The Dalles weekly chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1947, March 17, 1900, PART 2, Image 4

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Wednesday s Dally.
EJitor Ponthit went on a businesa
trip to Portland by the morning train.
Dr. Hollieter, late of tl.i city, now of
Portland, came np yesterday afternoon
and returned home this afternoon.
A. D. McDonald, a former wealthy
farmer of Jhenuaii county, now of
Spokane, is a goest at tho Umatilla
Hou j.
John Dethmen. of Bingen frpringf,
pent last night in the city and aa
paseengr ou the boat for home thu
Ex:State Senator C. M. uanwngrn
paeeed through town tixUy ou
his way
from Portlaud to hit mock
ranch iu
Crook county.
John Chamber, W. E. Helm. Steve
Yancev and I. S. Ward are on the way
from Crook coontt with freight teaoif to
be loaded here with merchandise for
Mi Louise Ruch and her brother,
George, were passengers on the boat
tbia morning for the Cascade Lock.
Tbej were loaded with kodaks and nega
tives an i other photographic fiiius' for
taking- pictures of the grand scenery of
that place.
Mr. and Mrs. W. I. Talluian, of Klick
itat coontT, were passeng'rs on the boat
this morning for Vancouver where Mrs.
Tallinan goes for change or climate
that, it is hoped, may benefit her health.
Mr. and Mr. Talluian were residents of
Tee Dalles six or eight years ago.
Friday Daily.
C. L. and Wiiiiain Fierce, of Golden
date, were in town today.
Mrs. Adah L. Shelton. of Eugene, is
visiting her brother, J. P. Lacas.
Ed Griffin, of Naneene, spent lad
night in the city the gnest of Will Catvs.
H. J. Palmer, a prominent citizen of
Prineville, arrived here today from that
Geo. T. and Mr. Prather came up
today from Hood River and were guests
of the Umatilla House.
Jayne Riodnett, of the Ochoco Gold
Mining Co. of Crook county, is reg
istered at the Umatilla House.
Mrs. W. C. Latham, ol Dufnr, brought
to town today her little eon of five years
to consult a physician about bis health.
Robert Sdodgrass, n old and respect
ed resident of Bord, is in the city ac
companied by John L. Hadley of the
same place.
Dr. V. Gefner, of San Jose, late a
well-known resident of Prloevilie, ar
rived in town today on a business trip
to bis old home.
Hon. N. B. Brooks, of Goldendale, is
in tne city today on legal basinets. Mr.
Brooks is acting as attorney for the Paul
Mohr company in securing rights of way
between Colnxbus and The Dalles.
AI. J. Anderson, the village blurts -smith
and erstwhile Popnliet statesman
of Cufnr, spent last "night in the city.
M. J. is making money so fast on his
new weed-destroyer and cultivator that
he pretends to have abandoned politics
for good.
Yesterday afternoon at
farm eat of town,-to the
Ccsbing, dtnghter.
the Ciiihing
wife of Win.
For winter residence or winter outing
ideal C3?ditions will tie fonnd on every
hand in California. Plenteous early
rainfall has this season given to the
semi-tropical vegetation wonderful im
petas; the fl rl offerings are more than
asailiy generous and the crop of
conthern frnits bountiful and excellent.
Old rcean possesses new charms at
Santa Barbara, Santa Monica, Ling
Beach, Coronado and the enchanted isle
of the sea, Catalina where fishing,
boating, rambling, riding, huntiug and
loafing riiy be enjoyed as nowhere else.
Quiet little spot, snug and warm,
offer themselves at Montecito, Xordhoff,
Pasadens, Echo Mountain, San Jacinto,
Fall Brook and Palm Spring.
For renewing health and vigor, here
abound many tot springs, of widely
varying constituents and demonstrated
sneritt; the dry, ant I tic, tonic air of
the desert may be enjoyed at Banning,
In lio, Yuma; and, even farther ou, st
Phoenix, Tocson, El Paso, exists con
ditions equally well indicated for weak
Ihroits and lung.
