The Dalles weekly chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1947, March 21, 1900, PART 1, Image 4

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nurii ic ll know.
Saturday Daily.
T. F. Ell lour, of Lyle, ia registered
mttbe Umatilla House.
Kev. W. C. Smith, pastor of the M. E.
church at Dufur, was ia town today.
Frank Fulton, of Bitfgs. Is in the city
on his way home from a business trip to
Hugh Jackson, the veteran etageman,
ia registered at the Umatilla House,
from Arlington.
Frank 1 ieblin, and old and respected
farmer from the Kinsley neighborhood,
as in town todav.
Mrs. L. Canfield, of Dufur, who has
spent the past winter iu W ate , is vis
iting friends in the city.
W. F. Bvars, of the Goldendale Pen
tinel, spent last night in the city the
guest of the Umatilla Houee.
B. KeUav, a prominent c'rt'in of
Fossil, who' has large landed interests
in Sherman county, is registered at the
Umatilla Houee.
A. L. Mcintosh of Crook connty, a
native eon of the Land O' Cakes and
wealthv sheep owner, was in town la9t
night and left this morning for his hotue
near Paulina.
Miss Ruth Cooper left cn the boat
this morning for Independence where
ehe goes to visit Iriends. She was ac
companied as far as the Cascades by her
mother, Mrs. D. J. Cooper, and sister,
Mies Mildred.
H.H.Davis and J. E. Stewart, two
well-known business men of Prineville,
arrived bere tcday on their way to Port
land to parehabe a stock of merchandise
to be taken to the new town of Law ton,
in Baker county.
W. H.", Dave Fulton and V. A.
Murchie, who have purchased the Col
Jina' springs below Wind River, went
down on the boat this morning with a
view of making necessary improvements
to prepare the place for a summer re
tort. Mies Daiuie Allan-ay returned last
night from Eugene, having been com
pelled to abandon her studies at the
university on account of nervous pros
tration. Her friends hope that the in
disposition is only temporary and that
after a little lest she will be able to re
tarn and graduate at the end of the
Monday's Dally.
B. F. Shepherd, of Paulina, and J. W.
Kb ittuck, of Crook, are at the Umatilla
C. E. Bay ar.l expects to go to Portland
tomorrow to consult a specialist about
his health.
Bert Stranahan, of Hood River, was
in town last night, the guest of the
Umatilla House.
J. W. Howard, a wealthy cattleman
of Prineville, wag in town last night the
guest of ttie Umatilla House.
The genial Sam. E. Van Vector, who
is dow practicing law at Condon, is reg
istered at the Umatilla House.
W. C. Latham, of Dufur, came to town
yesterday to see his boy who is here
under the medical care of Dr. Geisen
dorffer. Mrs. W. G. Woodworth took her little
eon on a pleasure trip this morning to
- the Cascade Locks in honor of the lad's
Mrs. C. P. Balch, of Dufur, who has
been under the care of Portland phy
sicians for a long time, returned home
yesterday much improved in health.
Mrs. Robert TeagU6, who has been in
Portland for some months under medical
treatment, bas returned much improved
' in health.
II. T. Murchie and wife, of Wasco, are
in the city visiting friends. Mr. Murchie
says the last case of smallpox in Wasco
was released from quarantine February
Mr. and Mrs. I. X. Sargeant, accom
panied by their nephew, G. T. Burns,
of Mich., who Is bere on a short visit,
went down on the boat this morning as
iar as the Cascade Locks.
Jack Donaghue, the veteran restau
rs ter, returned yesterday from a five
day's sojourn at Wind River mineral
springs where he went for the benefit of
Ins health. The result of his trip has
been tnarvclously beneficial. Jack looks
like a new man, and is readily believed
when he says: "I feel ten years younger
than I did." He goes back in a few
days to stay longer and if the second
star does as much good as the first, his
friends need not be surprised to see him
come back a new boy.
Tuesday Dally.
J. Finlayson, of Antelope, is in the
Hon. F. N. Jones of Bake Oven is In
the city.
Ales McLennan, a prominent citizen
of Antelope, is in the city.
Moses Getst, of Hood River, is reg
stered at the Umatilla House.
