The Dalles weekly chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1947, March 10, 1900, PART 2, Image 4

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    riurn IOC ALL KKOW.
Wednesday Dally.
Fea Bitty it in the city from Wari
mtia. F. A. B;ttv, of Wm:e, ii in town
A. W. Sharrard. of Arlington, is in
the city.
J. M. R;uell returned last night from
W. F. Bar, of Wasco, if in the city
on buine.
V. E. Woodcock, of Warnic, is in the
city attending lo business.
Frank HogiD.of Gringevii e. Ilihu,
epeottbe day ia the city visiting with
G eorge A. Yocng end daughter, Mifi
Georgia, are in the city from their house
at P.idgway.
Jltcn. F.H. BotUn. D. 5. Crapprr,
Nurrnan Williama and B. T. Mill, of
Hood River, are registered at the l ma
tilla Hon;.
lire. W. L. Bradehaw, who has been
in Atbeviile, X. C. for the past few
tuosthi receiving treatment, returned
borne on the aiternoon train, the was
ceooipacied by her brother, Dr. Harry
Win. J. Mintazne, f rmerly a reideot
of Tr.e JJai:ee ana t-nae. i noouj.icr
reaentiog the Pacific Cat Investment
Co.. a tontine ravings association with
the home office in Portland, are in the
citr. They will call to onr citizen! and
try and iotereet them in the mutual
profit sharing plana which tbey will
folly explain.
I. H. Taffe, the duke of Celilo, ia in
be city.
M. J. Anderson, of DoTur, is in the
city today.
E. F. MiddiWwart, of Hosier, was In
the city today.
Win. Hinkleleft today for bis borne
Bear Antelope.
Win. Heisler. of the Do far Mills, was
in the city today.
Asa L. Brown, of Baker City, it in
town today on business.
Henry Ktegman left this morning for
hit home near Ceoterville.
D. f-. Kimsey, coonty commissioner
arrived today from Antelope.
CUo 1 Lowrey, foreman of the Mayt
ranch near Bakeoven, is in town today.
Mrs. RoK. Mayr, Jr., and Mrs. Frank
SosatnerviHe will arrive this evening
from Portland.
Meetrs. W. S. Miller. D. W. Pierce
and G. M. Slocnm, of Goldendale, are
registered at the Umatilla House.
C. H. Ball, of Portland, it in the city.
Mrs. Murphy came in from Ante!ope
to Jay.
D. E. Gilman, of Ueppner, was in the
city ted iy.
C. C. Harris, of Forest Grof e, was in
t-wn tenerday.
W. Roes Winant left thit morning for
bit borne at Hood River.
Won. VanBibber left on the Regulator
this morning for Portland.
Mrs. George Johnston, of Dufur, it
visiting in the city today.
Saml Wilkinson and wife left on the
afternoon train for Ean Francisco.
John H. Gioder. of Stevenson, Wash.,
it registered at the Umatilla House. -
E. Jacobsen has so far recovered that
be was able to leave the hospital yes
terday. Mr. McAdam has returned to Port
land, where he goes to consult with Dr.
Mesera. J. D. McAndie, T. H. Mc
Greer and John Little, all prominent
sheepmen from Antelope, arrived in
town thit afternoon.
Mist CatVie Thorhnrn and her brother
M. Thorbarn, who have been visiting
in the city for the past week, left today
for their home near Kingsley.
Mrs. A. D. Garner, who baa been
visiting at the residence of J. H. Jack-
ton for the past few dtya. will return
tomorrow to her home at Hood River.
In this city, March 9ih, to the wife of
Fiaok Clarke, an eight-pound boy.
In this city, March 8, to the wife of J.
Y. Bethane, a daughter.
fttarlllog Claim.
Eighty-fire per cent of all pertont de
clared incurable or given tip to die by
physicians ean be cured, or their lives
greatly prolonged by the beneficent
powers of the "Perfected" Oivgenor
King. This startling assertion U sus
ceptible of proof. We have itjnthe
form of letters from all claases of people
"retidit g far and near" who are de
lighted to testify to the marvelous cura
tive powers of this latest and most per
fected home oxygenating instrument.
For sale by J. M. Filloon, The Dulles,
Ore, niMwd2i
Fine r-ooltrjr and Italian Baca.
Kilverlaced Wyamdotte, English Red
Cap and Rote Combed White Leghorn
cbickent for sale. Single birds 1 1 each. for setting $1 ter fifteen.