Many think nothing in nature more
attractive than the shimmering olive
orchards of Snta Barbara and San
Diego; others prefer the stately walnuts
of Ventura and Los Nielo, or the
lemons of Fernando; but for glorions
froit and graceful tree commend ns to
the golden oisnge, first, last and always,
and it exists in greatest perfection at
Covin. Riverside, Redlands ai.d High
lands. Equally interesting is the
scientific and tempting f.ehion In which
the sorting and packing of the orange is
here accomplished.
The faithfnl were exhorted lo see
Mecca and shuffle off ; but iser gener
ations will tee California of the sooth
an 1 prolong life. t
Stockholder ltlng.
Notice is hereby iven that thire all!
ba an anna il meeting ol the stork hold
ers of The Dalle, Portland A Astoria
Navigation Co., at their ofCc Satsrday,
April 7, 1900, at 2 p. m., for the purpose
of electing ven directors, and trans
acting such other business as may prop
erly come lefore said meeting. By
order of the presidmt.
Th Dalles, March 15, 1900.
L. E. C'rowk, Secy.
Fur J.CO Cash
- And one dollar and fifty weekly
you can purchase a twenty-five
dollar watch or diamond st Harry C.
Llebe's, in the Vo;t block. Watche ,
diamon Is, clock", jewelry and silver
ware at most reasonable prices. 3 8 3t
Eighty-five per cent of all person dt
clared Incurable or given up to die by
physicians can be cured, or their lives
greatly prolonged by the beneficent
powers of the "Perfected" Oxygenor
King. This startling assertion is sus
ceptible of pro f. We have it In the
form of letters from sll classes of people
"rending far and near" who are de
lighted to testify lo the marvelous cura
tive powers of toil latest ard most per
fected home oxygenating instrument.
For sale by J. M. Filloon, The Dillee,
Ore. mllwd2
Mr. Calvin Zirun-enuan, Milesburg,
a., say, "As a speedy care for cough,
colds, croup and sore throat O.e Minute
Cough Cure is uneqnaled. It is pleasant
for childien to take. I heartily reconr
mend it to mothers." It Is the only
harmless remedy that produces Im
mediate results. It cures bronchitis,
pneumonia, grippe and throat and lung
diseases. ' It will prevent consumption.
Lights fur Ilia Mreel,
As every one has been expecting to
have this luxury it will probably be
some time yet, but insure with the
Law. Union & Crown Fire Insnrsnoe
Co. as this is no luxury but a protec
tion. Arthur Seufert, resident agent,
'phone 141. ;
Fine r-oDltrr aud Kalian Bee.
Silverlaced Wyamdotte, Euglish Red
Cap and Rote Combed White Leghorn
chickens for sale. Single birds f 1 each.
Egg for setting (1 per fifteen.
Italian bees l per pound. Queen
bees wairaoted purely mated, 75 cent
each. Queens sent by mail and sale ar
rival guaranteed. Address
Mas. A. A. Bonnky.
feb21-lmo Tygh Valle , Or.
Wm. Orr, Newark, O., says, "We
never feel fate without One Minute
Cough Cure in the honee. It saved my
little boy's life when he had the pneu
monia. We think it is the best medicine
made." It cures coughs and all Inng
diseases. Pieasant to take harmless and
gives immediate results.
Clark & Falk are never clojed Sunday
Don't forget thW.
Call lor BepUicaB Ccnnty ConKution.
Tim for Holding Primaries.
The Republican County Convention
of aseo County, state of Oregon, is
hereby called to meet in Dalles City, In
said county, on Friday March 23, 1900,
at the hour of 10 o clock a.m. of said
day, for the purpoee of nominatlnir can
didates lor the following county officers:
county judge, county clerk, county sher
iff, county treasurer, one county com
mitsioner, county assessor, county
school superintendent, county coroner,
and county surveyor, also precinct of
ficers for the several pieclncts of said
county; and 10 delegates to the Repub
lican Stale and District Congressional
Conventions, and to transact such other
business as rnav properly come before
suid County Convention. The conven
tion will consist of 100 delegates chosen
by the several precinct, and the several
precincts of said countv will be entitled
to representation iu said convention as
follows :
Antelope 7 Kingsley 3
Bigelow 9 Mosier." 3
Hull win '2 Mountain 3
Kakenven. 3 Xanapn 1
Boyd 3 Oak GrOve. .
