I THE DALLES WEEKLY CHRONICLE, WEDNESDAY. MARCH 7. 1900 url. iuc ul io. UrCo.ctBool.U'ow, L V w , 1 Saturday t tally. .ck Fitter it op from Motler. Leslie h:.t it ia ton ir-m Portland. Al McrcLie. of Wasco, ia teen TtleTuT. A. L. Hioa it ia f-.e city Go! iend.e. ,rtm' t n. u Du'or '.eft on tte a.':enoen tra o Ijt Portlacd. . Mr.. C. W. J.ho.wo. Dafar.it: r.r .fc. -i-.jr. Tititinj in the city, j Sa Feasor, Mirtt 5. Tie r- M F li'H f V.'rtrj, it rtterei at ; we?" r.ea.er Lanler, Lici. fca p,t tte i'ui'li. a'Hoiw. reacted tere with a erf )of oil Iron W 6 B' t-4 . '-f V ae, are Japan, ail loal na raiiroil n.il'.er Titit.E in t:.e e ty. , ?c tit Mt-riaa rtiiaay. Her wr II Metefrt. of tie Di.'ar IpUa, I ii. be t H :"F --l Ut.een at ia tte cay today. ; Port Artr.srsnd VUJ;vc ot k. fheear- T. H. Johnston r4 W. II. Pat Jscn riei to t!.e latier p-jrt to !ii.!-iranf hi are ia lit city from Iw'ar. tte.-:.Lee! tteamr t c nw; t.'.e tap- Geo. N. Croe'-. tte jroini&eikt i fit oq the epper A&oor river ti ra:' Watco merctiitt. it in town uiday. ; WST eonr.rartion. The tl?aa.ert are Boeee.i re-omed to Poland on ; aboct onsp'.eted ia the iii-vard of tbe the ipokane ta.a yeeuriay afternoon. ; Foiton Iron Workt. They will be Chat. H.:ton it ia th city from Port-' t!oe4 ia tectioct ia ttehoil cf the land on tit y to tit raaea in Wteeier ! steamer anl recoonractel on the bankt coa&ty. Alei. Stesrart a prominent Moeier1 t . merchant, u ia the city attends- to, At a core foe rhenmautm Chamber tatieete. ' Iain's Pin Balm it raining a wide repa- Messrt. H. D. Larg-i'.ie mud II. J. Hit-' Ution. V. B. Joontton of Richmond, bard, o!Hxd t;r, are in tte t;tj to- lad., tat been troobi with tbat ail Uy on bot;n. meet ticce 1802. Ia tperk'ot cf it be T. Baifoor and F. W. Maraa were in uji : "I uerer foond anytbicjt that thee: ly yetrda to rx.eet K Ba.foor j wooij re:iere me nntil I oted Cbaiiber- boiajattfrom Eeglaad. ' : :!,', P.in Ba:m. It actt like oag-ic Geo. C,V.t. tra:ir.f freight ajtat 1 mt My foot WM two!;en and lor the N,m,ern Pacae rrol. .t in , m, , m(Jcb tot one f00(J the c::r in the in:erett of bit roa-l. . . ' . . w. v. , apphcat:on nf Paia B!m relieved me. C. M. Cartariiht aid J. E. EJaardt , Fof tA b Biakeiey A Hoogbton. arrived todny from Hy Creek. They j . will leave on:?M for Boite city, where j YqBu nar tor I'nited state. taey fo to au-na iBirr-. uv f.iSCico, March 5.-A tpeci.l men t eonTtnfjca. ( ' . nr .... . . . I from BenK.D, Ariz., tart: K-imor C. L. Smith, of M.on., who bat teen i . . . . . . , , . t.i-iu,vi , j. .,;,.. bare reacted here that a Urge body of MetoriDjf before tte Nrmert mttitn'e ol ' Orfon under the direction of K. C. J arjai In!:ant are beaded for the inter Jodn, indat'.;ial ?ei.t for tte O. R. A j national line. Ordert hare been iesaed X. Co., it in the city. j by General Merriam, commanding officer MonUj tail?. a( Furt Hoachuca, to bo'd bit tropt in C. J. Smith, tf Moro, it ia the city. readinest for immediate field tervice to S. V. Maaon, of B7yd, ai in town to- j day. Dr. StardeTir.t tpent yetterday in Portland. Fred Clarke wai in the city yesterday from Moro. L. A. Porter left on the early morning tram for Portland. Mr.and Mrt. Warren, of Ileppner, are visiting in the city. A. Hodnon, of Goldenda.'e, it rrgistertd at the UmalHla