THE DALLES WEEKLY CHRONICLE. SATURDAY. MARCH 17, 1900. Tbe Weekly Chronicle. Oit!J-or U i !..... J""" O -r itK-tt r. 1 unlet l.or iDch O'er t-r ie!r aadv? t:r lacac O.-ef t laf B ... II 30 On rtT tncaot . - .V OLU ii.l Yir.Y 1 OCTRISE RE- VIYEl: ! I Mr. Brjaa. it is said, comes Lere to teach os liiat the constitution fol-; k tte What Mr. Iiryan, Btansistbatilie consiliums 01 ... . t : own force ex proprio vigore, as H-'e lawyers put ii ' rentes in ad L ol.etf ; monej. mofc ,bunJsmt bolu State-territory spart from any rt ; capi,a and CusLman cf Washing of congress. This was the old con-. woulJ pef tuition of Jjbn Calhoun. It was the doctrine of the Dred Scott de- " ebion which led up to the evil war. 'mon bas L'njse'f It -as invented to denv the .isbt of n 'ew"d P0 to lLe 1 uerU Be- territories to legislate sSainst ! Ro tariff bill. Wavio the consti- alaverv. The slaveholder, contend- j tut'onal ue8t,on lovoI?el1 ,D lbe , . ' .. ... . l ! bill, Mr. Simon seej enough merit in ed that the constitution, which pro-j , tetted slavery in tbe Southern states, j extending free trade to the Wand to follo-ed the fllg, just as their ,lneal ; e it compulsory upon us to do descendants do now. Tbe Republi-1 The senator is right Tbe cans met this contention in ih, pl.ulP"1"1 of lbe islnd Wl11 DCVer form cn -hah Abraham Lincoln was Serially effect the interests of the first elected ic these arcrds: j lles nJ 'nce on tbe -The new dogma that the con.ti-! principle if there is any principle lotion, of its own fcrce, carried ' " matter-of a miserable little slavery into any or all of tbe tcm. 1 13 per ceU tariff will assuredly rise lories of the United States is a vicious - P 10 plg" its authors later on. politics! Leresay, in variance with the explicit Droviions of that instrument itself. ith ecr.temooraneous exrun-! ;,h ..;,.,.i ; prt cedents, and is revolutionarv in ; ain got for an answer that she was in tendency and subversive of the peace y concerned in the conflict and aad Laravony of the country," 'declined to interfere. Of Whatever standing the decision of: Germany must have entered into "a T.r.r k.i in r.r, tt i, n t ,v,n.l I secret treaty it h England, but O i. ,tan..;n ... .ri h. Vo1 ' cons of Grant at Appomattox. And lbe sum of the whole matter is that we can govern our new pos sessions in any way that Justice, humanity and prudence may suggest. A thoroughly responsible citizen of The Dalles informs Tub Chron icle that while in Portland a few days ago a Democratic friend of pronounced ascendancy in Demo cratic councils informed him that tbe Multnomah county Democrats were seriously thinking of running Thomas Harlan, tbe ex-Republican ex-Pop-ulist and pro tern Democratic states nan, late of Mosier, for congress to soececd Malcolm A. Moody. Old Tom has assured his Multnomah brethren tbat be would go to tbe Democratic state convention with a solid Wasco county delegation at bis back. And why not? To be sure tbe old man isn't much of a sprinter but he has a record as a Hopper tbat would capture the cake from General Weaver. Our Dalles friend earnestly seconded Mr. Harlan's nomination and predicted tbat the ex-Mosier statesman would sweep this congres sional district like a Kansas cyclone aid carry all bis old political con ferees over to the camp of Bryan. That settles Malcolm's fate, sine die, as it were. We advise him to throw up tbe sponge. What will the Brvans and tbe Sulzers and the Pettigrews and the Masons and the Shaforlbs and our own Oregon 0'Da)8 and Chamber lains do now, poor things? For the McKinley administration, fn spite of the "secret treat)" with Great Brit ain, (which was not a secret (reaty at all, for Biynn and all thr hosts of Fusion knew all about it,) has actual ly offered its set vices to the British government as mediator, wuh the view of biinging about peace in Sou'.b Africa, But the offer hns been declined, as everybody knew it would, but declined politely, withal, and no proposals for peace are ever likely to be entertained except on the principle of unconditional sur render. Col. Bryan is billed to make five or six speeches in this state com mencing ut Albuny March 2lh and Roing from there to Salem, Poitland and Pendleton, and, after speaking at ' several nointu in W.tlii several nnint. In ing to Portland and winding ... cnmkviij M lUIII Kogene. It will be seen 1 he Dalle, i is left out In the cold nnd the more) la the pity. There are dozens of things we should like to hear the colonel explain, fn view of the