Italian beet $1 per pound. Queen
bees warranted purely mated, 75 cents
each. Queens ut by mnil and rate ar
rival guaranteed. Address
Mas. A. A. Bonnet.
feb2M mo Tygh Valley , Or.
A black horse weighing about 1230
pounds and branded 25 on the left
aboolder. Same strayed from the farm
of John Brookhouee, which It situated
tlx miles beyond Dufur. Liberal re
ward oOt red for information regarding
recovery. Address
8. R. Wixans,
mar7-lmw Dufur, Or.
Clark & Falk are never closed Sunday,
Don't forget this.
j Doctors Can't
Cure It!
Coatagiu blood poison is absolutely
beyond the skill of the doctors. They
may dose a patient for years on their
mercurial and potash remedies, but he
will never be rid of the disease ; on the
other hand, his condition will prow
steadily wore. S. S. S. is the only cure
for thi terrible affliction, because- it is
the only remedy which goes direct to
the cause of the disease and forces it
from the system.
I tu afflicted with Blood Pntaon. and 'he
bait doctor did a do good, thouzh I took
their treatment Il to
full J. In fact. I seemed
to aet wore all the
while. I took a 1 moat
very so-called blood
remedy . but they did not
aerm to reach tha dis
ease, and had no effect
i whatever. I as dis
heartened, for It eemed
-i that I would never be
cored. At the advice of
a inena ' inra iw
fc. S. 8., and Wan tnim
' ttrove. I continued the
aaediclne. and tt cored me completely, build
log op my health and increasing mjr appeut.
Although this was ten jear aa-o. I have never
vet hd a:-aof the disease to return.
W. R. Kbwbjas.
Staunton, Va.
It is like self-destruction to continue
to take potash and mercury ; besides
totally destroying the digestion, they
dry up the marrow in the bones, pro
ducing a stiffness and swelling of the
Joints, causing the hair to fall out, and
completely wrecking the system.
is guaranteed Purely Vegetable, and is
the only blooa remeay iree irom mew
daneerout minerals.
Book on self-treatment aent free by
Swift Specihc Company, Atlanta, Us.
For winter residence or winter outing
ideal conditions will be found on every
hand in California. Plenteous early
rainfall hat this season given to the
semi-tropical vegetation wonderful im
petus; the fljral offerings are more than
usually generous and the crop of
southern fruits bountiful and excellent.
Old ccean possesses new charms at
Santa Barbara, Santa Monica, Long
Beach, Coronado and the enchanted isle
of the tea, Catulina where fishing,
boating, rambling, riding, bunting and
loafing uay be enjiyed at nowhere else.
Quiet little spots, snag and warm,
offer themselves at Montecito, "ordhoff,
Paeadeni, Echo Mountain, San Jacinto,
Fall Biook and Palm Springs.
For renewing health and vigor, here
abound many tot springs, of widely
varying constituents and demonstrated
merits; the dry, ant I tic, tonic air of
the desert may be enjoyed at Banning,
Indio, Yuma; and, even fartheron, at
Phoenix, Tucson, El Paso, exists con
ditions equally well indicated for weak
throats and lungs.
Many think nothing in nature more
attractive than the shimmering olive
orchardt of Santa Barbara and San
Diego; othert prefer the stately walnuts
of Ventura and Lot Nietof, or the
lemout of Fernando; but for glorious
fruit and graceful tree commend ut to
the golden orange, first, laet and always,
and it exists in greatest perfection at
Covina, Riverside, Redlands and High
lands. Equally interesting is the
scientific and tempting fashion in which
the sorting and packing of the orange it
here accomplished.
The faithful were exhorted to see
Mecca and shuffle off; but wiser gener
ation! will cee California of the south
and prolong life. t
Notice to tha Puollc.
The Columbia Southern Railway Com
pany will complete ita line and be ready
to receive forward freight and passengers
from Shaniko cot later than April 15,
1900. Large warehouses and stock yards
will be erected and ready fur wool and
stock by the above date. Freight rates
will be considerable lower than by team
from The Dalles. Regular tariff will be
published shortly.
For further information call on or
address C. E. Lytle, General Freight
Agent, Moro, Ore., or the undersigned.
E. E. Lvtlk,
feblfl tf General Manager.
Dissolution of Partnership,
The business heretjfore existing under
the firm name of Lane Bros., It this day
dissolved by mutual consent. L. L.
