WEEKLY SiSIS (Lljxijwiilt IS O ... W THE DALLES, WASCO COUNTY, OREGON, SATURDAY, MARCH 17, 1900. NO. 2t3 RUGER TO SALISBURY ts Assurance Tlat Boers Til Flit ti Bitter Eml. AR BEGUN FOR DEFENSE ONLY unfident That Go J Will Not Forsake Tbera, But Accomplish Freedom to Them and Their Descendants. ndon, March 13. A parliamentary Jer containing the telegrams lent to British government by the Preei- Isof the S milt African Republics, Great Britain' iep!v thereto was td today. The first telegram tent by two Presidents lo the Maiquis of bury wit as follow: Eloemfontkin, March 5 The blood tears of the thousands who have red by th'n war, and the prospect of lie moral and economic min where- South Africa is now threatened, it necessary for both belligerents k themselves dispassioneely and in of God, for what they are fighting ; Iher the aim of each justifies all this ling misery and devastation ; what o oljrct? Ind, in view of the assertions of van- British statesmen to the effect that war waj begun and is being carried ith the set purpose of undermining Majesty's authority in South Africa, Vf setting up one government over jutb Africa, independent of Her ly'a government, we consider it lty to solemnly declare that this was undertaken solely as a defensive iiire to maintain the threatened .in- ndenee of the South African Re- cs, and is only continued in order ure and maintain the incontestable endence of both Republics as fein luteruational states, and to a the assurance that those of Her sty's subjects who have taken part us in this way shall suffer no harm ever in person or property. )a these conditions, but on these lions alone, are we now as In the desirous of seeing peace re lished in South Africa, while, if Majesty's subject's government is mined to destroy the independence Republics there is nothing left to d to our people but to presevere to nd in the course already begun. In of the overwhelming pre-eminence ') British Empire, we are confident God, who lightened the on- guishabie fire of love of freedon in bearts of ourelvee, and of our belief he will accomplish his wotk in the '(1 States and in our descendants. e hesitated to make this declara arlier to Your Excellency, as we 1 that as long as the advantage was s on our side and as long as our h held defensive positions far with, jer Majesty's colonies, such a de- tion might hurt the feeling and of the British people But now i lie prestige of the British Empire he considered to be restored by the re of one of our forces by Her 'y'e troops, and that we have My been forctd to evacuate other 'ns which our forces had occupied, hfficulty it over, and we can no r heeitate to clearly inform your "imeiit and people in the sight of i hole civilized world why we are "in, and on what conditions we are to restore peace." the immediately foregoing conditions and stipulations in sections 1, 2, 3, 4 and an J 5 of this act shall apply to measures which the United States may find it nec essary to take for securing by its own forces the defnsee of the United States and the maintenance of public order." With the exception of Senator Morgan, the amendment was supported by all the Republicans and Democrats on the com mittee, and Senator Jones of Arkansas says it is acceptable to the Democratic side of the senate. ' The position of the European govern ments upon the amendment wiH.r.ct be known until the foreign officers have considered its scope. Several of the am bassadors have conferred together on the subject but as they bad not received in structions in reply to their cables they were not authorized to speak definitely as to the attitude of their governmnts. It would not be surprising, however, should some opposition develop. As soon as the treaty is ratified the bill authorising the construction of a canal across Nicaragua will be pushed to a vote in both houses, and onditious are favorable for its passage. iN COMMAND OF FREESTATECAPITAL ENGLAND PO LITELY DECLINES Will M Accept tbe MM ot Unitei Slab1 KMly Intercession. STATE WHAT THEY WILL DO Germain, France and Russia Are All Anxious to See the War Ended Cannot Take the Initiative. After Losing Nearly 400 Men "Little Bobs" Hurrying Forward. Y-PAUNCEFOTE REATYINCONGRSS Dcmoctats and Republicans Will Favor . it as Amended Other Countries Oppose. ,( o, March 13. A special to the No Record from Washington says : r Is no doubt that the senate will be Hay-PeUncefote treaty, re t Hiat part of the Clavton-Bulwer Jy which fleets the Nicaragua canal 'he amendment adopted today by committee on foreign relations, ' provides for the Insertion of the king: ' agreed, however, that none of London, March 13. Lord Roberts tel egraphs from Venteis Vlei under date of March 12, 9 :30 p. rn., as fallows : "I directed