WEEKLY its ftp Be iv VOL. X THE DALLES, WASCO COUNTY, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, MARCH 21, 1900. NO. 27 ROBERTS TO ENTER PRETORIA Satacrs's. Clemenl'! anJ Bralail's Forces Will Octon Blotmttileii. CASUALTIES AT -DRIEFONTEIN Remnants of Free State Army May Be Caught Before .They Get Around Bloerafontein to Joio lonbert's Command. London-, March 16 Lord Roberts' success in handling tfie civil problems at Bloemfontein and the manifest equa nimity w it 1 1 which resident of the capital of the Orange Free State accept British occupation momentarily replaces the interest in the military situation. It is believed here that Roberts will soon push on to Pretoria, bat Great Britain is quite content to listen for a few days to the acclamations of the" people of Bloemfontein and permit the troops to enjuy a lew days' rest before expecting further success. Roberts made a quaint speech to the guards at Bloemfontein today, when in his first congratulatory words be ex pressed pride in their splendid march of thirty-eight miles in twenty-eight boors, and gave ainplo aesurance of hie ultimate design. "Through a small mistake," aij Rob ert?, "I have not been able to march in to Bloemfontein at the head of thebrlg ide, as I intended.. I promise you, how ever, that I will lead yon Into Pretoria." General Gatacre is holding Bethneil, and the whole line of railroad south of Bloemfontein is now in the hands of the British, and General Brabant's column having cro'eed Orange River, after a forced march to Allwal North on Sunday, and General Clement's column being across at Vanzyl, the three columns will form an army of 12,000 to 15,000, which it expected to replace the forces of Rob erts at Bloemfontein, as he pushes north, ward. Just where the Boers will at tempt to oppose that match is an Im portant question, but It cannot be easily answered until General Joubert is more definitely located. Further news has reached the outside world from Mafekine. dated Friday. Jlarch 9, showing that though the garri son was in hftnt straits, they were buoyed up hy the knowledge tbat their plucky fight was appreciated at home Roberta la Mot Idle. Nkw Yokk, March 10 A dispatch to the Tribune from London says: General Roberts is not allowing the grata to grow inner his feet. He put three trains in motion, equipping them, with engine drivers and firemen from from bis own troops, and sent Genera'. Pole-Carew, with 200) guardsmen and small body oi mounted infantry, southward. lie "Ported in a midniuht bulletin that Pola-Carew had reached Bethany during the alternoon without opposition, and that the force was expecting to join Generals Gatacre and Clements. Gatacre nl crossed the Orange River in the morning and occupied Bethulie. General Cement's advance has probably taken P'ace simultaneously. It Is reported that the Dutch rearguards are retreating frm the river., and it la noaaible that "ley nmy be caught between the columns nich are advancing toward Spring Ntein. General Roberts baa allowed three di visions to halt at Bloemfontein, but he "not idle himself. He has created the ""pression that the Free State govern ""nt has surrendered its capital and "'t a military government has been "t'Stituted for it. President Steyn, since hl arrival in Kroonstadt, is issuing pro elamations and striving to rally bis j'oops Jeel, of lne republic, but nn all signs fail, bis forces are rapidly ""appearing from the field. It Is evident from thaft rrii rlianafnh tt General Robert' firit work will b opening of (be railway louthwara to Of AH JO Pfun. ...I aU .1 I a amr huu inn auniiuuiimeii ' (tie COnVnV irilim -if M rvnliua frrtin 'imherley. The entire district south of "loemfonteio can be cleared of the 'n'Dy in the course of few days and railway trafflc rMtored. Dispatches ,rnj General Gatacre's headquarters 'e that his patrols are in touch with General Clement's lines westward and h nr.bant's eastward. "sirens forces are not needed on urnge River, and have returned to up per Natal. Military men do not expect vigorous lenewal of operations by either General Roberts or General Boi ler during tkw next week. French's cavalry with Tucker's divibiou may ad vance slowly northward in the direction of Winburg and Kroonstadt, but it is not likely that there wii be serious fight ing until General Roberts is ready to cross the Vaal . River and advance to ward Johannesburg and Pretoria. lne only direction in which veteran officers here expect to witness immediate activity is towards Mafeking. Stejrn in Disfavor. London, March 10. The Times pub lishes tbo following from Bloemfontein, dated Tuesday : Contempt for the flight of the Free Staters is universal, many people a?eerting tbat President Steyn would have been, shot if bi intention to flee had been known. More harm has been done to the Dutch cause bv the sor render than is couvincible, and despite the statements of the brother of Steyn, it is donblful that there will be any mote resistance south of the Vaal. Krltlah Casualties. London, March 10.