lioate. Mitt Mate. P.iddell left on the boat tbia morning fur Haabandt. Fred Dayton, a well known traveling laleaman, it in the city today. L. E. Morte, a prominent merchant of White Salmon, tpent Sanday in ths city. Mrt. Thomas "Barget bat returned from a visit to Portland and left for her home at Bakeoven. Iran Kmith, formerly with Peaee A Mayt, left on tho afternoon train for hit borne at Fretno, Cal. Mr. T. T. Nicholas and family and Mrt. Vernon Koonti left on the Hcgn lator thit morning for Portland. I. Ktffer, formerly operator at the de pot bat now connected with the Colum bia Sonthern railroad, tpent Sanday in the city. Jade Hewitt, of Albany, and Carey Jobnton, of Oregon City, are in town to day on bnsinfM connected with the es tate of Ezra Fieher. Owen T. fihepard left last week for the Greenhorn mining; dittrict where he hat a claim. He wt-nt by way of Canyon City to look at tome mining property in which C. L. Fliillipt it interested. Tatwlajr's ballr. F. T. Cook, of Canyon City, it in town today. Wm. Hinkle it in 'town from An telope. Hon. C. M. Cartwright, of Hay Creek, it in the city. Fred A. Young is in the city on hit way to bis home at Hidgeway. Mr. C. Alieky returned home last flight from a abort trip t Portland. P. D. Davidson, of the Lost Lake Distinguished Testimony No secret society in the world stands higher in noble aims and charitable accomplishments than the Knights of Pythias. That order ia doing great good, mi une 01 11 nnesi insula tions is the Ohio Pythian Home, at Springlicld, Ohio, which is ably presided over by Superintendent Lo Fevre and his wife, Mrs. Callie I. Le Fevre, the matron. The latter has recently written a letter, which will command widespread attention because of the prominence of the writer. It is as follows: Messrs. W. II. Hooker 8t Co., New York: Lat year I used Acker's English Kemedv at tho suggestion of a friend, for a serious, loig-standing , i i ii- , . . . inr i uiuicuiiy ani extreme ly hard cough. Had used many well spoken of prepara tions without relief. I can honer.tly say that Acker's Knglish Remedy removed the difficulty and stopped the pnncrH f fit4 nnl nirrtliaA or use more than three hot- Cau.is, ties, and at least one-half of the last is still on hand. I also consulted phy sicians with no permanent results." (Signed) Callib I. Lb JPevrb. The friend to whom Mrs. Le Fevre refers as having snggested Acker's Knglish Remedy is Mrs. W. B. Chilton, wife of the president of the Troy Transfer Co., of Troy, Ohio, where this remedy has accomplished many other rnret in Throat and Lung Troubles. In conversation with an acquaintance Mrs. Le Fevre also said: ' If you will call on Mr. W. H. Kchauss, a prominent china and art merchant of Springfield, Ohio, you will find that he, too, has bad any amount of experience with Acker's English Remedy in his family, and thinks they cannot keep house without it." Acker'a Kn;!lh Kemtv t sold or all druRglata nnilar a potltlv guarantee that vour money will be rfund! in rasa of fallnra. wc , ye. and ft a bottla In United Htatasand Canada. In Kngland, it. td , n. id . and 4s. fxl. Wt auUurUt U otum fwvxmlr. W. U. UUOk tH CO., Proprietor, Krw l'er. For Sale by ELAKFLEY & HOUGHTON. Lsmber Co. cf End River, it in tie city today. V. P. Eiant. eoontv webi'I!:ocw, i ! in tie est 7 from t:t boms H-d ! Hirer. 