General French if there were time before dark, to seizs the rail way station at Bloemfontein, and thus secure the rolling stock. At midnight I received a report from him that after considerable opposition he had been able to occupy two bills close to. the rail way statiou, which commanded Bloem fontein. "A brother of President Steyn has been made a prisoner. "The telegraph line leading north ward has been cut, and the railway broken up. "I a.n now starting with tho Thirl Cavalry Brigade, which I called up from the Seventh Division, near Petrusburg yesterday, and the mounted infantry, to reinforce the cavairy division. The reet of the force will follow as quickly as possible. Colonel Humpheley has died of his wounds. Lieutenant Pratt, of the Essex Regiment, was wounded severely. The wounds are as a rule more serious than usual, owing to the expanding toilets which are freelv used by the Boers. There aro 321 men wounded. About 60 or 70 men were killed or are missing." Patrick Egau'a View. New Vokk, March 14. Patrick Eean, ex minister to Chile, and fx president of the Irish National Federation, has written a letter, in which he says : "I think I know the Irish people as a whole and In detail at home and abroad, as well as any other living man, and I can say conscientiously that outside of he Immediate place-holders and hangers-on of the British government the Orange Fraternity, the landlords and castle shopkeepers, and a mere handful of the society people, known as 'Cawstle Cawtholics,' making a grand total of not over 15 per cent of theentiro population, there are none in Ireland, who want Victoria as their Q ie 'ti, or who have any other freling for her than one of coldest indifference, if not actual hatred "The present momentous occasion is one that demands dignified but unflinch ins manhood on the part of leaders of the Irish people. Let us hope that they will not be found wanting." loaargrnta fight Hard. On Board Tim Stkamkk Vknuh, Legaspl, Luzon, Jan. 23. Correspond enca of the Associated Press.) Five companies of the Forty-seventh Vol unteer Infantry, aided by the gunboat Nashville, today fought their way Into the native towns of Legaspi and Albay. We had five men slightly wounded. Forty-five dead Filipinos had been counted by nlghtfajl, ami we are caring fur a doscn of their wounded. Shells front the Nashville limited two ware honsek filled with baled hemp. Thete fires could not be put out, and 8000 bales, with a total valuation of $120,000 were destroyed by nightfall. An Honest Medicine fur t.m Urlppa. George W. Walt, of Gardner, Me., says: 'I have had the worst cough, cold, chills and grip and have taken lots of trash of no account but profit to the vendor. Chambertaln'i cough Remedy it the only thing that has done any good whatever. I have used one bottle of it and the chills, cold and grip have all left me. 1 congratulate the maim factor rs of an honett medicine." For sale by Blakeley & Houghton. London, March 12. The United States government, at tho request of President Kruger and President Steyn, has offered to the British government its services as mediator, with the view of bringing about peact in South Africa. Lord Salisbury has not ytt replied, but a representative from the Associated Piess leains that there is little doubt he will decline the United States good ofilceB. He will do so, however, in terms as cordial and polita as those in which the offer was couched. Malnburjr's Itepljr. London, March 13. United States Charge d'AfTaires, Henry White, saw Lord Salisbury at the Foreign OOBce this evening and received the formal reply from tbe British government, declining tho good offices of the United Slates in regard to peace. It is understood the reasons of the Premier were identical with those already cabled to tbe As sociated Press. The interview between White and Salisbury was very brief, tbe Premier confining himself td a courteous verbal declination. Mallnhiiry to Kruger. London, March 13. In tho House of Lords today, the Premier, Lord Salis bury, read the British government's reply to Presidents Steyn and Kruger. The concluding sentence is as follows : "Her Majesty's government can only answer yout Honor's telegram 'y saying it is not prepared to assent to the inde pendence of either the South African Republic or that of the Orange Free State." I'lillcy t,t franca. Pabis, March 13. A representative of the Associated Press has secured from a responsible mouthpiece of the French government the following exposition of France's attitude in the matter of inter vention in the Anglo-Transvaal War, which, it is said, hes been solicited by President Kruger. The official in question said : . "We believe it is trne the Transvaal hat teat a request to the powers