Columbia 2 Karueev ii
Difur ft Sooth flood River. 4
Deechute 2 Tvgh Valley 3
East Dalle Trevitt 9
Est Hood River.. 5 Vienti 2
Eight Mile .2 Weet Dalles 6
Fall 5 West Hood River. A
Wamic 3
Primaries to elect delegates to said
County Convention will be held In each
of the several precincts in said Wasco
County, on March 17, 1900. In East
Dalles precinct the polls for said primary
election will be located at the East End
Hor-eCo.'t honse, and H. Rice, C. E.
Chriaman and L. S. Davis will act as
judge at aid election; in Biirelcw pre
ciucl the polls will be located at the of
fice of Win. Michel!, and J. M. Patter
son, F. Faulkner and Wm. Micheil will
art as judge at said election : in Trevitt
precinct the polls will be located at the
northeast corner of Third and Union
streets, and F. I. Sampson. Frank Vogt
and i. Fisher will act as judges at said
election ; and in West Dalle precinct the
polls will he located at the Citv Mills.
and C. L. Schmidt, J. F. Staniels and
CM. Fonts will act as judges at said
The polls in each of said precincts, in
aid primary election, will bo kent open
from 12 o'clock noon to 7 o'clock p. m.
for the reception of votes. The polls in
each of theother precincts in the conntv
will be located in lhenual voting places
in mofi precinct, ami il is recommended
shall be opened at the honr of 2 o'clock
p. m. nn Mid 17th day of March, 1900,
and will be conducted in the usual man
ner. Dated at Dalles Citv, Oregon, this 6 h
day of March, HKW.
Hkn-bt L. Klck.
Chairman Repnblirsn County Cen. Com.
F. E. Bronhon,
Notice it hereby alven that the nnder-lKBert
tiaa hwn airiinlrd by the county court, of the
iicoi inon,ior awo county, admlnlMratnr
forth, !at of Patrick Hrown, dmtwl. All
prraona having rlmmi attaint! -aid eat-te arc
hereby notitird to prmrnt aald rlalma. properly
erl(l-d, to me at the orhoe of ninnntt Sinnott,
In liallnl'ily.Ore., within tlx month- from the
univ inereor,
Dated January 25, 1Q00.
an?7 II
Notlro la hereby gtven that ths nnrtVr-lgmd
has been duly ),polntrd administrator of t,
estate of J. c. Baldwin, orccd. All persona
having claims against said estate are hereby
nolllied to present the same, properly verified,
to meorti my attorneys, Diifur& Meneite, In
The Dalles, Oregon, within six mouths from the
date of this notice.
Dated this 11th day of February, imn.
Administrator of tte estate of 1. c. Baldwin,
deaed. febl7 il ,
Yellowstone Park Line.
Unici Depot, rmh aai I Sis :
No.1 Fsst mail forTaoorna, Mvl.
Peal tie. OlyiiiplM. Grays:
Harbor ana tsuuin nena :
bonus. Spokane, Ross-
laud, 3. C, Pullman
!mnw. I-eaistoli. But-
11:15 A. it. falnllump mining coun- 5; SO P. M.
try, Hulena, Uiiiueapo
' Us, St. Paul, Omaha, I
'KiniM City, 8t Louis. I
( biraito and all points.
So. 4. !eat and southeast. No. 3.
Puvel Sound Express;
11:30 P. M. for Taeuma and Seattle 7 00 A. M.
and intermediate point
Pullman flratrhua and tourlrt aieepers to
Vlnneapolt-, 8t Paul and Missouri river point
without rhanae.
Vwitibuled train-. Volon depot eonnectlous
In all principal eilie.