II. O. Proebstel and family, of Moro,
are guests of the Umatilla House. '
A. E. Lake returned to town yester
day after business trip to Wami'c.
II. T. Johnstone, the senior member
of the Dufur firm of Johnstone Bros.,
was in town today.
John M. Davis, a well-to-do sheep
man from Shearer' Bridge, is In the
c-ity. Mr. Davis is a delegate to the
Republican County Convention.
J. M. Hodson.of Portland, Masonic
Grand Master of this state, was in the
city last night on an official visit of the
lal lodge. He will visit the Hood
River lodge tonight. j
"Archie" Gilhousen, an ol I Dalles
boy, arrived in the city on the afternoon
train todav, coming from his home in !
Kahoka, Missouri, and will remain in
the city for a few days.
Leslie and Truman Bntler were
passensers on the boat this morning for
Hood River. They will try and rent a
tesidenc and hope to be able to open
their bank agiinst the second proximi,
Marmadake Maxwell, a prominent
sheep owner of Ridgeway, is in town.
Mr. Maxwell is a delegate to the Re.
pibliran connty convention. He will
remain here till the convention is over.
Rev. C. P. Bailey has returned from
bis missionary labor in Umatilla connty.
lie will rest till the end of the month
Rolling Mill
Pevcn out of every ton men who work In rolling mills. Iron foundries and glass factories die
of consumption. You "know how early !u lite these men pass awuy. The usual yni.toui ia a
cbkk"' irsistent i-oiifc!i -sometimes short and hat-kin, sometimes hard und (In-. The patient
grows weaker and thiuner day by dav. Death eventually conquers. The trouble come from
intense hint, and the constant inhaling of the fine particles of dust and iron that till the air.
These particles, under a microscope, show ranted, sharp edires, which tear and mutilate the
delicate lining of the throut and lungs. J'erpelual sores aru Ihus formed, and here it Is that
the germs of consumption rind a place to feed and multiply. Acker's Knglish Remedy H
discovered 111 Kiurland. and is the only cure In the world for Rolling Mill Consumption, it
heals up the sores, strengthen the mucous memhranes of the breathing organs, permanently
stoi the cough, builds up the constitution and imparts vigor to the whole system. It must
either cure or it costs you nothing, one bottle does wonders. Try it. What it has done for
nauy others it will also do for you and your loved ones.
Sold at 2.V., Me. and tl a hottlc throughout the Vnlted States and Canada: and in
Kngland at Is. 2d., '2. 3d., 4s. Ud. If you ate uot sutislied afuir buying, return the Lv'Uv (9
your druggist, and get your money buck.
h e authorize tin aUivc guamnUe, II'. IU HOOKER dt CO., Joprietori, Ji'cw
when he will go to Dayton, Wash.,
where he bas accepted call to pastoral
In this city, March ISth, to thewife
of F. J. Brown, a nine pound girl.
For winter residence or winter outing
ideal conditions will bejfound on every
hand in California. Plenteous early
rainfall has this season given to the
semi-tropical vegetation wonderful im
petus ; the fl jral offerings are more than
UBUiliy generous and the crop of
southern fruits bountiful and excellent.
Old ocean possesses new charms at
Santa Barbara, Santa Monica, Long
Beach, Coronad-iand the enchanted isle
of the sea, Catnllna where fishing,
boating, rambling, riding, hunting and
loafing uay ho enjoyed as nowhere else.
Quiet little . spots, snug and warm,
ofTsr themselves at Montecito, Nordhoff,
Pasadena, Echo Mountain, San Jacinto,
Fall Brook and Palm Springs.
For renewing health and vigor, here
abound many hot springs, of widely
varying constituents and demonstrated
merits: the dry, ant t tic, tonic air of
the desert may be enjoyed at Banninj
Indio, Yuma; and, even fartheron, at
Phoenix, Tucson, El Paso, exists con
ditions equally well indicated for weak
throats and lungs.
Many think nothing, in nature more
attractive than the shimmering olive
orchards of Santa Barbara and San
Diego; others prefer the stately walnuts
of Ventura and Los Nietos, or the
lemons of Fernando ', but for glorious
fruit and graceful tree commend us to
the golden orange, first, last and always,
and it exists in greatest perfection at
Covina, Riverside, Redlands and Higl
lands. Equally interesting is the
scientific and tempting fashion in which
the sorting and packing of the orange is
here accomplished.