for their intervention, M10 igh up to this morn ing Kruger's message has not been an nounced. As far as France is concerned, she certainly will not take tre initiative in offering England mediation, neither will Russia, for the two are naturally working together lu this matter. We leel that in the present excited state of public feeling in England especially as regards ourselves, any step taken by the French government would defeat Its owu object and instead of opening a way to honoiable peace would act as oil on tho flames and probably create fresh corupli cations. "We consider that the overtures for meditation can best emanate from some Dower whose cordial relations with England prevents such a suggestion be ing construed asan unfriendly act. The Emperor of Germany, for instance, might take the initiative, or President McKinley, without fear of creating the friction which stands in the way of any such action on our part and, after this is done, relianco can be placed on the noaualilled support of France, and Russia, who only desire to see the end 01 the bloodshed and are eager to lend their good offices in Lringing about this result." Oermany'a I'neltlon Bkki.in, March 13 It is semi-official Ir announced that when the Orange Free State and the Transvaal addressed to a number of the larger and smaller states a request for iriemiiy mediation, tne German government replied that it would willingly participate, provided the essential conditions of such 'medi ation were present, namely, the certainty that both belligerents desired it." Sheepman Loeing Courage, Nobtii Yakima, March 13. Although the sheepgrowers of Central Washington have not given tip the fight for an open forest reserve, it is admitted that they are becoming much discouraged, and are almost without hope of success. A letter received by the secretary of the Woolgrowere' Association from Con gressman Jones stated that Mr, Jones bad repeatedly called npon the Secretary of the Interior to discuss the matter of opening the reservo this year, but had not yet been able to go over the entire subject with him. At his last visit he found the Secretarv inclined to tie im patient and unwilling to discuss the matter. Prominent sheepmen here have been talking tbe subject over today, and have wired Senator Foster to learn if in his opinion it would be advisable to send one of their number to Washington to pre sent the case to the Secretary. Several laige flockowners have already made ar rangements to move to Montana, where free ranges may yet be had. A repre sentative of the Great Northern was in town Saturday, and it is said he offered free transportation from Spokane to Rheepmen who desired to go to Montana to look up new ranges. After shearing time a number of them will avail them selves of the offer. If the reserve is opened at all, it must be very soon, as the season is so far advanced that sheep should be on the ranges within a few days. Campaign Document. Indianapolis, March 14. The Ser. tinel tomorrow wil' say: . "One of the most prominent Republi cans in Indi.ma, who ha just returned from Washington and who is known to be very close to the Administration, is authority for the statement thai a de fense of the Puerto Rican tariff hill is be ing prepaied that will show the poli ticians that the enactment of tho hill, instead of being a blunder, was the shrewdest campaign move of the nge. He says this defense is in the hands of Senator Frve, who will spring it ir. tho Semite in due season. It will he shown, he says, that the sugar and tobac.io trusts were opposing the bill with might and main, and that their demand was for free trade with all colonies. It will be further shown, he says, that it was the intention of the trusts to "squat" in the colonies and fl od America with their cheap products, which would have the effect to drive countless thousands of laboring men out of house and home. Even the approximate reduction in wages ol American laboring men is being figured for campaign pur poses, he says." By Eolsrls May. RELIEF COLUMNS NEAR MAFEKING Garrison Cannot Hold Out Much Longer All is Quiet in Xatal Cronjc and All Paardcberg Prisoners Will Sail fur St. Helena on March 15. PniiToaiA, March 13. A dispatch from Elocaifcntein siivs that in vie a of the military situation, the seat of govern ment may be removed to Kroonstaadt. Lobatsi, March 8 Colo'iel Plumcr's force reached here March 6. It is be Heved only a singlo bridge southward has been destroyed, and that, otherwise the railroad is intact within five miles of Mafeking. Plainer has already dispersed several Boer police posts in tbe neighbor hood, and is actively pushing his ad vance southward. of the important financial bills which had been passed by Congress had