1 W. H. ert ar.i K E. Esrtoc.of :Hx-i fciver. arv n-f.a-tered at lt-e Larry LU:a .si Wru. Martin, to MDo'if trave.;ng; tairtu.-en. aere :n lt.e , rty today of tie A moor. be n red to repel any attmDt to croet the line into the L'nited States. Iryin;f prt-parations aiaiply devel op dry caturrL ; tUey dry up the secretions, hich adhere to the rat mtruno and decom pose, caaiin' a far more serious trouble than the orJinnry form of catarrh. Avoid all dry. iug iuhalants, f'lmes, smokes and snuffs and use tbrit T.hich cleanses, soothes and heals. Ely's Crsam Balm i i such a remedy and will cure catarrh or cold in the head easily and pleasantly. A trial size will bo mailed for 10 cents. All druggists sell the 60c. size. Ely Brothers. 5C Warren St., N. Y. Tho Balm cures without pain, docs not irritate or cause sneezing. It spreads itself over an irritated and angry surface, reliev ing immediately the painful inflammation. With Ely's Cream Balm yon are armed against Nasul Catarrh and Hay Fever. Volcanic Eruptions Ara grand, bat tkln eruptions rob life of jjy. Backlen't Arnica Salve cniee them ; alto old, rannirg and fever tores, Ulcers, Boilt, Felon", Corns, Warts, Cat, Braises, Burnt, Scslds, Chapped Hands, Chilblains. Best Pile core cn earth. Drives ont rains nd aches. Only 25 ct. a box. Care saaranteed. Sold by Blakeley & Hooghton, drng gittt. 'i Flo r-onltry and Italian Bscs. Silverlaced Wyarodotte, English Red Cap and Roee Combed White Leghorn chickens for tale. Single birds $1 each. Eg(8 for letting per fifteen. Italian beet fl per pound. Queen beet warranted purely mated, 75 centt each. Queent tent by mail and sale ar rival guaranteed. Addrett Mas. A. A. Bonnky, feb211mo Tygh Vallej, Or. Strayed. A black hone weighing abont 1250 ponndt and branded 2 on the left thoolder. Same etrayed from the farm of John Brookhouse, w hich Is situated six miles beyond Dnfor. Liberal re ward edit red -for information regarding recovery. Address 8. li. Wixaks, mai7-lmw Dufur, Or. I. Lt Pi vac, llatroa Ohio Pythian Home. OFFENSIVE C12 lute. . MANY COM PLAINTS MADE But Xoae Have Yet Eten Sabjc.t of Of ficial Report Casn!s Rtfuse In foroatiaa. 5ew Yoek, March 5. A special to tbe Herald from Wattingtcn tayt : Re ttrictiom imposed by the Governor of Deeteldorf. Germanr, ooon American Coniu'.t to prevent ttem from getting information of a commercial character miy be objected to by this Governineat ia cate an cfScial dispatch regarding them thoald be received by the State Department. Report! of this character bave been current in thit country for several montbt, bat an official of the State Department taid that no official diepatchet bad reached the Department. If tbe facts are as stated in the press re ports, then, be said, the Department would require Germany to live op to the provision! of tbe treaty of 1N71 respect ing Consular offices. Article two of this convention provides that "tbe respective ConsaU-General, Consult, Yice-Consnlt or Coneular Agents, at well as their Chancellors and Secretaries, shall enjoy in tte two countries all privileges, exemptions and immunities which bave been granted or may in future be granted to the agents of tbe tame rank of tho most favored nations." If it should be ascertained that consuls of other