Ihe faithful were exhorted to see
Mecca and shuffle off; but wiser gener
ations will tee California of the south
and prolong life. t
Ileiuarkabla Cures of Kheuraatlara.
From the Vindicator, Rutherford ton, X. C.
The editor of the Vindicator has had
occasion to test the efficacy of Chamber
lain s Pain Balm twice with the most
remarkable results in each case. First,
with rheumatism in the shoulder from
which he en tiered excruciating pain for
ten days, which was relieved with two
applications of Pit in Balm, rubbing the
parts afflicted and realizing instant
benefit and entire relief in a very short
time. Seond, in rheumatism in thigh
joint, almost prostrating him with severe
pain, which was relieved by two appli
cations, rubbing with the liniment on
retiring at night, and getting up free
from pain. For sale by Blakeley &
Dull Headache, Pains in various parts
of the body, Sinking at the pit of the
stomach. Loss of appetite, Feverishness,
Pimples or Sores all positive evidences,
of impure blood. No matter how it
became so it must I e purified in order to
obtain good health. Acker's Blood
Elexir has never failed to cure Scrofnlous
or Syphilitic poisons or any other blood
diseases. It is ceiUinly a wonderful
remedy and we sell every bottle on
a positive guarantee. Blakeley & Hough
ton's drug store.
An Honest Medicine for La Grippe.
George W. Wait, of Gardner, Me.,
sa: 'I havt had the wort coah,
cold, chill and grip and have taken loti
of trash of no account bnt profit to the
vendor. Cl.amhertain'i coujli Remedy
ia the only thing- that has done any
(food whatever. I Lave nej one bottle
of it ar.-l the chills, co'd and grip have
all left me. I conyratnlate the rnann
factnr raof an honest medicine." For
I tale by Blakeley A Honhton.
Freeh cracked Nebraska corn at the
Wasco warehouse. Finest kind of
chicken feed. mch25-tl
ri S
Action Regarding the Shamrock
Was One of Wisdom Ends Bitter
ness of Years.
New Yobk, March 19. T. P. O'Con
nor, M. P., in the London Daily Mail,
"I am asked to state my views with
regard to the momentous announcements
as to the proposal by the Queen of the
wearing of theeliamrock by Irish soldiers
and as to Her Majesty's visit to Ireland.
"As to the weariDg of the shamrock,
it is a tribute to Irish nationality which
will be greatly appreciated. The symbol,
ical things of life are all apparently in
themselves email things. The shamrock
materially is a small plant, but the ear
ing of it means to an Irishman centuiies
of sacred memories and country's wrongs
resisted, hopes maintained. The sanction
of th warir.g t ' it by the Irise soldier,
then, is a concession I had almost called
it a tremendous concession to Irish
sentiment by the British throne, which
must have vast consequences.
"But, speaking as6tired!y in no spirit
of carping objection, but as an illustra
tion and a lesson, may I point out that
the conduct of English ministers toward
this small question is a very remarkable
and significant example of the slonnesB
and dullness of wit, the want of l magi na
tion, insight and sympathy which have
characterized all relations between Eng
land and Ireland? While the Scotrti
Boldier conld wear the thistle without
Interference, while the Welsh soldier
could wear the leek, the Irish soldier
year after year was sent by some stupid
officer to prison because he wore the
emblem of his nationality.
"And when an Irish member, session
after session, called attention to the fact
in the Houee of Commons, he was howled
at by many English members, and re
ceived either an abrupt or positive ans
wer from the minister. And now, after
all the bitterness of these years ; after
the Imprisonment and the snubs and all
the rest, the trouble is ended by order
of the highest and greatest figure in the
realm. I will not say, as can be said
about so many other concessions to Irish
feeling, 'Too late, too late,' but assuredly
the concession ha tot come too soon.
"And now as to the visit of the Queen
to Ireland, 1 find thisacta touching and,
flmay use the word, a statesmanlike
and eloquent proof, added to the many
others, that the present sovereign is one
of the wiser t that ever ruled these lands."