BumiaKe euerked to deatlnnMon of tickets.
for handsomely llll:atrddecrtptive matter,
ticker- aiwpiug car reaervatloua, etc., call on or
Aitant tioncral Paenfrcr Aeent, 25i Morrlaon
btreet, coruer Third, 1'ortlaud, Uix-gou.
SOUTH and EAST via
sro Pacific
Shasta Route
Trains leave The Dalles for Portland and way
tationt at a. m. and 3 p. m.
Leave Portland R:.T0 a m
" Albany U:3uaru
7:00 p m
10.50 p m
li :tna m
4 :.'i a m
t.15a m
Arrive Ashland
" fijaeraint-nto -...
" riau Francisco
.12 Hi m
. i n p iu
. ": p m
Arrive Ogilnn
41 lH;uver
" Cblcaito
5:41a m
. '.i.oi a m
a m
7:4j a ra
ll lla m
tf nia m
7:25 a m
V:.X) a m
Arrive Lo An?elc 1 :?0 p m
' El Po :) p m
" Fort Worth 6::i a m
" i Ity of .Viexico :.V a m
" Houston 4 mi a m
New Orleans 0:-'"a m
Witshinirtou ti.r.'am
" NewVmk lJWpiu
C .iiO p m
n;:10 a in
: "r a m
p m
ii'4 a in
1-' 4u p m
Pullmtrj and Tourist Cur on both trains.
Chair car ssernniento to Oirden find El Pso,
uinl tourist Mr to t'hicag , St Ixiuin, New or
ivunh aud Wabhingtou.
Conncctin? at Pun Francisco with several
Mciiinshlp lines for Honolulu, Jnpun. China,
Philippic. os, Central nud South Ameiica.
See agent at The Dnlles station, or nddrcxs
General Passenger Agent, Portland, Or.
Faoa Dau.ks.
Suit I.alf, Denver, Ft.
S:65 p m
Worth, OniHha, Kan
saa Citv, St. . Iuis,
11:4j p. m.
Chicago anu tTtst.
Walla Walla. Spokane,
Minneapolis. St. Paul,
iMil uth, Milwaukee,
: a. m
7.95 p. m.
Chicago and hut.
( p. m.
4 p. m.
From PoRTi.inr.
(iceau Kteamsliips.
For ban Francisco
December 8. S. 1J, 18, 23:
and 2.
8 p. IB.
A Ti m
Ex. Sunday Columbia Rt. Steamers. Ez.ttunda
u ABTuaiA anu nay
Beturday Landings.
10 p.m.
a. m. WiLLAHCTTB Rtvia. 14:30p.m.
Ex. Sunday Oregon City, Kewberg, Ex.Sunday
(Salem A Way Land s.i
7 a. m,
aud Sat.
IWiuAMViTa aid Yam
1:30 p. m.
kiLi. Kivirs. Mon
lornon City, Dayton,! and FrL
and Way-landings, i
a. m
WiLLAairrri hivca.
4 :30 p. m.
.Mon. W d
Tue.,Tliur, Po'uand to CorvKllis,
i.u tnu suu n ay-iiiiuiiigii.
and Friday
Shake River.
Rlparla to Iwiaton.
8:30 a. m.
Lt Rlpariaj
.i a m. j
FV Parties desiring to go to Iteppner should
tasv No. 4, leaving (he Dalles at M p. m
making direct connections at Heppner Junction
Returning niasingdlrcctcoiineclnni at Heppner
Junction aishNo. 1. arriving at Tbe Dalles at
i:bt . m.
No. t2, through! freight, trM bound, does not
rarry passengers; arrives 2;S0 a. in., departs
1:50a. m.
No 'H, local freight, carries passengers, east
bound; arrives 4:HU n. m., departs a: 15 p. m.
No. '21, west bound through freight, doea not
carry passengers; arrive S I u m., departs
No. 23, west bound local freight, carries pas
sengers; arrirea 4:15 p. m., depart t:G0 a. ni.
R, 4 N. Co.'s
agent Tb
, or add res
Gen fas. Agt,, rortlaod. Or,
R-rooT. ptmpi,
Binorj.n,,,, prl(, uil.
