'oastr
Ut aitlslv 1. 1 serei il .uina toerelnaih-r nsnai
bow 1 1 Th north half of III n.artliaeM iiairl
and lh norti, hall ol th northeast .(iiartcf sal
lb soilthejsl quarter ol lh northeast iuana
and tha noflheaal iUarbr ol III eolllliea! iS
tee of section 14. lownshlp g north. ,ati S
aal, W. M , lo oailafy lha suia ol
tree. I al per cent per annum fiom slarrhial.
l ast and lh ania ol t"M.M and Inn real Ihema
at hi tier rent per aunum Ironi aald date, aei
Ihaaura tl tljlt ul and Interval allurr'rasst
Cr ami tint from aald data, and Sao ui attorney
, and lisal cats and dl.lniraemeuls a4
lu teres! thereon irtan aald data al a per ami
per annum and lha accruing cats, and ?'.J
and Interest at lh rale nf 10 per eenl par anas
frotn aald date, and ll.Dt.4a and tuft-real Itietaa
at In per eenl per aiinnm Irotn aald dale aat
ll'ea.Hithaisl iuartr id Ilia tiortheaal iiiarw.
and lha ntathwesl quarter ol Ilia south
quatut nl aald aall mi 14, loan ship J norn.
raiiT Ii uil, lo aallafy th auin of ll.tuttat
la.ireal Iheraoa al Ihe ral d S per cvnl a
annuia Imta March 1.1, Its t, a rot ihe uusailsrvsl
halanna of aald auma of f Ull vn. I lit i.t, Ilia
'J M. i and I l.s.Ms and Interest aaat
each rspe.-tlvrly, aa aforesaid, and alMtUai
ol bha-k irl Dalles t Ity. tireg.Ml, lo aatl.lf Us
sum ol Sai and Itttvreal thereon al Ihe tale a
S per rent per annum leom March r, IB,
and Ihe iiHaatl.nnd a,rtloua of aald autns, P:!'
Jl, Use, 4a, I i.i. laiJAt, ll.'llw and lis
and lh Interest upon each reetaM-tjvtir. a
afnreaild. aald sal will t) lor ca.L In hand B
th hlgliesl bidder.
iMtcd this IUh day ol March, pan.
mil I
sonr.Hi arii.i.
hhrlltol Waacueuuitiy. or.
Land Orru t at Taa Iiat-Lta oagmot.f
March l. IMI I
Kotlc Is herehy given that th fi.ll"lr
narnait aetllee has rile I nolliof hla Inutile a
inaa nual pnaif in aupiMirtid hla elaltn, aid
that said proof will be mad before the reguat
and reeeieer at Th lallea, Oregon, on naiuissf
May ,, u.;
Ilslnrlrli l-uhlilng-, of Tltt Dallrs.Or.,
H. K. Nn. for lha KWi,. seeilon IT. hi
ship I north, rang it e.oil, (t . M.
If namea Hi following wllnesaea to preer
his continuous reaideuo upon, aud cullltsUsi
uf said land. via. -
John hlnrinan. Ilenr kld.lell. Michael lufH,
( harlea Hlhuwt, all of Th Italic., ook-ti
I A V r I I I
mar.'i II Urgi.ttf.
l.aKOOrma atTms It.tias. innxiJ
Kehritary , lxo.1
Nolle la hereby given that Ihe fi.lloaim-
S.lltMl H tll.t h.. HLl ....ll., ,.f 1,1. IlltftlUUS
lo niMke final prtsif lu aupporl of tils elnltn, ata
Ilia, aani piool will I at mad l lor tne ,bf"
aud lln-lver al 1 ha Italic, (ttrai.u. uu aaise
day, April 7, lian, via:
John Fraanrlrk Walther, of Xl.
If. r. No ,wt, for lha NWi flee. II, loamW
I south, rang IS e isl, W. M.
II names lha following wllnesaea In r"
nta nontiuiioua laalilcc uaiu and ctiiii'
of aali' lanrl, vli :
'. Wolf, John Ohrlsl, rrank Dbrlsl, Willi""
Ctbrlat, all nf Ihe Hallia, Oregon.
fc"Jtl JAY H. l.l.'t'Art, Register.
tl. I. Land Orru a. at Thb Psi.i I
ii 1 1 bv . I'"1 '
Nottca la hatch glveh lli.t Ida f ",t r,,er hr . ,t d in.icaof jis Intenlnai "
ma.p fin I pi no. ti aupiHirt of I, la elan",'
lht a-,ii pnaii will las uia.e lie.o.a l.ia l'e""
and Ceceivar al To liallea, Orcjun, mi niin
day, April 4, li"l, l:
William C. Clark, of Tli Dalles, Of.
7-.mie.tead Kntry Ho. M7I, fur th
I1, lownshlp south, rate II aist, W. M.
He nauiai III following wllnesaea lo l,r"VT
eoiillnuoiis r Idema npurt and eullltallos
aald land, via:
A Iherl Turner. Charles rinaaort Pharlea lusi
C. A. Olbaoti, all ol III Italics. Oregon.
feti'Ja I ll-S Is'
Nollca Is hereby given thai tha uinler'"JJ
haa la-en duly aiiiailntct admlnlalraior
csUla of J. Baldwin, nccease.1. A II VT
Having elalma agalital anld eslaie ar. i
nolin.l to preaent tha aame, properly tf
to preaent tha aame, property
r to .n v aluirni-ya, luifiir . M','"'T'J,
lea, Oravon, within al rnontna I""" "
in me or
The hall. (111. Hnlln.
I'auxt ihla I lib day ol '"'''"'Vf',,''' ! u
Admlnlatrator nl th !!' ol t. C. wJj1TI,.a
deoeased. "