--It was officially announced today tnat British casualties at Driefontein on March 10 were sixty two mm killed and 321 wounded, in cluding one Canadian wounded. Croaied Orange River. Cap Town, March 16. When the British forced a passage of the Orange River, they surprised the Boer forces. The Britons occupied a position on the north side of the river with little op position. Botr Threat. Pabis, March 16. The possibility of the Boers destroying the mines is caus ing some anxiety among French finan ciers, who have one-third of the shares. The Gaulois devotes an article to the subj-ct today, and calls upon the finan ciers of Europe to furnish the Boers with the means of resisting the British invasion. Cecil Khodee' Opinion. Capb Tows, March 15. In an inter view published in the Cape Argus, Mr. Cecil Rhodes is quoted as saying: "I feel strongly that we cannot have peace in South Africa so long as we have in the Republics a rallying ground for disloyalty and disaffection. I go further. I do not think we can safely federate till we have had some years of crown colony government. Personally 1 have done with the Bund." ALLEN'S RESO LUTION DEFEATED Sought to Extend Constitution to Puerto Rico Vote Was 36 to 17 Against It uav Case to be Taken Up Shortly. Washington, March 16 At 10 o'clock this morning the senate convened to conclude, if possible, between that hour and noon, the formal reading of the Alaskan code bill. Only two or three senator's were present during the earlier part of the session. Carter, who re ported the bill, was in the chair, and Bate, ol Tennessee, who kept close at tendon upon the reading of the meas ure, did not leave his seat until the last word of the bill was pronounced. The reading was concluded at noon. Hoar renewed bis request of yesterday thatadatobe fixed for taking up the Quay case. He asked that the time be two weeks from nxt Tuesday. Galling er, who had some hot word with Pen rose yesterday, said he was astounded at the charge that those who were opposed to Quay were employing parliamentary tactics to obstruct vote on the case. The order proposed by Hoar was agreed to by unanimous consent. After mornmg busintss bad been dis posed of, the senate took up the Puerto Rico appropiiation bill. - Amendments of the senate committee, limiting the appropriation to revenues collected prior to January 1st, last, having been agreed j to yesterday, a vote was taken on Al- len's amendment, declaring the ConstL tntlon extended over the Islands. The i amendment was laid on the table by a vote of 3d to 17. Jones withdrew the amendment he offered yesterday, and In its place offered an amendment propos ing free trade between the United States and Puerto Rico, Rev. W. K. Sitzsr, W. Canton, N. Y., writes, "I had dyspepsia over twenty years, and tried doctors and medicines without benefit. I was persuaded to use Kodol Dyspepsia Cure and it helped me from the start. 1 believe 11 to ne a panacea 'or all forms of indigestion." It digests what ytu eat. SHAMROCK EVERYWHERE Celebration of St. Patricks Day in tbe Med Mom. IRISH TIMES ALL THE VOGUE Enthusiasm la London Some Disor der in Dublin At the Garrison Towns. - London, March 17. Shamrock day promiees to vie with Primrose day, judg ing from the enthusiasm with which for the first time in the. history of the nation loyalists all over the United Kingdom are celebrating, and everywhere green is conspicuous. From Windsor Castle, where the Qieen observed the day by wearing a sprig of shamrock, to the East End of the slums of London, where the ragged urchin glories in his morsel of green weed, nearly every one sports something in the shape of a green favor. A word from Her Majesty baa turned the emblem of semi-disloyalty into a badge of honor, and has made the sham rock the most prized of all plants in the British Isles. The ancient ceremony of "trooping colors at Dublin Castle" was especially picturesque. It was performed today In the presence of the Lord .Lieutenant of Ireland, the Earl of Cadogan, and the Duke of Connaught, commander-in-chief of the forces in Ireland, together with a brilliant assemblage. All the troops wore shamrock. Most of the government offices hoisted the Irish flag, ond the clubs were simi larly decorated, the officials all wearing the green. In the churches the preachers referred to the occasion, thanking Provi dence that the English had learned to love ar.d irsject t heir Irish fellow-sub jects as they never knew them or re spected them before. Tho Lord Chief Justice, Lord Russell, set the example in the law courts, and all the jndges fol lowed his