Lane will conduct tiie business at the
old stand, and collect all accounts and
pay all bills of the firm. All parties
knowing themselves indebted to the
firm are requested to settle as toon at
The Dalle, Or., March 1, 1900.
L. L. La nx,
lm-da N. M. Lane.
Volcaole Kraptlona
Are grand, but skin emotions rob life
of joy. Bucklen't Arnica Salve curet
them ; also old, running and fever toret,
Ulcers, Boils, Felons, Corns, Warts,
Cuts, Bruises, Burnt, Scalds, Chapped
Hands, Chilblains. Best Pile cure on
earth. Drivet ont paint and achet.
Oulv 25ct. a box. Car guaranteed.
ttoid by Blakeley ft Houghton, dniir-
gistt. 2
Care Headacha yolckljr.
Baldwin's sparkling effervescent Cel
ery Soda. A harmless and (flective cure
for headache, nervousness, sleeplessness,
brain fatigue. 10 and 25 cents. Sold
by Clarke & Falk, drug-gists. Jn24 6m
Latest thing in cameras are Im -
proved Magatine cyclonet at Donnoll't
drug ttore.
a? 'Sl1
Call fir Eemlilicai Ccnntf CcnYentian.
Tim taw Haldlaa; rrlaaarle.
The Republican County Convention
of Wasco County, State of Oreyon, It
hereby called to meet in Dallet City. In
'said county, on Friday March Jj. I'M),
fat the hour of 10 o'clock a.m. . said
day, for the purpose of nominating can
didates lor the following county officers:
coutity judge, county c:erk, county sher
iff, county treasurer, one county com
miieiooer. county assessor, coonty
i school superintendent, county coroner,
andcountv surveyor, also precinct or
ucers for the several piecincts of said
county ; and 10 delegates to the Repub
lican "fe'.a'e and District Ccngresrional
Conventions, and to transact such other
business as may properly come before
said County Convention. The conven
tion will consis'. of 100 delegates chosen
oy the several precincts, and the several
precincts of said couuty will be entitled
to representation iu said convention as
Antelope. . .
Colombia. . .
Deschutes. .
East Dalles
.7 Kingsley. . .
.9 Mosier
. 2 Mountain..
..3 Nansene. . .
..3 Oak Grove.
..2 l:mev . . .
.ft South Hood Kiver.4
.2 Tygb Valley 3
..9 Trevitt 9
East Hood River.. 5 Viento.
Eiifht Mile 2 West Dalles
5 West Hood River.. 4
Wainic 3
Primaries to elect delegates to taid
County Convention will be held in each
of the several precincts in taid Wasco
Coonty, on March 17, 190O. In East
Dalles precinct the polls lor sal. I primary
election will be located at the Eist End
Hose Co.'t house, and II. Rice, C. E.
Chrisman and L. S. Davit will act at
judget at taid election ; in Bigelow pre
cinct the polls will be located at the of
fice of Wru. Michell, and J. M. Patter
ton, F. Faulkner and Wm. Michell will
act at judges at taid election ; in Trevitt
precinct the polls will be located at the
northeast corner of Third and Union
ttreets, and F. I. Sampson, Frank Vogt
and J. Fisher will act at judges at said
election ; and in West Dalles precinct the
polls will he located at the City Mills,
and C. L. Schmidt, J. F. Staniels and
C. M. Foutt will act at judget at taid
The polls in each of taid precincts, in
taid primary election, will be kept open
from 12 o'clock noon to 7 o'clock p. m.
for the reception of votet. The polls in
each of the other precincts in the county
will be located in the usual voting placet
in each precinct, and it ia recommended
thall be opened at the hour of 2 o'clock
p. in. on said 17th day of March, 1000,
and will be conducted in the usual man
ner. Dated at Dalles Citv, Oregon, thit 6:h
day of March, 1900.
Henry L. Kick.
Chairman Republican County Cen. Com.
F. E. Bkonson,
President Lincoln and the Flowers.
-Vrxtii.Unt -Lincoln, with hlg great,
kindly nature to which children and
imiKic appealed so strenuously, was, of
course, passionately fond of flowers,
and during his administration the con
servatories assumed n form very sim
ilar to their present appearance. Verj
often when Lincoln wished to be abso
lutely alone he sought the solitude of
the conservatory, anil those about him,
as soon as they became appreciative of
this fact, exercised the greatest care
that hia wish for privacy should be re
spected. Often when the cloud of war
and desolation lump darkest over the
country the old gardener in charge
would come suddenly upon the presi
dent standing dejectedly among the
foliage, his eyes bedimmed with tears.
