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About The Dalles weekly chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1947 | View Entire Issue (March 10, 1900)
n vol. x THE DALLES, WASCO COUNTY, OREGON, SATURDAY, MA.RCH 10, 1900. NO. 25 GERMANY MEETS WITH OPPOSITION E:r Ensrta Sen! Out GjsIs Csn- laiiiif, Aiiilerants. GIVES PRESIDENT A WEAPON JministratioD Finds That It Will Be Easy to Retaliate in Event or Germany's Discriminating Against American Goods. New Yobk, March 6. A special to the erald from Washington says : Though Administration cinnot protest bainst injurious legislation pending in e German Legislature, it has developed at it has been making a q iiet Invest! '.ton to ascertain the extent of the alteration of German imputations in the United States. This investigation k extended to the imports of other uropean governments which Impose frictions upon American goods. In e case of Germany, the information to obtained will be of value in determin S the coursi this Government shall opt should the meat-inspection bill, ported by the Reichstag committee, be acted into law. , This investigation, which has been ingonfor some little time, has de- Sloped that the objection raised by the k-rruan government against American oducts also exists in German goods. is discovery is very gratifying to the Bicials, as it furnishes them with an celleut weapon to be employed in case need. German wines are said to con En adulterants, and the President, ould lie determine to do so, can take easures to exclude them. Examination of a statement of the pro knons of the bill reported bv the Reich tv committee shows, the authorities ;v, that American meats can be entire excluded. The press dispatches in ated that the conditions relative to spection had been modified, bat abaseador White's dispatch announces at the bill contemplates an imperial pectlon at the port of entry, and a al Inspection in the province which i k destination of the meat. In addition, 're is the prohibition of American nned and corned beef and sausage. It the contention of this government and mbassador White has been so advised, at one inspection should be sufficient, ith an imperial and local inspection, effect would be, it is stated, to con- in n practically all American meats iich might be imported into the Ger- hn Empire. In answer to a complaint registered by is government at the refusal of the al authorities of the German Empire give information to American Consuls, German government has announced at all such Information must come pin the foreign office, and lommunica in requesting it should be tent to the nister of Foreign Affaire. In principle is, according to the department, must accepted, but there is no intention of running rich discrimination against erican Consuls as is apparent from 'nerret instructions to German officials Desseldorf, as published in the Herald morning. 'presentations made to Secretary py announce the desire of the German ernment to modify the pending bill, 1 its purpose to have ft amended en considorml bv the Bundesrath. NSULTS DIGNITY OF PUERTO RICO 7 Ask Markets For Their Products and Get Charity Opinions of Spanish Press. Mty or Mexico, March 6. The press r, both, native and foreign, condemn f Policy of the United States Congress Mrd Puerto Rico. The papers printed r-nglish are severe In tbelr criticisms the treatment of the annexed island, 1 predict trouble ahead. The Spanish !oniet organ, Corerro Espsnola, says : McKinley, having taken pity on "'to R co, has asked Conaress to 'wine him to devote to the relief of p island a hlch has been converted by famine into a net British India sum equivalent to the Custom-House duties paid by the merchants of Puerto Ricj on its introduction into the United States. It is said that half a loaf is better than no bread, hut we are of the opinion that this measure is worse than nothing. Instead of converting the in habitants of the island into mendicants, they onght to be loft free to develop their natural resources and sell their products, to which end exportations, now in a state of stagnation, should be facilitated by means of free trade. "What Puerto Rio needs rather than degradation, almost, which Is insulting to human dignity, Is to be able to sell its suga and tobacco. But this would not S lit the American producers of sugar and tobacco; It would run counter to the protected interests which have great influence in the Federal Congress, and McKinley, in order not to offend those interested, has found way oat of it by efleiing charity." CAPE