example, wearing the sham rock below their ermine collars. The theaters were all prepared to mark the day in the same way tonight. On the Stock Exchange the enthusiasm shown in celebrating the day gave tbe room the appearance of a greenhouse. The shamrcck wal everywhere, and there was more toasting of healths than work. As a result, prices were better, though nobody knows why. The scenes at Aldershot were charac teristic of the celebration of St. Patrick's day, and in all tbe other garrison towns, the shamrock was denned by all the troops privileged to wear it. At reveille the Irish bands made tour of the bar racks, playing "Garry Owen," "St. Pat rick's Day In the Morning" and "The Boys of Wexford." In front of the offi cere' mess they played the national an them, and cheered the Queen. It is understood the Queen having ap proved the proposed formation of a regi ment of Irish Guards, will soon make the announcement. Tt.e usual Lord Mayor's procession took place in Dublin today. The Lord Mayor of Belfast and the Mayor of Cork, participated, but a number of National ist Mayors refused to accept the Lord Mayor's invitation to take part in the affair. The chief magistrate met with a mixed reception, and tlure were dis orderly scenes at several points along the route of the parade where tbe tar rluge was stoned. St. Patrick's church, London, was densely packed whn Bishop Brlngle, late chaplain of the British forces in South Africa, officiated at a pontiflcial high mass in the presence ol Cardinal Vaughan. All the clergy and the con gregation worn the shamrock, and the) re, as ine wr..m. .Uvc. up Hie center aisle blessing the congrega- impreivr. The internal strifn In the nationalistic ranks engeuered by the Dublin Corpo ration's address to tho Qieen, and the bitterness felt In loyalist circles in Ire ( land at the outwaid exhibitation of dis respect of Her Majesty, keep the officials guessing as to what Is likely to occur at the Irish capital next month. An offi cial In the office of the chief secretary for Ireland, Gerald IWlfoor, said he was not surprised at the nationalists' opposition to the address of welcome, which nee essarlly was hypocrisy, and will go far to stop the (I w of American contribu tion's. Speaking of the Q ieen 'e visit, tbe tame official said be bad little doubt tbat "wigs would litter Dublin green" before the visit was concluded. Fowl for Puerto Rlcaui, Washington, March 16. Five hun dred tons of rice, codfish and bacon were shipped on a transport to Puerto Rico today by the w ar department to relieve the suffering. Tho shipment is made in response to an appeal some time ago from General George Davis, military governor of Puerto Rico, to Acting Sec retary of State Meikeljohn for aid for starving Puerto Ricans. . General Davis' letter depicts an awful situation ou the island. He expluined that he intended to discontinue the dis tribution of food tbe first of this month, but owing to the dletrass he asked for this shipment. He also says that it is imperative that a fur'.ber shipment of 500 tons of the same articles be made 011 the next transport following this ship ment. llrjoiolnc at Cap Colony, Capb Colony, March 16. There was great rejiielng throughout the colony upon the receipt of the news tbat Bloem fontein had been occupied by the British. The first intimation of the news at Port Elizabetli was the firing of 21 guns at 11 o'clock in tho evening. The inhabi tants hastened to the streets and carried the mayor on their shoulders to the Town Hall, where a demonstration was held. Today will be observed as a gen eral holiday. There is great rejjicing at Bloemfon tein, whose women and children have been shut off for months. Great com plaint is made of the harsh treatment by the Boers during the occupation. Rebels are coming in daily with their arms from the south. A number of other rebel leaders have been arrested. ABANDONS W. J. BRYAN Eugene V. Brewster Takes Exception to His Anti-Trust Views. New York, March 17. Eugene V. Brewster, of Brooklyn, who was toast mabter and chairman of the Bryan dollar-dinner, and who has been probably the most conspicuous man of the so called "Chicago-platform Democracy," bus written a letter to W. J. Bryan, in which he says tbat he cannot support Mr. Bryan for the Presidency, and that he now abandons all efforts to "effect union of reform forces" under Bryan's leadership. Mr. Brewtter, in a discus sion of the general question of trusts and machinery, says: "The trust question, to which yon are devoting moat of your attention, involves the very greatest and really the only problem tbat the Americans have to solve. Regretfully, yon seem to see only one side of the case, Rnd, seeing only evil on this side, yon would nnhesita tingly destroy the trust. 