'resident and Members of His Cabinet
. t- .u n -c r . n !
10 lSlt the PaCltlC Loast Hero Of1
Manila and Mrs. D.-wey Ate I'lann
iog a Western Trip.
Rkw York, March 19. As before
state 1 In Wacbingtoi dispatcher I'resi
dent and Mrs. McKinley and probably
certain members of the cabinet will
visit California and other West coast
states this summer. It if, at least, the
president's Intention at this time, to be
io Ran Francisco when the battle-ship
Ohio is launched from Sott's shipyard.
The president will go north from Han
Francisco to Portland and Seattle and
then F.ast through Minneapolis and St.
Paul. It is understood that the trip is
made for pleasure, bat the real pnrposn
of the jjrjrney Is to work up renewed
interest in Major MeKinley's behalf for
his re election at president of the United
New York, March 10. There is ex
cellent authority f r etatirg that Ad
aural and Mrs. Dewy will make a
It-ngthy visit through the Western aid
North weetern states this spring. They
will go Rrtt U Detroit and then west to
Minueapo'.is ami St. Pa .1. I: is stated
they will spend several days in the tain
cities. While in Minnesota they may
visit Duluth. They intend to go west
from St. Paul through North Dakota and
Mouttna ou their way to the west coaet
It is believed that while on the Pacific
lope, they will visit Seattle, Portland,
S in Francisco, Los Angeles and several
Other prominent cities of that section of
Startling- Claims,
Eighty-five per cent of nil persons de
dared incurable or given up to die by
physicians can be cured, or their lives
greatly prolonged by the beneficent
powers of the . "Perfected" Oxygenor
King. This startling aseertion is sns
ceptible of proof. We have it In the
form of letters from all classes of people
"retiditg far and near" who are de
lighted to testify to the marvelous cura
tive powers of this latest and most per
fected home oxygenating instrument.
For sale by J. M. Fillooo, The Dalles,
Ore. ml-lwd2
Fin I oultry aud Italian Bes.
Silverlaced Wyaradotte, English Red
Cap and Rose Combed White Leghorn
chickens for sale. Single birds f 1 each
EggB for setting f 1 per fifteen.
Italian bees fl per pound. Queen
bees warranted purely mated, 75 cent
each. Queens sent by mail and sale ar
rival guaranteed. Address
Mas. A. A. Bonney.
feb21-lmu Tygh Valley, Or,
Bismarck's Iron Merva
Was the reeult of his splendid health.
Indomitable will and tremendous energy
are Hot found where stomach, liver,
kidneys and bowels are out of order. If
you want these qualities and the success
they bring, use Dr. King's New Life
Pills. They develop every power ' of
brain and body. Only 25c at Blakeley
& Houghton's drugstore.
I Did you ever hcr.r ho-r f 'r. '-, of
street came to buy a wheel for his wif et
Well, he came homo one evening, and saw
her aittini? on the balustnxlo of the porch,
as shown in the picture. Ho made up his
mind then and there that &ho would look
Just too sweet for anything on a bicycle.
And she does. Ilut the l.'.nd of bicycle has
a (rood deal to do with locking sweet. So
If you want to loolc sweet, buy your wheel
(as did Mr. ) of the asent fur
Golden Eagle, $25
Crawford ... $30
Cleveland, .
We have handled the above Hoe of
wheels for several years. The guarantee
on the above wheels are such that no
one need to hesitate to buy either of
IVIaieF & Benton
Sole Agents.
Sheriff's Sale.
By virtue of an execution Issued out of the
f'licult Court of the state of Or Kn for Wasro
unity, in a siat therein pending whcieln Hmith
Frencti is pUiiititl' and F.nieline Davis. Mrn7
tors E. forum, Mrs. Lizzie J. Fariis, hi las K.
Davis, William H. Davis, Mrs. Tina linhonev,
Etlie E Dn vis, Mrs. Annette F. Mc.Neal, and ft.