Waldon Fawcett, in Woman's Home
Worse Than Mardcr.
Among the Tarsees n murderer is
punished with 00 stripes on his bare
back, while a master who neglects his
dog receives 200 stripes. Cleveland
Plain Dealer.
Carnegla'a Opinions.
Nkw York, March 8. Discussing the
conditions of the iron and metal market,
the Iron Age present! tome interesting
factt and figures as follows : The editor
of the Iron Ago made a call upon Mr,
Carnegie today and found him cheery
over the business situation. He thinks
that the passage of the gold bill, inspir
ing confidence in the standard and the
inevitable expantiou of currency follow
ing must maintain prices and probably
cause a rite in tecuritiet.
The situation in pig iron in the Central
West, he thinks, must insure a continu
ance of present prices for finished pro
duct during the ye.r.
An Roncst Medlolna for La Grippe.
George W, Wait, of Gardner, Me.,
tayt: 'I have had the worst cough,
cold, chilli and grip and have taken lots
of trash of no account but profit to the
vendor. CLambertain't cough Remedy
it the only thing that hat done any
good whatever. I have need one bottle
of it and the chills, cold and grip have
all left me. 1 congratulate the manu
facturers of an honest medicine." For
tale by Blakeley ft Houghton.
Beg For Bala.
Full blooded, barred Plymouth Hock
eggs, per setting 1 .00 and $1.60. For
particnlart call on or address, Bros.
Box C17. The Pallet, Or.
Cask In tmr Checks.
All conntv warrants reentered Drior
to June 3, 1880, will be paid at mv
office. Interest ceases after February. 2.
1900. C. L. PRILLIPB.
Conntv Treasurer.
To secure tbt origiual witch hazel
salve, ak fir DeWitt't Witch Hszel
Salve, well known at a certain cure for
piles tnd skin diseases. Beware of worth
iest counterfeits. They are dangerous.
. .. a-.
ra rm
Did yon ever h?rr to-r . e'
atreet nxa to buy a wbeel for tls trifcf
Well, he oaaie home one evening, and saw
her alttinir on tie bajus-.rai'e of the porch,
as shown In the picture. Ka ma!e up c;a
mind tnen acd there that a'-e would look
Just too sweet for anjth'Er? on a bicycle.
And sae does. But the kind of ticycle has
a rood deal to do with looking sweet. So
If jou want to look sweet, btsv jour wheel
as did Mr. ) of the agent for
Golden Eagle, $25
Crawford . . . $30
Cleveland, .
and $50
We have handled the above lite of
wheels for several years. The guarantee
on the above wheels are such that no
one need to hesitate to buy either of
lVIaief & Benton
Sole Agents.
. Cii?e
Wagon and Carriage Werk.
Fish Brother' Wagon.
Tbird and Me;oii. Ptoiie:i59 s
- iTrswswawaaraarii rsirsi-sl
and Farmefs
Keep on draught tha celebrated
edired the best beer In The Dulles,
sttheumial price. Come In, try
it slid be convinced. AIo the
Finem brands of Wines, Liquor
aud Cigar.
of all ITItula .1..-. k.A
C. F. Stephens
.Dealer In...
Dty Goods, Clothing, I
rants' ti. ...;..-: .
wwvs r-urijioiiiijg,
Boots, Shoes. Hats, Cap, Notions. Aft
for W. L. DouKlas shoe.
Telephone No. M.
YH Second Ht.,
Tbe Dalles, Or.
A N Dat
Administrator'! Sale of Real Estate.