11' sn
'ilii Jlio ill
IM kg dru-,a,u. 6 (j, sgANK0 CO. Vkila! ft!
Circulars and particulars
Wholesale and Retail
Wines, Liquors and Cigars
Agency for the Greate American Liquor
Yellowstone Sour Mash Whiskey.
WHISKEY from 2.y5to"f6.ob perliallon.
IMPORTED OOGNAO torn $7.00 to $12.00 per gallon. (11 to 20 years old.
0LYMPIA BEER on draught,
Imported Alo and Porter. .
Str. Regulator.
(Limited Landings.)
Ship your
Regulator Line.
Down. vr.
Lv. Dalles Lv. Portlund
at S a.m. at 7 A.M.
jj Tuesday Moudny
5, Thursday Wednesasy
S Sttturtlav FridHy
Arr. fortland Arr. Dalles
at o T. st. at 5 r. u.
T7T l H JT T7I 1i T1 TTI it S "KT
S, Travel by the Steamers ol the Regulator Line.
rous the best service possible.
B Portland Oflioe, Oak-Street Dock. W.
Wasco Warehouse Company
Headquarters for Seed Grain of all kinds.
Headquarters for Feed Grain ot r 11 kin
Headquarters for. Rolled Grainfaii kinds
Headquarters for Bran, Shorts, Tmlt feed
Headquarters for "Byers Best" Pendle
ton FlOUr ThU llonr 19 manufactured expressly for family
, , , t UBe: yaack is jftiaranteed to give tatiafaction.
W a eeil onr gooJs lower than any liouee In the trade, and if you don't ttiink to
call and get cur pncee and be convinced.
Highest Prices Paid for Wheat, Barley and Oats.
fill kinds of
Tho Dalles, Or.
Faneral Supplies
High-Grade Stock Saddles
and Shop-Made Harness.
Tents, U'gBon Cover, and all article usually
kept in a first-ciass harried ghop.
Hoody Warehouse,
Law Onion & Grown
CAPITAL PAID UP $7,600,000.
Surplus be) ond all Liabilities
and FJOtorS
furnished on application.
S. GUNNING, Agent,
(4 to lo years old.)
to $6.00 per (gallon. (4 lo 11 years old.
Val Blatz and Oljmpia Beer In bottles
Dalles, PoilW & Bstotia fio J
teaman of tho Regulator Line will run as per the fol- $
toning schedule, the Company reserving tho right to change '2
schedule without notice. '3
Str. Dallea City.
(Touching at all Way Points.)
DOWN. nr.
Lv. Dal'ea Lv. Portland
at b:ml A. af. at 6 A. a
Mitndiiv TtiMiluv
dneiay Thursday ,5
rriuay niuuriliiy p
Arr. Portland Arr. Dalles 'j
(uncertain) (uncertain) .!
r CTT A T-r . n w n t
The Company will endeavor f g-ve its pat- I
For further information address 'f
C. ALLAWAY, Gan. Alt. 'j
Burial Shoes
This Stamp a Guarantor
of Quality..
Fire lnEurarc3 Go. m
NOED 1825.
ASSETS 20,120,03S. Q
In United States (l4l9
28. t
As 'Phong HI. I y'i
Agt. The Dulles, or. f5lP
SherifTs Sale.
1 of Oregnu, fur Union eouuty.
Anu Fitzgerald, pUintin.
George Herbert, defendant.
ByTlrtueofan execution and order ofu
duly lamed ont of and under the ! of th,. i,''
cuit i:ourt of tlie State of Ort Erin, for the iZal
of t'nlou, to me directed and dated the s;th S'J
of November, IMrf), upon a decree for the lutL
closure of aeertajn morlece,aiid judement rer
derul and entered iu said court on the inh d.
of November, it-W, in tha aboe eiititle,1 amal
in favor of the Plaimiir and atainst the ddnta.
ant, Oeoige Herbert, as judsreineut debtor in ih.
sum of ninety one doilers and JO cent, ita jZ
terest thereon from the 24tu day of April iJT
at the rate of eiaht per cent per annum, aud oZ
further sum of twenty-two dollars and JOeetiuT
costs, and the costs of and upon this writ, ti
commanding me lo make saleof the real pn.t,,,
embraot d In such dcreeof foreclosure and hens
load r described,! will, on the ITin daroi
March. l'.M), at the hour of two o'clock in th,
afternoon of said day, and at the front duorof
the County Court House in Dailes Cltj.Wass!