S. ijiiiffhlln, administrator nf I h rotate of HI las
W. Davis, deceased, are defendant-, to me (II
lectrd and commanding me to sell certain real
projarty thereto described, I will at 1 o'clock.
f. af.,outhu
2lh day or April, 10OO,
at the Court House door In Dalles City, Oregon,
ell at public sale to the highest bidder for -nh
in hand all of the Intereat of each and all of the
above named defendanta in and to the f-illoH lng
descrllied trans of lann situated In mid County
to sutlsly t ie several sums hereinafter naimd,
towlt: The north half of the north weal quarter
and the north half of the northeast tiarter and
the southeast quarter of the nnrtheat quarter
and Ihe i.o-theast ouarter of the routheiui on .r
ter of section 11, township X not In, ranxe 11
enar, n . m., io saiiaiy ine sum l SK a; and In
teres! at a per cent per annum from March l.'.th
at 10 per cent per annum from said date, and
the sum of I21I.!I and lnt.r.-t at 10 percent
iv a. aim me sum oi r.ft.x ano; Interest there
1 er annum inun aaui dare, and f.fli
I Inriiev'M
and fia.10 costs and disbursements ami
interest thereon from aaid date at a tier
per annum and the accruing costs, and ft;71 21
j and interest at the rale of lo per cent per annum
i fr.nn said dale, and II d ,4h and Interest thereon
I at In per cent tar annum from said date: and
Ihe o ithwest vianer of the northeast uuarter.
an-i ihe northwest quarter of ihe southeast
quarter of said serti n II, township t norths,
range 12 east, to satisfy the snui of l:i and
interest thereon at the rat ! of a per cent per
annum from March I'., l'. and ths unsatisfied
balnneeof said sums of S12I I !, :sni, K a),
:.2 .0, .71 21 snd II s.via ard InU-rest upon
each respectively, as aforesaid: and also lot t,
of block !l of I la lies lily, Oregon, to satisfy the
sum of and Interest thereon at the rate of
per cent per annum from March 1, I'm
ana the'-d piirtioiis of said sums
21, ll.o."i.ia, l si.isi, l-tiVJii, SI2II M and IK VI,
and Ihe interest upon each resiatively aa
aforesaid. Haid sale will be for cash in hand to
the hlrrhcst nldrter.
Datel this ITth day of March, pan.
nt'21 I e'herlft of Masco county, Or.
Paint your house with paints that are
fully guaranteed to last. Clarke A Falk
bave them. -
:54 p m
4:41a. in
4 p. to.
4 D. IB.
Ex.bunday Columbia Rv. 8teamers. Ex.unda)
.TO Astoria ana nay
BBiuraaj landings.
iv p. m.
Ex.bunday Orenon ity, Newberg, Ex.tsunday
7a.m, WiuAsnn ixdVu i IT.SOp m.
Tuea.Thur.i hiLL Kivirk. Mod.,w1
and bat. oreeon titv, Dayton,! and Fri.
and nay-ljiiidings.
6a.m. WiLLAHKTTC Kivxa. 4:30 D. m.
Tue..Thur, Portland to Corvallis,! Mon. Wed
and Sat, i and Way-Landings. and Friday
Shaii River.
Biparia to Iewiston.
8:30 a. m.
Lv Riparla
1.2.1a. m.
Parties desiring to go to Heooner should
ui.e io. 4, leaving Ihe Dalles at 7:0.) p. m
making direct connections at Heminer function
Returning makingdirectconnection at Heppner
;uiieiion wun o. 1. arriving at ine Dalies at
No. 82, throught freight, east bound, does not
carry passengers; arrives 2:50 a. m., departs
No. 24, local freight, carries passengers, east
bound; arrives 4:a p. m., departs 8:15 p. m.
No. 21, west bound through freight, does not
carry passengers; arrives 8:15 p in., departs
v:w p. m.
No. 23, west bound local freight, carries pas-
scugers; arrives a: is p. m., departs s:su a. in.
For full particulars call on O. R. 4 N. Co,
agent The Dalles, or address
Gen l'as. Agt., Portland, Or,
SOUTH and EAST via
Souinern Paciric Co.
Shasta Route
Trains leave The Dalles for Portland and way
DMiuuua n. i.j a. til. nitu o , III,
Leave Portland. .
" Albany
Arrive Ashland
' Sacramento . ...
" San Francisco .