Notice t hertbr siren thst the undersigned,
' fers-ucTi. administrator ( the estate of
LvdiaA. Kiclird.n,d.reM; !n purmauc of
an older of the Honorable Count Court of the
rule of otv..n Kf WsM.oc.untr, duly ma.le
and entered on tha tti day of in
from and alter the Kub dr of rebruarjr, l.ol,
prurced to cll at private sale for cash in haua.
all of tte following described real estate, belon
tuirto tbe estate of said Ltdia A. fcichardaou.
deceased, to-wil:
The noithwest qaarterof tb southwest quar
ter, and south bii ol the norbaest quarter and
. uxhwMf .iiiMrtr nf the northeast uuarter
of tection three (1) iu townbip four (t) south of
ranee thirteen (l:: east 1 1 ine niametie nienu
Ian. ia Wasco county, Oresron: also that certaia
piw or parcel ol land particularly hounded and
described as follows: Coromeneiua ilrorlssnU
1", ieet west of the southeast corner of the
s."uthot qusrter of section three (3. in towu-
biy f'nr (, toulh of rsuire thirteen (13) east of
the V illamtlt meridian in Wasco couuty, Ore
ron, and running thence north one hall mile;
thence west 60 rods snd 41, Ieet; thence south
one bslf mile, aud tbence east SO rods and I'j
lit in the nlace of beainniua: save and except
therefrom four lots in Richardson s Addition to
the Town of Tynb, which has been heretofore
sold snd conveyed : the tract above described in
clu Jinf allof said Kichsrdson a Addition to tbe
Towc of Tvgh, as laid out and platted and re
corded in tbe Keeords of Deeds for Waco
county, Oregon, said real estate above described
containing 210 acres, more or leas.
Any person desiring nformatlon with reference
to said real estate should call on or address me at
Junction City. Oregon, or my attorneys, Dufur
at Menefee, at The Dalles, Oregon.
Dated thit 12th day of January, 190 .
'J. 8. FER(i'"E-ON,
Administrator of the Estate of Lydia A. Kieu-
ardsou, deceased.
DirrvR dt MiNiria,
Attorneys for Administrator. l.ljanii
of Oregon, for the Couuty of Wasco.
Belie McGreery, plaintiff,
Thoma McOreevy, defendant
To Thomas McGreery, defendant:
In the Name ol the State of Oregon, You are
hereby required to appear and answer the com
plaint filed sgalnst you in the above entitled
suit within ten days from the date of the service
of this Summons upon rou, if served within
this County; or If served within any other
County ol this State, then within twenty days
from the date of the service of this Summons
upon you; or if served upon you by publication
thereof, then on or before the lust day of the
time prescribed In tbe order for publication,
to wit. on or before six weeks Irom the date of
the :irt publication hereof; and if you fail so -to
answer, for want thereof the plaintiff will
apply to the Court for the relief prayed for
iu ber complaint, to-wit, that tho-marriagc con
tract now existing between plaiutitt and de
fendant be forever dissolved and that plaintiff
be awarded the exclusive custody of the minor
children of plaimifi'and defendant
This summons Is served upon you by publica
tion thereof, pursuant to the order of said Cir
culi Court, made aud entered on the Itith dav ol
January, liiuo, requiring the publication hereof
lorsix consecutive weeas, commencing January
20, liWO, tbe date nf the first publication.
Jan 2011 Attorneys for rUlutiff.
Notice Is hereby given that the undersigned
baa been duly appointed administrator of the
estate 01 J. u. Baldwin, deceased. All person
having claima against said estate are hereby
notified to present the same, properly verllled,
to me or to my attorneys, Dufur Ai Menefee. in
The Dalles, Oregon, within six months from tbe
aateoi mis notice.
Dated this 14th day of February, V.m.
Ariminlafratnr nf nf I i ' 1 .. ! .4 ..I..
deceased. ' febl"-ii
Notice Is hereby islven that tha nnitA,
has been appointed by the county court, of the
-wic ui vaifuii.iur . sicu county, aamiiiistraior
of the estate of Patrick Brown, deceased. All
persons having claims against said estate are
nereDy notinea to present a lid claims, prorerly
verified, to me at the office of ilinnntt a Ktnitt
in Dalles City, Ore., within six mouths from the
uate nereor.
Dated January 25, 1900.
Jan27II Administrator.
Notice is hereby alven that tha nndpntffnpd
!-- been duly appointed by the county court of
nie siaie 01 vregon tor w aco cotiutv, executor
with the will annexed of the last will of Mary
Jane Beezley, deceased. All persons having
claims sgalnst suid estate sre hereby
present them to me with the proper vouchers 'at
my olBce In The Dalles, Oregon, within six
months from the date thereof.
Dated Feb. 21, l'JOO.
feb2l-ll Executor.
p. s.
Wagon Shop,
Dealer in Blacksmith Supplies.
Cor. Second & Lanelilin. Ttone 157
C. S. Smith,
Frueh Egga and Creamery
Butter specialty.