Couuly, Oreaon, sell ai publio tnib
highest bidder for c iah In band, sll the rit tit
title and interest which the defendant, Geoite
Herbert, or either of them had on the iith dar
of NuTemner, 1MI9, the da'e of the judguunt en
tered herein, or which such tlu'endauts or any
of the defeudents herein have since acquired or
now have iu and to the following described real
l rupcity, situate and being in Wasco Countv
to-wlt: Commencing at the north east eornei
of the same lot which la si tun ted aud knuwo ss
the for mcr residence of Mrs. Mar Conjier, and
running llience east 17!- feet;thence south from
the middle of the street ten (iu) rod: thenoe
west 17) i feet; thence north ten (10) rods to tbe
place of beginning; bell) I InW. D. Bigelow's Ad
dition to Dalles City, and known ou the recorai
of deeds ol Wuaco County, as a parcel of land
deafcd by K. M. Clements and wife to Mary
Cooper, of date December 1, 18",2: this being
the one-half of said claim, and being the same
tract couveyed to Mis. E. A. Cutis bv Iwit
Davenport and wife by deed, dated May 12. i7i
aud recorded at page 190 of Book E, Kecordsuf
lt-d for Wasco County, Oregon, and being
descended to the said George Heibert under
the will of bis mother, the said Mrs. E. A. Catcs;
said parcel of land lying and belug in Dallas'
City, Wanco County, Oregon, and more particu
larly i nd correctly described as follows: Com
mencing at the southeast corner of lot two (1) in
block deignated U or zero In Blurt' Addition to
Dallta Citv, according to the maps In common
use in sii Id city, the said lot being the same
designated as lot two 12 In block No 1, In tbe
original deed by which it wasoouveyed by W.D.
Bigelow to Orlande Hum son on December 12,
lHM:and running tnence northerly along lbs
east line of said lot two i to the northeast
corner thereof, and thence continuing along
said line In the same direction northerly to the
south sideof Alvord street: thence easterly along
thes.iuth line of said Alvord itreet seventeen
and one-hull i7SI lct: thence southerly sod
parallel with said first line ten rods,more or less,
Uia point IT1, feet easterly from the point of
beginning, and thence westerly and at right
angles with said last line seventeen and one
half I17!a feet to the place of beginning, or so
lunch of said property as will satisfy suid judg
ment and decree, with Costa and accruing costs.
tid property will be sold subject to cotifirma
mation and redemption as by law piovldid.
Dated at Tho Dalles, Oregon, thla 10th day of
February, liuu.
reblT-ii Sheriff of Wasco County, Or.
Administrator's Sale of Real Estate.
Notice Is hereby Riven that the undersigned,
J. t. FergiKMiu, administrator of the estiileof
I.ydinA. Klchardson, decease I, in pursuance of
an older of the Honorable County Court of the
StHte of Oregon for Wasco county, dulvmaiie
mid entered on tha 4th day of Jiinnsiv, I'M, will
from and after the 15th dsyof 1-cbruary, 1'JIIO,
proceed to sell at private sale for cash in hand,
all of the following described real estate, belong
ing to the estate of said Lvdia A. Kicbttidson,
deceased, to-wit:
Tho northwest quarler of the southwot quar
ter, and south half of the northwest qusiter and
the southwest Quarter of the northeust miArler
of ectlon three (.1) In township four (4) south of
range inirieen (i.ij east . I the Willamette merid
ian, 111 Waseo countv. Oreeon : also that certain
piec-j or parcel of laud particularly bounded and
described as follows: Commencing 2t rods and
12U feet west of the southeast corner of the
southwest quarter of section three :ii In town
ship four (4; south of range thirteen (13) east of
the H 1 1 limit. It..' meridian iu Wasco countv. Ore
gon, and running thence north one hall mile;
thence west M) rods and 4i leet; thence south
one-half mile, and thence east 60 rods and
feet to trie place of beginning; save and except
therefrom four lots In Richardson s Addition to
the Town of Tygh, which baa been heretofore
sold and convened: the tract above described in
cluding all of said Richardson Addition to the
Town of Tygh, as laid out and platted and re
corded In tne Kceonis Deeds for Wasco
county, Oregon, said real estate above described
continuing JIU acres, mora or less.