COLONY BOERS RETREAT General Gatacre Has Occupied Storm berg Without Serious Opposition and Is Now in Close Communica tion With General Clements at Colesberg. London, March 6. The Boers in Northern Cape Colony are in full retreat to the Orange Free State. The possession of Stormberg pats General Gatacre In railroad communication with General Clements at Colesberg, for trough the Boers partially wrecked the railroad, it la understood that It can be quickly re paired, and thus the entrance of ad ditional British troops into the Free State will be facilitated. From Osfontein, where Roberts is op posed by a good-sized body of Boers, there is still no news except reports of minor skirmishes. - The position gained by General Brabant at Dordrecht is reported to be exceedingly strong. According to the Times correspondent, the Boers' numbers alone enable them to retreat from Dordrecht, practically unhindered. He also reports a violation of a white flag by the Boers, they having deliberately fired at close range on a stretcher party. General White's garrison has begun to leave Ladysmith and is arriving at the Mool River camp, where the troops will remain several days, after which they will go further south. They are emaciated and exhausted and say the road to Colenso presents scenes that ex ceed in horror those depicted in Dante's Inferno. -Dead men and animals are ly ing mutilated and putrefying in the trenches formerly occupied by the Boers, and filling the air with a sickening stench. In cases where hurried burials had been attempted, the rains have washed the earth away and out of the earth stick ghastly legs and arms of dead burghers. A dispatch from Osfontein says that according to the Boer prisoners, an im portant British success will cause Presi dent Steyne to flee to Pretoria, leaving a provisional government at Bloemfontein, which is likely to make peace overtures, those Free Staters not wishing for peace treking toward the Transvaal and help ing to make a stand which most of the British military critics now point out will constitute the most difficult and deeding feature of the war. The recent rains have afforded Roberts good grass and copious supplies have reached him. News of his advance is eagerly awaited. KcmarkaliU Cores of Kheumatlam. From the Vindicator, Rutherforilton, N. C. The editor of the Vindicator has had occasion to test the efficacy of Chamber lain's Pain Balm twice with the most remarkable results In each case. First, with rheumatism in the shoulder from which he suffered excruciating pain for ten days, which was relieved with two applications of Pain Balm, rubbing the parts aftlicted and realizing Instant benefit and entire relief In very short time. Second, In rheumatism in thigh joint, almost prostrating him with severe pain, which was relieved by two appli cations, rubbing with the liniment on retiring at night, and getting up free from pain. For sale by Blakeley A Houghton. Mrs. Harriet Evans, Hinsdale, 111., write. "I jiever fall to relieve my children from croup at once by usicg One Minate Cough Cure. I would not i..i '.. viihnnt it." Quick r cures coughs, colds, grippe and all throat and I I .1! . I ROBERTS' FORCES ADVANCED TODAY Hari Battli Will Probably Tale Place at Wiiitmn, Willi Boers in a StroEH Position, BOERS IN FULL RETREAT Defenses There Are Said to Be the Strongest in the Free State Bul ler Is Still After Boers That Be siged Ladysmith. London, March 7. Lord Roberts telegraphs from Oifontein : "Advanced March 7 j the enemy is now in full retreat, followed by our troops; casualties few." London, March 7. The Dutch forces will now probably fall back upon Win burg.and the high hills between Ventors burg and Senekal, between the Vet and Valsch Rivers. This is described by South Africans as the most formidable defensive position in the Free State, and lateral railroads lead np behind It at Bethlehem and Kronstad. The Vaal River is a long distance behind these commanding kopjes, and the Witwaters- rand Ridge, of which Johannesburg is the key, lies to the north. If Lord Roberts has sent a strong body of in fantry toward Vryburg and Mafeking, It will naturally be reinforced and converted in due time into a turning column against that strong position. 