been approved on the 14th of the month. He spoke of the Sherman act, the re turn (it iun act and now the hill which was before hiiu. In signing the hill, the President used a new gold pen and holder, which Overslreet had brought w ith him for the purpose. WILL REST AT BLOEMFONTEIN Meanwhile Xews of Hard Fighting ia N'ortb Xatal May Be Expected at Any Time Warren's Forces, Now at Durban, Have Been Ordered t Join Buller. Capk Town, Plnmer is now Mafeking. March 14. Cilonel within fortv miles of Adopted by tha House. Washington, March 13. The laBt legislative step in the enactment of the financial bill was taken by the House of Representatives today when the con ference report on the bill was adopted by a vote of yeas, 106; noes, 120; present and not voting, 10. The Senate had al ready adopted the conference report, so that it only remains for the President to affix his signature to the measure to make it a law. Representative Over- street, the author of the bill, will take It to the White House tomorrow, and the signatnro is likely to be affixed soon thereafter. When the session opened, nnmber of minor bills w ere paed. Grow ( Rep Pa ), in a personal statement, denied that he had ever said in a newspaper interview that the Puerto Ricsn bill "was an outrage and robbery." Then, under the order previously made, the House proceeded to consideration of the conference report npon tho nnanciai bill. Ilia Lira raved. Mr. J. E. Lilly, a prominent citizen of Hannibal, Mo., lately had wonderful deliverance froui a frightful death. In telling of It he says : "I was taken with Typhoid fever, that ran into pneumonia. My lungs became hardened. I was so weak I conld'nt even sit up in bed. Nothing helped me. I expected to soon die of consumption, when I heard of Dr. King's New Discovery. Ons bottle g.ivo great relief. I continued to use it, and now am well and stroi g. I can't say too much in its praise." This marvelous medicine is the surest and quickest cure in the world for all throat and long trouble Regular sizes 50 rents and $1.00. Trial bottles free at Blukeley ft Houghton's drugstore; every bottie guaranteed. Will Deitroy Johannesburg. New York, March 15. Montagu White confirms the rumor that the Boers will utterly di-ttroy Johannesburg if forced tq do r. Pretoria could not be defended, he says, if Johannesburg wete permitted to remain. A Uoad Cough Medlelua tar Children "I have no hesitancy in recommend ing Cherriberlain s Cough Remedy," says r.l . Aloran, a well known and popular baker, of. Petersburg, Va. "We have given it to our children when troubled with bad coughs, also whoop. ing cough, and it has alvtaj s given per fect satisfaction. It was 1 room mended to ma by a druggist as tho best rough medicine for children as It contained no opium or other harmful drug." Sold by Blakeley A Houghton. London, March 14, p. m. .V few hours may tiring important dispatches from Lord Roberts. N j word has come from iiioomfontein todiy, although sharp fighting is believed to have occurred since the Commnnder-iu-Chief was last heard from. London confidently expects the occupation of the Orange Free State capital will occurr today, as previously forecasted. In the meantime, attention turns to Mafeking. The hamlet of tho plains can scarcely holdout much longer. The news of Colonel Plumei's approach ha4 given substance to the rumors of its relief, but those best Informed are inclined to think the relief Is morn likely to Income ac complished by Colonel Peckhan'scolnmn from Kimberley. Private advlres have set forth that Colonel Plumer has almost given up hope of occomplishing any thing more than harassing the Boers, though silica these were written, it is stated that the diminished number of the investing force may have rendered Plnmers task more feasible. Judging from the lack of news every thing is quiet in Natal, w hile from Her schel comes the statement that the total collapse of the insurgent colonists is Im minent. General Cronje, according to a Cape Town special, sails for St. Helena on March 15, accompanied by all the Paardeberg prisoners. . Cecil Rhodes is suffering from catarrh of the stomach, and is unable to sail for England. Natal dispatches recount that the greatest satisfaction is felt there at Lord Salisbury's reply to the Boer Presidents' peace overture. A dispatch from Pieter maritzburg, published in the second edi tion of the Times, says : "The reply, especially the last para graph, relating to independence, has been received in Natal with a feeling of great relief, and ia dispelling all doubts A private dispatch from Johannesburg has been received in London, dated Sat urday, March 10, contradicting the re ports that the mines are flooded end al! the machinery broken, and asserting