fact ' that theie is cot a single prophecy be osade four jcars ?o tbat tbe logic of events Las not knocked higher than GiUeroy kite. ! Tie republican party Las re- '"'deerxed its pledges for financial 1 fl fn-ncial bill h5 resident and is now a law of the land. The result will jaatify every claim made by the party in the last national campaign. Tbe result, by anticipation, Las done lLst alreljr. Financial panics will . . . , .. coa)e lLcir coming ill cot be caused by tbe pcraded currency In was teresl w,i fce lower than it ever President Kruger having appealed l Germany for mediation or inter liation or inter with Great Brit vention in the war Mr Countrymen! if the United It. U-J slalC9 uaa uu,i answered thus, t-wouiun l lue proiesi OI ail urj aimuiu .. -i . . . . i.n n l,..- Lave rent the ambient air- froui Lincoln Nebraska to Dantry Day ? The Courier-Journal warns Ken tucky Democrats that if tbe Goebel election law is not repealed there is nothing surer in future politics than that it will come back to plague them. It predicts that if the election next fall is held under the Goebel law, and if the vole of Kentucky is necessary for the election of a Re publican president, Kentucky's vote will be counted for the Republicans, it matters not what lbe returns may show. On which side soever our sympa thies may lie in tbe .South African contest, there is no denying the fact that a British victory means better treatment and greater liberty for tbe Boers than the Boers have ever ac corded or would accord to tbe British. Under British protection to life and property South Africa ha the possibilities of the greatest coun try in the world. W. B. Presby, of Goldcndale, is mentioned in a Vancouver paper as a candidate for superior judge of the district included in Klickitat, Ska mania and Clark counties. While not bating a jot of admiration for tbe present incumbent, Judge Miller, should Mr. Presby capture tbo prize the district will secure a good man and a scholarly and nble lawyer. The Republican National Conven tion will meet in Philadelphia June 19; tbe Populist National Convention in Sioux Fal's, S. D., May 9; the Middle of tbe Rood Populists in Cin cinnati on the same day; the Pro hibitionists in Chicago, June 27, and the Democratic National Convention in Kansas City, July 4. It is a fact not easily explained that in spile of llio prosperous times we have had since 1896 the hosts of fusion and confusion will vote next fall to restore the soup-house regime inaugurated in 1893. Tbe Demo cratic voter is a strange bird. The general Impression is that the silver Republicans beve tliut shop and gone out of business in Oregon. If there is one in Wasco county that ... "CKnowicuge l.uc 1 HR C""S" LE W0U,J Iike t0 kc Lis at'uainUe; ' No leases have yet .been granted for grazing sheep upon any of the forett reservations cither in Oregon, Washington or other states, and the matter is still under discussion." in ! the department. The Democrats are still bunting for some solid ground to stand upon in the approaching national cam paign. Cheap money, anti-expansion and pro-Boer iim have proved to be quicksands. General Wheeler returns from the Philippines impressed with the com mercial advantages of the islands and believing that "tbe United States ion the edge of an era of unprece dented prosperity." Debs and Hariiman is the latest presidential ticket nominated previ ous to going to press. They represcn the Social Democrat aggregation. 'Little Bobs" weighs only a little over 100 pounds but, as Sam Jones used to say of Senator Mabone, 95 pounds of it is solid backbone. Kentucky sowed Goebelism and reaped anarchy. It dethroned tbe ballot and enthroned hades on the ruins. Scbedul. or Expenditure Showing the amounts of all claims pre sented, the names of all claimants, the article or claim for which payment is made, the amounts allowed and the claims continued or rejected at the Mat'h term, 10G0, of the County Court of Vasco county, Oregon. The following list, however, does not contain any claim for which the salary or fees are provided for by statute: II S Crccker 4 Co. supplies $ 17 35 Davenport Lumber Co., lumber. 22 88 Geo. Kuoh, groceries for pauper. 4 80 Dr. GaleendorflV r, exaui pal lent. 5 00 W M Labor, cah expended . 2 50 Chronicle Pub. Co., printing and supplies 278 25 Times-Mountaineer, orinting... 2 50 Dufar Dispatch, publishing 2 AO D S Dniur, copy of testimony etc. 28 75 C arence Gilbert, map Waeco Co. 5 00 Hood Kiver Sun, notice to voters 5 00 Mood River blacier " " 5 00 Irwin-Hodaon Co., supplies 70 50 Glaes & Prudhomms, supplies... 