. .. 8:30 a m 7:00 t m
. ..12:;JUam 10:50 pm
...!2:r:im 11::) am
... 5:00 p ill 4:& a m
.. . 7:45 p in 8:15 a m
Arrive Ogdon
" Denver
' Chicago
... 5:15 am 11:15a m
... 9;w a m troOa m
. .. 7:25 a m 7:25 a m
... 7:4.i a 10 ::Wam
Arrive Los Angelea .s .
" El Haw
" Fort Worth
" City of Mexico ..
H Houston
" New Orleans
" New York
, 1 : ?0 p m
p m
. ti::iam
. 9:55 a m
. 4:00 am
:25 a m
7:O0 m
:00 p ni
fi::) a ni
9 : a m
6:25 p ni
6:12 a m
tt a ni
.12:43 pm 12 4J pm
Unlln,.., -.. T" . I . . 1 . , . .
u.i, un a nun iiiuiis, ears on uoin trams.
- un " oitrmiui-iiici w -goeii ami iu raso,
and tourist cars to Chicago, est Louis, New Or-
" " (.uu. nf-uiiigtiru.
.,v.,iv.iiH nnu rinitnii wnn several
steamship lines for Honolulu, Japan. China,
Phi I ittrttiina I'.nt.yl ...I U....11.
rniitimlln. . u.. lr l f.i. .
bee agent at The Dalles station, or address
General Passenger Agent, Portland, Or.
Yellowstone Park Line.
Union Depot, rirth aad I sts
No. i. Fast mall for Taeoma, I No. I
I "cattle, Ulympla, I. ray's!
IHaiborand Houth Hend
isnnia, npoiiane, Koss-i
land, B. C, -ullman,
fnloll'iiiip mining conn-1 6;."J P. M.
ioscow, lealstoii. Hnf-i
II l j A. SI.
iry, neiena, Mlniieaini
llls, Sir. Paul, Omaha,
: Kansas CHy, Ht. Ij.ula.
hlrsgo and all polutai
I cat and southeast. No. J.
I I'nget Hound Kxproa'
M. for Tsroma and h.-attle 7,00 A. M
land Intermcsliste points
No. 4
11 :M P.
Pullman flrst class and tonrlit sleetssra to
Mliin.-apolls.nt. Paul and Missouri river points
without change.
Vastihuled trains. Cnion depot Conner tlous
In all principal cities. 1 '"""""si
Baggage eheckisl lo destination of tickets
.. r."' baudsomely lllust, d.-sertplne malter,
write 1,1 n rwrtl"ns, etc., call on of
Assistant lieneral Passenger Agent, JT.- Morrison
Htreet, corner Third, Portland, Oregon.
Rmim. TV
iiria: Tim schidl-li.
roa J hum Uaixcs.
Fast dnlt, Denver, Ft.
Mall Worth, Omaha, Kan
ll:4jp. m. sas city, at. Louis,
Chicago aud East.
gnnksne Willi Walla, Spokane,
flyer Mtuueapolia. et. Paul,
7:06 p.m. u luth, Milwaukee,
Chicago aud tut.
8 p. m.
Ocean Steamships.
For kail Francisco
December 3, 8. U, 18, 2!
aud 2s.
hem Priic
.'"""-'lach.,,,.11, ...
Sheriff's Sale.
1 of Oregon, for Union county.
Ann FiUgerald, plaintiff,
George Herbeit, defendant.
By virtue of an execution and order ..i ,
duly issued out of and under the seal ,,i it. -cuit
Court of the State ol Ore g m. fr the '
iufuvorof the i.laiiilitt arid aii1t iheij?0
ant, Geoige Herbert, as Judenient debtor i!'
sum of ninety one doilais aud 20 cent.
terest thereon from the 24th dav of a'diII lJU"
at the rule ol eight per cent per annum ,'rt o
further sum of twenty-two dollar. .,,.1-7."
costs, and the coats of and upon this riL 7i
coniinanding nielo makeanleolthereal woilf,,:
embraced in such d-creeof forechaureaiia
inaiir necrica:a,i win, on the ITth g..r.