'The reealtsof the Dutch concentration are disclosed in the facility with which the district south of the Orange River has been cleared. General Gatacre'a Army is not strong since an entire brigade was called back to reinforce Lord Roberts' Corps, yet he has been able to take possession of Storm berg without a struggle. The Boers had retreated from that natural fortress to Rooikop, ant left the road open to Burgersdorp. The occupation of Stormberg gives General Gatacre the control of the railway west ward to Middleburg, and enables him to advance northward toward the Orange River. Lond n, March 7. Lord Roberts has telegraphed as follows: "Osfontein. March 7, 4 :30 p. in. Our operation today promise to be a great success. The enemy occupied a position four miles north and eleven miles sonih of the Moddrr River. I placed General Colville's division on the north bank and General Kelly-Kenny's and Tucker's division, with cavalry, on the south bank. The cavalry division succeeded in turning the enemy's left fl ink, open ing the ro id for the sixth division, which is advancing without being obliged to fire a shot np to the present time. "The enemy are in full retreat toward the north and east. They are being closely followed by cavalry, horse ar tillery and mounted infantry, while Tucker's division, Colville's Ninth division and the Guards Brigader under Pole Carew, are making their way across the river at Popular's Drift, where I propose to place my headquarters this evening. Our casualties will, I trust, be low, as the enemy were quite unprepared for being attacked by a fl ink movement, and having their communications with Bioemfontein threatened." Anclrt I Ft-obabljr Daail, Nsw York, March 7. A dispatch to the Herald from Berlin says: Herr Fridljof N'ansen has been interviewed here by a correspondent of the Lokal An zeiger. He Is passing through Berlin on his way to Breslau. Speaking on the subject of his future plans and the iate Andre, he said that he would leave Christiania on May 15, In order to carry out hydrol glcal studies around Iceland for the Norwegian Government. A specially constructed vessel had been ordered for this voyage. It will be similar to the Fram, but smaller. The expedition will return in the Autumn. In reply to theqnestlon : "Do you In tend to proceed to the Arctic regions again?" Herr Nanesn said that he had certain plans in view, which, for the present, he preferred to keep secret. As to Andre, Ilerr Nansen said : "I believe as long as possible, In his return, making the most liberal al lowance of time for his reappearance, but I no longer have any hope. I don't believe that ho is living; otherwise we should certainly have heard of him. All that can be looked for now is the recovery of his bodr." China May !! a Clrll War. Chicago, March 7. A special to the Record from Victoria, B. C, says : Ac cording to Asiatic advices by the steamer Empress of India, the recent coup d'etat of the Empress Dowager of China, in which the Emperor, Kwan Su, was de throned and the 6 year-old son of Prince Tuan named as his successor, bids fair to embroil the Celestial Empire in Civil War. At Swatow the Chineee are al ready In revolt, and in many other parts of the Empire they are taking up arras against the Empress and Maochns. The reform party, which is at the head of the movement to foment rebellion, is in receipt of a telegram from Kanh Yu Wei, sent from Singapore, In which he says he can raise an army of 40,000. The China Gazette says the Empress Dowsger and her advisers, being afraid Qf a revolution in Peking, having applied to the Russian government for help, and that the Japanese govemment has pro tested. Telegrams from Peking to Japaneee papers say it is reported that Russia has sent warships to the mouth of the Yalu river. FEW TROOPS TO BE WITHDRAWN One Battalion Each of the Fourteenth, Eighteenth and Twenty third In fantries Will Come Home, in May, Because Their Time of Service Has Expired. Nxw Yokk, March 8. A special to the Herald from Washington says: By di rection of Acting Secretary of War Mel klejohn inetrnctions have been sent to Msjir-General Otis to return to the United States some time in May one battalion eac'a of the Fourteenth, Eight eenth and Twenty-third Infantry. The withdrawal of those troops were recom mended by Major-General Miles several months ago. He pointed out to the de partment that the three regiments designated would have been two years in the Philippines in June next. There is no doubt that the decision of the department to withdraw three bat talions, which number more than 1200 men, is influenced to some extent by the disorganization of the rebel army and the prospect that the American troops will no longer meet with resistance from an organized force. Notwithstanding the action of the de partment in ordering home these bat