47 00 linsiey & Fialey, lumber 8 95 Irwin-Hodaon, supplies sheriff. .. 37 25 ' " assessor. . . 20 00 Mrs. Agnew, care Alice Wright. . 18 00 F S Gunning, blacksmithing. . . . 2 30 Wm Michel I, burial 3 persons. . 65 00 Clirisman t!ros., meat for paupers 4 50 O I Doani, visiting pauper 5 00 Clarke & Falk, medicines 79 30 Ward Bros., lumber, 30 62 Robert Kelly, postal cards...... 20 00 Dr. H Logan, medical attendance inmates of jail 30 50 A S Blowers & Son, rudae pauper 6 50 U T & T Co., telephone 21 50 J B Golt, services surveyor 65 00 Ward & Robertson, hauling grand jurors 4 00 Ward & Robertson, conveying paupers to poor farm 12-50 Johnston Bros., mdse 13 75 Jacob Wettle, 2 loads manure.,. 1 00 Chronicle Pub Co., printing 17 00 M Z Donnell, drugs for pauper. . 26 65 C L Gilbert, work on tax roll .... 100 00 J T Peters & Co., wood pauper. . 4 00 ii " 4 00 ' " 4 00 " " 2 00 " " 2 00 ii ii ii i ii Maier & Beaton, wood 8 00 L Oakes, drayae 2 50 Columbia Packing Co., meat for paurer 1 60 K J Collins, sup fur pauper 35 20 The Dalles Lam Co., lumber.... 3 45 Clarendon Res., meals for jurors. 3 25 Antelope Herald, pub. 4 00 Henry Hudson, deputy sheriff 1898 election 6 00 Peme & Mays, mdse 19 06 Robert Mays, relief pauper 13 00 Mrs. J Forward, mdse 2 50 Miss II L Taliaferro, services. . . 24 00 Robert Mays, board pauper. .... 8 00 Drs. Logan & Geisendortfer, med ical services 150 00 Austin A Western Co. road grader 275 00 I II TsfJe, rebate on taxes 13 20 Dalles Lurn Co., supplies 6 95 Lane Bros., work county road... 11 10 Mrs. L E Wilder, nursing pauper 18 00 Appropriation for bridge and bridgeway 100 00 New York Cash Store, mdne for , pauper 1 01 Dalles City Water Works, water rent.., 19 44 I, A. M. Kelsay, County Clerk for Wasco county, fctate of Oregon, do hereby certify that the above and fore going is a full arid complete statement ol the claims presented and action taken thereon by the County Court of Wasco county, Oregon, sitting for the transac tion of county business at the March term, 1900, thereof, save and except all claims the salary or fees for which are provided for by statute. Witness my hand and the seal of the County Court affixed, this Kith day of March, 1900. seal. A. M. Kelsay, County Clerk. Str.Jrd. A black horse weighing about 12o0 pounds and branded 25 on the left shoulder. Same strayed from the farm of John Brookhouse, which Is shunted six miles lieynn 1 Dufnr Liberal re ward ofTt red for information regarding recovery. Address S. 15. WixAJts, mai7-lraw Dufur, Or. Male tow Sale. One span of mules, 5 years old. for tale. Weight, each about 1000 pounds. For particulars adJress M. K. McLkod, 3 14 1m Ftnr miles east of Kinzslev Karly Rosj tolntoej at Maier A Benton's. A DEMAGOGUE REBUKED BOER SYMPATHIZERS DO NOT GO FAR ENOUGH. The lolled Stale Uught to ! the Wrong of tery Kara Who Bep rBlallve la Ihl Country Can Vet tut Congrenen. Congressman Shaforth, of Colorado, has sent Thc Chronicle a copy ol a speech be delivered in congress a short time ago on the duty of the United States to get itself into a oess with England over the Boer war. That Is not quite the title Mr. Shaforth gives his speech, but that is what his the demogogic rant, amounts to. S'.iaforth, iike Bryan and our own O'Day and D'Arcy, et hoc geuns omne, are after votes. While the two Oregon statesmen just mentioned are sheading crocodile tears over tbe Boers, they have sense enough to know that if they were in the Boer' nnrestricted power for aboot twenty-five minutes the Bjers would hang both of them for being Catholics. Chas. H. Grosvenor, of Ohio, touches Shaforth eff in fine style in a five minute speech In reply. Mr. Grosvenor said : "I want to go a great deal farther thn tbe gentleman has. I sympathize with every natiot. struggling for liberty, and I hope my countrymen here on this floor aill give patient attention for five minutes to a few suggestions I want to make, supplementary to those made by the gentleman from Colorado. There was a little, peaceable people in Europe known as the Finlanders. Their nation ality has been wiped out and destroyed. A greater outrage, in defiance of human rigbtb, was never perpetrated, unites, perhaps, it was the destruction and dis memberment of Poland ; and the statute of limitation never runs against a crime like that. Russia was engaged in that; the other nations of Europe stood and looked on at that. Sot