March. 1MU), at the hour of two o'clock h ,1,
afternoon of said day, and at the front d,m,;J
the County Court House in Dalles City ViJJL
County, Oregon, sell at public ancti-'n loih.
highest bidder for cash In hand, all therishi
title and interest which the defendant (,,r,.
Herbert, or either of them had on the " ith ul.
of Novemiajr, 1M, the da'eol the judKment en
tered herein, or which stich defendants or n
of the defendents herein have Bince acquired I ci
now have in and to the following described nui
iroperty, situate and being in Wasco tJountr
to-alt: Commencing at the north eat -omit
of the same lot which is situated andkiiownu
the former residence of Mrs. Mar Cooper Z
running Hienceeast 17'J leet; thence south from
the middle of the street ten (i0) rod.- thence
west 17fa feet; thence north ten (10) rods to the
place oi beginning; being InW. D. Bigelow's ac
dition to Daliea City, and known 011 the reeordi
of deeds of Wasco County, as a parcel 0; land
deeded by E M. Clements and wife to Mirr
Cooper, of date December 18, ls'.2: this beins
the one-half of said claim, and being the same
tract conveyed to Mrs. E. A. Cates by Loin,
Davenport and wile by deed, dated May 12, 175
and recorded at page 196 of Book E, Necordsj
I leedt for W asco C'ountv, Oregon, and buinr
descended to the said George' Herbert under
the will of bis mother, the said Mis. E. A. Later
said parcel of Und lying aud being in Daliet
City, Wasco County, Oregon, and more particu
larly tnd correctly described aa follows: Com
mencing at the southeast corner of lot to Ci) ia
block deignated 0 or zero In Blurt Addition to
Dalles Citv, according to tho maps in coninoa
use in said city, the said lot being the vmt
designated as lot two 12 in block No 1, In toe
original deed by which It was conveyed by W.D.
Blgelow to Orlande Huiinson 011 December 12,
lM4;aud running U hence northerly along the
east line of said lot two 21 to the northern
corner thereof, aud thence contiiiuing aloni
said line in the same direction northerly to tht
south sideof Alvord street;theneeeasterlyalotu
the south line of aald Alvord ttieet seventeen
and one-half fl7'i,' feet; thence southerly aud
parallel with said first line ten rods.more or lm.
toa point ITS ffr easterly from the point of
beginning, and thence westerly and at right
angles with said last line seventeen and out
half 171., feet to the place of beginning, or 10
much of said property as will satisfy said judg
ment and decree, with costs and acciulug coau,
Said proi-erty will be sold subject to coutirmi
matlon and redemption as by luw provided.
Dated at The Dalles, Oregon, this Kith day ol
February, l'JOO.
fcbl7 il Sheriff of Wasco County, Or.
Administrator's Sale of Real Estate.
Notice is hereby given that the undersigned,
J. H. Fergueson, administrator of the estaleof
Lydla A. Richardson, decease I, In pursuance n(
an order of the Honorable County Court of lb(
State of Oregon for Wasco couuty, dulvmade
and entered 011 the 4th day of Januaiv, I'M), will
from and after tho lath day of Februnrv, 1WI0,
proceed to sell at private sale for cash in" hand,
all of the following described real estate, belong
ing to the estate of said Lvdia A. Richardson,
deceased, to-wit:
The northwest quarter ol th sonthwest qusr
ter, and south haliaf the nor' h west quaiter and
the southwest quarter of the northeast quarter
of sectton three (.1) in township four (4) south ol
range thirteeu (l;i) east 1 f the Willamette merid
ian, in Wasco county, Oregon; also that certad
piecu or nan-el of land particularly bounded awl
described ss follows: Commencing 24rodssnd
l-1 3 feet west of the southeast corner of the
southwest quarter of section three tfi In town
ship fonr (4i south of range thirteen (:) east a
the Willamette meridian in Wusco county, Ore
gon, and running thence north one hall mils:
thence west 50 nals and 4', ieet; thence south
one-half mile, and thence east 50 rods and l'j
feet to the place of beginning; save and except
therefrom lour lots iu Richardson s Addition to
the Town of Tygh, which haa been heretofore
sold and conveyed; the tract above described in
cluding allot said Richardson'a Addition to the
Town of Tygh, as laid out and platted ami re
corded In the Rccorda of Deeds for Waste
county, Oregon, said real estate above descuboi
containing 210 acres, more or less.