2d Street. 'Phono 270.
Lettert of Credit leaned available in tbt
eastern btatet.
Blirht Kvcbanu. anH T.1 V...
Tranfer gold on New York, ChicaKO,
et. Lonie. San Francism.
eon, Seattle Wash,, and varioug polnti
iu wregon ana vvannington.
Colleo.tinna maa .1 all Ui. r-
orable termi.
Win. Orr, Newark. 0.. lava. "We
never feel fafe without One Minute
Couttli (jure In tbe house. It tavet my
little boy'a life when he had the pneu
monia. we think it ia the beet medicine
made.'; It coree cotighi and all lung
dlseaaet. Pleaaant to take harnileat and
givei Immediate retulte.
SherirTs Sale.
1 of Oregon, for Union couuty. '(
Anc Fitzgerald, plaint! IT,
George Herbert, defendant.
By virtu of an execution and order ofssi.
duly issued ont of tnd under the seal nf thcTlr
cuit Court ol the Stale of Oregon, for the ounir
of Union, to me directed and dated the i;th d.i
of November, in."), opon a dtre fi u,c fJ
closure ol a certain mortgage, and judgment n-r
dered and euleicd in said eouit 011 the a?"
of November, iu tbe aboie eulitltd eaull
in favor of the plaiuiirTand aaaiiist tbe di-foiiS
ant, Gtoige Herbert, as judgement debtor. In ibs
sum of ninety one do, lam aud JO cenu, with iZ
terest thereon from the 24th day of April n4.
at tbe rale of eiaht per cent per annum, s id tj,
further sum of twenty-two dollars and M nuxt
coats, and the costs of and upon this writ, a t
eommandiug me to makesiileoithe real proueiir
embraced in such d 'ereeof foreclosure and hers.
inait-r described, I win, on the 17th dav 4
March. lo, at the hour of two o'clock in th
afternoon of aid day, and at the frontdoors
the County Court House In Dalles City, Wasea
County, Oregon, sell at public auctinn 10 th
highest bidder for e-iah in baud, all the riahe
,ll. .nil lnl.N.l .hl.h Ik. . . '
Herbert, or either ol them had on the 2.1th oy
of November, 1','J, the da'eof the judgment en
tered herein, or which such defendant r,r .
of the defendent herein have since acquired, or
now nave 111 aim 10 ine loiiuwiug uescrlbed resl
rojierij, situate auu ueing in nasco County
o-wit: Commencing at the north east uiJ
of tbe same lot which is situated and known is
the loriner residence 01 Mrs. .Mar Cooper, aud
running tbence east IV4 feet; thence south from
the middle of the street ten (,u) rods: I hence
west fee! ; tbence north ten (in) rod to the
place of beginning; being InW. D. Bigelow's Ad
dition to Dalles City, and known on the records
of deeds ol Wasco County, aa a parcel of land
de dtd by E. M. Clements and wife to Mary
Cooper, of date December IS, lhft: this being
the one-balf of said claim, and being the satne
Iract conveyed to Mrs. E. A. Catea by Louis
Davenport and wife by deed, dated May 13, 1175,
and recorded at page 1J6 of Book E, Keeords uf
Deedi for Wasco County, Oregon, and being
descended to the said 'George Herbert under
the will of hi mother, the said Mis. E. A. Catea;
said parcel of land lying aud being In Dalle
Citv, Wasco County, Oregon, and more particu
larly 1 nd correctly described ss follows: Com
mencing at the southeast corner of lot two (2) in
block delgnaled 0 or aero in Blutt' Addition to
Dalles City, according to tho map Iu common
use in said city, the said lot being the same
designated aa lot two 21 In block No 1, in the
original deed by wbicb It was oonveyed by W.D.
Bigelow to Orlande Hunnson on December 12,
lt&l;and running I thence northerly along tha
east line of said lot two (21 to the northeast
corner thereof, and thence continuing along
said line In tbe same direction northerly to to
south side of Alvord street, thenee easterly along
the sauth Hue of said Alvord ttieet seventeen
find one-half I'j feet; thence southerly and
parallel with said first line ten rods.niore or less,
to a point 17' feet easterly from the point of
beginning, aud tbence westerly and at right
angles with said last line seventeen and one
half 171, feet to the place nf beginning, or so
much of said property aa will satisfy said judg
ment and decree, with costs and accruing cost.
Said property will be sold subject to Confirms
maUon and redemption as by law provided.