Any person desiring nfnrmatfon with reference
to said real estate should call 911 oraddresainc at
Junction City, Oregon, or my attorneys, Dufur
Menefee, at The Dulles, Oregon.
Dated this 12th day of January, 1905.
Adrrtnlrtratorof the Estate of Lj dia A. K!ch-
aidson, deceased.
Dt'rt'a MgNnrgg,
Attorneys for Administrator. ISjanll
Land Ornci at Vacodvs, Wash..)
March , latx). j
Notice la hereby given that the following
named setthr has filed notice of his Inten
tion to make final proof In suppoit of his
claim, and that said proof will be made bfore
W . B. 1'reshy, United States Commissioner for
DlNti let itl U nililno,..,. kl. M 1.-
11... . turn M-uin 111 utuiiuu-
dale, Wai-h.. on Monday, April Hi, WuU, vU;
Herman Enirelke.
H. E. No. 8Ki, for the northwest quarter of
. """""'P' norm, 01 rangu 11 cast,
V ill. Met.
Hn n.tnM lh ,..11. . 11.
- -" - "mug w lllieKni w prow 111
coitiinunu residence upon and cultivation of, William Wilkinson, Plctrlck
It. wiegman, of Centervllle P. O., Wash., and
Henry K Brune, of The Dalles P. O., Oregnn.
marlOll keirlater.
Land Orncg atThb DALtgs, Oagoof .i
February , Its), t
Notice la hereby given that the tollowing
namcd sutler has Hied notice of his Intention
to make final proof in support of his claim, and
that said pin.. f will he made r fore the Register
and Receiver at 1 he DhIIm n
day, April 7, mo, yz:
John Frederick Waliher, of The Dalle!
jr. E. No. Km, for the NVA'u Sec. 11, township
1 south, ra-ige Weast, W. M.
lie iiatnes tin, r,,iinu-i,.i . i , . ,n Mn-
his continuous residence upon and cultivation
of said land, vis:
vr. wolf, John Ohilst, Frank Obrlst, William
Obrlst, all of The Dalles, Oregon.
fcb28-l JAY P. I.trCAfl. Rooistcr.
Notice Is hereby given that the nnderslgnrd
has been duly appointed by the county court ol
the state of Oregon for countv, esccutor
wlih the will annexed of the last will of Mary
Jane Berzley, deceased. All persons having
claims agitlnst said estate are hereby nntillodlto
present them lo m with the proper vouchers "t
my nrnea In The Dalles, Oregon, within )
months from the date thereof.
Dated Feb. fl, l'joj.
i.koiii B 8. HUNT1NOTON,
fcb2t1' Kxeeutor.
V. 1. Lakd Orncg, at Tng Oai.,
M-..I . t . KgBaraaT , into. (
Notice Is hereby given that the following
nsml settler has filed notice of his Intention to
make Anal proof In support of hi claim, and
that said proof will be made before the Register
ii. Receiver at! he Dalles, Oregon, on Wednes
day, April 4, l'juu.vl;
William C. Clark, of The Dalles, Or.
HomesUwd Entry No. .',271, for the fwu, section
II, township 1 south, rang II east, W. it.
lie names the following wltiiesse to prove bl
contlniious reslden.: iiK)n and cultivation of
said land, vl:
c !'VJ"""'ri "nr!c rifwon, Charles Hmlth,
C. A. Gibson, all of Th Dulles, Oregon.
. JAY P. l.i:i'A,
na Register