Any person desiring nformation with referenot
to said real estate should csll on or address men
Junction City, Oregon, or my attorneys, Dufur
ii Menefee, at The Dalles, Oregon.
Dated this 12th day of January, 1I0).
Administrator of the Estate of Lj dla A. Rich
ardson, deceased.
Drrt-a A Mxnkfkk,
Attoineya for Administrator. I.ljsnil
Land Office at VAKrorvaa, Wami..
March 8, lmu.
Notice Is hereby given that the fnlinwlni
named scltlcr haa filed notice of his inten
tion to make final nroof In summit of his
claim, and that said proof will be made b?foit
" rrtisny, 1 mteq Htatei Commissioner lo:
Ills ti let of Vt nnhtiiaton. at hla mHnsi in 1.,, Mo
dule, Wush.. 011 Monday, April 1M, l'JOO, vU:
Herman Eogelke,
U.K. No. 8Mi. for the northwest onnrter ol
section 82. toa nshln X norfh nl rn.. 11 Mil.
W ill. Mcr.
He names the following altnesat to nrovahli
conlinuous residence upon aud cultivation of
nni laiiu, vir:
Heniy Htaeker, William Wilkinson, Dietrlri
II. Hteuman. of r-entrvlll,. u n u'uh atid
Henry F. Brune, of The Dkllea P. O., Onion.
w U lilMllU.
marlo-ll K.-nister.
Land Orrics atThi Dallks, Om:nn.'
February 2ii, I'Jtm l
I'otlce la herehv .Ivan Ihmt Ih. IjiM.isrlni-
Damed si llier haa tiled notice of hia Intents
to make final proof in support of hia claim, swl
thai said pria.f will he made la fore the Kegl'l
aud Receiver at The Dulles, Orison, on Bstsr
dsy. April 7, l'jul, vis:
John Frederick Walther, of The Pl!
H. K. No. tosfi, forth NW" Bee. II, townsUl
1 south, ra-ige IS east, W. M.
He names the following witnesses to prf
his continuous residence upon and rultusls
ol salC land, vis:
W. Wolf, John Obi 1st, Frank Obrlst, WII1US
Obrlst, all of The Dallea, Oregon.
fcb2M JAV P. I.CCAS, Register.
Notice la hereby given that the nnd.-rsliwj
haa lieen iliilv appolntni by Ihe county court "
the state of Oregon tor Wasco coimtv, ,-rrt"
with the will annexed of Ihe last will of Msrf
Jane Hi-erley. deeeasesl. All persons havtaf
claims sgalnst aald estate are her-hy iioilh'slj"
present them to me will) Ihe proper vouchers
my nitlcw In The Dallea, Oregon, ailhi"
months from the date thereof.
Dated Feb. n, I'sx.
B. B. IIUNTlN'iT'if.
tetl-H Ks.rlllar-
I'. 8. I.astd Offii b, at Tiia Dai.i.fs. o '
FaaarA av 'J l1""!.
Notice Is hereby given that fie foil"!"'
named settler has Hied noiice of his Intent" JJ
mske llnal pnsif in siii.ivort of his elsim.
thai said nroof will lat loaile before the U.'f1""
01 t 11 'on, 111 uie tiirceieu ana aaled the j.,. : '
of November, Im, upou a d ree for thl , '
closure of a rerUin niorlgage.and JudgiiuMii?'
deredand euleied in said eouit ob i tl,. V I,
of November. lMl-.. in thu , K. .. .... .T "at
and Re.iiver at Ihe Dalles, Oregon, on 'Aiilne
day, April 4, psn, via:
William C. Clark, t f The Dalles, I
Homi.tead Knt'ry No. W7I. for the HW' ,. w!
II, towoahlp I south, range II east, W. M ,
He namca the following witnesses to pt"vs '
conlinuous residents Us-ib aud niltn tlB "
said laud, vl: ,,b
A Ihert Turner, Charles (ionn. Charles
C. A. I.llison, all of 1 ho Dalles, Oregon.
JAV P. 1"
fcb2H It.-alsl