1011 do not seem to realiz", dear Mr. Bryan, that the same argument that you apply to the trust also applies equally well to irn roved machinery, and yet yon would not destroy that. I have carefully studied the conditions and the many remedies offered by various parties and factions, and it seems to me that co-operation-socialism is the only practical and the only possible remedy." Mr. Brewster expressed bis discontent of each of the principal existing political parties, and announces hie adherence to Eugene V. Debs. lie tells Mr. Bryan that with bis brilliancy and oratorical power he wonld soon "bring the world to his feet" if only he would believe and speak as does Debs. Kent and Mouth I'niler Sleet anil Snow. Nxw York, March 16. Nine inches of sleet 'and enow cover the streets of New Yo-k today, and 4000 men are battling with' it in Manhattan, 300) more being at anrk In Brooklyn. Traf fic has ten partially paralyzed in some sections of tha city since early morning. During the early houre, Brooklyn bridge traffic was practically blocked. Sleet on the third rail supplying electric power to the bridge cars cut off the current, and a geueral blockade was the result. Tbe fall of snow in New Jersey was heavier than in the city. Trains were delaytd by the storm and malls were several hours tehlnd in their delivery Vo fatalities from ti e r..i!d sre reported In the city, but the station nouses ana charitable institutions were crowded with homeless. For Fate. tract, 3'4' miles 40-acre tract, 31.' miles from The Dalles, 4 room house, barn, all fenced, orchard of 300 trees, running water, good range for cattle adjacent, 10 acres bottom land floe for berries or garden. Price reasonable, terms easy. Call at this office. m21-dwlmo ALL INTEREST Forces Now Conrapir Toward That Point Are Snjpasei to Hays a Double R?SEOBSibility. TO ADVANCE ON PRETORIA British Prisoners at Pretoria Will Be In Danger From Roberts' Fire All Danger of Intervention Is Xow Be lieved to Be Past. London, March 19. Neither the ad vance by way of Fourteen Stieams nor Colonel Plumor's movement has yet re sulted in bringing news of Mafeking'e re lief. From Bloemfontein and Natal there are'appaiently no Berious develop ments, and public interest remains centered in Colonel Baden-Powell's force. However, it appears likely that the converging of the troops toward Mafe king indicates a much more serious pur pose than merely its relief. Judging from Lord Methuen's presence at War rentown and the capture of the near-by passage of the Vaal al Fourteen Streams, keen observers believe Lord Roberts meditates an advance in force on Pietoria by way of Rii9tenberg. This might start either from Fourteeu Streams or Klens dorfand woulJ probably coincide with an advance by way of Bloemfontein and Natal. Thus Lord Methoen may be given the chance to redeem bis reputa tion as has General Gatacre. ' Commandant Olivier has accomplished another feat in his retreat from Northern Cape Colony, evacuating Roucheville and going towards Kroonstadt, where Presiduit Steyn is. Pretoria I'rlHonera Moved. Nsw York, March 19. A d:spatch to the Tribune from London says: The British officers now in Pretoria have been removed from the prison where Winston Churchill left them, to new quarters in the outskirts of the town under Dasport ridge. The reasons for this change are not stateJ, but it is evident that General Roberts' army will have to expose a nnmber of British prisoners to exceptional danger when Pretoria is invested. -No Danger or Intervention. Nxw York, March 19. "Great Brit ain a declaration that she will not tolerate the intervention of any power effectually prevents Europe from at tempting to end the hostilities in pro gre;s in Sjuth Africa." ' This statement was made last night In Washington by a well-informed diplomat, who had carefully followed international events transpiring in the O'd World. "The European horizon," he con tinued, "is remarkably clear for England. Had intervention been contemplated acion would have been taken when BritUh prestige had suffered such a severe blow by the reverses of General Buller before Ladysmith ; of General Gatacre at Stormberg, and General Methuen at the Modder river. The fact that Russia did not at that moment interfere shows conclusively, I believe, the truthfulness of the peace sentiments entertained by the Cz ir, which he en deavored to have incorporated into inter national law by tbo conference held at The Hague. I think it may be set down as absolutely correct that Russia does not propoee to take advantage of Great Britain's present preoccupation in South Africt. "It is true that the loan just made to Persia will increase her influence with the people. That loan, however, is not due to the South African war. Negotia tions for its subscription were beKnn be fore the war commenced. Great Britain