nations accredited to Germany are getting the information desired by the Consular Representatives of the United States, then the claim can be advanced that the latter are not al lowed tbe privileges "accorded to other Consuls." In the treaty of 1828, with Prussia, tbe two contracting parties grant each other the liberty of Consular representa tion and the Consuls "shall enjoy the same privileges and powers as those of the most favored nations." Other states of the German confederation bave treaties with the United States contain ing provisions of like character. No complaint can be made to tbe German government at the action of the authori ties in refusing information, but if, as nated, the refusal ehall be especially directed against the United States, then complaint can and will be made. The authorities are not inclined to the belief that tbe restrictions imposed by tbe governor of Dusseldorf were prompt ed by the Berlin government, but were rather tbe act of an official who desired o make political capital with tbe Agrarian party. Diaaolotlon of Partnership. The business heretofore existing under the firm name of Lane Bros., is this day dissolved by mutual consent. L. L. Lane will conduct the business at the old ttand, and collect all accounts and pay all bills of tbe firm. All parties knowing themselves indebted to tbe firm are requested to settle as soon ss possible. The Dalles, Or., March 1, 1900. L. L. Lanb, lm diw N. M. Lane. A Convincing Answer. "I hobbled into Mr. Blackmon's drng store one evening," says Wesley Nelson, of Hamilton, Ga., "and he asked me to try Chamberlain's Pain Balm for rheu matitm with which I had suffered for a long time. I to'.d bim I had no faith in any medicine as they all failed. He taid: 'Well if Chamberlain's Pain Balm does not help you, you need not pay for it.' I took a bottle of it home and nsed It according to directions and in ens week I was cured, and bave not since been troubled with rheumatism." Sold by Blakeley A Houghton. Notice to the Panllr, The Colombia Sonthern Railway Com pany will complete its line and be ready to receive forward freight and Dosseniera from Shaniko not later than April 15. 1000. Large warehouses snd stock yards will be erectad and ready for wool and stock by the above date. Freight ratet will be considerable lower than by team from The Dalle. Regular tariff will be published shortly. For further information call on or address C. E. Lytle, General Treigbt Agent, Moro, Ore., or the undersigned. E. E. Lytlb, febl6-tf General Manager. Caab ta lonr cneca. All coantr warrants registered prior to Jane 3, 18W, will be paid at my office. Interest cease after February. 2. 1M. C. L. Phillips, Oonntv Treasurer. DeWltt's Witch Hasel Stive is an. eqaalled for piles, injuries and skin diseases. It is tbe origins! Witch Hszel 8alve. Beware of all counterfeits. The Great STEEL and MALLEA BLE IRON RANGES, Pajestic Are MADE TO LAST A LIFETIME, and are ABSOLUTELY GUARANTEED. "Remember that we are selling the same from $45.00 to $60.00 t ! 4 is- '. if- " Whitf:i i i a saving to our customers of from $15 to 25" over p ce charged by peddlers for inferior ranges.' ite for pamphlet, ''Majestic Evidence." JVlflYS L-... I- w f "a TAy.i i iiixi riiiDiiirsTiirri Ml j j j $ " ;l!t f f ? I r f j 1 H ? 1 l if k i 1 a I II .