talions, officers who have served in the Philippines and who have just returned, say that this must not be taken to mean that the rebellion has been suppressed. The insurgents are operating in small forces, which scatter upon the approach of American troops, but which re assemble and attack whenever a good opportunity presents itself. A well known officer in Luzon, writing to a friend in this city, gives it as his opinion that the rebellion will not be entirely suppressed in less that ten years. No Wight to ITgllnraa. The woman who is lovely in face, form and temper will always have friends, but one who would be attractive must keep her health.' If she is weak, sickly and all run down, she will be nervous and irritable. If she has con stipation or kidney trouble, her Impure blood will cause pimples, blotches, skin eruptions and a wretched complexion. Electric Bitters is the best medicine in the woild to regulate stomach, liver and kidneys and to purify the blood. It gives strong nerves, bright eyes, smooth, velvety skin, rich complexion. It w ill make a good-looking, charming woman of a run-do n (invalid. Only 60 cents at Blakeley A Houghton's drugstore. HoTerclgii'l Testimony. Washington, March 8. James R. Sovereign continued his testimony in the Coeur d'Alene case today. Owing to Representative Leutz'a absence in New York, Repiesentative Slaydtn, of Texas, directed the examination, and the cross-examination was participated in Jy all the members of the committee. Mr. Sovereign testified that the Miners' Union was not responsible for the pub lications written by him, which had been Introduced as evidence. The cross- examination took Mr. Sovereign over the exciting events attending the blow ing np of the Bunker Hill concentrators, and the witness was made to recite in minute details the circumstances of the adair. In the main, this was an elaboration of the direct testimony pre viously given. He said the masks worn by the men were ordinary cloth with holes cut out for the eyes. BSOJLUTEIV Makes the food more delicious and wholesome Ovl (UttffQ TROUBLES OF THE CZAR AND MIK4D0 rncT Batb Want War Bit Mcr U Etiij Fur I!. CRISIS MAY COME AT ANY TIME Russia Will Try to Avoid a Clash Until Her Big Railway Is Completed Nine Months Hence, and Japan Will Meanwhile Continue to Flood Corea With Coolies Who Are in Reality Trained Soldiers. Nkw Yoiik, March 7. A dispatch to the Herald from Yokohama says: No one of the legations in Tokio, nor any of the Japanese officials, will acknowledge that war with Russia is imminent. It is well known in diplomatic circles that at present Japan and Russia are work ing secretly to obtain concessions in Corea against other nations, "hut this does not mean that a clash between Russia and Japan Is not coming in the future. Japan is the only serious obstacle in the way of the Russian Eistern policy. Japan must have Corea. which already is flooded with Japanese coolies, who are rea'ly soldiers. Russian transports pass through Nagasaki constantly loaded with troops for Port Arthur. The Japaneee common people have a great hatred (or Russia, and would wel come war without counting the cost, but they have little power. Japan has not money for war, and Russia will yield to Japan as long as the trans-Siberian rail road is incomplete. An American engi neer, who has been over the road, reports that it cannot be used effectively for nine months. Humors of an impending war origi nated in Shanghai, not in Japan, but were based on generalizations, not facie. Russia is now changing her representa tives tbroughont Japan, and would not do so if she expected an Immediate out break. During the last three years a crisis resulting in war might have arisen at any moment, but for the present it is not at hand, and, in the correspondent's opinion, Russia can prevent it until she is ready. Japan Will Withdraw. New York, March 7. A dispatch to the Journal and Advertiser from OJessa says: Among the officers of the volun teer fleet of cruisers, who recently re turned here from the far East, there Is a stiong belief that the enormous garrisons being formed at Port Arthur, Dalni and Viadivostock will be utilized soon as a oerciva lever for compelling the Ja panese to abandon their pretensions and acquisitions in Corea. The commander of one of the cruisers expressed his conviction that before the end of this year Russian Influence in the far Eastern peninsula will have become so absolutely dominating that the Ja panese will feel morally constrained to nive up the struggle and retire from the many