only so, but re cently the Greeks were sat down on by the Turks and a terrible outrage, in my judgment, was perpetrated. The over whelming power of a eembarbarous na tion was brought to bear to crueh tbe life ont of little Greece, and it was humiliated, taken possession of by for eigners ard finally subjected to the dis graceful and degraded position of a power without any power of independ ence or self-control. Then theAruun ians were murdered by the Turks and all tbe nations of tbe world stood by and looked on ; and my friend from Colorado, to far as I remember, was absolutely silent. Now I have in my congressional district some Finlanders and I have Greeks in my district, and I have Ar menians in my district. Laughter and applause. "I have in my district, Mr. Speaker, some Hungarians, and I want to know by what authority Austria crushes the life out of the glorious independence that Hungary had under Koseuth and tbe great leaders of that day. Re newed laughter and applause. I have some Polacks in my district and I call the attention of the gentleman from Colorado, to the fact that the blood of Pulaski, tbe brave Pole who fell at Savannah in the defense of American liberty, bas never yet been avenged, and Poland has been destroyed and the men of my district look lo me to vindicate tbe integrity of their country. (Re newed laughter. And then came that great nation, Germany, that in the straggle among nations, in many cases, is a leader; but in the same way it took those two beautiful provinces, Alsace and Lorraine, and took those people sway and ctrried them over to a country that they do not belong to, and here we are standing silently by. God Almighty is looking at os I Great Isnhter. Why do not we go and defy Germany? And Mr. Speaker, there are Germans in my district, there are Frenchmen In my congreational district. There ou?ht to he something done about this. Great laughter. It was a terrible humilia tion to France when the German army came there and marched its victorious columns through the great Arche de Triumphe at tbe brad of their beautiful street, the Champs Elyeee, and camped in the woods of Boiogne and destroyed the magnificent forest, then went to the various historical places at St. Cloud and Fontainbleau and desecrated the temple of French history. It was an awfal thing and we stood by and never said a word, and there are F'renchmen in my congressional district. Great laughter "Mr. Chairman, let us rije to the oc casion. Let us appoint a commission I would suggest a commission of 25, not more than thirteen of which shall belong to any one of the parties in this house; their salaries ouuht to be $20,000 per annum and let that commission go I lorth to the world and see what has hei n done wrong, and whenever a wrong. has been committed against any people l.'t them coma back and report to this house whether any members of this hoii'e have any of these people hi their con gressional dietrict, ami if II, cy have, let us go to war at once and exterminate them." ireat laughter.) Hunh tn lour Check. All county warrants ri-gietnrert pricr to June 3, 18'Jtt, will be paid tt my oftice. Interest ceases after February. 2. U'OO. O. L. Phu.lips, County Treasurer. AVcgetable Preparationfor As similating ttteFoodandBegula Ung the Stomachs andBowels cf j an y K-t It fcri i tin ?T Promotes DigcstionCteerfur ness and Rest.Contains neilher Optum.Morphine nortiaraL Kot Hah c otic. Jhape tfOUJlrSAMUELPITCHCR Mx .tmn kmiK - , J)i Curiam af A perfect Remedy forConslipa Hon, Sour Stomach.Diarrtwea Worms .Convulsions .Fewrish ness and Loss OF SLEEP. Facsimile Signature of NEW YORK". II K EXACT COPY OF WRAPPER. V ear. X y uiy1!"..!'.', i i ?F---: M Spring is Here and So Are We, WITH A FULL LINK OF Elegant Stock of Wall Paper to Select From. ENAMELS, W'ashington Street, between Second and Third TO BRIDGE THE COLUMBIA. Dennlte Project Looking tv 1 hi Knd It at Luton Foot t'opnr to Cro th Big- Klitr at Tb Dalle. Under date of March loth, the follow ing Dalies dispatch appears iu the Tele gram : "A special joint meeting of the com mon council of this city and the bridge commission appointed by i he state leg islature in 1S95, was held last night for the purpose of considering the proposi tion of L. Gerllnger, piesident of the Columbia Valley Railway Company, in regard, to tbe conatructiuu of a bridge across the Columbia river at this pnint. "Congress in the early 90', or about tbe time the North Dulles boom was started, authorizsd tbe