-f: A 6 ' 1 J j .. ji , il rt ... ' :, ' ? .- I f - ' i -fral Spring is Here and So Are We, WITH A FILL LINK OF Elegant Stock of Wall Paper to Select From. ENAMELS, BRUSHES, ETC. Washington Street, between becond and Third H. C. C. COOPER, MA.NLrACTUr.EB OF High-Grade Stock Saddles and Shop-Made Harness. DfEALKR I.t Tents, Wanton Covers, and all articles usually kept in a first-class harness shop. Opposite Moody's Warehouw, THE DALLES, Headquarters for"SeetTGr Headquarters for Feed Grain oi ru kin Headquarters for Rolled dm in all kinrla Headquarters for Bran. Shorts, t,: neaaquarters lor "Byers' Best" Pendle tOn FlOUr. Thi' I,oor w. ,ii onr ,v.. i ,k ?"i!le'T call and get cor irwndtonVrir " M "a " yoa d0B ' th,nk Highest Prices Paid for Wheat, Barley and Oats. & CROtXlE. The Chronicle, VP. i Hi: Job Printers. a WllaWl GLENN & CO. This Stamp a Guarantee OREGON. of Quality. M tmetnn& eiprrssly for family ,1v"a at;sfction. mm MiK vnRinsiiFs A lUltWllwUs MAKER J of Applicnioa for Liquor Licenta. To All Wbom It Mat nr- I Notice i he.chr .rcn that t'.e uu,w.it . : J. J ilr. u.il Ft 10 or',. i.i tu,"4' onWrJnrariJT, h 7,0 1 o.- ;i ,, V aamewiDS i.iei..j .ir N. ul 01 uio(r7 jun. ,o t.iMlwi.f, i, ' et, ii ui.ua, a!l and viumia I ,.vi a I a . r.i,,u ; ilim one i.'Wj. ,a . .ie f ji.u o. b.i ai.o a i? relope inet, in l.'C e..u.ilT cud V.-, ..ild. lor ucu V - -' 1 r ..-a ieee,,,t uoib'2. ! L'ou.i.v T.e u er of k-il eniiuiv uxv c .11 InT : anu u'a Dtil.iou ,or id Hi-ej. r.,ii. H he.iii l.re-elit id Couutv Cuu.i ou . id dale !. i heieiua.' -r .et iO. ,u ! liMv-l Una ...u dt v ot Febrnarr, 'ro.1 ! ' J.J. WlLEy. Fctltloa for Liquor Lii-eute. To the Hr.nornble County Court of the Stat u Urejuo, .or tbe Couuty of Wih-o: V.'e. the ui-i'e. led .e ,eu'-rrd leal to'-, o'Ai 'o !'. I'Ci . I li Coup. of Wny? nd e loiO.-nr . 7-'ly ,etiiiS to . .no 'e 'v i t i an a 'ieeu : t i j V, ey lotiii ".ai'dTi.-oisloi'io,; til'. ":C ii. ' . J o e alinn iu i.ie ' 1Q. Bo ii-o, u . lu Au !o -i-ei. !n ijetoia. Iirwii)! ...r v. .u .u u: U y '111 I i)lg re m 1 1 oih iuc cvuuij nr. iaicroi I. .a I eouiiij rrav cn .o. Jas ii"C rtby J It Elder V'.'m is ey D K Ke' y All Kljy V s -o.T D 3 Eisbee Vu HuP. c To. I'o.ia.iil:-nni ;j A h- Uti t kin I'nue.i Jn'TLiTpie WLiunn J V Tbo.Dp B CV.'clfk OCo.pe.t O W Kilter J S'?phenon 1 no. Cnll.rs Tbe E- rant Aionxoi uiuer ' n :ic ,ny n m tl'n.'nent C Molvneux a I Waoib'e B P V. uiilcii Frank Miller i filler LO Chapman G ! S'ju J O WilrjT V 8 Uan 8 B Miller R O (.. Und T Heuneghan J UTnnnv W l3ia Jo'm Mn'ooe J B Keljy P V rlw-v W E DJMT.3B Hnhi Woik C'ii Koi.Dne 1' Dice.Ma A C.tltT Jr Wan ark A Lu: ddemann J A Mwaiifcoa W Kemp C 3Hil'er V H Pio e vv M Uavey t. V coodwln T O Cooqoii V J Kepler J M I'.e-. ler T.o". Allen J Vir.m J A Tilly A T Ksplng A1' t button E D t'jitiD I) VIU OlOtt 1 - n K Bedford ob i Ciier r. J flikiii'iCon F M W d J ila'one Jo in Hbelii Prt-'eii n."tin Charles Blank 8 A Ldmuu-on D A Hov.e'l E J tiravea I'ep yUi F W Wilveitootl : Miller K C -y Keir H.i'ey ilcBetb J Thompson ( i '( all." her Jolin t;.