that all is well. Hurrenilereil to Ilia SharlrT. Goldendalk, Wash., Match 14. George R. A. Ferris, a Klickitat far.ner, surrendered himself today to the sheriff of the county, stating that on Monday afternoon, at his farm in the Goodnoe Hills, he shot and killed a man by the name of Worrell, in leif dHttnse. Wnrrell an unmarried man, formerly of Mis souri hud Ferris' (arm rented. Coroner Hart has gone to tho scone of the homi cide, some thirty miles from Goldcndale. Rigor it With n Hold ran, Washington, March 14. At 12:46 o'clock this afternoon the President af filed his signature to the financial bill, thus making it a law cf the land. Repre sentative Overstreet, who had the bill in charge, arrived at the White House about fivo minutes before that time, and was shown into the cabinet-room, where he was joined by the President, who, after inquiring if the bill had teen com pared with rare, affixed his signature to it. At the same time he recalled to those who stood by the fact that many London, March 15 At precisely 1:30 o'clock, Tuesday afternoon, a Union Jack, tpec'ally made for this purpose by !,idy Roberts', was hoisted over the presidency at Bloemfotiteiri, amid the acclamations of the enmmunder-in-chiel'e battalions, in which, curiously enough, the Orange Free Slate burghers appear to have j ined with remarkable heartiness. The opposition to the en'.ry of the British troops into the capital was in significant. The troops were occupying a few high places in tho hills about the place, but a few shells drove them out at 1 o'clock in the morning. Newsoar correspondents entering the town, found Mr. Frazer and others who guided them 'to where Lord Roberts stood on the top of a hill waiting for them. As spokes man, Mr. Frazer asked protection for life and property and surrendered the keys. Lord Roberts, accompanied by his staff, rode at the head of a calvacade a mile along to the Presidency, receiving an ovation throughout the route, cul minating tu a rciutrkable demonstration at the market square. Reaching the government building. Lord Roberts took possession of the city in the name of the Queen and then re paired to the Presidency, whero the cere mony of hoisting the Union Jack ended forever, according to universal opinion here, the Boer government of the F:ee State. Durin; his pn gress through the town, Roberts stopred and ordered the instant replacement of goods w hich were being looted (rout the artillery barracks by Kaffirs, thus giving the populace an earnest assuranci of the treatment they might expect from the victors. President Steyn fie 1 to Kroonstadt without replying to Lord Roberts' de mand for his surrender, and the Commander-in-Chief remarked 'afterwards. during the course of conversation while breakfasting at the farm of President Steyn' brother, that the ex -President had became a nonen.ty. Tiie British troops, with tho exception of those nec essary to police the town, remain out side. Bioeiufootein is now regarded as a sort cf half-way hone and base of operations for the advance on Pretoria. The military authorities here expect a periol of comparative quiet while Lord Roberts is establishing tailroal con nection w ith Noorvals Punt and Bethnlie, relieving the men and hoises and giving them the mceesary rest to fit them for the severe stru.nles which are believed to bj inevitable. It seems likely that the news of fiht iug my ni-xt come from Nat.il. Gener al Warren' division, which had recche I Durban, lias been ordered to j du Gener al Builer, indicating that the outfl.mking movement through the neck ul Zululand is about to coinuiei f. It is reported at Bloemfontein that General Jonhert ia at Brandfort, hut other reports locate hiui at Biggersberg. End lull Colonlnta ('leaned. The text of the correspondence between) the two Prcei lente and Lord Salisbury lias been read with the liveliest feeling of satisfaction by the English in South Africa, where it is interpreted as a clear intimation that the war must go on until the Dutch Repnolics are ready to sur render unconditionally. The in fire nee to be drawn from Pretoria dispatches is that the appeal of the two Presidents was designed to draw from the Britilt governments reply which would con vince the Dutch that there was nothirg before them except a desperate resistant- to a war of conquest. The action of the United States State Department has cauied much surprise here, especially as it is misunderatood by the public in tbe ab.ence cf the text ol the correspondence between the two governments. The European govern ments are credited with acting more cautiously In waiting for tha publication of Lord Salisbury's reply, before deciding whether there was any iccaslon for offer ing their services as peacemakers.