knew of it, but did not try to prevent Persia from obtaining the money from Rusia. It is untrue that Russia has been massing troops on the frontier of Afghanistan. Those iepor:e were proba bly put in circulation by persons desirous of distracting attention in England irom events occurring in South Africa. "It is to be expected that the Presi dents of the South African Republics will endeavjr to secure peace through diplomatic meani. They probibly fully understand by now that there Is no pros pect of second Majuba Hill and that if peace cjmei before their governments are wiped out, it must be achieved by diplomatic negotiations. Just how this is possible, however, in Tiew of Great Brit tin' positive declaration, I cannot say. The note from the United States enable I Lord Sa'Wtury to play a strong card at the rirfhl tiuie. His declaration has done much to cl.ar the atmosphere for Great Britain and has shown the world the intt-ntion of the British gov ernment to destroy the two Kepublicc "Undoubtedly the governments Of Eu rope have di?cue3ed the prospect of com pensation, but there is no talk of con certed action at present. It seems to me that had the decision been at all serious, action would have been inaugu rated by tbe rtber powers when the English troops were in such a desperate plight in South Africt. The Boers now seem demoralized ; the English have an immediate force with which to conquer them and it is hardly probable that the rebuff sustained some weeks ago by the British troops will be repeated." HAVE FREED THE PEONS Governor Leary Isuel an Emancipi lion Proclamation Xo More Slaver)' io Guam General Wheeler Reported to tbe Navy Department 00 Conditions la the Ladrones. Washington, March 17. The follow ing proclamation has been issued by the Governor of the island of Guam: "To the inhabitants of Guam: In issuing this decree, the Government de sires and earnestly invokes Divine bless ing and guidance in its official . action and in the daily pursuits and occupations of the citiz;ns of Guam. By the cession of the Isle of Guam to the United States of America, all of the authority, power and responsibility of sovereignty were transferred to this government, and in transforming and organizing the new political power, the surest and speediest route to success, prosperity and happi" ness for the inhabitants nf this island is by benevolent assimilation to the funda mental principals that constitute the basis of free American government. "Honest labor, with just compensa tion, dignified by laithful consideration of the mntutl interests and welfare of all concerned, should insnre prosperity to this community ; whereas, the existing labor-degradin t system of human bond age and unjust, Indefinite servitude of peonage, permitted during the late Spanish control in the island, was in fact a system of slavery, nnd as, such was -subversive of good government, an ob stacle to progress, civiliz ition, a menace to popular liberty and violation of the sacred provision guaranteed by the Constitution of the United States. ' Now, therefore, by virtue of tbe authority vested in 'it byHia Excel lency, the President of the United States, I, Richard P. Leary, Captain United States Navy, Governor of the Island of Guam, do hereby annonnce and publicly proclaim absolute prohibition and totnl abolition of I n nan slavery or peonage in the Island of Guam an 1 n I after tbe 22d day of February, A. I)., 1900, and all persons are hereby commanded to com -ply with the requirements of this pro clamation. "In witness whereof, I hereunto set my hand and have caused the seal of the United States Naval Station, Idland of Guam to be affixed. "Richard P. Lkakv, "United States Navy, Governor." Celebrated la Kouth Africa. Capk Town. March 19. St. Patrick's day was celebrated with extraordinary enthusiasm throughout South Africa. In a message to Irishmen id Cape Town, the Queen said : "I have always felt confident that the spirit, courage and allegiance which. have distinguished the Irish soldiers in the facj of the enemy would not be spared by their brethern in the Colony in support of the authority of my gov ernment." On the initiative of Lord Roberts, newspaper has neeu started at tsioem fontein for the edification of the troops. Rudyard Kipling contributed to the in augural edition the following lines : O Terrence, dear, and did you hear The nes that'to;n' 'round? The sham'ock'a Erin's badje by law Where', r her sons ar found. From B!oemfont:n to Ballylank, 'TIs ordered by the Quren, We've won onr right in oien fight, The wearinjof the aren. Mrs. Harriet Evinr, Hinsdale, III., writes, "I never fait to relieve my children from croup at once by nsing One Minate Couh Cur?. I would not fee) safe without It." Qiickly cures coughs, colds, grippe and all throat and lungdiseases.