-l'rl er FiankKlneaid J W S a.le.t Weirs. Condell FI'Lomloj C"ori Condon Joun MeU'nuu J r.lnnk (leo ( ix h.au 1 E MeKinna Ha'iy Adama C'nas Oioer H O Kooper r -antXSpieer K..'na Irvi.ie Max Lueddemin M K Miller J T Ce.inett J J Wiley 1 1 Finla)ion NOTICE FOH PUBLICATIOX. U. S. Lamo Orncs, at Ths Dalle... Oee.,1 FKBKl'ARY 9, 1!. I Notiee la hereby given that the following named settler has tiled notice of his Intention to iralie final proof in support of bia elaim, and tbat said proof will be made before tbe Register and Receiver at Tbe Dalles, Oregon, on Wednes day, April 4, l'juo, via: William C. Clark, of The Dalles, Or. Homestead Entry No. 5271, for the SW!, section 11, township 1 south, range 11 eaat, W. J. He mimes the following witnesses to prove bil continuous residence upon and cultivation ot saia lann, via: Albert Turner, Charles Gosson, Charles Smith, C. A. liibaon, all of The Dalles, Oregon. AX r. LU'AS, feb28 I Register NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Land Orrics at Ths Dallkk, Obkuoic,! Februaiy '26, l'jiu.l Notiee is hereby given that the following Darned settler haa riled notiee of his intention to make filial proof in support of bia claim, and that said proof will be made bt fore tbe Refriter and Receiver at Tbe Dulles, Oregon, on bolur day, April 7, l'juo, via: John Frederick Walt her, of The Dallei Oregon, If. E. No. K!S. for the NW Sec. 11, township 1 south, range 13 east, W. M. He namea the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and eulttvation of said lmd, viz: W. Wolf, John Obtist, Frank Obriat, William f b 1st, all of Tbe Dalles, Or. gon. feb'28-l JAY P. LUCAS, Register. JML D1PART - TIM a schiddlb, Faoai Dau.cs. Arrive Fsoal. Fart Mall 11:46 p. m Salt Lake. Drover. Ft. Fat Mall 8:66 p m Vori.i, OiD? ia. Kan saa C tr, "t. I ouis.l cjiC.-jo aru aar. Spokane Flyer 1M p. m Walla Walla, Spokane, Spokane Flyer. 4:20 a. m MiiinexiKjiia. M. raul jJu lulb, Milwaukee, Lnicago ana Cask 8 p. m. 4 p. m. Frost Portland. Ocean Hteainshlpa. For E?n Kapelseo December 8. S, 1:1, 18, 23 S"U 2i. 8 n. m Ez.Suuday Columbia F.v. Steamers. 4 D. m. Ex.bunday ! 10 Astoria and Way iu (r. Ul oa. n. willamettb Rtvia. 4:.10p. m, tx.ouuday.Orr'ron tur, ewberg, Ez.Hunday oa era a H ay Land a, 7 a. m, T lies, I hur. anu ent. WlLLAMVTE AND YAM HI LI. KlVERS. 8:90 p. m. Mnn.,Wfl and FrL Ore: on Ci.v, Dayton, anu nay-inainga. S a. m W'illam ts Rrvsa. Tue.,Thur, 4:30 p. m. Hon. Wed Portland lo ( orvsll.sJ ana Bp I. aru nay-iirdluga. and Friday Snasb Rtvrr, Rlparla to Ixiwlslon. I.EAV LbwistoN daily 8:8Ua. m. Lv Rlpaila daliy l.'Jla. m. faa" Parlies drxlringtogo to Deppiierahonld UaeNo. 4. leaving The Dal'n at 7:0 p. m makiri-( direct conreoliiH a at Hep ner Junction Reluming ma'.ingdircrtconnr?tion ft Heppnet iiinetioi H.'tiko, I, arrlflDi at Tbe Dalles at J:5 in. No. 82. thronsht freight, ea .tbourd, does nol J t pasaengera;. arnvaa H; a. m., dejiart l.r0a. in. .Jo. ?4. loal freight, carHea naenTra. east DOiind; airivea 4:.i . p deiMrla H: O p.m. o. 'J'.we. t liurd throiin freljnl. does nol earry iua.engera; arr.vas S:1S p m., deir ji.rM) p. to. No. 2, west bound lt?al freight, carries pas seujeraj arrives 6. Li p. m., deparU 8: 9 a.m. For full particulars pall on O. ft. 1. Co.'! agent Ths Dallas, or addreaa W. H. nURLRttftT, Oen Pas. AeL, Portland. Or. IK ONE FOR A DOSI. flihir"" P,mll'a, rmnt PILLS (U,. n:T' V":''.."- ". ..Ik. fr, h..i,K iT ,n" """I" dsv Is Ita. iSatJ Tl ""' "" aatnpla fr..,oe fall bs It b' drasttaia. DR. BOtANIlb CO. Patta, Pa.