important enterprises they are now prosecuting in Corea, and that will open the way for the gradual assumption of a Russian protectorate. Smallpm la Raging In Mliauslppl. Jackbox, Miss., March 8. An official report made to the Hinds County Board of Supervisors reveals an appalling state of affairs in the Jonesville neighborhood, in the smthern part of the country. The community is literally honeycombed with smallpox of the most virulent form, and during the past six weeks nearly 100 deaths have occurred. On some days the death rate has been so large that it was impossible to secure coffins, and rude caskets were made from rails. Whole families were wiped out of ex istence and of several large families only one or two children are left. Many ol the patients who are now in a critical condition are without medical attention, and are dying at the rate of ?ovmm tURE CO., nw vow. from three to five per doy. The death rate cxcderis 75 per cent, and the entire lower por.lon of the conntry i. demoral ized. The Board of Supervisors will make an effort to check further spread. Fyndlcate Swindler, Nxw York, March 7. The Evening World today priuts an Interviev with William F. Miller, had of the to-called Franklin Syndicate, w h:ch swindled a great many peop'e thionh romises to pay 10 per cent a wek. Miller is re ported as saying that the syndicate was started on a capital t.f $50 an I that at least $1,500,000 passed through his hands while he was in the syndicate. He said the police made no attempt to prevent his escape. Miller said that he was merely tool, hired hy the real swindlers. Sclesinger, w! oai he ec ernes of bting the real sw'ndler, drew a salary of $200 wetk'y. Miller declares he is being made a ''footba'l" of by the district attorney's office. He said her will tell all he knows when brought to trial, and intimates that it will Involve) some big men. Ilia Lire W as Saved. Mr. J. E. LMly, a prominent clt'z n of Hannibal, Mo., lately had a wonderful deliverance from a frightful death. In telling of it he eays: "I was taken witb Typhoid fever, that ran into pneumonia. My lungs became hardened. I was so weak I could 'nt even sit up in bed. Nothing helped me. I expected to soon die of consumption, when I heard of Dr. King's New Discovery. One bottle gavo great relief. I continued to use it, and now am well and etrong. I can't say too much in its praise." This marvelous medicine- Is the surest and1 quickest cure in the world for all throat and lung trouble. Regular sizes 50 cents and $1.00. Tiial bottles free at Blakeley & Houghton's drugstore; every bottle guaranteed. BRING PEACE MUCH NEARER General Gatacre's Force Has Occupied Burgersdorp Wiihout Opposition, and General Clements Has Now Reached Norval's Point, on the Free State Border. Lond is, March, 8. The full extent of Roberts' success yesterday is not clear, but the best informed authorities appear satisfied that it brings peace perceptibly nenrer. Theexrwrte amicip.iio that the burghers will make no further stand west of the Free State caiital and some of them even deduce, from the fact that the Boer forces are divided mid have re treated in different directions, that de moralizttion has set in, and that the Transvaal forces will nut be found care fully entrenched in position noith of the Vaal river, at which the bulk of the Free Staters will abandon the contest and sue for peace. Elsewhere the news indicates that the conditions continue hopeful from a British point of view, the telegrams from Mafek'n alone show'ng any despondency. Losnos, Maich 8. Lord Roberts tele graphs he has captured a Kiupp gun ar d a number of tents and waon. He also announces that General Cltments baa occupied Norval's Point. London, March 8. A special diFpilch from Molteno says that the British oc cupied Burgerslorpli- unopposed last night. Qntin Will Vlult Irrlnml. Dublin, March 8 The nt wsp it ers of this city give rather a chilly reception to the announcement of I he proposed visit of Queen Victoria to Ireland next month, although the comments are perfectly courteous. The Freeman's Journal says : "The chivalry of t lie Irish would In sure a respectful rtc -ption, but it is im possible to congratulate Her Mnjeity on the opportunity chosen for a royal visit, after a boycott so long maintained.'" The Daily Independent says : "The Nationalists will have no other desire but that Her Maj sty shtu'd re ceive at the hands of the Irish the re spectful welcom e i' her exalted station and her hign personal character." Subscribe for The Chronic's. lung uise3c.