building of n bridge across the Columbia at any point within a stretch of five miles along The Dulles waterfront. This authority has never been taken advantage of. The state legislature in 1895 passed a bill authorizing the city of The Dalles to is sue bonis to the amount ol f."0,000 for the buildingof cuuh a bridge, and named a commission of five members under wboce direction the money was to be spent and the bridge built. These bonds have not yet been issued, and as no steps have been taken to bridge the Columbia, tbe bridge commission has had nothing to do. "Now that the Columbia Valley Rail road is in need of a bridge at some point near The Dalles, an effort is being made by Mr. Gerlinger, Its promoter, to secure the co operation of the bridge commission and the common council of this city. Mr. Gerlinger also wants the toO.OOO bonds that may be issued and the franchise granted by congress for the building of the bridge. "As the people if this city are n n h interested in the projected road, the probabilities are that Mr. Gerlinger will get all be asks for. Moth the council and the bridge commistion are very favorably disposed towards the new road, and while no ac'.ion was taken last night the representative of Mr. Gerling er, who was here, left satisfied. The Telegram comments on the die patch as follows : "When seen lo regard to the foreifdlna dispatch, L. Gerlinger, president of the Co!UmbU Vnllnv Itnllieoe rv.. confirmed the statements contalnm! 1 therein, lie said his company dusires and proposes to secure a bridge) across the river at The Dalles, and divUInn terminal facilities In that eily. J. D. Mann, Mr. (ierlinger's confidential agent, who has been active in promoting tbi project atTho Dalles end, thotifht that a bridge, such as the road would conitrnct, would cost J200.000. From bank to bank the distance n 170 feet One span will answer. There is every ! imiMMiion that tint work of construction down the CilmnMa will be pushed without dday. The United States rev PflltlTS mil For Infants and Childr. 1 The Kind You h! Always Bought Bears the Signature of For Ove Thirty Year! TMI eCWTAU COMMIWV. New TOMR CTTT. BRUSHES, ETC. H. GLENN & CO enue office has just issued tc Gerlinger $2079.19 worth of documw stamps, of 2, 3 and 4 -cent dtne-i lions. In the lot were foOO worft cent stamps. What these are for in surmised, as Mr. Gerlinger is not ing to take the public into hit fldence. Bol they are of the kin! erally used for bonds. The d conclusion, therefore, la'that Iht road company bas sold bonds, an' plenty of capital to go ahead win construction work. In any event, such a quantity of stamps as $2000 is needed there is evidence of so rot ol a large business deal. It hat currently reported that Mr. Ger tried to acquire the old bridge p-1 Vancouver, with the idea of br!d the liver there. The project, if iM ed, will probably now be abanJV favor of the one at The Dalles." Aderlld Latter. following Is the list of letters rr.i ing in tbe posloffice at The Dalla! called for March 16. 1900. H calling for tbe same will givedi which they were advertised : LADIES. Baker, Miss P-arl Bennett, Misiit Clark, Mrs. O'nie Cary, Mrs. JoM UHldon, Mrs. U, K. uihsoir, !'' Daily. Mrs. Louise Miller, Mrs.W Hill, Miss Nola Thomas, Mrs. GfXTI.CMBN. Andrews, C. B. Bade, II. C. Arbuckle, W. IL Baxter, Sam Hums, C. J. tfriggs, Annel Cussidy, John Dnnlap, W. L Hifiskin, Calvin Davidson, I'l: Kilini-ii p, Kd. Fargon, C. J. Goiuon, Clia. Gibson, Win. K'lHpp, John Ilown.Jaka McGilbery, Mr. Lantry, Th im"1 Mvers, S." Si a com he, Jo1.- Ome, Robert Mnhrhill, J. I'ickens, L. K. Stevens, IKnrj Turner, 8. C. II. II. RlDDKLI , t Love laughs st county clerks' as locksmiths. James Withart, o'' River, and Clara Woods were unii' wedlock at Stevenson, March 7,"' learn from the Glacier, and hangs a tale. Jim brought his In1'' bride here about that date and if to the county clerk for license, lady was under age, but Jim l""l vided for that contingency by ohu proof of the consml of her P'l Jim, however, thotigntlesily gave j lady's residence a iu Washington the clerk refined to grant th" , Jiidgi Mays whs appealed I" elined to Interfere. Jim raid guingtoget spliced that very 'M had to go to Portland. He and tended took tho first train for the1. crossed over to Ste vcnon anil ha 1 1 struck earth In the metropolis mania befori the kn it was tie I " was ss happy as a Ham st hU'' ,iJl Wanted. A klrl to do general l.ou-e worl small family. Apply at this Hi A M hi Us) I IL