Dated at The Dalles, Oregon, this loth day of
February, 1900.
feb 17-11 Bberlffof Wasco County, Or.
Land Offici at Vaucouvir, Wash.,)
February 3, 1D0U.
Notice Is hereby given that the following
named settler have tiled notice of their Inten
tion to make final pioof In support of their
claim, and that said proof will be made I efore
W. B. Presby, United btates Commissioner for
District of Washington, at his office lit liolden
dale, Washington, on Friday, March 16. IMA), vlx:
Hekjah, widow of Y each anc Puis,
deceased, an Indian,
Homestead Entry No. IMS. for the west half of
northwest quarter and lot 4, section lil.towunhlp
2 north, of range 14 east, Will. Mer.
She nsmes tbe following witnesses to prove
her continuous residence npon, aud cultivation
of said land, viz:
Bill Has-na-sha, Charlie Wles, Robert Way
weyas, Jeny Moses, all of Columbus P. O., Wash
ington. also Skamiah Jr.. an Indian,
Homestead Entry No. 904, for the east half of
northwest quarter and lot 8, section 16, town
ship 2 north, ol range 14 east. Will. Mer.
lie names the following witnesses to prove
bis continuous residence upon and cultivation
of said land, viz:
Bill Has-na-sha, Charlie Wle, Robert Wah
weyas, Jeny Moses, all of Columbus p. o., Wash
17 il W. R. DUNBAR, Register.
Lahd Officc at Vahcouvir, Wash., I
March 8, WOO. (
Notice ia hereby given that tha following
named settler haa bled notice of hia Inten
tion to mako final proof In atippnrt nf bis
claim, and that said proof will be made before
W. B. Presby, United Btates Commissioner tor
Dixtilc-t of Washington, at Ills olice In Oolden
dale, Wash., on Monday, April Si, WOO, vlx:
Herman Engelko, "
II. K. No. WO I, for the north) est quarter of
section 32, township 1 north, of range 14 east.
Will. Mer.
lie namea the following witness to prove hi
continuous residence upon and cultivation of
said land, viz:
Heniy Mtacker, William Wilkinson, Dletrlck
H. Htegman, of Centervllle P. ()., Wash., and
Henry r". Brune, of The Dkl e P. O., Oregon.
marl0-ll Register.
U.S. LakdCffici, stTHC Diixxi, 0g.,
KiBKt iRT , woo. (
Notice la hereby given that the following
named settler has tiled notice of hia Intention to
make final proof in support of bis claim, and
that said proof will be made before the Register
and Receiver at 1 he Dalies, Oregon, on Wednes
day, April 4, l'JOO, viz:
William C. Clark, of The Dalles, Or.
Hnmeitead Entry No. 527 1, for the 8W', section
11, township I south, rang II cast, W. M.
He names the following witnesses to move hi
continuous residence upon and cultivation of
suiu laini, viz :
Albert Turner, Charles Ooston, Charles Smith,
C. A. Gibson, all of The Dalles, Oregon.
feb28 1 Register
Land Office atThi Diuk, OngooK.l
February 26, 1'jOO.t
Notice Is hereby given that the followlng
oauied stttler has filed notice of bis Intention
to make tlnal proof In support nf his claim, ami
that said pioof will bo made before the Register
and Receiver at The Dalles, Oregon, on balur
lay. April 7, 1W0, via:
John Frederick Waliher, of The Dallei
H. E. No. 53WI, for the NW Bee. 11, township
1 south, ra'ige 14 east, W. M.
He names the following witnesses to prov
his continuous resilience upon and cultivation
ol said 1-nd, viz:
W. Wolf, John Obilst, Frank Obrlt, Willlnm
Obrist, all of The Dalles, Or. gon.
feb28-l JAY P. LUCAS, Register.
Administrator's Notice.
Tha tlfiftnr.lvniwt It.ulr. Iimm anntlutMl fd
mltilstralor of th estate of Jonathan Jackso.i.
deceased, under and br virtue of an order duly
made and entered
I entered In the County Court of t
sent the same with the proper voiioher and
verlfledat the otllce nf my attorucy, Tred
Wilson, In The Dalles, Oregon, wltblu '
months from the date of this notice.
Dated The Dalles, Oregon, Jan. in, 1'sOrt.
Jan 20-11 AdmlnlstraUr.
Ofllce over French A Co.' Hank